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1、12022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland China2022 Salary TrendsCopyright CGP Collection Limited. All Rights Reserved.Unleashing Talent, Enabing Entrepreneurs.让才华自由施展,做业界精英2022 Mainland China Salary Trends2022 中国大陆薪酬趋势报告32022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland China2022职场趋势预测 (前言)Consumer Goods 消费品Corporate Finance 企业财务Des

2、ign & Property 地产与设计Digital Transformation 数字化转型Emerging Tech and Internet 新兴技术与互联网Energy 能源Financial Services 金融服务Healthcare 医疗健康Human Resources 人力资源Legal & Compliance 法务与合规Life Science 生命科学Machinery and Automation 机械与自动化Pharmaceutical 制药Retail & Luxury 零售与奢侈品Sales & Marketing 销售与市场Semiconductor 半导

3、体Supply Chain Management 供应链管理Travel & Leisure 旅游与休闲041420243238485258646672808690981021081144在后疫情时代的背景下,2022 年的职场会有哪些新的趋势呢?历经数月,覆盖 20+ 行业,跨越多个地区,CGP 集团发起的 2022 薪酬趋势调研收集到了珍贵的资料与数据。以调研结果为基础,集团的职场专家们展开分析与解读,完成了该2022 中国大陆薪酬趋势报告,以期洞察各行业的职场新风向。 2022 年,职场人最核心的诉求是哪些?企业雇主的人力资源管理又有哪些方向有待调整? 让我们一一为你解答。 2022 人

4、才供给大于岗位需求Talents supply exceeds job demands in 2022 35.26%55.65%9.1%我正在寻找新机会。我目前工作稳定,但有合适的机会也会考虑。我对新机会没有需求。I am looking for new opportunities.I am stable with current job but open to new opportunities.I have no needs for new opportunities.In the context of the post-epidemic era, what are the popular

5、 trends and new insights of the job market in 2022? Lasting for several months, covering more than 20 industries and multiple regions, the 2022 Salary Trend Survey launched by CGP Group has collected valuable data and information. Based on the survey results, CGPs talent experts carried out analysis

6、 and interpretation, and completed the 2022 Salary Trends Report in order to gain insights into the changes in the job market of various industries. What are the core demands of talents and what will happen to employers in 2022? Lets find answers from the survey data and feedbacks. 调研数据显示,仅有 9.1% 的职

7、场人在 2022 年没有跳槽的打算,其中有 35.26% 的人已经在寻找新机会的路上。但是从雇主端的反馈显示,86.65%的企业2022年招聘岗位预期增长低于40% ; 同时, 预计2022年3月至5月人才市场将出现多位人才同时争夺一个岗位的激烈竞争。According to the survey data, only 9.1% of employees have no intentions of job hopping in 2022, and 35.26% of people are already on the way of looking for new career opportun

8、ities. However, the feedback from employers shows that 86.65% of companies expect job growth in 2022 to be less than 40%; Thus, it can be predicted that there will be fierce competition in the human resource market from March to May in 2022.2022 SALARY TRENDS52022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland China洞察雇主的招聘

9、需求,提升职场素养与能力Meet employers demands and strengthen professional quality and skills相较于 2021 年,贵司 2022 年的预期新增人数将达到?责任感 Responsible100%0%诚实 Honest勤奋 Diligent同理心 DiligentComparing with 2021, how many headcounts will be increased in 2022 of your company?来自雇主的调研结果显示, 有责任感的员工最受企业雇主青睐。 企业的运行需要各个不同职能的人协调配合, 分

10、工合作。 具备责任感的员工,在日常工作中能更好地完成工作, 更好地与他人合作, 对执行的结果高度负责, 从而为企业的经营带来积极的影响, 创造出更高的职场价值。The survey results from employers shows that responsible employees are most favored by employers. The smooth operation of an enterprise needs the coordination and cooperation of people with different functions. Employees

11、 with a sense of responsibility can perform well in their daily work, cooperate well with others, and be highly responsible for the results of implementation. And they can contribute more to the employer and fulfill their own value.More than 80% (80% 以上 )70% - 80%60% - 70%50% - 60%40% - 50%30% - 40%

12、20% - 30%10% - 20%Less than 10% (10%及以下)Maintain the same 保持不变0.89%2.08%2.37%2.97%5.04%9.5%16.91%17.51%19.88%22.85%73.29%13.35%9.5%3.86%2022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland China6除此之外,专业技术能力、合作能力、学习能力是雇主最看重的排名前三位的能力。过硬的专业技术能力可以通过过往的工作结果和成就体现出来,而合作能力与学习能力则不容易在面试环节中体现出来,或将成为企业招聘过程中的盲区。因此,职场人应该有意识去培养和锻炼这些高价值的软技

13、能,从而加速职场晋升步伐,在 2022 年实现华丽的转身和蜕变,登上职业阶梯新台阶。 In addition, professional functional expertise, cooperation and learning abilities are the top three soft skills valued most by employers. While excellent professional and technical ability can be reflected by past job performance and achievements, cooperat

14、ion ability and learning ability are not easy to be reflected in the interview, so it will become a blind spot in the recruitment process. Hence talents should consciously cultivate and exercise these high-value soft skills, so as to accelerate the pace of career promotion, realize gorgeous transfor

15、mation in 2022, and climb to a new level of the career path. 2022 SALARY TRENDS专业技术能力Professional Skills合作能力Cooperation学习能力Learning Ability独立思考能力Independent Thinking领导力Leadership影响力Influence数据分析能力Data Analysis时间管理能力Time Management8.01%9.2%16.02%24.93%41.84%51.63%64.39%75.96%雇主与人才双向选择的博弈双方对跳槽预期的鸿沟The

16、 game of mutual choices between employers and employees 每个人在职业生涯中都或多或少会经历跳槽,或为了追求更高的职业理想,或为了不屈就于当下。企业的每个部门也汇聚着来自不同成长背景、不同教育背景、不同工龄、不同职业背景的员工。职场是瞬息万变的,也充满了各种不确定因素。那么,人才与雇主之间的期望存在怎样的鸿沟呢?调研数据显示,职场人跳槽期望的薪资涨幅集中在 20%-30%。但是来自雇主端的调研数据显示,企业岗位迭代更新,较该职位前雇员薪资涨幅集中在 10-20%。由此可以预测,2022 年实际跳槽薪资涨幅将会低于人才自我预期。Everyon

17、e will experience job-hopping more or less in their career to pursue higher career development, or to end a dissatisfying situation. Each department of the enterprise also brings together employees from different growth backgrounds, different educational backgrounds, different seniority and differen

18、t professional backgrounds. The workplace is rapidly changing and full of various uncertainty. In that way, what is the gap between employees and employers expectation?Survey data shows that the salary increase talents expected is concentrated around 20% to 30%. However, the feedback from the employ

19、er side shows that the compensation cost increase of a position is concentrated at 10% to 20% when it is a replacement. It can be predicted that the actual salary increases of a job hopping in 2022 will be lower than what talents expect. 72022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland China1.3%1.19%4.45%11.28%24.63%28

20、.19%30.27%4.55%15.11%16.08%24.21%38.75%您期望的跳槽薪资涨幅是多少?(To Talent) (To Employer) 较上一个雇员,岗位迭代更新招聘新人的薪资涨幅是多少?What is your expected salary increase range for job hopping?What is the compensation increase range when there is a replacement?More than 40%30% - 40%20% - 30%10% - 20%5% - 10%Less than 5%More th

21、an 40%30% - 40%20% - 30%10% - 20%5% - 10%Less than 5%82022 SALARY TRENDS企业如何吸引人才?How do employers attract talents?调研数据显示,人才跳槽时选择新雇主的决定性因素,排名前三位的分别是:薪资福利、职业晋升空间、工作与生活平衡。想要留住人才、吸引人才,企业需要在这三个方面提升市场竞争力,在人才的核心诉求上丰富薪酬福利模式、完善职业发展架构,提供灵活便利、人性化的工作模式,来满足人才在工作和生活层面的双重需求。从雇主端的调研结果看,大部分企业为员工提供的福利方式包括奖金、补充医疗健康保险及

22、体检、交通补助等,满足了员工金钱和健康的需求。针对更深入的职业技能培训、职业发展学习、上下级管理优化等层面入手也是极具潜力的提升雇主竞争力的有力手段。According to the survey data, the top three decisive factors for talents to choose a new employer are compensation and benefits, career development space and work-life balance. To retain and attract excellent talents to join

23、in the company, enterprises need to improve their talent acquire competitiveness in these three aspects. In terms of the core demands of talents, enrich the combination of compensation and benefits, improve the career development structure, and provide a flexible, convenient and humanized work style

24、 to meet the talents needs for work-life balance. From the survey results of employers, most enterprises provide employees with multiple benefits, including bonus, supplementary medical and health insurance, physical examination and transportation subsidies, which meet employees needs for fortune an

25、d health. Aiming at more in-depth vocational skills training, career development and learning, or superior and subordinate management optimization are also powerful means with great potential to improve the competitiveness of employers.薪资福利Compensations and Benefits职业晋升空间Career Promotion Sapce工作与生活平

26、衡Work-life Balance领导管理方式Management Style稳定的工作环境Stable Environment企业文化Culture公司地理位置Work Location培训与提升Training and Improvement工作灵活度Flexibility9.18%15.52%17.22%20.88%24.61%27.94%36.96%58%79.77%奖金Bonus补充医疗健康保险SupplementaryHealth Insurance交通补贴Transportation Subsidy住房补贴Housing Subsidy其它Others教育补贴Education

27、 Subsidy10.68%24.93%29.38%47.18%65.88%94.96%92022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland China职场人眼中的自己Talents self-evaluation我们如何看待自己在人才市场上的价值?如何提升职场幸福感?我们对 2022 又有怎样的期待?调研数据显示:超过半数的职场人对自己薪资的评价处于市场平均值,约 13% 的职场人对自己薪资评价高于市场平均值。总体看来,大多数职场人认可自己的薪资水平。2022 年职场人最大的愿望排名第一的是:升职加薪。这是职场人永恒的追求,也是自我价值实现最直接有效的方式。即便需要频繁地加班和出差,也没

28、有打消职场人的积极性。为了实现职业理想,必要的努力和付出总是合理的。自我奋斗得来的幸福才是真正的幸福。位居2022 年职场愿望清单第二位的是:换一份更理想的工作。由此可以看出,人才市场在 2022 年 3 月至 5 月的波动期,将一如既往的活跃,人才与雇主将面临重新洗牌,每个人都可能面临一些主动或者被动的变化。 How do we measure our value in the job market? How to improve happiness in career life? What are our expectations for 2022? According to the su

29、rvey data, more than half of the employees evaluation of their salary is at the market average level, and about 13% of them think their salary is higher than the average benchmark. Generally speaking, most employees have positive thoughts of their salary.In 2022, the first place of employees top wis

30、h list is position promotion and salary increase, which is the eternal pursuit of employees, as well as the most direct and effective way to realize self-value. Working overtime and frequent business travel does not restrain the enthusiasm of career people. For the realization of career dream, the n

31、ecessary efforts are reasonable. The happiness obtained through hard-working is the real happiness. The second place is to find a better new job. It can be forecast that the talent market will be as active as ever during the peak season of the human resource market form March to May 2022. Talents an

32、d employers will face fresh reshuffle, and everyone may face some active or passive changes. 处于市场平均值At Average Benchmark升职加薪Promotion & Salary Increase换一份更理想的工作Find A Better New Job做出更好的业绩Improve Work Performance管理好团队Lead Team Better创立自己的公司Create My Own Company少加班Less Work Overdue少出差Less Business Tr

33、ip低于市场平均值Below Average Benchmark高于市场平均值Above Average Benchmark0%0%5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%10%20%30%40%50%60%13%0.57%3.41%4.63%7.72%23.07%26.73%33.87%31.68%55.32%102022 SALARY TRENDS人工智能领域从业者的综合职业满意度最高Employees in artificial intelligence industry have the highest comprehensive career satisfaction在本次调研

34、中,人工智能领域里认为自己薪酬高出市场平均水平的被试者占比最高,达到了 40%;同时该行业被试者对工作与生活的平衡状况也表现出相当高的满意度,认为自己工作与生活平衡状况“非常好”的被试者达到了 30%。人工智能作为前沿的科技领域,其专业门槛决定了适格人才的稀缺性,也决定了从业者较高的薪资报酬。在各行业寻求数字化转型的浪潮下,人工智能领域的重要性不言而喻,从业者们对自已工作创造的价值感受强烈,这也在一定程度上影响着他们对自己工作与生活的评价。The survey data shows that artificial intelligence industry has the highest pr

35、oportion (40%) of respondents believing that their salary is higher than the market average; respondents in this industry also had a high level of satisfaction with their work-life balance, with 30% of them rating very good. As a cutting-edge technology, artificial intelligence industry has the prof

36、essional threshold which leads to the scarcity of qualified talents and the higher pay. Under the wave of digital transformation in various industries, the importance of the field of artificial intelligence is self-evident. Professionals are aware of the value they created in their daily work, which

37、 also affects their evaluation of work-life balance to some extent. Artifical Intelligence人工智能0%20%40%60%80%100%低于市场平均值Below Average Benchmark处于市场平均值At Average Benchmark高于市场平均值Above Average Benchmark15.3%54.1%30.6%7.38%57.05%35.57%13.55%56.97%29.48%16.67%50%33.33%11.36%52.27%36.36%4.88%53.66%41.46%7

38、5%25%13.36%57.6%29.03%14.58%52.08%33.33%5.56%77.78%16.67%18.18%63.64%18.18%13.82%51.22%34.96%40%30%30%Transportation交通运输Hotel TravelLeisure Sport酒店旅游 / 休闲运动Computer SoftwareTelecoms / IT计算机软件 / 电信 / 信息技术Real Estate / Automobile房产 / 汽车Industrial Manufacturing工业制造FMCG / RetaileCommerce快消品 / 零售 / 电商Pha

39、rmaceuticalsLife Sciences / Healthcare制药 / 生命科学 / 医疗健康Accounting / LegalConsulting / Traning会计 / 法务 / 咨询 / 培训Banking / FinanceInsurance银行 / 金融 / 保险Advertising / MediaPublishing广告 / 媒体 / 出版Mining / EnergyOil &Gas / Chemical矿业 / 能源石油 & 天然气 / 化工GovernmentPubilc Organization政府 / 公共组织您如何评价自己的薪资水平?What do

40、 you think of your salary level?112022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland China交通运输行业在“工作与生活平衡状态”的调研中拥有最高的积极评价(“好”与“非常好”)占比,而在“薪资水平评价”的调研中,积极评价占比位居第二,可见该行业在工作收入与付出的平衡方面也具有一定优势。政府 / 公共组织是“工作与生活平衡状态”的调研中唯一没有出现负面评价的行业,但该行业的被试者对自己薪资的评价处于最末位,由此可见工作的收入与付出之间存在一定的相关性。The transportation industry has the highest percenta

41、ge of positive reviews (good and very good) in the work-life balance survey, and ranks 2nd in the salary level survey, which shows the industrys advantages in the balance of devotion and pay-off. The government/public organization is the only industry that doesnt have negative rates in the work-life

42、 balance survey, but the rates of its salary level rank the last, which indicates that there is certain correlation between devotion and pay-off in workplaces.0%20%40%60%80%100%您如何评价自己当前工作与生活的平衡状况?What do you think of your current work-life balance?Computer SoftwareTelecoms / IT计算机软件 / 电信 / 信息技术Bank

43、ing / FinanceInsurance银行 / 金融 / 保险FMCG / RetaileCommerce快消品 / 零售 / 电商Hotel TravelLeisure Sport酒店旅游 / 休闲运动Accounting / LegalConsulting / Traning会计 / 法务 / 咨询 / 培训Mining / EnergyOil &Gas / Chemical矿业 / 能源石油 & 天然气 / 化工GovernmentPubilc Organization政府 / 公共组织PharmaceuticalsLife Sciences / Healthcare制药 / 生命

44、科学 / 医疗健康Real Estate / Automobile房产 / 汽车Advertising / MediaPublishing广告 / 媒体 / 出版Artificial Intelligence 人工智能Transportation交通运输Industrial Manufacturing工业制造9.29%5.37%8.76%11.11%9.09%6.25%11.11%7.32%10%9.09%2.44%5.99%33.33%30.87%36.65%33.33%40.91%45.83%55.56%36.59%30%22.73%53.66%42.4%50%40.98%45.64%41

45、.04%38.89%38.64%34.38%22.22%38.21%30%54.55%39.02%42.86%25%4.37%2.68%3.19%11.11%4.55%4.17%5.56%3.25%12.02%15.44%10.36%10.36%6.82%9.38%5.56%14.63%30%13.64%2.44%8.76%25%一般Fair差Poor非常差Very Poor好Good非常好Excellent122022 SALARY TRENDS过半的企业核心岗位招聘周期近 3 至 5 个月Half of the employers said it will take 3 to 5 mont

46、hs to fill core positions来自雇主端的调查结果显示:超过半数的企业表示,核心岗位招聘周期为 3 至 5 个月。这体现出市场对更高效的高端人才寻猎的需求。能够在更短的时间内招聘到合适人选的招聘服务商将赢得企业的青睐。因此,探索缩短人才寻猎周期的方法,应该成为招聘机构提升自己价值和市场竞争力的工作重点。 The survey results from employers show that the recruitment cycle of core positions is 3 to 5 months. It indicates the demand for higher

47、efficiency of executive search in the market. Recruitment service providers who are able to recruit suitable candidates in a shorter period of time will win the favor of employers. Thus, exploring methods to shorten the talent hunting cycle should be the focus of work for recruitment providers to im

48、prove their value and competitiveness in the market. 6 个月或以上More than 6 moths1-2 个月1 to 2 months3-5 个月3 to 5 months0%10%20%30%40%50%60%15.43%29.38%55.19%132022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland China扩大人才触达渠道将有效提升招聘效率Expanding recruit channels can effectively improve recruitment efficiency来自人才端的调研结果显示:位居前三位的求职平

49、台是猎聘、 领英和前程无忧。 对雇主企业来说, 要缩短招聘周期, 增加人才数据库的基数,布局核心求职平台是必然趋势, 尤其是猎聘, 吸纳了73.84%的人才数据信息。 在核心求职平台发布职位信息, 也能最大幅度触达更多的人才,提高人才招聘的效率。 The survey data shows that the top three channels for employees to choose new jobs are Liepin, LinkedIn and 51job. For enterprises, it is an inevitable trend to lay out the mai

50、nstream job search platforms, especially Liepin which has absorbed 73.84% talent data, to shorten the recruitment cycle, increase talent database pool, and maximize the access to talents and improve recruitment efficiency. 脉脉 Maimai直聘 BossZhipin其它 Others前程无忧 I Want Job领英 LinkedIn猎聘 Liepin0%10%20%30%

51、40%50%60%70%80%7.8%16.65%20.96%29.49%53.7%73.84%14ConsumerCGP InsightIn 2021, the consumer industry continued the megatrend of previous years and remained a dynamic and exciting industry. Cosmetics and related sub-categories maintained strong growth, with strong results from both global and local pl

52、ayers. Thanks to the improvement of peoples health awareness, healthy foods including plant based and functional foods have continued to grow at the expense of the confectionery category. No surprise that 2021 has continued to highlight the increased importance of digital and e-commerce channels as

53、a core business pillar for companies. Rather than just a sales or communications channel, its now the core platform for companies to interact with their consumers. Mobile provides an ecosystem to complete a whole best case consumer journey - from awareness, search, product research and word of mouth

54、, comparison to purchase through offline delivery and confirmation of receipts, to consumer retention, customer service and then customer advocacy and feedback on social media. However, offline consumption is still a major contribution to overall sales. And it has remained an area of resilient hirin

55、g for a range of companies across categories. Modern trade retail continues to be of high importance across the national, regional and local level. Food service has rebounded quickly under the New Normal environment, and many companies face difficulties in filling roles. 2022 SALARY TRENDS消费品2021 年消

56、费行业延续了前几年的大趋势,仍然是一个充满活力并令人兴奋的行业。化妆品及相关子类别保持强劲增长,全球和本地参与者均取得了强劲的业绩。得益于人们健康意识的提高,包括植物性食品和功能性食品在内的健康食品销量持续走高,而糖果类产品则有所减少。不足为奇,数字化及电商渠道依然是 2021 年企业核心业务的支柱,但它的功能已不再是简单的销售或沟通平台,已然成为企业和消费者互动的主战场。移动互联网作为一个生态系统,搭建了从知晓、搜寻、产品调研及口耳相传、比较到购买的完整消费者旅程(consumer journey),从线下交付、收据确认到消费者留存、客户服务以及社交媒体上的消费者宣传和评价,手机等移动设备一

57、站式完成了消费的全旅程。然而,线下消费仍然是对整体销售的主要贡献,它仍然是大量跨品类消费品公司的弹性招聘领域。现代贸易零售无论在国家、地区还是地方层面都具有重要意义。疫情常态化使得餐饮服务业迅速反弹,许多公司在填补职位空缺方面正面临重重困难。线上消费构建完整消费旅程,线下消费仍占半壁江山Online consumption builds a complete consumer journey, while offline still contributes a lot to the whole sales移动互联催生众多新型岗位,线下消费仍是经济增长主力军Mobile has spawned

58、many new jobs, offline consumption is still the main force of economic growth152022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaCGP InsightConsumerFrom a talent perspective, digital natives dependence on mobile has spawned the demand for many new roles. A number of functions/roles which emerged over the past severa

59、l years have become of major importance, and demand has outstripped supply. For example, functions such as e-Commerce Marketing has continued to grow and develop to become a critical role which is very distinct from related functions or roles such as Digital Marketing. At the same time, while the ov

60、erall demand for experienced workers in the e-commerce industry has increased, there are also subtle differences within the industry. Compared with traditional typical large platforms such as JD.com, Tmall, and Taobao, emerging platforms such as Pinduoduo, Tiktok and Red have a more urgent desire fo

61、r talent. Furthermore, as the war for talents is never ending, Kourosh Asghari, vice president of recruitment for the consumer goods industry of CGP Group, recommends that companies maintain a good employer reputation and ensure that any recruitment partners that they work with are able to accuratel

62、y and proactively support the employers brand promotion efforts, so as to consolidate and enhance the companys image. In 2022, there are many well-known factors that will dramatically impact the industry and the talent market, which are worthy of close attention. These factors include COVID and its

63、variants, domestic and international travel restrictions, the severity and speed of regulatory changes, demographics trends, employment and consumer confidence. 消费品从人才的角度来看,数字原住民(泛指 00 年后出生人群)对移动支付的依赖催生出了更多相关岗位的用工需求。过去几年,因电商的蓬勃发展,许多以往从未出现的岗位 / 角色变得非常重要,甚至供不应求。例如,电子商务营销岗位的需求量猛增,成为区别于数字营销职能截然不同的关键角色。此

64、外,电子商务行业整体对经验人士用工需求增加的同时,内部也出现了精细化的差别。相较于传统典型大平台(如京东、天猫、淘宝等),新兴平台(如拼多多、抖音、小红书等)对人才的渴望更为迫切。 由于人才争夺战永无止境, CGP集团消费品行业招聘副总裁Kourosh Asghari建议企业保持良好的雇主声誉, 确保招聘合作伙伴能够准确、主动地支持其雇主品牌推广工作,以此巩固并提升公司形象。在2022年, 有许多众所周知的因素将对行业和人才市场产生重大影响, 值得密切关注。 这些因素包括 COVID-19疫情变化及病毒变异情况、国内和国际旅行限制、监管的严厉程度和执行速度、人口趋势、就业情况和消费者信心。移动

