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1、2013届湖北高考英语一轮复习基础知识课件:Unit2 Cloning(新人教版选修8)作作佳佳诵诵 读读(2011重庆南开)春节刚过,许多人都患上了节后综合症。请你根据以下要求描述该现象并发表自己的看法。要求:1症状:郁闷;无法集中注意力;嗜睡;感觉筋疲力尽等。2原因:节日期间太过放松,无法适应工作中的新挑战。3危害:不是疾病,但却会潜在地影响健康。4应对:注意:1词数100左右;2开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:症状symptomThe Spring Festival has just passed, and many people suffer from post_Hope

2、everybody can adjust themselves to the new beginning as soon as possible.点点考考锁锁 定定.重点词汇1_ vt.着手;从事;承担2_ n突破3_ vt.扔;投;掷4_ vt.获得;赢得5_vt.获得;到达(水平、年龄、状况等)6_ vt.禁止;不准7_ vt.& vi.积累;聚积_n积累;聚积8_ vt.欠(账、钱、人情等);归功于9_ vi.退休;离开10_ vt.打扰vi.操心n.烦扰11_ vi.& vt.打;撞击;罢工12_ adj.虚荣的;自负的;徒劳的13_ adv.仅;只不过14_ vt.崇拜;爱慕;喜爱1

3、5 _ vi.不 同 ; 相 异_adj.不同的16 _ adj.精 确 的 ; 准 确 的_adv.准确地17 _ vi.反 对 ; 不 赞 成_n不赞成;反对;异议18 _ n 媒 介 ; 手 段 ; 工 具_(pl.)19_ vt.抵抗;对抗_n抵抗;对抗答案1 undertake ; accumulation ; different; exactly; objection18.medium; media19.resist; resistance.短语回顾1pay_得到好结果;取得成功;偿清2cast_使沮丧3object_反对4_favour of赞成;支持5be_to do一定;注定

4、(做)6_.into ones heart使刻骨铭心7_time to time不时;偶尔8bring back to_使复生9_vain白费力气;枉费心机10_good condition状况很好答案1off; back.句式填空1newsthat引导的同位语从句Then came_(多莉病重的坏消息让人沮丧)2whether.or无论还是However, scientists still wonder_(克隆技术对人类有帮助还是有害)and where it is leading us.3withn./pron.过去分词Diversity in a group means having a

5、nimals_(拥有排列方式不同的基因)答案1 the disturbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill2whether cloning will help or harm us3with their genes arranged in different ways频频高高考考 点点differ from.不同于differ in.在方面不同;相异differ with sb. on/about sth.与某人就某事意见不同be different from.与不同make some/no difference to.对有些/没有影响/作用

6、即境活用1Although they differ_character_each other, it does not make much difference_their friendship.Ain; with; to Bwith; in; toCto; with; in Dwith; to; in解析differ in sth.在某方面不同;differ with与不同;make difference to对起作用。答案A2undertake vt.着手;从事;承担She undertook full responsibility for the new changes.她为新变化承担全

7、部责任。He undertook to pay the money back in six months.他保证6个月内还钱。undertake a task/project承担一个任务/项目undertake a survey进行调查undertake to do sth.同意或答应做某事undertake for sth.为负责 即境活用2Dont get worried, because the boss has_to pay off the rest of the wages next month.Aundertaken BadmittedCrefused Ddisagreed解析un

8、dertake着手,保证。答案A3forbid vt.禁止;不准Women are forbidden from going out without a veil.妇女不戴面纱被禁止外出。He was forbidden to leave the base as a punishment.作为惩罚,他被禁止离开基地。forbid sth.禁止某事forbid doing sth.禁止做某事forbid sb. to do sth.禁止某人做某事be forbidden to do sth.被禁止做某事forbid sb. from doing sth.禁止某人做某事forbid that.(s

9、hould) do.禁止即境活用3They were forbidden_the lab.Aenter Bto enterCentering Dentered解析be forbidden to do sth.被禁止做某事。答案B即境活用4Im sorry to have_you with so many questions on such an occasion.Ainterrupted BtiredCimpressed Dbothered解析bother烦扰。interrupt 中断,打断;tire 使疲劳;impress 给留下印象。答案D即境活用5She was on a diet, b

