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1、第第卷(选择题)卷(选择题). 单项填空(共单项填空(共15小题;每小题小题;每小题1分,满分分,满分15分)分)21. The hurricane happened on Sunday morning last month and did lot of damage to the province. 2011哈尔滨高一检测哈尔滨高一检测A. /;/B. a; aC. a; /D. the; a【解解析析】选选B。句句意意:这这次次飓飓风风发发生生在在上上个个月月的的一一个个星星期期天天早早上上,对对该该省省造造成成了了很很多多损损坏坏。第第一一个个空空用用a表表示示“泛泛指指”(一一个个星星

2、期期天天);do a lot of damage to对对造造成成很很多多损损坏。坏。22. Something unusual has been out of the ancient tomb dating back to 2, 000 years ago. A. keptB. wentC. found D. dug【解解析析】选选D。句句意意:在在这这座座2 000年年前前的的古古墓墓里里挖挖出出了了一一些些不不寻寻常常的的东东西西。dig out掘掘出出;发发现现,符符合合题题意意。keep out使使不进入;不进入;go out出去;熄灭;出去;熄灭;find out查出,弄明白。查出

3、,弄明白。23. A bomb two buildings and damaged several others. A. destroyed B. damaged C. harmed D. injured【解解析析】选选A。考考查查近近义义词词辨辨析析。句句意意:炸炸弹弹炸炸毁毁了了两两座座大大楼楼,对对其其他他几几座座楼楼也也造造成成了了一一定定程程度度的的破破坏坏。harm 指指一一般般的的损损害害,伤伤害害;injure 指指意意外外受受伤伤;damage 指指部部分分破破坏坏;destroy 指彻底毁坏,不能修复,故选指彻底毁坏,不能修复,故选A。24. from what he di

4、d, he isnt a person to depend on. A. JudgeB. Judging C. Judged D. Judges【解解析析】选选B。考考查查judge 的的用用法法。句句意意:从从他他的的所所做做所所为为来来判判断断,他他不不是是一一个个可可值值得得依依靠靠的的人人。judging from/by“从从来来判判断断”可可看看作作固固定定短短语语,judging的的形形式式不不随随主主语语而而变变化。化。25. children whose parents had died in the earthquakesent to live with families i

5、n other cities. 2011东阳高一检测东阳高一检测A. A great number of; wasB. A great number of; wereC. The great number of; wasD. The great number of; were【解解析析】选选B。a great number of“大大量量的的,许许多多”,修修饰饰可可数数名名词词复复数数作作主主语语时时,谓谓语语动动词词用用复复数数;the number of的的数数量量,修修饰饰名名词词作作主主语语时时,谓谓语语动动词词用用单单数数。结结合合语语境境,应选应选B项。项。26. The hea

6、vy storm _ the bridge, _ made it impossible to get across the river. A. destroyed; thatB. was destroyed; whichC. destroyed; as D. destroyed; which【解解析析】选选D。考考查查destroy 的的用用法法及及定定语语从从句句。句句意意:那那场场暴暴风风雨雨把把那那座座桥桥冲冲垮垮了了,这这使使人人们们无无法法过过河河。第第一一个个空空用用主主动动结结构构,因因为为the bridge 是是宾宾语语;which 在在此此处处引引导导一一个个非非限制性定语

7、从句,指代前面主句的内容,故选限制性定语从句,指代前面主句的内容,故选D。27. of the students to climb Mount Tai next week. A. Two-thirds; wantB. Two-thirds; wantsC. Two-third; want D. Two-third; wants【解解析析】选选A。考考查查分分数数表表达达法法。句句意意:三三分分之之二二的的学学生生想想下下周周去去爬爬泰泰山山。不不带带整整数数的的分分数数表表达达方方式式为为:分分子子用用基基数数词词,分分母母用用序序数数词词,若若分分子子大大于于1,分分母母的的词词尾尾应应加加