65、互联催生更多细分职能,新兴电商求贤若渴Mobile Internet has spawned more subdivision functions, and emerging e-commerce companies are eager for talents移动互联催生众多新型岗位,线下消费仍是经济增长主力军Mobile has spawned many new jobs, offline consumption is still the main force of economic growth16人才短缺岗位竞争激烈岗位DIFFICULT TO HIREDIFFICULT TO COMP

66、ETECGP Insight2022 SALARY TRENDSNotes: Roles with limited qualified candidates while HR and company has less bargain power during recruitment process. 指某职位缺乏符合条件的应聘者,符合条件的候选人有较大选择空间。HR 及公司处于卖方市场。Notes: Roles with poured qualified candidates while many candidates compete for one job. HR and company h

67、as more bargain power during recruitment process. 指某职位有大量符合条件的应聘者,候选人竞争激烈。HR 及公司处于买方市场。Consumer消费品E-Commerce Key Account Manager电商大客户经理E-Commerce Trade Marketing Manager电商通路行销经理Senior Brand Manager高级品牌经理CRM Manager客户关系经理Digital Center Head数字中心总监E-Commerce Marketing Manager电商市场经理Key Account Director关

68、键客户总监Media Planing媒介策划Marketing Research市场调查172022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaSales - 销售Corporate Finance - 财务Sales VPSales Director Sales ManagerSales Operations ManagerKey Account DirectorKey Account ManagerBusiness Development DirectorBusiness Development ManagerE-Commerce DirectorE-Commerce Gro

69、up LeaderE-Commerce ManagerE-Commerce Channel ManagerTrade Marketing DirectorTrade Marketing ManagerEC-Trade Marketing ManagerCFO Finance Director Finance Manager Accounting Manager Auditing Director Auditing Manager 销售副总裁销售总监销售经理销售运营经理大客户总监大客户经理业务发展总监业务发展经理电子商务总监电子商务负责人电子商务经理电商渠道经理通路行销总监通路行销经理电商通路行

70、销经理首席财务官财务总监财务经理会计经理审计总监审计经理18 years +15 years +8 years +5 years +10 years +8 years +10 years +6 years +10 years +6 years +4 years +4 years +10 years +6 years +15 years +10 years +8 years +6 years +10 years +6 years +2M 800K800K1.8M700K1.2M700K2M1M600K500K1.5M650K800K2.5M1.2M700K450K1.2M600K1.8M600K

71、650K850K600K900K550K550K1M600K400K800K450K2.5M1.6M550K550K1.2M540K1M500K1.5M+880K550K420K1M550K600K2M900K500K340K850K440K1.3M440K450K670K460K1M+720K410K420K700K410K300K600K320K1M350K350K900K400K700K350K800K700K400K300K700K400K400K1.5M600K300K250K500K300K700K 250K300K500K300K550K250K300K450K250K200K4

72、00K200KPosition Title 职位名称MinMinMedMedMaxMaxYears ofExperience从业年数Annual Package Range (RMB) 年薪Tier 1 Cities 一线城市 Tier 2 Cities 二线城市 808085707080757585959595708595808080808080NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的

73、需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specifi

74、c position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.18Marketing - 市场营销HR - 人力资源Marketing VPMarketing DirectorMarketing ManagerBrand Ma

75、nagerCRM ManagerE-Commerce Marketing ManagerDigital Marketing DirectorDigital Marketing ManagerPR DirectorPR ManagerMedia ManagerMarket Insights ManagerHR DirectorHR ManagerC&B DirectorC&B ManagerTalent Acquisition DirectorTalent Acquisition ManagerTraining Manager市场营销副总裁市场营销总监市场营销经理品牌经理客户管理经理电子商务市场

76、经理数字营销市场总监数字营销市场经理公关总监公关经理媒介经理市场洞察经理人力资源总监人力资源经理薪酬总监薪酬经理招聘总监招聘经理培训经理16 years +12 years +8 years +4 years +5 years +5 years +12 years +8 years +10 years +5 years +6 years +7 years +15 years + 8 years +10 years +8 years +10 years +8 years +6 years +2M1.1M600K900K900K2M1M2M800K800K600K1.2M600K1M800K1.2

77、M800K500K1.5M 800K400K500K500K1.2K500K800K450K400K400K900K500K800K650K800K700K400K2.5M1.4M800K400K430K600K1.4M650K1.2M600K500K400K1M500K850K600K860K600K350K1.1M660K300K410K400K900K350K700K375K325K300K630K400K620K450K550K500K300K1M700K250K300K300K800K400K800K350K300K300K800K400K700K400K550K400K250K80

78、0K500K200K300K300K600K200K600K300K250K200K400K300K450K300K350K350K200KPosition Title 职位名称MinMinMedMedMaxMaxAnnual Package Range (RMB) 年薪Tier 1 Cities 一线城市 Tier 2 Cities 二线城市 85909090859595958075808585858585858585NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数2022 SALARY TRENDS2022 SALARY TRENDS* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币

79、单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, M

80、ax.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.Years ofE

81、xperience从业年数192022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaSupply Chain - 供应链IT Support - 技术支持Corporate Legal - 法务Supply Chain VPSupply Chain DirectorSupply Chain ManagerLogistics ManagerProcurement/Sourcing ManagerPlanning ManagerRegulatory Affairs DirectorRegulatory Affairs ManagerQuality ManagerPlant Manage

82、rR&D DirectorR&D ManagerIT DirectorIT ManagerGeneral CounselLegal Counsel供应链副总裁供应链总监供应链经理物流经理采购经理计划经理法规事务总监法规事务经理质量经理生产经理研发总监研发经理IT 技术支持总监IT 技术支持经理总法务顾问法务顾问20 years +15 years +8 years +8 years +5 years +5 years +10 years +8 years +8 years +10 years +15 years +8 years +15 years +8 years +15 years +6

83、years +1.8M600K500K600K600K2M650K600K800K2M800K1.2M800K2.2M450K1.2M500K450K580K600K600K550K700K700K1M750K400K2M+1.4M500K400K450K450K1.5M500K500K500K1.4M630K1M640K1.5M300K1M420K340K410K450k450K400K470K550K800K600K300K1M400K300K300K300K1M350K400K300K1M500K800K500K1M250K700K350K250K250K300K300K250K250K

84、400K600K450K200KMinMinMedMedMaxMaxAnnual Package Range (RMB) 年薪Tier 1 Cities 一线城市 Tier 2 Cities 二线城市 80808585858590908585858580808080NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80

85、 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A

86、score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.Position Title 职位名称Years ofExperience从业年数202022 SALARY TRENDSCorporate FinanceCGP Insight企业财务212022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland C

87、hina人才短缺岗位竞争激烈岗位DIFFICULT TO HIREDIFFICULT TO COMPETECorporate FinanceCGP Insight企业财务CFO首席财务官Finance BP财务业务伙伴FP&A Director财务分析总监IT Audit ManagerIT 审计经理Finance Director财务总监Audit Manager审计经理Accounting Manager会计经理Finance Manager财务经理Notes: Roles with limited qualified candidates while HR and company has

88、 less bargain power during recruitment process. 指某职位缺乏符合条件的应聘者,符合条件的候选人有较大选择空间。HR 及公司处于卖方市场。Notes: Roles with poured qualified candidates while many candidates compete for one job. HR and company has more bargain power during recruitment process. 指某职位有大量符合条件的应聘者,候选人竞争激烈。HR 及公司处于买方市场。22Corporate Fina

89、nce - 企业财务2022 SALARY TRENDSCFOFinance DirectorAccounting ManagerFinance ManagerFP&A ManagerFinance BPFinance Reporting ManagerFinance System ManagerTreasury DirectorTreasury ManagerTax DirectorTax ManagerAudit DirectorAudit ManagerInternal Control ManagerIT Audit Manager10 years +10 years +5 years

90、+8 years +8 years +8 years +5 years +5 years +10 years +5 years +10 years +5 years +10 years +5 years +5 years +5 years +3M2M500K700K700K1M700K800K1.5M500K1.5M500K2M600K600K600K1.5M1M400K500K500K600K500K600K800K350K800K350K1.2M450K450K500K1M600K250K300K400K400K400K400K600K250K500K250K800K300K300K400

91、KPosition Title 职位名称MinMedMaxYears ofExperience从业年数Annual Package Range 年薪Tier 1 Cities 一线城市2022 SALARY TRENDS* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Bas

92、ic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need

93、. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.232022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland China首席财务官财务总监会计经理财务经理财务分析经理财务业务伙伴财务报表经理财务系统经理资金总监资金经理税务总监税务经理审计总监审计经理内控经理IT 审计经理600K500K200K250K300K350K300K300K400K200K400K200K500K250K250K

94、350K1.2M800K300K400K450K500K450K500K500K300K500K300K700K350K350K450K2M1.2M400K600K600K700K600K600K700K400K700K400K1M450K450K550K90808070809080807070707080808080Position Title 职位名称MinMedMaxNeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数Annual Package Range 年薪Tier 2 Cities 二线城市Corporate Finance - 企业财务* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福

95、利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medi

96、um, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.24De

97、sign & PropertyCGP InsightEarly 2021, the government has promulgated the Three Red Lines Policy, and the industry has begun to reshuffle violently. The real estate industry has implemented the deleveraging policy, and under the environment that the financing channels are blocked, it is generally fac

98、ed with financial pressure. With the deepening of the policy impact, many real estate companies default overseas ratings have been repeatedly downgraded, and the market has fluctuated, increasing the difficulty of overseas debt financing. The real estate industry focuses on macro-policy regulation,

99、rather than relying on marketing functions to restore the market, because real estate advertising is difficult to play a fundamental role in the face of the entire market downward environment. From the perspective of the industry, the real estate advertising industry is completely affected by the sc

100、ale of the real estate industry, and the real estate market shrinks further, corresponding to the expansion of the capital chain of the real estate advertising industry. Traditional real estate advertising companies cannot solve the fundamental contradiction between the low gross profit and the grow

101、ing cost structure, which leads to the intensification of competition in the industry. As the core position of real estate advertising, the real estate design industry has been seriously affected. 2022 SALARY TRENDS地产与设计2021年年初, “三条红线” 政策颁布, 行业开始了剧烈的洗牌。 房地产行业施行去杠杆政策, 在融资渠道受阻的环境下, 普遍面临资金压力。随着政策影响的深化,

102、多家房企违约,境外评级屡遭下调,市场波动,增加了境外发债融资难度。房地产行业专注于宏观政策调控,而非依赖营销职能去挽回市场,原因在于地产广告在面对整个市场下行的环境下,很难产生根本作用。从行业的角度出发,地产广告行业完全受房地产行业规模的影响,地产市场进一步收缩,与之对应的是地产广告行业资金链问题的扩大。传统地产广告公司无法解决低毛利时代与日益增长的成本结构之间的根本矛盾,导致行业内竞争的加剧,地产设计行业作为地产广告的核心职位,也因此收到了严重影响。地产设计行业无法解决地产行业整体下行的趋势Design function cannot stop the overall downward tr

103、end of real estate industry 房地产行业下行,房产设计行业人才面临挑战Market size of real estate industry shrinks, real estate design professionals face challenges252022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaDesign & PropertyCGP InsightAccording to the information released by the government, the real estate industry is bound to re

104、bound at some point in the future, but whether it can reach the profit rate of the previous golden age remains to be observed. On the one hand, the recovery of the market requires a lot of efforts on marketing work. On the other hand, the decline in the profit rate of the real estate industry will l

105、ead to a decline in the capital investment in marketing work, which means that real estate advertising companies have comprehensively entered the era of low gross profit and cannot cope with the growing labor costs, which means that the prospect of the real estate design industry is not optimistic.

106、Talents in the real estate industry are faced with two choices: industry transformation or persistence. The development of the real estate industry in 2021 is conservative. On the one hand, it maintains high-density marketing, accelerates the recovery of funds, and stabilizes the capital chain and r

107、evitalize cash flow by selling projects or seeking equity cooperation. At the same time, it speeds up the shift to fine management and operation to save the costs. Among them, the reduction of marketing cost means the further contraction of profit space for the real estate advertising industry whose

108、 profit is declining year by year. In addition, the development of the two core technologies further reduces the human cost of the design industry. One is that the development of artificial intelligence (AI) led by Python language has deeply integrated the computational image with AI, and AI technol

109、ogy can be used to complete a large number of basic design work in a short time. Second, the competition among domestic design content websites is increasing. The improvement of the quality of online content causes a convergence on designers professional skills, and industrial value of designers is

110、being challenged. 地产与设计根据政府目前释放的信息,房地产行业势必在未来的一个时间点内反弹,但是否能达到之前黄金年代的利润率还有待考量。一方面,市场的回暖过程中需要大量营销工作的投入;另一方面,房地产行业利润率下降导致营销工作的资金投入将下降,这意味着地产广告公司已经全面进入低毛利时代,无法应对日益增长的人力成本,地产设计行业的前景不容乐观。地产行业人才面临行业转型与艰苦留守两种选择。 整个 2021 年房地产行业的发展偏保守运营。一方面,维持高密度营销工作,加速资金回笼,通过出售项目或寻求股权合作等方式来稳定资金链,盘活现金流;同时,加快精细化管理和运营,节省开支。 其中,

111、营销费用的下调,对于利润逐年下降的地产广告行业而言,意味着利润空间的进一步收缩。此外,两大核心技术的发展令设计行业的人力成本进一步下降。其一是以 Python 语言为主导的人工智能(AI)开发已经将计算图像与 AI 深度融合,可以利用 AI 技术在短时间内完成大量的基础设计工作。其二是国内的设计内容网站竞争日益加剧,更高质量的网站内容令设计师的职业技能水平趋同,设计师的行业价值正受到挑战。 地产设计人才面临转型与艰苦留守双重选择房产行业削减开支,营销费用进一步下调Transformation or persistence, real estate designers face choices

112、Further reduction of marketing expenditure in real estate industry 房地产行业下行,房产设计行业人才面临挑战Market size of real estate industry shrinks, real estate design professionals face challenges26Design & PropertyCGP Insight2022 SALARY TRENDS地产与设计房地产行业下行,房产设计行业人才面临挑战Market size of real estate industry shrinks, re

113、al estate design professionals face challengesAccording to CGP Group Marketing Insight, the neat decline of the real estate industry has also dealt a blow to the surrounding industries. Real estate design talents can choose industries with more prospects, and rely on the extensiveness of the design

114、industry itself to obtain more employment opportunities in other industries. There is a mutually dependent relation between real estate industry and real estate design, and the sales mode of futures housing makes it difficult for real estate advertising companies, as core suppliers, to obtain a heal

115、thy capital chain. Companieshigh-risk operation has a profound negative impact on the employment stability of real estate design talents and their industrial development. For real estate design talents, the competition in the field of real estate advertising is increasing, and it is difficult to obt

116、ain equal labor income. Real estate design talents should reconsider the core value of the position, take the function of visual communication and creative inspiration as the core value, and seek potential positions in more extension industries. CGP 集团市场洞察显示:“地产行业的整齐下行导致周边产业同样受到打击,对于地产设计人才而言,可以选择目前更

117、具有前景的行业,依靠设计行业本身的外延性,在其他行业获得更多的就业机会”。房地产行业与地产设计是相互依托的行业关系,期房销售的模式导致作为核心供应商的地产广告公司很难获得一个健康的资金链,公司的高风险运营会对地产设计人才的就业稳定性与自身的行业发展产生很深的负面影响。对于地产设计人才而言,目前的地产广告领域的竞争加剧,很难获得对等的劳动收益,地产设计人才应回归职位的核心价值,以视觉传达与创意启发的职能为核心价值,在更多的外延性产业中寻求更具潜力的岗位。272022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland China人才短缺岗位竞争激烈岗位DIFFICULT TO HIREDIFFICUL

118、T TO COMPETECGP InsightNotes: Roles with limited qualified candidates while HR and company has less bargain power during recruitment process. 指某职位缺乏符合条件的应聘者,符合条件的候选人有较大选择空间。HR 及公司处于卖方市场。Notes: Roles with poured qualified candidates while many candidates compete for one job. HR and company has more b

119、argain power during recruitment process. 指某职位有大量符合条件的应聘者,候选人竞争激烈。HR 及公司处于买方市场。Logistics Leasing物流招商Retail Leasing商业招商Asset Management资产管理CRM 会员管理系统Mall Operations 商业运营职位Cost Manager 成本造价Design Management 设计管理Office Leasing 办公招商Project Management 项目管理Design & Property地产与设计28Retail Leasing DirectorRet

120、ail Leasing Sr. ManagerRetail Leasing ManagerOffice Leasing DirectorOffice Leasing Sr. ManagerOffice Leasing ManagerIndustrial Leasing Director Industrial Leasing Sr. Manager Industrial Leasing Manager Consulting DirectorConsulting ManagerOperation DirectorOperation ManagerMall General ManagerProper

121、ty DirectorProperty Senior ManagerProperty ManagerMarketing DirectorMarketing Senior Manager Marketing Manager商业招商总监商业招商高级经理商业招商经理办公招商总监办公招商高级经理办公招商经理产业招商总监产业招商高级经理产业招商经理咨询总监咨询经理运营总监运营经理商场总经理物业总监物业高级经理物业经理市场总监市场高级经理市场经理12 years +8 years + 6 years +12 years +10 years +6 years +12 years +8 years + 6 y

122、ears +15 years +8 years +12 years +6 years +15 years +15 years +10 years +8 years +15 years +10 years +6 years +1M700K500K1M700K500K1M600K 500K 1M600K1M400K2M1.2M700K500K1.5M 700K 500K860K600K460K880K600K400K910K540K400K800K440K800K360K1.4M950K650K400K900K600K440K700K500K300K700K500K300K800K500K300K

123、600K300K600K300K1M700K500K300K600K500K400KPosition Title 职位名称MinMedMaxYears ofExperience从业年数Annual Package Range (RMB) 年薪2022 SALARY TRENDSCommercial & Industrial Property - 商业及产业地产9090908080809393908080909088929292858282NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值

124、、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicato

125、r: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.292022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaP

126、roject Head Project DirectorProject ManagerMEP DirectorMEP Senior ManagerMEP ManagerCost DirectorCost ManagerBIM ManagerStructural Director Structural Senior ManagerStructural ManagerEHS DirectorEHS ManagerScheduling ManagerResidential Salas VPResidential Salas DirectorResidential Salas ManagerMarke

127、ting DirectorMarketing Senior ManagerMarketing ManagerCity GM项目负责人项目总监项目经理机电总监机电高级经理机电经理成本总监成本经理BIM 经理结构总监结构高级经理结构经理EHS 总监EHS 经理计划经理住宅地产销售副总裁住宅地产销售总监住宅地产销售经理营销总监营销高级经理营销经理城市总经理18 years + 15 years +8 years +15 years +10 years +8 years +12 years +8 years +5 years +15 years +10 years +8 years +15 years

128、 +8 years +8 years +15 years +10 years +7 years +12 years +8 years +5 years +15 years +3M1.5M650K1.5M800K600K1.5M600K650K1M750K600K1.2M650K600K3M2M600K1M600K400K2M1M570K1.2M700K560K1.1M500K570K840K675K540K1M580K520K2.4M1.4M480K900K540K300K2M+1.2M800K500K800K600K500K700K400K500K700K600K500K800K520K40

129、0K2M1M400K800K500K200KPosition Title 职位名称MinMedMaxYears ofExperience从业年数Annual Package Range 年薪Project Management - 项目管理85858585858585858080808080808085859080828290NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数Residential Property - 住宅地产* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits),

130、 use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A scor

131、e above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.30Chief Investment OfficerInvestment DirectorInvestment ManagerInvestment AnalystAsset Management Director Asset Management Senior Manager Asset Management ManagerValuation DirectorValuation Manager首席投资官投资总监投资经理投资分析师资产管理总监资产管理高级经理资产管理经

132、理估算总监估算经理15 years +10 years + 5 years +3 years +15 years +10 years +6 years +15 years +6 years +6M2M700K500K2.5M 800K 600K800K600K4M1.4M500K320K1.6M700K550K700K440K2M700K 300K150K800K600K500K600K300KPosition Title 职位名称MinMedMaxAnnual Package Range (RMB) 年薪2022 SALARY TRENDSInvestment & Asset Managem

133、ent - 投资及资管858585909090908282NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other ben

134、efits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market.

