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1、Organization:Overview of Core FrameworksLocal Training Module For First-year Associates Associate Handbook缅革欢习西拇户抽仪舌疾藐咙蚜粪钎瞪弊哥硫视哎花辫止斜狙谆谷谰朗拽世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册FOREWORD AND OBJECTIVE This Organization Practice(OP) document provides an overview for use in local training sessions for first

2、-year associates. It is part of a “series on functional areas.” The objective of the series is to introduce McKinsey practitioners to the basics in each of our functional areas of expertise. All the documents in the series are comprehensive in nature and describe the current tools and frameworks in

3、that functional areaAt the end of this document, you can find a section describing a selection of the core documents and handbooks that can give you further details on some of the frameworks descried here. All of these documents are now on PDNet; and hard copies of them can be requested from PDNet E

4、xpress, which will deliver them in 24 hoursThe contents of this document have been adapted for local training sessions through “Switching Tracks” OPs first-year module videotape, which communicates the basic concepts in a concise and visual way using an actual client The Scandinavian Railroad Compan

5、y. It is 40 minutes long and should be presented in 3 short segments. Between these segments, the faculty member runs the attached exercises, adds any commentary he/she considers necessary to clarify the concepts, and provides personal experience on selected topics. A copy of the videotape and moder

6、ators guide with exercises can be requested from the Firm犹猴嗓榔浅糖人掐腑迷滥常罩锥盅偷詹泰系贴纫文椒舀尝渣灼菩靖缨脖力世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册This document seeks to answer 4 questions SECTION 1 Why do associates need to consider organizational issues in every engagement?SECTION 2 What frameworks do we use to help our

7、clients improve organizational performance?SECTION 3 What role does an associate play in organization work?SECTION 4 Where can an associate find out more?挛虑吞庚劣挣蠕算唆儿情挂纱逃杰邮炽责翁桔续潘眠愚撇堪跋骡葫嫌袜孰世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册McKinseys mission is to have lasting and substantial impact on our clients.To su

8、cceed, we need to work all three of the critical elements: choose the best strategy, develop world-class operations, align the organization.These three elements both reinforce and constrain each other. The best strategy is only relevant if it is operationally and organizationally feasible. The optim

9、al organizational design depends upon the strategic requirement and the operational methods of the client.This document focuses on one vertex of this triangular relationship. It would be wrong, however, to believe that you can achieve the impact we seek by focusing on one vertex. We need to consider

10、 all three in every study.上絮旭辗旁颠搁秉鸡篆轰霖沟秋隧迎荤玄引意巩忍眷挛禹膏搜砒驳守韩奇世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册CRITICAL ELEMENTS FOR IMPACTSuccessful strategyEfficient operations Effective organization 省客枝蠢讣荧滁故桐镇谴凌阁哲焦拉囚下俐娘唆缕热雪状驯夺堤欺邯次苞世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册We only achieve impact when the organizations we se

11、rve are successful in implementing the strategies and operational methods we propose.However, a recent survey of engagements in which clients failed to implement proposed strategies found, in three cases out of four, that the client organization was not change-ready or even capable of implementing t

12、he strategy we proposed.To ensure that we have impact, we need to consider organizational issues as we devise strategies. We must choose strategies the clients are ready and able to implement or complement our strategy work with investment in building the organizations skills so that the organizatio

13、n can step up to the challenge the superior strategy poses.诣牡敷扮谦枫庭惦别色婪瞩涂想腿檀友篷咱垣藩圈氖脱绿不阳袍羡灭扯隘世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册3 OUT OF 4 STRATEGIES THAT FAIL DO SO BECAUSE OF THE ORGANIZATIONS INABILITY TO EXECUTE100%=340 responsesPercentMcKinsey recommendations flawedClient not change-ready or commi

14、ttedOrganization lacked the capabilities to execute strategyOther奎卸募尤找跃肾考腔己臼峻主不掸秉乘视尚氨禽骄侄罪共轨藻销阮贺冠候世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册The demand for organizational work is increasing.Trends in the marketplace and the evolving nature of our clients largely explain this increase in demand.The pace of cha

15、nge in the marketplace is accelerating . A strategic choice or an operational innovation evokes a rapid reaction from competitor. Rarely can a durable competitive advantage be found in these choices. Rather it is the development of a unique organizational capability with the inherent flexibility and

16、 commitment to sustain world-class performance that provides durable competitive advantage in these times of rapid change.The clients we serve are changing as well. They have increasingly hired in-house strategic capabilities. Most have built strategy shops close to the CEO. Few, however, have the i

17、n-house capability and objectivity to do the organizational work required to make change happen.铭覆桂湿划虽偿辩毡丙卸裁抒侦呵拯疚校半膳寞蔫抱抑闲失凭惫羽庞则羊世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册ORGANIZATIONAL WORK GROWING IN IMPORTANCEEvolving marketplaceQuickening pace of strategic adaptationDurable competitive advantage often ro

18、oted in unique organizational capabilitiesEvolving playersMany businesses acquiring in-house strategic capabilityMaking change happen remains the “neglected art”McKinseys engagement mix Percent of timeIncreasing demand for help with organization issues and change management Crafting the answerHelpin

19、g implement change10 years agoTodaySource: Survey of 23 MGMs across the Firm稿举浮彤呸吝叹截崖扮误捆林蛋韩螺嫁平坦倦窝碰夷胖您苏要蠢浇掇抑尤世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册The recent evolution in our clients has not been missed by our competitors. Each of our competitors has recently introduced a branded organizational element t

20、o their portfolio. Their organizational expertise figures prominently in their marketing campaigns.缝睛危易岸锥较乏爸删丽洗哦灼斥猿全抬跋形唱栖大钻椽山宰坠隘囊菜镁世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册COMPETITORS HAVE BRANDED ORGANIZATION TOOLSConsulting firm ProductClient exampleBCGTime based competitionGEGeneral SystemsProcess redes

21、ign UPRRBooz Allen Continuous improvementExxonUnited ResearchProcess redesign and facilitationMobilDelta PointTransformational changeSmithKline Beecham缄鹊维币伟咕景尺巩件槽互此豺只鳞确搅洪昌搏盆结燥柴荐滴亨弥纯脖铺世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册McKinseys consulting approach must evolve as our clients evolve. These changes prov

22、oke a shift in the nature of our work and an evolution of the role of the associate on engagements.The increased demand for organizational work impacts associates directly. Associates are drawn into leadership roles on larger teams at an earlier point in their careers. This places greater emphasis o

23、n the need for associates to develop quite soon after joining McKinsey-superb team leadership skills.挖爽宴刻尘怔逞躺哦蝎紫铆宗砚叔蒸屁辨诅准嘛蓄平驱亦巷臼么嫡挡遭新世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册EVOLUTION IN McKINSEYS APPROACH*Survey of 23 MGMs across the FirmFrom To“The answer”Solving for the “answer” and the change processMa

24、naging client teamsBuilding client capabilitiesSmall, analytically focused teams average client team of 3*Multiple, highly leveraged McKinsey/client teams Average client team of 10*CEO counseling by senior people Coaching and feedback at all levels 郡傀名伶瓜十梯轻柴妖诈奴琼壬熟黎碧裂再悯攻闰侠奈咨单翼澜幕苦尽橙世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界

25、500强内部培训新员工培训手册Before we dive into the organization materials, we should announce one critical caveat: the frameworks you are about to see are only as good as the judgment and insight used to fill them out. The frameworks are often mere checklists, useful tools to ensure you do not overlook a key di

26、mension. The OP can provide interview guides and questionnaires that you can use to flesh out the frameworks, as well as applied examples in a range of settings. However, almost all organizational issues are “situation dependent”, and almost all client settings are unique. Your judgment, insight, cr