8、s;若若分分数数修修饰可数名词复数,则谓语动词也用复数,故选饰可数名词复数,则谓语动词也用复数,故选A。28. Anyone knows the news will tell you about it. A. whichB. whoseC. whomD. who【解解析析】选选D。考考查查定定语语从从句句。句句意意:任任何何知知道道消消息息的的人人都都会会把把消消息息告告诉诉你你的的。anyone 是是先先行行词词,关关系系代代词词在在从从句句中中作作主语且主语是人,故选主语且主语是人,故选who。29. It is reported that many students are the bu

9、rning classroom building and the firefighters are trying to rescue them. A. caught inB. dropped into C. trapped in D. fallen into【解解析析】选选C。根根据据句句意意“很很多多学学生生被被困困在在着着火火的的教教学学楼楼里里”,可可知知C 项项正正确确。be caught in 陷陷入入其其中中;be dropped into 被被丢丢弃弃;fall into 落落入入;be trapped in 被被困困在在中中,符符合合句意,故选句意,故选C。30. All _

10、we need is to be supplied with food and clothing. A. whatB. thatC. whichD. whom【解解析析】选选B。考考查查关关系系词词。句句意意为为:我我们们所所需需要要的的是是食食品品和和衣衣服服的的供供应应。先先行行词词all是是不不定定代代词词,且且指指物物,关关系系代代词词一一般用般用that。31. The little boy speaks English very well as if he an Englishman. A. isB. beC. should be D. were【解解析析】选选D。考考查查as i

11、f 的的用用法法。句句意意:那那个个小小男男孩孩英英语语说说得得非非常常好好,好好像像他他是是一一个个英英国国人人。as if (as though) 引引导导的的从从句句如如果果与与事事实实相相反反,从从句句用用虚虚拟拟语语气气,be 动动词词用用were,排排除除A、B、C三项,故选三项,故选D。32. Nowadays, people usually think if you enter a key university, you are your parents. A. pride B. luck C. value D. cheer【解解析析】选选A。考考查查名名词词词词义义辨辨析析。

12、句句意意:现现在在人人们们通通常常认认为为如如果果你你考考入入重重点点大大学学,你你就就是是你你父父母母的的骄骄傲傲。由由此此判判断断选选A。【举一反三举一反三】We what our soldiers have done for our country. A. are pride ofB. proud ofC. take pride of D. take pride in【解解析析】选选D。考考查查短短语语搭搭配配。句句意意:我我们们为为我我们们的的士士兵兵为为国国家家所所做做的的事事情情而而感感到到自自豪豪。be proud of = take pride in “为为而自豪,引以为荣而自

13、豪,引以为荣”。33. One minute she burst into , and the next she burst out . We just couldnt catch her mood at any moment. A. crying; laughterB. tears; laughingC. tears; laughter D. crying; laughing【解解析析】选选B。考考查查短短语语搭搭配配。句句意意:她她一一会会儿儿大大哭哭,又又一一会会儿儿大大笑笑。我我们们几几乎乎不不能能把把握握她她每每一一时时刻刻的的情情绪绪变变化化。burst into tears 放声

14、大哭;放声大哭;burst out laughing 放声大笑,故选放声大笑,故选B。【举一反三举一反三】The police into the room and caught the murderer. A. burstB. enteredC. looked D. shouted【解解析析】选选A。考考查查burst 的的用用法法。句句意意:警警察察突突然然冲冲进进房房间间,抓抓住住了了杀杀人人犯犯。look into 调调查查,往往里里面面看看;enter 进进入入,及及物物动动词词,后后面面直直接接加加宾宾语语;shout 大大喊喊,大大叫叫,后后面面常常跟跟介词介词at;burst i

15、nto 突然闯入某地,符合句意,故选突然闯入某地,符合句意,故选A。34. The stranger spoke in a voice and the little girl was very . 2011聊城高一检测聊城高一检测A. frightening; frightenedB. frightened; frighteningC. frightening; frighteningD. frightened; frightened【解解析析】选选A。考考查查词词义义辨辨析析。句句意意:陌陌生生人人用用一一种种恐恐怖怖的的声声音音说说话话,这这个个小小女女孩孩非非常常害害怕怕。frighte

