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1、2013届湖北高考英语一轮复习基础知识课件:Unit1 Art(新人教版必修6)作作佳佳诵诵 读读(2011天津高考)假设你是晨光中学学生会主席李华。你校将于6月26日接待来自美国某中学的学生访问团。你受学校委托,负责安排其在津的一日活动。请根据以下提示,用英语给该团的领队Smith先生写一封电子邮件,介绍活动计划并简要说明理由,最后征求对方意见。上午与我校学生座谈(话题如校园生活、文化差异等);中午与我校学生共同进餐(午餐包括饺子、面条等);下午与我校学生游览海河。注意:1词数不少于100;2可适当加入细节,以使内容充实、行文连贯;3信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:海河the

2、Haihe RiverDear Mr. Smith,I am Li Hua, chairman of the Student Union, from Chenguang High School._Yours sincerely,Li Hua点点考考锁锁 定定.重点词汇1_ adj.明显的;明白的2_ n技术;方法;技能3_ adj.荒谬的;可笑的4_ n展览;陈列;展览会_vt.展览5 _ n 喜 爱 ; 偏 爱_vt.更喜欢;宁可6_ n名声;名誉7_ n区域;行政区8_ adj.抽象的;深奥的n.摘要9 _ n 信 任 ; 信 心 ; 信 念_adj.忠实的10_ n目标;目的vi.& v

3、t.瞄准;(向某方向)努力11_ adj.典型的;有代表性的_n类型12 _ vt.采 用 ; 采 纳 ; 收 养_n采用;采纳13 _ vt.拥 有 ; 具 有 ; 支 配_n所有;财产14_ n努力;尝试;企图vt.尝试;企图15 _ vt.预 言 ; 预 告 ; 预 测_n预言;预告16_ adj.确切的;特定的17_ n画像;身材;数字vi.描绘;想象;计算18_ adj.敢作敢为的;侵略的;好斗的19_ vi.有感染力;呼吁;求助vt.将上诉n.呼吁20_ adj.永久的;持久的答案1 evident 2.technique 3.ridiculous4.exhibition; exh

4、ibit 5.preference; prefer6.reputation 7.district 8.abstract 9.faith; faithful10.aim11.typical; type12.adopt;adoptation13.possess; possession14.attempt15.predict;prediction16.specific 17.figure 18.aggressive 19appeal20.permanent.短语回顾1_coincidence巧合地2a great deal_大量3_the other hand另一方面4_the flesh活着的;本

5、人5a_of一束;一串6be allergic_对过敏7have a preference_更喜欢;偏爱8appeal_(对某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感兴趣答案1by2.of3.on4.in5.bunch6.to7.for8.to.句式填空1it作形式主语But_(很 显 然)ideas were changing in the 13th century when painters like Giotto di Bondone began to paint religious scenes in a more realistic way.2与过去事实相反的if虚拟条件句If the rules

6、 of perspective_(没有被发现),no one_(能画出)such realistic pictures.3without含蓄条件句_(没有新的颜料)and the new technique, we_(就不能看到)the many great masterpieces for which this period is famous.4介词短语完全倒装_(在那些画家中)who broke away from the traditional style of painting_(是印象派画家),who lived and worked in Paris.答案1it was evid

7、ent that2had not been discovered; would have been able to paint3Without the new paints; would not be able to see4 Among the painters; were the Impressionists频频高高考考 点点考点单词 1aim n目标;目的vi.& vt.瞄准;(向某方向)努力He finally achieved his aim at the 16th Asian Games.他最终在第十六届亚运会上实现了自己的目标。The hunter took aim at the

8、 wolf, fired but missed it.猎人用枪瞄准狼开了火,却没有打中。He aimed the gun at a bird.他用枪瞄准了鸟。achieve ones aim达到目的;实现目标take aim at向瞄准without aim漫无目的地with the aim of以为目标,意在aim sth. at sb./sth.用某物朝向/瞄准某人或某物aim at/for sth.力求达到aim at doing sth./aim to do sth.意欲、企图、力求做某事be aimed at目的是,旨在【巧学助记】即 境 活 用 1 The project is_a

9、t improving the level of education.AaimedBintendedCdesigned Dneeded解析be aimed at目的是,旨在。答案A2adopt vt.采用;采纳;收养Many people are eager to adopt the children losing their parents in the earthquake.许多人都期望可以收养在地震中失去双亲的孩子。In the meeting, all the workers agreed to adopt a new idea to reform the factory.在会上所有员

