新职业英语基础篇第二版第二册Unit 1(谷风讲课)

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1、Unit 1新职业英语新职业英语Listening & Speaking4 Warming-up1Reading A2Reading B3Language Lab7Language Lab7Writing5Mini-project6Language Lab7Entertainment8Warm-1Task 1 Work in pairs. Look at the following office layout. Discuss with your partner and identify the marked rooms.11.washroom2.department managers off

2、ice3.meeting room4.staff office5.multifunction meeting room6.hallway7.reception room453627Warm-2Task 2 Look at the above office layout again. Mary is at the company gate. Please tell her how to find Mike and Jack in the office.You go through the reception room to the hallway. The first room on your

3、left is the multifunction meeting room. Mike is having a meeting there. Keep going straight along the hallway till you get to the end of it. Jack is working in the last staff office on your left.Sample:Sample:Reading AReading ATextTask 1Task 2Business Know-howTask 3Text A-1Workplace Fashion Trends1

4、1 Each Each day, day, many many people people are are looking looking for for trends trends in in workplace workplace clothing, clothing, so so that that they they can can “fit “fit in” in” withwith the the fashionable fashionable or or well-well-dressed dressed crowd. crowd. They They believe belie

5、ve that that dressing dressing in in the the latest latest fashion fashion trends trends may may give give them them the the reputationreputation of of being being fashionable fashionable and and trendy. trendy. While While it it is is more more than than possible possible to to do do this, this, yo

6、u you need need to to display caution. display caution. Reading AText A-2Reading A2 2 What What many many people people do do not not realize realize is is that that there there are are a a number number of of pros pros and and conscons of of relying relying on on workplace workplace fashion fashion

7、 trends. trends. One One of of those those pros pros was was mentioned mentioned above. above. When When you you wear wear a a fashionable fashionable outfitoutfit to to work, work, there there is is a a good good chance chance that that you you will will receive receive a a lot lot of of compliment

8、scompliments on on your your outfit. outfit. This This is is a a nice nice feeling feeling and and it it is is one one that that makes makes many many feel proud.feel proud.Text A-3Reading A3 3 But But the the truth truth is is that that there there are are many many more more cons cons of of relyin

9、g relying on on workplace workplace fashion fashion trends trends than than there there are are pros. pros. For For instanceinstance, , workplace workplace fashion fashion trends trends do do not not always always distinguish distinguish between between jobs jobs and and careers. careers. If If you

10、you work work at at a a trendy trendy coffee coffee shop shop or or retail retail store, store, chances chances are are that that the the dress dress code code would would be be casualcasual clothing. clothing. However, However, if if you you work work at at a a law law office office or or an an ins

11、urance insurance company, company, you you may may be be required required to to dress dress more more professionally. professionally. Unfortunately, Unfortunately, many many workplace workplace fashion fashion trends trends are are designed designed for for the the working working population popula

12、tion in in general, general, not not specific specific careers. careers. This This is is where where you you can can run run into into trouble trouble if if you you are are not not careful.careful.Text A-4A-4Reading A4 4 Before Before relying relying on on workplace workplace fashion fashion trends,

13、 trends, you you will will want want to to take take a a good, good, close close look look at at the the trend trend in in question. question. For For instance, instance, does does the the trend trend require require the the wearing wearing of of a a skirt skirt or or a a dress, dress, no no matter

14、matter what what the the length? length? If If so, so, it it is is important important that that you you look look at at what what you you do do for for a a living. living. If If you you are are in in a a professional professional officeoffice settingsetting, , a a dress dress may may be be perfect

15、perfect for for you. you. On On the the other other hand hand though, though, if if you you work work in in a a retail retail store store as as a a manager, manager, a a dress dress or or skirt skirt may may actually actually get get in in the the way way and and hamper hamper your your efforts effo

16、rts to to work work and and be be productiveproductive. .Text A-5Reading A5 5 By By wearing wearing trendy trendy workplace workplace fashion fashion pieces, pieces, many many people people are are given given compliments, compliments, but but not not always. always. The The last last thing thing th

17、at that you you want want to to do do is is get get a a bad bad name name for for yourself yourself instead instead of of compliments. compliments. That That is is why why it it is is also also advised advised that that you you take take what what others others may may think think of of you you into

18、 into consideration. consideration. You You need need to to make make sure sure that that the the impression impression that you would be making is a good one.that you would be making is a good one.Text A-6Reading A6 6 The The decision decision as as to to whether whether or or not not you you want

19、want to to incorporateincorporate the the latest latest workplace workplace fashion fashion trends trends into into your your wardrobe wardrobe is is yours yours to to make, make, but but please please take take the the above-mentioned above-mentioned points points into consideration before doing so

