九年级英语下册 Module 2 Education(第4课时)分层训练课件 (新版)外研版

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1、 第第4 4课时分层训练课时分层训练Module2Education第4课时分层训练Module2Education课内基础自测课后巩固提升课内基础自测课内基础自测第4课时分层训练.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子1Nobody was _ (缺席的缺席的) from the meeting. 2Lily is pleased to _ (通过通过) the Chinese exam.3How many people were _ (出席的出席的) at the ceremony?4He studied in a s_ school when he was

2、14 years old. 5The students must walk into the classroom when the b_ rings.absentpasspresentecondaryell.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空 1How rich and colourful our _is!2He goes to school _a group of, school life, above all, talk about, by bikeschool lifeby bike第4课时分层训练3During my stay in England, I mi

3、ss my friends, my father, and _, my mother. 4Today, lets _how to protect our environment.5Look! _girls are dancing happily.above alltalk aboutA group of第4课时分层训练.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1Who will come to school for the _ (parent) meeting?2We sell books as _ (good) as newspapers.3It is so _ (luck)

4、 for me to get this important message.4Our English teacher is very nice. We _ (be) friends since three years ago. 第4课时分层训练parentswellluckyhave been5We should encourage him instead of _ (laugh) at him.6He has a lot of things to do, such as _ (practise) swimming, doing his homework and seeing a doctor

5、.7The police are concerned for the _ (safe) of the little boy who has been missing for three days.8It is great _ (watch) the football match on TV.第4课时分层训练laughingpractisingsafetyto watch.根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子1我喜欢像跑步和爬山这样的户外活动。我喜欢像跑步和爬山这样的户外活动。I like outdoor activities, _ _ running and climbing.2我们课间休

6、息十分钟。我们课间休息十分钟。We_ _ _ for ten minutes between classes.such as第4课时分层训练have a break3他想再吃两块蛋糕。他想再吃两块蛋糕。He wants to eat _ _ pieces of cake.4我很高兴通过了这次考试。我很高兴通过了这次考试。I am very happy to _ _ _5我不知道怎样到达电影院。我不知道怎样到达电影院。I didnt know _ _ _ to the cinema.two more/another twopass the examhow to get第4课时分层训练课后巩固提升

7、课后巩固提升.单项填空单项填空()1.2017天水天水Ms Wang, Im afraid I cant finish the work in two days.Dont worry. Ill give you _ days.Atwo another Btwo moreCmore two Dtwo many第4课时分层训练B第4课时分层训练【解析解析】考查不定代词的用法。句意:考查不定代词的用法。句意:“王太太,恐怕两天内我完不成王太太,恐怕两天内我完不成这项工作。这项工作。”“”“别担心。我再多给你两天别担心。我再多给你两天( (时间时间) )。”anotheranother不可以直接修不可

8、以直接修饰名词复数;饰名词复数;moremore表示表示“又,再又,再”,应放在数词后、名词前;,应放在数词后、名词前;manymany前不可前不可以有具体数词修饰。以有具体数词修饰。two more daystwo more days意为意为“另外两天另外两天”。故选。故选B B。()2.2017长沙长沙_ April 22nd, people around the world celebrate Earth Day in different ways.AIn BAt COnC第4课时分层训练 【解析解析】 考查介词的用法句意:在考查介词的用法句意:在4 4月月2222日,全世界的人用不同的

9、方式庆日,全世界的人用不同的方式庆祝地球日。在日期之前要用介词祝地球日。在日期之前要用介词onon。故选。故选C C。()3.2016资阳资阳Mum, could I watch the game show now? Sorry, you cant watch it _ you clean your room. A. when B. if C. after D. untilD第4课时分层训练()4.Its raining hard. Will it _ long?Abegin BlastCstop DhappenB第4课时分层训练()5._ Jim _ Kate broke the mirro

10、r. The cat did.ABoth; and BEither; orCNeither; nor DNot; butC第4课时分层训练()6.The students took _ rest after playing football for more than an hour.Aa few minutes Ba few minutesCa little minutes Da little minutesB第4课时分层训练()7._ did the 6th Chinese Film Festival in France last?From May 24th to July 19th.A.