16、ning 令令人人害害怕怕的的,frightened 感感到到害害怕怕的的。第第一一个个空空用用frightening 修修饰饰voice; 第二个空用第二个空用frightened 修饰修饰the little girl。35. I got the first place in the National English Contest. _. A. With pleasureB. CongratulationsC. Good luck D. Be calm【解解析析】选选B。根根据据句句意意, 为为对对方方取取得得全全国国英英语语竞竞赛赛第第一一名名表表示示祝祝贺贺。故故选选B。A项项意意为

17、为“十十分分乐乐意意”;B项项意意为为“恭恭喜喜你你,祝贺你祝贺你”;C项意为项意为“祝你好运祝你好运”; D项意为项意为“保持冷静保持冷静”。. 完形填空(共完形填空(共20小题;每小题小题;每小题1分,满分分,满分20分)分)It was already late when we set out for the next town, 36 according to the map was about fifteen miles away on the other side of the 37 . There we felt 38 that we would find a bed 39 th

18、e night. Darkness fell soon after we left the village, but luckily we met 40 as we drove fast along the narrow winding road that 41 the hills. As we climbed 42 , it became colder and rain began to fall, 43 it difficult at times to see the road. I asked John, my companion, todrive more 44 . After we

19、had traveled for about twenty miles, there was still no sign of the town which was 45 on the map. We were beginning to get 46 . Then without warning the car stopped. A quick 47 showed that we had run out of petrol(汽汽油油). Although we had little food with us, we decided to 48 the night in the car. Our

20、 meal was soon over. I tried to go to sleep at once, 49 John, who was a 50 sleeper, got out of the car after a few minutes and went for a walk 51 the hills. Soon he came back. From thetop of the hill he had seen, in thevalley below, the 52 of the town we were looking for. We at once unloaded(卸卸)all

21、our luggage(行行李李)and with a great effort(努努力力), 53 to push the car to the top of the hill. Then we went back to the luggage, loaded the car again and set off down the hill. 54 less than a quarter of an hour we were in the town, where we found a 55 quite easily. 36. A. whichB. itC. whereD. that【解解析析】

22、选选 A。分分析析句句子子结结构构可可知知,后后面面是是一一个个非非限限制制性性定定语从句语从句, 从句缺少主语,关系代词应用从句缺少主语,关系代词应用which。37. A. riversB. hillsC. townsD. villages【解解析析】选选 B。从从下下文文可可知知,下下一一个个小小镇镇应应在在“山山”的的那那一一边。边。38. A. surprisedB. afraidC. pleasedD. sure【解解析析】选选 D。天天已已经经很很晚晚了了,还还出出发发朝朝下下一一个个小小镇镇赶赶,这这说明他们说明他们“坚信坚信”在那儿能找到住宿的地方。在那儿能找到住宿的地方。3

23、9. A. atB. in C. through D. for【解析解析】选选 D。for the night“过夜过夜”,for表示表示“为了为了”。40. A. everybody B. somebodyC. nobody D. anybody【解解析析】选选 C。在在一一个个漆漆黑黑的的夜夜晚晚,在在那那弯弯曲曲狭狭窄窄的的路路上上,应应该该说说行行车车是是不不走走运运的的,但但途途中中未未遇遇一一个个行行人人,就就这这一一点点来来说还算说还算“幸运幸运”。41. A. got to B. arrivedC. led to D. belonged to【解析解析】选选 C。lead to

24、 意思为意思为“通向通向”。42. A. taller B. higher C. lower D. faster【解解析析】选选 B。从从下下文文可可知知,他他们们的的车车子子是是逐逐渐渐向向山山上上爬爬行行的的,当当油油用用完完时时,车车子子已已接接近近山山顶顶。以以致致John后后来来散散步步时时不不知不觉中就到了山顶。知不觉中就到了山顶。43. A. getting B. thinkingC. causing D. making【解析解析】选选 D。从词的用法角度可知要用。从词的用法角度可知要用making。44. A. certainly B. carefullyC. slowly D

25、. surely【解析解析】选选 C。由于看不清路面,所以让同伴开慢些。由于看不清路面,所以让同伴开慢些。45. A. marked B. set C. built D. drawn【解析解析】选选 A。依据常识可知,城镇是。依据常识可知,城镇是“标标”在地图上的。在地图上的。46. A. excited B. worriedC. cold D. warm【解解析析】选选 B。开开了了二二十十里里,仍仍不不见见小小镇镇,不不免免开开始始“忧忧虑虑”起来。起来。47. A. attention B. operationC. examination D. information【解析解析】选选 C

