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1、 Wine Understanding葡萄酒葡萄酒 简介简介 Presented by Dan Traucki & Stephanie Tanon 24th Feb 2009Overview 概述概述lWine grape varieties and their features酿酒葡萄的品种和特征lHow to taste wine如何品尝葡萄酒lHow to serve different wines如何斟用不同的葡萄酒lWine with food葡萄酒与实物的搭配 lWine storage葡萄酒的储藏lAustralian wine regions澳洲葡萄酒产区Wine Grape

2、Varieties & their features 酿酒葡萄的品种和特征酿酒葡萄的品种和特征Many different grape varieties, Growing in Widelydiffering soils And microclimates, yield an Amazingrange of different wines.许多葡萄品种生长在不同的土质和小气候环境下,因此可以产出让人意想不到的各种不同类型的葡萄酒。Only main varieties will be discussed here today.今天,我们只讨论主要的葡萄品种Red Wine Grape Var

3、ieties 红红葡萄酒的葡萄品种葡萄酒的葡萄品种 lMain red varieties 主要的红葡萄品种:Cabernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠Shiraz/Syrah 西拉Merlot 美乐lMinor red varieties 次要的葡萄品种:Cabernet Franc 品丽珠Petit Verdot 小维铎Grenache 歌海娜 Malbec 莫贝克 White Wine Grape Varieties 白白葡萄酒的葡萄品种葡萄酒的葡萄品种 lMain white varieties 主要的白葡萄品种:Chardonnay 莎当妮Riesling 雷司令lMinor wh

4、ite varieties 次要葡萄:Sauvignon blanc 长相思Chenin blanc 白诗南Colombard 哥伦巴Pinot Gris 灰皮诺 Semillon 赛蜜荣How to Taste Wine 如何品尝葡萄酒如何品尝葡萄酒Six simple steps 6个简单的步骤:lLook 看lSwirl 打漩lSniff 闻lSip 品lManoeuvre 调动 lSpit out 吐出Step 1:Look步骤步骤1: 看看 lPour no more than a quarter full 倒不多于四分之一杯lLook down from above to chec

5、k 从上往下观看,查看酒的:The clarity 透明度lnot hazy or cloudy-looking 不模糊,不浑浊 The brightness 亮度 Tiny bubbles ( harmless) 小气泡(无害的)Its depth of color颜色的深度lHow easily can you see the stem of the glass ? 你很容易就能看到杯子的杯干吗?lTilt the glass 45and look again against white background to assess l把杯子朝着一面白色的背景倾斜45度然后再看它的:Its h

6、ue色调The rim of the glass 红酒在杯中的边缘Step 2: Swirl 步骤步骤2:打漩打漩lBefore you smell the wine, give the glass a quick swirl在闻酒之前先将酒在杯中迅速打漩lLook at the way wine clings to the glass and runs down it观看粘附在酒杯壁的酒流下来的状态Step 3: Sniff步骤步骤3:闻:闻lPut your nose right down to the glass and sniff deeply. Smell it again as n

7、eeded but not repeatedly低下头对准杯口深深地吸气闻酒香。 如果需要可以再闻但不要反复太多次lTypes of Aromas酒香种类Fresh fruit (any particular fruit stands out?) 新鲜水果(明显的某种果香味道?)Dried fruit (raisins or prunes, perhaps?) 干果(葡萄干或干梅子的味道,也许?)Floral (roses?) 花香(玫瑰?)Vegetal (green pepper, grass?) 植物的香味(青椒,草?)Mineral (flint, wet stone?)矿物质(打火石

8、, 潮湿的石头?)Animal (leather, game?) 动物(皮革,野味?)Buttery (butter or cream?) 黄油香(黄油或奶油?)Spicy (black or white pepper?) 香料味(黑胡椒或白胡椒?)Nutty (walnuts, almonds?) 坚果香(胡桃, 杏仁?)Oaky (vanilla, toast?) 橡木味(香草,烤面包?)Honey (but dry or sweet?) 蜂蜜(但是是干或甜?)Citrus- oranges or lemons 柑橘香(橙子或柠檬?)Step 4: Sip步骤步骤4:品:品lTake a