10、ut she couldnt_eating sweet food. Consequently, her weight was gained again.Aremove BresistCreject Dobject解析resist抵抗。remove 除掉;reject 拒绝;object 反对。答案B【巧学助记】即境活用6 (2012湖北黄石二中月考)Worried about the noise,many local people _the building of the new airport near their neighbourhood.Aadapt to Bstick toCappe

11、al to Dobject to解析object to doing sth.反对做某事。adapt to 适应;stick to 坚持;appeal to 吸引。答案D7obtain vt.获得;得到Where can I obtain a copy of her latest book?在哪里能买到她最新出版的书?He always manages to obtain what he wants.他总是有办法得到他想要的东西。obtain sth.(for sb.)(为某人)得到某事obtain a prize得奖即境活用7 Lucy was_a job to work abroad imm

12、ediately she graduated from university.Aobtained BofferedCprovided Dsupplied解析offer提供,有被动语态,其它三项用主动语态。答案B8owe vt.欠(账、钱、人情等);归功于I owe a debt of gratitude to all my family.我很感激我的家人。He owes a great deal to his publishers.他对他的出版商感激涕零。即境活用8I _you 6,800 pounds altogether then. Thanks a lot for your lendin

13、g me so much.Aowe BhaveCown Dleave解析owe欠(账、人情等)。答案A即境活用9Her effort _and she got a gold medal.Apaid off Bcut offCset off Dput off解析pay off取得成功。cut off 切断;put off 拖延;set off 引起,燃放。答案A2owe.to把归功于;欠(账、钱、人情等);感激You owe the lady an apology.你应该向那位女士道歉。We owe a lot to our parents.我们非常感激自己的父母。【思维拓展】owe sb. f

14、or.欠某人的钱owe sb. sth.owe sth. to sb.欠某人owing to由于;因为即境活用10I _it to my parents that I lead a happy life.Aowe BbelongCgive Ddonate解析owe.to把归功于。答案A3from time to time不时;偶尔I still see her from time to time.我偶尔还是会看到她。【思维拓展】all the time一直;始终time and time again反复at times有时;偶尔at one time曾经;一度即境活用11He looked b

15、ack_for fear of being followed.Afrom time to time Bin no timeCat no time Dat a time解析from time to time不时。in no time 立刻;at no time 决不;at a time 一次。答案A4in favour of赞成;支持Is it in favour of cloning or against it?它是赞成还是反对克隆?Are you in favour of the suggestion?你支持这项建议吗?即境活用12 My sister was against my sugg

16、estion while my brother was _it.Ain honour of Bin memory ofCin search of Din favour of解析in favour of支持。in honour of 为了纪念;in memory of 为了纪念;in search of 寻找。答案D5in good condition状况很好The car has been well maintained and in good condition.这辆车保养得好,状况很好。The house was in poor condition.这所房子状况糟糕。即境活用13Dr Co

17、llins couldnt lead the wildlife research in the tropical forest any longer because his health was in poor_.Astate BsituationCcondition Dposition解析in poor condition状况很坏。答案C即境活用14The city was badly destroyed by an earthquake, and it took years to_.Atake everything back to liveBtake everything back to

18、lifeCbring everything back to liveDbring everything back to life解析bring.back to life使复苏。答案D7in vain 徒劳;白费力气His effort to win her back was in vain.他想赢回她的努力白费了。【思维拓展】in trouble 处于困境in danger 处于危险中in reality 实际上in fact 实际上in fashion 时髦in charge 主管,负责in advance 提前in order 有秩序即境活用15(2012湖北黄冈中学期中考试)A larg

19、e crowd surrounding the vehicle,on top of which was Gaddafis bloodied body,jumped and sang,“The blood of the martyrs (烈士)will not go_.”Ain total Bin vainCin return Din reality解析in vain 徒劳,白费。in total 总计;in return 作为回报;in reality 实际上。答案BHe was not sure if/whether the managers answer was right.他对经理的回答

20、是否正确没有把握。It hasnt been decided if/whether we shall attend the conference.我们是否要参加会议还没有决定。I really dont know whether or not she will vote for us.我真不知道她是否会投票支持我们。Whether they will win or lose the game is all the same to us.这场比赛他们是赢是输对我们都一样。即境活用16 _we will stay at home or go out depends on the weather.A