20、.into consideration before doing so.A-A-TranTrans-1s-1 职场时装潮流1 1 1 1 许许多多人人每每天天都都在在捕捕捉捉职职场场时时装装的的潮潮流流,以以便便能能与与那那些些衣衣着着时时尚尚得得体体的的人人们们步步调调一一致致。他他们们认认为为按按最最新新潮潮流流穿穿衣衣打打扮扮能能为为自自己己赢赢得得时时尚尚和和时时髦髦的的好好名名声声。尽尽管管这这样样做做合合情情合合理理,你你还还是要小心谨慎。是要小心谨慎。Reading AA-A-Trans-Trans-2 2Reading A2 2 2 2 许多人并没有意识到,追随职场时装潮许多人

21、并没有意识到,追随职场时装潮流有利也有弊。好处之一,正如上面所提到流有利也有弊。好处之一,正如上面所提到的,穿一套时髦的衣服去上班,很可能会得的,穿一套时髦的衣服去上班,很可能会得到一堆夸奖。这种感觉很不错,也让人引以到一堆夸奖。这种感觉很不错,也让人引以为豪。为豪。A-A-TranTrans-3s-3Reading A3 3 3 3 然然而而事事实实上上这这种种追追随随弊弊大大于于利利。例例如如,职职场场时时装装潮潮流流往往往往不不区区分分工工作作和和职职业业。在在一一家家新新潮潮的的咖咖啡啡馆馆或或零零售售店店工工作作,着着装装要要求求很很可可能能是是休休闲闲服服。而而在在一一家家法法律律

22、或或保保险险公公司司上上班班,着着装装则则需需要要更更职职业业化化。不不幸幸的的是是,很很多多职职场场新新潮潮时时装装是是为为工工作作中中的的一一般般大大众众而而设设计计,而而非非为为特特定定职业设计。因此一不小心就可能出问题。职业设计。因此一不小心就可能出问题。A-A-TranTrans-4s-4Reading A4 4 4 4 在在追追随随这这种种时时装装潮潮流流之之前前,要要好好好好地地仔仔细细审审视视一一下下所所谓谓的的潮潮流流。比比如如,潮潮流流是是不不是是时时兴兴半半身身裙裙或或连连衣衣裙裙,而而不不论论其其长长短短呢呢?如如果果确确实实如如此此,那那么么最最重重要要的的是是要要考

23、考虑虑自自己己的的工工作作性性质质。如如果果是是办办公公室室的的职职业业白白领领,连连衣衣裙裙就就非非常常适适合合。但但如如果果是是在在零零售售店店当当经经理理,连连衣衣裙裙或或半半身身裙裙则则可可能能会会妨妨碍工作,影响工作效率。碍工作,影响工作效率。A-A-Trans-Trans-5 5Reading A5 5 5 5 很很多多人人会会因因为为穿穿了了时时髦髦的的职职场场时时装装而而备备受受称称赞赞,但但事事情情并并非非总总是是如如此此。最最不不希希望望的的是是不不但但没没有有受受到到夸夸奖奖,还还落落下下坏坏名名声声。正正是是因因为为这这个个原原因因,你你必必须须考考虑虑别别人人对对你你

24、的的看看法法,你你必必须须确确保保给给别别人人留留下下的的是是个个好好印印象。象。A-A-Trans-Trans-6 6Reading A6 6 6 6 到到底底要要不不要要将将职职场场最最时时髦髦的的潮潮流流带带入入衣衣柜柜,这这个个决决定定得得自自己己做做,但但在在做做出出决决定定前前请请考虑考虑上面提到的问题。考虑考虑上面提到的问题。Reading Afit in withto live, work, etc. in an easy and natural way with someone/ somethinge.g.e.g. Our national policy fits in wi

25、th the changed international situation.Tran: Tran: 他以前没有做过这种工作,我不知道他能不能和其他 人和睦相处。 Hes never done this type of work before; Hes never done this type of work before; Im not sure how hell fit in with the Im not sure how hell fit in with the other people. other people.Reading Areputationreputationn. the

26、 opinion that people have about what someone/something is like, based on what has happened in the paste.g.e.g. The school has a good reputation for examination results.Tran: Tran: 他赢得了努力工作的好名声。 He earned the reputation of being He earned the reputation of being a hard worker. a hard worker.the advan

27、tages and disadvantages of somethinge.g.e.g. What comment do you have on the pros and cons of studying abroad?Tran: Tran: 我们评估了自己创业的利弊。 We weighed up the pros andWe weighed up the pros and cons of starting up our own cons of starting up our own business. business.Reading Apros and consconsn. a set o

28、f clothes, especially one that you wear for a special occasione.g.e.g. She was dressed in a white outfit.e.g. e.g. On the opening ceremony of the sports meet, all of us wore sports outfits.Tran: Tran: 足球队员穿着橙色球衣。 The football team members were The football team members were wearing orange outfits. w

