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1、开放英语开放英语I(1)期末复习期末复习责任教师:胡君鸿Tel: 87200024E-mail: 期末考试题型期末考试题型I 英语知识运用(50分) 一、Use of English交际用语 5道选择题,10分 二、Vocabulary and Structure 语法与结构 20道选择题,40分期末考试题型期末考试题型II 阅读理解(25分) 三、判断正误(T/F) 5道题,5分 四、多项选择题 5道选择题,10分 五、Right/Wrong/Doesnt Say 5道选择题,10分期末考试题型期末考试题型III 翻译(25分) 六、中翻英 5道题,15分 七、英翻中 5道题,10分*考核比

2、例 形成性考核 30%,终结性考核70%Unit 1-5 Review1、谈论工作、谈论工作(U4) Whats your job? Whats his/her job? Whats Davids mothers job? What do you do? What does he/she/your mother do? What do they do? Im an engineer. He is a lawyer. She is a doctor. They are teachers. They work in computers. He is in medicine.Unit 1-5 Rev

3、iew2、时间表达法、时间表达法(U2) 10.00 ten oclock 10.15 a quarter past ten 10.20 twenty past ten 10.30 half past ten 10.40 twenty to eleven 10.45 a quarter to eleven What time is it, please? What is the time, please? It is a quarter past six.Unit 1-5 Review3、表达提议、表达提议(U23) 1) Would you like sth (a coffee, some

4、crisps)? Yes, please. No, thanks. Would you like to do sth (come to the party)? Yes, I would, thanks. No, I wouldnt, thanks. What would you like to do (drink, eat)? Id like a cup of coffee. What would you like? Id like some crisps. Ill do sth. Unit 1-5 Review2) What about sth/doing sth?(U5) What abo

5、ut a cup of coffee? What about seeing this flat? How about sth/doing sth? How about a break? How about having lunch together? Why dont you/we do sth? Why dont you go to the estate agent? Why dont we have dinner together? 回答:回答:Yes, thats a good idea. Well, I dont know. No, Im afraid not.Unit 1-5 Rev

6、iew4、描述住处、描述住处 1)相关词汇)相关词汇 hall living room dining room bedroom bathroom kitchen study toilet garage garden big small large modern old-fashioned beautiful dirty busy noisy quiet bright excellent Unit 1-5 Review2) have/have got It has/has got a garden. It hasnt got a garden. It doesnt have a garden.

7、Has it got a garden? Yes, it has. No, it hasnt. Does it have a garden? Yes, it does. No, it doesnt.3) there be句型句型 There is a large living room. There are two big bedrooms.*就近原则就近原则 There is a chair and two desks in the office. There are two desks and a chair in the office. Unit 1-5 Review5、询问价格、询问价

8、格(U5) How much is it/are they? It is 500 dollars a month. They are 50 dollars each. How much does it cost? It costs 500 dollars. How much do they cost? They cost 50 dollars each. It is very expensive for me. It is much more expensive than that one.Unit 1-5 Review6、现在进行时、现在进行时 说话是正在进行的动作或发生的事情说话是正在进行

9、的动作或发生的事情 Im waiting for an important call from my boss. She is sitting in her office. He is working in Paris. They are having lunch. 否定式:否定式: My computer is not working. Im not reading. They are not crying.Unit 7-11 Review 1、表达提议、表达提议(unit 7、10) 1) How/What about sth/doing sth? Why dont you do sth?