11、 How often B. How soonC. How long D. How manyC第4课时分层训练()8.All the volunteers were very tired, but _ of them took a rest.They were busy looking for the missing people.Aneither BAllCboth DnoneD第4课时分层训练【解析解析】本题考查代词的辨析。根据答语可知,这些志愿者中没有人休息,本题考查代词的辨析。根据答语可知,这些志愿者中没有人休息,表示不确定数目中的表示不确定数目中的“没有一个没有一个”,要用,要用non

12、enone。.2016成都完形填空成都完形填空 September is the time for students to go back to school! For Chinese students, most schools start on the same day. We will share summer stories with the same classmates _1_ the firstyear students. But in US schools, students get ready for classes a little _2_ First of all, US

13、 schools dont all start on the same day. Classes begin any time between August and September. Every _3_ decides when to begin their classes. If summers are too _4_, then school will usually start a little later.第4课时分层训练 Every year we usually see the same teachers and classmates, but US students have

14、 some big changes. In US high schools teachers divide _5_ into different levels or focuses. Students can choose their favourite teachers and courses according to their abilities and _6_. This means that every year US students will _7_ different classrooms for each class. They will meet _8_ classmate

15、s and teachers in each one. Also, students will go to school a few days early to get their _9_ so that they can know the classes every day.第4课时分层训练 For the firstyear students, the first day of school also means they finally get their own lockers (储物箱储物箱). Primary school students in the US have to sh

16、are closets(储物柜储物柜) with their _10_. But once students make it to junior high they finally get one.第4课时分层训练()1.A.including Bexcept CbesidesB【解析解析】includeinclude意为意为“包括;包含包括;包含”;exceptexcept意为意为“除了除了之外之外”;besidesbesides意为意为“除了除了之外还有之外还有”。句意:除了刚入学的一年级新生之外,。句意:除了刚入学的一年级新生之外,我们将和原来不变的同班同学分享暑假的故事。我们将和原来不

17、变的同班同学分享暑假的故事。第4课时分层训练()2.A.early Blate CdifferentlyC【解析解析】earlyearly意为意为“早地早地”;latelate意为意为“晚地晚地”;differentlydifferently意为意为“不同地不同地”。联系上下文可知,句意为。联系上下文可知,句意为“但是在美国的学校里,学生准备上但是在美国的学校里,学生准备上课有点不一样课有点不一样”。 第4课时分层训练()3.A.school Bcity CtownA第4课时分层训练【解析解析】联系上下文可知,美国的学校开学时间并不统一。故判断本句句联系上下文可知,美国的学校开学时间并不统一。

18、故判断本句句意为意为“每所学校自行决定其开学日期每所学校自行决定其开学日期”。 ()4.A.dry Bcool ChotC第4课时分层训练【解析解析】drydry意为意为“干燥的干燥的”;coolcool意为意为“凉爽的凉爽的”;hothot意为意为“炎热的炎热的”。联系上文,再结合下文主句。联系上文,再结合下文主句“学校通常开学晚一点学校通常开学晚一点”,可推知此条件,可推知此条件状语从句句意为状语从句句意为“如果夏季天气太热的话如果夏季天气太热的话”。()5.A.students Bclasses CsubjectsB第4课时分层训练【解析解析】联系上下文可知,美国学生可以根据自身实际情况

19、自主选择最喜联系上下文可知,美国学生可以根据自身实际情况自主选择最喜欢的老师和所学课程。欢的老师和所学课程。()6.A.ages Binterests ChabitsB第4课时分层训练 【解析解析】 ageage意为意为“年龄年龄”;interestinterest意为意为“兴趣兴趣”;habithabit意为意为“习惯习惯”。结合上下文可判断句意为结合上下文可判断句意为“( (美国美国) )学生可以根据他们的能力和兴趣爱好自主学生可以根据他们的能力和兴趣爱好自主选择他们最喜欢的老师和课程选择他们最喜欢的老师和课程”。()7.A.see Benter CbuildB第4课时分层训练【解析解析】

20、seesee意为意为“看见;看到看见;看到”;enterenter意为意为“进入;参加进入;参加”;buildbuild意为意为“建造建造”。结合上下文可判断句意为。结合上下文可判断句意为“这意味着每年美国学生将进入这意味着每年美国学生将进入不同的教室学习不同的教室学习”。()8.A.new Bspecial CunfriendlyA第4课时分层训练 【解析解析】 newnew意为意为“新的新的”;specialspecial意为意为“特别的特别的”;unfriendlyunfriendly意为意为“不友好的不友好的”。结合上下文可判断本句句意为。结合上下文可判断本句句意为“他们在每一个班级里