29、earing orange outfits.Reading Aoutfitoutfitn. a remark that shows you admire someone/somethinge.g.e.g. She took his acceptance as a great compliment.e.g. e.g. He knew that he had just been paid a great compliment.Tran: Tran: 非常感谢你的褒奖。 Thank you very much for your compliment.Thank you very much for y

30、our compliment.Reading Acomplimentcompliment for examplee.g.e.g. What would you do, for instance, if you found a member of staff stealing?e.g. e.g. For instance, an electric fire is a relatively expensive method of heating a room.Tran: Tran: 他的拼写真糟糕,比如说这个单词! His spelling is terrible. For instance, l

31、ook His spelling is terrible. For instance, look at this word! at this word!Reading Afor instanceinstance a. informal e.g. e.g. We dont like his casual behavior. Tran: Tran: 他穿的是休闲服, 不是校服。 He was wearing casual clothes, He was wearing casual clothes, not his school ones. not his school ones.Reading

32、Acasualcasual n. a set of surroundings; the place at which something happense.g.e.g. It was the perfect setting for a wonderful Christmas.e.g. e.g. The old castle would have provided the perfect setting for a horror story.Tran:Tran:人们在不同的社交场合表现往往不一样。 People tend to behave differently in People tend

33、to behave differently in different social settings. different social settings.Reading Asettingsettinga. producing or achieving a lote.g.e.g. Agriculture and industry both grow more productive.Tran: Tran: 在这个工厂有许多能干的工人。 There are a lot of productive There are a lot of productive workers in this facto

34、ry. workers in this factory.Reading Aproductiveproductivev. to include something so that it forms a part of something elsee.g.e.g. Many of your suggestions have been incorporated into the plan.e.g. e.g. We have incorporated all the latest safety features into the design.Tran:Tran: 没经过他的同意,他的照片就被人植入广

35、告中了。 His picture had been incorporated His picture had been incorporated without his permission into an without his permission into an advertisement. advertisement.Reading AincorporateincorporateA-Task 1Task1 Put the following statements in the correct order according to the passage. Reading AA.A.Th

36、ough what we wear is important, weThough what we wear is important, we should make should make good decisions.good decisions.B. There are more cons than pros of relying on workplace B. There are more cons than pros of relying on workplace fashion trends. fashion trends. C. Lots of people nowadays ar

37、e looking for workplace C. Lots of people nowadays are looking for workplace fashion trends. fashion trends. D. By wearing fashionable clothes to work, people may D. By wearing fashionable clothes to work, people may receive compliments and feel good. receive compliments and feel good. E. It is impo

38、rtant that a good impression is made by E. It is important that a good impression is made by wearing workplace fashion pieces. wearing workplace fashion pieces. F. People should think about a workplace fashion trend F. People should think about a workplace fashion trend very carefully before relying

39、 on it. very carefully before relying on it. 6 63 31 12 25 54 4A-Task 2Task 2 Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage.Reading A1.1.Dressing Dressing in in the the latest latest fashion fashion trends trends may may give give you you the reputation o

40、f being efficient. the reputation of being efficient. 2.2.There There are are many many more more pros pros of of relying relying on on workplace workplace fashion trends than there are cons. fashion trends than there are cons. 3.3.If If you you work work in in a a retail retail store store as as a

41、a manager, manager, dressing dressing in in uniform uniform may may hamper hamper your your efforts efforts to to work work and and be be productive. productive. 4.4.Many Many people people are are always always given given compliments compliments by by wearing trendy workplace fashion pieces. weari

42、ng trendy workplace fashion pieces. 5.5.Other Other peoples peoples opinions opinions are are important important when when we we choose workplace clothing. choose workplace clothing. F FF FF FF FT TReading ATask 3 Work in groups. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of relying on workplace fash

43、ion trends, and then report to your class. Try to relate your discussion to your personal experience and the information you get from the passage.AdvantagesDisadvantageslDressing in the latest fashion may give you a reputation of being fashionable and trendy.lThere is a good chance that you will rec

44、eive a lot of compliments on your outfit.lWorkplace fashion trends do not distinguish between jobs and careers.lMany workplace fashions are designed for the working population in general, not for specific careers.Business Know-howBusiness Know-how Dressing for the Workplace lNo matter what you wear,

45、 your clothes should be neat and clean; lQuality counts. Instead of buying several trendy outfits, invest in one good quality jacket or suit, and upgrade your blouse, shirt or tie; lGrooming (打打扮扮,穿穿戴戴) is very important. Dont forget to shave or bathe; lKeep your shoes in good condition; lMakeup sho

46、uld be subtle; lNails should be clean and neat and of reasonable length; lDress for the job you want. If you want to be a manager, dress like them. lWhen in doubt, dress up. Reading BReading BTextTask 1Task 2Text B-1Code of Conduct This document aims to provide This document aims to provide staff st