27、eativity, and organizational acumen will determine whether you add value in the client setting .初捶抚纤绝汪棉脊极鲁拭拥杯佰疙哦植硝构祸酸戍灿旭汁靖启武棒阀帛拐世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册A CRITICAL CAVEAT“Garbage in, garbage out”GarbageGood judgment, keen insight, creativity, organizational acumenGarbageClient impactCONCEPT

28、UAL垦越疑饱言凝所敌籍失良栓璃永泊蜒莲普妊仔淳馈鹃哀歪西牟椽佯异赔踪世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册A series of frameworks are available to help clients identify and address organizational limits on effectiveness or obstacles to change. They also point toward solutions.These frameworks help teams answer two fundamental questions:

29、 What change is needed? How should the client implement the change?The OP has derived a set of six attributes that characterize high-performing organizations(HPO). By assessing whether your client organization exhibits these six attributes, you can diagnose whether an organizational performance gap

30、exists as well.Additionally, the 7-Ss will help you identify strengths and deficiencies in the organization. The 7-Ss focus teams on aligning structure, staff, systems, and style to promote behavioral change and build skills in pivotal jobholders. By contrasting the required skill set (at both the o

31、rganization and the pivotal jobholder level) with the current skill set, you can often clarify the organizational gap that exists.You complete the diagnostic by filling out the change board. That exercise helps teams understand the organizational skill deficits or resistance to change so they can de

32、liberately plan to build the necessary skills and willingness to change in the organization.Once the gaps have been identified, the team needs to lay out a change program to close the gaps. The transformation triangle highlights the three critical dimensions of any effective change program-top down,

33、 bottom up, cross-functional. The proper balance among these dimensions depends on the gap, the client setting, and the competitive context.Every change program contains some mix of six fundamental energizing elements. Each must be considered as we design change programs.This section of the handbook

34、 will discuss each framework in turn.烃抛控屿冬汁余踢鳖悄瞒肮笆涕杀捌疥幻故石销文庚拱党武蹿冯缀弃蝇洱世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册CORE FRAMEWORKSHigh-performing organization attributesVisionPerfor-manceCEO ledPeople Skills Simple 7-S frameworkWinning formulaPivotal jobsDesign leversOrganizational structureWhat change is neede

35、d?How should the client make change happen?What gaps in organizational performance exist?What organizational challenges exist?What initiatives comprise the change program?How do we create energy for the change program?StrategySkillsShared valuesVISIONStaff Management systemsLeadership styleChange bo

36、ardAgenda/platformDirection settingStructuringBottom-up energizingTransformation trianglePerformance managementVision and leadershipcommunicationOrganizational infrastructurePeople developmentProblem solving processEnergizing elements凑溪苛邻妒切遁保冈墒粱煎窍岿义亨祥恨翻想萎妻编衫乖涂勉骑骇聂窒蜕世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册

37、The OP undertook a study of 10 high-performing companies, true industry leaders, that we knew very well. The companies had sustained pace-setting performance in their respective industries over 2 decades.These 10 HPOs shared six management attributes, each of which focuses on performance. By compari

38、ng your client organization to these HPOs, you may identify opportunities to improve your client organization.饿膛灸雪务嘶梯索谣炭柞法干揩婶押拉矛指竹梯栖被篡孔滨先恋誊幅揍卖世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册“HIGH-PERFORMANCE COMPANY” ATTRIBUTESDriven by leadersAligned by simple structures and core processesBased on world-class sk

39、illsRejuvenated by well-developed people systemsBuilt by relentless pursuit of before-the-fact strategies/vision Energized by an extraordinarily intense, performance-driven environmentWhat change is needed?How should the client make change happen?Organizational challengesInitiativesEnergizing elemen

40、tsGaps in performance扒邑吨众仇嚷空缠缄庭淫摸毯览玻狱愤融酪马惹喧熄携歉却着哀阵郁钝纽世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册The first three of the six common management attributes: Driven by leaders. The leaders of these companies had very high performance aspirations. For these leaders there was no such notion as “good enough”. At the

41、 center of these leadership groups, we consistently found demanding, unreasonable CEOs. Built by relentless before-the-fact strategies/visions. HPOs spend their time looking forward, not back. Their strategies drive relentlessly for both profitability and growth. Energized by an extraordinarily inte

42、nse, performance-driven environment. HPOs have a demanding, occasionally punishing, work pace. There is real accountability, especially at the top. HPOs, while being very good places to work, are not always nice places to work.州跺帐撵鉴朗狄粉凉皖类族稍擞勺漱诣桩冤府晚缨自涨烁刘愉杉势称锡跺世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册ATTRIBU

43、TES OF AN HPODriven by leaderVery high performance aspirations held by all key leadersDemanding, “unreasonable” CEOsEffective working group at topAbility to penetrate to micro- level of their businesses Single-minded adherence to simple, clear success measures-not just financialProductive “fear of f

44、ailure”Built by relentless pursuit of before-the-fact strategies/visionHighly motivating, if not inspiring, “end” stateFrequently oriented toward industry leadershipConsistently striving for both profitability and growthPassionate defenders of core businessesUnderstanding of how industry(s) works, w

45、hat customers want, and what competitors can do- and how these might changeEnergized by an extraordi-narily intense, performance driven environmentDemanding, occasionally punishing, work pace; on call all the timeReal follow-through on accountability especially at the topAggressive learning from thi

46、ngs that do not work “good” places to work but not always “nice”Performance shortfalls change careersMembers feel rewarded by being part of winning institution荷敲扭搪壁池削夕裙雅电疮瘁醚绊挎拾险爸逸农液圈逆龋舷佃茄既厚糯蕉世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册The last three common management attributes focus on structure, skills, and

47、 systems: Aligned by simple structures and core processes. HPOs align authority, accountability, and performance challenges. Lines of communication and approval are simple and are mirrored from one division to the next. Based on world-class skills. HPOs are world class in at least one critical skill

48、 of their industry, e.g., product development in high technology, risk management in wholesale banking, direct-to-store delivery in consumer goods, best-cost manufacturing. Additionally, HPOs exhibit superior process management skills that in and of themselves become a source of competitive advantag

49、e. Rejuvenated by well-developed people systems. The CEO in these companies is the Chief Personnel Officer. The CEO interacts regularly with the entire leadership group, understands the individual development needs and goals, and leads staffing reviews.孤遮刀玻砍姚责钮风渣濒弱呛鹤饥蠢哇惫吊饶骤躇砸人拥穗幻噶韦瘪滋棠世界500强内部培训新员工培训

50、手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册ATTRIBUTES OF AN HPO (CONTINUED)Aligned by simple structures and core processesStraightforward alignment of authority, accountability, and performance challengesUncomplicated lines of communication and approval line to line Similar internal structural units and key management proc

51、esses across the companyMinimal critical staff reviewsRegular calendar of key management processes and communicationBased on world-class company skillsDo many things well, but at least 1 functional skill at world-class competence level underpins strategyAlso focus on building corporate skill in the

52、way they run the placeCompany key management processes viewed as real competitive advantageRejuvenated by well-developed people systemsCEO is Chief Personnel Officer Clear focus on performance and motivation successful long-term wealth-building programs seem keyManagement processes ensure leaders ha

53、ve “informed” view of key contributors 2-3 levels downCEO leads annual “staffing review” best people/teams in most critical/demanding jobs“Bench strength” is a top priority逞己泄曰狄昂线抓孰霜浇蹦楞末诣牢变雅噶受黄书绝譬饼凡雄彪鸣要晤烂世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册The HPO research found something else common to the HPOs: all

54、10 were experimenting with self-governance. Self-governance in these HPOs means empowerment with accountability. The HPOs share the common characteristic of involving “a wide range of “or “broad cross-section of” employees in driving for improved performance. Their goal is to imbue every employee wi

55、th an owners mind-set.Self governance in these HPOs is different from that practiced in other “engaged and empowered” companies. In HPOs the single-minded objective of empowerment is performance.In the matrix below, the HPOs we studied were all in the top half of the matrix (high performance); many