26、。简单。简单“检查检查”发现油没了,另三项表述不清。发现油没了,另三项表述不清。48. A. spend B. live C. spare D. stay【解析解析】选选 A。spend the night意为意为“度过夜晚度过夜晚”。49. A. since B. though C. soD. but【解析解析】选选 D。填转折连词。填转折连词but。50. A. quick B. fast C. poorD. heavy【解解析析】选选 C。从从got out of the car看看,John不不是是一一个个容容易易睡睡着的人。着的人。51. A. acrossB. throughC.

27、down D. up【解解析析】选选 D。从从From the top of the hill可可推推知知,他他从从车车里里出来以后是向山顶上走的。出来以后是向山顶上走的。52. A. lightsB. mapC. bus D. situation【解析解析】选选 A。根据常识判断。根据常识判断。53. A. ought B. triedC. succeeded D. managed【解解析析】选选 D。ought to (应应该该)不不合合语语境境,succeed后后不不接接to do故故应应排排除除,manage和和try均均表表示示“设设法法”,但但有有细细微微差差别别,前前者者表表示示

28、设设法法做做成成了了某某事事,后后者者则则不不一一定定成成功功。故故本本题题答案应为答案应为D。54. A. For B. In C. Since D. At【解析解析】选选 B。“在不到一刻钟的时间我们就到了镇上在不到一刻钟的时间我们就到了镇上”。55. A. policeman B. friend C. hotel D. cinema【解解析析】选选 C。从从上上文文可可以以推推知知,他他们们赶赶赴赴那那个个小小镇镇的的目目的的是为了住宿,所以在到达目的地后很快找到了旅馆。是为了住宿,所以在到达目的地后很快找到了旅馆。. 阅读理解(共阅读理解(共15小题;每小题小题;每小题2分,满分分,满

29、分30分)分)(A)Earthquakes are something that people fear. There are some places that have few or no earthquakes. Most places in the world, however, have them regularly(有有规规律律地地). Countries that have a lot of earthquakes are usually quite mountainous(多山的)(多山的). The most talked about earthquake in the Uni

30、ted States was in San Francisco in 1906. Over 700 people died in it. The strongest one in North America was in 1964. It happened in Alaska. Strong earthquakes are not always the ones that kill the most people. In 1755, one of the strongest earthquakes ever recorded was felt in Portugal. Around 2,000

31、 people died. In 1923, a very strong earthquake hit the Tokyo, Yokohama area of Japan. A hundred and forty thousand people died. Most of them died in fires which followed the earthquake. One of the worst earthquakes ever was in China in 1976. It killed a large number of people. The worst earthquake

32、ever reported was also in China, in which 400,000 people were killed or injured. This earthquake happened in 1556. Earthquakes worry people a lot. The reason is that we often do not know when they are coming. People can not prepare for it. 56. How many people died in the earthquake which happened in

33、 Portugal in 1755? A. 2,000B. 140,000C. 400,000D. 500【解解析析】选选A。细细节节理理解解题题。从从第第三三段段的的“In 1755, one of the strongest earthquakes ever recorded was felt in Portugal. Around 2,000 people died. ”可以得出答案。可以得出答案。57. When and where was the worst earthquake ever reported? A. 1964; AlaskaB. 1556; ChinaC. 1923;

34、 Japan D. 1976; China【解解析析】选选B。细细节节理理解解题题。从从第第五五段段的的最最后后一一句句可可以以得得出出答案。答案。58. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true? A. The stronger the earthquake is, the more people are killed. B. Earthquakes often come unexpectedly(出乎意料地)(出乎意料地). C. Earthquakes can cause fires. D. People s

35、till dont know how to tell when an earthquake will come. 【解解析析】选选A。推推理理判判断断题题。根根据据常常识识和和文文章章内内容容可可以以得得出出答案。答案。59. What may be talked about in the seventh paragraph? A. How do earthquakes worry people? B. What will people do to prepare for earthquakes? C. How can we save people when earthquakes happe