10、 例:What about taking a taxi? What about a cup of tea? How about 7 oclock? How about having a cup of tea? Why dont you take the tube? Why dont you sit down? *How about还可用于预约时间还可用于预约时间 例:How about tomorrow morning? Tomorrow morning is fine/is fine for me/is ok. Im sorry. Im afraid Im not free.Unit 7-1

11、1 Review 2) Would you like sth? Would you like a cup of tea/some salad? Would you like to do sth? Would you like to have dinner with me tonight? Would you like to sit down? Would you like sb to do sth? Would you like me to phone Tom? Shall I do sth? Shall I help you? Shall I phone Tom now? Ill (will

12、) do sth. Ill tell Franco. Ill take that box.Unit 7-11 Review 2、提出请求、提出请求 (unit 10) Would/Can/Could you do sth, please? 例:Would you pay me in cash, please? Can you get some apples, please? Could you be on time this evening, please? Could you prepare the vegetables, please? Id like sb to do sth. 例:Id

13、 like you to be on time tomorrow. Id like you to get some prawns.Unit 7-11 Review 3、询问意见、询问意见(unit 11) 结构:结构:to think of (+名词或动词名词或动词-ing) to think (that) (+句子句子) 例: What do you think of the weather here? What do you think of living in London? Do you think (that) the weather will be fine tomorrow? D

14、oes he think (that) London is interesting?*提出意见提出意见 结构:结构:to think (that) (+句子句子) 例:I sometimes think (that) its too big and busy. 有时候,我觉得这里太大太闹。 I think its very different from the West. 我认为 这里和西方很不同。Unit 7-11 Review*对他人的肯定意见表示有同感:对他人的肯定意见表示有同感:So do/am/have I. Me too.例:I like watching TV. So do I.

15、 He is interested in computers. So am I. He has got two brothers. So have I. I love it here. Me too.*对他人的否定意见表示有同对他人的否定意见表示有同感:感: Neither do/am/have I. Me neither.例: I dont think English coffee is good. Neither do I. I am not going to the shops. Neither am I. I havent got a car. Neither have I. I do

16、nt like this weather. Me neither.Unit 7-11 Review4、打电话用语、打电话用语(unit 7) 接电话:接电话:Hello. This is Tim speaking. Its Tim here. 找人:找人:Is Sally in? Is Sally here, please? Can I speak to the manager, please? Could I speak to the manager, please? (显得委婉、客气显得委婉、客气)常用语句常用语句:One moment, please. Hold on, please.

17、Who is calling /speaking, please? Im sorry but she is not in. Im afraid shes out. Could/Can I leave (him) a message, please? Can I take a message for you? Would you like to leave a message?Unit 7-11 Review5、问路与指路、问路与指路(unit 9) 常用句式:常用句式:Is there a/an+场所?场所? Where is+场所?场所? Where is the nearest+场所?场所

18、? 例:Is there a bank near here? Yes, the bank is near the station. Yes, there is. There is a bank near the station. Im sorry, I dont know. Where is the bus stop/the supermarket/the post office? Where is the nearest supermarket, please? *就乘车问路与指路,常用就乘车问路与指路,常用get一词一词(get to到达某地,到达某地, get on上车,上车,get o

19、ff下车)。下车)。 例:How do I get to the bus station/the gym/the swimming pool? Where do I get on/get off?Unit 7-11 Review6、谈论人的外貌和性格特征、谈论人的外貌和性格特征(unit 9) What does he look like? Hes tall and thin. Whats he like? Hes very nice and kind.*询问城市和天气状况询问城市和天气状况(unit 8) Whats London like? Its busy and noisy. What

20、s the weather like in New York/your hometown? Its rainy. Its raining.*谈论一个地方的气候谈论一个地方的气候(climate)是通常只用一般现是通常只用一般现在时而不用现在进行时。在时而不用现在进行时。 It often rains in summer in England. It doesnt usually snow in winter here. Unit 7-11 Review7、情态动词、情态动词can表示允许表示允许(unit 8) You can use the phone in the living room.