47、aff with with rules rules and and standards standards to to bebe followed followed when when dealingdealing with with customers, customers, suppliers suppliers and and other other parties parties related related to to our our business. business. Reading BText B-B-2 2Reading B The Company strives to

48、demonstrate The Company strives to demonstrate the high ethical standards of an the high ethical standards of an outstanding organization in addition to meeting all its legal obligations. To outstanding organization in addition to meeting all its legal obligations. To that end, all employees shall e

49、nsure that they:that end, all employees shall ensure that they: Produce safe products and protect the environment Produce safe products and protect the environment in accordance with Company safety regulations. in accordance with Company safety regulations. Treat all customers and suppliers sincerel

50、y and Treat all customers and suppliers sincerely and equally. equally. Observe honest and legal business practices at Observe honest and legal business practices at all times. all times. Avoid conflict with personal interests when Avoid conflict with personal interests when representing the company

51、. representing the company.Text B-3-1Reading B When When conducting conducting business business on on behalf behalf of of the the Company, Company, employees employees shall shall adhere adhere to to high high ethical ethical standards standards with with regard regard to to all all dealings dealin

52、gs with with customers, customers, suppliers, suppliers, colleagues colleagues and and all all stake stake holders holders of of the the Company. Company. The The following following situations situations shall shall be be handled handled with with extra-care extra-care toto avoid avoid violation of

53、 the rules and regulations of the Company:violation of the rules and regulations of the Company:l lEmployees Employees shall shall not not accept accept or or claim claim any any cash, cash, gifts gifts or or privileges privileges from from external sources in connection with their posts or duties.e

54、xternal sources in connection with their posts or duties.l lEmployees Employees shall shall declare declare any any potential potential conflicts conflicts of of interest interest when when engaged in Company business.engaged in Company business.l lEmployees Employees shall shall not not disclose di

55、sclose confidential confidential company company information information to to external persons or employees without exception.external persons or employees without exception.行为准则行为准则 本文件旨在为员工提供一些在跟客户、供本文件旨在为员工提供一些在跟客户、供应商以及其他相关部门打交道时应该遵守的规应商以及其他相关部门打交道时应该遵守的规则和标准。则和标准。B-Trans-1Reading BText B-3-2Re

56、ading Bl lWhen When reporting reporting on on or or preparing preparing financial financial statements, statements, employees employees shall shall do do so so honestly, honestly, accurately accurately and and clearly clearly so so as as not to mislead.not to mislead. If If staff staff have have any

57、 any questions questions in in relation relation to to these these ethical ethical standards, please ask Managers for guidance.standards, please ask Managers for guidance.B-Trans-2B-Trans-2Reading B 除了履行其全部的法律义务外,公司还致力于除了履行其全部的法律义务外,公司还致力于展示一家杰出机构应有的行为准则。为了实现这一展示一家杰出机构应有的行为准则。为了实现这一目标,我们要求所有员工做到以下几条

58、:目标,我们要求所有员工做到以下几条: 根据公司安全规范生产安全的产品并保护环境;根据公司安全规范生产安全的产品并保护环境; 真诚、平等地对待所有的客户和供应商;真诚、平等地对待所有的客户和供应商; 时刻遵守诚实、合法的商业行为;时刻遵守诚实、合法的商业行为; 代表公司时,避免与个人利益相冲突。代表公司时,避免与个人利益相冲突。B-Trans-3-1 代代表表公公司司处处理理业业务务时时,员员工工应应遵遵守守与与客客户户、供供应应商商、同同事事以以及及所所有有公公司司股股东东有有关关的的高高道道德德标标准准。为为了了避免违反公司的规章制度,以下情况应格外小心应对:避免违反公司的规章制度,以下情

59、况应格外小心应对: 不不得得利利用用职职务务之之便便接接受受或或索索取取外外人人的的现现金金、礼礼物物或或特殊待遇;特殊待遇; 在参与公司业务时,应声明可能发生的利益冲突;在参与公司业务时,应声明可能发生的利益冲突; 不不得得将将公公司司的的机机密密透透露露给给外外人人或或公公司司内内部部不不应应该该被被告知的员工;告知的员工;Reading BB-Trans-3-2 在在做做财财务务报报告告或或准准备备财财务务报报表表时时,应应诚诚实实、 准准确、清楚,以免发生误导。确、清楚,以免发生误导。 如果对本准则有任何疑问,请向部门经理咨询。如果对本准则有任何疑问,请向部门经理咨询。Reading

60、BB-Task 1Task 1 Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage.Reading B 1. Staff shall follow the rules and standards only when dealing with suppliers. 2. Employees shall treat different customers with different standards. 3. Staff shall observe honest an

61、d legal business practices at all times. 4. Employeesshallsacrificepersonalinterests when representing the company. 5. Staff shall produce safe products and protect the environment.FFTFTB-Task 2-1Task 2 Decide whether the following things are required (R) or not allowed (N) according to the passage.