36、n? D. How do earthquakes happen? 【解解析析】选选B。推推理理判判断断题题。上上文文谈谈论论了了发发生生过过的的地地震震,第第六六段段说说:地地震震使使人人们们担担忧忧,理理由由就就是是我我们们经经常常不不知知道道它它何何时时发发生生,人人们们不不能能为为之之作作准准备备,接接下下来来很很可可能能要要告告诉诉我我们们怎怎样样预防地震。预防地震。(B)Scientists have learned a lot about the kinds of food people need. They say that there are several kinds of

37、food that people should eat every day. They are: (1) green and yellow vegetables of all kinds; (2) orange fruitsand tomatoes; (3) potatoes and other fruits and vegetables; (4) meat of all kinds, fish and eggs; (5) milk and foods made from milk; (6) bread or cereal(谷谷类类), rice is also in this kind of

38、 food; (7) butter, or something like butter. People in different countries and different places of the world eat different kinds of things. Foods are cooked and eaten in many different kinds of ways. People in different countries eat at different times of the day. In some places people eat once or t

39、wice a day; in other countries people eat three or four times a day. Scientists say that none of thedifferences is really important. It doesnt matter whether foods are eaten raw(生生的的) or cooked, canned or frozen. It doesnt matter if a person eats dinner at 4 oclock in the afternoon or at eleven oclo

40、ck at night. The important thing is what you eat every day. There are two problems, then, in feeding the large number of people on earth. The first is to find some ways to feed the worlds population so that no one is hungry. The second is to make sure that people everywhere have the right kinds of f

41、ood to make them grow to be strong and healthy. 60. According to the scientists, which of the following groups of food is the healthiest for your lunch? A. chicken, apples, cereal, cabbagesB. potatoes, carrots, rice, breadC. oranges, bananas, fish, tomatoesD. beef, pork, fish, milk【解解析析】选选A。推推理理判判断断

42、题题。根根据据文文章章中中科科学学家家所所提提供供的的人人们每天必需的们每天必需的7类食品,可知类食品,可知A类作午餐食品最佳。类作午餐食品最佳。61. It is important for people to eat. A. three times a dayB. dinner at twelve oclockC. cooked food all the dayD. something from each of the seven kinds of food every day【解解析析】选选D。细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据第第二二段段可可知知人人们们每每天天吃吃几几餐餐不不重重要要;在

43、在哪哪个个时时间间进进食食不不重重要要;吃吃生生的的或或熟熟的的、罐罐装装的的或冷冻的食品不重要,重要的是人们每天吃什么。或冷冻的食品不重要,重要的是人们每天吃什么。62. Which of the following is NOT true? A. People in some places dont have enough to eat. B. There are too many people in the world. C. One of the problems is that no one is hungry. D. The scientists are trying to mak

44、e people grow to be strong and healthy. 【解解析析】选选C。推推理理判判断断题题。在在第第三三段段里里要要解解决决的的两两个个问问题题之之一一就就是是. . . find some ways to feed the worlds population so that no one is hungry(找找到到解解决决饥饥饿饿问问题题的的方方法法)。所所以以C项项说法是错误的。说法是错误的。63. If there is Paragraph 4, what do you think is going to be talked about? A. When

45、people eat their lunch. B. What to do with the two problems. C. How to cook food in different ways. D. Why people eat different kinds of food. 【解解析析】选选B。推推理理判判断断题题。在在第第三三段段提提到到要要解解决决的的两两个个问问题题,如如果果有有第第四四段段,那那么么应应该该就就是是议议论论如如何何来来解解决决这这两两个个问问题。题。(C)2011铁岭高一检测铁岭高一检测Eight-year-old Jesse Abrogate was pla

46、ying in the sea late one evening in July 2001 when a 7-foot bull shark attacked him and tore off his arm. Jesses uncle jumped into the sea and dragged the boy to shore. The boy was not breathing. His aunt gave him mouth-to-mouth aid while his uncle rang the emergency services. Very soon, a helicopte

