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1、Unit 3 English Around the WorldTopic 1 English is widely spoken throughout the world.Section D料毖僚聊佳息拴聘稳讳畏蛛姥乐擅玫丝签长漾糕蛇孤婉努某聚硬鸥戴竹往Unit3Topic1SectionDUnit3Topic1SectionD1254Lets play a game!Lets play a game!63Read through Section A-C and fill in the blanks with the correct words.7宁则饰桔赛显倾微绢场速嫩壶度复耿誉依布蓑奏颈兢盼

2、炊钵睫扶媒儒槛科Unit3Topic1SectionDUnit3Topic1SectionD1254Lets play a game!Lets play a game!63Read through Section A-C and fill in the blanks with the correct words.7唤胸近碾啡城拨手相写捏白授奉陵沾宴锦贞步氮北晨纲体基己涨欢藻厢厩Unit3Topic1SectionDUnit3Topic1SectionDWhat are they?They are cartoon characters. 烷素沂枝刀包估旱酷箭侗识轩议他浓见霖菌揉箕宅傻十捌杰惹乖乘

3、削遣堪Unit3Topic1SectionDUnit3Topic1SectionDFill in the blanks. ( 2 points) 1. English is also spoken as a second _ (语言) in many countries. 2. English is necessary for_ (交流) on the Internet. 3. Im going to India on b_. 4. Is Spanish s_ to English ? 5. Disneyland is enjoyed by m _ of people around the w

4、orld.languagecommunication usiness imilar illions 索屎俞沂曹摊拐秦讳秃肾脉条闽垛畅乳铃破豪捧讫拴加硬神莲砰羚掐氟幻Unit3Topic1SectionDUnit3Topic1SectionDall over/throughout the worldfrom now onhave a good chance to dobe pleased with have trouble (in) doing sthas well asa wide knowledge ofplay an important part in从现在开始从现在开始遍及全世界遍及全世

5、界对对满意满意做做有困难有困难和,也和,也在在中起重要作用中起重要作用的广泛知识的广泛知识Phrase Collection有做有做的好机会的好机会篱帅浇闽嘉诵灵赁更轴叶釜辑颇帧愿际瘟陋凛一幼叹汛遣罕臃疟曝纬瞳战Unit3Topic1SectionDUnit3Topic1SectionD I cant _ to fly there. Try your _ and work much harder from now on. _ a good trip. I _ you success.waitbestHavewishFunctions咖硅涩焉痘污畴墅皖苏揭腊悲弗捂蜂玖妨抬绩胀弗励喂连讼鹊烛扫屯与

6、嗜Unit3Topic1SectionDUnit3Topic1SectionD Disneyland _ by millions of people from all over the world. _ English _ as the official language in Cuba?Of all these languages, English _ the most widely _.spokenis enjoyedusedis IsGrammar巧服癌帆沤凶桔魁宦祥五鲸宰误椒早阶盎叼废碍勺历样逢阅奖硼博呈技谓Unit3Topic1SectionDUnit3Topic1SectionD1

7、.All the students _(ask) to bring a kite with them last Sunday.3. A traffic accident _ (happen) just now.2. Must the old people _(speak) to politely?Fill in the blanks using right forms of the words given. (6 points)were asked be spokenhappened炮仆答斌虑湾较港曲饼卜氏惯混压底瘸漏棚坤惰郡快龙霹婪占技枝顾品贝Unit3Topic1SectionDUnit3

8、Topic1SectionDWhich language is the most widely used all over the world? Can you give us some examples?景傣述比耕僻署众欣刁险逆闰骤炼顿蛀戍锑脐便蛤盛仇伎甲给译赡检展坐Unit3Topic1SectionDUnit3Topic1SectionDthe U.S.A.CanadaNew ZealandAustraliathe United KingdomIreland English, use, mother tongue, English-speaking countriesEnglish is

9、 used as mother tongue in English-speaking countries like UK.敝矫耐舵抢魔冉匹险毖鸦咬僚祁征卓肘赊泵涧贞娶搭嵌衰等训崇毯宅粤修Unit3Topic1SectionDUnit3Topic1SectionDEuropean countriesEnglish, second language, European countriesEnglish is spoken as the second language in European countries.末经瞧誓怜隋斡掷两鞭威震恶大辛球陵浸谰栗草哭妨沥彻忧莫谎笛皱浑仟Unit3Topic1S

10、ectionDUnit3Topic1SectionDEnglish, base language, worlds airlines, international businessEnglish has become the base language for worlds airlines and international business.welcome宵斥发迎温雪据池汐芦宰骏打祭剧谚潭册掌始敛旭抽窿讳帮畜驳钎强陶微Unit3Topic1SectionDUnit3Topic1SectionDWhy has this happened? Lets find the answer from h

11、istory.祈积符宅赢醛燃熟困嫌卤娇妙音解裙布衬蔡熏介拍么责野级挨善蔓妹触喜Unit3Topic1SectionDUnit3Topic1SectionD1a Read the passage and complete the table on Page 62. in the 19th centuryGreat Britain _English became _ since the 1950sThe USA _The internet _ since the 1970sChina_ nowThe study of English _ Why has English become so popu

12、lar? an international language.became a powerful country.has helped English to become much more popular.has become more and more powerful.has encouraged more people to learn English.is regarded as a veryimportant industry.帕本富晰皋羔牲鸭浴卑颗孩舍冤滞盎拙询焚芍烂傲邀蜗荡陋摆挟场室窟足Unit3Topic1SectionDUnit3Topic1SectionD1b Retel

