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1、高考必考短语汇锦突然逃脱,脱离某政党突然逃脱,脱离某政党 失灵;失效;崩溃失灵;失效;崩溃强行进入屋内强行进入屋内(使某物)折断(使某物)折断突然发生突然发生有重要创见;突破有重要创见;突破(使某事物)结束(使某事物)结束1.与与break有关的短语:有关的短语:break away frombreak downbreak in/intobreak offbreak outbreak throughbreak up1.The prisoner _ his guards.2.The telephone system has _.3.His house was _ last week.4.She

2、_ a piece of chocolate and gave it to me.5.Scientists say they are beginning to _ in the fight against cancer.6.Fire _ during the night. 7.They decided to _ the partnership.1.broke away from 2. broken down 3. broken into 2.4. broke off 5. break through 6. broke out 7. break up2. 与与call有关的短语有关的短语拜访;去

3、某人家拜访;去某人家要求、需求要求、需求/需要做某事需要做某事恳求恳求/促使某人做某事促使某人做某事给某人打电话给某人打电话/想起某事物想起某事物call on sb/call at swcall for sthcall on sb to do sth call sb/sth up1.The sound of happy laughter _ memories of his childhood.2.We are _ you to help us.3.The situation _ prompt action.4.Lets _ our former teachers.5.Lets _ Johns

4、 house.1. called up 2. calling on 3. called for 4. call on 5. call at发生发生偶然碰见偶然碰见指(价格、温度等)降低指(价格、温度等)降低出版;发表出版;发表(指看法)被人想出(指看法)被人想出 被提及;被讨论;出现被提及;被讨论;出现3. 与与come相关短语相关短语come aboutcome acrosscome downcome outsth comes to sb=sth occurs to sbcome up1.It suddenly _ her that she had been wrong all along.

5、 2.When is her new novel _?3.I _ an old friend in Oxford Street this morning.4.The price of petrol is _.5.The question is bound to _ at the meeting.6.Can you tell me how the accident _?1.came to 2. coming out 3. came across 4. coming down 2.5. come up 6. came about4.4.与与getget有关的短语有关的短语去度假去度假受到(较轻的惩

6、罚)受到(较轻的惩罚)开始做某事,认真处理某事开始做某事,认真处理某事与某人和睦相处与某人和睦相处 克服;战胜;掌握克服;战胜;掌握设法做或完成某事设法做或完成某事get away get away with get down to get on withget over get through1.Ive _ a lot of correspondence today.2.She cant _ her shyness.3.They dont _ well _ one another.4.Its time I _ some serious work.5.If you cheat in the e

7、xam youll never _ it.6.Were hoping to _ for a few days at Easter.1.got through 2. get over 3. get on/alongwith 2. 4. got down to 5. get away with 6. get away5.5.与与gogo有关的短语有关的短语设法得到某人设法得到某人/某物某物抵抗或反对抵抗或反对超过(某事物)超过(某事物)(指时间)过去;消逝(指时间)过去;消逝选择某物选择某物/想要取得或成就某事想要取得或成就某事 仔细检查或察看某物仔细检查或察看某物经历、忍受某事经历、忍受某事go

8、 after go against go beyondgo by go for go over go through1.Hes amazingly cheerful considering all that he has _.2._ your work carefully before you hand it in.3.He _ every girl he meets.4.Dont _ your parents wishes.5.This years sales figures _ all our expectations.6.As time _ my memory seems to get

9、worse.7.Shes _ the world record in the high jump.1.gone through 2. Go over 3. goes after 4. go against 2.5. go beyond 6. goes by 7. going for6. 6. 与与handhand有关的短语有关的短语传递某物,把某物往下传传递某物,把某物往下传交来;提交;呈交交来;提交;呈交分发分发/ /分配分配把(权位把(权位/ /权力)移交权力)移交hand down hand in hand outhand over1.Most of my clothes were _

