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1、实用英语2期末复习实用英语期末考试复习1. 短语2. Exercise C&D of Unit 2-63. 证明(Unit1) 4. 邀请信(Unit2) 5. 祝贺信(Unit3) 6. 投诉信(Unit5) 实用英语期末考试复习1. make up 组成2. stand strong with 大力支持3. be worth doing值得做某事4. throw ones full support behind sb. 在某人身后全力支持5. slip backwards倒退6. dwell on老是想着;居住在某处7. hold up 举起;竖起8. index finger 食指9.

2、right after 就在之后10. company with 和(某人某物)呆在一起11. in contrast 相反12. be used to doing sth. 习惯于做(某事)13. regardless of 不管不顾14. take-it-or-leave-it 要么接受要么放弃短语15. work with 共事16. be willing to 愿意17. shelf life 货架期,保存期18. deal with 交易,应付,应对19. remindof 使记起20. connectwith 连接,联络,将连起来21. not all 不是全部的,不是所有的22.

3、 be good for 对有益处,对有好处23. build up 增进,逐步建立,使增大24. go through 通过,经历25. pass away 去世,逝世26. be destined to 注定要27. sooner or later 迟早28. even if 即使,虽然实用英语期末考试复习1.Mr Ricky visited us in _ of his wife and children. 2.It was _ for our country to hold the 2008 Summer Olympic Game successfully. 3.What the pr

4、ofessor said _ the audience greatly at the ceremony. 4.A real man should behave bravely at a _ moment. 5.The captain suddenly _ the match with unknown reasons. practice2-4C.Fillineachoftheblankswithanappropriatewordorphrasefromthebox.Changetheformifnecessary. remark company invest elect believegrati

5、tude suspend endorse inspire critical companyremarkableinspiredcriticalsuspendedUnit 2实用英语期末考试复习practice2-56.We must have a _ and goal in our life. 7.Mr Hunter was _ the chairman of the board last year. 8.I cannot express my _ for your generosity in words. 9.The electronic toy market is worth _ at p

6、resent for it is very rewarding. 10.I fully _ what Mr Johnson has said about school management. beliefelectedgratitudeinvestingendorseUnit 2实用英语期末考试复习practice2-6D.TranslatethefollowingsentencesfromChineseintoEnglish,usingthephrasesorexpressionsgiveninthebrackets. 1.他最近跟几个朋友到国外转了一圈儿。(company) 2.政府大力支

7、持外企到内地投资。(stand strong with) 3.陈教授说你的建议值得考虑。(be worth doing) 4.不要对过去的失败耿耿于怀。(dwell on) 5.我坚信我的梦想最终能够实现。(belief) He traveled abroad in company of several friends recently. Our government stands strong with foreign investment to inland areas. Professor Chen said that your proposal was worth considerin

8、g/taking into account. Dont dwell on past failures. Its my belief that my dream will come true one day. Unit 2实用英语期末考试复习1.When the _ is held upwards in certain parts of the world, it usually means “everythings OK”. 2.She _ her disagreement. 3.I cant _ your bad manners any longer. 4.They want a house

9、, _ we would rather live in a flat. 5.Its _ to interrupt. C.Fillineachofthefollowing10blankswithanappropriatewordorphrasefromthebox.Changetheformifnecessary. insecurity signify whereas tolerate indicate thumb pause continent embarrassment rude thumbsignifiedtoleratewhereasrudeUnit 3实用英语期末考试复习6.A sig

10、npost _ the right road for us to follow. 7.Africa is a _. 8.He made a _ and then went on reading. 9.His father, he has said, not without admiration, believed that instilling _ in his son would help him to achieve. 10.She flushed with _. indicatescontinentpauseinsecurityembarrassmentUnit 3实用英语期末考试复习D

11、.TranslatethefollowingsentencesfromChineseintoEnglish,usingthephrasesorexpressionsgiveninthebrackets. 1.我们和当地人有很多交往接触。(contact) 2.这个英国人举起了枪。(hold up) 3.他吃完饭后马上进了书房。(right after) 4.他表明他要向左转。(indicate) 5.我们习惯于一起工作。(be used to doing sth.) We contact the local people a lot. The Englishman held up the gu

