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1、 虚拟语气虚拟语气虚拟语气虚拟语气 表示法归纳表示法归纳表示法归纳表示法归纳. if条件状语从句中虚拟语气的判断条件状语从句中虚拟语气的判断 a)表示与现在事实相反表示与现在事实相反If 条件句 主句were/did would (should, could, might) doIf I were you, I shouldnt do that.We would go with you if we had time.b)表示与过去事实相反表示与过去事实相反If 条件句 主句had done would (should, could, might) + have done If he had c

2、ome earlier, you would (might) have met him.I should (would) have called you if I had known yourtelephone number.c)表示与将来事实相反表示与将来事实相反If 条件句 主句were / did would (should, could, might) +dowere to doshould doIf it should rain, the crops would be saved.If it were to snow tomorrow, they would not go out.I

3、f she came tomorrow, I would be happy.一一. “虚拟语气虚拟语气”需要注意的几点需要注意的几点:1. 1. 谓语动词不能用现在的各种时态谓语动词不能用现在的各种时态( (用原用原形或形或“过去过去”的几种时态的几种时态););2. 2. 并非都是表示与事实相反并非都是表示与事实相反( (可表示怀疑、可表示怀疑、愿望、选择、建议或改变说话口气等愿望、选择、建议或改变说话口气等););3.3.任何人称与数任何人称与数, be, be的过去式都可用的过去式都可用were were ( (不过单数一、三人称也可用不过单数一、三人称也可用was); was); 4.

4、 4. 在以下两种情况下在以下两种情况下, be, be的过去式只能用的过去式只能用were:were: if I were you If it were to rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the sports meet.二二. 表示法表示法归纳may(“祝愿祝愿”)后面的后面的宾语从句宾语从句谓语。谓语。 May your dream come true! 陈述述:I hope your dream will come true. God bless you ! ( =May God bless you ! ) I. 用原形用原形动词1.

5、在在would rather后的从句后的从句谓语中。中。 I would rather he didnt go with me next Saturday.2. 在在“It is/was time (that)”后面的从句后面的从句谓语中。中。 It is high time that the problem were / was settled now.注注:此句型也可用此句型也可用“should+原形原形动词”。 It is high time that the problem should be settled now. II. 用用过去式去式动词3. 表示表示说话口气婉口气婉转与和与和

6、缓或更加不肯定,或更加不肯定,使用情使用情态动词will, can, may 的的过去式。去式。 Could you spare me a few minutes ? Would you please tell me how to get to the tube?The baby might have some fever now . 1. 在在order / demand / require / desire / ask(要求要求) / insist(坚决要求决要求) / request / advise / suggest(建建议)等等动词后面的后面的宾语从句中。从句中。 She requ

7、ested that the doctor (should) examine her once again.注意注意: a. It was ordered that the bridge (should) be destroyed right away. III. 用用“(should+)原形原形动词” b. ask“问”、insist“坚持(持(认为)”、suggest “暗示暗示”、“表明表明”,宾语从句用从句用陈述述语气。气。 The manager insisted that he was right. 虚虚拟:The manager insisted that he be told

8、everything. 2. 在在order, suggestion后面的同位后面的同位语从句中。从句中。 He made the suggestion that they should carry on their conversation in French. 陈述述:He made a promise that they would carry on their conversation in French .)3. 主主语是是order, suggestion, idea 或是或是what sb. suggests / demands后面的表后面的表语从句中。从句中。 What the

9、y demanded was that the right to vote be given to every adult man. The order the governor gave was that they bow before his hat whenever they passed. 陈述述:The news that is exciting the whole nation is that our team has won 28 gold medals so far in Sydney 2000 Olympic Games.) 4. 在在“It is important / n

10、ecessary / strange /unusual / natural / impossible that”后面的后面的主主语从句中。从句中。 It is natural that a beginner (should) make some grammar mistakes while speaking English. 陈述述:It is clear that his wife knows nothing about it .) 注意注意: a. It is strange that he be sleeping in the room with all the windows clos

11、ed in such hot weather. b. It is unusual that he not have passed the exam. (The fact is: He didnt pass the exam. ) 1. 在在动词wish后面的后面的宾语从句中。从句中。 How I wish she knew my phone number ! ( But she doesnt know my phone number. )陈述述: I hope she knows my phone number. ( I hope so, but I dont know whether she