62、Reading B1. Accept or claim cash, gifts or privileges from external sources.2. Declare any potential conflicts of interest.3. Disclose confidential information of the Company.4. Report financial statements honestly, accurately and clearly.5. Ask managers for a clear answer when in doubt.RNNRRListeni

63、ngListening & SpeakingTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Task 5Task 6Task 7L-1-ScriptTask 1Task 1 ScriptScript Listening & Speaking声音声音W: Roy, I shall work out a time to meet with your people to discuss the new project.M: Do you wish everyone in the department to be there? Wilson is on vacation this week.W: It

64、 would be best if everybody could be there. When will Wilson come back?M: Next Monday.W: How about sometime next week? M: Let me look at the schedule first. Ill get back to you this afternoon.W: Thank you.L-Task 1Task 1 Roy is talking with his supervisor about setting up a department meeting. Listen

65、 to the conversation and fill in the blanks with what you hear. Listening & SpeakingScriptScript1.The woman wants to discuss _.2. Wilson is _ this week.3. Wilson will be back to the office _.4. Roy has to check _ before phoning back.on vacationon vacationthe new projectthe new projectnext Mondaynext

66、 Mondaythe schedulethe schedule声音声音L-Task 2Listening & SpeakingScriptScript1. Shelly has a headache today. 2. The new shift-work system will be introduced next year.3. The first shift starts at 7 in the morning and ends at 2 in the afternoon.4. The man is eager to know which shift he will be on. Tas

67、k 2 Listen to the conversation about work shift and decide Whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).1. Shelly has a headache today.2. The new shift-work system will be introduced next year.3. The first shift starts at 7 in the morning and ends at 2 in the afternoon.4. The man is ea

68、ger to know which shift he will be on.TFTF声音声音L-2-ScriptTask 2Task 2 ScriptScript Listening & Speaking声音声音M: Hi, Shelly, how are you today?W: Well, I didnt sleep very well last night. Im having a slight headache now. M: Im sorry to hear that. Hope youll be better soon.W: Thanks. Do you know that a s

69、hift-work system is to be introduced next month?M: Really? How will we be affected?W: The system will affect everyone in our office. It will be on a two-shift basis7 a.m. to 2 p.m., and 2 p.m. to 9 p.m.M: I wonder which shift Ill be working on.W: Why dont we go and ask the manager?M: I shall wait. A

70、ctually it doesnt make any difference which shift I am allocated. L-Task 3Listening & SpeakingScriptScriptTask 3 Morris and Rachel are talking about appropriate dress in the company. Listen to the conversation and tick off the items that have been mentioned. High-heels SandalsJeans SkirtsT-shirts Sw

71、eatersShorts Suits声音声音L-3-ScriptTask 3Task 3 ScriptScript Listening & Speaking声音声音W: What do you usually wear for work?M: I dont need to meet customers too often, so I usually wear very casual clothes in my office, like jeans and T-shirts. I feel more relaxed in that. W: What do you think of the dre

72、ssing policies of a company?M: Well, I think formal business clothes should be worn when meeting with customers and clients at scheduled meetings. That gives people a sense of trust and authority. W: Yes. By looking neat and smart, well be able to gain the trust of customers. M: Right. But at other

73、times, staff can wear business casual clothes. This includes dress shirts, collared sports shirts, sweaters or skirts. But shoes should be formal. I suppose casual sandals and slippers are not suitable in the workplace. W: And I think blue jeans, T-shirts and shorts are far too casual to be accepted

74、 in the office. M: I dont agree on this. I think casual wear brings a sense of freedom in the office and can inspire us in our job. W: Maybe you are right. L-Task 4-1Task 4 Listen to the conversation about water cooler chat and choose the best answer to each question you hear. 1. A. The boss of the

75、company. B. The mans friend. C. The writer of the report. D. The womans workmate. 2. A. It helps to increase the tension from the workload. B. It helps to ease the tension from the workload. C. It helps to increase the workload. D. It has nothing to do with the tension from the workload.Listening &

76、SpeakingScriptScript声音声音L-Task 4-23. A. Mr. Blacksmith will be happy when he reads the report about the water cooler chat. B. There has been too much water cooler chat in the company. C. People should keep chatting at the water cooler for long. D. People drink too much water and spend a lot of time

77、in the bathroom.4. A. The woman thinks that people have the right to the water cooler chat while the man doesnt care about it. B. The man thinks that people have the right to the water cooler chat while the woman doesnt care about it. C. Both the man and the woman agree that people are spending too

78、much time chatting at the water cooler. D. Neither of them thinks that people are spending too much time chatting at the water cooler.Listening & SpeakingScriptScript声音声音L-4-ScriptTask 4Task 4 ScriptScript Listening & Speaking声音声音M: A report says that there has been too much water cooler chat in the

