Module 6《Animals in Danger》课件1(25张PPT)(外研版必修5)

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1、Module 6Animals in Danger 漫画欣赏 画面描述 An elderly man is holding his umbrella to protect his beloved pet dog from the heavy rain,while he himself is walking in the rain. 你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇120词左右的小短文?寓意理解 In our society,many elderly folks are living in loneliness.So their pet is the only family member they h

2、ave to whom they show their full attention. 重 点 单 词1worth adj.值钱的,值得的Our house is worth about 200,000.我们的房子价值约20万英镑。剑桥高阶The museum is certainly worth a visit.这家博物馆的确值得参观。The idea is well worth considering.这个想法很值得考虑。【知识整合】(1)be worthsome money值多少钱be worth doing值得干(2)worthy adj.值得的be worthy 值得be worth

3、y of note/attention/consideration/support值得注意/考虑/支持(3)worthwhile adj.值得花时间/金钱/精力的Its worthwhile 干某事是值得的【特别提示】(1)be worth doing是用主动语态表被动;(2)如果表达“很值得”应该用“be well worth”,不能用very/very much/quite等。即景活用同义句转换His suggestions are worth considering.His suggestions are worthy of consideration.His suggestions a

4、re worthy of being considered.His suggestions are worthy to be considered.His suggestions deserve to be considered.2aim n目标,目的,瞄准 v对瞄准,打算His aim was to swim a mile.他的目标是游一英里。She aimed her rifle carefully at the target.她小心地将步枪瞄准目标。美国传统The hunter took aim at a wolf.猎手瞄准狼。【用法拓展】aim inn./v.ing在上的目的/目标sb

5、.s aim is to do 某人的目的/目标是take aim at瞄准aim at n./v.ing以为目标;意欲aim to do sth.打算aim sth. at sth./sb.对准;瞄准即景活用同义句转换He aimed to swim a a mile every day.He aimed at swimming a mile every day.I aimed at the tree but hit the car by mistake.I took aim at the tree but hit the car by mistake.His aims to be a wr

6、iter.His aim is to be a writer.3wonder n奇迹,奇观;惊讶,惊奇;v.想知道,纳闷,对感到疑惑;对感到惊奇Its no wonder youve got a headache when you drank so much last night.昨晚你喝了这么多酒,难怪你头痛。The sight of the whales filled us with wonder.见到鲸鱼使我们惊讶不已。美国传统I wonder what she is doing.我想知道她在干什么。美国传统【知识拓展】(1)(Its) no wonder(that).不足为奇,并不奇怪

7、Its a wonder(that).令人惊奇的是(2) 想知道/对疑惑 对感到惊讶wonderif/whether(从句)不知道是否即景活用He had made thorough investigation._no wonder that he knew so much about it. AThere is BIt is CThere are DIt are解析:句意:“他已经做过彻底调查。他知道这么多就不足为奇了。”Its no wonder that.特殊的主语从句,故答案是B。答案:B4.focus n焦点,中心;v.集中,使集中于焦点The senator was the foc

8、us of attention at the assembly.参议员是会议上众人瞩目的中心。美国传统We shall maintain our focus on the needs of the customers.我们将继续重点关注顾客的需要。You must try to focus your mind on work and study.你应该努力把思想集中在工作和学习上。【思维拓展】be a focus of attention成为注意力的中心bring.into a focus使集中在焦点上,使清楚看起来,使明朗化focus ones mind on w

9、ork集中精力于工作focus sth.on/upon sth./sb.集中(注意力,精力等)于即景活用She always wants to be the_of attention.Afixation Bmiddle Cforecast Dfocus解析:句意:“她总是想做关注的焦点。”be the focus of attention是习语“成为人们注意的中心,焦点。”答案:D经 典 短 语1be concerned about sth.为某事担忧Were rather concerned about fathers health.我们相当担心父亲的健康。Im a bit concerne

10、d about/for your health.我有点担心你的健康。剑桥高阶【知识整合】be concerned 关心/担心某事be concerned to do sth.关心/关注干某事be concerned with与有关,涉及as/so far as Im concerned就我而言,依我看来as far as concerned就某事而言concern oneself with/in从事/参与/干涉concerned adj.有关的;担心的concerning prep.有关,关于即景活用The President is deeply concerned_this i