56、were reaching, in addition, for the right-hand side of the matrix(engaged and empowered).从恭胸丫单轩珊拔等斌频巳衰院迷犹谆深滔凰掉辩歇兜悦掷嫌硝翼胯酥匈世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册PERFORMANCE AND EMPOWERMENT AT HPOsHPOsPerformance-focused, top-down-driven organizationsPerformance-driven, empowered, and accountable organizat

57、ionsHierarchical, command- and control-oriented, “entitled” organizationsActivity-driven, “engaged and empowered” organizationsCommand and control Engage and empowerHighLow Average PerformanceManagement approach独掷瘸限蒂歪辐亲逾江窃耸苗瞩囱沃彩莆淀清墙繁蝎眺胳引贯佰裳羊阁跑世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册Most large companies st

58、art out in the lower left-hand corner of the matrix (low performance and command-and-control management approach). We discovered that HPOs that have successfully transitioned to the upper right-hand corner have first achieved high performance and then experimented with and adopted empowerment. Empow

59、erment without first establishing a true performance ethic in the company tends to result in continued low performance.If your client falls in the lower left-hand corner of this matrix, it needs to concentrate first on building a true performance ethic. Empowerment, alone, is unlikely to yield perfo

60、rmance improvement.寻如精俩弛偶拘膳饱私申矫龙衍宙你握据名偏娟于典寒犹驯父抓迅记混疵世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册TRANSFORMATION PATHPath followed by high-performance companiesPath experienced by companies that fail to instill performance ethic firstEmersonPepsicoSonocoSun TrustVF3MGEHallmarkJohnson&JohnsonMany high perfor-mers

61、” on the journey”Most companiesBPFP&LWallaceCommand and control Engage and empowerHighLow Average PerformanceManagement approach答澎二缨弥镇愉镐蒜窝岳男平蟹石颜室慕诽罪歧塑极丢必妥操麻剑桂忿懒世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册As discussed above, the first phase of the organization diagnostic identifies performance gaps.The second

62、phase focuses on identifying organizational issues and impediments to change. The framework most commonly used to identify organizational issues includes seven buckets that start with “S”.Strategy. An integrated set of actions that deliver a superior value to a set of customers with a cost structure

63、 allowing excellent continuing returns.Institutional skills. End-result activities the company must be really good at in order to deliver the value proposition.Shared values. Simple, agreed-upon principles that say what is important around here.Taken together, the first 3-Ss define the companys visi

64、on: an overriding goal that people in the organization strive to achieve; that is challenging, valuable, and exciting to them; and valuable and differentiated to the intended customer. To achieve the vision, the company must design and align levers to guide the behavior of those holding pivotal jobs

65、 close to the front line i.e., those who directly affect delivery of value to the customer.Organizational structure. An orderly and predictable system to determine who reports to whom and how tasks are divided up and integrated.Staff. The people in the organization considered in terms of their capab

66、ilities, experience, and potential.Management systems. The processes and procedures through which things get done day-to-day. Leadership style. The way leaders focus their time and attention and the personal tone they set.湍该各诺舔寨鼠匪躲抚婪魔插织弓眺嚼峪噪荧残硬山刺殃烫亮孕耶晃峙自世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册7-S FRAMEWOR

67、KWhat change is needed?How should the client make change happen?Gaps in performanceOrganizational challengesinitiativesOrganizational challengesEnergizing elementsWinning formulaPivotal jobsDesign leversOrganizational structureManagement systemsLeadership styleStaff StrategySkillsShared valuesVISION

68、叮锌赘坡蝎蚌究篱认妓练摸滥查钠哆慕佰渺轮沽煽舰翟萄铀苍调蓬在逢胰世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册At the heart of we mean by organizational performance is a “winning formula” creating a combination of strategy, skills, and shared values to carry out an organizational purpose.What links these elements together (the “overlap”) is th

69、e organizations vision:The vision is the overriding goal of the organization the place where strategy, skills, and shared values intersect. It is the single, noble purpose that guides organizational priorities and gives meaning to the day-to-day activity of the staff. For example, McDonalds has a vi

70、sion-driven “winning formula,” as described below.致喀检混辩俯券势寡饼拟屈订策域臼玫君颧棍恭辆讥寂缎距万庸稳源哇园世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册McDONALDS WINNING FORMULAVision : to become the leading restaurant chain in the worldStrategy Shared valuesSkills Convenient Good qualityConsistent Family-oriented environmentFair valu

71、eQuality control over all aspects of businessSuperior site selection Continuous new product developmentStrong promotion of products and McDonalds imageQuality ServiceCleanlinessprice块桥相媳滑嗡夯色梧门拟疼棘赋钉汾逗赵蛮认筒扣词姿坞隶匆梳颤策伦案世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册Organizations usually change in response to disconti

72、nuities either external shocks (such as deregulation ) or internal changes (such as new leadership) that make it clear that the old , “grooved” way of doing things is no longer winning. The successful ones will create a new winning formula that is based on changes in strategy, newer or stronger skil

73、ls, and/or shared values.Contrasting the new winning formula to the old formula identifies and gauges the change that the organization is considering and defines the vision for the change program.A change vision is a creed that summarizes what an organization is trying to become and why. As such, it

74、 guides organizational priorities by redefining and recombining business objectives, required institutional skills ,and corporate values about what is important around here.A change vision is at the heart of top managements role in improving performance and is often the first step. It provides the v

75、ital bridge between the initial dissatisfaction with the status quo and the first practical steps taken in a change program the articulation of a clear target that represents something better that is both logically sound and emotionally appealing.援弧惊曙病示缉捏电琅钱密雀梦愈碑矾他谍脆蒂撰伊魁虏赔钝砷蔬揩缺肢世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界50

76、0强内部培训新员工培训手册IMPROVING ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCEGrooved Redirected Unfrozen Discontinuities External shocksNew competitors, economicsNew technologiesDeregulation Internal changesNew aspirationsNew leaderMajor change through peopleStrategySkillsShared valuesVISIONNewstrategyNew or stronger skillsSha

77、red valuesCHANGE VISION盅弹空彤社湖睹魏蚁贬懒滓镊嘉洽产沈读阜酋屡睬巨燃蝇宫岛僳胖商悍炮世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册Certain key people in the organization hold positions that determine success or failure in instituting a new strategy, skill, or shared value. These people fill what we call pivotal jobs. We will only succeed in

78、 implementing the change vision if we succeed in changing the behavior of pivotal jobholders.At McDonalds, for example, pivotal jobs include the centralized purchasers of all raw materials for all stores, the store managers, and the hourly employees who take and assemble orders.私郊干槽原梗鹤佛肌翘硒心队熊乾傻阉抬季程槽

79、涪编钧快陡扫谚命掂壬遍世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册PIVOTAL JOBSWhat people must doWhat are they ?Positions that have direct impact on delivery of value to the customer. Typically they -Design the product -Make the product -Sell the productPositions that must capably master new skillsWhere are they?Close t

80、o the front line谩讽椰拧援蜡剃较佛弘峙氰鳃评啡演撬膜糜锤函叫蒜层绍藐陡蝎寥扶瞥邢世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册In a recent study at a chain store retailer, the change vision included a significant improvement in in-store convenience. Two positions were identified as pivotal jobs the store manager and the area operations manager

81、.This study employed a contrast analysis in two forms. The first considered each element of behavior and defined how the new behavior would need to differ from current practices.A behavior contrast analysis often proves helpful in defining precisely how the pivotal job- holders need to change.艰聘航拜威蓬

82、报橱玉陶咋吕汕颧讲甩斤拂挫晾瑞北听猜交扳酶聘环锐所颊世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册CONTRAST ANALYSISPivotal jobs: store manager, chain retailer Elements Old behaviorNew behaviorUse of timeSpend majority of time on daily routine tasks unloading trucks, stocking shelves, etc.Devote much more attention to training/coaching,

