2013届高考英语一轮复习课件:选修6 Unit2《Poems》(新人教版福建专用)

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1、2013届高考英语一轮复习课件届高考英语一轮复习课件新人教版福建专用Unit 2Poems pattern n. 根据语境猜词义(1)The cloth has a pattern of red and white squares. (2)Mary used a paper pattern to make her new dress. (3)During the second day I also include pattern drill based on the dialogue. (4)She is the pattern of all the virtues. (5)The illne

2、ss is not following its usual pattern. pattern n. 根据语义找匹配A(通常)发展的方式B句型;句式;格调;形式(可数)C图案;花色,式样(可数)D服装裁剪用的纸样(可数)E典范;榜样;典型(可加不定冠词)答案答案 (1)C (2)D (3)B (4)E (5)A pattern n. 单项填空Many lifestyle _ do such great harm to health that they actually speed up the weakening of the human body. A. patterns B. decisio

3、ns C. problem D. favour解析解析 许多人的生活方式对健康有害。A take it easy 根据语境猜词义(1) There is enough time. Take it easy. (2) I want to take it easy when I am on holiday. 根据语义找匹配A. 轻松,松懈 B. 从容,不紧张BA 翻译句子(1)慢慢走。路面都结冰了。(2)爷爷明年将会退休,可以多休息了。 答案答案(1) Take it easy. The roads are icy. (2) My grandfather will retire next year

4、 and can take things easy. take it easy run out of 根据语境猜词义(1)All our supply of food has run out. (2)The contract runs out at the end of the year, and will have to be renewed. (3)We are running out of water. (4)They ran him out of town. run out of 根据语义找匹配A用完(某物)B 把撵走C(某物)用完了,不多了,没有了D过期失效答案答案 (1)C (2)

5、D (3)A (4)B run out of短语短语run out of use up 及物动词短语run out give out 不及物动词短语run short (of) 不够用,短缺 run out of 单项填空(1)Having walked in the desert for several days, we had to find a pool before the water we had in the bottle _. A. ran out of B. ran away C. ran out D. ran offC run out of 单项填空(2) Have you

6、_ water? Yes, _. Wed better get some. A. run out of; we have run it out B. run out of; our water has run out C. run out; our water has been run out D. run out; our water has run outB exchange v. 交换,调换;n. 交换, 交流,互换短语短语exchange sth. for sth. 把换成exchange sth. with sb. 和某人互换某物 exchange v. 交换,调换;n. 交换, 交

7、流,互换链接链接exchange Christmas gifts 交换圣诞礼物exchange experience 交流经验exchange greetings 互相问候exchange seats with sb. 与某人调换一个座位an exchange of views 交换意见exchange professors 交流讲学教授exchange students (两国间)交换的留学生 翻译句子(1)我下周要出国旅游了,所以得去银行把人民币兑换成美金。(2) 这两个队伍公开交流意见。答案答案(1) I am going to travel abroad, so I go to exc

8、hange some RMB for dollars in bank. (2) There is an open exchange of ideas between two teams. exchange v. 交换,调换;n. 交换, 交流,互换 let out 根据语境猜词义(1) She let out a cry of surprise. (2) She promised that she would not let out the plan to the press. 根据语义找匹配A. 发出 B. 泄露AB短语短语leave out 省去, 遗漏, 不考虑bring out 使显示

9、, 出版make out 理解, 辨认出 let out 翻译句子(1) 石油泄露并引发了极大的惊慌。(2) 老师强调同学们在听讲座时不能漏掉重点。(3) 这个笔迹有点模糊(vague),但我还是可以辨认出来。 let out答案答案(1) The oil gas let out and caused a great panic. (2) The teacher stressed that the students should not leave out any important details when in the lecture. 翻译句子(1) 石油泄露并引发了极大的惊慌。(2)

10、老师强调同学们在听讲座时不能漏掉重点。(3) 这个笔迹有点模糊(vague),但我还是可以辨认出来。 let out答案答案(3) The handwriting is a little vague, but I can still make it out. load n. 根据语境猜词义(1)The bridge has been built to support very heavy loads. (2) The nurse bears a load of anxiety. (3) He carried a load of wooden on his back. (4) This wash

11、ing machine takes a load of six kilos. (5) You have taken a load off my mind. load n. 根据语义找匹配A思想上的负担、压力等B载重量,装载量(可译为“一车”“一船”等)(可数)C负担,重量,装载的东西(可数)D负荷;负载;工作量(可数)答案答案 (1)C (2)A (3)B (4)D (5)A load n.短语短语load into 装载进入(车辆等)loadwith 用装载be loaded with 装载着load up with 装满(货物)take a load off ones mind 打消某人的

12、顾虑loads of (lots of) 很多的 load n. 单项填空(1)The workers are loading the goods _ a car, that is, theyre loading the car _ goods. A. with; with B. into; into C. into; with D. with; into解解析析 工人们正在装载货物进入车厢,也就是说他们用货物装满车厢。C load n.(2)When I heard theyd arrived safely, there was a great _ off my mind. A. weigh

13、t B. pressure C. responsibility D. load 单项填空解析解析 当听说他们安全到达了,我的顾虑就打消了。D1. 学校规章制度_2. 穿戴整齐 _3. 尊敬师长 _4. 准时到校 _5. 保持环境整洁 _6. 排队等候 _school rules and regulationsbe neatly dressedrespect ones teachers and parentsbe on time at schoolkeep the environment cleanwait in line7. 违反纪律 _8. 旷课 _9. 考试作弊 _10. 绿色校园 _11

14、. 建设校园文化 _12. 美化校园环境 _break the rulesbe absent from schoolcheat in examgreen campuscreate a campus culture beautify the campus environment1. 被她的努力深深地感动了,我们尽全力赢得了这次比赛的第一名。(efforts)2. 我们意识到我们应该采取行动从我们周围的小事做起。(take actions)答答案案 1. Deeply moved by her efforts, we tried our best and won the first prize i

15、n the contest. 2. We realize that we should take actions from the small things around us.3. 我忍不住爱上了这个学校,并且渐渐地融入校园生活中去。(fall in love with)4. 我们作为学生应该考虑到明智地使用纸张和二手书。(takeinto account)答答案案 3. I could not help falling in love with this school, and slowly melt into the campus life. 4. We, as students, sh

16、ould take the wise use of paper and secondhand textbooks into account. 5. 我们可以看到纸张、瓶子等被到处乱扔。(throw away)答案答案We can see that papers, bottles and cans are thrown away here and there. 假如你是李华,日前看到某英文报社向全球中学生征集有关绿色校园建设的稿件,请你根据以下内容要点和要求写一篇英文短文。要点:要点:1. 重要性;2. 绿色校园不仅指绿色环境,还指;3. 具体措施。要求:要求:1. 词数:120左右; 2. 书

17、写务必清晰、工整。One possible version: There is no doubt that a green campus plays a decisive role in the growth of every student, physically and mentally. A green campus not only refers to the ecofriendly environment where we study but also the place we learn to live in harmony with our peers as well as na

18、ture. In my view, laying down regulations and rules on campus should be the first step we take to ensure appropriate conducts among us students. For example, we are not allowed to leave tap dripping after use. Plus, it is of great significance to enhance every students awareness of creating a green campus. For example, posters can be put up around the campus to remind us to walk instead of taking lifts or to encourage honesty and mutual respect among us. We believe that, if we make joint efforts, a green campus will be achieved in the near future.同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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