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1、Unit 5Do you want to watch a game show?中央电视台新闻中央电视台新闻晚间新闻晚间新闻世界报道世界报道天气预报天气预报体育新闻体育新闻实话实说实话实说肥皂剧肥皂剧人与自然人与自然情景喜剧情景喜剧Sports NewsCCTV NewsEvening ReportWorlds ReportWeather ReportSoap Opera SitcomTell it like it isMan and NatureWhat do these faces mean?Lovelikedont minddont likecant stand(不介意不介意, 不反对不反

2、对)(无法忍受无法忍受)moviesaction moviecomedyromancedocumentarycartoonthrillerScience-fiction interesting, exciting, funny, scary, sweet,instructive, relaxing , great, boring, sadDo you want to go to a movie?Yes, I do. I want to see an action movie.What kind of movies do you like?I like action movies.1cPairw

3、orkWhy do you like action movies?Because I think they are exciting.Who is your favorite actor?My favorite actor is Jet LI.Which movie do you like best?I like Shaolin temple best. Its a successful action movie.Give a report like this: I love game shows, because I think they are so relaxing ,My friend

4、 Mary likes talk shows, because she thinks they are fun. Do a survey ( of )Grace: What did you do in class today, Sarah?Sarah: We had a discussion about TV shows. My classmates like game shows and sports shows.Grace: Oh, I cant stand them. I love soap operas. I like to follow the story and see what

5、happens next.2d Role-play the conversation.cant stand无法忍受无法忍受cant stand sth. He cant stand hot weather.cant stand doing sth.He cant stand staying at home.2. I dont mind them. 我不介意他们。我不介意他们。 mind: 介意介意; 在乎在乎; 反对。反对。其后接名词或其后接名词或v-ing,常用于疑问句,常用于疑问句Would you mind doing ? 或或Do you mind ?表示请求或征求意见。表示请求或征求

6、意见。 mind doing sth.介意做某事介意做某事 mind ones doing sth 介意某人做某事介意某人做某事 Language Points I dont mind them. 我不介意他们。我不介意他们。Would you mind opening the door? 你介意把门打开吗?你介意把门打开吗?Do you mind my smoking ?你介意我吸烟吗?你介意我吸烟吗?Translation Whatdoyouthinkof?=Howdoyoulike?你认为怎么样?如-Whatdoyouthinkofthefilm?你觉得那部电影怎么样?-Itsveryi

7、nteresting.很有趣味。-HowdoyoulikeChina?你觉得中国怎么样?非常喜欢。-Ilikeitverymuch.Whatdoyoulikeabout?关于你喜欢什么?-WhatdoyoulikeaboutChina?你喜欢中国的什么?-Thepeople.Theyareveryfriendly.Language Points 2. 常见的跟动词不定式做宾语的动词有常见的跟动词不定式做宾语的动词有: want, ask, decide,expect, forget, hope, learn, wish, would like等。等。如:如:We hope to get the

8、re before dark. 我们希望天黑以前到那儿。我们希望天黑以前到那儿。The girl decided to do it herself. 那个姑娘决定自己做那件事。那个姑娘决定自己做那件事。1. 动词不定式的形式:动词不定式的形式:to + 动词原形动词原形 1有些动词既可跟不定式作宾语,也可跟动名词作宾语,但含义不同:remembertodo记住要做某事;rememberdoing记得曾经做过某事forgettodo忘记要做某事forgetdoing忘记曾经做过某事动词不定式作宾语动词不定式作宾语的注意事项的注意事项stoptodo停下来去做某事stopdoing停止做某事goo



11、omeallday.张明要我不要整天呆在家里。Mymotherletmenotdoitbymyself.妈妈让我不要独自做这件事。三三 动词不定式的否定形式动词不定式的否定形式Whenpeoplesay“culture”,wethinkofartandhistory.ButoneveryfamoussymbolinAmericancultureisacartoon.Weallknowandlovetheblackmousewithtwolargeroundears-MickeyMouse.Over80yearsago,hefirstappearedinthecartoonSteamboat W


13、or?你在找什么?(强调找的过程)2)findvt.“找”强调找的结果。e.g.Ilookedformybookeverywhere,butIdidntfindit.(结果是没找到)2.Whatisyourfavoritecartoon?你最喜欢的卡通片是什么?“whatsyourfavorite?其同义句为“whatdoyoulikebest?回答用:Myfavoritebookis或Ilikebest.e.g.-whatsyourfavoritebook?=whatbookdoyoulikebest?-MyfavoritebookisSnow White. 或是IlikeSnow Whit

