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1、课堂演练课堂演练( (三三) )必必 修修 1 1Unit 3 Travel journal多项选择11Lack of forgiveness in us is our greatest _, so we should try our best to overcome it. Aevolution BconcernCshortcoming Dcautionevolutionevolution进化,发展,演变;进化,发展,演变;concernconcern关心,忧虑;关心,忧虑;shortcomingshortcoming缺点,短处;缺点,短处;cautioncaution警告,慎重。警告,慎重

2、。句意:缺少宽容之心是我们最大的缺陷,句意:缺少宽容之心是我们最大的缺陷,因此我们应该努力克服。因此我们应该努力克服。C2However good an advertisement is, people are unlikely to be _ if the product is unsuitable for them. Aresolved BpersuadedCabused Dselectedresolveresolve解决,决定,分解;解决,决定,分解;persuadepersuade说服,劝说;说服,劝说;abuseabuse滥用,辱骂,虐待;滥用,辱骂,虐待;selectselect选

3、择,挑选。选择,挑选。句意:不管一则广告有多好,如果不适合自己的句意:不管一则广告有多好,如果不适合自己的话人们是不会被说服去购买的。话人们是不会被说服去购买的。B3I know my brother well. Once he has made up his mind, nothing can change it, but instead I usually _. Agive off Bgive awayCgive out Dgive in句意:我非常了解我哥哥。一旦他下定决心,句意:我非常了解我哥哥。一旦他下定决心,什么也不能改变他的想法,相反,我通常屈服。什么也不能改变他的想法,相反,我

4、通常屈服。give in give in 屈服,让步;屈服,让步;give off give off 散发出;散发出;give away give away 捐献,泄露;捐献,泄露;give out give out 分发,耗尽。分发,耗尽。D4The suspect is expected to be brought to justice, as another _ witness has promised to be coming in court. Asecure BreliableCpunctual Drespectful句意:预计嫌疑犯会被绳之以法,因为另一个可靠的句意:预计嫌疑犯会

5、被绳之以法,因为另一个可靠的证人许诺将出庭作证。证人许诺将出庭作证。securesecure意为意为“安全的,牢固的,有把握的安全的,牢固的,有把握的”;reliablereliable意为意为“可靠的,真实可信的可靠的,真实可信的”;punctualpunctual意为意为“准时的,严守时刻的准时的,严守时刻的”;respectfulrespectful意为意为“有礼貌的,谦恭的有礼貌的,谦恭的”。B5Im sorry I stepped on your foot; it was an accident.It wasnt! You did it _Aas usual Bon purposeC

6、at an end Dright away句意:句意:抱歉,我踩到你的脚了。这完全是意外。抱歉,我踩到你的脚了。这完全是意外。 才不是!你是故意的。才不是!你是故意的。 as usualas usual通常,像平常一样;通常,像平常一样; on purposeon purpose故意,有意地;故意,有意地; at an endat an end完结;完结; right awayright away立即,马上。立即,马上。B6In order to protect the environment, people are greatly encouraged to travel by public

7、 _. Atransport BserviceCmeans Dtraffictransporttransport运输,运送;运输,运送;serviceservice服务;服务;meansmeans方式,手段;方式,手段;traffictraffic交通。交通。语境表达语境表达“通过公共运输出行通过公共运输出行”,可知,可知A A项正确。项正确。A7I feel sorry for those young people who dont _ their aged people as I do mine. Asend for Btake forClook for Dcare for句意:对于那些不

8、像我这样关心自己家的老人的年轻人句意:对于那些不像我这样关心自己家的老人的年轻人 我感到遗憾。我感到遗憾。send forsend for派人去叫;派人去叫;take fortake for把把看作,把看作,把误以为;误以为;look forlook for寻找;寻找;care forcare for照管,关心,喜欢。照管,关心,喜欢。D8As far as I can tell, Jacks a(n) _ child, whom you cannot easily persuade to change his mind. Agrateful Bstubborn Csincere Dextre

9、me 句意:据我所知,杰克是个固执的孩子,句意:据我所知,杰克是个固执的孩子, 你不可能轻易让他改变主意。你不可能轻易让他改变主意。gratefulgrateful感激的,表示感激的;感激的,表示感激的;stubbornstubborn顽固的,固执的;顽固的,固执的;sinceresincere诚挚的,真实的;诚挚的,真实的;extremeextreme极度的,偏激的。极度的,偏激的。B9Theyve been told that if they want to build a highway between the two towns, they should first try to _