135、 A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.Years ofExperience从业年数312022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaDesign Head Archi Design Director Archi Design Senior Manager Archi Design Manager Urban Planning DirectorUrban Planning Senior ManagerUrban Planning ManagerLandscape Desi

136、gn DirectorLandscape Design Senior ManagerLandscape Design Manager Interior Design Director Interior Design Senior Manager Interior Design Manager 设计负责人建筑设计总监建筑设计高级经理建筑设计经理城市规划总监城市规划高级经理城市规划经理景观设计总监景观设计高级经理景观设计经理室内设计总监室内设计高级经理室内设计经理15 years +15 years + 12 years +8 years +15 years +10 years +6 years

137、+ 15 years +10 years +6 years +15 years +10 years +6 years +4M2M800K700K2M700K 500K1.2M 600K500K 900K600K400K2.5M1.5M700K600K1.4M600K450K950K550K400K800K500K300K1M800K600K500K800K 500K400K700K500K300K700K400K200KPosition Title 职位名称MinMedMaxAnnual Package Range (RMB) 年薪Design Management - 设计管理80 8590

138、90808080808080828686NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits), u

139、se local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score

140、above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.Years ofExperience从业年数32Digital TransformationCGP InsightToday, digital transformation has become the key to global industrial upgrading, and countries around the world have released national digital strategies to accelerate the process

141、of industrial digitization. The establishment of a digital hub is an important step in digital transformation, which gathers talents and innovation initiatives, accelerates local ecological development, and realizes the simultaneous upgrade of multiple industries such as finance, logistics and manuf

142、acturing, thereby enhancing international competitiveness. In 2021, digital transformation has promoted innovation in many fields, and technological upgrades have helped all mankind enjoy more equal services. With the chain structure extension and development of digital transformation, the mobilizat

143、ion of work scenarios, cloudification of work data and low-code encapsulation of work processes have become the mainstream of enterprise digital applications. Affected by the epidemic, digital transformation has become a path for traditional industries to quickly resume production. Artificial intell

144、igence and machine learning are increasingly embedded in multiple business functions in key business areas, which not only improves the efficiency of enterprises, but also realizes the innovation of products and services; and the digital model based on cloud computing is helping enterprises meet the

145、 changes and needs in business scenarios. 2022 SALARY TRENDS数字化转型现如今,数字化转型已成为全球产业升级的关键,世界各国均发布国家数字战略,以加速产业数字化进程。成立数字枢纽中心是数字化转型的重要一步,这一过程也能够凝聚人才与创新举措,同时加速发展本地生态,实现金融、物流、制造等多个行业的同步升级,从而提升国际竞争力。 在 2021 年,数字化转型推动了多领域的创新,技术的升级帮助全人类享受更平等的服务。随着数字化转型链条式结构的延伸发展,工作场景移动化、工作数据云端化和工作流程低代码封装化已经成为了企业数字化应用的主流。 受疫情影

146、响,数字化转型成为了传统行业快速恢复生产的路径。人工智能与机器学习被越来越多地嵌入到关键业务领域的多个业务功能中,不仅提高了企业效率,也实现了产品与服务的创新;而基于云计算的数字化模型正帮助企业满足业务场景的变化与需求。 全球产业复苏的灯塔 面向未来的产业升级Digital Transformation Is the Key to Global Economic Recovery全行业面临数字化转型 数据人才出现缺口Digital transformation happens, data process talents are competitive 332022 SALARY TRENDS

147、Mainland ChinaDigital TransformationCGP InsightIn the wave of digital transformation, the leading position of e-commerce, finance and other industries is relatively obvious, while the manufacturing industry needs to complete the iteration of modernization and connectivity, in which the technological

148、 upgrade of 5G, cloud computing and the Internet of Things is imminent. These industries obviously need a large number of talents in the field of digital transformation. It is predicted that the process of global industrial digitalization will be further deepened in 2022. In the process of digital t

149、ransformation, the optimization of supply chain has become the primary concern of most enterprises, and e-commerce will become an important means of digital transformation of enterprise supply chain. Advanced digital technology can highly integrate the online and offline supply chain, connect the su

150、pply chain and payment, so as to improve the operation efficiency of enterprise business terminals and product structure, and maximize profits. Another hot topic of digital transformation is private domain development. The digitalization of products and services has increasingly become the main dire

151、ction for manufacturing enterprises to expand their business value. Private domain development uses Internet tools to create an ecosystem, allowing enterprises to face consumers directly and excavating the value of membership attributes to better reach and serve consumers, which has become the focus

152、 of all enterprises. 数字化转型在数字化转型的浪潮中,电商、金融等行业的引领地位比较明显;而制造业内部需要完成现代化与连通性的迭代,对 5G、云计算与物联网的技术更迭迫在眉睫。由此可见,未来这些行业将需要大量数字化转型领域的人才。 预测 2022 年,全球产业数字化进程将更一步深化。在数字化转型过程中,对于供应链的优化成为了多数企业首要关注的方向,而电商化将成为企业供应链数字化转型的重要手段。先进的数字化技术能够高度整合线上线下供应链,打通供应链与支付,从而提高企业业务终端与产品结构的运转效率,实现利益最大化。 数字化转型的另一个热点是私域开发。产品和服务数字化日益成为制造

153、企业拓宽业务价值的主攻方向。私域开发利用互联网工具,创建生态系统,让企业直接面向消费者,挖掘会员属性价值,更好地触达并服务消费者,成为了所有企业所重点关注的方向。 面对人才缺口 人才再开发是突破关键数字化转型进程加快 全球产业面临换血Talent redevelopment is the key to relieve talent shortage Digital Transformation Accelerating of all Global Industries全行业面临数字化转型 数据人才出现缺口Digital transformation happens, data process

154、talents are competitive 34CGP Insight2022 SALARY TRENDSAs a key element in the process of enterprise digital transformation, digital talents have a crucial impact on enterprise transformation, and solving the shortage of digital transformation talents is huge challenge for enterprises. Accelerating

155、the pace of digital transformation requires companies to break through the inherent barriers of thinking. The foundation of transformation is not only the application of new tools or new skills, but a transformation of itself, both to companies and individuals. CGP Group Marketing Insight shows that

156、 digital transformation is not just a one-way technical transformation, but fundamentally a special project for innovative talents in the enterprises. The core value of digital talents is the integration and application of multiple fields and disciplines. While recruiting talents externally, enterpr

157、ises should develop internal training and promotion channels based on their own conditions, improve the digital capabilities of existing employees to start digital transformation prior to the enterprise; and for talents, those who have skills dealing with digital transformation will greatly enhance

158、the competitiveness in the talent market. 作为企业数字化转型过程中的关键要素,数字化人才对于企业转型有着至关重要的影响,而解决数字化转型人才的缺口也是对企业的巨大挑战。加快数字化转型的步伐,需要企业突破固有的思维壁垒。转型的根本,不仅是新工具或者新技能的应用,而是一场针对自身的转变,对于企业或者个人而言都是如此。 CGP 集团市场洞察显示:“数字化转型不仅仅是单向的技术类转型,从根本而言,其实是一个企业创新型人才的专项。数字人才的核心价值是多领域、多学科的融合与应用。企业在对外开展人才招聘的同时,应结合自身的情况,开辟企业内部的培训与晋升渠道,提升现有

159、员工的数字化能力,先于企业启动数字化转型;而对人才而言,具备数字化转型方向的技能将大大提升其在人才市场的竞争力”。 Digital Transformation数字化转型全行业面临数字化转型 数据人才出现缺口Digital transformation happens, data process talents are competitive 352022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland China人才短缺岗位竞争激烈岗位DIFFICULT TO HIREDIFFICULT TO COMPETEDigital TransformationCGP Insight数字化转型Algor

160、ithm Engineer算法工程师Solution Architect解决方案架构师Engineering Manager研发经理Engineering Lead研发主管Java EngineerJava 开发工程师QA Engineer测试工程师.NET Engineer.Net 开发工程师Project Manager项目经理Notes: Roles with limited qualified candidates while HR and company has less bargain power during recruitment process. 指某职位缺乏符合条件的应聘者

161、,符合条件的候选人有较大选择空间。HR 及公司处于卖方市场。Notes: Roles with poured qualified candidates while many candidates compete for one job. HR and company has more bargain power during recruitment process. 指某职位有大量符合条件的应聘者,候选人竞争激烈。HR 及公司处于买方市场。36Digital Transformation - 数字化转型2022 SALARY TRENDSPython EngineerJava Engineer

162、.Net EngineerC+/C EngineerPHP EngineeriOS EngineerAndroid EngineerArchitectQA EngineerQE EngineerEngineering LeadEngineering ManagerAlgorithm EngineerAlgorithm Lead3-10 years3-10 years3-10 years3-10 years3-10 years3-10 years3-10 years8-15 years3-10 years3-10 years8-15 years10-20 years1-10 years6-10

163、years500K+500K+400K+500K+500K+510K+520K+700K+320K+450K+600K+700K+1M+1.2M+350K350K300K350K350K400K400K500K250K320K450K600K400K800K200K200K150K200K200K250K250K350K150K180K350K450K250K500KPosition Title 职位名称MinMedMaxYears ofExperience从业年数Annual Package Range 年薪Tier 1 Cities 一线城市2022 SALARY TRENDS* 年薪:基

164、本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Mi

165、nimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity i

166、n the market.372022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaPython 开发工程师Java 开发工程师.Net 开发工程师C+/C 开发工程师PHP 开发工程师iOS 开发工程师Android 开发工程师架构师测试工程师测试开发工程师研发主管研发经理算法工程师算法主管801006060608080708060707010080Position Title 职位名称MinMedMaxNeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数Annual Package Range 年薪Tier 2 Cities 二线城市Digital Transformation -

167、 数字化转型140K140K100K140K140K150K150K250K100K120K250K300K200K350K250K250K150K250K250K300K300K350K150K220K320K450K300K500K350K350K250K350K350K400K400K500K230K300K400K500K500K+700K+* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求

168、小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent wi

169、thin the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.38Emerging Technologies & The InternetCGP InsightIn the process of global economic development, the Inter

170、net has created numerous economic legends, and is also known as the most wealth-creating industry. After enjoying the dividend period of more than 20 years, the Internet feast is coming to an end. The exhaustion of traffic growth, the change of consumer habits and the global antitrust actions on pla

171、tform economy indicate the end of the era of rapid expansion of the Internet. The end of an era also indicates the rise of another. In the Internet market, more and more brand-based, product-based and content-based companies have become the mainstream. They will replace the Internet platform compani

172、es and become the unicorn of the new era. The Internet industry in 2021 is vividly compared to a dancer who dances with shackles. Under the influence of the global antitrust background, the domestic regulatory policy tends to be strict, which to some extent affects the capital of risk aversion in th

173、e market, resulting in the obstruction of financing and limited development of Internet enterprises. Strict policy control makes fair competition and information sharing the main themes of the industry. The former requires fair competition between platforms and shall not abuse market position, while

174、 the latter requires that information partition should not be built between platforms and consumers should be allowed to share information across platforms. While adapting to policy and market changes, traditional Internet enterprises are urgently seeking new ways of realization, and more emerging t

175、echnologies are applied to the Internet industry. 2022 SALARY TRENDS新兴技术与互联网互联网在全球经济发展的过程中,制造了无数经济传奇,也被人们誉为最能创造财富的行业。在享受了二十多年的红利期后,互联网的盛宴正在接近尾声。流量增长的枯竭,消费者习惯的改变以及全球范围内的平台经济反垄断行动,预示着互联网极速膨胀的时代落幕。 一个时代的结束也预示着另一个时代的崛起,互联网市场内,越来越多的品牌型、产品型以及内容型公司成为主流,他们将取代互联网平台型公司,成为新时代的独角兽。2021 年的互联网行业,被形象地比喻为“带着枷锁跳舞”的舞

176、者。受全球反垄断背景影响,国内的监管政策趋于严格,一定程度上影响了市场上避险情绪的资本,导致互联网企业融资受阻,发展受限。政策上的严控,使得“公平竞争”和“信息共享”成为行业内的主旋律。前者要求平台之间公平竞争,不得滥用市场地位;后者要求平台之间不得筑起“信息隔墙”,要允许消费者跨平台共享信息。传统互联网企业在适应政策和市场变化的同时,正迫切寻求全新的变现途径,更多的新兴技术也正在被运用于互联网行业。 互联网行业增速放缓 新兴技术加速融合Emerging technologies accelerates integration互联网行业新一轮增长蓄势,人才个体价值凸显Individual va

177、lue magnifies in the Internet industry392022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaEmerging Technologies & The InternetCGP InsightThe pace of technological innovation promotes the diversified development of the Internet industry. In order to gain a foothold in the market, major enterprises must make use of em

178、erging technologies to maintain competitiveness and create differentiated products, which will have a positive and profound impact on enterprises future success with the rapid and integrated development of emerging technologies. As the strict control continues, it is expected that in 2022, the Inter

179、net industry will officially enter the era of strong supervision. With the gradual implementation of the global antitrust policy for the platform economy, small and medium-sized enterprises will have more opportunities. At the same time, these enterprises are also the key areas of the collaborative

180、transformation of the whole industrial chain, emphasizing cloud computing, big data and the Internet of Things to empower the industry. Meanwhile, in the post-epidemic era, people realize that virtual life can replace real life in some ways, which gives birth to the concept of the meta universe. The

181、 essence of meta universe is the 3D Internet, which is based on a series of technologies related to VR, AR and AI algorithms that are the keys to the virtual Internet world. In line with the trend of the industry, more and more enterprises have proposed the intention of developing business related w

182、ith the meta universe concept. In the future, the Internet industry will be more quickly and thoroughly integrated with emerging technologies. As the carnival of the platform Internet comes to an end, more Internet companies advocating content experience will go to the foreground. The nature of the

183、Internet industry determines that even after more than 20 years of development, it will still be a strong power supporting the global economic and social development of countless times in the future. 新兴技术与互联网在持续的严格管控下,预计在 2022 年,互联网行业将正式进入“强监管”时代。随着针对平台经济的全球反垄断政策逐步开始实施,中小型企业将获得更多的机会,同时这部分企业也是全产业链协同转

184、型的关键领域,强调云计算、大数据、物联网,为产业赋能。 同时,在后疫情时代,人们意识到线上生活已经可以在某些层面取代线下生活,其中就涉及元宇宙的概念。元宇宙的本质是 3D 互联网,其中涉及到的 VR、AR 以及 AI 算法等一系列技术,是通往虚拟互联网世界的钥匙。顺应行业趋势,越来越多的企业都提出了发展元宇宙相关业务的意愿。 未来的互联网行业,会与新兴技术更快更彻底地融合。随着平台型互联网的狂欢进入尾声,更多提倡内容体验的互联网公司将走向台前。互联网行业的属性决定了即使经过二十多年的发展,它将仍然是一股支撑今后无数时代全球经济与社会发展的重要力量。 技术创新的步伐促进了互联网产业的多样性发展。

185、为了在市场上站稳脚跟,各大企业必须利用新兴技术来保持竞争力,创造差异化的产品,在新兴技术日新月异、融合发展的趋势背景下,这将对企业未来的发展产生积极深刻的影响。 强监管背景下 互联网行业迈向新起点Government supervision brings Internet industry to a new stage 互联网行业新一轮增长蓄势,人才个体价值凸显Individual value magnifies in the Internet industry40Emerging Technologies & The InternetCGP InsightAlthough the epide

186、mic has limited impact on the Internet industry, enterprises tend to control investment in talent and pay more attention to the excavation of individual value. According to the CGP Group Marketing Insight, the flexibility of the Internet industry is reflected in all aspects. The industry is expected

187、 to have more intense enterprise restructuring and talent flow in 2022, and the demand for middle and high-end talents will also increase. Talents will have more opportunities to cultivate and develop professional skills and capabilities in areas where self-value can be realized. Having the developm

188、ent ideas that align with the enterprise will grant talents better career opportunities. By building an enabling organization, Internet enterprises can constantly unleash individual value, and match the development of individual capabilities with the organizations development direction to the greate

189、st extent. From the perspective of talents, being in an open-minded industry such as the Internet is conducive to the realization and increase of ones self-value. 2022 SALARY TRENDS新兴技术与互联网虽然互联网行业受到的疫情影响偏弱,但是企业在人才方面依然趋向于控制投入,更加注重个体价值的挖掘。 CGP 集团市场洞察显示:“互联网行业的灵活性体现在方方面面,预计在 2022 年,行业内企业重组和人才流动的现象会进一步加

190、剧,对中高端人才的需求也会加大。人才将有更多机会选择在能够实现自我价值的领域深耕与发展。怀揣与企业相一致的发展理念,能让人才获得更好的机会。” 通过打造赋能型组织,互联网企业能够不断激发个体价值,尽可能地将组织中个体的能力发展与组织的发展方向相匹配。而对人才来说,身处互联网这样一个思维开放的行业,更有利于实现自我价值的增长。 人才个体价值崛起 中高端人才紧缺Internet and technology industry facing shortage of high-level talents 互联网行业新一轮增长蓄势,人才个体价值凸显Individual value magnifies i

191、n the Internet industry412022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland China人才短缺岗位竞争激烈岗位DIFFICULT TO HIREDIFFICULT TO COMPETECGP InsightProduct Head智能座舱产品总监Autonomous Driving Algorithm Expert智能驾驶算法专家Cloud Architect云平台架构师APP Product DirectorAPP 产品总监LBS Product Expert地图产品专家BD/Sales Director商务 / 销售总监Marketing Director 市

192、场总监CPSP Director 生态合作总监Operation Director运营总监Aftersales Expert售后总监Notes: Roles with limited qualified candidates while HR and company has less bargain power during recruitment process. 指某职位缺乏符合条件的应聘者,符合条件的候选人有较大选择空间。HR 及公司处于卖方市场。Notes: Roles with poured qualified candidates while many candidates com

193、pete for one job. HR and company has more bargain power during recruitment process. 指某职位有大量符合条件的应聘者,候选人竞争激烈。HR 及公司处于买方市场。Emerging Technologies & The Internet新兴技术与互联网42AI - 人工智能AI Chief ScientistDeep Learning ExpertDeep Learning Senior EngineerDeep Learning EngineerComputer Vision ExpertComputer Visi

194、on Senior EngineerComputer Vision EngineerNLP ExpertNLP Senior EngineerNLP EngineerMachine Learning ExpertMachine Learning Senior EngineerMachine Learning EngineerSpeech Recognition ExpertSpeech Recognition Senior EngineerSpeech Recognition EngineerData Algorithm ExpertData Algorithm Senior Engineer

195、Data Algorithm EngineerAI Open Source ExpertAI Product DirectorAI Product Senior ManagerAI Product ManagerAI 首席科学家 深度学习专家 深度学习高级工程师 深度学习工程师 计算机视觉专家 计算机视觉高级工程师 计算机视觉工程师 自然语言处理专家 自然语言处理高级工程师 自然语言处理工程师 机器学习专家 机器学习高级工程师 机器学习工程师 语音算法专家 语音算法高级工程师 语音算法工程师 数据算法专家 数据算法高级工程师 数据算法工程师 AI 开源平台开发专家 AI 产品总监 AI 产品高

196、级经理 AI 产品经理 15 years +8 years +5 years +3 years +8 years +5 years +3 years +8 years +5 years +2 years +8 years +5 years +3 years +8 years +5 years +2 years +8 years +6 years +3 years +7 years +8 years +5 years +3 years +2.8M1.2M700K450K1M650K500K1.2M600K500K1.2M800K550K1.2M750K550K1.1M700K500K2.5M1.


198、450K350K800K500K300K700K500K350K700K450K300K1M800K500K300K1M500K400K250K550K400K250K600K400K250K650K450K250K650K450K300K600K400K250K800K650K400K250KMinMinMedMedMaxMaxAnnual Package Range (RMB) 年薪Tier 1 Cities 一线城市 Tier 2 Cities 二线城市 9090958590958090958590958595959090858090859080NeedIndicator(0-100)需

199、求指数2022 SALARY TRENDS2022 SALARY TRENDS* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits), use lo

200、cal currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score above

201、 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.Position Title 职位名称Years ofExperience从业年数432022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaIntelligent Driving - 智能驾驶Intelligent Driving Chief ScientistADAS Technical DirectorSystem Control ExpertAlgorithm ExpertCloud Computing EngineerInformation Security

202、EngineerFunction SecuritySensor Fusion AlgorithmsPositioning AlgorithmPath Planning AlgorithmHD Map EngineerMillimeter Wave Radar Algorithm智能驾驶首席科学家ADAS 技术总监控制系统专家算法专家云计算工程师信息安全工程师功能安全传感器融合算法 定位算法 路径规划算法 高精地图开发 毫米波雷达算法12 years +12 years +6 years +7 years +5 years +5 years +5 years +7 years +5 years

203、+5 years +5 years +6 years +3M1.5M600K800K800K700K700K900K700K700K650K650K1.5M1M500K650K600K500K550K650K600K600K600K600K2.2M1.2M510K700K700K600K520K700K570K575K520K550K1.1M750K420K580K500K400K450K520K460K450K500K500K1.5M800K400K600K600K500K400K500K450K450K450K450K800K500K350K500K450K350K350K400K350K

204、350K400K400KPosition Title 职位名称MinMinMedMedMaxMaxAnnual Package Range (RMB) 年薪Tier 1 Cities 一线城市 Tier 2 Cities 二线城市 808085808580858080858580NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反

205、之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the mar

206、ket. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.Years ofExperience从业年数44IoT - 物联网Product VP/DirectorProduct ManagerTechnical DirectorPlatform Development ArchitectWi

207、Fi/Bluetooth Technology ExpertSoftware Development EngineerIndustry Solutions ArchitectProject DirectorProject ManagerCOOOperation DirectorOperation ManagerUX/UI DesignerVisual DesignerBD DirectorSales ManagerData Platform ArchitectData Warehouse ArchitectData Analyst产品 VP/ 总监产品经理技术总监平台开发架构师WiFi/ 蓝牙

208、技术专家软件开发工程师行业解决方案架构师项目总监项目经理首席运营官运营总监运营经理交互设计师视觉设计师业务拓展总监销售经理数据平台架构师数据仓库架构师数据分析师10 years +8 years +10 years +8 years +8 years +5 years +8 years +10 years +5 years +10 years +8 years +5 years +5 years +5 years +10 years +5 years +8 years +8 years +8 years +5M1M2M1.5M600K550K1.2M800K500K2.5M1M800K800K


210、700K600K500K1M400K700K500K300K200K350K450K200K700K600K300K200K200K400K200K500K500K300KMinMinMedMedMaxMaxAnnual Package Range (RMB) 年薪Tier 1 Cities 一线城市 Tier 2 Cities 二线城市 90958085909580859085908090908085959095NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数2022 SALARY TRENDS2022 SALARY TRENDS* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为

211、当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.

212、: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.Position Tit

213、le 职位名称Years ofExperience从业年数452022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaICT Chip Manufacturing - ICT 芯片制造BU General ManagerR&D DirectorR&D ManagerChief ScientistIC Desgin ExpertIC Process Development ExpertFPGA ExpertSOC ArchitectSI/PI ExpertIC Verification ExpertPD Design ExpertHardware Design ManagerHardw

214、are EngineerSoftware Design ManagerSoftware EngineerProduct Director / ManagerProject Director / ManagerProduction DirectorProduction ManagerQuality DirectorQuality ManagerSales ManagerRegional Sales ManagerOverseas Sales ManagerSupply Chain DirectorSupply Chain Planning ManagerSupply Chain Developm

215、ent ManagerPlanning Manager事业部总经理研发总监研发经理首席研究科学家IC 设计专家 ( 数字 / 模拟电路 )IC 工艺开发专家FPGA 专家SOC 架构师SI/PI 专家IC 验证专家PD 设计专家硬件设计经理硬件工程师软件设计经理软件工程师产品总监 / 经理项目总监 / 经理生产总监生产经理质量总监质量经理销售总监区域销售经理海外销售经理供应链总监供应链计划经理供应链开发经理物料计划经理10 years +12 years +8 years +8 years +8 years +8 years +8 years +8 years +8 years +8 year

216、s +8 years +10 years +3 years +8 years +3 years +5 years +5 years +12 years +8 years +12 years +8 years +10 years +5 years +5 years +10 years +8 years +8 years +8 years +2M1.2M1M2M1.5M1.5M1.5M1.2M900K1.5M800K800K500K800K500K1M700K1.2M900K1M750K1M600K700K1.3M600K700K600K1.8M900K700K1.3M1.5M1.2M1.3M1.


218、900K500K800K1.1M500K1.1M1.3M400K1.1M400K500K250K500K250K500K350K800K600K550K400K600K300K400K700K400K300K400K900K500K300K600K1M400K900K1.3M300K1.1M250K400K200K400K200K400K250K600K400K450K350K400K250K250K450K200K200K200KMinMinMedMedMaxMaxAnnual Package Range (RMB) 年薪Tier 1 Cities 一线城市 Tier 2 Cities 二线

219、城市 86909088908584908486869080908090909090859080859082848484NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数Position Title 职位名称Years ofExperience从业年数46CTOIT DirectorIT ManagerInfrastructure / Engineering ManagerIT Service / Helpdesk ManagerInfrastructure Team LeadNetwork / Server EngineerApplication ManagerSystem AnalystCIS

220、OCyber Security ManagerSAP(ERP) DirectorSAP(ERP) Project ManagerSAP(ERP) Consultant / Business Analyst首席技术官IT 总监IT 经理基础架构经理IT 服务台经理基础架构组长网络工程师应用经理系统分析员首席信息安全官信息安全经理SAP 总监SAP 项目经理SAP 顾问分析师12 years +10 years +5 years +8 years +8 years +5 years +2 years +8 years +3 years +10 years +8 years + 8 years +5

221、 years + 2 years +2M800K700K700K500K500K700K600K1.2M1.8M800K600K2M+1.5M650K500K500K375K350K575K420K1.2M+900K1.4M600K430K1M 500K 360K 300K 250K 200K 450K 250K 600K 1M 400K 300K MinMedMaxAnnual Package Range (RMB) 年薪2022 SALARY TRENDSSystem & IT Supporting - 系统 & IT 支持8284848280828082848583858282NeedI

222、ndicator(0-100)需求指数* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: us

223、e RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urg

224、ent need, or a scarcity in the market.Position Title 职位名称Years ofExperience从业年数472022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaHead of ArchitectSolution / Application / Mobile ArchitectCloud ArchitectIT Programme ManagerIT Project / Product ManagerIT Business AnalystData ScientistData ArchitectBI ArchitectAglori

225、thm (Research) - Ph.DAglorithm (Development)- Ph.DUX/UI DirectorUX/UI Manager首席架构师解决方案 / 移动架构师云端架构师IT 开发经理IT 项目 / 产品经理IT 商业分析员数据科学家数据架构师商业分析架构师算法工程师(理论研究)算法工程师(开发)交互设计总监交互设计经理10 years +8 years +5 years +10 years +8 years +2 years +5 years + 5 years +5 years +2 years +2 years +10 years +5 years +2M1.