10、to me by my older sister.2._ your examination papers now.3.I am resigning as chairman and _ to my deputy.(副副手手)4.Relief workers were _ emergency rations to the survivors.1.handed down 2. Hand in 3. handing over 2.4. handing out7. 与与keep有关短语有关短语不靠近某人不靠近某人/物物使某人不做某事使某人不做某事遵循,遵守(计划、时刻表等);信守(诺言)遵循,遵守(计划

11、、时刻表等);信守(诺言)不让(精力等)衰退;维持;保持不让(精力等)衰退;维持;保持(水平水平);沿;沿袭袭跟上(某人跟上(某人/物);与某人物);与某人/物同步前进物同步前进keep sb/sth away fromkeep sb from doing sth keep to keep upkeep up with1.Police warned bystanders to _ the burning building.2.Things will only work out if we all _ the plan.3.They sang songs to _ their morale _.

12、4.She likes to _ the latest fashions.5.The church bells _ me _ sleeping.1.Keep away from 2. keep to 3. keepup 2.4. keep up with 5. keepfrom8. 与与leave有关的短语有关的短语不打扰不打扰/不干预某人不干预某人/物物未能未能/忘记带某人忘记带某人/物物不包括不包括/不提及;排除在外;忽略掉不提及;排除在外;忽略掉leave sb/sth aloneleave sth/sb behindleave sb/sth out1.Ive told you to _

13、 my things _.2.Waitdont _ me _.3._ me _ of this quarrel. I dont want to get involved.1. leavealone 2. leavebehind 3. Leaveout9. 与与make有关的短语有关的短语将某人将某人/物转变成物转变成 辨认出某人辨认出某人/ 物;理解某事物物;理解某事物化妆;组成;铺床;捏造化妆;组成;铺床;捏造补偿;赔偿;弥补补偿;赔偿;弥补由由制成制成makeinto make outmake upmake up forbe made of(看得出原材料看得出原材料)/from(看不出看不

14、出)1.Wine _ grapes.2.I cant _ what she wants.3.Society is _ of people of widely different abilities.4.The local cinema has been _ a game hall.5.Hard work can _ a lack of intelligence.6.I couldnt remember a story to tell the children, so I _ one as I went along.1.is made from 2. make out 3. made up 2.

15、4. made into 5. make up for 6. made up10. 与与put有关的短语有关的短语(使用完毕)将某物收起(使用完毕)将某物收起 ;存钱;存钱写下;记下某物写下;记下某物将某物提前;提出某事供讨论将某物提前;提出某事供讨论推迟、延缓或拖延某事推迟、延缓或拖延某事穿上(衣服)穿上(衣服);演出戏剧;举办展览演出戏剧;举办展览使某物停止燃烧使某物停止燃烧举起;设立某物;张贴举起;设立某物;张贴put awayput down put forward put off put on put out put up1._ your toys _ in the cupboard

16、, when youve finished playing.2.Im having a party next Saturday; _ it_ in your diary so you dont forget.3.What dress shall I _ for the party?4.Weve invited friends to supper and its too late to _ them _ now.5.The namelist will be _ on the notice-board.6.Firemen soon _ the big fire.7.She is _ proposa

17、ls for reform.1.put away 2.2. putdown 3. put on 4. putoff 5. put up 6. put out 7. putting forward11. 有关有关set的有关短语的有关短语开始某工作;着手做某事开始某工作;着手做某事写下;记下写下;记下 开始(旅行、赛跑等);使爆炸开始(旅行、赛跑等);使爆炸动身动身;(带着某目的)开始做某事(带着某目的)开始做某事摆放摆放/竖起某物竖起某物/建立建立/开创开创set aboutset down set offset outset up1.They _ on the last stage of t

18、heir journey.2.Do be careful with those fireworks; the slightest spark could _ them _.3.Why dont you _ your ideas on paper?4.I dont know how to _ this job.5.The government has _ a working party(工作组工作组) to look into the problem of drug abuse.1.set out/off 2. set off 3. set down 2.4. set about 5. set

