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1、New concept English 1 GARY:Howwastheexam,Richard?RICHARD:Nottoobad.IthinkIpassedinEnglishandMathematics.Thequestionswereveryeasy.Howaboutyou,Gary?GARY:TheEnglishandMathspaperswerenteasyenoughforme.IhopeIhaventfailed.RICHARD:IthinkIfailedtheFrenchpaper.Icouldanswersixteenofthequestions.Theywereveryea




5、estions?Yes,hecould.Hewascleverenoughtoanswerthem.No.hecouldnt.Hewastoostupidtoanswerthem.answerallthequestionsadj+enough+totoo.to buythecarcheapexpensiveCouldhebuytheblue/theredcar?Yes,hecould,Itwascheapenoughforhimtobuy.No.hecouldnt.Itwastooexpensiveforhimtobuy.Couldtheyhearthestereo?Yes,theycould

6、.Becausetheywereloudenoughforthemtohear.No,theycouldnt.Becausetheyweretoolowforthemtohear.hearthestereoloudloweattheorangesweetsourNew concept English 1 Full of mistakes full of (充满了)The glass is full of water.这个杯子里装满了水。 What was the Sandras present?It was a dictionary.What did the boss want Sandra

7、to do?He wanted her to type the letter again.wantspellat onceintelligenttypemistakemake a mistakebe full ofagainpresentdictionaryNew words1.want sth./sb. I want a bike. I want Lisa.2.want to doI want to type a letter.3. want sb. to do sth. p215I want you to answer my question. 否定句否定句I dont wanttell

8、sb. to do 告诉某人做某事tell sb. not to do 告诉某人不要做某事 spell (拼写) sit pot bed ill I can spell it. intelligent (聪明的、有智慧的,理解力强的)Youre intelligent. clever 聪明,灵巧的 He is clever with his hands.smart 聪明的,调皮灵巧的She is a smart actress.wise 在经验,学识方面 智慧较深,英明的Deng Xiaoping was a wise leader. present (礼物) Id like a book a

9、s a birthday present .我想要一本书作为生日礼物。 gift dictionary(字典)I have a new dictionary.我有一本新字典。 look up a word in a dictionary 查字典我们还可以通过查英汉字典来理解我们还可以通过查英汉字典来理解单词的含义单词的含义。按首字母、次字母的顺序按首字母、次字母的顺序查找单词查找单词We can also use the dictionary. mistake (错误) Everyone can make a mistake,but we must correct them . wantspe

10、llat onceintelligenttypemistakemake a mistakebe full ofagainpresentdictionaryNew wordsShe has a low mark in the Math exam. She made a lot of _m_ in the paper.The bookstore is _f_ of interesting books.Why do you want to buy a necklace? I want to give it to Mary as a birthday _p_ .This book is full of

11、 new words. I think I must use a _d_ .How do you _s_ intelligent, please? i-n-t-e-l-l-i-g-e-n-t.Can you help me to _t_ this letter, please?No problem.istakesullresentictionarypell ypeLesson 105 Full of mistakes1234Boss:Wheres Sandra, Bob? I want her.Bob:Do you want to speak to her?Boss:Yes, I do. I

12、want her to come to my office.Sandra:Did you want to see me?Boss:Ah, yes, Sandra. How do you spell intelligent? Can you tell me?Sandra:I-N-T-E-L-L-I-G-E-N-T.Boss: Thats right. Youve typed it with only one L. This letters full of mistakes. I want you to type it again.Sandra: Yes, Ill do that. Im sorr

13、y about that.Boss:And heres a little present for you.Sandra:What is it?Boss:Its a dictionary. I hope itll help you.Task1 Readthedialoguefirst(首先)(首先)then(然后)(然后)numberthesentences排序排序 ( 4 )The boss wants Sandra to type this letter again. ( 2 ) The boss wants Sandra to go to his office at once. ( 1 )

14、 Sandra types intelligent with only oneL. ( 5 ) The boss gives Sandra a dictionary. ( 3 ) The boss says this letter is full of mistakes. Complete the passage according to the dialogue. One day,Sandra typed a letterfor the boss.This letter was full of mistakes .For example, she typed the word intelli

15、gent with only one L .The boss was very angry, so he asked Sandra to come to his office at once. Then he gave Sandra a dictionary as a present. Do you think it is a present ? Is Sandra happy ? Why? How do you read a passage?(怎样读文章?)(怎样读文章?)1. We should look at the title (题目)(题目)and the pictures(插图)(

16、插图).2. Read the passage (文章)(文章)and try to(试着)(试着)understand (理解)(理解)the meanings of the new words(生单词)(生单词).3.Read carefully (细读)(细读) and try to understand (理解)(理解) the whole passage (全文)(全文). How can we understand the meanings of the new words? (怎样理解生单词的意思?)(怎样理解生单词的意思?) 1 1、结合插图,推测词义。、结合插图,推测词义。(

17、如今天所学的:(如今天所学的:spell)2 2、联系上下文,感悟词义。、联系上下文,感悟词义。(如今天所学的:(如今天所学的:intelligent)3 3、根据已有知识,理解词义。、根据已有知识,理解词义。(如今天所学的:(如今天所学的:present)4、通过查字典,辨析词义。通过查字典,辨析词义。Read carefully and think hard:Whats the same point of these sentences?Do you want to speak to her?I want her to come to my office. Tell her to come

18、 at once.Did you want to see me?I want you to type it again.Sum up:像以上这些像以上这些to加动词原形加动词原形这种结构在英文中被称为这种结构在英文中被称为动词不定式动词不定式1. 1. 听新一所学课文每天至少听新一所学课文每天至少2020分钟,分钟,用自己的用自己的用自己的用自己的语言语言语言语言复述复述复述复述今天的故事今天的故事今天的故事今天的故事2. 运用今天所学到的阅读方法读新概念英语运用今天所学到的阅读方法读新概念英语运用今天所学到的阅读方法读新概念英语运用今天所学到的阅读方法读新概念英语107,111107,111课课课课() ()



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