八年级英语下册 Module 2 Experiences Unit 3 Language in use课件 (2)

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1、Module 2 ExperiencesUnit 3Language in useReviewComplete the following sentences.1. I _ (have) dinner. I am full.2. We _ (read) this story.3. They _ (see) the movie.4. She _ (buy) some nice toys.5. I _ (finish) my homework already.6. We _ (wash) our clothes. Theyre clean now. have had have readhave s

2、eenhas boughthave finished have washed用所给单词的正确形式填空。用所给单词的正确形式填空。如果你想说如果你想说“我已经看过某部电影,所以不想我已经看过某部电影,所以不想看了看了”、“某人曾经作过什么事情某人曾经作过什么事情”等等,该等等,该如何表达呢?首先请看下面的句子:如何表达呢?首先请看下面的句子:(1)I have seen the film. I dont want to see it again.(2) Have you ever looked at a travel brochure?(3) I have never visited the U

3、SA.以以上上句句子子的的谓谓语语动动词词有有一一个个共共同同的的特特点点就就是是“have/has动动词词的的过过去去分分词词”, 用用于于表表示示在在以以前前的的某某个个时时间间曾曾经经做做过过的、发生的事情,这种行为对目前有某种影响,如的、发生的事情,这种行为对目前有某种影响,如(1); 还还可可以以表表示示到到目目前前为为止止曾曾经经经经历历或或没没经经历历的的事事情情,如如(2)(3)。我们把这种时态称为我们把这种时态称为“现在完成时现在完成时”。现在完成时现在完成时 Present perfect定义:定义:表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作

4、对现在造成的影响或结果。的影响或结果。构成:构成:1. 肯定句肯定句现在完成时的肯定句式是现在完成时的肯定句式是 “have(has)过去分词)过去分词”。注意:该句式中的注意:该句式中的have或或has是助动词,是助动词,has用于第三人用于第三人称单数,其它人称一律用称单数,其它人称一律用have。2. 否定句否定句:现在完成时的否定句式是:现在完成时的否定句式是 “havent(hasnt)过去分词)过去分词”。 3. 疑问句:疑问句:现在完成时的一般疑问句式是把助动词现在完成时的一般疑问句式是把助动词 have或或has提到主语之前提到主语之前。 回答用回答用 Yes, have (

5、has). /No, havent (hasnt). 连用时间状语连用时间状语:already, yet, ever, never, just, before, several times 等。等。动动词词过过去去分分词词的的变变化化形形式式大大部部分分与与动动词词过过去去式式形形式式相相同同,但但是是不不规规则则动动词词的的变变化化形形式式没没有有规规律律,需需要要记记忆忆,比比如如: see-saw-seen; be-was, were-beeneat-ate-eaten; break-broke-brokengo-went-gone; take-took-takensend-sent-s

6、ent; find-found-foundmake-made-made; have-had-hadPracticePracticeI cant play computer games now, because I havent把下列句子改为否定句。把下列句子改为否定句。1. Ive already had dinner. I _ _ dinner _.2. He has just finished his homework. He _ _ his homework _.3. Mums cooked the dinner. Mum _ _ the dinner.haventhadyethasnt

7、finishedyet hasnt cookedTeam racingActivityActivityTwo teams have a race. The team that first give a correct sentence get one point. Speaking Practice IReady?根根根根据据据据以以以以下下下下图图图图片片片片和和和和文文文文字字字字提提提提示示示示,用用用用现现现现在在在在完完完完成成成成时态补充句子。时态补充句子。时态补充句子。时态补充句子。 have taken photos of stone animalsI _ ever _.eve

8、r, take, photos Stone animalsHas ever been to the Palace Museum by bus_ Tim _?ever be, by bus Palace Museumgo; by bikeThey _.have gone to Hong Kong Disneyland by bikeHong Kong Disneylandnot eat; roast duckThe boy _.hasnt eaten Beijing roast duckRoast duck _ she _?Has climbed the Great Wall only once

9、climb; only oncethe Great WallMy uncle _.ride; five times has ridden the camel for five timesthe camelExerciseExercise1. _ you ever _ with a group? 2. Yes, I have. A. Did, study B. Are, studying C. Were, studying D. Have, studied2. How many times _ you _ to Beijing this year? A. have; been B. did; b

10、een C. have; gone D. did; goneI. 单项填空。单项填空。 3. The plane _ in Beijing and _ Xian at ten. A. got on; got to B. took out; got to C. took off; got to D. got off; got to 4. Oh! I _ the book for a long time. Where _ it? In my room. A. didnt see; is B. havent seen; was C. didnt see; will be D. havent seen

11、; will be 5. Lucy, _ you _ your ticket? Not yet. A. did; find B. have; found C. has; found D. do; find6. This is the best story I have _ read. A. never B. ever C. once D. always 7. John has traveled to many countries and he has had some _ in travelling. A. tradition B. advice C. experience D. news8.