12、n. He went into the study right after finishing supper. He indicated he would like to turn left. We are used to working together. Unit 3实用英语期末考试复习1.Ifyoucanyourpricealittle,Illmeetyouhalf-way.2.thepeoplesneedsandyoucouldearnanythingyouwant.3.Itoldherthattherewasashortageofthesegoodsandshehadtomakead

13、ecision.4.Needisalsoapowerfultosuccess.5.Carolhasshownagenius.practice2-5C.Fillineachoftheblankswithanappropriatewordorphrasefromthebox.Changetheformifnecessary. creative beyond ones budget quote loyal deal with drop take-it-or-leave-it for less gauge incentivedropGaugetake-it-or-leave-itincentivecr

14、eativeUnit 4实用英语期末考试复习practice2-66.Weacceptedhis.7.Firstly,youmustbetoyourhomeland.8.Thiscoatwholesalesthantendollars.9.Wewouldneverbuyanything.10.Thisbooktellsyouhowtohaggle.quoteloyalfor less beyond our budgetdeal withUnit 4实用英语期末考试复习practice2-7D.TranslatethefollowingsentencesfromChineseintoEnglis

15、h,usingthephrasesorexpressionsgiveninthebrackets. 1.他全心全意为公众服务,从不计较个人得失。(regardlessof)2.这个学生为买这个书架与商人讨价还价。(bargain)3.很少有人买得起这种奢侈品。(afford)4.150元是定价,买不买随你。(takeitorleaveit)5.我们的预算已削减到最低限度。(budget)Heservesthepublicwholeheartedly,regardlessofhispersonalgainorloss.Thestudentbargainedwiththemerchantforth

16、eshelf.Fewcouldaffordtheluxury. 150yuanistheprice.Takeitorleaveit. Ourbudgethasbeencutintotheminimum.Unit 4实用英语期末考试复习1.I always _ eating ice cream with my childhood vacations. We eat it almost every day we were on vacation. 2.Lindsay baked a _ cake for the party. 3.I cant _ between this cookie and t

17、he brownie. They both look really good. 4.You must eat your vegetables! You need the _. You are too thin. 5.My brother _ chicken to red meat. C.Fillineachofthefollowing10blankswithanappropriatewordorphrasefromthebox.Changetheformifnecessary. choose prefers choice nourishment connectnourish energetic

18、 belief connection delicious connectdeliciouschoosenourishmentprefersUnit 5实用英语期末考试复习6.If you want something to grow, you have to feed it and _ it. 7.Pedro is very _ child. He runs around all day. 8.People have some very unusual _ about food. 9.Whenever I smell a barbecue, I always make a _ with liv

19、ing in Australia. 10.You have a _. You can have chocolate or vanilla ice cream. nourishenergeticbeliefconnectionchoiceUnit 5实用英语期末考试复习D.TranslatethefollowingsentencesfromEnglishintoChinese,usingthephrasesorexpressionsgiveninthebrackets. 1.周围的春天似乎变得更加可爱,更加生气蓬勃了。 (alive) 2.这首歌使我常常想起快乐的童年。 (remind of)

20、3.我对古典音乐百听不厌。 (tire of ) 4.大部分人似乎喜欢看电视而不喜欢听收音机。(prefer) 5.不是所有的学生都爱打乒乓球。(not all) Allthespringaroundseemedtogrowmorelovelyandalive.Thissongoftenremindsmeofmyhappychildhood.Inevertireoflisteningtoclassicalmusic.Amajorityof/MostpeopleseemtopreferTVtoradio.Notallthestudentsgoinfor/liketabletennis.Unit

21、5实用英语期末考试复习1.The problem remains _.2.The movie company has done so much to _ its honor and prosperity.3.Anyone _ go to death one day.4.He _ her for what she had said to him.5.I _ an error in handling the business. practice1-4C.Fillineachofthefollowing10blankswithanappropriatewordorphrasefromthebox.C

22、hangetheformifnecessary. forgiveness unsolved commit build up be destined to even if sooner or later in peace pass away assoon as possibleunsolvedbuildupisdestinedtoforgavecommittedUnit 6实用英语期末考试复习practice1-56. _ I fail this time, I would try again. 7. She _ in Shanghai on June11, at the advanced ag

