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1、2021 考研英语大纲变动一览表 第一部分 附录 1 词汇表 1.新增词汇顺序 新增 a aftermath aggregate albeit algorithm align archive arena artifact b bearing bolster brevity c check concurrent configuration contingent convene coronavirus corporate culminate cumulative d daunting demographic deplete deploy deter directly discrete discre

2、tion drone dual e elicit empathy enquiry/inquiry epic equity 1erode f facet g gadget i icon imminent inflict influenza invoke j jurisdiction l lawsuit lucrative m mandate media mediate mentor o overt p paradigm plagiarism policewoman protocol propagate proximate q quarantine query r resilient rhetor

3、ic s sibling situate slump stagnate stance stipulate surveillance t tangible temporal transition u usually v variance venue viable volatile w warranty wary 2whereby worker workout 2.变动词汇 顺序 2020 大纲 2021 大纲 a aesthetic/esthetic (a)esthetic air-conditioning air conditioning aluminium/aluminum alumin(i

4、)um amid amid(st) analog(u)e analog(ue) analyse/analyze analyse/-yze anybody anybody/anyone anyway=anyhow anyway anyhow apologise/apologize apologise/-ize appal/appall appal(l) autumn autumn/fall ax/axe ax(e) b bible Bible bacterium(pl.bacteria) bacteria behaviour/behavior behavio(u)r bypass/by-pass

5、 bypass c caf cafe/caf catalogue/catalogue catalog(ue) centigrade centigrade/Celsius centimetre/centimeter centimetre/-ter centre/center centre/-ter chairman chairman/chairwoman/chairperson characterise/characterize characterise/-ize child(pl.children) child cigaret/cigarette cigaret(te) civilisatio

6、n/civilization civilisation/-zation civilise/civilize civilise/-ize colour/color colo(u)r connexion/connection connection/-xion cosy cosy/-zy crisis(pl.crises) crisis criterion(pl.criteria) criterion criticise/criticize criticise/-ize 3curriculum(pl.curricula) curriculum d defence/defense defense/-c

7、e dialogue/dialog dialog(ue) distill distil(l) e emphasise/emphasize emphasise/-ize encyclopaedia/encyclopedia encyclop(a)edia endeavour/endeavor endeavo(u)r enroll/enrol enrol(l) f favour/favor favo(u)r favourable/favorable favo(u)rable favourite/favorite favo(u)rite fertiliser/fertilizer fertilise

8、r/-zer fibre/fiber fibre/-ber flavour/flavor flavo(u)r foot(pl.feet) foot formula(pl.formulae) formula fulfil/fulfill fulfil(l) g generalise/generalize generalise/-ize glamour/glamor glamo(u)r goodby/goodbye goodbye goose(pl.geese) goose gramme/gram gram(me) h hamburge hamburger/burger harbour/harbo

9、r harbo(u)r hero hero/heroin heroin honour/honor hono(u)r honourable/honorable hono(u)rable host host/hostess hostess humour/humor humo(u)r humorous humo(u)rous i ice-cream ice cream index(pl. indexes, indices index industrialise/industrialize industrialise/-ize instal/install instal(l) installment

10、instal(l)ment Internet Internet/internet j jewellery/jewelery jewel(le)ry judgement/judgment judg(e)ment k kilo/kilogramme/kilogram kilogram(me)/kilo kilometre/kilometer kilometre/-ter l labour/labor labo(u)r 4licence/license license/-ce litre/liter litre/-ter living-room living room m madame/madam

11、madam marvellous/marvelous marvel(l)ous maths/math/mathematics mathematics/math(s) medium(pl.media) medium memo memorandum/memo memorandum metre/meter metre/-ter millimetre/millimeter millimetre/-ter minimise/minimize minimise/-ize mobilise/mobilize mobilise/-ize modernisation/modernization modernis

12、ation/-zation mould/mold mo(u)ld mouse(pl.mice) mouse n neighbour/neighbor neighbo(u)r neighbourhood/neighborhood neighbo(u)rhood normalisation/normalization normalisation/-zation nucleus(pl.nuclei) nucleus o odour/odor odo(u)r often often/oftentimes okay/O.K./OK okay/OK organisation/organization or

13、ganisation/-zation organise/organize organise/-ize ought ought to owing owing to p paralyse/paralyze paralyse/-yze petrol petrol/gasoline/gasolene postman postman/mailman practise practise/-ice practice programme/programe program(me) proceeding proceedings r railroad railway/railroad railway realise

14、/realize realise/-ize recognise/recognize recognise/-ize reflexion/reflection reflection/-xion resume resume/rsum rumour/rumor rumo(u)r 5s salesman salesman/saleswoman/salesperson skeptical sceptical/skeptical skillful/skilful skil(l)ful specialise/specialize specialise/-ize spokesman spokesman/spok

