2013届高考英语一轮复习精品课件:Unit 4《Sharing》(新人教版选修7湖北专用)

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1、 高高 频 考考 点点 佳佳 作作 诵 读考考 点点 锁 定定 课 时 作作 业 课 堂堂 双双 基基作作佳佳诵诵 读读(2011江苏省苏北四市期末调研联考)下面的漫画反映了一种社会现象,请你根据对这幅漫画的理解,用英语写一篇短文,描述一下他们的不同境遇,并就如何解决此问题发表你的看法。注意:1仔细品味漫画中两个孩子的不同心情,分析其反映的社会现象。可适当发挥,注意行文连贯。2词数150左右。开头已经写好,不记入总词数。3作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。As is vividly shown in the picture, a country boy is crying helpless

2、ly in the darkness, longing eagerly for school education. It implies severe educational problems_点点考考锁锁 定定9_ vi.& vt.(使)发出咔嗒声n.咔嗒声10_ n安全;保护;保障11_ vi.参与;参加_n参加;参与12_ vt.捐赠_n捐赠13_ adj.自愿的;志愿的;无偿的14_ vt.分配;分发_n分布状态;分配;分发15 _ vi.工 作 ; 运 转 vt.操 作_n手术;运转16_ n特权;特别优待答案1 concept2.relevant3.remote4.adjust5.

3、otherwise6arrangement7.purchase8.anniversary9.click10.security11participate;participation 12.donate;donation13.voluntary14distribute;distribution15.operate;operation16.privilege.短语回顾1hear_接到的信2(be)_to do极想;渴望3_other day不久前的一天4be relevant_与有关5dry_(使进水之物)完全变干;干透6_need在困难中;在危机中答案1from 2.dying 3.the 4.t

4、o 5.out6.in.句式填空1“介词关系代词”引导的非限制性定语从句Sometimes I wonder how relevant chemistry is to these students,_(他们中大多数)will be going back to their villages after Year 8 anyway.2doubt后接由whether引导的宾语从句To be honest,_(我真有点怀疑是否)Im making any difference to these boys lives at all.3did动词原形的强调句But last weekend another

5、 teacher, Jenny, and I_(确实拜访了一个村庄)which is the home of one of the boys, Tombe.4with复合结构在句中作定语Tombes father, Mukap, led us to his house, a low bamboo hut_(草伸出了屋顶)5not.but连接两个并列成分The gift you give_(不是给你所爱的人留念的,而是)a voluntary contribution towards the lives of people who really need it.答案1most of whom2I

6、 doubt whether3did visit a village4with grass sticking out of the roof5is not something your loved one keeps but频频高高考考 点点adjust sth. to.把某物调整到adjust (oneself) to(使自己)适应make an adjustment/adjustments to sth.调整某物adapt sth.to使某物适合adapt (oneself) to使(自己)适应即境活用1 When a child is studying abroad, he must l

7、earn to_living on his own.Aadjust toBreturn toClook forward to Dlead to解析adjust to适应。return to 返回;look forward to 盼望;lead to 导致。答案A2participate vi.参与;参加They want to participate in the decisionmaking process.他们要求更多地参与决策过程。participate in参加participate in (doing) sth. with sb.与某人一起参加、参与(做)某事participate

8、with sb. in sth.与某人分担即境活用2Every student is_to_in the school activities actively, which does good to them.A hoped; join B expected; participateCwished; take part Drequested; take解析expect期望;participate in参加。答案B即境活用3Only guests of the hotel enjoy the_of using the private beach.Aprivilege BpossibilityCf

9、avour Dadvantage解析privilege特权。possibility 可能性;favour 恩惠;advantage 优势。答案A4donate vt.捐赠He donates his blood to the blood centre once a year.他每年向血液中心献一次血。All donations will be gratefully received.十分感激地接受所有的捐赠。donate sth. to.把某物捐赠给donate sth. to do sth.为做某事而捐赠某物collect donations for.为募捐receive a donatio

10、n收到募捐give/make/present a donation to.捐赠即境活用4Has she really_one of her kidneys to the advanced teacher?Thats true.Asold BgivenCsubscribe Ddonated解析donate 捐献。sell 卖;give 给;subscribe 投稿。答案D5voluntary adj.自愿的;志愿的;无偿的All the teachers work on an entirely voluntary basis.所有的这些老师都是志愿工作的。Thirtytwo patients v

11、olunteered for the research study.32位病人自愿参加这项研究。on a voluntary basis在自愿的基础上volunteer for.自愿参加do voluntary work参加志愿工作volunteer to do sth.自愿做某事volunteer as.志愿当即境活用5He _ as a teacher in Tibet.Avoted BvolunteeredCparticipated Dreacted解析volunteer as 自愿当。答案B6purchase vt.& n购买;购买的物品She made several purchas