9、generous sip, but not too large喝较大一口, 但不要太大口了,否则您只能把它吞掉lThink carefully about the taste as you sip- the first tasting is usually the most vivid在喝这一口时请仔细想想这一口的味道-一般来说第一口的味道是最生动的Sweetness - tip of your tongue甜度-你的舌尖Acidity - at the sides酸度- 舌头两边Bitterness (tannin) - either side or at the back 苦味-(单宁酸)

10、- 舌头两边或者后部Saltiness (not so much in any wine) 咸味(基本上没有任何酒有这种味道)Umami (a savoury taste) 涩味(一种美味可口的味道)Step 5: Manoeuvre步骤步骤5: 调动调动lMove the wine around your mouth, esp. over your tongue 搅动口中的葡萄酒,特别是舌头的上方lSuck air through the wine, carrying its aromas to the back of the throat 吸进一些空气,把酒香传输到喉咙的后部lConsid

11、er 考虑 :Acidity: gives wines freshness and crispness 酸度:让酒尝起来新鲜爽口Mouthfeel: Taste sensation does it stretch across the palate?口感:整个味觉的感受?Tannin: the mouth-coating substance 单宁酸: 覆盖嘴巴的物质Oak: vanilla or toast橡木: 香草或烤面包Body: light, medium, or full酒体:淡,中度或丰满Balance: the harmony between sugar, acid, tanni

12、n and alcohol平衡感:糖, 酸,单宁酸和酒精的协调Step 6: Spit Out 步骤步骤6: 吐出吐出lAfter the tasting, spit out the wine to check品后将酒吐并感受lAftertaste回味是否is it clean,纯净pleasing,爽口and balanced 和谐and does it last? (30 seconds or more represents some special wines.) 持续(一些特别的酒回味可持续30秒或更长)Please try to describe the wine you just

13、tasted in your own words.请您对您刚才品尝的酒做出描述Cabernet Sauvignon赤霞珠赤霞珠lSuccessful, adaptable, widely traveled, and enduringly popular 非常成熟,适应力强,分布广泛,非常受欢迎的品种。lKey grape flavors葡萄的味道基调:Mint薄荷Blackcurrant黑加仑Pencil shavings铅笔削Chocolate巧克力lMain styles 主要风格: Dry red 干红Medium to full-bodied中度到丰满的酒体Influence of o

14、ak 橡木的味道lWhen 饮用时间: Australia: Most ready when release澳大利亚:上市时饮用最佳More expensive: 4-8yrs比较昂贵的: 4-8年窖藏后饮用lMatch with 搭配:Most types of food 多种食物Esp. red meat 红肉搭配尤佳Shiraz/Syrah西拉西拉lAustralia is world renowned for its Shiraz, esp. SA. 澳洲以西拉闻名于世, 特别是南澳洲的西拉lKey grape flavors葡萄的味道基调:Berries 浆果类Black peppe

15、r 黑胡椒Spice 香料Chocolate 巧克力lMain styles 主要风格: Dry red 干红Full-bodied 酒体丰满 Spicy 辛辣lWhen 饮用时间:Top Australian: when released 顶级澳洲红葡萄酒:上市时即可饮用Ages well 越陈酿越好lWith 搭配Big wine for big flavoured foods 风味强劲的酒与味道浓烈的食物搭配Merlot 美乐美乐lSimilar to Cabernet Sauvignon but softer, lush er, less austere近似于赤霞珠,但更加柔和,味美和

16、简朴lKey grape flavors 主要基调:Plum 李子Black cherry 黑樱桃lMain styles 主要风格: Medium-bodied 中度酒体A blending partner 混合酒的伴侣 Less tannin 少许单宁酸 Less acidity 少许酸度 lWhen 饮用时间:Should be drunk young 应该葡萄酒年轻的时候饮用Ready when released 上市即可饮用lWith 搭配:Red meat 红肉Chardonnay 莎当妮莎当妮 lFamous, fashionable, the ultimate crowd-pl