10、how much it is going to cost. Arecover BignoreCrecognize Ddetermine句意:他们被告知如果要在这两个城镇间建一条句意:他们被告知如果要在这两个城镇间建一条高速公路的话应该先确定要花多少钱。高速公路的话应该先确定要花多少钱。recoverrecover恢复,复原;恢复,复原;ignoreignore忽视,不理会;忽视,不理会;recognizerecognize认可,辨认出;认可,辨认出;determinedetermine决定,测定。决定,测定。D10_ recent developments we do not think yo

11、ur scheme is practical. AIn view of BIn favor ofCIn case of DIn memory of句意:以目前的发展状况来看,我们认为你的句意:以目前的发展状况来看,我们认为你的 计划不现实。计划不现实。in view ofin view of鉴于,考虑到;鉴于,考虑到;in favor ofin favor of支持;支持;in case ofin case of万一;万一;in memory ofin memory of以纪念以纪念,为了纪念,为了纪念A完成句子135I graduated from university twenty yea

12、rs ago and _ ever since. (teach)我二十年前大学毕业,从那以后我一我二十年前大学毕业,从那以后我一直在教书。直在教书。have been teaching36The couple were engaged in decorating their new flat last summer and seldom _ the study of their children. (care)去年夏天这对夫妇忙着装修新居,很去年夏天这对夫妇忙着装修新居,很少关心孩子们的学业。少关心孩子们的学业。did they care about37We are completely lo

13、st in the forest, so at the moment we _ be rescued. (help)我们在森林里完全迷路了,我们在森林里完全迷路了, 因此,因此, 此时我们只能等待救援。此时我们只能等待救援。cant help but wait to38_ on his face showed that he had enough confidence in himself. (determine)他脸上坚定的表情表明他对自己有充他脸上坚定的表情表明他对自己有充分的自信。分的自信。The determined look/expression39Lucy trusts you.

14、You are the only person _ give up the foolish idea. (persuade)露西信任你。你是唯一能劝服她放弃露西信任你。你是唯一能劝服她放弃这个愚蠢的想法的人。这个愚蠢的想法的人。who can persuade her to40_ on a crowded bus, he always prefers to ride a bicycle. (than)比起乘坐拥挤的公共汽车,他宁愿骑比起乘坐拥挤的公共汽车,他宁愿骑自行车。自行车。Rather than ride41It is reported that large quantities of

15、food and medicine _ to the flooded area in the south. (transport)据报道,大量的食物和药品据报道,大量的食物和药品正送往正送往南方遭受洪灾的地区。南方遭受洪灾的地区。are being transported42She insists that all her employees _ the Christmas lunch she gives every year. (attend)她坚持要求所有员工都参加她每年她坚持要求所有员工都参加她每年一次的圣诞午餐。一次的圣诞午餐。(should) attend43_, nothing c

16、an change it. (make)一旦她下了决心一旦她下了决心,没有什么能让她,没有什么能让她改变主意。改变主意。Once she has made up her mind44It was by his good attitude _. (find)正是因为他良好的态度我们才觉得他正是因为他良好的态度我们才觉得他可靠。可靠。that we found him reliable完成句子135. have been teaching36did they care about37cant help but wait to38The determined look/expression39who

17、 can persuade her to40Rather than ride41are being transported42(should)attend43Once she has made up her mind44that we found him reliable多项选择21Being able to speak another language fluently is a great _ when youre looking for a job.Achance BsuccessCeffort DadvantageD2As most of their houses were badly

18、 damaged after the earthquake,many people had to be _ in a stadium.Aput away Bput outCput up D. put off句意:由于地震后大部分房屋被毁,许多人不得不句意:由于地震后大部分房屋被毁,许多人不得不 住在体育馆。住在体育馆。put up put up 供给供给住宿,举起,推举,提供,建造;住宿,举起,推举,提供,建造;put away put away 把把收好;收好;put out put out 扑灭;扑灭;put off put off 拖延,推迟。拖延,推迟。C3If you stand h