23、e of 101. 8. As Im not at home, please leave a message, Ill call you back _.9. The only thing he desired was to live _. 10. You have to face him _ to discuss the problem.EvenifpassedawayassoonaspossibleinpeacesoonerorlaterUnit 6实用英语期末考试复习1. 我们应该坚持锻炼以增强对疾病的抵抗力。(build up)2. 八十年代后的年轻人,还需要多磨练啊!(go throu

24、gh)3. 现在我们面对的现实是必须尽快解决这个问题。 (reality, as as possible)4. 命运注定他要当牧师。(be destined to)5. 即使等到地老天荒,他也决不放弃。(for eternity)practice1-6D.TranslatethefollowingsentencesfromChineseintoEnglish,usingthephrasesorexpressionsgiveninthebrackets. Weshouldtakeexercisetobuildupresistancetodisease.Theyouthwhowerebornaft

25、er1980sneedtogothroughmorehardships.Therealitynowwefaceistotryourbesttosolvetheproblemassoonaspossible.HewasdestinedtoentertheChurch/becomeapriest.Hewillnevergiveup,evenifwaitingforeternity.Unit 6实用英语期末考试复习ws1Certificates证明书种类很多,有工作经历证明、工作经验证明、病情证明、留学生经济担保书、学业成绩证明书等等,是用来证明一个人的身份、学历、婚姻状况、身体情况等或某一件事情的

26、真实情况。证明信的写法通常也采用一般信件格式,但多省掉收信人的姓名、地址和结束用语。称呼多用“To Whom It May Concern”意即“有关负责人”,但此项也可省略。各种常见证明一般都有固定的开头,那就是This is to certify that .。写证明书要求言简意赅。一、 证明实用英语期末考试复习ws2CERTIFICATEThis is to certify that Mr Jiang Tao, male, born in Shexian County, Anhui Province, in 1963, was admitted into the Department o

27、f Computer Science and Engineering of Nanjing University in September 1983, majoring in Computer Application. He graduated from the University in July 1987 with a degree of Bachelor in Computer Engineering. Nanjing University June 25, 1991一、 证明例:学历证明 (P24 sample 书上范文)实用英语期末考试复习ws-assignment1Directio

28、ns:Youarerequiredtowrite a doctors certificateabout100wordsaccordingtothefollowinginstructionsgiveninEnglish.1.To certify Mr Thomas, male, aged 41, was admitted into hospital on June 9, 2000, for acute appendicitis;2.To suggest that he rest for one week at home.一、 证明实用英语期末考试复习ws-assignment2DoctorsCe

29、rtificate This is to certify that our patient, Mr. Thomas, male, aged 41, was admitted into our hospital on June 9, 2000, for acute appendicitis. After immediate operation and ten days of treatment, he has completely recovered and will be discharged on June 19, 2000. It is suggested that he rest for

30、 one week at home before resuming his work. Jack Hopkins Surgeon-in-charge June 18, 2000一、 证明Assignment (P25 作业)实用英语期末考试复习Invitation Letters and Reply在社交活动中总免不了要写邀请信。邀请信分为两种:一种是正式的,即请贴;一种是非正式的,即普通的邀请信。正式的请贴,如宴会请贴,一般是印刷好的,只需填写被邀请人的姓名。请贴要写得正规、庄重。邀请者与被邀请者均用第三人称,注明内容、地点及确切时间。邀请者如有配偶,需将夫妇姓名都写上,对被邀请者也是如此。

31、如对被邀请者在服装上有所要求,需在请贴的右下方注明,如:Dress: Formal(要求穿礼服)。如要求被邀请者答复是否接受邀请,则需在请贴左下方注明R.S.V.P.或RSVP (法语,请答复)。二、邀请信实用英语期末考试复习随着现代社会生活中的礼仪趋于简单化,一般的邀请信用得越来越多。其格式与普通书信相同,措辞要注意语气婉转,诚恳有礼,使被邀请者看后有亲切感。收到邀请信后,不管接受与否,按习惯都应及时答复。回复也分为正式的和普通的两种。正式的格式如同正式的请贴,普通的可用便条形式。表示接受的答复,要向邀请者致谢,并表示被邀请的喜悦和荣幸感;如果谢绝邀请,则需简要说明原因,并表示歉意。二、邀请