10、工都同意采纳新意见以改革工厂。【思维拓展】adoption n收养;采取adopted adj.领养的【易错提示】adapt与adopt仅有一个字母之差,要注意它们含义上的区别:adapt改编,使适应;adopt采用,采纳,收养。【巧学助记】The young couple had no children of their own and adopted_an_orphan. After a few months, the child came to adapt_to_his_new_life.这对年轻夫妇没有亲生孩子,领养了一名孤儿。几个月过后,这个孩子渐渐适应了他的新生活。即境活用2 Th

11、is farming method has been_widely in the world.Aadapted BadoptedCappealed Dannounced解析adopt采用,采纳,符合句意。adapt使适应;appeal吸引;announce宣布。答案B3typical adj.典型的;有代表性的It was typical of him to be so rude.他一向都是这样粗鲁无礼。be typical of典型的,普遍的typically adv.典型地;有代表性地;一向如此;像往常一样Its typical of sb. to do sth.做某事是某人的特点;一向是

12、即境活用3 It was_ of her to forget everything she was told to do.Anormal BordinaryCcommon Dtypical解析typical典型的。It was typical of sb. to do sth.某人一向是。答案D4possess vt.拥有;占有I possess a beautiful garden.我有一个漂亮的花园。My parents are in possession of the house.我父母拥有这所房子。The house is in the possession of my parents

13、.这所房子归我父母所有。be possessed of possess oneself of具有;拥有(特征、品质、能力等)in possession of拥有in ones possessionin the possession of sb.属于某人所有have sth. in ones possession拥有take possession of sth.占有;拥有come into possession of(被)占有即 境 活 用 4 Mr Green is_this farmland.A in possession of B in the possession ofCtake pos

14、session of Dpossess解析be in possession of拥有。答案A5attempt n努力;尝试;企图vt.尝试;企图I attempted walking along the rope.我试着走绳索。I passed my driving test at the third attempt.我考到第三次才通过了驾驶考试。(1)attempt to do sth.尝试/努力做某事attempt doing sth.试着做某事(2)make an attempt to do sth.试图做某事make an attempt at doing sth.试图做某事at th

15、e first attempt第一次尝试时即境活用5(2012湖北孝感市统考)Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it at her first _.Aintention BeffortCattempt Dsight解析attempt努力,尝试。句意:Shelly 认真准备她的生物学测试为的是第一次尝试时一定要通过它。intention 目的; effort 努力; sight 看见,视线。答案C6appeal vi.呼吁;求助;将上诉n.呼

16、吁;恳求The government is appealing to everyone to save water.政府呼吁人人节约用水。He made an appeal to her for help.他恳求她帮助。(1)appeal to sb. to do sth.呼吁某人做某事appeal to sb. for help向某人求助(2)make an appeal to sb. for help恳求某人帮助have no appeal for sb.引不起某人的兴趣(3)be appealing吸引人的;恳求的即 境 活 用 6 Visual teaching aids can _t

17、o students and help them learn better, but_, they should not be overused in class.Aattract; on the other handBappeal; on the other handChold interest; on other handDtake interest; on one hand解析appeal to吸引;on the other hand另一方面。答案B7belief n信仰;信任I havent much belief in his honesty.我对他的诚实缺乏足够的信心。He has

18、 great belief in his doctor.他对他的医生无比信赖。have belief in对有信心;信赖lose belief in失去信心或信赖beyond belief难以置信的;不可思议的in the belief that.相信believe in信任;迷信即 境 活 用 7 Mohamed Al Fayed has frequently voiced the belief_his son, Doli Fayed and Princess Diana were killed by British spies.Awhat BwhichCthat Dwhom解析that引出

19、同位语从句,说明the belief的内容。答案C8value vt.& n重视;价值;社会准则,价值观(复数)He doesnt know the value of fresh air and sunlight.他不知道新鲜空气和阳光的重要性。This book will be of great value to him in his study.这本书将对他的研究有很大价值。of great valuebe very valuable很有价值的good value for money物有所值value sth.at.为某物估价为value sth.highly高度评价即 境 活 用 8 W

20、e should_the protection of rare animals.Avalue BevaluateCenvy Dexpress解析value重视,符合句意。evaluate评价;envy羡慕,嫉妒;express表达。答案A9convince v使确信;使信服What she said convinced me that I was mistaken.她的一番话使我认识到我错了。What convinced you to vote for them?究竟是什么使得你愿意投他们的票?convince sb. of sth.使某人相信convince sb. that使某人确信con

21、vince sb. to do说服某人去做be convinced of确信be half convinced of半信半疑即境活用9The couple tried every effort to_the judges, who tried the case, of their innocence, resulting in the contrary.Aprove BchargeCconvince Dconfirm解析convince使相信,符合句意。prove证明;charge收费,主管;confirm证实。答案C10figure n数字;身材,体形;人物She has a good fi