21、 You cant smoke in the bedroom. Can I use the cooker in the kitchen? Yes, you can. Im sorry/Im afraid you cant. *表示能力 I can (cant) speak English. Can you speak English?Unit 1317 Review1、表示时间的介词、表示时间的介词(unit 13) at+时刻时刻 at 8 oclock at 8:30 We open at seven and close at ten. on+星期、日期星期、日期 on Monday on

22、 25th November I leave on Monday 25th November. in+年代、月份、季节或一天中的某个时段年代、月份、季节或一天中的某个时段 in the morning in 2006 in July in summer fromto/till betweenand We open from Monday to Friday. We open from May till September. We open between seven and ten. *固固定搭配定搭配 in the daytime at night at/on the weekend at/

23、on weekends *表示频率表示频率(U15) once twice three times a day every day/week/yearUnit 1317 Review2、表示将来的情况、表示将来的情况 *一般将来时一般将来时(will+do)(U15) Well need 15 kilos. We wont need to order more. How much will you need? I think he will come to the wedding reception. *即时的决定即时的决定(will+do) (U17) We are going to pla

24、y tennis. -But its raining. -Ok. Well watch TV. Im going to buy John a hat. -But he doesnt like hats. -Ok, Ill buy him chocolates.Unit 1317 Review *现在进行时表示将来现在进行时表示将来(U14/17) She is staying in France from Tuesday till Thursday. She isnt staying in London. When is she flying for Paris? *be going to用于

25、表示将来用于表示将来(U17) Is Xiaoyan going to borrow a car? No, she isnt. Who is going to borrow a car? Tim. Tim is going to borrow a car. Mary isnt going to do the shopping.Unit 1317 Review3、提出建议、提出建议(U17)在在Unit 57已学过的说法:已学过的说法:What/How about taking a taxi?Why dont you stay at our house?在在Unit17出现的说法:出现的说法:

26、Shall we have a party? Lets have a party. Why dont we have a party? The wine in the supermarket is expensive. -Shall we ask Franco to order wine at the restaurant. Some people dont eat meat. -Lets cook fish. We need a good fish. -Why dont we ask Franco to cook?表示同意:表示同意:Thats a good idea./Great. /Ok

27、. /Yes, lets.Unit 1317 Review4、带双宾语的动词(、带双宾语的动词(U15)*英语中有些动词可以带两个宾语,英语中有些动词可以带两个宾语,直接宾语和间接宾语直接宾语和间接宾语。*间接宾语通常置于直接宾语之前间接宾语通常置于直接宾语之前,如将间接宾语置于直接间接宾语置于直接宾语之后,则需使用介词宾语之后,则需使用介词to或或for引出间接宾语引出间接宾语。间接宾语的位置变化不改变句子的意义。如: Ill give the man the book. 我会给那个人这本书。 Ill give the book to the man. 我会把这本书给那个人。*如直接宾语和间

28、接宾语都为代词如直接宾语和间接宾语都为代词,需使用介词,需使用介词to或或for引出引出间接宾语。间接宾语。 Ill give it to him. Ill get it for him. *但但是是当直接宾语为不定代词时当直接宾语为不定代词时,直接宾语既可以置于间接,直接宾语既可以置于间接宾语之前,也可以置于间接宾语之后宾语之前,也可以置于间接宾语之后。 I can get some for you. I can get you some.Unit 1317 Review5、其他、其他 *询问病情询问病情(U16) Whats the matter? How do you feel? How

29、 are you feeling? Ive got I feel/Im feeling *形容词的比较级形容词的比较级(U17) fastfaster largelarger hothotter happyhappier pleasantmore pleasant experiencedless experienced a bit/a little faster much/a lot more easy-going goodbetter badworse be (not) as (exciting/busy/modern) as be the same as be different from

30、Unit 1317 Review*动词动词to be的过去时的过去时 am /is-was (not) are-were (not) I/She/He was (not) at home yesterday. You/We/They were (not) at home yesterday. Were you at home yesterday? Where were you yesterday? *用于描述过去的经历(说话时已结束或不存在的状态)用于描述过去的经历(说话时已结束或不存在的状态)。 I was at the doctors yesterday. She was a teacher in Italy last year. They were in France last month.



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