47、r arrived and flew the boy to hospital. It was a much quicker journey than the journey by road. Jesses uncle, Vance Folsenzier, ran back into the sea and found the shark that had attacked his nephew. He picked the shark up and threw it onto the beach. A coastguard shot the fish four times and althou

48、gh this did not kill it, the sharks jaws relaxed so that they could open them, and reach down into its stomach, and pull out the boys arm. At the Baptist Hospital in Pensacola, Dr Ian Rogers spent eleven hours reattaching Jesses arm. “It was a complicated operation, ”he said, “but we were lucky. If

49、the arm hadnt been recovered in time, we wouldnt have been able to do the operation at all. What I mean is that if they hadnt found the shark, well then we wouldnt have had a chance. ” According to local park ranger Jack Tomosvic, shark attacks are not that common. “Jesse was just unlucky, ”he said,

50、 “evening is the sharks feeding time. And Jesse was in area without lifeguards. This would never have happened if he had been in the area where swimming is allowed. ”When reporters asked Jesses uncle how he had had the courage to fight a shark, he replied, “I was mad and you do some strange things w

51、hen youre mad. ”64. What was the boy doing when the accident happened? A. Feeding a hungry shark. B. Jumping into the rough sea. C. Dragging a boy to the shore. D. Swimming in a dangerous area. 【解解析析】选选D。细细节节理理解解题题。由由第第一一段段可可知知当当事事故故发发生生时时男男孩孩正正在在海海里里游游玩玩,另另由由倒倒数数第第二二段段可可知知当当时时男男孩孩游游玩玩的的地地方方是危险区域。是危

52、险区域。65. In which way did the boys uncle help with the operation? A. By finding his lost arm. B. By shooting the fish. C. By flying him to hospital. D. By blowing into his mouth. 【解解析析】选选A。细细节节理理解解题题。由由第第三三段段Dr Ian Rogers的的话话“If the arm hadnt been recovered in time, we wouldnt have been able to do th

53、e operation at all. ”可可知知男男孩孩的的叔叔叔叔通通过找到丢失的男孩的胳膊对手术起了很大的帮助作用。过找到丢失的男孩的胳膊对手术起了很大的帮助作用。66. How was his uncle in time of danger? A. Careful. B. Brave. C. Optimistic. D. Patient. 【解解析析】选选B。推推理理判判断断题题。通通过过对对整整个个故故事事的的描描述述及及文文章章最后一段的描述可知男孩的叔叔在面对困难时很最后一段的描述可知男孩的叔叔在面对困难时很“勇敢勇敢”。(D)Diao Weihao, a student who

54、 studies business English at the Chengdu campus of Sichuan International Studies University, was in his dormitory when the earthquake struck at 2: 28 pm on Monday. The 22-year-old felt that his chair was shaking. All of a sudden, the textbooks on the bookshelf began to fall to the floor. The glass i

55、n the window broke. “It felt like our dormitory building was being hit by a tractor, ”recalled Diao. “I wasnt afraid. I was even excited and curious. Now, looking back, it was a scary experience. ”Diao and his roommates kept calm. They didnt try to get out of the building until the shaking stopped.

56、They were on the fifth floor and they feared there might be trouble if they didnt remain calm. “Weve watched lots of disaster films, and that helped us keep cool, ”he said. “Only one student sprained(扭扭伤伤) his ankle. He was escaping in a hurry. Most of us got outside quickly and safely. ”They were s

57、urprised to see so many students outside. “I began to realize then what had happened, ”he said. The college had warned them that in the event of an earthquake, they should leave the dormitory immediately. A few did rush in when it was safe to grab some clothes to keep warm. Without any tents or bedd

58、ing, the students stayed on the football field for the whole night. Rain started falling in the morning, but the students all kept in good order. They simply chatted, shared their feelings and comforted each other. “Our students seemed to have self-control, ”he said. “I heard that hospitals in Cheng

59、du had lots of injured people who jumped out of buildings. ”Now, Diao is mostly worried about the people in Wenchuan County. “It seems we wont be able to have classes in one or two days time, ”said Diao, “I want to become a volunteer at the damage-stricken area, or donate my blood to the injured peo