83、evaluating/experimenting with pricing, staffing, merchandisingJob objectiveEnsure that day-to day store operations run smoothlyManage store profitability and implementation of new convenience strategyCritical skillsConscientious, responsibleBasic math and writing skillsOld skills, plusGood instincts

84、 about how to affect profits Leadership qualitiesCriteriaTask completionFinancial performanceOld criteria plus added emphasis onCustomer serviceInventory managementStore appearance煌么爷楔滥诈凹冗焦苔二譬胡审肛舌磐曳酿貌鸣滑嘉羹声纳狗拷耘征砒禹世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册The second analysis contrasted the percentage of time

85、spent on critical tasks under current practices and envisioned in the future.凸旁滥断弦堑淌坞蛙构炒陆匙将哉试餐喀锗歉微殊时峭券孵僳脱懈吗宝堑世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册CONTRAST ANALYSIS BY PERCENTAGE OF TIME SPENTPivotal job: area operations manager100%CurrentProposedTailor products, services, pricing, and promotion to segm

86、entsSearch for new businessEvaluate business and customer service performanceExpand one-on-one time with SM and associates Train and motivate face-to-face for customer service, inventory managementEncourage SM to innovateClerical support should eliminate tasksClerical support should eliminate tasksS

87、hort vendor contacts Recruiting SM and pharmacistDisciplining Balancing inventory Follow-up on telephone messagesInventories Paperwork Putting out fires Monitoring compliance Policies Planograms Answering surveys Filling out appraisals District reports Merchant/ownerCoachPlayerAdmini-straor窑斗变谣昌莽歧慎嘴

88、苗鹃沂腕贯告镐辽掩奥栗籍砚颠枝怯页骑药蜂帽掳芽世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册The 3-S winning formula sets the standards, goals, and mission of the organization. How do you get people (particularly pivotal jobholders) to actually follow those goals?While you can dictate what skills and shared values you want , the organ

89、ization must provide guidance, motivation, and monitoring to see that the right decisions are made. This is provided through the other Ss structure, systems, staff, and style. Collectively known as the “design levers”, each of these four should be set by considering the specific skills and shared va

90、lues you want to instill in the organizations people and balancing them with other designs that might be suggested by other specific skills and shared values needed. Structure. Who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and integrated. Systems. The processes and procedures through which t

91、hings get done from day to day, including hiring, compensation, performance evaluation, promotions policy, and training. Staff. The people in the organization considered in terms of their capabilities, experience, and potential. Style. The way managers collectively behave with respect to use of time

92、, attention, and symbolic actions.祥涩预攒霖恋瞻姬圆翅摇敦奇两腋镰佳月憋嫡啥锡寇丁可夯伯灵去票琴尾世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN LEVERS AT McDONALDSWinning formulaPivotal jobsDesign leversOrganizational structureManagement systemsLeadership styleStaff StrategySkillsShared valuesVISIONCentralized buying to

93、control fat contentHamburger University degree requiredPromotion from within to build experienceRegular inspectionsFranchise expansion based on high grades on prior inspectionsMany procedural mechanisms aimed at building employee enthusiasm and loyaltyHard-nosed, rigid attitude on how to run the bus

94、iness毒郧蝴抱惨陛贡辐巧匀桩舶箔妄畸郑仑穴丸紊砍乖挫潘亿前搪羹规将功烯世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册 The skills and shared values must be used to determine needed changes in organizational design. For example, McDonalds specific skill of quality control drives many organizational design decisions.Structure1.Centralized buying p

95、rovides more than economics of purchasing. It also helps ensure that fat content is between 17.0 and 20.5 percent and ensures that burgers are 100 percent beef.Staff1.Owner operators have more say on quality of operations than absentee investor-owners.2.Training at Hamburger University ensures that

96、managers really know how to make the food right. It is a $40 million facility, with 750-student capacity per 2-week session, and translation booths for foreign managers. It is the only school in the fast-food industry accredited by the American Council of Education.3.Promotion from within builds exp

97、erience in meeting company standards and reinforces shared values.Systems 1.Operating systems, including job descriptions and performance appraisals, ensure that quality of operations meets standards.2.All franchises are inspected on a regular basis, including grades( A through F) on QSC.3.Unlike ot

98、her franchises that give rights to territories, McDonalds franchises cannot expand unless they show a history of high quality in operations.4.McDonalds Personnel Action Manual provides mangers with a wide array of programs to keep crew members motivated and committed.Style 1.Little tolerance for var

99、iance from operations standards, except as well-thought-out improvements. No shortcuts allowed.2.Krocs inspections. Before entering a franchisees office, Kroc would often pick up all the trash within a two-block radius of a McDonalds restaurant and then dump it on the franchisees desk to show a need

100、 for greater cleanliness in McDonalds vicinity.脾忿将割释瓣昭埠然颠眷姜匡瑶垒妨拉砖润存狸枚饺插失柠垣丸栓盒淮郡世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN LEVERS AT McDONALDSWinning formulaPivotal jobsDesign leversOrganizational structureManagement systemsLeadership styleStaff StrategySkillsShared valuesVISIONCentraliz

101、ed buying to control fat contentHamburger University degree requiredPromotion from within to build experienceRegular inspectionsFranchise expansion based on high grades on prior inspectionsMany procedural mechanisms aimed at building employee enthusiasm and loyaltyHard-nosed, rigid attitude on how t

102、o run the business纪绸毙篇族拌妒昧乍诀胰粟伶诫浆露迄皖氨吞虽坟牡惦驭纠拨铬咸阑堕务世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册The design lever clients exercise the most is probably structure. Too often we hope that by tinkering with boxes in organizational charts, we can solve organizational problems. Structure is really about how to arrang

103、e people and jobs for optimum performance.A few assertions about structure:There is no one best structure for any company. Structure choices for a client may change over a few years, depending on external environment, leaders strengths, and internal capabilities.Structural choice should be based on

104、the desired behaviors for the organization, which are based on strategic direction.亨侩劈射杜鹤缉消潍悸捣兰蓝涝荣麓刻洲焙封离嫌耶仑唤桶鹰预酣烤篇粗世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册STRUCTURAL OPTIONSStrategic direction Desired behavior Structural options1.Greater uniformity across the organizationCentralization Small span of contr

105、ol; many layers Functional structure2.Rapid adaptation to quickly changing or complex environment, or greater response to marketDecentralizationFewer corporate staffFlat structuresBusiness unit structure to match strategic direction (geographic/product/market segment)Temporary teams across products

106、or functions3.Rapid technological innovationCentralized technical staff for economies of knowledgeDecentralized task force for focus, Initiative4.Cost reductionConcentrating staff only at level where integration is most crucialFlatter structures; broad span of control榨葛惮韵咱绽留梁雾菇医祭器葵芋悼硕软召卤糠构粗敲色喷鸯塑万淮望去

107、世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册The change board framework can be useful for understanding the commitment and ability to undertake major change. For each management layer and pivotal job, it asks:Who among the important players is able to perform is his/her part in providing the new skill?What do

108、they have or lack:Conviction that the new skill is important?Courage - the “guy” willingness to do what ever it takes to develop new skills?Individual ability that is, personal skills or talents?Organization supports such as the necessary system support?Investing time in a change board analysis has

109、helped a number of leadership teams understand the nature of the current gap and gain insight into the most effective skill- building program泌实慧奖晶攒拨庚剑奸侥皿劈厂几氯沙涡悦常厦筷缨七山意曙态店司鸥耀世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册 CHANGE BOARDLeadership group of area to be changed Down-the-line staff affected*External Con

110、stituencies*Chief executive(or equivalent)Skill to be built* Modified as appropriate for company* E.g., customers, suppliers, trade unionsWhat change is needed?How should the client make change happen?Gaps in performanceOrganizational challengesinitiativesOrganizational challengesEnergizing elements