226、2M1M1.5M1M700K1.5M1M1M1.2M1.5M1.2M800K1.5M900K700K1.2M700K510K1M700K700K820K1M1M600K1M 600K 400K 1M 400K 300K 500K 400K 400K 400K 400K 700K 400K Position Title 职位名称MinMinMedMedMaxMaxAnnual Package Range 年薪Annual Package Range 年薪Developer & Architect - 架构开发90889086858691929094948888NeedIndicator(0-10

227、0)需求指数NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数Internet - 互联网* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits), u

228、se local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score

229、above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.Position Title 职位名称Years ofExperience从业年数Years ofExperience从业年数48EnergyCGP InsightThe global economic recovery in the post-epidemic era continued throughout 2021. The crude oil market rose in the first half of the year as destocking acce

230、lerated thanks to the recovery in demand and the better-than-expected performance of supply constraints. In the second half of the year, the intensification of the COVID-19 epidemic led by the Delta Mutation and the Fed s reduction of the scale of bond purchase made the oil price fell back. In the f

231、ourth quarter of the year, the energy crisis broke out in Europe, and the price of crude oil reached the highest level in the past few years. Looking back at the whole year, in the transformation stage of global traditional fossil energy, the bottleneck of new energy supply is pretty obvious. With t

232、he reopening of the global market, the traditional energy sector, led by the oil and gas industry, has recovered from the losses it had been suffered since 2020, and oil prices have reached their highest level in two years. Despite the market recovery and surging profits, the Western crude oil giant

233、s have not indicated plans for additional capital expenditure. Instead, they have implemented policies to slow growth and clean up carbon emissions due to the impact of tight regulation and climate change. Reducing investment in oil and gas and increasing in renewable energy sector have become the W

234、estern oil giants common choices. At the same time, with the gradual advancement of the modernization process of the industry as a whole and the steady progress of 5G commercialization, energy companies will introduce cloud computing technology on a large scale. Some of the major trends in 2021 will

235、 pave the way for the overall industry transformation in 2022. Governments in various countries have made some progress in policy, regulation and commitment in 2021, which will promote the economies transformation toward low-carbon energy. 2022 SALARY TRENDS能源在整个 2021 年,后疫情时代的全球经济复苏还在持续。上半年,原油市场上涨,得

236、益于市场需求复苏以及供给约束的超预期表现,库存加速去化。进入下半年,新冠病毒德尔塔变种导致疫情加剧,叠加美联储缩减购债规模,油价再度回调。第四季度,欧洲爆发能源危机,原油价格攀升至多年新高。回顾全年,在全球传统化石能源转型阶段内,新能源的供给瓶颈问题非常明显。随着全球市场的重新开放,以油气行业为首的传统能源行业摆脱了 2020 年以来持续亏损的阴影,油价也攀升至 2 年以来的最高水平。尽管市场复苏,盈利大增,但西方原油巨头并未表示有追加资本开支的计划。受监管收紧与气候变化的双重影响,他们施行了放慢增长,清理碳排放的政策。在油气投资上减量,在可再生能源方向增量,成为西方石油巨头的共同选择。 同时

237、,随着行业整体现代化进程的逐步推进,5G 商用的发展,能源公司将大范围引进云计算技术。2021 年的一些主要趋势将为 2022 年的行业整体转型做好铺垫。2021 年各国政府在政策、监管及其承诺方面都有一些积极进展,这将促进各经济体向低碳能源转型。 传统能源行业扭转亏损,行业转型持续推进Traditional energy industry reversed losses, industry transformation continued 能源行业全面转型,“绿色人才”成行业内争抢对象Competition for green energy professional talents49202

238、2 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaEnergyCGP InsightEnergy transformation not only leads to the shift of financial capital, but also leads to the shift of talents from traditional energy industry to the new energy field. With the substantial adjustment and optimization of domestic energy structure, digit

239、al technology has become the key to promoting the transformation and development of oil and gas enterprises, and the demand for talents in the field of digital energy and new energy is also expanding. The new energy industry is also facing a serious shortage of talents due to the rapid development.

240、The rise of salary level has intensified the talent competition in the energy field. With the promotion of carbon neutrality policy and the recovery of the global economy, the transformation of traditional energy into clean energy is accelerating. Capital flows into the new energy industry chain, pr

241、omoting the explosive growth of the industry. In the new energy vehicle market, Europe is expected to have the highest market share in 2022, while China will become the largest single market for new energy vehicles. In the United States, President Biden has outlined a goal that 50% of cars sold in 2

242、030 will be zero-emission electric vehicles. In the traditional energy industry, the digitization process has advanced considerably. The product manufacturers and parts suppliers in the supply chain system will adopt the cutting-edge digital mechanism and transform to the new energy structure. With

243、the development of hydrogen energy and the improvement of electrical technology and energy efficiency, the global economy and industries with large emissions will accelerate the pace of decarburization. 能源能源转型不仅导致金融资本转向,同时也引发了传统能源行业的人才转向新能源领域。随着国内能源结构大幅度的调整优化,数字化技术成为了推动油气类企业转型发展的关键,数字化能源与新能源的人才需求也在不

244、断扩大。新能源行业还面临着高速发展带来的严重人才短缺问题;同时,更高的薪资水平加剧了能源领域的人才竞争。 随着碳中和政策的推进以及全球经济迈向复苏,传统能源向清洁能源的转型不断提速。资本涌入新能源产业链,促使行业呈现爆发式增长。 在新能源汽车市场,预计在 2022 年,欧洲将拥有最高的市场份额比例,而中国将成为新能源汽车最大的单一市场。而美国方面,拜登总统提出在 2030 年前完成新能源汽车销售份额占比全国汽车 50% 的目标。 传统能源行业方面, 数字化进程进一步推进。 供应链体系内的产品制造商和零部件供应商将采用尖端的数字化机制, 同时向新能源结构转型。随着氢能源的发展、电气技术和能源效率

245、的提高,全球经济和排放量较大的产业将加快脱碳步伐。 能源行业遭遇人才黑洞,数字化能源与新能源人才需求紧缺新能源行业呈现爆发式增长,行业前景广阔Lack of digital and new energy talentsNew energy industry shows explosive growth and broad prospects 能源行业全面转型,“绿色人才”成行业内争抢对象Competition for green energy professional talents50EnergyCGP InsightAccording to CGP Group Marketing Insi

246、ght, more and more graduates of energy-related majors have chosen clean energy companies with more development prospects, which is a better choice for new entrants to the energy industry. Talents who have been rooted in the traditional energy industry should increase the training of capabilities rel

247、ated to digital transformation, which will play a positive role in future career planning and the promotion of career competitiveness. The energy industry is the engine of global economic recovery. In the context of the transformation of the global energy structure, the demand for talents in the ene

248、rgy industry is becoming increasingly urgent. For enterprises, in addition to increasing the introduction of external talents, more attention should be paid to the cultivation of existing talents. In the continuous and dynamic market changes, building a reasonable talent pipeline will ensure enterpr

249、ises competitiveness in the future. 2022 SALARY TRENDS能源CGP 集团市场洞察显示:“越来越多能源相关专业的应届毕业生选择了更有发展前景的清洁能源型公司,这对于初入能源行业的人才而言是更优的选择。而已经植根于传统能源行业的人才,应加大对于数字化转型相关能力的培养,这将对未来的职业规划与职场竞争力的提升带来更积极的作用。” 能源行业是全球经济迈向复苏的发动机。在全球能源结构转型的大背景下,能源行业的人才需求日益迫切。对于企业而言,除了加大对外部人才的引入,更应该注重企业本身人才的培养。在持续动态的市场变化中,建设合理的人才梯队,才能更好的赋予

250、企业未来竞争力。 能源行业全面转型,“绿色人才”成行业内争抢对象Competition for green energy professional talents512022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaProcess ManagerProcess SupervisorProcess EngineerBusiness DirectorBusiness ManagerSolution HeadSolution Manager工艺经理工艺主管工艺工程师业务总监业务经理解决方案负责人解决方案经理5 years +3 years +2 years +10 years +5

251、years +10 years +5 years +600K300K200K2M1M1.5M700K300K200K150K800K500K800K550K230K150K80K550K350K500K350KPosition Title 职位名称Position Title 职位名称MinMinMedMedMaxMaxYears ofExperience从业年数Years ofExperience从业年数Annual Package Range (RMB) 年薪Annual Package Range (RMB) 年薪Engineering & Process - 工程与工艺Energy D

252、igitization - 能源数字化 80808570807080NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (

253、excluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates

254、 an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.52Financial ServiceCGP InsightThe impact of COVID-19s epidemic continues. Although the global economy is moving towards recovery, the global political and economic pattern shows a grim situation. Chi

255、nas financial system is creating a new pattern of financial industry opening to the global market with the three core tasks of serving the real economy, preventing and controlling financial risks, and deepening financial reform. In 2021, the epidemic brought challenges as well as changes to the fina

256、ncial industry. The industry realized the opportunity of corner overtaking by increasing investment in science and technology and deepening digital transformation. Globally, the financial service industry faced regulatory pressure, and was affected by financial technology (Fintech) and digital monet

257、ary platform. The superposition of multiple impacts promoted industry innovation. Meanwhile, the cooperation between banks and new Fintech began to accelerate. The price of risk assets in the world s major developed economies rose generally in 2021, and there were three main reasons behind. First, w

258、ith the deepening of epidemic control, the global economic recovery has reached the expected level; second, the worlds major developed economies generally adopt stimulating fiscal policy, relaxing monetary policy; and third, the central banks of the major developed economies have adopted tolerant po

259、licies towards inflation, thereby influencing the risk appetite of investors. At the same time, the short-term real interest rate volatility caused by the expected fluctuation of economic recovery, and the repeated epidemics brought by the new coronavirus mutant have had a corresponding impact on th

260、e risk appetite of investors in the market, which led to a large fluctuation adjustment in the price of risky assets in a specific period of time. Based on the above reasons, the factors that promote the rise of risk assets are stronger than the fluctuation adjustment factors. Therefore, the financi

261、al industry has achieved a comprehensive and substantial rise in risk asset prices even in the face of large fluctuations in 2021. 2022 SALARY TRENDS新冠疫情的影响还在持续,虽然全球经济迈向复苏,但政经格局仍呈现严峻态势。我国金融系统正以“服务实体经济、防控金融风险、深化金融改革”三项核心任务,打造向全球市场开放的金融行业发展新格局。 2021 年,疫情为金融行业带来挑战的同时,也带来了转变。行业通过加大科技投入、深化数字化转型 , 实现弯道超车的

262、机会。全球范围内,金融服务行业依旧面对来自监管的压力,受到金融科技以及数字化货币平台的影响。多重影响的叠加促使行业革新。同时,银行与新型金融科技的合作开始加速。 在 2021 年,全球主要发达经济体的风险资产价格普遍上涨,究其原因,主要有三个方面。其一,随着疫情控制的深入,全球经济修复达到预期水平;其二,全球主要发达经济体普遍采用刺激性财政政策,放宽货币政策;其三,目前主要发达经济体的央行对于通胀采取宽容政策,以此影响了投资者的风险偏好。 同时,经济修复预期波动带来的短期实际利率震荡,与新冠病毒变异株引发的疫情反复,使得市场中投资者的风险偏好也相应受到冲击,导致风险资产价格在特定时间段内出现较

263、大幅度的波动调整。综合上述原因,推动风险资产上涨的因素强于波动调整因素,因此形成了2021 年全年金融行业即使面对较大波动,依然实现风险资产价格全面大幅度上涨的局面。 风险资产上涨,全球金融市场稳步复苏Risky assets rose and global financial markets recovered steadily 全球金融行业深化转型,数字化人才存在巨大缺口Financial market transformation advanced, digital talents in need金融服务532022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaFinanci

264、al ServiceCGP InsightThe impact of the epidemic has changed the behavior and habits of peoples existing financial activities, and more and more businesses have been transferred online. The financial industry has become the leader in the wave of global digital transformation, in which Fintech talents

265、 play an active role. From the perspective of the global market, the major banks have promoted the construction of professional Fintech team, and the proportion of Fintech personnel will show an upward trend in the future. In 2022, it is predicted that the global economy will continue to improve, re

266、laxing policies of the central bank in major developed economies will gradually withdraw, and the global financial feast will come to an end. Under the orderly growth of quantity, the steady improvement of quality will be more obvious, and there will be two main lines of consumption awakening and in

267、dustrial upgrading in the future. In terms of consumption awakening, it is expected that the global popularization rate of COVID-19 vaccination will increase continuously, the scientific accuracy of epidemic prevention and control will continue to improve, and the economy is increasingly adapting to

268、 changes in the general environment, which will reduce the impact of the epidemic on the service industry and consumption. In terms of industrial upgrading, it is expected that the epidemic is intertwined with institutional changes on a global scale, accelerating the process of digitization and gree

269、ning of the global economy, and invigorating independent innovation in the industry.疫情的影响改变了人们现有金融活动的行为和习惯,越来越多的业务被转移到线上。金融行业成为全球数字化转型浪潮下的排头兵,而金融科技人才在其中扮演着积极推动的作用。从全球市场角度来看,各大银行纷纷推进专业化金融科技队伍的建设,未来金融科技人员的占比将呈现上升趋势。 时间来到2022年, 预测全球经济将持续好转, 各主要发达经济体的央行宽松政策将逐步退场, 全球资金盛宴将进入尾声。 在 “量的有序增长”之下,“质的平稳提升”将更加明显,

270、未来也将呈现出“消费唤醒”和“产业升级”两条主线。 “消费唤醒”方面值得期待的是,全球各国新冠疫苗接种普及率不断提升,疫情防控科学精准水平持续提升,经济日益适应大环境的变化,将减轻疫情对服务业和消费的影响。 “产业升级”方面值得期待的是,疫情与全球范围的体制变局交织,加速了全球经济数字化和绿色化的进程,激发了行业的自主创新活力。 全球金融行业转型窗口期 数字化人才需求加大利好政策收缩,金融数字化转型唤醒行业势能Demand for digital talents booming with the industry transformation Positive policy contracti

271、on, more opportunities for digital transformation全球金融行业深化转型,数字化人才存在巨大缺口Financial market transformation advanced, digital talents in need金融服务54Financial ServiceCGP InsightAccording to CGP Group Marketing Insight, in the process of global digital transformation, there is a major gap in technological t

272、alents in the financial industry, and more attention should be paid on how employees can improve their digital capabilities. At the same time, enterprises should also design a set of strategic management system for digital talents training. In the future, the financial industry will present a divers

273、ified industrial structure. Fintech covers technology, data, people, institutional environment and customer scenarios, and is also the driving force for the digital transformation of the financial industry. Financial talents can choose their own transformation path in the above direction, quickly ad

274、apt to the changes in the financial markets, and enhance their career competitiveness. 2022 SALARY TRENDS金融服务CGP 集团市场洞察显示,“在全球数字化转型过程中,金融行业科技人才依然存在重大缺口,需要重点关注从业人员如何提升自身的数字化能力。同时,企业也应该设计一套数字化人才培养的战略管理体系。” 未来的金融行业将呈现多元化的产业结构。金融科技涵盖技术、数据、人、制度环境以及客户场景等多方面内容,也是引领金融行业数字化转型的驱动力。金融人才可以在上述方向中选择适合自身的转型路径,快速适应

275、金融市场变革,提升自身的行业竞争力。 全球金融行业深化转型,数字化人才存在巨大缺口Financial market transformation advanced, digital talents in need552022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland China人才短缺岗位竞争激烈岗位DIFFICULT TO HIREDIFFICULT TO COMPETECGP InsightInvestment Relationship Director投资关系总监TMT Investor (Tech Background)数字新媒体产业投资者(技术背景)Healthcare Inve

276、stor医疗健康产业投资者Investment Associate 投资顾问PE Vice President私募股权投资副总裁Notes: Roles with limited qualified candidates while HR and company has less bargain power during recruitment process. 指某职位缺乏符合条件的应聘者,符合条件的候选人有较大选择空间。HR 及公司处于卖方市场。Notes: Roles with poured qualified candidates while many candidates compe

277、te for one job. HR and company has more bargain power during recruitment process. 指某职位有大量符合条件的应聘者,候选人竞争激烈。HR 及公司处于买方市场。Financial Service金融服务56Fin-tech - 金融科技Fund Investment - 基金投资(二级)CROSupply Chain Finance Risk DirectorMicro Finance GMPost - Loan HeadAnt- Fraud HeadOperation HeadDigital Prodcut Dir

278、ectorBanking Pre-sales ExpertTreasury Liquidity ExpertDigital Strategy/PMO DirectorInvestment DirectorInvestment ManagerFund ManagerResearcher首席风险官供应链金融风险总监小微金融总经理贷后负责人反欺诈负责人运营负责人数字化产品总监银行售前专家资金流动性专家数字化转型战略 / 项目管理总监投资总监投资经理基金经理研究员10 years+12 years+15 years+12 years+8 years+10 years+10 years+8 years+

279、5 years+8 years+8 years +5 years +3 years +1 years +3.0M2.0M2.5M1.8M2.0M2.5M1.2M1.0M1.5M2.5M5M2M700K550K1.8M1.5M2.0M1.0M1.2M1.5M1.1M900K1.0M1.5M2M1M550K280K1.5M1.2M1.8M800K800K1.8M1.0M700K800K1.0M2.2M1.2M550K410K1.2M900K1.0M700K700K1.0M800K600K700K900K1.5M700K400K165K1.0M800K1.2M600K600K1.5M700K450K

280、600K700K1.5M800K500K280K800K700K800K500K500K900K600K400K550K700K1M500K300K150K Position Title 职位名称MinMinMedMedMaxMaxYears ofExperience从业年数Annual Package Range (RMB) 年薪Tier 1 Cities 一线城市 Tier 2 Cities 二线城市 8090909595889095889080828580NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数2022 SALARY TRENDS2022 SALARY TRENDS* 年薪:基本

281、工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Min

282、imum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in

283、 the market.572022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaPosition Title 职位名称VC - 风险投资PE - 私募股权投资Partner / Managing DirectorExecutive DirectorVice PresidentSenior AssociateAssociateAnalystPartner / Managing DirectorExecutive DirectorVice PresidentSenior AssociateAssociateAnalyst合伙人执行总经理VP高级投资经理投资经理分析师合伙人 / 董事总

284、经理执行总经理副总裁高级顾问顾问分析员15 years+10 years+6 years+4 years+3 YEARS+1 YEAR+15 years +10 years +7 years +5 years +3 years +1 years +5M+2.5M2M1.5M900K500K3M1.2M2M2M1.5M900K500K300K5M2.5M1.2M1M600K5M+2M1.6M1M700K400K10M+5M+1M+1M+2M1.7M1M700K400K250K5M+5M+3.5M1.3M800K600K300K2M800K2M1.5M800K500K300K200K3M1.5M8

285、00K500K400KPosition Title 职位名称MinMinMinMinMedMedMedMedMaxMaxMaxMaxYears ofExperience从业年数Years ofExperience从业年数Annual Package Range (RMB) 年薪Annual Package Range (RMB) 年薪Tier 1 Cities 一线城市 Tier 1 Cities 一线城市 Tier 2 Cities 二线城市 Tier 2 Cities 二线城市 808080606060818888828080NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数NeedIndi

286、cator(0-100)需求指数* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use R

287、MB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent

288、 need, or a scarcity in the market.58Medical HealthCGP InsightWith the continuation of the COVID-19 epidemic, the global health industry will face more challenges in the future, the competition in the market is getting fiercer, and the supervision will be more stringent. The continuous impact of the

289、 epidemic extends the demands for contactless medical, raises medical and health insurance institutions attention on digital health, network security and patient data review, and further enhances the integration of customer-centric medical services. In 2021, with the impact of the epidemic, the digi

290、tal transformation of the industry entered the fast lane, and more and more contactless medical services have gone online, bringing patients a more intelligent and convenient medical experience. At the same time, with the progress of digital medical treatment, users medical data was presented in an

291、optimized way. Customized medical services take patients as the core, which enhances the participation of patients. Through big data, medical institutions can reach patients comprehensively and understand the social determinants of health, so as to better achieve health equity. The application of 5G

292、 and the Internet of Things has greatly improved the development of real-time medical data and smart medical, and brought a more flexible working mode for medical management. In the context of the epidemic, the whole medical industry speeds up unprecedentedly with the continues support of capital. W

293、ith the acceleration of the process of digitization and intelligence, more and more emerging technologies are applied to the process of clinical diagnosis and medical treatment, bringing patients a better medical experience. 2022 SALARY TRENDS医疗健康新冠疫情的持续,使得全球医疗健康行业在未来将面临更多的挑战,市场的竞争越发激烈,同时监管也更加严格。疫情的

294、持续影响拓展了无接触式医疗的需求,使得医疗与医保机构越发重视数字健康、网络安全和患者数据检阅,从而进一步提升以客户为中心的医疗服务的集成度。 2021年, 在疫情的影响下, 行业数字化转型驶入快车道, 越来越多的无接触式医疗服务上线, 带给患者更智能化、 便捷化的医疗体验。 同时,随着数字化医疗的进步,用户的医疗数据能够以更优化的方式呈现。定制化的医疗服务以患者为核心,提升了患者的参与度。通过大数据,医疗机构能够全方位触达患者,了解健康的社会决定因素,以便更好地实现健康公平。 5G 与物联网的应用,大大提升了实时医疗数据与智慧医疗的发展,为医疗管理带来更为灵活的工作模式。在疫情的大环境下,整个

295、医疗行业不断获得资本的加持,产生了前所未有的提速。数字化与智能化的进程加快,越来越多的新兴技术被运用到临床诊断与医疗的过程中,带给患者更好的就医体验。 医疗行业高速发展 新兴技术融合加速Multiple emerging technologies adapted to healthcare industry 疫情趋于常态化,医疗健康行业人才前景广阔Epidemic sustaining makes medical and health talents prospect592022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaMedical HealthCGP InsightIt i

296、s predicted that in 2022, the digital transformation of the whole industry will be further accelerated. There will be more integration between offline scenes and online platforms, seamless connection between physical hospital and Internet hospital, as well as more interoperability between offline ph

297、armacies and medical e-commerce. At the same time, patient-centered personalized medical and medical services will continue to innovate, bringing convenient experience throughout the life cycle. Meanwhile, the medical and pharmaceutical industry will strengthen cloud data construction, the storage a

298、nd use of medical service data, the research and development of drugs, and the production logistics will all adopt cloud computing technology. Different from the past, the future medical data management will cover the functions of computing, linking and sharing, the industry division of labor will b

299、e further refined, outdated models will be eliminated, and more integrated and efficient business models will rise. With the influx of a large number of talents and capital into the health care industry, both the competition between enterprises and talents are getting fiercer. The new track will ful

300、fill and eliminate a number of enterprises respectively. High-end medical talents are not only the underlying logic of enterprise development, but also the core of enterprise competitiveness. 医疗健康预测 2022 年,整个行业的数字化转型将进一步加快,线下场景与线上平台将深度融合,实体医院与互联网医院将实现无缝链接,线下药店与电商互融互通发展。同时,以患者为中心的个性化医疗、医药服务将不断创新,带来全生

301、命周期的便捷体验。 同时,医疗医药行业加强云端数据建设,医疗服务数据的存储和使用,药品的研发、生产和物流等环节,都将引入云计算技术。与以往不同,未来的医疗数据管理将涵盖运算、链接与共享的功能,行业分工进一步细化,陈旧的模式将淘汰,更加集成、高效的商业模式将崛起。 随着大量人才与资本涌入医疗健康行业,企业与人才各自的竞争都愈发激烈。新的赛道会成就一批企业,也会淘汰一批企业。高端的医疗人才是企业发展的底层逻辑,也是增强企业竞争力的核心。 数字化进程加速 医疗行业面临大洗牌人口老龄化催生新的人才需求Digitalization Accelerates the Transformation of Me