21、If BWhetherCWhen DWhere解析whether.or. 无论是还是,为固定句型。答案B类似的结构还有:The problem is that.问题是The drawback is that.缺点是The chance is that.有可能There is no chance that没有可能The chance is that our team will finish at the top, as our remaining matches arent too difficult.由于我们队余下的比赛不太艰难,我们队在结束时有可能名列前茅。The problem is th

22、at we cant get the money we need.问题是我们不能得到我们所需要的钱。即境活用17One advantage of playing the guitar is_it can give you a great deal of pleasure.Ahow BwhyCthat Dwhen解析that引出表语从句,无意义。答案C 堂堂课课双双 基基.词义辨析1As we know, French differs_English_many aspects.Afrom; from Bin; fromCin; from Dfrom; in解析differ from 与不同;in

23、 many aspects在许多方面。答案D2Applying for a passport in Shanghai is a straightforward_.Aprogress BprocedureCprovince Dproposal解析procedure 手续。progress 进步;province 省;proposal 建议。答案B3Jack has_to pay the money back in six months. I think he is reliable.Arecommended BresistedCundertaken Ddisturbed解析undertake 保

24、证。recommend 推荐;resist 抵抗;disturb 干扰。答案C4The situation is so dangerous that the relief agencies have_their workers to go there.Aindicated BconductedCintended Dforbidden解析forbid 禁止。indicate 预示;conduct 指导;intend 打算。答案D5Dust and dirt soon_if a house is not cleaned regularly.Aconclude BaccumulateCobtain

25、Ddistribute解析accumulate 积累。conclude 推断;obtain 获得;distribute 分配。答案B6Sorry to_you, but would you mind moving your bag?Abother BdemandCattempt Dsuspect解析bother 烦扰。demand 要求;attempt 尝试;suspect 怀疑。答案A7Some experts think that there are now too many rules and_governing small businesses.Aassumptions Bdecora

26、tionsCobjections Dregulations解析regulation 规章。assumption 假设;decoration 装饰;objection 反对。答案D8I was completely in their power, and knew it was senseless to_.Aoccur BoperateCresist Dpause解析resist 抵抗。occur 发生;operate 操作;pause 暂停。答案C9 They are ready to accept these ideas_because they have never been challe

27、nged.Ashortly BmerelyCvividly Dfirmly解析merely 仅仅。shortly 不久;vividly 生动地;firmly 牢固地。答案B10I havent been able to_that record anywhere; can you get it for me?Adonate BdesireCurge Dobtain解析obtain 获得。desire 渴望;urge 力劝,极力主张;donate 捐献。答案D.短语填空cast down; in favour of; be bound to; pay off; object to; from ti

28、me to time; in vain; bring back to life; in good condition; pass on1He happened to be saved by a kind man and was_again.2I stayed off work, as I didnt want to_my cold to anyone.3All the doctors did was_,and the patient died after three days treatment.4I still see her_though we live far from each oth

29、er.5I bought the bicycle ten years ago. It still stays_.6 Two years of business school really_.He achieved success in his career.7 He seemed quite_when he knew the result.8 I really_being charged for parking.9 Im all_equal pay for equal work.10 Youve done so much workyou_pass the exam.答案1brought bac

30、k to life2.pass on3.in vain4.from time to time5.in good condition6.paid off 7.cast down 8.object to 9.in favour of10.are bound to.单词拼写1She has to_(赢得) her parents permission before she does anything.2 He is in good healthhe is able to_(抵抗) disease.3The 36storey building is one of the most challengin

31、g projects the construction company have ever_(承担)4My mother_(禁止)me to play computer games for a long time because she thinks they will ruin my study and future.5Would it_(麻烦)you if I ask you a few questions?Not at all.6 Some scientists put forward a(n)_(设 想 )that human beings can move to another pl

32、anet in case the earth is not fit to live on some day.7Up to now, scientists have made a major_(突破)in the treatment of the disease.8 The group_(反 对 )that the policy would prevent patients from receiving the best treatment.9The only_(装饰) in the room was a picture above the fireplace.10From now on anyone who breaks the_(规章) must be cruelly punished.答案1obtain



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