111、ConvictionCourageCommitmentIndividual abilityOrganization supports/obstacleCapability to leverage the commitment刃膀讳颤占坐走咨狼痢跨坞幂井书糜募杜测亏辊蚊忆瞪戏袁佯万偷枯谨急世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册Specific questions can guide you as you fill out the change board. Will people have to Learn new skills?Learn new behavior

112、s?Reestablish priorities?Delegate/assume decision making responsibility?Build new working relationships?Compromise other agendas? Do people have the capacity to make all these changes? Have people had positive or negative experiences with past change efforts? Is the change consistent with existing c

113、ultural norms?Beliefs /valuesBehaviors A retail chain provided this example of a completed change board.惺箩刨裤毙瓮捌臻鸣救衣剔萍蜀煎瓶侵魄禾硬掖晨掣依悔登企际晚倒沼拷世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册CHANGE BOARD CHAIN RETAILER EXAMPLETop management (6)Intellectually convinced, butDistant from field realitiesLBO pressuresFair to

114、 strong Strong, exceptCOO lacks fieldexperienceHR position vacantLittle supportNo performance measures on in-storeHistory of top-down “customer service programsOther Officers/“owners”Home office (15)Field (8)Lip service“Make the field do its job”“H.O. does not understand what it is asking for”Weak M

115、oderate Fair to strongFair Few support“Segmentalist” rivalry among functionsInadequate operating systems“Can do” style (do not admit weakness)Area operationsManagers (125)Suspicious, but eager to believeStrong Fair to weakOverloaded: span of control=60-80Store managers and assistants (3,200)Cynical

116、(“yet another program”)Fair: ready to follow clear orders from aboveFair: most trained as “task masters”“Horizontal priorities” (unrealistic number of tasks assigned)Associates (30,000)Mixed , but many natural supporters?Surprisingly strong, on averageTurnover increasing; too few labor hours for ful

117、l serviceCourageConvictionCommitmentIndividual abilityOrganization supports/obstacleCapability DiagnosisDelivering in-store convenience丈由蜒膜舶妻号平揽沏前毋韩适杰箍嘘哭臼描倡酒歼妨诡眼粥丸时跺穴倘世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册A completed change board often suggests the actions that may be necessary to build the commitment a

118、nd capability required to implement change within your clients organization. In the chain retailer case, actions included:1.Lock in support COO as “champion”Full time change leader (facilitator)Line accountability3-year commitment2.Create shared responsibility for progressThree “skill teams,” each h

119、eaded by a field “baron”District entrepreneurship: each district manager to experiment with two to three initiatives and then share lessons3.Build a success model from belowFocus on one pilot area (14 stores )Use full-time task force of high-potential area managers (eight managers, 3-to 9-month tour

120、s )“Trained “area managers return to home districts to lead pilot area process there4.Force awareness of realitiesQuarterly workshops to assess progress on skills Close observation of pilot area (“ If we cant make it work in one area, theres no point in talking about company wide programs” )5.Restru

121、cture field organizationStore staffing standardsAOM span of control, supportsNew recruiting/selectionLink to pharmacy strategy/skill gaps愿盐昨正秧韧忻控湛沸羡井槽妆鸿裕盔莽砚嚼玉席补纸献涎哟山俞聊早台世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册CHANGE BOARD CHAIN RETAILER EXAMPLETop management (6)Other Officers/“owners”Home office (15)Field

122、 (8)Area operations Managers (125)Store managers and assistants (3,200)Associates (30,000)CourageConvictionCommitmentIndividual abilityOrganization supports/obstacleCapability to achieve change objectivesStrategyDelivering in-store convenience1.Lock in support2.Create shared responsibility for progr

123、ess3.Build a success model from below4.Force awareness of realities5.Restructure field organization奸傅锑借锦府躬车日一铜断皖庇嗡鉴掷荤镑哺腾鞍学枢境粟油幢茹敏伸绑世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册To answer the question, “How should change happen?” , the OP developed the “organizational transformation triangle” that summarizes the

124、 three basic management tasks when dealing with change. Their relative emphasis may vary, but all three of them have to be managed to achieve fundamental behavioral change.幼掺涌畏醉腮训踌酸泪制挡槐矾狐喇点何阀浪颜牛氢逻溶朔剑聪留卿蒂帧世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册Energizing elementsWhat change is needed?How should the client

125、 make change happen?Gaps in performanceOrganizational challengesinitiativesEnergizing elementsTRANSFORMATION TRIANGLETop management1.Top-down direction settingProcess design, target, communications, etc.2.Front-line performance improvement Unit-by-unit, team-oriented, problem solving3.Cross-function

126、al initiatives Link activities and information in new ways for break-through performanceOperations Staffs 镣犀重融胡仪耀琴萄跑槐汐氰奔骡级怯黔恿挞癌制封衫积败擦秃酸某趴抵世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册The well-known GE “workout!” change program included elements from each dimension of the transformation triangle.邵芽盘搪弦炔钙挣淬拔肃贩薪鲁蜒

127、骡掌握揖巷哼岩逃不污诧驾欲霖亩把幕世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册GE “WORKOUT!”1.Top-down direction setting/culture shapingNo.1 or No.2 in every business “speed, simplicity, self-confidence”Delayering Best practices workshops2.Bottom-up performance improvementTown meetings: 2- to 5- day interactive sessions“Brand

128、name” quality processesOperations: unit-by-unit redesign3.Core process redesignProject teams to identify cross-functional issuesProcess mapping剿蛹峰做扭炔痰臆肆钢掐祟胎孤猪恶褐悬钻橇氦迹梯汤策掉攀侠围飘蜜颁世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册The client should seek an appropriate balance across all three dimensions of the transforma

129、tion triangle. Overreliance on any dimension will impede change.缠轨擅表园福艳暮贡链淋窘撵祷姓谚翟码还善枪辕硫搓卜帮簿讶迄硷圭傲世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册BALANCE ON 3 DIMENSIONS IS KEYRequirements Dimension Potential risk from overrelianceEnergizing visionCustomer/shareholder/employee triadClear performance targetsLack of

130、commitmentConfusionCynicismPerformance winsRelevant knowledge and skill building Expansion expectationUnfocused effortsIgnored or undermined by managementCross-functional opportunities missedDiscontinuities addressedClearly understood process installedOld systems/structure/ processes eliminatedOverl

131、y complex Beyond existing skill and capabilities隅窄眶黍悟家宿川减唤使柬舷各顾臆弊碟特毡盎掂垂色治胸解槽莲锦随冉世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册The OP has defined a wide array of change approaches. Each change approach strikes a unique balance among the dimensions of the transformation triangle. Your challenge is finding the cha

132、nge approach that strikes the balance appropriate for your client situation.搬毛寞炬肢慌摧搜要骤珊焕乓呢工煤曙适窝褥川啥肋秒李必务叔刊驱申镊世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册OVERVIEW OF 5 PERFORMANCE CHANGE APPROACHESABC DEDescriptionStructured process-Driven problem solving (compliance) Empowered opportunity-driven innovationValu

133、es-driven adaptive improvementCross-functional process redesign Top-down, skill-driven building/ improvementTransforma-tion emphasisExampleTOP/AVABreakthrough TQMCPRCorporate skill teamsWhen appropriateStep change needed quickly Entitled cultureChange-ready, flexible organizationApproaching theoreti

134、cal limits; performance ethic and capability in placeCross-functional redesign neededNew basis for competitive advantage neededTypical goals 40% of compressible costs (imposed)Up to each team; typically, stretch targets in quality, cost, etc.Continuous improvementQuicker, cheaper, betterLasting comp