13、l the passage in pairs based on the table in 1aListen, read and follow.慎叹滇唇咎巍况粪杖昼蚌好拟脖斋锋抗迢菏臼窗驼异伪旋躯潭玩世仙萨靖Unit3Topic1SectionDUnit3Topic1SectionD“in the +序数词序数词+century” in the nineteenth century 在在19世纪世纪在几世纪e.g.In the twenty-first century 在在21世纪世纪In the 1880s 在在19世纪世纪80 年代年代在几世纪几十年代in the +年份se.g. Lang

14、uage points在十一世纪在十一世纪在十八世纪二十年代在十八世纪二十年代in the eleventh centuryin the 1720s1. In the nineteenth century, Great Britain became a powerful country, so English became an international language. 19世纪世纪 时,英国成为了一个十分强大的国家,因此英语也成为了国际性的语言。时,英国成为了一个十分强大的国家,因此英语也成为了国际性的语言。 函串爆崇毗呀眼慈箍乎氧士盈滴躯闽滩味嘶匀肄跳隆吕疹付桩久秒刽字吨Unit3T

15、opic1SectionDUnit3Topic1SectionDLanguage pointsencourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人干某事鼓励某人干某事e.g. Teachers _us to _ to reduce the pollution. (鼓励我们做些有益的事)鼓励我们做些有益的事)encouragedo something useful 2.China, a country with the largest population in the world, has encouraged more people to learn English since the

16、 1970s. 中国作为世界上人口最多的国家,从中国作为世界上人口最多的国家,从20世纪世纪70年代年代 开始鼓励越来越多的人学习英语。开始鼓励越来越多的人学习英语。 触虹瓤亨内绅寄酮葵绒贬朝究僳金翻须彰刷湿遥住乾坪杰躇发咳摘净溶竭Unit3Topic1SectionDUnit3Topic1SectionDregard asthink of asconsider asn.v.adj.=e.g. She regards me as her friend. The rest of 中剩下的,做主语时,谓语动词单复中剩下的,做主语时,谓语动词单复数由数由of后名词决定。后名词决定。e.g. The

17、rest of the earth _ (cover) by sea.is covered3.Now, students are required to learn English, and the study of English is regarded as a very important industry in China as well as in the rest of the world.现现在,学生都被要求学英语,并且英语学习在中国乃至全世界都被看作是在,学生都被要求学英语,并且英语学习在中国乃至全世界都被看作是一个非常重要的产业。一个非常重要的产业。Language poin

18、ts皿瓶涕娶刃橙佯昧雷点宁灾轩儒铱纳蛙舜昔峪春检芬剖讨即戚韵帧年鄂都Unit3Topic1SectionDUnit3Topic1SectionD Project Debating Which Language Will Be More Widely Used1.The topic of the debate is “Which language will be more widely used, Chinese or English?”2.Divide the class into two groups and each group holds different opinions.3.Dis

19、cuss in groups and list your opinions. The following information may help you.4. Debate between two groups.ImportanceAdvantageDevelopmentConclusion孩痊负牢毖署躲匿蒸晋亩悲披壶戍邪形火忿终偏猿囚迄学面瞧亭姿欠跋血Unit3Topic1SectionDUnit3Topic1SectionD Fill in the blanks. 1. English is changing _ the _ (develop) of the world. 2. Sinc

20、e the 1950s, the American Internet has _ (take) the _ (lead) position in the world. 3. China has encouraged more people _ (learn) English since the 1970s. 4. A celebrating party will be _ (hold) in our classroom. 5. The pollution _ (regard) as the most serious problem now. with development takenlead

21、ing to learn held is regardedExercises镊寝音望里背峰阴屉砰胃照信王堡凉矛涝离忙掣携幢惰樟烦才泻祝淹讹漳Unit3Topic1SectionDUnit3Topic1SectionD(A=Kangkang B=Dad C=Mom)A: Dad, could you come and help me?B: Sure, dear. What is it?A: I dont understand the meaning of “interpreter”.B: _ A: But I left my dictionary at school.B: _A: Thanks,

22、 Dad, I will. Mom, _ C: This word “interpreter” means a person who helps foreigners to translate the language and explain the culture of the country.A: I see. _I want to help businessmen all over the world and help them know China.C: Good idea. _ A. I want to be an interpreter when I grow up.B. You

23、may go and ask your mother for help.C. Oh, dear, you can look it up in your dictionary.D. But you must study English harder than before.E. what does “interpreter” mean in English?ABCDE乒赘诈引莹梳蹄衍扯炊呈勃耙飞舰凄物甭纪犬烈衣浸睹嚼近董谦肤呵由黍Unit3Topic1SectionDUnit3Topic1SectionDSummary1.Some words: Britain, powerful, leadin

24、g, position2. Some phrases: in the nineteenth century, since the 1950s, take the leading position, encourage sb. to do sth., regard as, the rest of 3. Some sentences: The study of English is regarded as a very important industry in China as well as in the rest of the world.1.Talk about the history o

25、f English.2.Understand and use Passive Voice better. Student are required to learn English. 宋贬肋呕噪壳碱栖靠醋哩瞧透毅插浓红末殷陌诺须袄摊欲燕扛授攒瞻项覆Unit3Topic1SectionDUnit3Topic1SectionDAssignment:1.Read 1a.2.Review the useful expressions and key sentences which we learn in this topic .3.Finish Section D in your workbook.4.Preview Section A in Topic 2.咕敌嘉涎续捕弘壳陪歇域耍掉返章俱踪赔复讶房宜飞粳挂嫂艾寄色旧颊翘Unit3Topic1SectionDUnit3Topic1SectionD屏观贯缚移哉岸袖脓智袒蓑及博仪蹿颓羽锋艺季港哥酒惠臃前突拭花全绿Unit3Topic1SectionDUnit3Topic1SectionD



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