15、eswoman/spokesperson sportsman sportsman/sportswoman static(al) static steward steward(ess) storey/story stor(e)y summarise/summarize summarise/-ize sympathise/sympathize sympathise/-ize systematic(al) systematic t tactic(s) tactic technology technology/tech telephone telephone/phone theatre/theater

16、 theatre/-ter thesis(pl.theses) thesis tooth(pl.teeth) tooth trolly/trolley trolley u utilise/utilize utilise/-ize v vapour/vapor vapo(u)r w waggon/wagon wag(g)on waiter waiter/waitress waitress while while/whilst whisky/whiskey whisk(e)y y yourself(pl. yourselves) yourself yourselves 3.删减词汇顺序 删减 a

17、acrobat adjoin amplifier b bosom brim brittle brook c caress d daunt 6defendant disgrace f fell fitting g gasolene/gasoline gallop h highland i inlet inquiry/enquiry l loudspeaker m moss mutton n Negro o overpass p pail phone piston prick q quartz quench r rain rainbow rotary ruby s seaside sham sho

18、pkeeper slit snowstorm t tar telegram telescope tramp u uproar w weld wreath z zinc 7第二部分 附录 2 常用的前缀和后缀 1.新增 序号 具体内容 1 a-: not or without; in a particular condition or way typicallyatypically wakeawake 2 ante-: before or earlier; in front of dateantedate roomanteroom 3 cyber-: relating to computers,

19、 the Internet, and virtual reality crimecybercrime 4 down-: lower in position, amount, quality, or importance riverdownriver sizedownsize 5 e-: electronic, on or using the Internet commercee-commerce 6 eco-: connected with the environment disastereco-disaster 7 hemi-: half spherehemisphere 8 hyper-:

20、 more than usual tensionhypertension 9 hypo-: less than usual tensionhypotension 10 meta-: beyond, higher analysismeta-analysis 11 milli-: one thousandth part of metermillimeter 12 neo-: new or recent, or in a modern form classicismneoclassicism 13 off-: not on or away from stageoffstage 14 oft-: of

21、ten quotedoft-quoted 15 omni-: all, completely presentomnipresent 16 pan-: including or relating to all parts or members Africanpan-African 17 para-: beyond; similar to but not official or not fully qualified normalparanormal medicparamedic 818 retro-: back or backwards activeretroactive 19 up-: at

22、or towards the higher or better part; moved or changed completely marketupmarket endupend 20 -ing surfsurfing 21 -let bookbooklet dropdroplet 22 -y inquireinquiry orthodoxorthodoxy 23 -ed talenttalented bad temperbad-tempered 24 -esque picturepicturesque RomanRomanesque 25 -friendly useruser-friendl

23、y environmentenvironment-friendly 2.变动 序号 2020 大纲 2021 大纲 1 aero-:concerning the air or aircraft planeaeroplane spaceaerospace aero-:concerning the air or aircraft dynamicaerodynamic spaceaerospace 2 anti-:against;opposite of; nuclear-antinuclear matter-antimatter war-antiwar anti- : opposed to ; th

24、e opposite of ; preventing povertyanti-poverty climaxanticlimax theftantitheft 3 auto-:of or by yourself biographyautobiography criticism-auto criticism auto-:of or by yourself; working by itself biographyautobiography pilotautopilot 4 be-:to treat as the stated thing friend-befriend littlebelittle

25、be-:treat as; wearing or covered with littlebelittle jewelbejewelled 5 bi-:two; twice; double lingual-bilingual bi-:two; occurring twice or at intervals of two 9cycle-bicycle lateralbilateral annualbiannual 6 bio-:concerning living things chemistry-biochemistry bio-:relating to life or living things

26、 diversitybiodiversity 7 by-, bye-: less important productby-product waybyway by-:less important productby-product 8 centi-:hundredth part of a unit gradecentigrade metercentimeter centi-:one hundredth; hundred litercentiliter gradecentigrade 9 co-:together; with authorcoauthor existcoexist co- : to

27、gether ; sharing a job or responsibility existcoexist authorcoauthor 10 col-: (used before l) together, with locationcollocation col-: (used before l) together locationcollocation 11 com-: (used before b, m, p) together, with passioncompassion com-: (used before b, m, p) together passioncompassion 1

28、2 con-:together, with centricconcentric federationconfederation con-:together federationconfederation 13 contra-:opposite dictioncondiction naturalcontranatural contra-:against, opposite flowcontraflow 14 cor-: (used before r) together, with relatecorrelate respondcorrespond cor-: (used before r) to