32、信实用英语期末考试复习Directions:Youarerequiredtowritean invitation letter for your companys 20-year anniversary ceremonyabout100wordsaccordingtothefollowinginstructionsgiveninChinese. 1. 主题:本公司成立二十周年庆典2. 时间:2008年3月18日上午9:30至11:30 地点:花园酒店四楼宴会厅3. 活动日程安排二、邀请信实用英语期末考试复习Dear Sir or Madam,Im pleased to invite you t

33、o participate in our companys 20-year anniversary ceremony held on March 18, 2008 at 9:30-11:30 am in the fourth floors banquet hall of Garden Hotel. We would be greatly honored if you could come. Looking forward to your reply.Sincerely yours,Susan HarrySeawide Logistic Co.Enclosed the schedule of o

34、ur anniversary ceremony.二、邀请信Assignment (P51 作业)实用英语期末考试复习Congratulations本单元要求掌握贺信的写作方法。贺信,用于喜庆仪式或者事件中对人或事表示祝贺。按照祝贺对象的不同,贺信一般分为用于婚礼之上的祝婚信;用于祝寿的贺寿信;用于重要会议、各类庆典、剪彩仪式上的祝贺信;用于恭喜对方升迁或者升学等。贺信的内容因祝贺对象的不同往往会有不同的侧重点。一般来说贺信写作要注意的注意事项包括以下几个方面:(1)要详细了解祝贺对象的有关情况;(2)主题要集中,结构要精巧,篇幅要适宜;(3)要有真情实感,切忌虚情假意;(4)要与现场气氛相适应

35、。会议贺词要庄重典雅,庆典贺词要喜庆热烈,婚礼贺词要热情欢悦,寿辰贺词要郑重亲切;(5)贺词的语言要准确简练、热情通俗、生动优美。三、祝贺信实用英语期末考试复习ws-assignment1Directions:Youarerequiredtowriteabriefcongratulationabout100wordsaccordingtothefollowinginstructionsgiveninChinese. 1.题目:Congratulations on Entering University 2.汤姆恭祝施小姐考上名牌外语大学。 3.施小姐的父母倍感自豪。 4.汤姆希望小施能够在大学

36、好好生活,多交朋友。 三、祝贺信实用英语期末考试复习ws-assignment2CongratulationsonEnteringUniversity12th AugustDear Miss Shi,I learned from Mr. Wang that you succeeded in your college entrance examination and will enter famous Foreign Study University this September. I can well imagine how your parents are proud of you now,

37、 who have been anxiously hoping to witness your brilliant success in your higher education. As I understand, you will continue working hard in your major. I wish your greater success in your studies and research work. And I hope you are able to make many new friends during your 4 years in the univer

38、sity.Best wishes to you!Yours sincerely, Tom三、祝贺信Assignment (P74 作业)实用英语期末考试复习MakingaClaim遇到不满意的事情和对待需要投诉时,礼貌地说比较奏效。而且有趣的是,你可能先要说SORRY,再提出你的投诉,这样显得很有教养和礼貌,你的问题才会得到更圆满的解决。比如,在商店里,收款员找错了钱,你可以说:Excuse me, I think youve given me the wrong change. 或者Sorry, I think this change is wrong. I gave you $20, no

39、t $10.在酒店里房间的调温器坏了,可以说:Excuse me, but theres a problem with the heating in my room. 或Sorry to bother you, but I think theres something wrong with the air-conditioning. 失窃了,可以说:Im afraid I have to make a complaint. 或Some money has gone missing from my hotel room. 房间没有整理,则可以说:Im afraid theres a slight

40、 problem with my room the bed hasnt been made.ws1四、投诉信实用英语期末考试复习当人们发现自己错了而道歉,一般都会说SORRY,然后再提出把事情做好的解决办法。比如对应上面对调温器的投诉:Excuse me, but theres a problem with the heating. 或者Im sorry Ill get someone to check it for you. 或者Sorry to hear that Ill send someone up.ws2四、投诉信实用英语期末考试复习ws-assignment1Directions:

41、Youarerequiredtohowtomake a claimabout100wordsaccordingtothefollowinginstructionsgiven. You found something wrong with the telephone bill you have received from the local post office. You made a call to inquire about this. However the person who answered the call was very rude. Write a letter of complaint to the manager of the post office, explaining the situation and giving your suggestions for improvement. Your letter should be no less than 100 words. You dont need to write the address. Dont sign your own name at the end of the letter, use Donna instead.四、投诉信实用英语期末考试复习



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