79、 company recently. I dont think Mr. Blacksmith will be happy when he reads it.W: Well, the boss may not like it, but we do. Its always relaxing to stay at the water cooler and chat for a while. It helps to ease the tension from the workload.M: Yes, I agree. But havent you noticed that some of our wo

80、rkmates are spending too much time chatting around the water cooler?W: You are right. I guess we need to come back to work once we finish our cup of coffee or tea. M: I dont want our nice and pleasant water cooler chats to ever get the boss angry.W: Neither do I. I think the point is that we keep ch

81、atting at the water cooler until it is too long.M: Yes. Otherwise we might drink too much water and spend a lot of time in the bathroom! W: You bet! Q1: Who is Mr. Blacksmith?Q2: What does the woman think of the water cooler chat?Q3: Which of the following statements is true according to the convers

82、ation?Q4: What are the attitudes of the man and the woman toward the recent water cooler chatting in the company?Task 4Task 4 ScriptScript声音声音L-Task 5-1Task 5 Listen to the passage twice and fill in the blanks with what you hear. Listening & Speaking We all know that communication is the key to _ in

83、 and out of work. Dealing with people can be very annoying, because each of us has a different view on life and how things ought to be. Try your best to speak to your boss, but _. Always remember that a good job is hard to find and one should be professional under all situations. a healthy relations

84、hipa healthy relationshipin a polite and respectful wayin a polite and respectful way声音声音L-Task 5-2Listening & Speaking Another brilliant way of dealing with your boss is by studying him. Notice the signals he or she sends; pick up on _ as well as spoken language. Figure out your bosss agenda. Then,

85、 youll be able to read your boss better, understand what he or she is telling you and decide _. And dont be afraid to ask your co-workers for help. Get yourself ready to help in the work, and always look on the positive side of things. If your boss says he or she needs something done, dont say, “Tha

86、ts impossible.” Say, “Im on it.” If you were in your bosss position, wouldnt you want someone telling you that theyre on board and _? body languagethe best course of actionready to help to help声音声音Listening & SpeakingTask 6 Complete the following mini dialogs with the help of the information given i

87、n brackets.1. A: to discuss the new project? (arrange a meeting time) B: Let me check my schedule first. I will call you later. 2. A: Hi, Shelly. Why do you look tired? B: Well, I work the this week, which is from 10 at night till 6 in the morning. (A set period of working time at night) When can we

88、 have a meeting night shiftListening & Speaking3. A: ? ( ask about workplace clothing) B: I wear casual clothes, like jeans and T- shirts.4. A: Why do office workers like water cooler chat? B: For me, it helps to . (give a reason)5. A: ? You know, Im a newcomer (ask about the dress code) B: All empl

89、oyees are supposed to wear formal business clothes. What do you usually wear for workease the tension from the workloadWhat is the dress code of our companyL-Task 6-1Listening & SpeakingTask 7 Work in pairs. Practice showing a new colleague around the office. Role A: An assistant in the HR departmen

90、t Greet the new colleague and introduce yourself. Show the newcomer her desk in the office. Explain the dress code of the company. Give directions about office facilities, such as bathrooms, water coolers, etc. Give your contact information. Role B: A newcomer in the company Express thanks for As sh

91、owing her around the office. Ask about the dress code of the and company. Ask about facilities in the office. Ask how to get further help if needed. Thank the assistant close the conversation. L-Task 6-2Listening & SpeakingUseful Expressions Assistant I am the office secretary. I am in the Departmen

92、t. Shall I/Would you like me to show you? The company requires its employees to dress in All employees are supposed to dress in My telephone number is My extension number is You are always welcome to call me if you Newcomer I am so grateful that What is the dress code in the office? What is the norm

93、al dress/acceptable dress in the office? Could you tell me where I can find? Can I have your extension number? WritingWritingTask 1Task 2Task 3W-Task 1Task 1 Put the following sentences into the right order and make it a complete notice. Writing1.Telephone numbers and fax numbers remain unchanged.2.