29、gether relatecorrelate 15 counter-:opposite actcounteract attackcounterattack counter-: against, opposite ; in the opposite direction; corresponding examplecounter-example clockwisecounterclockwise partcounterpart 16 cross-:across; going between the stated things and joining them countrycross-countr

30、y breedcrossbreed cross-:across; combining or involving different things bordercross-border culturalcross-cultural 17 de-: showing an opposite; to remove; to reduce codedecode valuedevalue de-:do the opposite of; remove; reduce activatedeactivate frostdefrost valuedevalue 18 dis-:not; the opposite o

31、f advantagedisadvantage agreedisagree dis-:the opposite of; stop or remove honestydishonesty connectdisconnect 10 honestdishonest 19 em-: (used before b, m, p) to cause to become bodyembody powerempower em-: (used before b, m, p) put into or onto, or provide with; cause to be powerempower bitterembi

32、tter 20 en-:to cause to become; to make dangerendanger largeenlarge en-:put into or onto, or provide with; cause to be dangerendanger largeenlarge 21 ex-:former(and still living) ministerex-minister wifeex-wife ex-:former wifeex-wife 22 extra-:outside; beyond curricularextracurricular ordinaryextrao

33、rdinary extra-:outside or beyond; very or more than normal curricularextracurricular largeextra-large 23 fore-: in advance, before; in or at the front armforearm warnforewarn fore-:before or in advance; in or at the front of tellforetell nameforename 24 il-: (used before l) not legalillegal literate

34、illiterate il-: (used before l) not logicalillogical 25 im-: (used before b, m, p) not moralimmoral possibleimpossible im-: (used before b, m, p) not moralimmoral 26 in-:not directindirect sensitiveinsensitive in-:not sensitiveinsensitive 27 infra-: below in a range; beyond redinfrared structureinfr

35、astructure infra-:below something in a range sonicinfrasonic 28 inter-:between; among changeinterchange nationalinternational inter-:between; involving two or more stateinterstate nationalinternational 29 intra-:inside, within; into cityintracity departmentintra-department intra-:within; into Europe

36、anintra-European muscularintramuscular 30 ir-: (used before r) not regularirregular responsibleirresponsible ir-: (used before r) not regularirregular 31 kilo-:thousand gramkilogram meterkilometer kilo-:thousand meterkilometer 1132 macro-: large, esp. concerning a whole system rather than particular

37、 parts of economicsmacroeconomics structuremacrostructure macro-:large, large-scale economicsmacroeconomics 33 mal-:bad or badly functionmalfunction treatmaltreat mal-: bad or badly; not correct or correctly practicemalpractice functionmalfunction 34 micro-:extremely small computermicrocomputer elec

38、tronicsmicroelectronics micro-: small, small-scale; one millionth part of organismmicroorganism secondmicrosecond 35 mid-:middle daymidday nightmidnight mid-:the middle of a particular period of time or a particular place Septembermid-September westmidwest 36 mono-:one; single planemonoplane tonemon

39、otone mono-:one, single lingualmonolingual 37 multi-:more than one; many purposemultipurpose nationalmultinational multi-:more than one or two, many nationalmultinational purposemultipurpose 38 non-:not residentnon(-)resident sensenonsense non-:not smokernon-smoker 39 out-:outside; beyond liveoutliv

40、e dooroutdoor out-:bigger, further, greater, etc; outside or beyond liveoutlive dooroutdoor 40 over-:too much; above; additional headoverhead timeovertime over-:too much; above; additional weightoverweight headoverhead timeovertime 41 poly-:many centricpolycentric syllabicpolysyllabic poly-:many cen

41、tricpolycentric 42 post-:later than; after graduatepostgraduate warpostwar post-:after or later than warpostwar 43 pre-:before; in advance payprepay warprewar pre-:before or in advance industrialpre-industrial 1244 pro-:in favor of, supporting Americapro-America abortionpro-abortion pro-:in favor of

42、, supporting; acting as a substitute for Europeanpro-European nounpronoun 45 pseudo-:not real; false namepseudonym sciencepseudoscience pseudo-:false or not real sciencepseudoscience 46 re-:again;back to the former state unitereunite usereuse re-:again; again in a better or different way; back to a

43、former state applyreapply writerewrite unitereunite 47 self-:by means of oneself or itself; of, to, with, for, or in oneself or itself employedself-employed taughtself-taught self-:relating to yourself or itself evidentself-evident 48 semi-:half;partly circlesemicircle finalsemifinal semi-:half; par

44、tial or partly circlesemicircle conscioussemiconscious 49 step-: not by birth but through a parent who has remarried motherstepmother childrenstepchildren step-:related as a result of one parent marrying again motherstepmother 50 sub-: under, below; less important; part of the stated bigger whole di

