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1、take-come-make-watch-do-send- play-see-go-have-tookcamemadewatcheddidsentplayedsawwenthadWhats this?Its a spaceship.5He is Yang liwei. Yang liwei is a taikonaut. 神舟五号飞船是在无人飞船基础上研制的我国第1艘载人飞船,乘有1名航天员,在轨运行1天。整个飞行期间为航天员提供必要的生活和工作条件,同时将航天员的生理数据、电视图像发送地面,并确保航天员安全返回。 飞船由轨道舱、返回舱、推进舱和附加段组成,总长8860mm,总重7840kg。

2、飞船的手动控制功能和环境控制与生命保障分系统为航天员的安全提供了保障。 飞船由长征2f运载火箭发射到近地点200km、远地点350km、倾角42.4初始轨道,实施变轨后,进入343km的圆轨道。飞船环绕地球14圈后在预定地区着陆。 神舟5号飞船载人航天飞行实现了中华民族千年飞天的愿望,是中华民族智慧和精神的高度凝聚,是中国航天事业在新世纪的一座新的里程碑。flyflewflew into spaceThe spaceship flew into space .飞入太空飞,飞行flyspend spent度过Yang Liwei spent about twenty-one hours in s

3、pace.大约spendvideo视频make a video 制作一段视频Yang Liwei made a video in space.make come back回到come back to the earth回到地球Yang Liwei came back to the e proud感到自豪I am proud of my good boys and girls.be proud of 感到自豪Listen and answerWho wrote the article?A.Yang liwei s son.B.Yang liliwei.Listen again and answe

4、r. 1. When did Yang liwei flew into space?A.In October 2003. B.In October 2010.2. How many hours did he spend in space?A. He spent about twenty-four hours in space. B.He spent about twenty-one hours in space.Listen for the third time and answer.1.What did Yangliwei do?2.What did his son think?He was

5、 very proud of him.He did a lot of work there. He made a video in space.be proud of 为感到光荣,骄傲Listen and repeat.Read it in your groups. My father, Yang Liwei, is a and now he is very famous. In 2003,my father into space in . . He about hours in space.taikonautShenzhou. Octoberflewspenttwenty-oneHe did

6、 a lot of work there.He also a in space. Then he came back to the earth.made videoMy mother and I to the airport to meet my father.We were very .It was a great day! I was very of him.Now he still tell me about his space travel. I want to go into space too.someday proud wenthappyPractise .Make sentences.Read the article two times.



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