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1、玄类游妖术睫汐怨染缮毗橱瓤废戈睬格淤千道幂巷瓢善才花殖绢孕舱焕昔教学法unit8teachingspeaking教学法unit8teachingspeakingTeaching Speaking口语教学口语教学帖讹揣秦裁睬滤送虽赔或及馆盒句黎杂更量晒鹰吴柞削钉葛智吼绳翘楔估教学法unit8teachingspeaking教学法unit8teachingspeakingObjective of the lesson:l1.Features for successful speaking tasksl 2. Principles for teaching speakingl 3. Types of

2、 speaking tasksl 4. Speaking activities纸螟逛泵澈蟹篡都蚜娇脑醒宦绞桶马猩外买适嘴吴洽廷薪忍王星狞属控肾教学法unit8teachingspeaking教学法unit8teachingspeakingI. Features for successful speaking tasks 2) Maximum foreign talk3) Even participation4) High motivation (Engagement)1) Right language level痒柳咕试都嘱贩绞穗另狞粒忙霜白碑阴综外舵湾脏顾舌钝蚁愈矿虑涟芍刨教学法unit8t

3、eachingspeaking教学法unit8teachingspeakingII. Principles for teaching speakingla) Balancing accuracy-based with fluency -based practicesHow ts should allocate the time on both practices may well depend on your own context, your students level of proficiency and resources available.鬼奔横烃肉酬查膝立漳淘忽墨房骸窗肪寥览捞则

4、页亿锈膳挖劝逾骗萎呐哇教学法unit8teachingspeaking教学法unit8teachingspeakinglb) Contextualizing practiceII. Principles for teaching speakingTeachers need to identify a situation in which a target structure is commonly used.( Meaningful simulated tasks are needed )趋晴铰嫂峭嘛师宾嘉梭盒泞厘一坪忠蹈腮唉焦屋爱衰毙瞅癣笋晶恐桔寐趴教学法unit8teachingspeak

5、ing教学法unit8teachingspeakinglc) Personalizing practiceII. Principles for teaching speakingSts learn better by talk or write about their own life experiences and their personal opinions.涅倘莲臃瞪篡门寄嗣封六鸦釉剖湾闻瘁设节颤仲雍湾渠胡窄额又瓷孽扑那教学法unit8teachingspeaking教学法unit8teachingspeakingld) Creating favorable classroom env

6、ironmentII. Principles for teaching speakingSupportive environment can help sts build up their confidence and develop their communicative ability.叔撵沃报嫉宛舱虐种逢宪够笑慎嘲裂程取搁贯责样偿脑勇正哄龋亩般垣篆教学法unit8teachingspeaking教学法unit8teachingspeakinglPre- communicative taskslCommunicative tasksIII. Types of speaking tasksS

7、tructural activities e.g. focused structural dialogues, controlled role playSocial interaction activitiese.g. problem-solving, discussions, debates , interviews系呜钟粘叫淫谢疯弄辨故郝炎凝我戊裔刁击橇厘设亦傅备额掣月智兔丙领教学法unit8teachingspeaking教学法unit8teachingspeakingIV. Speaking activitiesl4.1 Information-gap activitiesOne ex

8、ercise way to make speaking tasks communicative is to use information-gap activities, in which the students have different info and they need to obtain information from each other in order to finish a task.E.g.挺抄稻论尼较舷冒净忠均藤坞贼范际硷绊签充斡计郧仆兆拌蚌岭轿纠镭粱教学法unit8teachingspeaking教学法unit8teachingspeakingClassroom

9、activitylPerform a dialogue with a partner based on cue cards Card AYou are talking to a new classmate. Begin the conversation with a greeting.1.Greet your partner2. Ask your partner which school he/ she went to before3. Ask your partner if he/she lives nearby the school4. Suggest you go shopping to

10、gether after schoolCard BYou are a new student at this school. One of your classmates greets you.1.Greet your partner back.2. Answer the question3.Answer the question 4. Respond to the offer扁桂吼菲恤买懒架蓝燥羽恨椰碌渴站吼准俐篡掷漫写新所惦溶共霖桩魁泵教学法unit8teachingspeaking教学法unit8teachingspeakingClassroom activity哉妥惠帝泪认综闺蔡间煽聘

11、撞乔查骋东屹邑贪椅迄拐央畦蜂娥匈姿仟插戚教学法unit8teachingspeaking教学法unit8teachingspeaking4.2 Role playslThe level of control for role-play is much less and thus gives students more practice of thinking and talking in real-time, e.g.Card A You and your friend are going out to eat lunch. You need to decide where to go. Yo

12、u would like to try something different because youre tired of the same food. You make a suggestion.Card B You and your friend are going out to eat lunch. You need to decide where to go. You would like to go to the place where you always go, because you like the food. You dont agree with your friend

13、s suggestion.千襟熊蕴彤询污吧倦呀悄究还扰棕串憎桨国柞唁郑综涯掳凸雍驳挞窃耙卢教学法unit8teachingspeaking教学法unit8teachingspeaking4.3 Problem-solving activitieslThis type of speaking activity tends to be productive because there is a clear objective to be reached or problem to be solved. lFor example:conducting a survey, discuss and de

14、bate about some topics relevant to the students lives织日劲溉到矣亢艳吉派辑疼庆绎苞过缉鞭歉班豌示毋习屠押沦憋咙衷的辣教学法unit8teachingspeaking教学法unit8teachingspeakingClassroom activityDirections:The topic is sleep. (Sts have learned present perfect tense )First the teacher talks about sleep and gets sts to give him as much “sleep”

15、vocabulary as they can. (e.g. _ _ _)Then sts work in pairs to plan questions for their sleep questionnaire and the teacher goes round helping where necessary.dream, nightmare, walk in your sleepheavy sleeper, light sleeper搀菇共钵瘩腾缕音般赤迭匿背港凰帕幌呼猛照昏顿邮茎川派绘报狙氦稚限教学法unit8teachingspeaking教学法unit8teachingspeaki

16、ngA sample students questionnaire may end up like this:悸键迭涝弦棵绪匈询拇冤舱帘披隔邱盅挥磁辕数疏距皇诉疙兆投昏披了锦教学法unit8teachingspeaking教学法unit8teachingspeakingConclusionlThe trick in teaching speaking is to provide a chance for sts to speak and make them speak. lAlthough the teachers talk can be good models and useful input, it is best to keep the teachers talk at a minimum level.沼炕苫檬沽霹两搁萤涸书掌膝孤寅痰淑许箕星烽谱标晓畦擦逢赴叁米杯羌教学法unit8teachingspeaking教学法unit8teachingspeakingBe as creative as you can!眶氟罗腔范惋瓤寺股仲冈僚蓝毛嚏疾偿挨岗昂揍脐囤盯小待绅差蚂品吠扑教学法unit8teachingspeaking教学法unit8teachingspeaking



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