302、dical IndustryAging trends create new demands for healthcare industry疫情趋于常态化,医疗健康行业人才前景广阔Epidemic sustaining makes medical and health talents prospect60Medical HealthCGP InsightCGP Group Marketing Insight shows that not only because of the epidemic, but also with the continuous emergence of aging ci

303、ties in China, there are broad prospects for the future development of the medical and health industry. Valuable talents are essential for the development of enterprises. Yet, in the tuyere of rapid development, the problem of talent shortage has become more and more obvious. The ideal talents need

304、to have innovation ability, cross-disciplinary ability and learning ability to help enterprises complete the transformation of digital medical care, while strengthening the ability of intelligent and personalized services. In order to become high-end medical talents pursued by enterprises, practitio

305、ners in the industry should absorb more cross-disciplinary knowledge and adapt to the pace of continuous upgrade and development of the industry. Talents in the traditional medical and health industry generally attach importance to academic rather than management, which makes it hard for them to fit

306、 into the emerging intelligent medical system. With the barbaric capital growth, the explorersshortcomings of limited professional knowledge, and lack of foresight and long-term planning have gradually appeared, which indirectly brings the talent shortage in the healthcare industry. 2022 SALARY TREN

307、DS医疗健康CGP 集团市场洞察显示,“不仅是因为疫情的原因,随着国内老龄化城市不断出现,医疗健康行业未来的发展前景广阔。企业的发展离不开优质的人才,但在高速发展的风口,人才短缺的问题已经越发显著。企业理想的人才需要具备创新能力、跨领域能力和学习能力,帮助企业完成数字化医疗的转型,同时加强智能与个性化服务的能力。对于行业从业者而言,吸纳更多的跨领域知识,顺应当下行业不断更新发展的节奏,才能成为企业追逐的高端医疗人才。” 传统医疗健康行业的人才普遍重学术轻管理,很难融入目前的新兴智慧医疗体系,而跨领域的管理者又可能因为缺乏行业经验而导致水土不服。 资本野蛮生长的同时, 探索者行业专业知识薄弱,

308、缺乏远见和长远规划等问题也渐渐显现, 间接带来了目前医疗行业人才缺失的困境。 疫情趋于常态化,医疗健康行业人才前景广阔Epidemic sustaining makes medical and health talents prospect612022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland China人才短缺岗位竞争激烈岗位DIFFICULT TO HIREDIFFICULT TO COMPETECGP InsightNursing Director护理总监Chief Nurse护士长Nurse护士Hospital President医院院长Sales销售Marketing市场Note

309、s: Roles with limited qualified candidates while HR and company has less bargain power during recruitment process. 指某职位缺乏符合条件的应聘者,符合条件的候选人有较大选择空间。HR 及公司处于卖方市场。Notes: Roles with poured qualified candidates while many candidates compete for one job. HR and company has more bargain power during recruit

310、ment process. 指某职位有大量符合条件的应聘者,候选人竞争激烈。HR 及公司处于买方市场。Medical Health医疗健康62Medical Affairs DirectorMedical Affairs MangerQuality DirectorQuality MangerNursing DirectorChief PhysicianAssociate Chief PhysicianAttending PhysicianHealth TechnicianChief NurseSupervisor NurseNurse PractitionerNurse医学事务总监医学事务经

311、理质控总监质控经理护理总监主任医师副主任医师主治医师住院医师护士长主管护师护师护士15years +8years +15years +8years +15 years +10years +10 years +5 years +1 years +10years +5years +3years +1years +1M750K1M600K800K1.5M1M800K250K300K200K150K100K800K580K800K430K580K1.1M700K520K175K250K175K125K90K600K 400K 600K 300K 350K 700K 400K 240K 100K 200

312、K 150K 100K 75K Position Title 职位名称MinMedMaxYears ofExperience从业年数Annual Package Range (RMB) 年薪2022 SALARY TRENDSMedical - 医务80808080929085918492849080NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小

313、于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent wit

314、hin the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.632022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaCEOCOOCMOHospital PresidentClinical DirectorClinical ManagerSales Direc

315、torSales ManagerMarketing DirectorMarketing Manager首席执行官首席运营官首席医务官医院院长诊所总监诊所经理销售总监销售经理市场总监市场经理20 years +20 years +18 years +20 years +15 years +10 years +15 years +10 years +15 years +10 years +6M3M6M2M700K400K1.5M800K1.2M700K5M2M5M1.2M520K320K1.2M600K1M540K4M 1M 4M 500K 400K 250K 1M 400K 800K 400K

316、Position Title 职位名称Position Title 职位名称MinMinMedMedMaxMaxYears ofExperience从业年数Years ofExperience从业年数Annual Package Range 年薪Annual Package Range 年薪Operation & Management - 运营管理80808090828281808081NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数Sales & Marketing - 销售 & 市场* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位

317、为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max

318、.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.64Human Res

319、ourcesCGP Insight人力资源2022 SALARY TRENDS人才短缺岗位竞争激烈岗位DIFFICULT TO HIREDIFFICULT TO COMPETECHO首席人力资源官HRIS HeadDigitial Transformation Focus人力资源信息系统负责人数字化转型方向Performance Management Head绩效考核负责人Organization Development Head组织发展负责人Talent Acquisition Head招聘负责人Talent Acquisition Manager / Senior Manager招聘经理

320、/ 高级经理HRIS HeadDigitial Transformation Focus人力资源信息系统负责人数字化转型方向Performance Management Head绩效考核负责人Organization Development Head组织发展负责人Talent Acquisition Head招聘负责人Notes: Roles with limited qualified candidates while HR and company has less bargain power during recruitment process. 指某职位缺乏符合条件的应聘者,符合条件的候

321、选人有较大选择空间。HR 及公司处于卖方市场。Notes: Roles with poured qualified candidates while many candidates compete for one job. HR and company has more bargain power during recruitment process. 指某职位有大量符合条件的应聘者,候选人竞争激烈。HR 及公司处于买方市场。652022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaHuman Resources - 人力资源CHO/ HRVPHead of HRBPHRBPRew

322、ards HeadRewards ManagerOD/TD/LD HeadOD/TD/LD ManagerTalent Acquisition HeadTalent Acquisition ManagerHRSSC HeadHRSSC Manager首席人力资源官 / 人力资源副总裁人力资源伙伴负责人人力资源伙伴薪酬福利负责人薪酬负责经理组织 / 人才 / 培训发展负责人组织 / 人才 / 培训发展经理招聘负责人招聘经理人力资源共享中心负责人人力资源共享中心经理15 Years+15 Years+8 Years+15 Years+8 Years+15 Years+8 Years+15 Year

323、s+8 Years+15 Years+8 Years+ 2.5M1.2M800K1.2-1.3M800K1.2-1.3M800K1.2M800K1.2M-1.3M800K1.7-1.8M800K-900K600K800K-900K600K800K-900K600K800K-900K600K800K-900K600K2M1M600K 1M600K 1M600K 1M600K 1M600K 1.4M700K400K-500K700K400K-500K700K400K-500K700K400K-500K700K400K-500K1.5M 800K400K800K400K800K400K800K400

324、K800K400K1M500K-600K300K500K-600K300K500K-600K300K500K-600K300K500K-600K300KPosition Title 职位名称MinMinMedMedMaxMaxYears ofExperience从业年数Annual Package Range 年薪Tier 1 Cities 一线城市 Tier 2 Cities 二线城市 7575757575757575757575NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位

325、值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator:

326、A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.66Legal & ComplianceCGP InsightIn 2021,

327、 the legal and compliance industry has gradually adapted to the new situation of economic and social development under the new normal. A systematic and compliant legal service model is not only the general trend, but also the demands of clients and an inevitable requirement for the development of le

328、gal practitioners themselves. Since the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic, the global economic development has been facing great uncertainty. The multinational companies and top law firms has declined demands for high-end legal talents who merely focus on execution, but increased demands for those who

329、 can bring business. Meanwhile, demands for mid- and high-level legal talents with solid legal skills and strong execution ability have shown a relatively obvious increase in employment. In terms of practice areas, litigation, compliance (including data compliance, FCPA foreign corruption law and ex

330、port control, trade compliance, etc.), labor law, domestic and foreign capital markets, private equity investment, mergers and acquisitions, and bankruptcy and restructuring continued to maintain strong demand. From an industry perspective, Internet, life sciences and big health, consumer goods and

331、financial technology are eager for compound legal talents. 2022 SALARY TRENDS法务与合规2021 年,法律与合规行业已经逐步适应了新常态下经济社会发展的新形势。系统性的合规法律服务模式,不仅是大势所趋,也是客户需要,更是法律从业者自身建设发展的必然要求。 新冠疫情蔓延以来,使全球的经济发展面临着很大的不确定性。跨国公司和顶级律所对于只做执行的高端法律人才的需求量总体下降,但对能带来业务的高端法律人才,以及法律基本功扎实且执行力强的中高端法律人才有比较明显的用工增长。 在执业领域上,诉讼、合规(包括数据合规、FCPA 海

332、外反腐败法以及出口管制、贸易合规等)、劳动法、国内国外资本市场、私募股权投资、并购和破产重组等领域继续保持旺盛的需求。从行业来看,互联网、生命科学及大健康、消费品和金融科技等行业对复合型法律人才求贤若渴。 私募并购、资本与合规领域成发展聚焦,高端法律人才普遍求CGP Insight | Investment and compliance have become the focus of development, high-end talents seek stability672022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaLegal & Compliance法务与合规在国家

333、大数据的战略下, 数字法制建设是推进数字中国建设的重要一环。 数据安全将成为下一个信息化发展聚焦点, 金融、 医疗健康、 教育、电子商务、寄递和人工智能等重点数据相关行业或领域将进一步加强行业内网络安全和信息安全的规范和监管工作。 在大数据时代,快速的数据传播刺激着经济社会的发展。公民的个人信息,作为基础数据,其所蕴含的价值不言而喻。但与此同时,个人信息也成为网络犯罪的关键要素。因此,相关行业对在数据及隐私方面的法律人才的需求猛增。 CGP 集团旗下专注于中高端人才招聘的品牌 Forte Global Partners 公司创始人及总经理 Emma Zhang 表示,日益细化的隐私保护法律法规

334、,对于海量隐私数据提出了不断量化的合规需求;企业合规意识也不断提高,纷纷开始组建或者扩大现有的数据隐私合规团队,招募合规专业人才;由于这是相对新兴的块领域,所以这方面的人才呈现紧缺的状态;数据合规及政府日益严格的强监管,作为新型法律业务,对于法律人才提出了更专业、更多元的要求。 数据合规边界日益清晰,防范风险和创造价值并重 Boundaries of data compliance become clearer, with equal emphasis on preventing risks and creating value 私募并购、资本与合规领域成发展聚焦,高端法律人才普遍求CGP I

335、nsight | Investment and compliance have become the focus of development, high-end talents seek stabilityCGP InsightIn the big data era, rapid data dissemination stimulates economic and social development. Citizens personal information, as basic data, contains enormous value. But at the same time, pe

336、rsonal information has also become a key element of cybercrime. As a result, the demand for legal talent in data and privacy fields has skyrocketed. Emma Zhang, Founder and General Manager of Forte Global Partners, a brand under CGP Group that focuses on mid-to-high-level talent recruitment, said th

337、at increasingly refined privacy protection laws and regulations have put forward quantified compliance requirements for massive amounts of privacy data. Corporates have continued to improve compliance awareness, form or expand existing data privacy compliance teams, and recruit compliance profession

338、als. Since it is a relatively new field, there is a shortage of talent. Data compliance and increasingly strict government supervision, as a new type of legal business, have put forward more professional and diversified requirements for legal talents. Under the national big data strategy, the constr

339、uction of digital legal system is an important part of promoting the construction of digital China. Data security will become the next focus of informatization development. Key data-related industries or fields such as finance, health care, education, e-commerce, delivery and artificial intelligence

340、 will further strengthen the regulation and supervision of network security and information security in the industry. 68Legal & ComplianceCGP Insight2022 SALARY TRENDS法务与合规私募并购、资本与合规领域成发展聚焦,高端法律人才普遍求CGP Insight | Investment and compliance have become the focus of development, high-end talents seek s

341、tabilityThe negative impact of the epidemic has been declining, and the national economy has gradually shown a growth trend. However, uncertainties in the market outlook still hinder the flow of high-end talents. Candidates at the level of director of corporate legal department and above, law firm c

342、onsultants or partners have a stronger attitude of seeking stability during the job search process. Unless new opportunities significantly improve their career development, they are more inclined to stay where they are. Affected by the financial budget of the employer, the supply of high-end jobs ge

343、nerally shrank in 2021. In addition, the gig economy that has gradually emerged and broke out due to the epidemic has driven the legal industry into the distributed workforce era. Compared with high-end talents, middle-level legal talents with strong practicing ability have more market opportunities

344、. Emma Zhang said: For an excellent legal professional, the understanding, mastery and application of legal knowledge in 10 and 20 years of practice doesnt differ as much as the salary gap. In other words, it is more cost-effective to hire talents with 10 years of experience. The difference lies in

345、the soft skills such as communication and negotiation, management ability, influence and teamwork with stakeholders such as clients and superiors. Therefore, middle-level legal job seekers are highly recommended to improve their soft skills to gain more career achievements. In a country with a large

346、 population base like China, there is never a shortage of craftsmen who work hard. Therefore, how to bring steady clients to employers and continuously create value is the real core competitiveness of a lawyer, which is what we call rain maker. 疫情所造成的负面影响不断缩小,全国经济也逐渐呈现出增长态势,但后市不确定因素仍然阻碍高端人才流动。,如企业法务

347、部总监级别及以上、或律所顾问或以及合伙人级别的候选人级别的律师在求职过程中求稳心态增强,除非新的机会对自己的职业发展有非常明显的提升,否则不然他们更倾向于管理好自己的“一亩三分地”。 受用人单位财务预算等影响,高端岗位供给在 2021 上半年整体处于收缩状态。此外,逐渐兴起并因为疫情而爆发的“零工经济”让法律行业迎来了“分布式劳动力时代”。执业能力强的中层法律人才相较于高端人才拥有更多的市场机会。 Emma Zhang 表示:“对于一个优秀的法律工作者来说,从业 10 年和 20 年对于法律知识的理解、,掌握和跟运用并不像薪酬差距那么如此明显,换言之雇佣 10 年经验的人才性价比更高。反而最显

348、著的差别其实在于和客户、上下级等权益方的沟通谈判、管理能力、影响能力和、团队协作等软性实力上。因此,中层法律求职者可以提升自己的软技能,以收获更多的职业成就。在中国这样的人口基数大国里,永远不缺的就是会踏实做事的工匠。所以,怎么为雇主带来稳定的客户,创造源源不断的价值,才是一个律师真正核心的竞争力,就是我们所说的造雨者(rain maker)。” 高端人才普遍求稳,软实力成为区分中层及以上候选人的重要因素 High-end talents seek stability, soft power becomes an important factor 692022 SALARY TRENDS Ma

349、inland ChinaLegal & ComplianceCGP Insight法务与合规人才短缺岗位竞争激烈岗位DIFFICULT TO HIREDIFFICULT TO COMPETEPrivacy Counsel 隐私法专家Senior Compliance Counsel 资深合规顾问Cloud Architect云平台架构师Senior Patent Counsel 资深专利律师Senior DR Lawyer 资深争议解决律师General Corporate Lawyer一般公司律师M&A Lawyer 并购律师Capital Market Lawyer 资本市场律师Notes

350、: Roles with limited qualified candidates while HR and company has less bargain power during recruitment process. 指某职位缺乏符合条件的应聘者,符合条件的候选人有较大选择空间。HR 及公司处于卖方市场。Notes: Roles with poured qualified candidates while many candidates compete for one job. HR and company has more bargain power during recruitm

351、ent process. 指某职位有大量符合条件的应聘者,候选人竞争激烈。HR 及公司处于买方市场。702022 SALARY TRENDSLawyerParalegalCompany SecretaryLegal Secretary律师法律助理公司秘书法律秘书150K-400K100K-200K80K-180K1M-4M1M-4M250K-350K800K-1.5M400K-500K700K-4M150K-250K400K-800K200K-400K700K-2M80K-200KPosition Title 职位名称4-6 Years4-6 年7-9 Years7-9 年Over 10 Ye

352、ars10 年或以上Less than 3 Years 3 年Years of Experience 从业年数 In-house Lawyer - 企业内部法务合规律师* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus

353、 (excluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicat

354、es an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.712022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaPosition Title 职位名称Position Title 职位名称4-6 Years4-6 年4-6 Years4-6 年7-9 Years7-9 年7-9 Years7-9 年Over 10 Years10 年或以上Over 10 Years10 年或以上Less than 3 Years 3 年Less th

355、an 3 Years 3 年Years of Experience 从业年数 Years of Experience 从业年数 Business DevelopmentLawyerParalegalLegal SecretaryOffice ManagerLawyer业务发展律师法律助理法律秘书行政经理律师180K-250K500K-800K150K-250K100K-180K250K-550K600K-1M1.5M-3M250K-400K400K-900K900K-2.5M400K-700K1M-2M250K-350K350K-500K700K-1.2M250K-400K800K-1.5M2

356、00K-300K180K-300K450K-800KInternational Law Firm - 国际律师事务所Local Law Firm - 本地律师事务所* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (

357、excluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates

358、 an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.72Life ScienceCGP InsightAffected by the epidemic of COVID-19, the life science industry has developed rapidly in 2021, and more and more innovative and high-quality enterprises continue to emerge. W

359、ith the continuous innovation of science and technology, the attention of the public is also increasing, which results in the influx of capital and accelerates the development of the industry. The life science industry has changed from a niche field to a hot area that people pay close attention to.

360、Looking back on 2021, the life science industry has become the fastest growing industry in the world today. With the rapid development of basic research in life science, the development of modern biotechnology has also accelerated its penetration into the application field. Life science has solved t

361、he problems of environment, health and resources encountered in the process of social development, and with the impact of new coronal epidemics, the research funds of various countries in the field are growing rapidly, and the global research capital investment will reach 169 billion USD. Under the

362、overall industrial development, emerging countries have also made breakthroughs in the field, and significant benefits have been made in the transformation of scientific research achievements, especially in the fields of immunization, gene and other subdivisions. New research results have been made

363、into effective drugs, becoming remarkable commercial cases. Basic researches are entering the commercialization stage in a faster way, further promoting the development of the life science industry. 2022 SALARY TRENDS生命科学受新冠疫情影响, 2021年的生命科学行业发展迅猛, 越来越多的创新型优质企业不断涌现。 科技不断创新的同时, 大众的关注度也不断提升,导致越来越多的资本涌入

364、,促使行业发展提速。生命科学行业已经从一个小众领域成为了人们密切关注的热门板块。 回顾 2021 年,生命科学行业已经成为当今全球发展最快的一个产业。在生命科学基础研究飞速发展的同时,现代生物技术的发展同样向着应用领域加速渗透。生命科学为人类解决了社会发展过程中遇到的环境、健康、资源等问题,叠加新冠疫情影响,各国对于这一领域的研究资金都在快速增长,全球的研究资金投入将达到 1690 亿美元。 在行业整体发展的背景下,新兴国家在该领域也有所突破,科研成果转化收益显著,特别是在免疫、基因等细分领域,不断有新的研究成果被转化为颇具疗效的药物,成为令人瞩目的商业化案例。行业的基础研究正以更快速的方式进

365、入商业化阶段,进一步推动着生命科学产业的发展。 全球公共卫生环境带来行业迅猛发展Global public health environment brings rapid industry development 全球防疫时代,生命科学行业人才需求扩大Global epidemic prevention expands demand for talents in life science industry732022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaLife ScienceCGP InsightThe recurrence of the epidemic has gen

366、erated a large number of market demand and brought about the improvement of the medical system, while the emergence and breakthrough of new technologies have led to the development and upgrading of related industrial chains. A variety of new trends in the industry began to attract a large number of

367、foreign capital and talents, traditional medical talents also began to transform to the emerging pharmaceutical field, and more cross-disciplinary talents are bringing more professional management and operation methods to the industry. The process of global industrial upgrading continues, and the hi

368、gh-tech dividends brought by the emergence of more digital technologies will also radiate to the field of life science, promoting the integration of digital technology into medical culture, so that the medical service system with smart healthcare as the core will bring more economical and affordable

369、 healthcare experience to patients. More and more medical institutions will set up their own data centers, with the help of big data framework, using artificial intelligence and real-world cases to explore the value behind medical data. Meanwhile, the whole life science industry will formally move t

370、owards industrialization, improve the production efficiency of the core process and the compliance of the production line with the current cognitive technology, so as to meet the growing market demand. On the other hand, accurate and quantitative life will be another trend in 2022. In the genetic er

371、a, people are keener to understand their health status at the genetic level. All these are inseparable from the contribution of the life science industry. 生命科学疫情的反复产生了大量的市场需求,带来了医疗体系的改进;同时,新技术的出现与突破带动了相关产业链的发展与升级。行业的种种新趋势开始吸引大量的外资和人才涌入,传统的医药人才也开始向新兴的医药领域转型,而更多的跨领域人才正为行业带来更专业的管理与运营方式。 全球产业升级的进程仍在继续,更

372、多数字技术的涌现所带来的高科技红利也将辐射到生命科学领域,推动数字技术纳入医疗文化,使得以智慧医疗为核心的医疗服务体系为患者带来更经济实惠的医护体验。越来越多的医疗机构会建立自己的数据中心,借助大数据框架体系,利用人工智能与真实世界的案例挖掘医疗数据背后的价值。 同时,整个生命科学行业将正式迈向工业化,以当前的认知技术提升核心流程的生产效率,完善生产线的合规性,从而满足日益扩大的市场需求。另一方面,精准量化的生活将成为 2022 年的另一个风口。在基因时代,人们更热衷于透过基因层面了解自身的健康状况。而以上这些,都离不开生命科学行业的贡献。 行业多板块深度融合 多领域行业人才缺口较大产业成熟度

373、进一步加深,数字化转型提升行业变现能力Industry convergence, multi-disciplinary talents shortageDigital transformation enhances cashability 全球防疫时代,生命科学行业人才需求扩大Global epidemic prevention expands demand for talents in life science industry74Life ScienceCGP InsightAccording to the CGP Group Marketing Insights, with the im

374、pact of the epidemic and the maturity and acceleration of commercialization, the life science industry has become the hottest industry sector in recent years. Talents need to maintain their sensitivity to the industry at all times and improve their digital skills and professional abilities in popula

375、r sectors, such as cognitive healthcare. In recent years, the speed and scale of innovation in the industry, as well as the emergence of new technologies, such as automation and industrial robots, have affected the development of the life science industry to a great extent. The life science industry

376、 will face unprecedented challenges and more exciting opportunities for development in the future. 2022 SALARY TRENDS生命科学CGP 集团市场洞察显示,“疫情的影响和商业化的成熟与加速,使得生命科学行业成为近几年来最火热的产业板块。人才需要时刻保持对行业的敏锐度,完善自身的数字化技能与热门板块,如认知医疗等领域的技能储备。” 近年来,行业自身创新的速度和规模,以及新科技,如自动化、工业机器人的出现都在很大程度上影响着生命科学行业的发展。未来的生命科学行业将会出现前所未有的挑战和更

377、加令人振奋的发展机遇。 全球防疫时代,生命科学行业人才需求扩大Global epidemic prevention expands demand for talents in life science industry752022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland China人才短缺岗位竞争激烈岗位DIFFICULT TO HIREDIFFICULT TO COMPETECGP InsightChief Techical Officer 首席技术管Chief Scientific Officer首席科学家R&D Director研发总监RA Director 注册总监Medical

