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1、Lesson 61 61 A bad cold 重感冒New words and expressionsfeel v. 感觉look v. 看(起来)must modal verb 必须call v. 叫,请doctor n. 医生telephone n. 电话remember v. 记得,记住mouth n. 嘴 tongue n. 舌头bad adj. 坏的,严重的 cold n. 感冒news n. 消息feel 觉得;感到:觉得;感到:She feels tired and thirsty. 她感到又累又渴。He is feeling a little better today. 他今

2、天感觉好点了。 摸,触;(客体)给人的某种感觉:摸,触;(客体)给人的某种感觉:The silk feels very smooth. 丝绸摸上去很滑爽。feel+形容形容词3沐风教资lookhave/take a look 看一看,瞧一瞧look after 照顾,照料look for 寻找look up 查找look at 看Look forward to 盼望Look out 当心,小心Look back 回顾4沐风教资look, look at ,see, watch 的区别:llooklook 看起来,后面加形容词,是连系动词连系动词; You look sad today. llo

3、ok atlook at 看, 是动词短语后面加名词或代词,强调看的动作或过程; Please look at her. 请看她lseesee 看见,后面加名词或代词,强调看的结果,是实意动词; I cant see the bird in the sky. lwatchwatch 观看,后面加名词,强调欣赏,是实意动词; They are watching the football match. 5沐风教资1. Please _ your homework.2. Can you _ the cat under the chair?3. My father _ the Evening News

4、 every evening.4. You _ unhappy!5. All the children are _ the teacher now.lookwatchseelook atlook atseewatcheslooklooking at6沐风教资Callcall v.叫,请call the doctor 请医生医生You must call the doctor. 你必须请医生。call sb. at + 电话号号码 给某人某个某人某个电话号号码打打电话Please call my mother at 123. 请给我妈妈123打电话。7沐风教资telephonen. 电话电话te

5、lephone number 电话号码电话号码telephone call 电话电话She always gives me a telephone call on Sundays.v. 打电话给打电话给.telephone sb 打电话给某人打电话给某人telephone the lawyer 打电话给律师打电话给律师8沐风教资rememberremember sth. 记得得Do you remember the doctors telephone number? 你记得医生的电话号码吗?remember to do sth. 记得去做某事得去做某事Please remember to bu

6、y some vegetables on your way home.请记得在你回家的路上买一些蔬菜。remember doing sth. 记得做得做过某事某事I remembered meeting her somewhere. 我记得在某个地方见过她。 Xiaoxin,remember to eat lunch!9沐风教资bad a. 坏的,严重的;be bad for 对有坏有坏处Watching TV too much is bad for your eyes. 看太多电视对你的眼睛有坏处。反义词:good 好的 be good for 对.有好有好处10沐风教资cold a.冷的反

7、义词:hot 热的俚语:I have cold feet. 我很我很紧张。cold n. 感冒 have a cold 患感冒Do you have a cold? 你感冒了吗?11沐风教资mother tongue n. 母语母语e.g. Chinese is my mother tongue.Whats your mother tongue?tongue twister 绕口令绕口令tongue 舌头舌头12沐风教资How many cookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook c

8、ould cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies. 如果一个好的厨师能做小甜饼,那么他能做多少小甜饼呢?一个好的厨师能做出和其它好厨师一样多的小甜饼。13沐风教资TEXT14沐风教资Wheres the Jimmy?Hes in bed.Whats the matter with him? He feels ill. 15沐风教资1. be in bed 躺在床上 stay in bed 呆在床上 go to bed 上床睡觉 e.g. He is ill in bed. 他卧病在床2. whats the matt

9、er with = whats wrong with 某某怎么了?XX出什么问题了?Whats the matter with she?她怎么了?Whats the matter with her?Grammar 语法16沐风教资He looks ill. Yes, we must. We must call the doctor. 17沐风教资call on +某人某人 拜访某人拜访某人 call at+某地某地 拜访某地拜访某地I called on the Smiths yesterday.我昨天拜访了史密斯一家人。我昨天拜访了史密斯一家人。I called at the Smiths

10、yesterday.我昨天去了史密斯家。我昨天去了史密斯家。I called on the doctor yesterday.我昨天去拜访了医生。我昨天去拜访了医生。I called at the doctors yesterday.我昨天去了医务室。我昨天去了医务室。Grammar 语法18沐风教资Can you remember the doctors telephone number? Yes. Its 09754. 19沐风教资Open your mouth, Jimmy.Show me your tongue. Say, Ah.20沐风教资He has a bad cold, Mr.

