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1、第一章第一章 标题语言标题语言n第一节第一节 标题的语法特点标题的语法特点n第二节第二节 标题的措词特点标题的措词特点n第三节第三节 中英文标题比较中英文标题比较第一节第一节 标题的语法特点标题的语法特点n1 省略现象省略现象n2 时态表述时态表述n3 语态形式语态形式n4 标点符号标点符号A-Burmese Students Hail Nobel WinnerB-Policeman shot in gun battleAdd the missing word(s) to each of the headlines below and translate the headlines into

2、Chinese1. Global Poll: Fashion Models “Too Thin”2. Great Wall at Top of “Worlds New Seven Wonders” 3. Both Ends of Films to Be Shortened4. US, Russia Warned of Repeat of Cold WarAdd the missing word(s) to each of the headlines below and translate the headlines into Chinese1. Global Poll: Fashion Mod

3、els Are “Too Thin”2. The Great Wall at the Top of the “Worlds New Seven Wonders” 3. Both Ends of Films Are to Be Shortened4. The US and Russia Are Warned of a Repeat of the Cold War1.全球调查:时装模特全球调查:时装模特“太瘦太瘦”2.长城跻身长城跻身“世界新七大奇迹世界新七大奇迹”之首之首3.片头片尾将片头片尾将“减肥减肥”4.俄美受到警告,谨防冷战重现俄美受到警告,谨防冷战重现Page 1: CoverPage

4、 2: buzzPage 3: opinionPage 4-6: focusV1: vibemovieV2: vibemusicV3: vibetvV4: vibefashionPage 7-8: culturePage 9: careerPage 10: testPage 11: extra creditPage 12: hotshot Columns of 21st CenturyHomework for todaynPrepare for a report on your favorite news. Try to make a round-up comment on the news,

5、 including the contents, the features of the title, the language, the form of the composition etc.第一章第一章 标题语言标题语言n第一节第一节 标题的语法特点标题的语法特点n第二节第二节 标题的措词特点标题的措词特点n第三节第三节 中英文标题比较中英文标题比较第二节第二节 标题的措词特点标题的措词特点n1 大量选用简短词大量选用简短词n2 大量使用缩写词大量使用缩写词n3 大量使用节缩词大量使用节缩词n4 灵活使用生造词灵活使用生造词n5. 酌情采用外来语酌情采用外来语1大量选用简短词(大量选用简

6、短词(synonyms of all work 万万能同义词)能同义词)Example 1: Reshuffle axes Frances cabinetExample 2: Ethiopia Jails Jews Escaping to Israel 法国政府改组法国政府改组 阁员人数锐减阁员人数锐减逃亡以色列未果逃亡以色列未果 埃犹太人陷囹圄埃犹太人陷囹圄标题小动词标题小动词alterbarbaredipdriveduegripperilproberockswapwedchangepreventexpose; reveal; disclosedecline; decreasecampaig

7、nscheduleseizeendangerinvestigateshock; surpriseexchangemarryExample 1: Cambodia Sharp Refugee Rise Worries ThailandExample 2: Bushs Japan Visit Off, Arms Issue Hot 柬难民激增柬难民激增 泰政府焦虑泰政府焦虑军备问题争论激烈军备问题争论激烈 布什取消访日之行布什取消访日之行envoyfakelinknodpollpulloutstrifetiesambassadorcounterfeitconnectionapprovalelect

8、ion; public opinion pollwithdrawalconflict(diplomatic) relations2大量使用缩写词(大量使用缩写词(initials 或或 acronyms)Example 1: NPC drafts new law to stem corruption Example 2: PLO Says Big Isreal Drive Ahead 人大草拟新法人大草拟新法 遏制腐败现象遏制腐败现象 (National Peoples Congress 中国全国人民代表大会)中国全国人民代表大会)巴解组织:以色列即将大举进攻(巴解组织:以色列即将大举进攻(t

9、he Palestine Liberation Organization 巴勒斯坦解放组织)巴勒斯坦解放组织) 组织结构简称组织结构简称 常见事物简称常见事物简称 职业、职务简称职业、职务简称组织结构简称组织结构简称常见事物简称常见事物简称CPPCCIMFASEANIOCThe Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference中国人民政治协商会议中国人民政治协商会议the International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金国际货币基金组织组织the Association of Southeast Asian 东南亚国家东南亚

10、国家联盟,联盟,“东盟东盟”the International Olympic Committee 国际奥林国际奥林匹克委员会匹克委员会职业、职务简称职业、职务简称ABMNMDPRAnti-ballistic missile 反弹道导弹反弹道导弹National Missile Defense 美国国家导弹防御系统美国国家导弹防御系统public relations 公共关系公共关系MPDMTPPAmember of parliament 议员议员defence minister 国防部长国防部长traffic policeman 交通警察交通警察personal assistant 私人助理

11、私人助理3 大量使用节缩词(大量使用节缩词(shortened word 或或abbreviation)Example 1: New Groups Boost Hi-tech ResearchExample 2: Shenzhen SEZ to host intl trade meeting 新兴集团推动高新技术研究新兴集团推动高新技术研究深圳经济特区将主办国际贸易会议深圳经济特区将主办国际贸易会议 留头去尾留头去尾 截头留尾截头留尾 截去首尾,保留中间截去首尾,保留中间 截去中间,保留首尾截去中间,保留首尾 不规则裁剪词不规则裁剪词留头去尾留头去尾autobachbizcelebchampd

12、ormexpohomoinfoJapslibmagmemopixprorepRusssecuniautomobilebachelorbusinesscelebritychampiondormitoryexpositionhomosexualinformationJapaneseliberationmagazinememorandumpicturesprofessional representativeRussiasecretaryuniversity 截头留尾截头留尾 截去首尾,保留中间截去首尾,保留中间copterwighelicopterperiwigflutecinfluenzadete

13、ctive 截去中间,保留首尾截去中间,保留首尾不规则裁剪词不规则裁剪词cricheliportmaglev trainAussiebookiecritichelicopter airportmagnetic levitation trainAustralianbookmaker4 灵活使用灵活使用“生造词生造词”(journalistic coinage)Example 1: Grain Sale Expected to Fall at EuromartExample 2: US Strives to Ease Stagflation 欧共市场粮食销售可能呈下跌趋势欧共市场粮食销售可能呈下跌

14、趋势美国力争缓解经济滞胀美国力争缓解经济滞胀smognewscastcinemanufacturerfruiceReaganomics=smoke + fog (烟雾烟雾)=news + broadcast (新闻广播新闻广播) =cinema manufacturer (电影制片商电影制片商)=fruit juice (果汁果汁)=Reagan economics (里根的经济政策里根的经济政策)5 酌情采用外来语酌情采用外来语Example 1: Quebec language war is over, nest-ce pas?Example 2: Bushs “Quid Pro Quo” Policy 魁北克的语言战已经结束了魁北克的语言战已经结束了 ,不是吗?,不是吗?布什的交换政策布什的交换政策Homework for todaynPrepare for a report on your favorite news. Try to make a round-up comment on the news, including the contents, the features of the title, the language, the form of the composition etc.nWrite one way for the focus.



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