94、 Thanks for your kind attention and continuous support. 3. Kindly note that our Healthcare Center will be relocated to the following address with effect from September 1, 2009. 4. New address: 909 J 2nd Street North, Fulton New York5. NOTICE 5 3 4 1 2W-Task 2Task 2 Turn the following notes into a no

95、tice. WritingEvents: office safety training section Time: from 2:30 to 4:30 this Friday afternoon Place: Conference Room 109 People: all staff Other details: handouts will be available after the training section Who issues the notice: Jacky Tam, Office Manager SampleSampleSample:Notice Please be inf

96、ormed that Office Safety Training Section will be conducted from 230 to 430 this Friday afternoon in Conference Room 109. All staff are required to come. Handouts will be available after the section. Jacky Tam Office Manager July 15, 2009WritingW-Task 3Task 3 You are Office Supervisor of ABC Company

97、. Your company will organize a sightseeing trip for all the staff. Please write a notice to inform your colleagues of the trip arrangement including: itinerary, accommodation, transportation, trip fare, and other particulars that you think are relevant to the trip. WritingSampleSampleNotice Please b

98、e informed that a three-day sightseeing trip will be arranged for all the staff in our company. Time: May 28May 30, 2010 Destination: Guilin, Guangxi Province Itinerary: May 28 evening Train to Guilin, Guangxi Province May 29 morning City tour in Guilin May 29 afternoon Cruise on Lijiang River May 2

99、9 evening Free time in Yangshuo May 30 morning Train back Accommodation: Three-star hotels Transportation: Train, bus and cruiser Trip Fare: Covered by the company Others: No family members allowed Those who will participate please confirm with me before May 20, 2010. xxx Office Supervisor May 15, 2

100、010WritingMini-1Work in groups of five. The Student Union of your department will hold a party to celebrate the coming National Day. You five are responsible for the preparations. Assign specific tasks to each member in your group so that all necessary preparations are done. Mini-project Now a meeti

101、ng is called to report on how the preparations are going. Prepare for the meeting and give your presentation to the class. Your presentation should include: What are the responsibilities of each group member? What preparations have been done by each member? Mini-2Mini-projectTips Preparations1.Who?W

102、ho to come? Who to invite? How many people are expected? Who to host the party?2. When?The best time for the party? When is the deadline for each task?3. Where?The best place available? Decorations?4. What?Agenda? Programs? Food/Drinks?5 How?How to inform others? (invitations, notice)Language LabLan

103、guage LabTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Task 5LL-LL-TaskTask 1Task 1 Match the words on the left with their meanings on the right. Language LabA. the opinion that people have about what someone/ something is like based on what has happened in the past B. prevent someone from easily doing or achieving somet

104、hing C. confirm or agree officially D. intentionally use something for the wrong purpose or for your own advantage E. clearly show a feeling, attitude or quality by what you do or say F. for example G. be the cause of something or be the basic thing from which something develops H. not giving specia

105、l favor or support to any one side I.include something so that it forms a part of something else J. an action that breaks a law, agreement, principle, etc. 1.violation 2. incorporate3. for instance4. impartially5. hamper 6. underlie 7. abuse 8. display 9. reputation10. approve J JI IF FHHBBGGDDE EAA

106、C CLL-TaskLL-Task 2-1Task 2 Complete the following sentences with the words from Task 1. Change the form if necessary. Language Lab1.1.We will We will _ your suggestion in this new your suggestion in this new plan. plan. 2. The heavy rain 2. The heavy rain _ the flow of traffic the flow of traffic y

107、esterday. yesterday. 3. She 3. She _ no emotion on the witness stand. no emotion on the witness stand. 4. The restaurant has a good 4. The restaurant has a good _. . 5. I promise I will handle the matter 5. I promise I will handle the matter _. . incorporateincorporatehamperedhampereddisplayeddispla

108、yedreputationreputationimpartiallyimpartiallyLL-TaskLL-Task 2-2Language Lab6. Williams 6. Williams _ his position as mayor to give his position as mayor to give jobs to his friends. jobs to his friends. 7. She thought they would 7. She thought they would _ of the idea. of the idea. 8. We say that th

109、is was a(n) 8. We say that this was a(n) _ of the of the agreement between us. agreement between us. 9. We will also visit some museums, 9. We will also visit some museums, _, , the Forbidden City. the Forbidden City. 10. This is the basic principle that 10. This is the basic principle that _ all of

110、 all of the partys policies.the partys policies. abusedabusedapproveapproveviolationviolationfor instancefor instanceunderliesunderliesLL-TaskLL-Task 3Task 3 Complete the sentences with the following words or phrases plus some words of your own. Language Labdisplay ensure rely on engage in fit in wi

111、thdisplay ensure rely on engage in fit in with 1.1.You can You can _ _ your companys products if your companys products if _. . 2.Despite 2.Despite _, she remains actively , she remains actively _. . 3.We can 3.We can _ the safety of the workers if the safety of the workers if _. . 4.To make sure th

112、e plan4.To make sure the plan_ our arrangements, you our arrangements, you need to need to _. . 5.We have to 5.We have to _ ourselves to solve the problem ourselves to solve the problem because because _. . displaydisplayyou go to the trade fairyou go to the trade fairsevere discomfortsevere discomf

113、ortengaged in helping those in need after the earthquakeengaged in helping those in need after the earthquakeensureensurewe check the machines carefullywe check the machines carefullythey are very busy for the momentthey are very busy for the momenthave a discussion with himhave a discussion with hi

