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1、Leading in Free talk.Talk about your memories at junior high, and future dreams (1)What kind of text is this? Is it a story, a speech or a notice?Its a speech.(2)Who do you think wrote it? (3) Who is it for?Maybe the headmaster wrote it.It is for the junior high school students who will graduate soo

2、n.2b. Read the passage and answer the questions.=be thirsty for.be thirsty for.渴望渴望渴望渴望. .处理;应付处理;应付处理;应付处理;应付What do with?怎样处理怎样处理.?How deal with?怎样处理怎样处理.?be proud of be proud of 为为为为而自豪而自豪而自豪而自豪/ /骄傲骄傲骄傲骄傲= =take pride in take pride in over=duringover=during在在在在. .期间期间期间期间现在完成时标志现在完成时标志现在完成时标志现在完

3、成时标志(三者及以上范围三者及以上范围三者及以上范围三者及以上范围)一个也没有)一个也没有)一个也没有)一个也没有life生活;生命生活;生命考虑考虑考虑考虑consider doconsider doinging sthsth. .fail to do fail to do sthsth. .未能做某事未能做某事未能做某事未能做某事 be thankful to sb.be thankful to sb.对某人感激的对某人感激的对某人感激的对某人感激的不必不必不必不必犯错犯错犯错犯错沿途沿途沿途沿途关键关键关键关键伴随着伴随着伴随着伴随着. .各自的;分离的各自的;分离的各自的;分离的各自的

4、;分离的=when=whenset up 建立建立Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box .attend be thirsty for none set out be proud of 1.It is time to say goodbye , but _ of us want to leave .2.It is always hard to separate from those whom you have spent so much time with for the past three year

5、s. However, we are still excited to _ on a new journey when we enter senior high school .3.The teacher can see in our eyes that we _ knowledge. She tells us that knowledge will give us wings to fly.4.We will _ the junior high graduation ceremony tomorrow. It is a very special time for us.5.Our teach

6、ers and parents will_ us because we have grown up and can be responsible for ourselves.noneset outare thirsty forattendbe proud of 翅膀翅膀Task 1仔细阅读课文,回答仔细阅读课文,回答2c的问题的问题 1.What were the students like in Grade 7? 2.How have the students changed?3.Who should the students thank and why?4. What will senio

7、r high school be like?5. How should the students deal with the future? They were all so full of energy and thirsty for knowledge.They are now talented young adults who are full of hope for the future.They should thank the important people in their lives their parents, teachers and friends.Life in se

8、nior high will be harder and they will have many difficult tasks ahead of them.They should learn from their mistakes and never give up, choose wisely and be responsible for their own decisions and actions, and not forget where they came from.必做:必做:找出演讲稿中你认为找出演讲稿中你认为写得好的句子,将它们写到写得好的句子,将它们写到练习本上。练习本上。选做:选做:任选一个你感兴趣的任选一个你感兴趣的题目,写篇讲演稿吧。题目,写篇讲演稿吧。



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