11、ssue.Aabout Bof Cin Don解析:be concerned about“为担心/关心”。答案:A2feed on(动物)以为食We feed our dogs on fresh meat.我们用新鲜肉喂狗。The kids love feeding bread to the ducks.孩子们喜欢给鸭子喂面包。剑桥高阶Sheep mainly feed on grass.绵羊主要以草为食。【用法拓展】 用喂养/饲养feed sb./sth.with sth.向提供feed up养肥,养壮live on(近义短语)以食为生/靠生活/继续活着live by靠谋生即景活用同义句转换

12、The local villagers provided the soldiers with food.The local villagers fed the soldiers with food.The local villagers fed the soldiers on food.3.set up建立,设立,安装好(1)用于建筑,常指“竖起,建造”。(2)用于创立党派团体,组织机构,译为“建立,开办”。In the eighth century a papermaking factory was set up in theMiddle East.在8世纪,中东建起了一座造纸厂。Theyv

13、e set up a fund for victims of the earthquake.他们已经为地震中的受难者设立了一个基金会。剑桥高阶【知识拓展】set out启程,动身set out to do sth.着手干某事set about doing sth.着手干某事set off动身,出发;使爆炸;无意中激发,引发set.in置于背景中set aside留出,省出即景活用The continuous rain_the harvesting of the wheat by two weeks.Aset back Bset off Cset out Dset aside解析:句意:“连续不

14、停的大雨使小麦的收割推迟了两周。”set backhold up“耽误,推迟”之意。set off“出发,爆炸”,set out“动身”,set aside“留出,省出”,不合题意,故答案是A。答案:A重 要 句 型But today the government seems to be winning the battle.但是现在政府好像正要赢得这场战斗。本句含有seem的句式。It seems as if he is right.看起来他好像是对了。He seemed to have known the truth.他看起来已知道真相了。【思维拓展】seem like看起来好像seem

15、to do/to have done/to be doing好像要做/已做/正在做It seems that.好像It seems as if/as though.看上去好像(从句用陈述或虚拟语气)There seems to be.好像有What seems easy to some people seems difficult to others.某些人觉得容易的事情,别人可能觉得困难。It seemed like a good idea at the time.当时这主意好像不错。The child seems to be lying.这孩子看上去正在撒谎。It seems as if

16、everybody else knew except me.看上去好像除了我之外别人都知道。There seems to be every reason to believe that business will get better.看来,完全有理由相信生意会好转。即景活用_he knew nothing about her. AIt seems that BIt seems as if CHe seems that DHe seems as if解析:句意:“他似乎是对她一无所知。”It seems as if是常用句式“看上去好像”用虚拟语气,故答案是B。答案:B高 考 经 典 解 读【

17、例1】 Many children,_parents are away working in big cities, are taken good care of in the village.(2009安徽,30) Atheir Bwhose Cof them Dwith whom【解题方法指导】 本题考查whose引导定语从句。children为先行词,后跟的定语从句中缺少关系代词,是孩子的父母们,表示“的”在定语从句中用whosen.或of which/whomthen.或then.of which/whom,故选B。答案:B教材原文对照Often working at night,th

18、e poachers shoot whole herds of antelopes at a time,leaving only the babies, whose wool is not worth so much. (P53)【例2】 The incomes of skilled workers went up._,unskilled workers saw their earnings fall.(2009浙江,5) AMoreover BTherefore CMeanwhile DOtherwise【解题方法指导】 本题考查副词meanwhile的用法。句意:熟练工的收入 在增加,与此

19、同时,非熟练工的收入却在下降。meanwhile adv.“与此同 时,在此期间”,符合句意。moreover adv.此外,而且;therefore adv.因 此,所以;otherwise adv.否则,要不然。 答案:C教材原文对照Meanwhile,in those countries where the shawls are sold,police are getting tough with the dealers. (P53)阅读理解题型攻略(六)生态与环保 此类文章常涉及天气变化、温室效应、特殊的天气以及由此带给人们的反应。文章多以说明文或议论文的形式出现。此类文章生词较多,但

20、很多生词可以根据上下文猜出其大致意思。阅读时不需要对细节特别清楚,可以采用跳读法去搜寻对解题有用的信息。 【典例】 The UN Environment Programme says that rising temperatures could mean the end for some migrating animals. Migrating or mobile animals move through several environments as they travel away from the cold of winter to warmer areas.Birds may fly