12、 The pudding tastes_. A. fantastic B. delicious C. brilliant D. wonderful9. What do you think of this bike? Oh, its too old for a boy to ride. Please give me_ one. A. another B. other C. others D. the other10. Excuse me. Is Mr Smith in? Sorry, he isnt at home. He _ with his family. A. goes to abroad

13、 B. went to abroad C. will go to abroad D. has gone abroad 11. Tim _ seafood in that restaurant many times. A. tries B. tried C. has tried D. try12. I dont know him. I have _ met him before. A. ever B. yet C. never D. always13. Many visitors from different countries _ to China every year. A. have co

14、me B. come C. came D. is coming 14. Dont play computer games _ . A. too much B. too many C. many D. more 15. _ you _ the piano before? No. I _ to play it when I was eleven last year. A. Did; play; began B. Did; played; begin C. Have; play; begin D. Have; played; began 1. Im very angry because _ (有人有

15、人) has broken my window. 2. How many _ (座位座位) are there in the Birds Nest?3. We c_ mountains every Sunday. 4. The king has lived in the p_ for more than 80 years.5. He d_ of becoming a famous astronaut one day. II. 根据汉语提示或首字母补全单词。根据汉语提示或首字母补全单词。 reams someoneseats limb alace1. In the shop there are

16、many _ (kind) of bags. 2. There are lots of differences between Chinese people and _ (west) people. 3. What are those _ (Italy) doing over there?4. It has been a big _ (problem) to save more injured people in the earthquake (地震地震) in Yushu. 5. How _ (wonder) the song sounds! We all like it. III. 用括号

17、内所给单词的适当形式填空。用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。kindswesternItaliansproblemwonderful1. Lily _ (have) lunch after 12:00 yesterday.2. I _ (send) an email to my aunt last week and she _ (read) it.3. How about _ (enter) the competition? Good idea!4. _ you ever _ (cook) dinner for your parents? Yes, often.5. Mr Smith _ _ (

18、not finish) his work yet.hadsententeringHaveIV. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。用所给动词的适当形式填空。has readcooked hasnt finished1. 我以前从来没有去过那个农场。我以前从来没有去过那个农场。 I have never _ to the farm _.2. 还有他没有去过的地方么?还有他没有去过的地方么? Is there _ he _ _ ?V. 根据所给汉语,完成下列句子。根据所给汉语,完成下列句子。 每空一词。每空一词。 been before anywherehasnt been3. 那个女孩告诉我说电影票已经

19、卖完了。那个女孩告诉我说电影票已经卖完了。 The girl tells me the film tickets _ _ _.4. 一张去广州的火车票价格是多少?一张去广州的火车票价格是多少? _ _ _ of a train ticket to Guangzhou?5. 我希望他成为钢琴家的梦想可以成真。我希望他成为钢琴家的梦想可以成真。 I hope his dream of becoming a pianist will _ _.have sold outWhats the pricecome trueexcite experience carry finish do live spen

20、d give stay learn VI. 用方框内所给单词的适当形式完成短文。每个用方框内所给单词的适当形式完成短文。每个单词限用一次。单词限用一次。 Some American students have had some special (1) _ in a Chinese village. They (2) _ there for two months. What (3) _ they _ during their holidays?experienceshave stayed have doneNancy: I (4) _ with my Chinese parents. At da

21、ytime, I (5) _ the time (6) _ water from wells, making a fire for cooking, even feeding babies.Gary: I (7) _ ever_ English lessons to students at a middle school. And I (8) _ a TV documentary (记记录录影影片片) about Chinese village life with my video camera. livedspentcarrying have givenhave finished Ruth:

22、 We (9) _ _ a lot we cant study in the American universities. Its really (10) _ in another country!have learned/learntexciting1. have, Lei Feng, seen, a, we, film, about(.) We have seen a film about Lei Feng. 2. park, wonderful, a, had, the, time, they, have, in (?)Have they had a wonderful time in

23、the park? 3. never, Tianjin, to, the Blacks, been, before, have (.) The Blacks have never been to Tianjin before. VII. 连词成句。连词成句。 4. invited, party, Mary, to, the, her, teacher, birthday, has (?) Has Mary invited her teacher to the birthday party? 5. for, has, Peter, Japanese, in, fourteen, taught, school, that, years (.)Peter has taught Japanese in that school for fourteen years.



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