19、up12. 12. 与与taketake有关的短语有关的短语外卖;带走;使(感情、感觉等)消失外卖;带走;使(感情、感觉等)消失允许某人寄宿家中;欺骗、蒙蔽允许某人寄宿家中;欺骗、蒙蔽/愚弄某人愚弄某人将某物吸入将某物吸入/吞入;摄取;理解吞入;摄取;理解/吸收某事吸收某事(指飞机等)起飞;(指观念、产品等)大受欢迎(指飞机等)起飞;(指观念、产品等)大受欢迎决定做某事;承担某事决定做某事;承担某事 控制、管理(国家、政党等);接受、接管(公司)控制、管理(国家、政党等);接受、接管(公司)填满;占据(空间、时间)填满;占据(空间、时间)take awaytake sb in take sth

20、 intake off take ontake over take up1.The doctor has given her some tablets to _ the pain.2.He was homeless, so we _ him _.3.I hope youre _ what Im saying.4.Dont _ more than you can cope with.要量力而行要量力而行5.The plane _ despite the fog.6.Her time is fully _ with writing.7.The firm has been _ by an Ameri

21、can .1. take away 2. took.in 3. taking in 4. take on 5. took off 6. taken up 7. taken over13. 13. 与与turnturn有关的短语有关的短语转过脸不面对转过脸不面对/ /不再看着不再看着顶回顶回/ /拒不理会拒不理会/ /调低调低交还交还/ /退还某物退还某物证明是某人证明是某人/ /某物;原来是某物;原来是(使某人(使某人/ /物)翻身物)翻身/ /翻转翻转(使某人(使某人/ /物)面向另一方向物)面向另一方向 向某人向某人/ /物求助物求助/ /指教等指教等 露面;来到;(指机会)出现露面;来到

22、;(指机会)出现/ /到来到来turn awayturn down turn inturn out turn over turn around turn to turn up1.We arranged to meet at the cinema at 7:30, but he failed to _.2.The child _ his mother for comfort.3._ and let me look at your back.4.She _ and went to sleep.5.The job _ to be harder than we thought.6.She _ in h

23、orror at the sight of so much blood.7.He asked Jane to marry him but she _ his proposal.8.You must _ your uniform before you leave the army.1.turn up 2.2. turned to 3.3. Turn around 4. 4. turned over 5.5. turned out 6. 6. turned away 7.7. turned down 8.8. turn in14. 与与look有关的短语有关的短语环视;环顾;游览;参观环视;环顾;

24、游览;参观回首(往事);回忆回首(往事);回忆蔑视;瞧不起蔑视;瞧不起调查;审查调查;审查当心;提防;留心防备当心;提防;留心防备查看;检查查看;检查(在词典、参考书、电脑)查阅(在词典、参考书、电脑)查阅look round/around look back onlook down on/uponlook intolook out for look overlook up 1.Lets _ the town this afternoon.2.My grandma likes to tell me her childhood she can _.3.She _ people who haven

25、t been to college.4.A working party has been set up to _ the problem.5.You should _ pickpockets.6.Can you _ the opening times on the website?7.We _ the house again before we decided we would rent it.1.look around2.look back on 3.look down on4.look into 5.look out for6.look up7.look over15. 与与give有关的

26、短语有关的短语赠送;泄露;赠送;泄露;屈服;认输;投降屈服;认输;投降发出;放出(气味、热、光等)发出;放出(气味、热、光等)用完;耗尽用完;耗尽 放弃;认输放弃;认输give awaygive in to give offgive outgive up1.He _ most of his money to charity.2.The authorities have shown no signs of _ the kidnappers demands.3.After a month their food supplies _.4.She doesnt _ easily.5.The flowers _ a fragrant perfume.1. gave away 2. giving in to 3. gave out 4. give up 5. gave off



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