七年级英语《Unit 5 Why do you like pandas Period 3》课件

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1、欢欢迎迎来来到到英英语语课课堂堂Why do you like pandas?UNIT 5Period 3: Section B 2a2cTalk about the animals you like with your partner.I like elephants. I like dogs because theyre friendly and smart.What animals do you like? Why?Because they are cute. What animals do you like?I.情情 境境 导导 入入-1 .师友对话师友对话动物的风采动物的风采-让学生

2、欣赏让学生欣赏动物图片喜爱动物图片喜爱动物。动物。情境导入情境导入-2.教师导入教师导入2aCheck () the animals you think are in great danger. _ lions _ elephants _ pandas_ giraffes _ koalas _ tigersP29-2bRead this website article and check () the best title for it.What Is an Elephant?Come to ThailandLets Save the ElephantsElephants Are Good P

3、ets阅读理解阅读理解-1.师友阅读师友阅读.Answers:1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.F Judge the statements.1.The elephant is a symbol of good luck.2. Elephants can play basketball or music.3. Today there are over 100,000 elephants.4. Thai Elephant Day is on May 13th.5.Only because of the ivory, the elephants are in danger.Read the ar

4、ticle again then answer the questions below.1.Where are the students from?_2. Are elephants smart animals? _3. Why are elephants in great danger? _ _ 4. When is Thai Elephant Day? _Theyre from Thailand.Yes, they are.Because people cut down many trees and they kill elephants for their ivory.Its on Ma

5、rch 13th.How to save themdont cut down so many _dont _ things made of ivory._ is Thai Elephant Day. Abilitiescan play _can also _ wellcan _ places with food and waterFacts and figurespeople _ many treespeople kill them for _today there are _(over _ before) Importance in Thailandfirst flag had _symbo

6、l of _2cRead the article again and complete the mind map.(思维导图)思维导图)ELEPHANTS 1.mind map“思思维导图维导图”又叫心智图,又叫心智图,是一种将放射性是一种将放射性思考思考(人人类类大大脑脑的自然思考方式的自然思考方式)具体化的方法具体化的方法,利用利用记忆记忆、阅读阅读、思、思维维的的规规律律协助我们更好地记忆,学习协助我们更好地记忆,学习和思考。和思考。2. 通过前三次阅读通过前三次阅读可知第可知第 段末尾的两句段末尾的两句说说明了明了大象的大象的重要性重要性。第。第 段叙述了大象的一些段叙述了大象的一些能

7、力能力;第;第 段叙述段叙述了一些有关大象的了一些有关大象的事事实实及如何挽救大象及如何挽救大象.3. 读题读题目要求。目要求。左左侧侧第一方框第一方框为为“大象的重要性大象的重要性”;第二第二方框方框为为“大象的能力大象的能力”右右侧侧第一方框第一方框为为“有关大象的一有关大象的一些事些事实实及其数字例及其数字例举举”;第二方框第二方框为为“如何挽救大象如何挽救大象”。根据。根据这这几方面的内容再回到短文中去几方面的内容再回到短文中去寻寻找答案。找答案。 阅读理解阅读理解-2.教师点拨教师点拨 123How to save themdont cut down so many _dont _

8、things made of ivory._ is Thai Elephant Day. Abilitiescan play _can also _ wellcan _ places with food and waterFacts and figurespeople _ many treespeople kill them for _today there are _(over _ before) Importance in Thailandfirst flag had _symbol of _2cRead the article again and complete the mind ma

9、p.(思维导图)思维导图)ELEPHANTSFacts and figurespeople _ many treespeople kill them for _today there are _ (over _ before) Importance in Thailandfirst flag had _symbol of _ a white elephant on itgood luckcut downivoryonly 3,000elephants100,000ELEPHANTSHow to save themdont cut down so many _dont _ things made

10、 of ivory._ is Thai Elephant Day. Abilitiescan play _ _can also _ wellcan _ places with food and waterELEPHANTS soccer or musicdrawremembertreesbuyMarch 13th梳理巩固梳理巩固-1.师友互查师友互查Task 1:单词记忆单词记忆 learn the new words.(from save to be made of)(友情提示:师友先自主读背单词然后师友情提示:师友先自主读背单词然后师傅对学友提问发音及拼写傅对学友提问发音及拼写)1. fr

11、iendlyfriendly为形容词,是由名词为形容词,是由名词friend加后缀加后缀-ly构成,构成,意为意为“友好的友好的”。be friendly to .意为意为“对对友好友好”。 =be good/kind to.2. get /be lost.丢丢失;走失;迷路失;走失;迷路lost还经还经常直接用于名常直接用于名词词前前,做定做定语语修修饰饰名名词词=missing3. But elephants are in great danger. be in (great/big) danger 处处于(极大)危于(极大)危险险之之中中(be) out of danger 脱离危脱离危

12、险险 danger名名词词,形容,形容词为词为dangerous 梳理巩固梳理巩固2.教师点拨教师点拨 4.forget/remember 1).+to do 2).+doing5. 3,000 (over 100,000 before). over 1). 后后+(数量)(数量) 超超过过=more than 2).在上面在上面 Theres a bridge over the river. 在河上面有一座小在河上面有一座小桥桥。(拓展拓展over,above,on,under,below)6. cut down 7. things made of ivory. “be made of +原

13、材料原材料”表示表示“由由制成制成(能能看出原材料看出原材料)”。be made from(不能看出原材不能看出原材料料)拓展提高拓展提高-1.师友练习师友练习1.完成知识点题签上的测试及综合试题,答完成知识点题签上的测试及综合试题,答案写在答案本上。案写在答案本上。 (温馨提醒:温馨提醒:先自主后师友互查先自主后师友互查)2.核对答案核对答案1. Mr. Lin jumped into the river to _ the boy.2. The British _ is in red, white and blue. 3. The letter “V” is a _ of victory (

14、胜胜利利).4. Dont _ wild animals. Theyre our friends.killsavesymbolflagflag kill place save cut down over forget symbol 选词选词填空。填空。拓展提高拓展提高-2.教师提升教师提升5. They have to _ the apple tree. 6. Dont _ to take your schoolbags home. OK, Mr. Brown. 7. _ six hundred students goes to school by bike. 8. A park is a g

15、ood _ for fun.cut downforgetOverplaceflag kill place save cut down over forget symbol What did you learn in this class ? 1.Important words, phrases and sentences; 2.What about your partner? 3.Who is the best partner ?总结归纳总结归纳-1.师友梳理师友梳理总结归纳总结归纳-2.教师总结教师总结I. 应掌握的短语应掌握的短语 1. save the elephants 2. a sy

16、mbol of good luck 3 walk for a long time 4. be in great danger 5. cut down 6. lose their homes 7. over 100 8. things made of ivoryII. 应掌握的句子应掌握的句子 1 An elephant never forgets.2. Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost.They can remember places with food and water. This helps them to liv

17、e. But elephants are in great danger. Poeple cut down many trees so elephants are losing their homes. Today there are only about 3,ooo elepants(over 100,000 before). We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory. 3 Isnt she cute?Yes, she is./No, she isnt.III. 知识点详解知识点详解 1. friendly=be good/kind to. 2. get /be lost3.in (great/big) danger 4.forget/remember 1).+to do2).+doing5.over=more than 6. cut down7.be made of=be made fromHomework:1. Recite the new words phrases and sentences in this unit.2.Workbook period3.励志名言励志名言形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋安全小贴上课间活动注意安全



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