12、es in the dress shop.她在服装店买了几件衣服。Do you wish us to deliver your purchases?你买的东西要我们送货吗?make a purchase购买;采购on special purchase特价购买purchase sth. from.向采购purchasing ability购买力即境活用6If you are not satisfied with your_,we will return the money to you.Apurchase BdonationCconcept Dprivilege解析purchase 购买的物品。

13、donation 捐赠;concept 观念;privilege 特权。答案A7distribute vt.分配;分发A committee decides how the money is distributed.委员会决定钱款如何分配。They distributed the prizes to the winners.他们把奖品分发给优胜者。distribute sth. to sb.向某人分发、分配distribution of sth.的分发、分配即境活用7Some blood types are quite common, others are regionally_, and s

14、till others are rare everywhere.Adistributed BcontributedCobtained Dconvinced解析distribute 分布。contribute 贡献;obtain 获得;convince 说服。答案A8operate vt./vi.工作;运转;操作;做手术Do you know how to operate the heating system?你知道怎么操作这个加热系统吗?When does this new law come into operation?这项新法规何时开始生效?operate a company/school

15、/project/machine经营公司/开办学校/实施计划/操作机器operate on/upon sb.给某人动手术be in operation在运转;在行动中;在实施中come/go into operation开始工作、运转、生效put/bring into operation实施;实行即境活用8The doctor operated_his leg last night.Aon BinCat Dwith解析operate on 给动手术。答案A9relevant adj.有关的;切题的What you say is not relevant to the matter in han

16、d.你所说的与目前这件事无关。Dont care about the irrelevant remarks.不要在乎这些不相关的言论。即境活用9His lecture is_to air pollution.Adifferent BsimilarCrelevant Dpossible解析relevant 有关的,切题的。different 不同的;similar 相似的;possible 可能的。答案C10otherwise adv.用别的方法;其他方面adv.& conj.否则;不然Well go early, otherwise we may not get a seat.我们得早点去,要

17、不然就没有座位了。I was ill that day, otherwise I would have taken part in the sports meet.那天我病了,否则我会去参加运动会的。He is rich, but otherwise an unhappy man.他有钱,但在其他方面是个不幸福的人。即境活用10Make sure the gas is turned off after a bath, which would_cause danger.Asomehow BmeanwhileCotherwise Dfurthermore解析otherwise否则,符合句意。som

18、ehow不 知 怎 么 地 ; meanwhile在 此 期 间 ;furthermore而且。答案C即 境 活 用 11 I havent_him recently, so I dont know how he is.Aheard from Bsuffered fromCrecovered from Dfreed from解析hear from收到的来信。答案A2come across偶然遇到或发现;碰见I came across an old school friend in Oxford Street this morning.今天早上我在牛津大街碰见了一位老校友。She came ac

19、ross some old photographs in a drawer.她在抽屉里偶然发现一些旧照片。come across为及物动词短语,表示“偶然遇到”的意思。同 义 词 有 meet with, meet.by chance, chance to meet, happen to meet, run into(碰见),knock into(撞见)等。另外,come across还有“被理解;被传送;给人印象”的意思。即境活用12If you_a mistake in my essay, please point it out.Acome along Bcome acrossCcome

20、around Dcome about解析come across发现,符合句意。come along到来;come around来到;come about发生。答案B3the other day不久前的一天I met him in the street the other day.几天前我在街上遇见了他。I had an odd experience the other day.几天前我有一次奇怪的经历。即境活用13I havent seen Bob these days, and I wonder how things go with him?I_him the other day; he s

21、aid he worked in a chemical works.Aam going to see Bhave seenCsaw Dhad seen解析the other day与一般过去时连用。答案C4dry out(使浸水等之物)完全变干;干透The plaster will have to dry out before you can paint the room.待房间的灰泥干后才可以粉刷。Dont leave the bread on the table; it will dry out.不要把面包放在桌上;它会变干的。【思维拓展】dry off(使)变干;弄干dry up(指河流

22、、井等)干涸即境活用14All his clothes were wet after the heavy rain, so he couldnt go out until his clothes_.Adried out Bmade outCgave out Dpicked out解析dry out完全变干,符合句意。make out认清;give out耗尽,发布;pick out挑出,认出。答案A5in need在危难中;在危急中;需要Everything in need is ready.一切需要的东西都准备好了。【思维拓展】in need of需要in surprise吃惊地in wan

