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1、初中英语阅读教学设计与案例分析初中英语阅读教学设计与案例分析By Li Yueyuan课题课题:外研版初一(上)Module 9 A trip to the zooUnit 2 Is it an African elephant一、教材分析:本模块以“动物”为话题,介绍了世界各地的动物以及其栖息地、习性等,同时也唤起学生热爱动物、保护动物的意识。二、Teaching aims:To get information about animals from the reading materialTo learn to find specific information in the reading

2、三、Teaching important/difficult points:通过有关动物为话题的阅读材料来培养学生的阅读能力复习一般现在时第三人称单数作主语的疑问句及其答语四、Key words and key structures:Africa/Asia/America/ American/Oceania/ Oceanian/desert/forest/grass/ grassland/jungle /IndiaDoes the monkey/camel.-Yes,it does./No,it doesn t.Is the snake/kangaroo-Yes,it is./No,it is

3、nt.五、Teaching aids:A tape recorder , a big map and some pictures六、Teaching steps:Step1 warming-up(Revision and lead in)1、Revise the words of the animals in unit1T:Boys and girls,Look!Is it a Camels/Elephants/Kangaroos.Ss:Yes,it is./No,it isnt. It is a设计意图:通过复习再引入,学生能温故而知新,能更好地激发学生的参与面,从而为下一步的阅读做准备。S

4、tep2 PrereadingT:Now,look!Does the animal from African/Asia/ -Yes,it does.(通过固定这张地图在黑板上进行教读)Teach the new words: Africa/Asia/(教读几遍),then teach the relatedwords:African/American/ Asian/ European/ Oceanian/(让学生找规律总结)T:And does the it live in desert/forest/ grassland/jungle -Yes,it is.Teach the new wor

5、ds:desert/forest/ grassland/jungle. (通过展示图片教读)After that,let Ss read and do the exercise(Activity3),then les Ss read the passage.设计意图: 通过地图及图片展示阅读材料中出现的生词, 使教学更形象具体,学生才能更好的理解和记忆这些生词,从而为学生解决了阅读中的障碍。Step3 while-readingGeneral comprehension:1、Play the tape and ask students to find the main idea.Q1: Wha

6、t is the passage aboutQ2:How many animals are mentioned in the passage2、Give students a few minutes to read fast again .3、After a few minutes,check students answer.After students finish reading the passage,encourage them to ask andanswer questions in pairs.Then play the tape recorder again, and ask

7、them to check their answers bythemselves.设计意图:通过此环节,引导学生阅读一篇文章先从整体上把握,了解文章大意即中心思想,以此培养学生的理解能力和概括能力。Detailed comprehension:Ask students to read the passage again and choose the answers by discussingin group.the camel eat fruit -Yes,it does./ doesntthe camel African-Yes,it is./ isntthe elephant like w

8、ater- Yes,it does./ doesntthe elephant Asian- Yes,it is./ isntthe kangaroo Australian- Yes,it is./ isntthe monkey live in the desert-Yes,it does./ doesntthe snake eat meat- Yes,it is./ isntthe snake from the Arctic-Yes,it does./ doesntthe wolf European - Yes,it is./ isntthe wolf eat fruit- Yes,it do

9、es./ doesnt设计意图:通过小组讨论问题的形式,培养学生通过寻找信息所在段落,来准确理解短文细节,从而培养学生解决问题的能力,同时还可以通过此环节来让学生掌握一般现在时的疑问式和回答方式。Step4 Read aloud(read after the tape)教学思路:通过跟读,培养学生正确的语音语调, 同时在这个过程中强化学生的记忆。Step5 WritingFill in the blanks according to what you read.andeat grass.Like water,but dont.are small,but very clever.Kangaroo

10、s come from.Camels live in theoften see them in and设计意图:通过此练习加深学生对文章的理解,巩固所学词汇。Step6Discuss1、For your favourite animal,what do you know about it2、How can you protect the animalStep7 SummaryStep8 Homework教学反思:本节课的阅读,我运用了由泛读到精读的教学方法,练习设计也由易到难、由浅入深,使学生的理解层次得到不断深入,逐渐实现由知识向技能的转化。课堂教学中以学生为主体,学生很大程度上能参与到课堂中来,成为课堂的主人,充分调动了学生的积极性,取得了良好的教学效果。不足的是,本节课在给学生阅读的过程中没有引导好,影响了阅读的效率与速度,这在以后的教学工作中是须注意的。



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