17、easer知名,时尚,广受大家欢迎的品种 lPadthaway, SA is famous for Chardonnay in Australia 产自南澳洲帕斯威地区以其夏敦埃闻名于世 lKey grape flavors 味道基调:Butter 黄油Peach 桃子Tropical Fruit 热带水果 lMain styles 主要风格: Full-bodied 酒体丰满Influence of oak 橡木的味道lWhen 饮用时间:Top Chardonnay: up to 10yrs 顶级莎当妮:10年以上 Most within 4 yrs 绝大部分在四年内饮用lWith 搭配:

18、Fish & Chicken 鱼肉和鸡肉Riesling 雷司令雷司令lOne of the worlds supreme grape varieties世界顶级葡萄品种之一lKey grape flavors 味道的基调:Apple苹果Lime酸橙Honey蜂蜜Citrus 柑桔lMain styles 主要风格: Australian Riesling is bone dry and crisp澳洲雷司令干纯且爽口lWhen 饮用时间:Drink young 酒年轻时饮用lWith 搭配An excellent aperitif 极好的开胃酒Lightly-spiced dishes 微辣

19、的菜肴How to Serve Different Wines 如如何斟用不同的葡萄酒何斟用不同的葡萄酒lChoose the right glass 选择适合的酒杯 lDecanting 醒酒the older, bigger wines 年份长,口味较重的酒Also helps younger oaky wines to breathe, enhance its aroma and soften up the tannin也可以帮助年轻的橡木味道较重的葡萄酒与空气有更多接触来提高酒香味并使单宁酸变柔和lServe at the suitable temperature在合适的温度下斟用Se

20、rving Temperature 斟用温度斟用温度Red Wines 红葡萄酒lBest temperature for most red wines, esp. full-bodied, oaky red wines对大多数红葡萄酒来说,特别是酒体丰满的,带橡木味的红酒18ClLight-bodied & Rose 淡酒体和玫瑰红酒:Cool (half to an hour in the fridge before serve) :温度较低(饮用前在冰箱冷藏半小时到1小时)White Wines, and Sparkling Wines 白葡萄酒和起泡酒lRange between 6-

21、10C 6-10C 之间lLight-bodied white, and most sparkling whites should be serve towards lower end of the range (6-8C)淡酒体的白葡萄酒和起泡酒葡萄酒最适合在6-8摄氏度饮用lFuller-bodied whites towards higher end of the range (10C)酒体丰满的白葡萄酒适合在10摄氏度左右饮用Wine with Food 葡萄酒和食物的搭配葡萄酒和食物的搭配Flavour, taste and texture in the glass, Flavour

22、, taste and texture on the plate It comes as no surprise that the worlds of wine and food are so closely linked.杯中的味感, 口感和质感口中的味感, 口感和质感 - 葡萄酒和食物相辅相成的亲密关系这一点也不出乎意料 Guideline 指南指南Aim for matches where the characters of thefood and wine complement each other.着重于食物的特点和葡萄酒的特点互补的搭配lThe power 强劲度lThe text

23、ure 质感lThe types of flavors 味道类型Match the Power能量的搭配能量的搭配Wine葡萄酒Food食物Light - to medium bodied wines 低度到中度醇厚的酒体低度到中度醇厚的酒体Such as: sparkling wine, Riesling, Pinot Gris/Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc, Unwooded Chardonnay or rose.比如: 起泡酒, 雷司令,灰比诺,长相思, 无橡木的莎当妮或玫瑰葡萄酒Seafood海鲜类Medium-bodied wines中度醇厚的酒体中度醇厚的酒体Su

24、ch as: including some white and red sparkling wines, white wines such as Sauvignon Blanc比如 :包括一些白葡萄酒和红起泡酒, 如长相思这样的白葡萄酒White meat白肉类Medium-to full-bodied wines and full-bodied wines 中度到高度醇厚的酒体以及醇厚的酒体Such as: Semillon, Chardonnay, Verdelho, Pinot Noir, Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon比如:赛蜜蓉葡萄酒,莎当妮,佛得角, 黑皮诺,