22、gure.她身材很好。He was one of the leading political figures of this century.他是本世纪主要的政治人物之一。I cant figure out why he quit his job.我琢磨不透他为什么要辞掉工作。即境活用10The girl is careful to choose her food because she wants very much to keep her_.Afigure BbodyCappearance Dlook解析keep ones figure保持体形。答案A考点短语 1in the flesh

23、本人,亲自Ive seen her perform on television, but never in the flesh.我在电视上看过她的表演,但从未见过她本人。A crowd of fans gathered at the gate, hoping to see the pop star in the flesh.一群歌迷聚集在大门口,希望能见到那位歌星本人。即境活用11 (2012福建六校联考)I am sure that the girl you are going to meet is more beautiful _than in her picture.Ain nature

24、 Bin movementCin the flesh Din the mood解析in the flesh为固定短语,意为“亲自;本人”。句意:我相信你要去见的女孩本人比照片更美。答案C2by coincidence巧合地By coincidence, I met the person wed been discussing the next day.真是巧了,我在第二天就遇见了我们一直在谈论的那个人。【思维拓展】What a coincidence!真巧!It is coincidence that.是巧合的事in coincidence偶然即境活用12 _, my husband and

25、I have the same birthday and we always celebrate it together.ABy mistake BBy chanceCBy coincidence DBy design解析by coincidence巧合地。by mistake 由于疏忽;by chance 偶然地;by design 故意地。答案C3a great deal大量We have spent a great deal of money on the new hospital.我们在这所新医院已经花费了大量金钱。【思维拓展】a great deal of.许多;大量(后接不可数名词

26、)deal with处理;应对;论述;涉及;与做买卖deal in sth.卖某物;经营某物【易错提示】a great deal可以修饰动词或形容词、副词的比较级即境活用13 We wasted_time and money doing such a foolish thing.Aa great deal of Ba large number ofCa great many Dthe number of解析a great deal of大量的,修饰不可数名词,其它三项修饰可数名词。答案A4on the other hand另一方面On the one hand I want to sell t

27、he house, but on the other hand I cant bear the thought of moving.一方面我想把房子卖掉,但另一方面我又不愿搬家。【思维拓展】for one thing.,(and) for another.一来,二来(常被用来列举一些理由)first(ly).,second(ly).第一,第二Why dont you get a car?你为什么不买辆汽车呢?Well, for one thing, I cant drive! For another, I dont have enough money.啊!首先,我不会开车;其次,我钱不够。即境

28、活用14He said I needed to improve my spoken English,but _,it can be understood.Afirst of all Bon the wholeCon the other hand Dafter all解析on the whole大体上。句意:他说我需要提高我的口语,但是大体上,它能被听懂。答案B5focus on集中Her beauty makes her the focus of attention.她长得漂亮,很惹人注目。In tonights programme our focus is on Germany.在今天晚上的

29、节目中我们重点介绍德国。Bring the object into focus if you want a sharp photograph.要照出清晰的照片,就要把焦点对准物体。Please focus your minds on the following problem.请集中注意力考虑以下问题。bring.into focus调准的焦点the focus of attention注意的焦点the focus of the argument议论的中心be out of focus焦点没对准,模糊be in focus焦点对准的be devoted to全身心地投入fix ones att

30、ention on全神贯注于concentrate.on集中精力于apply oneself to专心于be absorbed in全神贯注于be involved in专心于be buried in/bury oneself in埋头于即 境 活 用 15All her energies are_upon her children and she seems to have little time for anything else.Aabsorbed BdevotedCdirected Dfocused解析be focused on/upon集中于。答案D6scores of许多;大量Th

31、ere are scores of rooms in the hotel.这家宾馆有许多房间。Ive seen the film scores of times.这部电影我已经看过很多遍。即境活用16 She bought_eggs yesterday, but there were_them broken.Atwo scores of; scores ofBscores of; two scores ofCscores of; two score ofDscore of; two scores解析scores of许多,后跟可数名词;two score of后跟代词。答案C重点句型 1 Th

32、e Impressionists were the first painters to work outdoors.印象派画家是第一批室外写景的画家。序数词the first/the second/the last(sb.)to do是一种常见结构,表示“最早、第二、最后做某事的人”,其中的不定式作后置定语;如果主语和不定式之间有被动关系,不定式应使用被动结构。My monitor is always the first to come to school and the last to leave.我的班长总是第一个到校,最后一个离开。To tell the truth, he was th

33、e last person to be met with by the manager.说实话,他是最后一个被经理接见的人。即境活用17Just wait outside the office; you are the third_.Ato examine BexaminingC to be examined D being examined解析序数词后用不定式形式作定语,该处用不定式的被动式。答案C2It is amazing that so many great works of art from the 19th century to 21st century are housed in