21、将认识新他们在每一个班级里将认识新的同学和老师的同学和老师”。()9.A.homework Bbooks CscheduleC第4课时分层训练【解析解析】homeworkhomework意为意为“作业作业”;bookbook意为意为“书书”;scheduleschedule意为意为“时时间表;课程表间表;课程表”。句意:并且。句意:并且( (美国美国) )学生将会早到几天,来领他们的课程学生将会早到几天,来领他们的课程表,以便于他们能了解每天所学的课程。表,以便于他们能了解每天所学的课程。()10.A.classmates Bteachers CownersA第4课时分层训练【解析解析】cla

22、ssmateclassmate意为意为“同班同学同班同学”;teacherteacher意为意为“老师老师”;ownerowner意意为为“主人主人”。由下句句意。由下句句意“但是一旦美国小学生升入初中,他们将得到一个但是一旦美国小学生升入初中,他们将得到一个属于自己的储物柜属于自己的储物柜”可知,小学生不得不和他们的同班同学共用一个储物柜。可知,小学生不得不和他们的同班同学共用一个储物柜。.任务型阅读任务型阅读Four ways to have a good school life Your schooldays should be some of the best and happiest

23、 days of your life. How can you get the most from them, and make sure you do not waste this excellent chance to learn? Be active at schoolDont say things are difficult or boring. Be interested in school life and your school subjects. Join in lots of activities._(hands, quickly, your, class, in, up,

24、put). Go around the school with a big smile. If you are not working, you are wasting your time at school. Teachers cannot make everything enjoyable.第4课时分层训练 Keep fit If you do not eat a good breakfast, you will be thinking about food in class. If you go to bed late and do not have enough sleep, you

25、will be sleepy in class. Play enough sports every day in order to keep your body strong. Face the problemDo not say you will do things tomorrow. If you get behind the class, it is very difficult to get back in front. You cannot finish the race, if you rest all the time. Everyone fails some exams, lo

26、ses some第4课时分层训练matches and has bad days. Dont let small problems seem very big and important. Dont forget to ask for help. You are young, and no one thinks you must do everything quite well! _Dont waste time lying in bed on Saturday or Sunday morning. Go and play a sport, get together with friends

27、in the park to relax, learn the piano, or help someone with problems. If you dont want to go out, there are also a lot of things to do. You may read a book, practise English or help Mother with housework. Do as I say, and have a happy school life!第4课时分层训练1根据短文完成句子。根据短文完成句子。Having a good breakfast an

28、d having enough sleep can keep you _2请把文中请把文中处括号内的词组成一个句子。处括号内的词组成一个句子。_3请把文中请把文中处斜体部分改为含有处斜体部分改为含有“so that”的句子,使之与原的句子,使之与原句意思相同。句意思相同。_第4课时分层训练fit/healthy/energeticPut your hands up quickly in class./Put up your hands quickly in class.Play enough sports every day so that you can keep your body str

29、ong. 4请把文中请把文中处画线部分句子译成汉语。处画线部分句子译成汉语。_5请在请在处给出一个小标题,使之能概括出下面一段内容的大意。处给出一个小标题,使之能概括出下面一段内容的大意。_第4课时分层训练如果你总是休息,你是不能完成比赛的。如果你总是休息,你是不能完成比赛的。 Have wonderful weekends/Plan your time carefully at/on weekends/Do meaningful things at/on weekends .书面表达书面表达假设你是王林,假设你是王林, 有一些外国朋友要来你校参观,有一些外国朋友要来你校参观, 请你以导游的请

30、你以导游的身份介绍一下你的学校。身份介绍一下你的学校。要求:不少于要求:不少于80词。词。第4课时分层训练One possible version:Hello, friends, Welcome to our school. Im Wang Lin. Im very glad to be your guide. First, Id like to tell you something about our school. Our school has three grades and twenty classes. Its not big but beautiful. In the centre

31、 of our school there is a new teaching building. The lab building and the library are to the east of the new building. I like the library best. There are many kinds of books in it. I enjoy reading them. There are a lot of trees in our school. Afterschool activities, such as sports clubs and language societies, are popular too. Now let me show you around our school.第4课时分层训练



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