五年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1《Have you got the Harry Potter DVDs》课件6 (新版)外研版(一起)

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五年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1《Have you got the Harry Potter DVDs》课件6 (新版)外研版(一起)_第1页
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《五年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1《Have you got the Harry Potter DVDs》课件6 (新版)外研版(一起)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《五年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1《Have you got the Harry Potter DVDs》课件6 (新版)外研版(一起)(33页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、What is it?DVDlibrarianWhat is it? showWhat is it?borrowWhat is it?Sunday , Fine Today I went to the library with Amy. We wanted to _the Harry potter _. The _is nice. She _the books to us.Diary (日记)(日记)DVDs, librarian, show, borrowborrowlibrarianshowedDVDsHave they got the Harry Potter DVDS?Module 3

2、 Unit 1 Have you got the Harry Potter DVDs? Listen and answer:1. Have they got the Harry Potter DVDS?A. Yes, they have. B. No, they havent. But they have got the books.2. How long they can have the books?A. In two weeks.B. In one week.Listen and underline sentces with “have got” (划出含有have got 的句子)Ha

3、ve you got the Harry potter DVDs?Sorry , we havent got the DVDs.But we have got the books.You have got lots of Harry Potter books here. Have got “有”1.描述某人有某物的句型: 主语+ have got has got +物品2. 描述某人没有某物的句型:主语+ havent got hasnt got +物品3. 询问某人是否有某物的句型:-Have has +主语+ got +物品?-Yes, 主语+have has.-No, 主语+havent

4、 hasnt.Grammar tips读课文,圈出读课文,圈出T/F Read and circle “T” or “F”.1) Amy wants the Harry Potter DVDs. T F 2) The library has got the Harry Potter DVDs. T F The library hasnt got the Harry Potter DVDs.3) The library has got the Harry Potter books. T F4) Children dont like Harry Potter in China. T F Child

5、ren like Harry Potter in China.6) Amy hasnt got a library card. T F Amy has got a library card.7) Amy should return the books in two weeks. T FListen and imitate(跟读模仿跟读模仿) Group work:(小组合作小组合作)Read together(齐读齐读)Read in roles(分角色分角色)Read one sentence by one sentence. (一句一句一句一句)Act out (表演表演)Here you

6、 are.Please give the books back in two weeks.Thank you!Your library card, please.How to borrow books in a library 借书用语Snow WhiteBooksThe Three BearsWolf, Wolf!Maths for ChildrenMa Liang and the magic paintbrushThis Is LondonSummary: DVDs, librarian, show, borrowHave you got the Harry potter DVDs?Sor

7、ry , we havent got the DVDs.But we have got the books.You have got lots of Harry Potter books here.Here you are.Please give the books back in two weeks.Thank you!Your library card, please.How to borrow books in a library 借书用语一.根据首字母或汉语提示,补全单词.1.Ill _(给看)the book to you.2.You h_got the DVDs.3.C_in Ch

8、ina like Harry Potter.4. Please g_the book back.二.根据图片回答问题.1.-Has he got The three little pigs books? _2. -Have you got the Wolf!Wolf! Book? _showavehildreniveYes, he has.No , we havent.Homework1.Read Module 3 Unit 1.2.Borrow books and DVDs in English in our library corner. 123698745 Let Lets say!s

9、say!小组比赛:每次一位小组成员选一个号码,全组来说,说对一个得一分小组比赛:每次一位小组成员选一个号码,全组来说,说对一个得一分。Excuse me. Have you got.?Excuse me. Have you got _?Snow WhiteYes, we have.The Three BearsExcuse me. Have you got _?No, we havent.Ma Liang and the magic paitbrushExcuse me. Have you got _?No, we havent.Wolf, Wolf!Excuse me. Have you g

10、ot _?Yes, we have.This Is LondonExcuse me. Have you got _?Yes, we have.Maths for ChildrenExcuse me. Have you got _?Yes, we have.Excuse me. Have you got _?No, we havent.Homework1.Read Module 3 Unit 1.2.Borrow books and videos in English in our library corner. Library Rules Show your library card. Giv

11、e the books back in two weeks.Amy and Lingling are at the _.Amy wants to borrow the Harry Potter_. But they_the DVDs. They only_ the books. Amy and Lingling have got lots of books there. Children _Harry Potter in China. Amy has a_.She should _ the books in _ weeks.libraryDVDshavent gothave gotlikelibrary cardreturntwoSnow WhiteBooksThe Three BearsWolf, Wolf!Ma Liang and the magic paintbrushThis Is LondonHarry potter



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