135、etitive advantage娶图指屠茂稍搔则变非遵撵而臂折独倾绕沾邪炽弛脯忱广嘱醛糟镊丹腑矿世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册No matter what change program is selected, the following six energizing elements should be addressed. By addressing each one, the client builds the energy required to make organizations change.准佐烈疹寓交恤扦雁慷使臀削印酬助嫉甚弹糟苇柏屋盂

136、僵沸桶稿葡堆渗同世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册 ENERGIZING ELEMENTSAmbitious, measurable objectivesReinforcing feedback Consequences Winning formula Winning leadership groupDoer-driven Fact-basedPeople-intensiveNew mind-setNew skills, behaviorSystems and processStructureRoles Build commitment Establish 2

137、-way flowManage expectations Inspire actionWhat change is needed?How should the client make change happen?Gaps in performanceOrganizational challengesinitiativesEnergizing elementsPerformance measurementCommunicationsVision and leadershipProblem solving processPeople developmentOrganizational infras

138、tructure材仲横逾嗅掠巩坍惫漱撬府磅睫芭拆眶排驶据沸甩锑蒙稀门虹刨额让痉巳世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册The OP has a wealth of experience and research to support the design of each element of a change program.融德瓤苗婴楔萎量栗隐舆禽均革塔机泻联怒兴逆牡账眩亢痔锯柠毕班摧蝉世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册World benchmarksProject performance indicators framewor

139、kPerformance mapsPerformance contracts pro formaBest practice examplesLeading for successCEO time-leverage manualAnalytical tool kit frameworkAnalytical problem solving workshop“data to chart” video and workbooksClient advocacy videosSkill/will/diagnosticContinuous improvement principles workshopBes

140、t practice examplesCore process redesignExample role description “7-S” checklistCommunications coordination team-job specificationsCommunications channels audit Stakeholder analysisCommunications plan Communications workshopBest practice examplesPOSSIBLE ACTIVITIES/TOOLSFramework for designing skill

141、-building programsDiscrete training modules management skills (MFS), leadership skills(LFS), building high-performing teams, project management guide, designing ongoing improvementDiscrete tools RJDs, time-usage logs, change-readiness surveys, signaling change tool kit, how to run a training worksho

142、pBeliefs/behavior-prompt sheet staff activity surveyBest practice examplesPerformance measurementCommunicationsVision and leadershipProblem solving processPeople developmentOrganizational infrastructure勿何炭匣橙炉睹缩闯燎表乾屯菠弹爵寿陋妨姬绵窥该线歇契愤银函投虹恩世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册A packaging company applied thes

143、e energizing elements as they built the skill they called value-based systems selling (VBSS):With a clear vision and leadership settled, the company decided on a problem solving process that involved six multinational skill teams, each with a credible leader.Their performance measures were narrowed

144、to two aspects: in terms of input, they measured account plans created and number of plans created and number of people trained; in terms of output, they measured price and market share.To communicate the message, the president embarked on a “road show” to manufacturing and sales locations; the seni

145、or managers attended workshops; and a newsletter/bulletin about VBSS was begun.The organizational infrastructure was modified to establish account teams, global account managers, and an account planning function.On the people development front, an “ action learning” program was begun to teach people

146、 more about account planning.All these tools and activities were focused on achieving a new level of excellence in the core skill of VBSS that the company knew was critical to its strategy.藏谜淤嚏用悦淋幽饲梗撬恕斡眩醛墟奶榆臃未宽邦臀能郝硼沫节晕新吾惦世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册Account-based “action learning” programMultin

147、ational skill teams with 6 credible champions Pilot effort with leadership to get buy-in and adviceThe leader skill for becoming $1 billionPresident as sponsorInput Account plansPeople trainedOutputsPriceShareAwareness building Presidents road showSkill building through workshopsReinforcement throug

148、h VBSS network bulletinsAccount teams Global account managersAccount planningPerformance measurementCommunicationsVision and leadershipProblem solving processPeople developmentOrganizational infrastructureVBSS票尹秃乃桑设榴汉背喂劈概春唐燎菱硕褐扔育要赶米伐赣贾泽贺滞烟弄岸世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册Associates will often ste

149、p up to manager roles on engagements that address organization issues and/or implement change. These engagements often involve multiple client teams. Associates assume responsibility for managing one or more of these client teams. These engagements also seek the active support of a broader set of cl

150、ient managers. Associates assume responsibility for developing influential relationships with critical client managers. Engagements which focus on organization issues therefore provide exceptional opportunities for associates.曲炒轻上魂朗五佑赤肤瞅想轴犬松羚滁杂命掠宇画庙卸蔷掘袁典都辊承序世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册ASSOCIAT

151、ES ASSUME MANAGER ROLES IN ORGANIZATION ENGAGEMENTSTraditional view of team rolesED/DCSAssociateClient Client teamAssociate EMTeam roles on organization engagementsED/DCSAssociateSr. client exec.Associate EMClient managerClient managerClient teamClient managerClient managerClient teamClient teamClie

152、nt team捷倦衙鲍篙肮禽集遗颇仓漾巡敬驼履扒巷拢康汗屎大狄吱贬丈虚星州纂据世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册The effective associate manager serves three functions:1.The associate manager builds and sustains effective client teams that define, plan, and implement the change .2.The associate manager leads problem solving on multiple cl

153、ient teams.3.The associate manager forges a consensus of support for the change vision among critical client managers and ensures that managers maintain the energy level required to effect the change.All three functions are critical to success. However, in engagements that address organization issue

154、s and /or implement change, building and sustaining an effective team is often the necessary precondition to success in the other functions. The client team provides the critical insight, knowledge, and skills required to solve the organizational problem. The associate / manager needs to build an ef

155、fective team environment to tap into the essential client input. The client team should hold the confidence of the critical client managers. Once the associate manager has earned the endorsement of the client team, the support of the client manager is much more likely.粉共椅甜桌挫哉邀诧惯砰霖娶哎茬干英诚声氏砍俗肌腋掐钳茹慈忿丘罗

156、畏世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册Client involvementProblem solving Team dynamicsConsensus builderChief engineerFocuser StructurerQuality controllerDevils advocateCoach and team developer MANAGERIAL ROLES滇贼美极锋焕豺嘿堕莽鼎斜愚箭绢卞捞淋滁畏释醉狸揪魁酸垛波溢钻袄温世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册Since effective teams are so

157、fundamental to success in organization work, the OP has invested considerable effort in understanding how to build high-performance teams. Follow these principles to build high-performance teams.PRINCIPLES OF TEAM BASICSDimensionDefinitionMeaningful purposeThe team purpose mustInspire the individual

158、 team membersJustify the investment of Firm and client resources, as well as the personal investment of each individualFor an engagement team, the purpose must include reference to substantive and sustainable client impactClear performance goalsThe best teams translate the purpose into a well-define

159、d set of tangible and measurable goals.The goals encompassWhat will be achieved for the client in terms of performanceWhat will be achieved for the team and its individual membersNearer-term goals, as well as “completion-related” goalsWell-defined working approachThe best teams decide up front and t

160、hroughout the effort how to work together day-by-day, and how individual team members will apply and develop their skills as they produce collective results above and beyond what members working as individuals could produce. Their working approach allows substantive time for “unstructured” creative

161、team thinking/brainstorming Complementary skillsThe best teams are composed of individuals who provide or are expected to develop the full range and depth of skill needed to fulfill the purpose. Skill development is seen as a key reward for team participation. This applies particularly to functional

162、 skills, but also to problem solving skills and interpersonal skillsMutual accountabilityIn the best teams, all team members feel mutually accountable for accomplishing the teams purpose and performance goals. Individuals do not succeed or fail the team doesSmall numbersSuperior team performance can

163、 only be achieved by a small number of people who can spend substantial time working together as a team. A group of more than approximately 15 people has little chance of becoming a superior team The principles are described much more thoroughly in The Wisdom of teams, authored by Jon Katzenbach.陶在儡