114、mfits in withfits in withrely onrely onLL-TaskLL-Task 4-14-1Task 4 Rewrite the following sentences after the models. Language LabModel 1:Model 1:1. Before you book a train ticket, youd better find out if the 1. Before you book a train ticket, youd better find out if the time suits you. time suits yo

115、u. 2. After he had finished his paper, he checked his spelling very 2. After he had finished his paper, he checked his spelling very carefully. carefully. 3. He was very sorry, for he was late for school again. 3. He was very sorry, for he was late for school again. Before Before booking booking a a

116、 train train ticket, ticket, youd youd better better find find out out if if the time suits you.the time suits you.After After finishing finishing his his paper, paper, he he checked checked his his spelling spelling very very carefully.carefully.He was very sorry for being late for school again.He

117、was very sorry for being late for school again.LL-TaskLL-Task 4-2Language LabModel 2:Model 2:1.1.There are many kinds of animals in the zoo. That interests the There are many kinds of animals in the zoo. That interests the children a lot. children a lot. 2. The program will be put off. She said that

118、 at the meeting. 2. The program will be put off. She said that at the meeting. 3. His son won in the match. Mr. Li was proud of that.3. His son won in the match. Mr. Li was proud of that. What interests the children a lot is that there are many What interests the children a lot is that there are man

119、y animals in the zoo.animals in the zoo. What she said at the meeting is that the program will be What she said at the meeting is that the program will be put off.put off. What Mr. Li was proud of was that his son won in the What Mr. Li was proud of was that his son won in the match.match.LL-TaskLL-

120、Task 5-15-1Task 5 Translate the following into English using the given words or expressions. Language Lab1.1.1.1.公司所有规章制度都应严格遵守。公司所有规章制度都应严格遵守。公司所有规章制度都应严格遵守。公司所有规章制度都应严格遵守。(observe) (observe) (observe) (observe) 2. 2. 2. 2. 和这些同学在一起我们应随便一些。和这些同学在一起我们应随便一些。和这些同学在一起我们应随便一些。和这些同学在一起我们应随便一些。(casual) (c

121、asual) (casual) (casual) 3. 3. 3. 3. 上述所说的是一些在职场环境中非常有用的交际技能。上述所说的是一些在职场环境中非常有用的交际技能。上述所说的是一些在职场环境中非常有用的交际技能。上述所说的是一些在职场环境中非常有用的交际技能。(setting) (setting) (setting) (setting) 4. 4. 4. 4. 我们有一个专业的团队来营销我们的产品。我们有一个专业的团队来营销我们的产品。我们有一个专业的团队来营销我们的产品。我们有一个专业的团队来营销我们的产品。(professional) (professional) (professi

122、onal) (professional) All the company rules and regulations must be strictly All the company rules and regulations must be strictly observed.observed.We should be casual when we stay with these We should be casual when we stay with these students.students.The above-mentioned are some communication sk

123、ills The above-mentioned are some communication skills that are very useful in an office setting.that are very useful in an office setting.We have a professional team to market our products.We have a professional team to market our products.LL-LL-TaskTask 5-2Language Lab5. 5. 5. 5. 你知道今秋流行黑衣服吗?你知道今秋

124、流行黑衣服吗?你知道今秋流行黑衣服吗?你知道今秋流行黑衣服吗?(trendy) (trendy) (trendy) (trendy) 6. 6. 6. 6. 与其求人,不如求己。与其求人,不如求己。与其求人,不如求己。与其求人,不如求己。(rely on) (rely on) (rely on) (rely on) 7. 7. 7. 7. 新车必须符合国家标准。新车必须符合国家标准。新车必须符合国家标准。新车必须符合国家标准。(comply with) (comply with) (comply with) (comply with) 8. 8. 8. 8. 我们公司的一些年轻人可能会来寻求你

125、的建议。我们公司的一些年轻人可能会来寻求你的建议。我们公司的一些年轻人可能会来寻求你的建议。我们公司的一些年轻人可能会来寻求你的建议。(seek) (seek) (seek) (seek) Do you know black clothes will be trendy this fall?Do you know black clothes will be trendy this fall?We would rather rely on ourselves instead of We would rather rely on ourselves instead of seeking help

126、from others.seeking help from others.New vehicles must comply with national standards.New vehicles must comply with national standards.Some young people in our company may come to Some young people in our company may come to seek your advice.seek your advice.EntertainmentEntertainmentBackgroundBackg

127、roundYour Raise Me UpSung by: Josh GrobanSung by: Josh Groban SongSongBackgroundYou Raise Me Up is a popular song in the inspirational mould. The music was written by Rolf Lovland and the lyrics by Brendan Graham. The song has now been covered (翻唱) more than 125 times. This version is covered by Josh Groban.EntertainmentBackgroundThank You!Unit 1新职业英语新职业英语



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