60、ple in hospital. Also, I will write on my blog to keep people calm and encourage them to protect themselves during emergencies(紧急情况紧急情况). ” Since the university is close to Dujiangyan, Diao and his classmates are still forbidden to return to their dorms or classrooms. However, they can eat in the ca

61、nteen and get information about other parts of Sichuan by reading the newspapers. 67. Where was Diao Weihao when the earthquake happened? A. He was in the campus. B. He was in the football field. C. He was in his dormitory. D. He was in his classroom. 【解解析析】选选C。细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据文文章章开开头头部部分分的的“. . . wa

62、s in his dormitory when the earthquake struck. . . ”可可知知地地震震发发生的时候生的时候Diao Weihao是在宿舍中。是在宿舍中。68. What did Diao Weihao feel when he realized what was happening? A. Afraid. B. Interested. C. Excited. D. Calm. 【解解析析】选选D。细细节节理理解解题题。Diao Weihao还还没没有有意意识识到到发发生生什什么么情情况况时时,只只是是觉觉得得excited and curious;当当他他与与

63、同同学学们们知知道是地震时,却都保持镇静了。道是地震时,却都保持镇静了。69. When did Diao Weihao and his classmates rush outside? A. During the quake. B. The moment they realized what was happening. C. After the quake. D. When they got warnings. 【解解析析】选选C。细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据第第四四段段“They didnt try to get out of the building until the shakin

64、g stopped. ”可可知知,他他们们是地震结束后冲到外面去的。是地震结束后冲到外面去的。70. From this passage, we know that Diao Weihao and his classmates are . A. energetic and strong in willB. clever and caringC. hardworking and learnedD. helpful and honest【解解析析】选选B。根根据据Diao Weihao和和他他的的同同学学们们在在地地震震中中的的所所作作所所为为以以及及他他想想做做一一名名志志愿愿者者支支援援灾灾区

65、区受受害害者者的的表表现现可可以以推推断出他们既聪明又有关爱之心。断出他们既聪明又有关爱之心。第第卷(非选择题)卷(非选择题). 单词拼写(共单词拼写(共10小题;每小题小题;每小题1分,满分分,满分10分)分)71. He ruined (毁灭毁灭)his bright future by laziness. 72. The injured (受伤的)(受伤的) person is Toms uncle. 73. Her sons death in the accident was a shock (打击)(打击) to her. She almost ate nothing for a f

66、ew days. 74. The dam burst (决口)(决口) because of heavy rains which lasted for five days. 75. Judging (判断)(判断) by his accent, he must be from Shandong. 76. In her e-mail she expressed (表达表达)her thanks to my parents. 77. The little girl was very frightened (惊吓,害怕)(惊吓,害怕) of seeing the terrible accident.

67、 78. A terrible earthquake destroyed (摧毁)(摧毁) the whole city completely in a few seconds. 79. I think we should face the disaster(s)(灾难)(灾难)bravely. 80. Electricity(电)(电) is very important for us humans in modern society. . 完成句子(共完成句子(共5小题;每小题小题;每小题2分,满分分,满分10分)分)81. Her composition was thought high

68、ly of (受到高度评价受到高度评价) by her Chinese teacher. (think)82. An earthquake made the whole company lay in ruins (成成为废墟为废墟). (ruin)83. When they heard the news, they burst out crying (突然哭突然哭起来起来). (burst)84. Kate talked of her father, sounding frightened (听起来很听起来很害怕害怕). (frighten)85. A great number of peop

69、le died (许多人遇难了许多人遇难了)because the quake happened while they were sleeping. (number). 书面表达(共书面表达(共1题,满分题,满分15分)分)一一项项调调查查显显示示:汶汶川川、玉玉树树大大地地震震改改变变了了一一部部分分人人的的生生活活,带带来来了了更更多多的的反反思思。请请根根据据以以下下提提示示,以以“地地震震改改变变了了人的生活人的生活”为主题,为主题, 用英语写一篇短文。用英语写一篇短文。 注意:注意: 1. 对所给要点逐一陈述,不要简单翻译。对所给要点逐一陈述,不要简单翻译。2. 词数词数100左右,