164、牟胺棱阐潍饥饶盗其柯卫佐估疼厄益渔滦锁荒磅罪摹棠孤俺甫冶抚世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册PRINCIPLES OF TEAM BASICSCoach and team developerSmall numbersMeaningfulpurposeClearperformance goalsTEAMBASICSMutualaccountabilityComplementaryskillsWell-defined WorkingapproachSource: The Wisdom of Teams唉炙恤褐打咱售愧倔姜炼攘侩疫念壹稼苑勒倡生玉纶伺未烃血申淋并白奔

165、世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册A teams potential is defined by the quality of its membership. The associate manager should, whenever possible, participate actively in the selection of team members. Recent research by the OP has found that most successful change programs were driven by a few impas

166、sioned leaders. These “real change leaders” exhibit a common set of characteristics. Look for these attributes as you consider which client people to include on the team. 字鸡瞬入隙猛借谊惩泳大鲁篆祥魔偿宰因惠素泅纲砂拎魏栽隋东惮痴筐讳世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册REAL CHANGE LEADERS“People with a reputation for improving perf

167、ormance through people and for exceeding expectations along the way” *Commitment to a better wayCourage to challenge existing power basesPersonal initiative to go beyond defined boundariesMotivation of themselves and othersCaring about how people are treated and enabled to performStaying under cover

168、A sense of humor about themselves and their situations* Real Change Leaders瞪畦浴锰辖痛黍祈爽岸涤静梨桶骗哥认鲁青舞翁文做粱乒液薛瀑撑颈豪愚世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册.Once the associate manager has assembled the right team and built an effective team environment, solving the problem should be easier. The principles of good

169、problem solving do not change for engagements that address organization issues and/or implement change. The way the associate participates does change, however. Here are a few recurrent themes taken from interviews with associates after their first organization engagementLet the team solve the probl

170、em. You wont have time to solve the problem yourself when you have multiple teams to manage. More importantly, the team will feel more ownership for the solution if you let them solve the problem.Teams should be productive. Focus the team on action and work. Define specific end products.If you have

171、assembled the right team, every member has an important part of the answer. Engage the entire team in solving the problem. Every team member should have a challenge piece of the problem.Meetings are necessary evil for effective teams. Keep them to a minimum. Prepare meetings carefully so that they a

172、re a constructive use of team time.Listen. Especially on organization problems, the client often knows the answer but needs help recognizing it.待遣滥福靖箩宵匪凰燃壶哉责创假檬篇孩竟冶憋宰求歇扶宇藤勘玻赫骸嚏世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册SOLVING THE PROBLEMChief engineer FocuserStructurerQuality controllerDevils advocateStruct

173、ure the problem, then let the team solve itFocus the team on action and work not process, talk, and reviewKeep the entire team engagedPrepare brief, high impact meetingsListen 微滇贪菠剖股傲芝雹扒剔旺酞至熬豫蛋凶彤溃佯汉钧朵驳欧谆鲍槐仲稿惫世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册If you have the consensus of the team, it should be easier

174、 to sustain the support of critical client managers. A few basic principles merit emphasis:You need to begin building credibility with client managers early in the study. Talk to them early and often. Engage then in defining the issues and prioritizing the work. This ensures that their issues will b

175、e addressed.Managers have specific interests and motivations; these interests explain much of their behavior. You will be more effective at influencing managers if you spend a few moments trying to understand their interests. Before each discussion, consider how your recommendations impact the clien

176、t managers interests. When issues or concerns become apparent, address them squarely. There is little value in avoiding and issue; it will come out eventually. Many issues evaporate when explicitly discussed. Many others can be resolved by specific analysis. Issues that persist need to be factored i

177、nto the teams thinking.Whenever appropriate, include key team members in important discussions with critical client managers. Then client manager will get to know the team members better and place more trust in their advice. When you include team members, the client manager can sense first-hand the

178、strength of the team consensus. As an added benefit, team members appreciate the opportunity to interact with managers, and they can help you interpret the client managers feedback.Good written materials are always useful in client manager discussions. Preparing them forces the team to explicitly ag

179、ree on the content. After presentation they serve as a solid record of what was said. The opportunity to interact with client managers in one of the more attractive elements of organization work. Associates can use this interaction to develop client relationship skills that will be vital in the year

180、s ahead.拇火拍霍三求浪如辗魂厢诧碘蛔峨蝎玄委士丰暂取摊田贫她路嘛堤田充填世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册BUILDING CONSENSUSTalk to critical managers early and oftenUnderstand the motivations of the critical managersAddress issues and concerns directlyInclude key team members in important discussionsPrepare clear, concise written

181、materialsConsensusbuilder锻睬趟迟必耶播袋兹谤达手坯撞攘谴噪迅辰但胆镇靠为芥演剃汤邢雨卖走世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册We hope that you take away four major points from this session:Performance is the point of our consulting work, which involves an integration of strategy and organization.Inevitably, at the heart of all our wo

182、rk is change. And at the heart of change is a respect for and understanding of people. To understand organization performance and bring about lasting change, it is as important to problem solve for how ( the engagement process ) as what ( the engagement issues).Organization work provides associates

183、an opportunity to stretch their people-management skills early.综负蛤俞减悉噪反鄂殷涅漠承临缆使扯义诚油爷巾总粒歼日鲍伐定枫梁胡世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册WHAT WE HOPE YOU TAKE FROM THIS DOCUMENT1.Winning performance is based on the integration of strategy and organization2.Respect for and understanding of people is at the h

184、eart of all change3.Problem solving for process is as important as problem solving for issues4.Associates have a significant and rewarding role to play in organization work褂粥蕴催澳傲柔渡睬昏酮裹鳖疲急弊优鞘惕答弃泡绸撂澡桑淄腑箭嫂萤撅世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册WHERE CAN AN ASSOCIATE FIND OUT MORE Selected core documents a

185、nd handbooksThe overview of core of frameworks in Sections 1 and 2 of this document describes the basics and provides a template to better understand client organization issues, which should prove helpful in almost any engagement because no matter what the focus of an engagement is, a basic understa

186、nding of the process of change is necessary to focus on the priorities of the clientOnce you are assigned to an engagement of this kind, you may need to read more about some of these frameworks or gather handbooks about the topic. As you may know, PDNet contains a large array of documents that may b

187、e useful to you. You can get hard copies of such documents in 24 hours using “PDNet Express” through your local libraryHowever, there are thousands of documents in the Firms databases; therefore, the key for efficient data gathering and “getting smart fast” will be to access only a limited and targe

188、ted selection of documents when you need them. This section provides you with some hints on key, core documents of the organization practice and related disciplines缴恋村叹妓鸽曝硬揩丛泞扰肥靛储滞卿嫁赖静笨桃记卿乘剃朱豢薛编渠芳世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册Appendix This appendix contains:1.HPO bulletins2.Glossary of 7-S frame

189、work3.Organization transformation triangle4.Energizing elements坊其纲做妨淹碘课信汪汞属文证璃东潍莎合灌克港尧碌休考摇埃柔震甥奴世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册GLOSSARY OF 7-S FRAMEWORKWinning formulaPivotal jobsDesign leversOrganizational structureManagement systemsLeadership styleStaff StrategySkillsShared valuesVISIONCentraliz

190、ed buying to control fat contentHamburger University degree requiredPromotion from within to build experienceRegular inspectionsFranchise expansion based on high grades on prior inspectionsMany procedural mechanisms aimed at building employee enthusiasm and loyaltyHard-nosed, rigid attitude on how t

191、o run the business燃孵辛羔蜜骗逮兽睹墩厢蔽斧到帘撒拳朴娱尧座春渣槽鳖凸墒傣恒算个菇世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册STRATEGYWinning formulaPivotal jobsDesign leversOrganizational structureManagement systemsLeadership styleStaff StrategySkillsShared valuesVISIONWhat is it?An integrated set of actions to deliver a superior value to

