江西省井冈山中学高一英语人教版必修1《Unit 3 Travel Journalr》using language课件

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1、Unit3TravelJournalJourney down the MekongUsing languageHaveyoueverbeentoTibet?TibetthePotalaPalaceTheTibetanMountains“RoofoftheWorld”TraditionalclothesPre-readingLetsgototheTibetanmountainfollowWangKunandWangWei.wool (n): fine soft hair forms the coats of animals like goat and sheep.reliable (adj.):

2、 be good in quality and can be trusted.view (n): what can be seen in a place.pillow (n): something were used for supporting the head in bed.midnight (n): the middle of the night.flame (n): red or yellow burning gas seen when something is on fire.beneath (prep): below or directly under.When they arri

3、ved in Tibet, it was winter then. ( )Wang Wei was behind me as usual. ( )When we reached a valley, it became warmer.( ) FFTDecide the following statements are true or false.Fast readingAfter supper, we started to make camp. ( )Wang Kun went to sleep and Wang Wei stayed awake. ( )There was almost no

4、wind on that night. ( )FFT1. What items are Wang Kun and Wang Wei carrying with them? What do you think they will have to leave behind in Dali? What should they take instead?careful readingTask 1 Answer questionsWang Kun and Wang Wei are carrying a tent, a cooker and food, pillows, water bottles. In

5、 the mountains they wore long wool coats, caps, gloves and trousers. In the plains they changed into T-shirts and shoes2. How does Wang Kun feel about the trip now? What do you think changed his mind?He is starting to like / enjoy it. Seeing how beautiful the land is has changed Wang Kuns attitude.T

6、ask2Fillintheformsee 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. heardo 1. 2. 3. 4. feel 1. 2. 3. 4. see6.brightstars1.childrendressedinlongwoolcoat.2.thelakeshonelikeglass3.colourfulbutterflies4.yakesandsheep5.clearerskyhearItwassoquiet.Onlytheflameofthefire.do1.rodebicycles.2.climbedandwentdownthemountain.3.changedtheircap

7、s,coats,glovesandtrousersforT-shirtsandshorts.4.putontheirtentandthenate.feel1.legswereheavyandcold,likedablockofice.2.surprisedbytheview.3.Goingdownthehillswasgreatfun.4.canhardlywaittoseethecousins.Language points1. To climb the mountain road was hard work but as we looked around us, we were surpr

8、ised by the view. 爬山很难爬山很难, 但是当我们环顾四周的时但是当我们环顾四周的时候我们被这里的景色给震惊了。候我们被这里的景色给震惊了。 e.g. To learn a foreign language is important for your future work. =It is important for your future work to learn a foreign language. Is it necessary to complete the design before National Day? 不定式作主语不定式作主语, 谓语动词用单数谓语动词用

9、单数, 可可以用形式主语以用形式主语it.2. We had to change our caps, coats, gloves and trousers for T-shirts and shorts. 我们只好把帽子我们只好把帽子, 外套和裤子换下外套和裤子换下, 穿穿上上T恤和短裤。恤和短裤。 change “换衣换衣, 更换更换” Wait, it wont take me long to change.get changed 换好衣服换好衣服change 可作名词可作名词 “零钱零钱”讲讲change A for B 用换用换Sara, hurry up. Im afraid you

10、 wont have time to_ before the party.A. get changed B. get changeC. get changing D. get to change高考链接高考链接3. In the early evening, we always stop to make camp. 傍晚我们停下来宿营。傍晚我们停下来宿营。 camp n. C, U 野营野营, 营地营地, 营帐营帐 make camp 扎营扎营, 宿营宿营go camping 去露营去露营, 去野营去野营短语短语At weekends many Australians go walking o

11、r camping in the countryside, called the bush.4. We put up our tents and then we ate. 我们先搭起帐篷然后吃饭。我们先搭起帐篷然后吃饭。put up 举起举起, 抬起抬起 = raise 挂起挂起, 张贴张贴 建造建造, 搭起搭起 = build 住宿住宿, 留宿留宿e.g. He put up his hand to catch the teachers attention. A new notice has been put up on the board. A new theatre will be pu

12、t up where there used to be a temple. Will you put me up for the night?put away 把把收起来收起来, 存放存放put back 放回原处放回原处put down 放下放下, 写下写下, 镇压镇压put forward 提出提出put off 推迟推迟, 拖延拖延put out 扑灭扑灭, 伸出伸出put ones heart to 全神贯注于全神贯注于put an end to 使结束使结束开放思维开放思维 5. We can hardly wait to see them. 我们迫不及待地想看一看我们迫不及待地想看一看 sb. cant wait for sth. /to do sth.我们等不及想要常试一下了。我们等不及想要常试一下了。 We cant wait to have a try. 他们等不及想要看看那位歌手了。他们等不及想要看看那位歌手了。 They cant wait for a view of that singer.homeworkP21课时训练三课时训练三UsingLanguage同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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