23、t of需要 in trouble处于困境in demand需要 in danger处于危险中即境活用15 Many Chinese universities provided scholarships for students_financial aid.Ain favour of Bin honour ofCin face of Din need of解析in need of需要,符合句意。in favour of支持;in honour of为了纪念;in face of面对。答案DReceive necessary training before working, or you wil

24、l be dismissed soon.工作之前接受一些必要的培训,不然你很快就会被解雇的。They were given two free tickets to Canada, otherwise theyd never have been able to afford to go.他们得到了两张去加拿大的免费票,否则他们是绝对付不起旅费的。即境活用16Thanks for your kind help!_we would have lost the game!ATherefore BOrCOtherwise DThen解析otherwise 否则的话,用于虚拟语气。答案CIts not y

25、our family background but your working ability that decides your future.不是你的家庭背景而是你的工作能力决定了你的前程。Not his mother but his father takes care of him when he is in hospital now.他现在正在住院,是他爸爸而不是他妈妈照顾他。即境活用17 Not he but I_to blame.Ais BareCam Dwere解析not.but连接并列主语时,谓语动词采用就近一致原则。答案C堂堂课课双双 基基解 析 concept 概 念 。 p

26、latform 站 台 ;privilege 特权;boundary 边界。答案C2The court asked the witness to supply the facts directly _ to this case.Arelevant BvoluntaryCmental Ddiverse解析relevant to 与有关。voluntary 义务的;mental 精神的;diverse 多样的。答案A3Id like to design a program to cook meals from my office by _ control.Ashallow BremoteCadeq

27、uate Dbeneficial解 析 remote 遥 远 的 。 shallow 浅 的 ;adequate 充足的;beneficial 有益的。答案B4The measure has saved many rare animals which would _ have died out.Atherefore BanyhowCfurthermore Dotherwise解析otherwise 否则。therefore 因此;anyhow 无论如何;furthermore 而且。答案D5Ladies and gentlemen, please raise your glasses and

28、drink a _ to the success of the new company.Atoast BreputationCpotential Dtrend解 析 toast 祝 酒 。 reputation 名 誉 ;potential 潜力;trend 趋势。答案A6Local people are lining up to _ blood for the badly burnt girl in yesterdays big fire.Aabandon BarrangeCdonate Dhandle解 析 donate 捐 献 。 abandon 抛 弃 ;arrange 安排;hand

29、le 处理。答案C7While making a _ online, be cautious with your money and credit card numbers.Apension BcontributionCconsequence Dpurchase解析purchase 购买。pension 抚恤金;contribution 贡献;consequence 后果。答案D8October 1,2009 was the 60th _ of the founding of the Peoples Republic of China.Aconservation BanniversaryCsy

30、mpathy Dcommunity解析anniversary 周年。conservation 保护;sympathy 同情;community 社区。答案B9For reasons of _, all luggage must be checked before passengers get on board.Aaccommodation BsecurityCaffection Dpsychology解析security 安全。accommodation 住宿;affection 喜爱;psychology 心理学。答案B10The medicine began to _not long af

31、ter it was taken.I felt much better.Aoperate BtrembleCclick Dadjust解析operate 起作用。tremble 发抖;click 敲击;adjust 调整。答案A.短语填空get through; stick out; dry out; in need; for sure; hear from; the other day; adapt to; come across; to be honest1Months had gone by before I _ my friend again.2 She _ her deskmate

32、by chance while shopping in the supermarket.3The new students are very slow to _ the rules.4Helen borrowed my book _, saying that she would return it soon.5_, the only reason why she married him was for his money.6They wrote the notice in big red letters so that it would_.7I think hell be back on Mo

33、nday,but I cant say_.8The charity aims to provide assistance to people_.9I tried calling you several times but I couldnt_.10 Water the plant regularly, never letting the soil_.答案1heard from2.came across3.adapt to4.the other day5.To be honest6.stick out 7.for sure 8.in need 9.get through10.dry out.单词

34、拼写1 I dont think your arguments are _(有关的)to this discussion.2 Im not feeling very well today_(否则)I would do it myself.3She often tells her classmates how hard life is at the_(偏僻的)school.4 We have been asked not to say anything for_(安全)reasons.5If this product does not give complete satisfaction, pl

35、ease return it to the manufacturer stating when and where it was_(购买)6 Everyone in the class is expected to_(参加)actively in these discussions.7She does a lot of_(志愿的) work for the Red Cross.8The money has been_(捐赠) to Ann Dyche, who has been diagnosed as having cancer.9 This species of butterfly is widely_(分布)over our country.10The travel company made_(安排)for our hotels and flights.答案1 relevant2.otherwise3.remote4.security5.purchased6.participate7.voluntary8.donated9.distributed10.arrangements同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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