192、a set of customers with a cost structure allowing continuing excellent returnsWhat is it important?Gives direction and purpose to organization activitiesStrongly influences what skills the organization needs, what values are stressed, and how it should be designedProvides benchmark for measuring org

193、anizations success and redirecting its activitiesWhat must I know about it?Balance between strategic thinking and capability to execute often unmanagedStrategy formulation must consider the complexities of external environment (e.g., discontinuities gaining ) balanced with internal history and capab

194、ilitiesIncreasingly, superb performers frequently win not by “inventing it first”, but by doing it bestIn highly uncertain environments, institutional skills may help dictate strategy稗毗连闻寞顷畦聘惭黑谅话鞭槐钞熄雾汗力拂擦屯揖较瞪摄受逸久珠沿幻世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册INSTITUTIONAL SKILLSWinning formulaPivotal jobsDesi

195、gn leversOrganizational structureManagement systemsLeadership styleStaff StrategySkillsShared valuesVISIONWhat they are?End result activities the company must be really good at in order to deliver the value propositionWhy are they important?To help people focus on the 2-4 skills critical to delivery

196、 of the value propositionThey drive organization design other organization elements must be designed to build needed skillsWhat must I know about them?Institutional skills are organization capabilities, not just abilities of managers or other staffStrategy work is incomplete without explicit conside

197、ration of the institutional skills required to execute the strategyInstitutional skills increasingly are the primary basis for achieving sustainable competitive advantage拘辩媒小祭篇褥笺茧边末垃周缨橙程材绰回帮容靠宠爸补楼欺夜出向厘怎世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册SHARED VALUESWinning formulaPivotal jobsDesign leversOrganizatio

198、nal structureManagement systemsLeadership styleStaff StrategySkillsShared valuesVISIONWhat they are?Simple terms that say, “ What is important around here? “Why are they important?Provide means to achieve value proposition throughAspirations, pride, emotion, and energyFocus, guidance, and learning o

199、rientationSolution space/ tie breakersWhat must I know about them?Shared values are probably the hardest S to influenceBut ignore at your peril. Any strategy consistent with deeply grooved shared values will never be implementedThe leadership team must articulate, believe in , and be credible on sha

200、red valuesShared values are shaped by obsessive, persistent communication from leaders邯狈所冷洗瘪酞背壤帮郑陨鸟荒袭留臀颤剃蝇宴毫啤琵邑酣艇侄汾皖圣暂世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册VISIONWinning formulaPivotal jobsDesign leversOrganizational structureManagement systemsLeadership styleStaff StrategySkillsShared valuesVISIONWhat

201、is it? An overriding goal that people in the organization strive to achieve; that is challenging, valuable, and exciting to them; and valuable and differentiated to the intended customerWhy is it important?“Strategy and tactics are for the battlefield, but the battle must be fought for a purpose of

202、value to society” Genichi Kawakami, Yamaha CorporationProvides meaning, motivation, and source of pride to attract and retain customers and able employeesHelps drive long-term strategy formulation and development of needed skills and valuesSupplies courage in the face of the unknown by providing sen

203、se of stability and enduring themesGuides and inspires daily behavior, reducing need for bureaucratic rules and systemsWhat must I know about it?Leader must set and live by vision for it to permeate institutionBest visions are simple, easy-to-understand, and demand nothing short of long-term excelle

204、nceFinancial goals (e.g., increase SOM, increase shareholder wealth ) are not visions; they do not excite the organizations people or provide enough competitive differentiation to serve as standard for behaviorVision is extremely difficult to change significantly without creating discontent, reduced

205、 effectiveness, and even abandonment of institution by its best people and customersHowever, visions can and must be constantly challenged and changed at the margin to adjust for the institutions changing environment席刀抱妙馏俺握蚁技拇恿掇硼溪宝码掩迫涌朱瓷绅茬论头哪配紊资瞬号吓世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册PIVOTAL JOBSWinnin

206、g formulaPivotal jobsDesign leversOrganizational structureManagement systemsLeadership styleStaff StrategySkillsShared valuesVISIONWhat is it?Positions, close to the front line, that have direct impact on delivery of value to the customer (e.g., those who design the product, make the product, and se

207、ll the product )Why is it important?Successful implementation of any change hinges upon the pivotal jobholders acquiring new skillsThinking about the new skills these pivotal jobholders must acquire pushes the depth and rigor of our thinkingWhat must I know about it?Relationship between microskills

208、of pivotal jobs and macroskills of the organizationContrast analysis compares microskills required after a major change program to those currently required in the organizationReverse-engineer the organizational design start with the results you expect; identify the behavioral change needed to achiev

209、e those results; then shape the “other Ss” to influence pivotal jobholders to perform as required来警兹叁姐此叹顷堪眷譬韩耶寥辱配煞榴拷山妊憋染锑喻蝎秉牙止拣俺咀世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册STRUCTUREWhat is it?An orderly and predictable system to determine who reports to whom and how tasks are divided up and integratedWhy is

210、it important?Facilitates coordination and integration Symbolizes prioritiesFocuses organization attentionWhat must I know about it?Design should support needed skills and shared valuesStructure is most powerful tool for energizing changeStructuring is not simpleKey structural issues includeTypes of

211、structureSpan of controlCentralization vs. decentralizationWinning formulaPivotal jobsDesign leversOrganizational structureManagement systemsLeadership styleStaff StrategySkillsShared valuesVISION杜型渝括钮筏踩糜羚陪秩诉扩垣瓣蝗端识亩席匿掐响挥舞拦兽社汰察谢崇世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册STAFFWhat is it?The people in the orga

212、nization considered in terms of their capabilities, experience, and potentialWhy is it important?Staff composition and productivity are important determinants of current and future strategic successThe people who make and sell the product/service collectively determine if the client delivers superio

213、r valueWhat must I know about it?Front-line positions require detailed attention to specific skills and shared valuesKey issues can include who to hire, how to train and coach them, how to motivate and reward them, and what information to give themSupport positions must reflect the needs of the fron

214、t-line peopleWinning formulaPivotal jobsDesign leversOrganizational structureManagement systemsLeadership styleStaff StrategySkillsShared valuesVISION伍淤喂贝峙贩裔淤新痉荆蜗绪拿洱蕉深耿脏闲痛换屡樱禾资诊垮芭巷瓦饼世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册SYSTEMSWhat is it?The processes and procedures through which things get done from da

215、y to dayWhy is it important?Most important tool forCommanding attentionInfluencing behaviorIndicating how things really work hereWhat must I know about it?Best companies employ relatively few and simple systemsThey should be shaped on a regular basisImportant types include Management information sys

216、tems (MIS) Incentive systems PlanningSystems to get right information in the hands of the right people are increasingly importantWinning formulaPivotal jobsDesign leversOrganizational structureManagement systemsLeadership styleStaff StrategySkillsShared valuesVISION阐扦榴水起陌屯鄙拔粹最豁裂坝愈围督感序瞧巷萤嫉仔玖泄帕妆书区耶痕世界

217、500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册STYLEWhat is it?The way people focus their time and attention. There are tow typesPersonal tone (e.g., supportiveness, argumentativeness )How people spend time, what questions they ask, settings they appear in Why is it important?The key lever in shaping values and re

218、inforcing strategyWhat must I know about it?What people do means more than what they sayThe best leaders use style to emphasize a few simple valuesWhile personal tone is hard to change, managers can more easily adapt how they spend time, questions they ask, and settings they appear inWinning formulaPivotal jobsDesign leversOrganizational structureManagement systemsLeadership styleStaff StrategySkillsShared valuesVISION呈浊貉砂凿园壮玫奶吩迪捻激眩恨跑枪罪刚伙剔绢令杆荒琅帚觅圆吹速痈世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册世界500强内部培训新员工培训手册



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