14、ebest.3.Whenpeoplesay“culture”,wethinkofartandhistory. 当人们提起文化时,我们就会想到艺术和历史。thinkof考虑;认为;想起;例如:Doesthepoemmakeyouthinkofspring?这首诗有没有让你想到春天?Howmanystarscanyouthinkof?你能想到多少明星? 4.WhenthiscartooncameoutinNewYorkonNovember18,1928,itwasthefirstcartoonwithsoundandmusic.当这部动画片于1928年11月18问世于纽约时,它成为第一部带有音乐的






20、.他们在电影中表演出色。doagoodjob干得好;干得出色e.g.Imsureyoucandoabetterjobnexttime.我相信你下次会干得更好。Youvedoneagoodjobofit.你干得太漂亮了!Writing3c本文为写自己所喜欢的电影的剧情回顾,因此,时态应用一般现在时态与一般过去时态;首先,可介绍影片的类型,及主人公等;然后,介绍故事的梗概;最后,表达你对该影片的看法。写作指导:The Lion Kingisacartoonmovie.ItsthemostpopularEnglishmovieintheworld.Themovieisaboutayounglion,


22、,atD.likesto,in3_kindofmovies_Lucylike?AWhat,doesBWhat,doCWhats,doesDWhich,doBCA4_aword,wecanlearnalot_Chinesehistory.AFor,forBIn,aboutCFor,aboutDIn,for5.Ginalikesactionmovies,_shedoesntlikethrillers.AandBsoCorDbut6.Septemberis_monthoftheyear.AninethBninthCtheninethDtheninthBDD1. A: What _ your brot

23、her think of the bike? B: He likes it. A. does B. do C. is2. A: What do they think _ the movie. B: They like it very much. A. to B. of C. forExercises3. A: What do you think of sitcoms? B: Oh, I _ mind them. A. cant B. dont C. am not4. A: What does she think of the scarf? B: She _ stand them. A. isn

24、t B. doesnt C. cant5. She enjoys _. A. swim B. swimming C. swims6. You have no _ to say so. A. right B. left C. wrong7. Mary, a _ girl, is a new student. A. ten years old B. ten-years old C. ten-year-old8. Thanks for _ me A. invite B. inviting C. invites单项选择1Your hands are very dirty. Please go and

25、have a wash with _ . A. a soap B. soaps C. soap 此题考察此题考察soap的用法的用法, soap为不可数名为不可数名词词, 故不能选故不能选A或或B。答案为。答案为C。2. _ do you think of the movie? Its very interesting. I like it. A. Why B. Which C. HowD. What 此题考察句型此题考察句型What do you think of.?故答案为故答案为D。3. Its too hot in the classroom. We cant _ it. We all

26、 _ up and go out of the classroom. A. mind; stand B. stand; stand C. sit; stand此题考察的是stand的两个词义。句意是“教室里太热了。我们不能忍受。我们都站起来走出了教室”。故答案为B。4. How about _ out for a walk? A. to goB. going C. goD. goes about为介词为介词, 其后应接动名词的形式其后应接动名词的形式, 故答案为故答案为B。5. - Who is our teacher talking _ ? - Mr. Zhang. A. / B. of C

27、. atD. to 此题句意为此题句意为“我们的老师在我们的老师在跟谁交谈跟谁交谈”。“与某人交谈与某人交谈”应用应用talk to sb.或或talk with sb.。故答案为故答案为D。6. There is a _ building next to the supermarket. A. 15 meter tall B. 15 meters high C. 15-meter-high D. 15-meters-high 答案为答案为C。7. _ on the farm is better than _ classes at school. A. To work; having B. W

28、orking; having C. Work; have D. Work; to have 此题动词短语充当句子的主语此题动词短语充当句子的主语, 故用动名词的形式故用动名词的形式,答案为答案为B。8. Thanks for _ me to your party. A. ask B. to ask C. asking D. asks for为介词为介词,其后的动词要用其后的动词要用动名词的形式动名词的形式, 故答案应为故答案应为C。9. She agrees _ her husband almost (几乎几乎) _ everything. A. with; to B. with; in C. to; with D. to; in



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