12、 knows it. ) IV. 按按陈述述语气气时态往往“过去去”推移推移一步一步.(如同直接引(如同直接引语转为间接引接引语那那样改改变时态形式)形式)注意注意: 当当动词wish是是过去去时态时,其后面的,其后面的宾语从句的从句的时态不必往不必往“过去去”推移一步。推移一步。 I wish she had known my phone number. ( But I know she didnt know my phone number at that time. ) I wished that she knew my phone number. ( But I knew she did

13、nt know my phone number at that time. ) 陈述述: I hoped that she knew my phone number. ( I hoped so, but I didnt know if she knew it at that time. )2. 在在as if / as though所引所引导的从句中。的从句中。 He walks as though he were / was drunk. ( But the speaker knows that he isnt drunk. ) 陈述述: He walks as if he is drunk

14、. ( The speaker doesnt know if he is drunk. ) 注意注意: 当主句当主句谓语是是过去去时态时, as if / though 从句从句时态不必往不必往“过去去”推移一步。推移一步。 He walked past the pole and the soldiers as if they didnt exist. ( But they existed there.)3. 在在 “If only” 的句式中。的句式中。 If only she had had more courage ! (=If she had only had more courage

15、 ! / I wish she had had more courage.) ( But she didnt have enough courage. )4. 在在if虚虚拟条件从句中。条件从句中。 If the car broke down on the way to the next town, I would ring you up for help. ( It is not likely that the car will break down . ) 陈述述: If the car breaks down on the way to the next town, I will rin

16、g you up for help. (I dont know if it will break down.)陈述述: In my childhood, my elder brother would come and help me if I was in trouble. 注意注意: (1)当当if虚虚拟条件句含有条件句含有should, were或或 had时, 去掉去掉if, 把虚把虚拟条件句部分倒装条件句部分倒装. (If we should fail, we wouldnt lose heart.) Should we fail , we wouldnt lose heart. (2

17、) 将来虚将来虚拟有三种表示法有三种表示法: If it rained / should rain/ were to rain tomorrow, we would put off the football game. (3) unless不能引不能引导虚虚拟条件从句条件从句 I wouldnt write to him unless he wrote first. I wouldnt write to him if he didnt write first. ( It is likely that he will write to me first. )V. 在含虚在含虚拟条件状条件状语从句

18、的主句中用从句的主句中用would/should do sth.与与现在或将来相反在或将来相反 could + be doing sth.与正在与正在进行相反行相反 might have done sth.与与过去相反去相反 1在明含虚在明含虚拟条件从句的主句中。条件从句的主句中。 If it had not been for the doctors care, I would / should not be speaking to you right now. If asked to ( = If I were asked to ), I would lend my bike to him.

19、 ( But its not likely that I will be asked to lend it to him. ) 2. 在暗含虚在暗含虚拟条件句的主句中。条件句的主句中。 (1)用用“but for ”, “ without ” 代替虚代替虚拟条件条件从句。从句。 But for his brothers help ( = If his brother hadnt helped him ), he couldnt have taken her away. (The fact is: He took her away with the help of his brother.) (

20、2) 有有时通通过 or, otherwise, but, though 等等词或通或通过上下文暗示虚上下文暗示虚拟条件。条件。 He was killed in that battle. Otherwise ( = If he hadnt been killed in that battle ), he would be fighting together with us now. - Did you go to the movie yesterday evening ? - I would have, but I was too busy. ( = I would have gone if

21、 I hadnt been busy yesterday evening. ) He cared little for money, though he could have been very rich. ( = If he had cared for money, he could have been very rich. )Multiple choice1. _ she a man, she might be elected president. A. If were B. Were C. Be D. Is2. _ I had time, I would have gone over t

22、o see her. A. Did B. Were C. Had D. IfWereHad3. -The taxi only took ten minutes to get to the hospital. - _ you were coming today, Id have met you at the railway station. A. Have I known B. I have known C. Had I known D. I had knownHad I known4. _ the sun, nothing on earth could live. A. Were it not

23、 to B. If it were not to C. If it had not been for D If it were not forIf it were not for5. _ today, he would get there on Friday. A. Was he leaving B. If he leaves C. Were he to leave D. If he is leavingWere he to leave6. Had you told him the truth, he _ some suggestion. A. might have made B. would make C. might make D. had mademight have made



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