378、 Director医学总监Sales Director销售总监Marketing Director 市场总监Notes: Roles with limited qualified candidates while HR and company has less bargain power during recruitment process. 指某职位缺乏符合条件的应聘者,符合条件的候选人有较大选择空间。HR 及公司处于卖方市场。Notes: Roles with poured qualified candidates while many candidates compete for one

379、 job. HR and company has more bargain power during recruitment process. 指某职位有大量符合条件的应聘者,候选人竞争激烈。HR 及公司处于买方市场。Life Science生命科学76CTO / CSOR&D DirectorR&D ManagerBioinformatics DirectorBioinformatics ManagerMedical DirectorMedical ManagerSales DirectorRegional Sales ManagerMarketing DirectorProduct Man

380、agerManufacturing DirectorRegulatory Director首席技术官 / 首席信息官研发总监研发经理生物信息总监生物信息经理医学总监医学经理销售总监区域销售经理市场总监产品经理生产总监注册总监15 years +8 years +5 years +10 years +4 years +15 years +5 years +10 years +6 years +10 years +3 years +10 years +10 years +2.5M1M550K1.4M650K1.5M600K1.2M600K800K400K800K1M1.8M800K450K1.2M

381、545K800K520K1M510K700K350K700K900K1.2M600K350K1M400K600K300K800400K600K300K600K600KPosition Title 职位名称MinMedMaxYears ofExperience从业年数Annual Package Range (RMB) 年薪2022 SALARY TRENDSNGS - 基因测序95908885809095809085858292NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、

382、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A

383、metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.772022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaMedica

384、l Device (Non Commercial) - 医疗器械 ( 非业务类 )R&D Vice presidentR&D DirectorR&D ManagerProduction DirectorProduction ManagerQuality DirectorQuality ManagerRegulatory DirectorRegulatory ManagerClinical DirectorClinical Manager1M800K350K400K350K400K250K600K300K500K300K20 years +18 years +10 years +18 years

385、 +12 years + 18 years +7 years +15 years +8 years +12 years +7 years +2M1M500K700K450K700K350K700K400700K450K研发副总裁研发总监研发经理生产总监生产经理质量总监质量经理注册总监注册经理临床总监临床经理1.4M1.1M495K650K425K450K325K700K420K720K395K2.3M1.5M750K900K550K1M450K1.1M500K1.2M530K2M1.2M600K700K500K600K430K900K500K1.2M450K2.6M2M900K1.5M600K

386、1.3M520K1.5M580K1.5M580K6070607060828890939598* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits),

387、 use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A scor

388、e above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.MinMinLocal Company本土公司Foreign Company外资公司MedMedMaxMaxNeedIndicator(0-100)Annual Package Range (RMB) 年薪Position Title 职位名称Years ofExperience从业年数78Chief Marketing OfficerMarketing DirectorMarketing ManagerMarket Research ManagerBrand Di

389、rector Brand ManagerCorporate Communication Director Product ManagerChief Commercial Officer Sales VPSales DirectorSales ManagerBD Manager Strategy Director Commercial Operation DirectorGA Manager Market Access ManagerMedical Affairs ManagerPricing Manager首席营销官市场总监市场经理市场调研经理品牌总监品牌宣传经理传播总监产品经理首席商务官销售

390、副总裁销售总监销售经理业务拓展经理战略总监商业运营总监政务经理市场准入经理医学事务经理定价经理15 years +12 years +8 years +3 years +12 years +5 years +12 years +5 years +15 years +15 years +10 years +7 years +7 years +7 years +8 years +5 years +5 years +5 years +5 years +3M1.5M900K700K1.4M800K2.5M800K4M3M2M900K900K2M1.5M800K800K800K800K2.5M1.3M7

391、40K490K1M500K1.8M500K3.3M2.8M1.5M700K700K1.5M1.3M800K800K700K620K2M1M600K300K1M400K1M400K2.5M2.5M1M500K500K1M1M400K400K400K400KMinMedMaxAnnual Package Range (RMB) 年薪2022 SALARY TRENDSMedical Device (Commercial) - 医疗器械 ( 业务类 )82828080909082908492928582908591909090NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(

392、不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum,

393、Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the m

394、arket.Position Title 职位名称Years ofExperience从业年数792022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaIVD (Non Commercial) - 体外诊断 ( 非业务类 ) R&D Vice presidentR&D DirectorR&D ManagerProduction DirectorProduction ManagerQuality DirectorQuality ManagerRegulatory DirectorRegulatory ManagerClinial DirectorClinial Manager1M80

395、0K350K400K250K400K300K500K300K800K350K20 years +15 years +10 years +18 years +10 years +15 years +10 years +12 years +8 years +12 years +6 years +1.8M1M600K700K400K700K400K800K500K1M400K研发副总裁研发总监研发经理生产总监生产经理质量总监质量经理注册总监注册经理临床总监临床经理1.9M1M425K660K325K510K350K660K400K1.2M475K2M1.5M650K800K500K810K500K9

396、50K650K1.4M560K3M1.2M500K900K400K600K400K800K500K1.5M600K2.6M2M700K1.2M600K900K600K1.5M700K1.6M700K7090608282858590959090MinMinLocal Company本土公司Foreign Company外资公司MedMedMaxMaxNeedIndicator(0-100)Annual Package Range (RMB) 年薪Sales DirectorSales ManagerMarketing DirectorProduct ManagerApplication Mana

397、gerService Manager销售总监销售经理市场总监产品经理应用经理服务经理15 years +8 years +15 years +5 years +8 years +8 years +1.5M1M1.5M900K800K800K1.3M750K1.3M640K650K640K1M 500K1.2M400K500K500KMinMedMaxAnnual Package Range 年薪IVD (Commercial) 体外诊断 ( 业务类 ) 828280808180NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数* Annual Package: Basic Salary + St

398、andard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score belo

399、w 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.Position Title 职位名称Position Title 职位名称Years ofExperience从业年数Years ofExperience从业年数80Machinery & AutomationCGP InsightIn the post-epidemic era, the trend of manufacturing automation is b

400、ecoming more and more obvious. With the progress of resumption of work and production, the automation industry has shown a rapid growth momentum. In the context of the global economic recession, the liquidity policies of various countries are in a loose state. Among them, as the core of the global m

401、anufacturing industry, the proportion of Chinas supply is increasing significantly. Under the influence of the global epidemic, manufacturing enterprises have an increasingly strong demand for mechanical automation. The global market is gradually picking up, and correspondingly, a new round of manuf

402、acturing upgrades is coming, and the proportion of high-end integrated products and the proportion of automation transformation of production lines are increasing. Taking the domestic market as an example, Chinas economy is in the stage of transitioning from the incremental era to the stock era, and

403、 the upgrading of manufacturing industry is also in progress. In 2021, the upgrade of the manufacturing industry has driven the increase in equipment investment, and the products have become more advanced and integrated. At the same time, driven by the shift of the global manufacturing industry to t

404、he direction of low cost, the domestic machinery and automation industry faced a historical window period for upgrading, and traditional industries also faced the challenge of automation upgrading. The pace of domestic resumption of work and production is ahead of the international market, allowing

405、the supply chain to recover in advance; meanwhile, technological progress superimposed on the security of the supply chain has led to accelerated import substitution in the entire manufacturing industry. 2022 SALARY TRENDS机械与自动化后疫情时代,制造业自动化的趋势越来越明显。伴随着复工复产的推进,自动化行业呈现出迅猛的增长势头。在全球经济衰退的环境下,各国的流动性政策呈现宽松

406、状态。其中,中国作为全球制造业的核心,供给的比例正大幅增加。在全球疫情的影响之下,制造型企业对机械自动化的需求愈发强烈。 全球市场逐步回暖,与之对应的是新一轮的制造业升级即将到来,高端集成化产品的占比和生产线自动化改造的比例都在提升。以国内市场为例,中国经济正处于从增量时代步入存量时代的阶段,制造业的更新升级也在持续进行中。 在 2021 年,制造业升级带动了设备类投入的提升,产品更趋向高端化、集成化。同时,受到全球制造业向低成本方向转移趋势的推动,国内机械与自动化产业面临升级的历史窗口期,传统行业也面临自动化升级的挑战。 国内复工复产节奏领先国际市场,使得供应链提前复苏;同时,技术进步叠加供

407、应链安全保障,导致整个制造业的进口替代加速。 全球经济复苏,制造型企业谋求自动化转型Manufacturing enterprises seek automation transformation制造业升级进程加快,推动机械与自动化人才转型Manufacturing upgrades accelerate transformation of machinery and automation talents812022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaMachinery & AutomationCGP InsightIn the post-epidemic era, ma

408、chine replacement accelerated, and the market size has reached 100 billion level. High-quality brands in the domestic market are rising rapidly, and high-end manufacturing application scenarios continue to expand the incremental market. Meanwhile, in the context of global economic recovery, the expo

409、rt market is expected to further expand. Entering the era of Industry 4.0, industrial automation and digitization are considered to be the key technologies of the intelligent manufacturing industry, and machinery is the largest and most important sector in the midstream of the manufacturing industry

410、, which has a direct impact on the prosperity and demand of downstream industries. In 2022, end consumers demand for product diversification and customization will continue to increase, which will lead to a corresponding increase in the technological difficulty and manufacturing level of the product

411、ion process. Therefore, manufacturers will put forward higher requirements for product quality, efficiency, precision and cost, and gradually replace traditional manual operations with automated production, thereby reducing errors and safety risks. With the advancement and popularization of 5G techn

412、ology, a new round of technological dividends will be released. With the intensification of the global wave of core shortage, domestic semiconductor ecological enterprises with independent intellectual property rights will further expand, the level of process technology will continue to improve, and

413、 the process of equipment localization will be accelerated. The combination of diverse technology industries will help the manufacturing industry complete the automatic upgrade. 机械与自动化进入工业 4.0 时代,工业自动化与数字化被认为是智能制造产业的关键技术,而机械是制造业中游最大、最主要的板块,对下游行业的景气度和需求有着直接影响。 在 2022 年,终端消费者对产品多样化和定制化的需求将不断提升,使得生产环节的

414、工艺难度和制造水平相应提升。因此,制造业厂商将对产品质量、效率、精度和成本提出更高要求,逐渐以自动化生产取代传统人工操作,从而减少误差,降低安全性风险。 随着5G技术的推进和普及, 新一轮科技红利将得到释放。 伴随着全球缺芯浪潮的加剧, 国内自主知识产权的半导体生态企业将进一步扩张,制程技术水平持续提升,加速设备国产化进程。多元的科技产业结合,将助力制造产业完成自动化升级。 技术创新的步伐促进了互联网产业的多样性发展。为了在市场上站稳脚跟,各大企业必须利用新兴技术来保持竞争力,创造差异化的产品,在新兴技术日新月异、融合发展的趋势背景下,这将对企业未来的发展产生积极深刻的影响。 科技成果显现,科

415、技红利推动制造业产业升级Technological dividends promote manufacturing industry upgrades制造业升级进程加快,推动机械与自动化人才转型Manufacturing upgrades accelerate transformation of machinery and automation talents82Machinery & AutomationCGP InsightWith the upgrading of the domestic manufacturing industry, the proportion of industr

416、ial automation continues to increase, more and more high-end and professional jobs will be created, and the requirements on talents will also rise. With the popularization of automation technologies such as robots, the positions and functions of talents will also change. CGP Groups Marketing Insight

417、 shows that the upgrading of the domestic manufacturing industry has increased the degree of automation of manufacturing enterprises and the requirements for talents. Talents should pay close attention on emerging manufacturing technologies, improve knowledge reserves in the fields of automation and

418、 intelligence, and make a smooth transition to stabilize their competitiveness in the industry. As automation progresses, the skills gap between talent will grow. The creation of new roles and functions means that talents existing skills and experience are being challenged. The demand for new skills

419、 will also bring more substantial compensation and benefits, which means both opportunities and challenges to talents. 2022 SALARY TRENDS机械与自动化随着国内制造业的升级,产业自动化的比例不断提升,将诞生越来越多更高端、专业的岗位,对人才的要求也随之提高。随着机器人等自动化技术的普及,人才的职位与职能也会发生转变。 CGP 集团市场洞察显示,“国内制造业升级,提高了制造型企业的自动化程度,和对人才的要求。人才应该密切关注新兴制造业技术,提高自动化、智能化领域的

420、知识储备,顺利过渡,以此稳固行业竞争力。” 随着自动化进程的不断深入,人才之间技能的差距会越来越大。新职位与职能的产生意味着人才现有的技能和经验正面临挑战。而对新技能的需求也将带来更为可观的工资和福利,对人才来说意味着新的机遇和挑战。 制造业升级进程加快,对于人才的学习适应性提出高要求High requirements on the learning adaptability of talents 制造业升级进程加快,推动机械与自动化人才转型Manufacturing upgrades accelerate transformation of machinery and automation

421、talents832022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland China人才短缺岗位竞争激烈岗位DIFFICULT TO HIREDIFFICULT TO COMPETECGP InsightR&D Engineer/Manager/Director 研发工程师 / 经理 / 总监Process Engineer/Manager 工艺工程师 / 经理Automation Engineer自动化工程师MES EngineerMES 工程师Engineering Manager工程经理Sourcing Manager采购经理Production Manager生产经理Operation

422、 Manager运营经理Project Manager项目经理Plant Manager厂长Notes: Roles with limited qualified candidates while HR and company has less bargain power during recruitment process. 指某职位缺乏符合条件的应聘者,符合条件的候选人有较大选择空间。HR 及公司处于卖方市场。Notes: Roles with poured qualified candidates while many candidates compete for one job. HR

423、 and company has more bargain power during recruitment process. 指某职位有大量符合条件的应聘者,候选人竞争激烈。HR 及公司处于买方市场。Machinery & Automation机械与自动化84R&D - 研发Production - 生产Operation - 运营R&D DirectorR&D ManagerR&D SupervisorR&D EngineerProduction DirectorProduction ManagerProduction SupervisorProduction EngineerOperat

424、ions DirectorOperations Manager研发总监研发经理研发主管研发工程师生产总监生产经理生产主管生产工程师运营总监运营经理15 years +10 years +7 years +3 years +12 years +9 years +6 years +3 years +15 years +10 years +1.2M700K400K200K850K600K260K200K1.3M800K800K500K320K200K500K400K240K150K800K450K975K575K335K195K690K475K200K150K1.1M660K625K410K250K

425、170K400K315K185K110K670K380K750K450K250K150K550K350K150K100K900K500K450K300K180K100K320K230K130K90K550K300KPosition Title 职位名称MinMinMedMedMaxMaxYears ofExperience从业年数Annual Package Range (RMB) 年薪Tier 1 Cities 一线城市 Tier 2 Cities 二线城市 82858892808282828285NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数2022 SALARY TRENDS2022

426、SALARY TRENDS* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB

427、In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent ne

428、ed, or a scarcity in the market.852022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaPosition Title 职位名称Years ofExperience从业年数Sales & Marketing - 市场 & 销售Sales VPSales DirectorSales ManagerSales SupervisorBD DirectorBD ManagerMarketing DirectorMarketing ManagerService Sales DirectorService Sales ManagerService Sales S

429、upervisorApplication ManagerApplication Engineer销售副总裁销售总监销售经理销售主管业务开发总监业务开发经理市场总监市场经理销售支持总监销售支持经理销售支持主管技术支持经理技术支持工程师15 years +15 years +10 years +7 years +12 years +7 years +10 years +5 years +15 years +10 years +7 years +10 years +5 years +2.5M1.2M650K350K1M550K800K600K1.1M630K320K700K450K800K550K2

430、80K500K600K450K780K520K260K550K380K2M960K535K275K760K450K640K465K885K515K260K600K395K660K420K230K375K465K315K640K385K220K460K310K1.5M700K400K200K500K350K500K 350K 650K380K180K500K300K500K250K180K250K350K200K480K230K160K350K200KMinMinMedMedMaxMaxAnnual Package Range (RMB) 年薪Tier 1 Cities 一线城市 Tier 2

431、Cities 二线城市 85889088888880808890888992NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or

432、other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in th

433、e market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.86CGP Insight2022 SALARY TRENDSPharmaceutical制药872022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland China人才短缺岗位竞争激烈岗位DIFFICULT TO HIREDIFFICULT TO COMPETEBD Director 业务拓展总监Digital Marketing Manager数字营销经理Portfolio Manager产品管线管理经理HEOR Manager卫生

434、经济学经理Business Unit Head事业部负责人National Sales Director 全国销售总监Marketing Director 市场总监Training Director 培训总监Notes: Roles with limited qualified candidates while HR and company has less bargain power during recruitment process. 指某职位缺乏符合条件的应聘者,符合条件的候选人有较大选择空间。HR 及公司处于卖方市场。Notes: Roles with poured qualifie

435、d candidates while many candidates compete for one job. HR and company has more bargain power during recruitment process. 指某职位有大量符合条件的应聘者,候选人竞争激烈。HR 及公司处于买方市场。CGP InsightPharmaceutical制药88Research & Clinical - 研发与临床Production & Quality - 生产与质量Chief of Drug DiscoveryDrug Discovery DirectorDrug Discov

436、ery ScientistChief of Pre ClinicalPre Clinical DirectorPre Clinical MangerChief of Clinical DevelopmentClinical Development DirectorClinical Development MangerRegulatory VPRegulatory DirectorRegulatory MangerChief of Process DevelopmentProcess Development DirectorProcess Development ScientistChief o

437、f ManufactureManufacture DirectorManufacture EngineerQuality VPQuality DirectorQuality ManagerAnalytical VPAnalytical DirectorAnalytical Manager2M500K200K2M500K300K2M1M300K1M500K200K2M1M200K2M500K200K1M800K200K1.5M800K200K20 years +10 years +5 years +20 years +10 years +5 years +20 years +10 years +

438、5 years +20 years +10 years +5 years +20 years +10 years +5 years +20 years +10 years +5 years +20 years +15 years +8 years +20 years +10 years +8 years +2M600K300K2M800K400K2M1.2M400K1.5M800K500K2M1.2M300K2M600K300K1M300K1M300K首席药物研发师药物研发总监药物研发专家首席临床前期专家临床前期总监临床前期经理首席临床开发专家临床开发总监临床开发经理注册副总裁注册总监注册经理


440、0K1.5M1M500K2M1M500K4M1.5M800K3M1.5M800K4M2M900K3M2M800K4M2M600K3M1M700K1.2M600K1.2M600K828082838082908281828080919288848282909092848484Position Title 职位名称NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数Years ofExperience从业年数2022 SALARY TRENDSMinMinLocal Company本土公司Foreign Company外资公司MedMedMaxMaxAnnual Package Range (RMB)

441、年薪* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an

442、 average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.892022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaPosition Title 职位名称NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数Years ofExperience从业年数Pharma Commercial - 商务开发Chief Commercial Officer

443、Commercial VPBD VPBD DirectorBD ManagerMarket Access VP (Central)Market Access Director (Central)Marketing VPMarketing DirectorMarketing ManagerLocal Marketing Director/LeadLocal Marketing ManagerNational Sales DirectorRegional Sales ManagerTraining DirectorSFE DirectorKA Director3M1.5M1.5M600K400K1

444、.5M1M1.5M800K600K600K300K1M500K800K800K700K20 years +15 years +15 years +10 years +5 years +18 years +10 years +18 years +15 years +10 years +12 years +5 years +15 years +10 years +15 years +15 years +15 years +4M2M2M700K450K2M1.5M2M1M800K800K350K1.5M800K1M1M900K首席商务官营销副总裁BD 副总裁BD 总监BD 经理市场准入副总裁(中央)

445、市场准入总监(中央)市场部副总裁市场总监市场经理区域市场总监 / 负责人区域市场经理全国销售总监大区销售经理培训部总监销售绩效增效总监关键客户总监4M2M2.5M1M500K2M1.5M2M1M800K800K400K1.2M800K1M1M1M5M3M3M1.2M600K3M1.8M3M1.5M1M1M450K1.8M1M1.2M1.2M1.3M5M2.5M3M2.5M700K3M1.8M2.5M1.5M1M1M600K1.5M1M1.2M1.2M1.3M7M3.5M5M3M800K3.5M2M4M2M1.2M1.5M600K2M1.3M1.5M1.5M1.5M808085859075788

446、0858580858585787875MinMinLocal Company本土公司Foreign Company外资公司MedMedMaxMaxAnnual Package Range (RMB) 年薪* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salar

447、y + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A scor

448、e below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.90Retails & LuxuryCGP InsightIn 2020, the global luxury market value plummeted by 23%, but the Chinese market achieved a year-on-year increase of about 48% with an annual revenue

449、of nearly 346 billion yuan, which far exceeded the 0.7% year-on-year increase in Chinas GDP in the first three quarters. Chinas luxury manufacturing industry has always been at the low-yield end of the industrial chain, and domestic foundries can only trade production capacity for survival. It is no

450、t only the manufacturing that is treated differently, but also the online channel. Major luxury retailers have set up online platforms such as official websites and Tmall in China but excluded them from brand management, most of them choose the third-party operation outsourcing service. Online chann

451、el doesnt share the supply chain, business entities and sales pricing with offline counters, and is managed separately. For Brands, building their own online teams is time-consuming, and they lack experience in it. Seizing this opportunity, the development of Chinas luxury tertiary industry is not o

452、nly conducive to the transformation of the industrial structure, but will also spawn numerous market segments and employment leasing, finance, training, business services, etc. The brands online FMCG strategy will bring many vacancies and promotion opportunities to talents promotion in the domestic

453、market. 2022 SALARY TRENDS零售与奢侈品2020 年全球奢侈品市值暴跌 23%,中国市场则以近 3460 亿元的全年营收实现同比约 48% 的增幅,这一数值远超中国前三季度 GDP 同比 0.7% 的增幅。 中国的奢侈品制造业始终处于产业链低收益端,国内代工厂只能以产能换生存。被区别对待的不只是制造业,还有线上渠道。各大奢侈品商虽在国内设立线上平台,比如官方网站和天猫,但并未将其纳入品牌管理,而是选择第三方代运营,与线下专柜的供应链、经营主体和销售定价分开管理。 对品牌而言,自建线上团队既缺乏经验,也耗费时间。抓住这一契机,发展我国奢侈品第三产业不但有利于产业结构转型,

454、更将催生无数细分市场与就业租赁、金融、培训、商业服务等等,品牌方的“线上快消思维”将为国内市场带来巨大的空缺岗位与人才晋升空间。维稳增量弥补消费转移Keep steady growth to compensate for shifting consumption912022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaRetails & LuxuryCGP Insight零售与奢侈品2021 年,国内奢侈品产业遵循经济规律呈现周期性递进,市场端和就业端具有两大特点。 一是中古(二手奢侈品)市场拉动民间消费,激活自主创业群体。2020 年,国内中古市场规模激增至 173 亿元,同比增

455、长 47.87%,“买贵不如买对”的消费观充分渗透 00 后人群。就经济周期而言,中古产业正好处在直播带货与疫情后经济复苏的交汇点,其发展既适应消费水平,也更符合我国体制内要求。2021 年,直播和实体店推动了线上线下的同步发展,实现了中古市场产值的提升。 二是跨界联名渗透年轻人群,二级市场交易量上升。传统奢侈品商对设计师包容性低,强调品牌基调,弱化个性主张。2021 年,高保值率的经典款销量激增, 而新款销量下降, 历年款库存上升。 如何弥补这个消费断层?奢侈品商与运动潮牌等产业跨界合作, 推出联名款产品,以超高的保值率无障碍打通两大市场。与此同时,二级市场产值大幅上升,职业买家、中介平台、