25、西拉,赤霞珠Red meat红肉类Match the Texture质感的搭配质感的搭配Wine 葡萄酒Food 食物Light -to medium bodied wines:低度到中度醇厚的酒体低度到中度醇厚的酒体Such Sparkling wine, Riesling and Sauvignon Blanc 起泡酒, 雷司令和长相思Soft cheeses, Brie, Camembert and goat and sheep cheeses柔和的乳酪,白乳酪,软质乳酪和山羊和绵羊的乳酪 Medium-to full-bodied wines:中度到高度醇厚的酒体中度到高度醇厚的酒体B

26、arrel fermented Chardonnay and Semillon 桶内发酵的沙当妮和赛蜜蓉葡萄酒Hard cheeses硬乳酪 Sweet whites , botrytis 甜白葡萄酒甜白葡萄酒Semillon and fortified wines such as tawny, Muscat or tokay蜜蓉葡萄酒和加强葡萄酒比如托尼葡萄酒, 麝香葡萄酒, 芳香葡萄酒Blue cheeses蓝乳酪Match the Flavour 味道的搭配味道的搭配 Wine 葡萄酒Food 食物 Light -to medium bodied Red wines: 低度到中度醇厚的红

27、葡萄酒低度到中度醇厚的红葡萄酒Such as Pinot Noir 例如: 黑皮诺 Seafood light noodle dishes口感淡雅的海鲜面类 Medium bodied Red wines:中度醇厚红葡萄酒中度醇厚红葡萄酒 Merlot & Grenache 美乐和歌海娜 Most dishes other than very spicy ones 除非常辛辣食物以外的多数菜肴Full bodied Red wines 高度醇厚的酒体高度醇厚的酒体Cabernet Sauvignon & Shiraz 赤霞珠和西拉Big hearty dishes & cheeses肉类以及乳

28、酪Australian Wine Regions澳大利亚葡萄酒产区澳大利亚葡萄酒产区lAll the Australian wine regions are located below the Tropic of Capricorn所有的澳洲葡萄酒产区都座落于南回归线以下lWine Zones 葡萄酒产区: South Australia8南澳洲-8个Victoria6维多利亚-6个New South Wales8 新南威尔士-8Western Australia5西澳洲-5个 Australian Wine Regions澳大利亚葡萄酒产区澳大利亚葡萄酒产区South Australia i

29、s the powerhouse of wine industry in Australia. 南澳洲是澳洲葡萄酒工业的发电站。 因为它生产50%以上的从澳洲出口的的葡萄酒Australian Wine Regions澳大利亚葡萄酒产区澳大利亚葡萄酒产区SOUTH AUSTRALIA 南澳州南澳州:l5 Main grape growing regions 五个主要葡萄生长区域 lRiverland largest region -very warm climate makes good commercial wines 河地地区 最大的区域 非常温和的气候 ,适于酿造高产量的商业化葡萄酒lB

30、arossa valley warm climate makes great Shiraz布罗莎山谷 温和的气候,出产著名的西拉lMcLaren Vale warm climate makes great Grenache麦凯伦 山谷 温和的气候,出产很好的歌海娜lClare Valley- cooler climate makes great Riesling克莱尔 山谷 较凉爽的气温,出产很好的雷司令 lLimestone Coast second largest region -cool climate makes great Chardonnay, Cabernet & Shiraz石

31、灰石海岸 第二大的产区 凉爽的气温,以出产优质的莎当妮,赤霞珠和西拉 Wine Storage 葡萄酒的存储葡萄酒的存储Ideal storage conditions 理想储存条件:lDark 避光lWell-ventilated 通风良好lFree of odours无异味lFree of vibrations 无震动l minimum temperature fluctuation 保持温度恒定lRelated humidity about 70%-80% 70%-80%的相对湿度lPosition 摆放Lying down 平放Wine Storage - opened unfinis

32、hed wines 开开瓶后未喝完的葡萄酒瓶后未喝完的葡萄酒 保存保存lPush the cork back in and put in the fridge to把橡木塞塞回葡萄酒瓶,然后放到冰箱,以:Prevent the contact with air 避免瓶中酒与空气的接触Control the temperature 控制瓶中酒的温度Only good for 1-2 days 只能保质1-2天Doesnt guarantee the freshness 不能保证酒的新鲜度Red wines need to be brought back to suitable temperature 红葡萄酒需要被恢复到适当的温度再饮用



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