34、 the same museum.令人吃惊的是,在同一家博物馆里竟能容纳下19世纪到21世纪的如此众多的名家巨作。It is amazing/surprising/astonishing/shocking that.是一种常见句型,表示“令人吃惊、震惊、惊讶等”,其中it是形式主语,that引导名词性从句作句子的真正主语。这种句型可以用to ones amazement/surprise/astonishment/shock这些短语作状语来替换。It is surprising that children who are seven years old dont know how to bru

35、sh their teeth.令人吃惊的是,七岁的孩子还不知道怎么刷牙。To our shock, the terrorist explosion caused over one hundred deaths.令我们震惊的是,这次恐怖爆炸造成了一百多人死亡。即境活用18 It is amazing_so little a boy can lift such a heavy bag.Awhat BthatCwhich D/解析it作形式主语,代替that主语从句。答案B堂堂课课双双 基基.词义辨析1I have great _ in my daughter; she wont let me do

36、wn.Aaim BfaithCshadow Dfigure解析have faith in 信任。答案B2This painting is fairly _ of the early works of Leonardo da Vinci.Atypical BevidentCabstract Daggressive解析typical 典型的。evident 明显的;abstract 抽象的;aggressive 有进取心的,攻击的。答案A3As they had no children of their own, they decided to _an orphan.Aattempt Bpredi

37、ctCadopt Dappeal解析adopt 收养。attempt 尝试;predict 预言;appeal 吸引。答案C4A man being questioned by the police is in relation to the _ murder last night.Aattempted BpossessedCadopted Dcarved解析attempted murder 杀人未遂。答案A5It is difficult to _ what the longterm effects of the accident will be.Apublish BaccuseCrejec

38、t Dpredict解析predict 预言。publish 出版;accuse 指责;reject 拒绝。答案D6For _ instructions on loading the software, please refer to the guide.Acasual BfragrantCdelicate Dspecific解析specific 具体的,详细的。casual 随便的;fragrant 芳香的;delicate 精致的。答案D7My doctor says that I cant eat shellfish because I am_to them.Avisual Baller

39、gicCcomplex Daccurate解析be allergic to 对过敏。答案B8 (2012海 门 市 诊 断 )For sustainable development,the government has decided to give_to those energyconserving and environment friendly businesses in many aspects.Aprofit BinterestCpreference Dadvantage解析preference 偏爱。profit 利润;interest 利益;advantage 优势。答案C9Th

40、ese glasses are_,so youd better be careful.Atypical BspecificCfragile Dtight解析fragile 易碎的。typical 典型的;specific 具体的;tight 紧的。答案C10His novel won the Booker Prize and established his_ as a writer.Aexhibition BcommitteeCcoincidence Dreputation解析reputation 名声。exhibition 展览;committee 委员会;coincidence 巧合。答案

41、D.短语填空by coincidence; a great deal; on the other hand; in the flesh;appeal to; lead to; be accepted as; lie in; return to; scores of1 On hearing this, Jane looked up, smiling and then_her reading.2_people arrived at the stadium, excited to see the game.3 Doctors believe that smoking may_ lung cancer

42、.4_we happened to be travelling on the same train.5She looked very pale and seemed to have suffered_.6I want to quit the job, but _ I cant bear the thought of hunting for another one.7Advertising is intended to _ consumers, but it does not force them to buy the product.8I have corresponded with her

43、for some years, but I have never met her_.9Generally a correct idea will take many years before it _being true.10I think the problem may _ the fact that no attention has been paid to this matter.答案1returned to2.Scores of3.lead to4By coincidence5.a great deal6on the other hand7.appeal to8in the flesh

44、9.is accepted as10.lie in.单词拼写1The man_(努力) to go on with his work at home, but he finally found that he couldnt.2At the age of 18, he was told that he had been_(收养) by a couple who didnt have any children.3The little boy looked_(可笑的) when he wore his fathers big suit.4A tree is throwing a_(影子) on t

45、he clean lake.5He has a good_(名誉), so everyone in the neighborhood speaks highly of him.6Which kind of art works do you want to buy, pictures or_(雕塑)?7 I like dogs but unfortunately I am_(过敏的) to them.8Experts_(预测) that the price of housing will fall in the second half of the year.9It was a_(巧合) that he ran across Mary, his neighbor, when he was studying abroad.10We often talk about beautiful things, but in fact beauty itself is_(抽象的)答案1attempted 2.adopted 3.ridiculous4.shadow5.reputation6.sculptures7.allergic8.predict9.coincidence10.abstract同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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