456、鉴定师等垂直度极高的三产岗位纷纷以自由职业或挂靠平台的方式开展工作。国内经济维稳复苏,两大模式弥补奢侈品消费转移Two modes help compensate for shifting consumption维稳增量弥补消费转移Keep steady growth to compensate for shifting consumptionIn 2021, the domestic luxury industry followed the laws of economy and showed a cyclical progression, with two major characteri

457、stics in the market and employment side. Firstly, second-hand luxury industry stimulated consumption, and activated self-employment groups. In 2020, the market size of the domestic second-hand luxury industry has surged to 17.3 billion yuan with a year-on-year increase of 47.87%. The consumption con

458、cept of buying the right one is better than buying the expensive one has fully penetrated into Gen Z. In terms of the business cycle, the domestic second-hand luxury industry is exactly at the intersection of live streaming and post-epidemic economic recovery. Its development is in line with the lev

459、el of consumption as well as the requirements of the domestic system. In 2021, live streaming and physical stores promoted the simultaneous development of online and offline business, and achieved an increase in the output value of the second-hand luxury market. The second, co-branding has penetrate

460、d into the young crowd, and the transaction volume in the secondary market has increased. Traditional luxury companies are less inclusive to designers, emphasizing the brand tone and weakening individual claims. In 2021, sales of classic designs with high reserved value have surged, while sales of n

461、ew designs have declined, and inventory of historical designs has increased. How to make up for this consumption gap? Luxury companies began to cooperate with sports brands and other industries to launch co-branded products, connecting two markets with a high value preservation rate. Meanwhile, the

462、output value of the secondary market has risen sharply, and professional buyers, intermediary platforms, appraisers and other highly vertical tertiary industries positions worked as freelancers or affiliated platforms. 92Retails & LuxuryCGP Insight2022 SALARY TRENDS零售与奢侈品2022 年,奢侈品产业将加速进入线上快消时代,品牌亟需

463、完善第三产业人才结构。自带流量的产业属性让奢侈品在天猫的直播首秀轻松获得百万流量,但喧闹背后不是交易量的狂欢,而是严重的品牌焦虑。高度渗透的互联网暴露了奢侈品在中国市场面临的最大问题渠道危机。代工产业链已打入部分品牌官网和国外线上渠道,进一步削减线下专柜体量,更弱化了其存在意义,奢侈品开始被动进入线上快销时代。 品牌数字化建设与渠道数字化转型有一定关联,但也存在巨大差异。快消式的线上产业链不是单一的甲方市场,众多针对性极强的细分运营更是具有溢出效应。当品牌面对复杂的快速消费品行业的工作结构时,他们甚至不知道它是如何运作的。由此看来,不规范的用工标准和难以量化的考核指标将进一步加速 2022 年

464、奢侈品第三产业的人才竞争。 区别于传统的第三产业服务,奢侈品第三产业在品牌标准方面对从业者要求更高。第三方机构之间的竞争将变成细分岗位的结构性竞争。在服务闭环形成之前, 首家完成岗位结构设置的机构将成为行业标准的制定者或领导者。 除基础运营服务外, 细分市场还有金融、 数据分析、交易师等高知专业群体,以版块间合作的形式帮助品牌开发优质的线上资源。 渠道多元化加速第三产业人才结构优化 Channel diversification accelerates talent structure optimization维稳增量弥补消费转移Keep steady growth to compensate

465、 for shifting consumptionIn 2022, luxury industry will accelerate its entry into the online FMCG era, and brands urgently need to improve the talent structure of the tertiary industry. The industrial attributes of its own traffic make it easy for luxury goods to get millions of traffic on Tmalls liv

466、e broadcast debut, but behind the excitement is not the carnival of transaction volume, but serious brand anxiety. The high penetration of the Internet has exposed the biggest problem that luxury brands are facing in the Chinese market the channel crisis. The OEM industry chain has entered some bran

467、ds official websites and foreign online channels, further reducing the volume of offline counters and weakening their significance, making luxury retailers enter the era of FMCG passinely. Branding digital construction and brand channel digital transformation are related to a certain extent, but the

468、re are also huge differences. FMCG online industry chain is not a single party A market, and numerous highly targeted subdivision operations have spillover effects. When the brands face the job structure of the complicated FMCG industry, they dont even know how it works. Hence, the unformed employme

469、nt standards and difficult-to-quantify assessment indicators will further accelerate the talent competition in the luxury tertiary industry in 2022. Different from the traditional tertiary industry services, the luxury tertiary industry has higher requirements for practitioners in terms of brand sta

470、ndards. The competition among third-party agencies will turn into the structural competition for segmented positions. Before the closed service loop is formed, the first organization to complete the position structure will become the industry standard setter or leaders. In addition to basic operatio

471、n services, the market segments also includes highly knowledgeable professional groups such as finance, data analysis, and traders, who help brands develop high-quality online resources in the form of inter-segment cooperation. 932022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland China人才短缺岗位竞争激烈岗位DIFFICULT TO HIREDIFFICUL

472、T TO COMPETECGP InsightCRM Manager客户关系经理E-marketing Manager电商市场经理E-merchandising Manager电商营销经理E-commerce Director电商总监E-commerce VP电商副总裁Merchandising Director商品总监Retail Marketing Manager零售市场经理PR Manager公关经理Brand Communication Manager品牌传播经理Area Manager区域经理Retail Director零售总监Notes: Roles with limited q

473、ualified candidates while HR and company has less bargain power during recruitment process. 指某职位缺乏符合条件的应聘者,符合条件的候选人有较大选择空间。HR 及公司处于卖方市场。Notes: Roles with poured qualified candidates while many candidates compete for one job. HR and company has more bargain power during recruitment process. 指某职位有大量符合

474、条件的应聘者,候选人竞争激烈。HR 及公司处于买方市场。Retails & Luxury零售与奢侈品94CMO/ Marketing VPMarketing DirectorMarketing Manager (overall)PR ManagerCRM ManagerRetail Marketing ManagerDigital ManagerStore Development VPStore Development DirectorStore Development MangerVisual Merchandising DirectorVisual Merchandising Manger

475、Construction DirectorConstruction Manger首席营销官 / 市场副总裁市场总监市场经理公关经理客户关系管理经理零售市场经理数字经理店铺发展副总裁店铺发展总监店铺发展经理视觉营销总监视觉营销经理工程总监工程经理15 years +10 years +6 years +6 years +5 years +6 years +5 years +15 years +10 years +5 years +10 years +6 years +10 years +6 years +5M3M1M1M1M1M1M3M800K2M800K800K3M2M820K660K800K

476、620K610K2.5M+2M620K1.2M610K1M+610K1.2M600K500K600K400K400K1.2M400K800K400K400KPosition Title 职位名称MinMedMaxYears ofExperience从业年数Annual Package Range (RMB) 年薪2022 SALARY TRENDSMarketing - 市场90959585100859580959590859085NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位

477、值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator:

478、A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.952022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaYear

479、s ofExperience从业年数Merchandising VPMerchandising DirectorMerchandising ManagerLuxury BuyerEcommerce Merchandising DirectorEcommerce Merchandising ManagerPlanning & Allocation DirectorPlanning & Allocation ManagerPlanning DirectorPlanning ManagerAllocation DirectorAllocation ManagerWholesale VPWholesa

480、le DirectorWholesale ManagerRetail VPRetail DirectorRetail Manager商品副总裁商品总监商品经理奢侈品采购电商商品总监电商商品经理计划 & 配货总监计划 & 配货经理计划总监计划经理配货总监配货经理批发副总裁批发总监批发经理零售副总裁零售总监零售经理20 years +15 years +8 years +5 years +12 years +6 years +15 years +8 years +15 years +8 years +15 years +8 years +20 years +15 years +6 years +1

481、8 years +12 years +8 years +3M2M 700K400K1.5M800K1.5M700K2M800k1.2M600K3M2M800K3M2M1.2M2.5M1.6M560K320k1.2M550K1.2M570K1.2M460K1M350K2M+1.7M660K2M+1.6M970K2M1M 400K 200K800K350K800K400K800K300K600K250K1.5M1.2M 500K 1.2M1.2M 700K Position Title 职位名称MinMedMaxAnnual Package Range 年薪Merchandising - 商品Sa

482、les Operation - 销售运营809085909590939388857080909590859095NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (ex

483、cluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates a

484、n oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.96Supply Chain VPSupply Chain DirectorSupply Chain ManagerLogistics DirectorLogistics ManagerWarehousing ManagerTransportation ManagerDemand Planning Manager供应链副总裁供应链总监供应链经理物流总监物流经理仓储经理运输经理需求计划经理20 yea

485、rs +15 years +8 years +15 years +8 years +8 years +8 years +8 years +2M600K2M600K600K600K600K2M+1.6M510K1.6M460K460K460K450K1M 400K 1M300K 300K 300K 300K Position Title 职位名称MinMedMaxAnnual Package Range (RMB) 年薪2022 SALARY TRENDSSupply Chain - 供应链9095909585858585NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(

486、不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum,

487、Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the m

488、arket.Years ofExperience从业年数972022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaEcommerce VP/ GMEcommerce Director/ Senior DirectorEcommerce Manager/ Senior ManagerEcommerce Operation DirectorEcommerce Operation ManagerEcommerce Merchandising DirectorEcommerce Merchandising ManagerEcommerce Content/Creative Director

489、Ecommerce Content/Creative Manager电商副总裁 / 总经理电商总监 / 高级总监电商经理 / 高级经理电商运营总监电商运营经理电商营销总监电商营销经理电商内容 / 创意总监电商内容 / 创意经理20 years +15 years +8 - 12 years12 years +6 years +12 years +6 years +12 years +6 years+2.2 M1.2 M2.5M+1.9M910K1M+500K+1M+600K+1M+600K+1.5M 600K Position Title 职位名称MinMedMaxAnnual Package

490、 Range (RMB) 年薪E-Commerce - 电商959590959095909590NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding

491、stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversu

492、pply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.Years ofExperience从业年数982022 SALARY TRENDSSales & MarketingCGP Insight2022 SALARY TRENDS销售与市场992022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland China人才短缺岗位竞争激烈岗位DIFFICULT TO HIREDIFFICULT TO COMPETESales & MarketingCGP Insight销售与市

493、场Douyin Operation Head抖音直播电商运营负责人Media Head媒介投放经理 / 负责人Ecommerce Director电商总监Private Sphere Operation Poisitions私域运营岗位Trade Marketing Positions通路行销岗位Regional Sales Positions区域销售岗位KA Positions 重点客户岗位Notes: Roles with limited qualified candidates while HR and company has less bargain power during recr

494、uitment process. 指某职位缺乏符合条件的应聘者,符合条件的候选人有较大选择空间。HR 及公司处于卖方市场。Notes: Roles with poured qualified candidates while many candidates compete for one job. HR and company has more bargain power during recruitment process. 指某职位有大量符合条件的应聘者,候选人竞争激烈。HR 及公司处于买方市场。100Sales & Marketing - 销售与市场2022 SALARY TRENDSG

495、M/ BU Head/ Commercial HeadCMOMarketing DirectorMarketing Manager/Brand ManagerMarketing Research/BI/CMI ManagerMedia Manager/AD/DDesign/Creative Manager/AD/DEcommerce Manager/AD/DKA Manager/AD/DSales Operation Manager/Sr Manager/AD15-20 years10-15 years8-15 years6-10 years5-10 years3-8 years5-15 ye

496、ars3-12 years5-15 years5-15 years4-5M1.5-2.5M1.5-1.8M700-900K700-900K500-800K800-1.2M800-1.2M800-1.2M500-600K1.5-3M1-1.5M800K-1.2M500-700K500-700K300-500K500-700K500-700K500-700K350-500K1.2-1.5M800K-1M600K-1M400-500K30-400K20-300K300-400K300-400K300-400K250-350KPosition Title 职位名称MinMedMaxYears ofEx

497、perience从业年数Annual Package Range 年薪Tier 1 Cities 一线城市2022 SALARY TRENDS* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding s

498、tocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversup

499、ply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.1012022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland China总经理 / 事业部负责人 / 商务负责人首席市场官市场总监市场经理 / 品牌经理市场调研 / 市场分析 / 数据分析经理媒介经理 / 副总监 / 总监设计 / 创意经理 / 副总监 / 总监电商经理 / 副总监 / 总监重点经理 / 高级经理 / 副总监销售运营经理 / 高级经理 / 副总监506070808010080806050Positio

500、n Title 职位名称MinMedMaxNeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数Annual Package Range 年薪Tier 2 Cities 二线城市Sales & Marketing - 销售与市场* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Ba

501、sic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or nee

502、d. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.102SemiconductorCGP InsightIn 2018, the Sino-US trade war started, in which the increase in commodity tariffs was only a superficial action, while the core contest was in

503、 the technology track, involving semiconductors, chips, batteries, artificial intelligence (AI), big data and other fields. Among them, in the fields of software, semiconductors, etc., the United States has taken the advantage of years of technological blockade, and China has often been in a disadva

504、ntageous situation because it didnt have self-developed chips. Semiconductors are the core of electronic products and the cornerstone of the information industry. The semiconductor industry is one of the pillar industries of the national economy, and its degree of development is a core indicator to

505、measure the level of scientific and technological development of a country. Over the past three years, on the battlefield without arms, China has been advancing its strengths in the field of science and technology to be at the forefront of the world. In industries such as smartphones, drones and new

506、 energy vehicles, China has strong international competitiveness, and some industries are even far ahead. In 2021, the downstream semiconductor industry has been affected to a certain extent due to the shrinking of global semiconductor silicon wafer shipments and market size. However, the popularity

507、 of 5G and the recovery of the automotive industry have brought benefits to the semiconductor market, and the market size is expected to hit a record high. The market size of silicon wafers is also expected to resume growth driven by the semiconductor industry. From an industry perspective, with the

508、 development and progress of the Internet of Things, 5G, cloud, artificial intelligence and other fields, the digital transformation of the global economy deepens continuously. As the core components of electronic devices and systems, semiconductor is commonly used in mobile devices, automobiles, co

509、nsumer electronics, 5G wireless infrastructure, etc., so there is very broad room for growth in the future. 2022 SALARY TRENDS半导体2018 年,中美贸易战打响。其中,提高商品关税只是表象,而核心的较量则是在科技赛道,涉及到半导体、芯片、电池、人工智能、大数据等领域。其中,在软件、半导体等领域,美国依靠多年来的技术封锁占据优势,中国由于没有自主研发的芯片常常处于被“掐脖子”的不利境地。 半导体是电子产品的核心, 信息产业的基石。 半导体行业是国民经济支柱性行业之一, 其

510、发展程度是衡量一个国家科技发展水平的核心指标。 过去四年里,在没有硝烟的战场上,中国厚积薄发,在科技领域的优势已经走在世界前列。在智能手机、无人机和新能源汽车等行业,中国拥有超强的国际竞争力,部分行业甚至遥遥领先。 2021 年,下游半导体行业由于全球半导体硅片出货量和市场规模收窄受到一定影响,然而 5G 的普及和汽车行业的复苏为半导体市场带来利好,市场规模有望创出历史新高,而硅片的市场规模也有望在半导体行业的拉动下恢复增长。 从行业来看,随着物联网、5G、云、人工智能等领域的发展和进步,全球经济数字化转型继续加深。而半导体是电子设备和系统的核心组成部分,尤其常用于移动设备、汽车、消费类电子产

511、品、5G 无线基础设施等,因此未来将有非常广阔的增长空间。 半导体行业前景广阔,业内投资热情高涨The semiconductor industry has broad prospects, and the investment enthusiasm is high半导体供需失衡,人才选择机会虚高Unbalanced semiconductor supply and demand leads to inflated talent opportunities1032022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaSemiconductorCGP InsightSemiconduc

512、tors are a capital-intensive industry, and the demand for production expansion requires substantial capital support. Currently, the investment enthusiasm in the industry is high, and most semiconductor companies want to seize the opportunities brought by lack of self-developed chips and accelerate t

513、heir expansion through IPO financing. 80% of the global semiconductor supply comes from Asia. Excessive concentration of production bases and large-scale semiconductor factories have made major countries such as the United States and European countries deeply uneasy about the security of their suppl

514、y chains. Affected by the COVID-19 and technology blockade, the balance of semiconductor supply and demand has been broken, and the supply chain has fluctuated violently. In this context, China has been accelerating the process of localization of the semiconductor industry chain and supply chain, an

515、d continues to inject development momentum from multiple dimensions such as policy, technology, resources, and capital. China is the worlds largest chip importer and consumer market. Without Chinas participation, there would be no complete semiconductor industry chain. In recent years, in order to f

516、urther encourage the overall development of domestic semiconductors, break foreign monopolies, and enhance technological competitiveness, relevant state ministries and commissions have issued a series of policies and regulations to support and guide the development of the semiconductor industry. The

517、 current Moore cycle is slowing down, and the domestic substitution is booming. China should seize the strategic window period and use the new national system to accelerate Chinas substantial breakthroughs in the global semiconductor supply chain. 半导体全球半导体 80% 的供给来源于亚洲。生产基地过于集中、半导体厂大型化等因素,让欧美等大国对自身的

518、供应链安全深感不安。受新冠疫情和技术封锁影响,半导体供需平衡被打破,供应链剧烈波动。在此背景下,中国正加速半导体产业链和供应链国产化进程,从政策、技术、资源和资金等多维度持续注入发展动力。 中国是全球最大的芯片进口国和消费市场,没有中国参与的半导体产业链只能是一个残缺的产业链。近年来,为进一步鼓励国内半导体的整体发展,打破外国垄断,增强科技竞争力,国家相关部委出台了一系列支持和引导半导体行业发展的政策法规。 当前 “摩尔周期” 放缓, 国产替代热潮势头正劲, 中国应把握战略窗口期, 以新型举国体制加快中国在全球半导体供应链中做出实质性突破。 半导体属于资本密集型行业, 扩产需求的背后需要大幅资

519、本的加持。 当前业内投资热情高涨, 大多数半导体企业都想抓住 “缺芯” 带来的机遇,通过 IPO 融资以加快扩张速度。 重构供应链,中国加速国产化进程Restructuring the supply chain, China accelerates the process of localization半导体供需失衡,人才选择机会虚高Unbalanced semiconductor supply and demand leads to inflated talent opportunities104SemiconductorCGP InsightFor such a sophisticated

520、 industry, the supply of talents is far below market demand. At present, the total shortage of chip talents in China is as high as 300,000. Domestic leading semiconductor chip companies, such as Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC) and Shenzhen HiSilicon, have a staff turnove

521、r rate of more than 15% in 2020. According to Norman Lau, General Manager of CGP Groups Shanghai office and head of the semiconductor industry recruitment team, the market recovery and talent shortage have led to certain chaos in the labor market, and there is great bargaining space for high-quality

522、 talent. Usually, the candidates we contact have at least three or four offers, some of them have nearly ten. In addition to well-known multinational companies and local companies offering generous remuneration to snatch talents, some emerging small companies are also entering the market to share th

523、e cake. Despite the vigorous development of the semiconductor industry, Norman suggests that talents should focus on one field, and not be short-sighted for immediate benefits, while companies should retain talents through well-developed training and incentive systems, achieving a virtuous circle. W

524、hile technological improvements in high-end chips, advanced semiconductor equipment, and wafer manufacturing processes take time, China is investing heavily in next-generation technologies such as 5G, AI, Internet of Things (IoT) and quantum computing. New infrastructure represented by high-speed ra

525、il, new energy, 5G networks, electric vehicles and industrial IoT will drive the semiconductor industry to grow rapidly. In terms of talents, in addition to attracting and introducing international talents, it is more important to cultivate local talents through measures such as reforming the educat

526、ion system, improving the level of compensation and benefits, and completing enterprises human resources management system. 2022 SALARY TRENDS半导体对于这样的高精尖行业,人才供给远低于市场需求。目前我国芯片人才总缺口高达 30 万,诸如中芯国际、深圳海思等国内领先的半导体芯片企业,2020 年员工流失率均在 15% 以上。 CGP 集团上海办公室总经理、半导体行业招聘团队负责人 Norman Lau 表示,“市场复苏和人才告急导致半导体人才市场出现一定混

527、乱,优质人才的议价空间极大。通常我们联系到的候选人至少手握三四个 offer,多的甚至有近十个。除了知名的跨国公司、本土公司正以优渥的薪酬待遇抢夺人才之外,一些新兴的小公司也正进入市场想要分到蛋糕。” 尽管半导体行业蓬勃发展,但是 Norman 建议人才还是尽可能专注一个领域深耕,切勿为了眼前利益而短视,而企业也应该通过完善培训和激励体系留住人才,实现良性循环。 高端芯片、先进半导体设备和晶圆制造工艺的技术提高需要时间积累,而中国正在对 5G、AI、IoT 和量子计算等下一代技术进行大量投资。以高铁、新能源、5G 网络、电动车和工业物联网等为代表的“新基建”将带动半导体产业走向高速增长。 在人

528、才层面, 除了引进、 吸纳国际人才, 更为重要的是通过变革教育体制、 提升薪酬福利水平、 健全企业人力资源制度等措施培养本土人才。 人才选择机会虚高,切莫贪一时之利Faced with inflated opportunities, talents shouldnt be greedy for temporary gains半导体供需失衡,人才选择机会虚高Unbalanced semiconductor supply and demand leads to inflated talent opportunities1052022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland China人才短缺

529、岗位竞争激烈岗位DIFFICULT TO HIREDIFFICULT TO COMPETECGP InsightAnalog Design Engineer模拟设计工程师RF Design Engineer射频设计工程师CPU ArchitectCPU 架构师SI Engineer信号完整性工程师Analog Design Engineer模拟设计工程师RF Design Engineer射频设计工程师CPU ArchitectCPU 架构师SI Engineer信号完整性工程师Notes: Roles with limited qualified candidates while HR an

530、d company has less bargain power during recruitment process. 指某职位缺乏符合条件的应聘者,符合条件的候选人有较大选择空间。HR 及公司处于卖方市场。Notes: Roles with poured qualified candidates while many candidates compete for one job. HR and company has more bargain power during recruitment process. 指某职位有大量符合条件的应聘者,候选人竞争激烈。HR 及公司处于买方市场。Sem

531、iconductor半导体106R&D - 研发Supply Chain - 供应链R&D DirectorR&D ManagerR&D EngineerSupply Chain VPSupply Chain DirectorSupply Chain MangerPurchasing ManagerPurchasing SupervisorPlanning ManagerPlannerB2B E-commerce HeadB2B E-commerce DirectorB2B E-commerce Manger研发总监研发经理研发工程师供应链副总裁供应链总监供应链经理采购经理采购主管计划经理计划

532、专员电子商务渠道业务负责人电子商务渠道总监电子商务渠道经理15 years +10 years +3 years +18 years +10 years +5 years +6 years +3 years +4 years +2 years +12 years +8 years +5 years +2M1.8M700K1.5M1.2M700K500K200K300K200K1.2M900K550K1.8M1.2M500K1M1M500K400K200K260K180K600K400K1.5M1.5M500K1.4M1M560K400K175K240K160K1M760K435K1.5M1M3

533、50K850K750K400K310K170K205M140K460K310K1M700K380K1.2M800K400K300K150K180K120K800K600K300K800K600K260K700K500K300K200K120K150K100K300K200KPosition Title 职位名称MinMinMedMedMaxMaxYears ofExperience从业年数Annual Package Range (RMB) 年薪Tier 1 Cities 一线城市 Tier 2 Cities 二线城市 80839081858788888585909090NeedIndicat

534、or(0-100)需求指数2022 SALARY TRENDS2022 SALARY TRENDS* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefit

535、s), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A s

536、core above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.1072022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaPosition Title 职位名称Years ofExperience从业年数Production & Operation - 生产工艺Sales & Marketing - 销售与市场Production DirectorProduction ManagerProduction SupervisorProcess Engineering DirectorProcess Enginee

537、ring ManagerProcess Engineering SupervisorSales VPSales DirectorSales ManagerSales SupervisorApplication ManagerApplication EngineerMarketing DirectorMarketing Manager生产总监生产经理生产主管工艺总监工艺经理工艺主管销售副总裁销售总监销售经理销售主管技术支持经理技术支持工程师市场总监市场经理15 years +10 years +6 years +15 years +9 years +6 years +15 years +12 y

538、ears +10 years +6 years +10 years +5 years +10 years +7 years +3M2M1.2M3M2M1.2M3M2M1.2M1M2M1M2M1.5M2M1.3M1.2M2.5M1.5M1M2.5M2M1.2M1M1.5M1M1.5M1.2M2M1.2M1M2M1.2M1M2.5M1.5M1M800K1.2M800K1.5M1.2M1.5M1M800K1.8M800K800K2M1.5M1M800K1M800K1.2M1M1.5M800K600K1.5M800K600K2M1.2M800K600K800K600K1M800K1.2M800K600

539、K1.2M600K600K1.5M1M800K600K800K600K800K600KMinMinMedMedMaxMaxAnnual Package Range (RMB) 年薪Tier 1 Cities 一线城市 Tier 2 Cities 二线城市 80828279818485859090899283NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业

540、需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent

541、within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.108Supply Chain ManagementCGP InsightSince the outbreak of the epidemic in 2020, supply chain tensions

542、and even interruptions have occurred in many places around the world, making the uncertainty of the global economy continue to increase. The depth and breadth of the global supply chain will face a complete restructure along with the trend of international politics. A big reshuffle movement on the g

543、lobal supply chain is imperative, and the global regionalized supply chain system will also be reorganized. Supply chain management is the lifeblood of global trade, but its complexity and globality cause its weak risk resistance attribute. Under the influence of the epidemic, the sharp rise in inte

544、rnational shipping prices and the large fluctuations in market demand have also brought huge fluctuations to the supply chain industry; meanwhile, the soaring prices of raw materials, labor and logistics costs have put forward higher requirements for the operation and management of enterprises. The

545、demand for talents in supply chain management is expanding, and with the emergence of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data cloud computing, blockchain and 5G, enterprise supply chain management will encounter more opportunities and challenges. 2022 SALARY TRENDS供应链管理自 2020 年疫情爆

546、发以来,全球多地一度出现供应链紧张甚至中断的问题,使得全球经济的不确定性持续加剧。全球供应链的深度与广度将随着国际政治的走向而面临彻底性重组,一场关于全球供应链的“大洗牌”运动势在必行,全球区域化供应链体系也正式走向重组。 供应链管理是全球贸易的命脉,但其复杂性与全球性导致了其脆弱的抗风险属性。在疫情影响下,陡然升高的国际航运价格,市场需求时高时低的大幅度震荡,带来了供应链端巨大的波动;而原材料价格、人力成本与物流费用的飙升,为企业运营管理带来了更高的要求。供应链管理端人才的需求日益扩大,并且随着诸如人工智能、大数据云计算、区块链和 5G 等新兴技术的涌现,企业的供应链管理将迎来更多的机遇和挑

547、战。 供应链管理能有效提升供应链弹性与风险防范能力Supply chain management effectively improves supply chain flexibility and risk prevention capabilities 贸易复苏与产业升级使得供应链管理出现人才紧缺Trade recovery and industrial upgrades make supply chain management face talent shortage1092022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaSupply Chain ManagementCGP

548、 InsightIn 2021, Chinas success in epidemic prevention and control has been further consolidated, and economic and social activities and residents consumption of goods and services have returned to normal. The impact of the epidemic has gradually subsided, economic growth has returned to China speed

549、, and logistics demand has increased simultaneously, driving the demand for talents in supply chain management. As trade shifts to online during the epidemic, cross-border e-commerce has become an important force in stabilizing foreign trade. Supply chain management can provide systematic planning f

550、or cross-border e-commerce, and help corporates achieve orderly income increase and steady expansion in the context of the gradual recovery of global trade. Due to the shortage of global semiconductor production capacity and the slowdown in the intelligent transformation of traditional factories, mo

551、st companies choose to introduce supply chain management to adjust the supply chain structure, thereby increasing profits, and this has become another path for traditional enterprises to achieve industrial upgrade. When global trade recovers from the adverse effects of supply chain shortage, the con

552、sumer demand in the global market will be fully released, and cross-border trade will be further developed, followed by enterprises more intensive demand for supply chain management. In 2022, the world is expected to accelerate the construction of a carbon-neutral system, making air, which was origi

553、nally costless, an important factor of production. Taking China as an example, the carbon peak will be reached in 2030; if the plan is implemented, the cost of the entire manufacturing industry will increase by about 20 %. Therefore, the cost increase brought by the upgrade of the supply chain urgen

554、tly requires the intervention of supply chain management. 供应链管理在2021年, 中国疫情防控的胜利成效进一步获得巩固, 经济社会活动和居民商品消费、 服务性消费全面恢复正常状态。 疫情影响逐渐消退,经济增长回归“中国速度”,物流需求同步提升,带动了供应链管理的人才需求。 随着疫情期间贸易转移至线上,跨境电商成为稳外贸的重要力量。供应链管理可以为跨境电商提供系统性规划,在全球贸易逐渐回暖的大环境下,通过供应链管理实现企业有序增收,稳步扩张。受限于全球半导体产能短缺,传统工厂智能改造放缓,大多数企业选择引进供应链管理来调整供应链结构,从

555、而提升利润,而这也成为了传统企业实现产业升级的又一路径。 当全球贸易走出供应链短缺的阴霾,全球市场的消费需求将得到充分释放,跨国贸易将获得进一步发展,随之而来的是企业对于供应链管理更加密集的需求。预计在 2022 年,全球将加速构建碳中和体系,这使得原来成本为零的空气成为一项重要的生产要素。以中国为例,2030 年将实现碳达峰;若按计划落实,整个制造业成本将提高 20% 左右。因此,供应链的升级改造所带来的成本增加迫切需要供应链管理的介入。 供应链随着全球贸易复苏走向升级Supply chain upgrades as global trade recovers贸易复苏与产业升级使得供应链管理

556、出现人才紧缺Trade recovery and industrial upgrades make supply chain management face talent shortage110Supply Chain ManagementCGP InsightWhether it is the domestic market or the global market, there is an urgent need for talents in the supply chain management industry. According to statistics, the current

557、 domestic supply chain talent shortage has reached 4.3 million. Some Fortune 500 companies and large domestic companies have established their own supply chain management centers. More enterprises are aware of the infinite growth space that the strategic cooperation they have with supply chain manag

558、ement can bring. According to Norman Lau, the General Manager of CGP Group Shanghai Office and the Head of recruitment team in supply chain management industry, the recovery of the global market is both an opportunity and a challenge for companies. When the core competitiveness of enterprises in the

559、 field of cross-border trade is tilted towards supply chain management, the demand for talents in related fields will skyrocket, and there will be a global shortage of talents, Norman said. The competition of enterprises is actually the competition of supply chains, and the supply chain management i

560、ndustry can help enterprises to form their own core advantages, which is inseparable from the reserve of high-quality supply chain management talents. Therefore, while continuing to absorb high-quality talents in the market, enterprises should also have the ability to cultivate supply chain manageme

561、nt talents. Although the supply chain management industry is in serious talent shortage currently, yet, from the perspective of the development of the entire industry, it is still in the development stage. With the development of supply chain management theory, the industry will elevate the requirem

562、ents for talents. For talents, keeping up with the knowledge update of the supply chain management industry can help gain bargaining power in the talent market. 2022 SALARY TRENDS供应链管理无论是国内市场还是全球市场,都迫切需要供应链管理行业的人才。据统计,目前国内供应链人才缺口人数达到 430 万,一些世界 500强企业以及国内规模较大的企业都创立了各自的供应链管理中心,更多企业意识到供应链管理的战略合作能够为企业带

563、来的无限成长空间。 CGP 集团上海办公室总经理、供应链管理行业招聘团队负责人 Norman Lau 表示, “全球市场的复苏对于企业而言,即是机遇,也是挑战。当企业在跨国贸易领域的核心竞争力向供应链管理方向倾斜,相关领域人才的需求量会直线攀升,随之而来的将是全球范围的人才短缺问题。” 企业的竞争实际上是供应链的竞争,而供应链管理行业能帮助企业形成自己的核心优势,这其中离不开优质的供应链管理优质人才的储备。因此,企业在持续保持吸纳市场优质人才的同时,更应该具备培养供应链管理人才的能力。 尽管目前供应链管理行业存在巨大人才短缺,但是从整个行业发展的角度而言,依旧处在发展阶段。随着供应链管理理论的

564、发展,行业也会提高对人才的要求。对于人才而言,保持供应链管理行业的知识更新,有助于在人才市场中获得议价权。 全球市场需求增加,供应链人才缺口巨大Huge talent shortage in supply chain area as the global market demand increases 贸易复苏与产业升级使得供应链管理出现人才紧缺Trade recovery and industrial upgrades make supply chain management face talent shortage1112022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland China人才

565、短缺岗位竞争激烈岗位DIFFICULT TO HIREDIFFICULT TO COMPETESupply Chain ManagementCGP Insight供应链管理Quality Head质量负责人Logistic solution head物流规划负责人Procurement Director采购负责人EHS Head环境安全健康主管Notes: Roles with limited qualified candidates while HR and company has less bargain power during recruitment process. 指某职位缺乏符合

566、条件的应聘者,符合条件的候选人有较大选择空间。HR 及公司处于卖方市场。Notes: Roles with poured qualified candidates while many candidates compete for one job. HR and company has more bargain power during recruitment process. 指某职位有大量符合条件的应聘者,候选人竞争激烈。HR 及公司处于买方市场。112Supply Chain Management - 供应链管理2022 SALARY TRENDSHead of Procurement

567、Supply Chain Head Quality Head Logistic manager (Sr )Planninig manager Manufactory Head 15+15+20+10+10+20+2M 1.8M1.5M900K950K1.8M1.5M 1.3M1.1M700K750K1.3M1.2M1M850k500k550K1MPosition Title 职位名称MinMedMaxYears ofExperience从业年数Annual Package Range 年薪Tier 1 Cities 一线城市2022 SALARY TRENDS* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股

568、权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.

569、: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the marke

570、t.1132022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland China采购负责人供应链负责人质量负责人物流经理计划经理制造负责人958590758080Position Title 职位名称MinMedMaxNeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数Annual Package Range 年薪Tier 2 Cities 二线城市Supply Chain Management - 供应链管理1M800k800k400k500K800K1.3M1M1M600K650K1M1.5M1.3M1.2M850K750K1.2M* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地

571、货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.:

572、Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.114Travel & Le

573、isureCGP InsightAffected by the epidemic, the total global international tourism revenue has dropped by about 70 %. Thanks to the progress made in the global vaccination efforts and the relaxation of travel restrictions in some countries, the international travel market has shown signs of rebound in

574、 June and July 2021. In the domestic market, for example, the number of tourists has returned to 70% of the level in previous years, but the consumption level is lower than 70%, which means that the domestic tourism industry structure has been downgraded. In 2021, the international tourism industry

575、in the post-epidemic era began to recover, but due to the uneven vaccination rates around the world, the emergence of virus variants Delta and Omicron, the impact of soaring oil prices and disruptions to global supply chains, the pace of global tourism recovery was slow. In 2022, the global tourism

576、market is still largely under the control of the epidemic. With the deepening of vaccination popularization and the increasingly loose travel policies of various countries, under the premise of steady epidemic prevention in various countries, the global tourism market is expected to have a retaliato

577、ry growth when the peak season arrives in the second quarter. Although the global tourism market has shrunk due to the epidemic, consumers have also accumulated a lot of savings during this period, and the long-suppressed consumption demand has been released in the phase of small-scale market recove

578、ry. Therefore, per capita tourism consumption expenditure will increase significantly, weakening the impact of the epidemic on the global tourism economy to a certain extent. On the whole, at a stage where the epidemic is difficult to end in a short period of time, the healthy recovery of the global

579、 tourism industry depends on countries helping consumers restore confidence through communication and coordination on travel restrictions and unified safety and health protocols. 2022 SALARY TRENDS旅游与休闲受新冠疫情影响,全球国际旅游业总收入下降 70% 左右,得益于全球疫苗接种工作取得的进展以及部分国家的旅行限制松绑,国际旅行市场在 2021 年 6、7 两月出现了反弹迹象。以国内市场为例,中国旅

580、游人数已经恢复至往年 70% 的水平,但消费水平却低于 70%,这也意味着国内旅游产业结构出现了降级。 在 2021 年,后疫情时代的国际旅游行业开始恢复,但受限于世界各地的疫苗接种率参差不齐,以及病毒变体 Delta 和 Omicron 的出现,使得旅游业全年市场行情正常化缓慢,叠加油价飙升以及全球供应链中断的影响,全球旅游业复苏步伐缓慢。 时间进入 2022 年,全球旅游市场依然在很大程度上受到疫情的控制,伴随着疫苗普及的加深以及各国日益宽松的旅行政策,在各国稳步防疫的前提下,全球旅游市场有望在第二季度旅游旺季到来时,迎来报复性增长。 虽然疫情导致全球旅游市场收缩,但在此期间,消费者也储备

581、了大量积蓄,长时间压抑的消费需求在市场小规模复苏阶段得以释放,因此人均旅游消费支出将大幅上升,一定程度上弱化疫情对全球旅游经济的影响。综合来看,在疫情短时间难以彻底结束的阶段,全球旅游业的健康复苏依赖于各国在旅行限制、统一安全和卫生协议方面的沟通和协调,以此帮助消费者恢复信心。 全球旅游业复苏缓慢,各国需统一防疫标准Epidemic prevention standards contribute to show tourism recovery 行业呈现复苏迹象,复合型人才更具市场竞争力Industry shows signs of recovery, compound talents bec

582、ome competitive1152022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaTravel & LeisureCGP InsightThe essence of tourism development is the cultural display of natural resources and the exploration of cultural significance of humanistic resources. As one of the most severely affected industries in the context of the no

583、rmalization of the epidemic, the tourism industry is changing the previous industry rules and thinking model, and using the in-depth customization of travel routes to meet the different needs of consumers and adapt to the current changeable market environment. Taking the Chinese market as an example

584、, 2021 was the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. With the support of multiple dividends and policies, Red Tour have fully occupied the market, with a year-on-year increase of about 7 times. Another direction was tourism around the city; in the stage of repeated epide

585、mics, most cultural and tourism companies have developed tourism resources around the city and formulated a series of suburban tourism projects, providing more choices for the urban micro-vacation market. The development of these new projects made the domestic tourism market show signs of recovery i

586、n 2021. Entering 2022, the attention brought by the Winter Olympics will greatly boost the domestic tourism market. Compared with the severe international epidemic, the domestic epidemic is relatively controllable, which ensures the integrity of the supply chain and maintains the supply and demand r

587、elationship in the tourism market. With the further recovery of the market, in the context of the normalization of the epidemic, the strategy of internal circulation and dual circulation will guide the tourism market to a new direction. As the trends of localization and short-distance trips become m

588、ore significant, tourism will be more integrated into life and the countryside than in previous years. Surrounding tours, excursions and urban vacations will become the new normal, providing opportunities for urban leisure and rural tourism. From the perspective of market segmentation, digital intel

589、ligence, immersive experience, night tours, ice and snow tourism, and Red Tour will remain popular projects. 旅游与休闲旅游开发的本质是对于自然资源的文化展现,以及对人文资源文化意义的挖掘。作为疫情常态化背景下受影响最严重的行业之一,旅游业正在转变以往的行业规则,改变常态思维,以旅游路线的深度定制,满足消费者的不同需求,适应目前多变的市场环境。 以中国市场为例,2021 年正逢中国共产党建党一百周年,在多重红利和政策支持下,红色旅游线路全面占领市场,同比增长约 7 倍。另一个方向是城市周

590、边游;在疫情反复的阶段,大部分文旅企业开发了城市周边旅游资源,制定了一系列郊区旅游项目,为城市微度假市场提供了更多选择。这些新项目的开展使得国内旅游市场在 2021 年呈现出回暖的迹象。 进入 2022 年,冬奥会带来的关注度将极大地提振国内旅游市场。与严峻的国际防疫形势相比,国内疫情相对可控,使得供应链的完整性获得保障,旅游市场的供求关系得以维护。随着市场的进一步复苏,在疫情常态化的环境下,内循环和双循环的战略将引导旅游市场走向新的方向。随着旅游市场的本土化和短程化更加显著,旅游将比往年更加融入生活和乡村。周边、短途旅行和城市度假将成为新常态,城市休闲和乡村旅游将迎来机遇。从市场细分来看,数

591、字智慧、沉浸式体验、夜游、冰雪旅游、红色旅游仍将是热门项目。 全球旅游行业即将回暖,定制游顺应环境需求Customized tours meet the needs of the market行业呈现复苏迹象,复合型人才更具市场竞争力Industry shows signs of recovery, compound talents become competitive116CGP InsightConstrained by the downturn of the global tourism industry, the demand for talents in the tourism in

592、dustry shrinks simultaneously, resulting in a gradual increase in the industrys job requirements for individuals. The functions originally realized by the two positions will be undertaken by a single individual. Different from the previous market where skillsets are regarded as the division of talen

593、ts, the current tourism industry is more eager for multi-functional compound talents, which not only helps enterprises reduce costs, but also facilitates talent management. In the context of the current domestic market environment, the demand for compound talents in the cultural tourism and leisure

594、industry will be further expanded. At present, the talents in the domestic tourism market are mainly skilled talents, such as planning and consulting talents, creative design and visual communication talents, investment talents and operation talents. There is a lack of high-quality, practical and in

595、novative talents. In areas with deep industrial forms, such as cultural and tourism integration, night tourism economy, and cultural exhibition, there is also a shortage of talent supply. CGP Groups Marketing Insight shows that, with the continuous development of the domestic economy, the demand for

596、 cultural industries will be further enhanced. The development of the global tourism industry is entering a key point of transformation, and the potential is huge. At present, a large number of skilled talents should have more exposure to skills in other fields while ensuring their own professional

597、standards, improve their professional skill system, and transform to diversified and compound talents, so as to equip themselves with career competitiveness that suits the current industrial development. 2022 SALARY TRENDS受限于全球旅游行业下行,旅游行业人才需求同步收缩,导致行业对于单一人才的岗位要求会逐步提升。原本两个岗位实现的职能,将由单一人才个体承担。与以往市场中以技能

598、作为人才的划分不同,目前的旅游行业更渴望多职能型的复合型人才,既有利于企业收缩成本,也便于人才管理。 在现阶段国内的市场环境下,文旅休闲产业对复合型人才的需求将进一步扩大。 目前,国内旅游市场的人才主要是技能型人才,如策划与咨询人才、设计与视觉传达创意人才、投资人才、运营人才等,缺乏高素质、实用性和创新性的人才。在文旅融合、夜游经济、文化会展等产业形态较深的领域,人才供给也存在不足。 CGP 集团市场洞察显示,“随着国内经济不断发展,文化产业需求也将进一步提升。全球旅游行业发展正步入了一个转型的关键点,未来的市场潜力巨大。目前大量的技能型人才应该在保证自身专业水准的同时,多接触其他领域的技能,

599、完善自身职业技能体系,向多元化、复合型人才转型,具备更顺应当下发展的行业竞争力。” 人才市场规模收缩,复合型人才更受青睐Talent market shrinks, compound talents more favored Travel & Leisure旅游与休闲行业呈现复苏迹象,复合型人才更具市场竞争力Industry shows signs of recovery, compound talents become competitive1172022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland China人才短缺岗位竞争激烈岗位DIFFICULT TO HIREDIFFICULT T

600、O COMPETETravel & LeisureCGP Insight旅游与休闲Operation Management运营管理Product Innovation产品服务创新Data Analyze大数据分析API Connectivity技术对接Commercial Strategy战略规划Project Management项目统筹管理Sales Markeitng Management市场销售F&B Director餐饮总监Revenue Management收益管理E commerce Management电商运营管理Trade Marketing渠道推广Digital Marke

601、ting数字营销Notes: Roles with limited qualified candidates while HR and company has less bargain power during recruitment process. 指某职位缺乏符合条件的应聘者,符合条件的候选人有较大选择空间。HR 及公司处于卖方市场。Notes: Roles with poured qualified candidates while many candidates compete for one job. HR and company has more bargain power du

602、ring recruitment process. 指某职位有大量符合条件的应聘者,候选人竞争激烈。HR 及公司处于买方市场。118Operation DirectorOperation VPGeneral managerPR DirectorMarketing DirectorHead of Sales&MarketingSenior Digital Marketing ManagerStrategic Planning DirectorProduct VPDirector of Retail BusinessF&B Consultant运营总监常务副总裁总经理公关总监市场总监市场营销总监数

603、字营销资深经理战略规划总监产品 VP零售业务总监餐饮顾问10 years+15 years+12-15 years+10 years+10 years+15 years+8-10 years+10 years+12-15 years+10 years+10 years+1M1.5M1.8M1M1M1.5M700K1.2m1.6M1M900K700K1-1.2M1.3M800K800K1M600K900M1.2M700K700K500K700K800K600K650K700K450K700M800K550K550KPosition Title 职位名称MinMedMaxYears ofExper

604、ience从业年数Annual Package Range 年薪2022 SALARY TRENDSCultural & Tourism, Destination - 文旅,目的地8070706060509070504040NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才

605、并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stocks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates

606、 an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.1192022 SALARY TRENDS Mainland ChinaYears ofExperience从业年数General ManagerProduct/Service Innovation ManagerRevenue DirectorRevenue ManagerE comme

607、rce Senior managerMedia Campaign ManagerSenior BD Manager, digitalF&B DirectorDirector of RoomsProcurement DirectorProcurement ManagerChief Strategic Consultant总经理产品 / 服务创新经理收益管理总监收益管理经理电商运营资深经理媒体投放经理数字化业务开发经理餐饮总监房务总监采购总监采购经理首席战略顾问15 years+10 years+15 years+10 years+10 years+10 years+12-15 years+10

608、years+10 years+10 years+10 years+15 years+1.2-1.5M700K1M600K700K550K700K1M800K1M600K2M+800K550K800K500K500K400K550K700K600K800K450K1.5M650K400K650K350K400K300K400K500K450K600K300K1MPosition Title 职位名称MinMedMaxAnnual Package Range 年薪Hotels & Resorts Group, Cruise Line, Travel Technology Service Provi

609、der酒店度假集团,邮轮,旅游技术服务商708080808070707050504050NeedIndicator(0-100)需求指数* 年薪:基本工资加奖金(不包括股权或者其他福利),货币单位为当地货币,如在中国,货币单位是人民币。* 最小值、中位值、最大值* 需求指标:表示人才在市场中的青睐程度。80 分表示平均水平,也就是企业的需求和人才的数量持平。小于 80 表示企业需求小于市场上人才的数量。反之,大于 80 表示是企业紧缺 的人才,市场上这样的人才并不充足。* Annual Package: Basic Salary + Standard Bonus (excluding stoc

610、ks or other benefits), use local currency, ex: use RMB In China.* Min.: Minimum, Med.: Medium, Max.: Maximum* Need Indicator: A metric to measure the need of the specific position or talent within the market. A score of 80 indicates an average demand or need. A score below 80 indicates an oversupply in the market. A score above 80 indicates an urgent need, or a scarcity in the market.



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