19、ere,youll get a better _ of the river.Asight BviewCscene Dsceneryview view 指从某个位置或角度看到的景色;指从某个位置或角度看到的景色;sight sight 指眼前看到的景观;指眼前看到的景观;scene scene 场景,布景,多数包括景物中的人及活动在内;场景,布景,多数包括景物中的人及活动在内;sceneryscenery某地总的自然风光或景色。某地总的自然风光或景色。B4In Copenhagen Climate Conference,rich countries promised to _ a fund of

20、 $100 billion a year by 2020 to help developing countries.Amake up Bput upCset up Dsend up句意:在哥本哈根气候会议上,富裕国家许诺到句意:在哥本哈根气候会议上,富裕国家许诺到20202020年每年设立年每年设立10001000亿美元的基金以帮助发展中国家。亿美元的基金以帮助发展中国家。set up set up 建立,设立;建立,设立;make up make up 编造;编造;put up put up 搭建;搭建;send up send up 发射。发射。C5Despite such a big d

21、ifference in _towards what one eats,there is no doubt that people in the west regard the Chinese food as something special.Apoint BideaCattitude DsightC6The professor _his thoughts before giving his lecture,so that he could make himself understood well.Aorganized BrecognizedCrealized Dadvertised句意:教

22、授在演讲之前理顺他的想法,句意:教授在演讲之前理顺他的想法, 以便于别人能更好地理解他的意思。以便于别人能更好地理解他的意思。organizeorganize意思是意思是“组织组织”,其宾语常常是,其宾语常常是“会议、活动会议、活动”等;当等;当ones ideaones idea,ones thoughtsones thoughts,oneselfoneself作宾语时,作宾语时,其意思是其意思是“使思想条理化、打腹稿使思想条理化、打腹稿”。recognizerecognize辨认,辨别;辨认,辨别;realizerealize实现;实现;advertiseadvertise做广告。做广告。

23、A7She was so _that she wouldnt give in until she received a full apology.Asimple BluckyCstubborn DproperC8Do you think shopping online will _take the place of shopping in stores?Aespecially BfrequentlyCmerely Dfinally D9Dont let yourself be _ into buying things you dont want.Aexpressed BorganizedCpe

24、rsuaded DpreferredC10In the time of social reform, peoples state of mind tends to keep _ with the rapid change of society.Acontact BprogressCtouch Dpace句意:在社会变革时代,人们的精神状态往往句意:在社会变革时代,人们的精神状态往往跟得上快速变化的社会步伐。跟得上快速变化的社会步伐。keep pace withkeep pace with与与并驾齐驱。并驾齐驱。D完成句子219I dont know whats wrong with me to

25、day; I _ things. (keep)今天不知道是怎么回事,我老是打碎今天不知道是怎么回事,我老是打碎东西。东西。keep breaking20I _ a play ever since I came here. (write)我来这儿之后一直在写一个剧本。我来这儿之后一直在写一个剧本。have been writing21What a teacher needs to do first is _ the subject he teaches. (get)老师必须做的第一件事就是让学生老师必须做的第一件事就是让学生对他所教的科目感兴趣。对他所教的科目感兴趣。(to) get stude

26、nts interested in22It was by his good attitude _. (find)正是因为他良好的态度我们才觉得他正是因为他良好的态度我们才觉得他可靠。可靠。that we found him reliable23_, nothing can change it. (make)一旦她下了决心,没有东西能让她改一旦她下了决心,没有东西能让她改变主意。变主意。Once she has made up her mind24The manager insisted that the work _ by the middle of June. (finish)经理坚持要求六

27、月中旬前完成工作。经理坚持要求六月中旬前完成工作。(should) be finished25He is so stubborn that no one _ anything. (persuade)他太固执,以至于没人能说服他做任他太固执,以至于没人能说服他做任何事情。何事情。can persuade him to do26A determined person always tries to finish the job, _. (how)意志坚定的人总是努力完成工作,无意志坚定的人总是努力完成工作,无论它有多么难论它有多么难。no matter how hard/difficult it

28、is27_ directed by the famous director, I made up my mind to become a director too. (time)第一次看那位著名导演指导的电影第一次看那位著名导演指导的电影时,我就下定决心也要成为一名导时,我就下定决心也要成为一名导演。演。The first time I saw the film28He _the Great Wall is not a true man. (reach)不到长城非好汉。不到长城非好汉。who does not reach19. keep breaking20have been writing21(to)get students interested in22that we found him reliable23Once she has made up her mind24(should) be finished25can persuade him to do26no matter how hard/difficult it is27The first time I saw the film28who does not reach



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