21、from one part of the world to another,perhaps stopping at feeding grounds on theway.Whales and turtles cover vast areas of ocean.The report says that changes in any one of the places which these animals use can cause serious harm.“Obviously these animals have developed their traveling patterns over

22、thousands of years,but climate change is almost certain to be extreme over the next 25 to 50 years and it is extremely unlikely that these animals can change their habits fast enough,”said the report author Dr.Robert Hepworth. Hardest hit by rising temperatures are turtles.Scientists have found that

23、 at higher temperatures,turtles produce far more female eggs than male ones.In parts of Malaysia,turtle birthing sites are producing only females,the report says.It also provides evidence that some turtles are more likely to develop cancer as the waters get warmer. With birds,the main problem is cli

24、materelated damage to important areas at either end of the travels or at resting places along the way.About onefifth of migrating birds are now in danger because of climaterelated changes including rising sea levels,land loss and more violent storms,the report concludes. Other animals picked out as

25、particularly in danger include: the North Atlantic Right Whale,whose main food(tiny shrimp)is disturbed by the change in ocean flows the White Nose Dolphin,which is outcompeted by other kinds of dolphins in warmer waters The report is not all bad news.Even with major climatic changes,protecting the

26、environment can still help mobile animals to recover.“We need governments to start taking action at the national and international level.The clock is running.”said Dr.Hepworth.And some animals are already adapting,with the report mentioning whales that are changing their feeding behaviors,finding ne

27、w feeding grounds and new foods to eat. 【注】 这句话中的“that some turtles are more likely to develop cancer as the waters get warmer”为同位语从句,其中“as the waters get warmer”是时间状语从句。另外,water一般为不可数名词,但是在表示“一大片水域”时,常用复数形式。句意:这份报告还提供证据说,当水温变暖时海龟更有可能患上癌症。学海浪花 1.migrating animals迁徙动物; 2.vast areas of ocean一大片水域; 3.s

28、ite n地点,场所vt.使位于,使座落于 学海导航:本文为一篇科普类文章,主要讲述的是气温变化对迁徙动物的影响。 1.What is the main topic of the text? A.The effect of climate change on migrating animals. B.The way animals are adapting to changes in temperature. C.The actions required to save migrating animals. D.The need for government policies to preve

29、nt global warming. 解析:主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了气候的变化对迁 徙动物的影响,因此A项符合题意。 答案:A 2.By saying“The clock is running.”in the last paragraph,Dr.Hepworth means that_. may be too late to save some animals is time to start protecting the animals C.there is not much time to solve the problem takes tim

30、e to complete the actions 解析:句意理解题。结合前面一句话的意思“我们需要各国政府开始采 取行动”可知,C项合理,即必须马上采取措施,没有多少时间可以耽误了。 答案:C 3.According to the report,how will global warming affect turtles in the future? A.They will only produce female babies. B.Their food supply will gradually disappear. C.Some will suffer from higher rates

31、 of cancer. D.They will be in greater danger because of more violent storms. 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句话“It also provides evidence that some turtles are more likely to develop cancer as the waters get warmer.”可确 定答案。 答案:C 4.Which of the following is mentioned as a consequence of rising temperatures? A.More

32、storms will affect the ability of whales to find their feeding grounds. B.20 percent of migrating birds are likely to die out because of land loss. C.Migrating animals are likely to start adapting to the changes more quickly. D.Warmer oceans will increase the competition between different kinds of d

33、olphins. 解析:细节理解题。由倒数第二段“the White Nose Dolphin,which is outcompeted by other kinds of dolphins in warmer waters”,即“水温的升 高促使不同种类的海豚激烈竞争”可知,答案选D。 答案:D 5.What can be inferred about turtles from the text? A.They are the only animals besides humans that suffer from cancer. B.They have traditionally live

34、d longer than other oceanbased animals. C.Those born nearer a hotter area are more likely to be female. D.Most kinds of turtles are likely to die out within 50 years. 解析:推理判断题。第三段第二句话“Scientists have found that at higher temperatures,turtles produce far more female eggs than male ones.”告诉我 们,在温暖的地方,海龟倾向于产下雌性的蛋,因此C项符合题意。 答案:C 同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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