45、videsubdivide sectionsubsection sub-:under or below; part of a bigger whole; not as good as other people or things waysubway sectionsubsection standardsubstandard 51 super-:more, larger, greater than usual marketsupermarket naturalsupernatural super-:more, larger, greater than usual naturalsupernatu

46、ral 52 tele-:at or over a long distance; by or for television communicationtelecommunication screentelescreen tele-:at or over a long distance communicationstelecommunications 53 therm(o)-:concerning heat chemistrythermochemistry meterthermometer therm(o)-:relating to heat meterthermometer 54 trans-

47、:across, on or to the other side of; between trans-:across;into another place or state Atlantictransatlantic 13 Atlantictransatlantic planttransplant planttransplant 55 tri-:three; three times angulartriangular cycletricycle tri-:three;occurring three times or at intervals of three cycletricycle mon

48、thlytrimonthly 56 ultra-:beyond; very, extremely modernultramodern soundultrasound ultra-: extremely; above and beyond something in a range modernultramodern soundultrasound 57 un-:not certainuncertain fortunateunfortunate un-:not; reverse certainuncertain tieuntie 58 under-:too little; below develo

49、punderdevelop seaundersea under-: not enough; below; less important or lower in rank developedunderdeveloped waterunderwater secretaryunder-secretary 59 uni-:one; single formuniform directionalunidirectional uni-:one directionalunidirectional 60 vice-: next in the rank; below chairmanvice-chairman p

50、residentvice-president vice-: next in rank to presidentvice-president 61 -cy accurateaccuracy privateprivacy -acy, -cy delicatedelicacy relevantrelevancy 62 -ion, -ition, -ation collectcollection observeobservation -ation, -ion, -ition, -sion, -tion, -xion confirmconfirmation extinctextinction -sion

51、, -ssion decidedecision expandexpansion 63 -dom kingkingdom freefreedom -dom boreboredom kingkingdom 64 -ee employemployee interviewinterviewee -ee employemployee absentabsentee 65 -er, -or, -ar paintpainter begbeggar -er, -or, -ar New YorkNew Yorker escalateescalator 66 -ery bravebravery -ery brave

52、bravery 14 slaveslavery bakebakery machinemachinery 67 -hood childchildhood manmanhood -hood childchildhood brotherbrotherhood 68 -ism MarxMarxism socialsocialism -ism criticizecriticism MarxMarxism alcoholalcoholism 69 -ist psychiatrypsychiatrist violinviolinist -ist socialismsocialist columncolumn

53、ist 70 -ment movemovement retireretirement -ment advertiseadvertisement fulfilfulfilment 71 -ness darkdarkness happyhappiness -ness happyhappiness politepoliteness 72 -ology climateclimatology futurefuturology -logy, -ology mineralmineralogy climateclimatology 73 -ship friendfriendship scholarschola

54、rship -ship friendfriendship citizencitizenship 74 -ure closeclosure exposeexposure -ure closeclosure legislatelegislature 75 -en deepdeepen fastfasten -en deepdeepen lengthlengthen 76 -ize, -ise modernmodernise/modernize popularpopularise/popularize -ise, -ize dramadramatise/-ize popularpopularise/

55、-ize 77 -able, -ible suitsuitable questionquestionable -able, -ible fashionfashionable accessaccessible 78 -al naturenatural structurestructural -al accidentaccidental structurestructural 79 -an, -arian, -ian suburbsuburban CanadaCanadian -an, -ian, -arian suburbsuburban ShakespeareShakespearean 80

56、-ate -ate 15 considerconsiderate fortunefortunate passionpassionate affectionaffectionate 81 -ese ChinaChinese JapanJapanese -ese PortugalPortuguese ViennaViennese 82 -ful carecareful painpainful -ful joyjoyful forgetforgetful 83 -ic, -ical atomatomic psychologypsychological -ic, -ical economyeconom

57、ic(al) specifyspecific 84 -ish girlgirlish childchildish -ish IrelandIrish childchildish 85 -ive createcreative supportsupportive -ive dividedivisive supportsupportive 86 -less hopehopeless painpainless -less hopehopeless ceaseceaseless 87 -like childchildlike ladyladylike -like childchildlike shell

58、shell-like 88 -ous, -ious dangerdangerous poisonpoisonous -ous, -ious mountainmountainous prestigeprestigious 89 -some tiretiresome troubletroublesome -some burdenburdensome quarrelquarrelsome 90 -ward downdownward upupward -ward downdownward homehomeward 91 -y guiltguilty noisenoisy -y saltsalty sleepsleepy 92 -wise clockclockwise otherotherwise -wise clockclockwise securitysecurity-wise 16



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