70、开头已写好,不计入总词数。左右,开头已写好,不计入总词数。3. 参考词汇:参考词汇: charitable activity 公益活动公益活动emergency 紧急情况紧急情况harmonious 和谐的和谐的An investigation shows that the earthquakes that happened in Wenchuan and Yushu have brought more reflections to people in several aspects. 【参考范文参考范文】An investigation shows that the earthquakes

71、that happened in Wenchuan and Yushu have brought more reflections to people in several aspects. First, some people have changed their attitudes toward life. They are more loving and take part in more charitable activities. They spend more time with their families, relatives and friends. Second, they

72、 have also changed their habits of life. They attach importance to the knowledge about first aid and learn how todeal with any emergency. Third, they have a better understanding of the value of money and are more willing to donate money to people who are in great need. Personally, we should treasure

73、 our lives and work harder to create more value. Also, we should be kind to others to create a harmonious society. 【备选题备选题】. 语法填空(共语法填空(共10小题;每小题小题;每小题1. 5分,满分分,满分15分)分)If you walked through the supermarket, you would find many foods that have been treated 1 (kill) any harmful germs(细细菌菌) that might

74、 have been in them. Milk is a good example. Raw milkthat is, milk just as it comes from the cowmay be 2 (safe) to drink. But 3 the milk is heated and then cooled, the harmful germs are killed. The man 4 discovered this way of treating milk was a Frenchman by the name of Louis Pasteur. In the superma

75、rket you would also find many frozen foodsfrozen fruits, vegetables, meat and fish. As techniques for 5 (freeze) food are being improved, more frozen foods are appearing on the market, and more people are buying them. Fruits and vegetables to be sold in the supermarket are often frozen the moment 6

76、are picked. The 7 (soon) fruits and vegetables are frozen, the better. 8 , machines are often taken into the fields where 9 food grows, so that little time is lost 10 picking and freezing. 答案:答案:1. to kill 2. unsafe3. if / when4. who5. freezing6. they7. sooner8. Therefore9. the10. between. 任务型读写(共任务

77、型读写(共10小题;每小题小题;每小题1分,满分分,满分10分)分)请请认认真真阅阅读读下下列列短短文文,并并根根据据所所读读内内容容在在文文章章后后表表格格中中的的空空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填一个单词。注意:每个空格只填一个单词。 Happy birthday! Do birthdays really make people happy? Of course they doBirthdays celebrate the day when we were bornBesides, that extra candles on the cake sug

78、gest another year of growth and maturity(成成熟熟)or so we hopeWe all like to imagine that we are getting wiser and not just olderMost of us enjoy seeing the wonder of growth in others, as wellFor instance, seeing our children develop and learn new things makes us feel proudFor Americans, like people in

79、 most cultures, growing up is a wonderful processBut growing old? That is a different story Growing old is not exactly for people in youth-oriented(以以年年轻轻人人为为中中心心)American cultureMost Americans like to look young, act young and feel youngAs the old saying goes, “Youre young as you feel” Older people

80、 joke about how many years young they are, rather than how many years oldPeople in some countries value the aged as a source of experience and wisdomBut Americans seem to favor those that are young, or at least “young at heart” Many older Americans find the “golden years” to be anything but goldenEc

81、onomically, “senior citizens” often struggle just to get byRetirement at the age of 65 brings a sharp decrease in personal incomeSocial security benefits usually cannot make up the differenceOlder people may suffer from poor nutrition, medical care, and housingSome even experience age discrimination

82、( 歧歧 视视 ) American sociologist Pat Moore once dressed up like an older person and wandered on city streetsShe was often treated rudelyeven cheated and robbedHowever, dressed as a young person, she received much more respect Unfortunately, the elderly population in America is increasing fastWhy? Peop

83、le are living longerFewer babies are being bornAnd middle-aged “baby boomers” are rapidly entering the group of the elderlyAmerica may soon be a place where wrinkles(皱皱纹纹)are “in”Marketing experts are ready noticing this growing group of consumersTitle: Different Opinions about Growing 1. 答案:答案:1. Old 2. Items / Aspects3. Negative4. young5. learning6. valued7. Economical8. decreasing9. Social10. security同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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