11、 Williams he must stay in bed for a week.Whats the matter with him, doctor?21沐风教资Good news? Why?Thats good new for Jimmy. Because he doesnt like school!22沐风教资1. ache后缀,加在某个身体部位后表示哪儿疼2.have和表示疾病的名词连用,表示“得了”某种疾病,例如: have a cold 感冒 have a bad cold 重感冒 have flu 患流行性感冒 have a temperature 发烧 have a tootha

12、che 牙疼 have a headache 头疼 have an earache 耳朵疼3. take the medcine 吃药 Grammar 语法23沐风教资must 和 need 区别1.must的意思是必须,表示主观身上的命令,以及推断。的意思是必须,表示主观身上的命令,以及推断。2.need的意思是需要,表示客观需要。的意思是需要,表示客观需要。3.问句问句: Must I stay here? 我必须得待这儿吗?我必须得待这儿吗? No, you neednt. 不,你不必。不,你不必。4.否定句:否定句: I mustnt go there. 我不用去那儿我不用去那儿 He

13、 neednt to go there. 他不需要去那儿他不需要去那儿24沐风教资情情态动词mustcantmay表示可表示可能性的区能性的区别must 一定一定 用于肯定句肯定句中,表示可能性最大可能性最大;The light is on, she must be at home now. 灯亮着,她现在一定在家。cant 不可能不可能 用于否定句否定句中,表示可能性最大可能性最大;That girl cant be Kate, I saw her in the shop just now. 那个女孩儿不可能是Kate,我刚刚看见她在商店里。may 可能可能 由于肯定句肯定句中,表示可能性最

14、小可能性最小;He may come here today, Im not sure. 他今天有可能来这里,我不是很确定。25沐风教资may cant must1. Whos that? That _ be Jim, but Im not sure.2. That textbook _ be Davids, because his name is on it.3. You _ be very tired after so much hard work.4. Wheres my key? It _ be in your handbag.5. You _ know her name, becaus

15、e she is our new student.maymustmustmaycant2626沐风教资沐风教资系动词的用法1.系动词一般用在主语后面,后面跟形容词,用来修饰说明主语。2.句子结构:主语+系动词+形容词3.主语是第三人称单数时,系动词要用三单形式4.不同时态里,系动词的形式要变化。系动词:feel(感觉)look(看起来)taste(尝起来)smell(闻起来)sound(听起来)Helooksfriendly.他看起来很友好Ifeelveryhappy.我感到很开心Thefoodsmellsgood.食物闻起来味道很好Ittastesdelicious.吃着太美味了Thatso

16、undsagoodidea.听起来是个不错的主意27沐风教资系动词的用法系动词的用法连系动词(link verb)是动词的一种,它本身有词义, 但不能单独用作谓语,后边必须跟表语构成系表结 构,一起来充当句子的谓语。最常见的连系动词有以下几种类型:(1)感官感官动词:主要有feel. smell,sound,taste,touch等.This kind of cloth feels very soft.这种布手感很软。This flower smell very sweet。 这朵花闻起来很香28沐风教资(2)状状态系系动词:用来表示主语状态,只有be一词 He is a teacher.他是

17、一名教师。(3)持持续系系动词:用来表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度, 主要有keep,rest, remain,stay,lie。 He always kept silent at meeting. 他开会时总保持沉歌 This matter rests a mystery。 此事仍是一个谜29沐风教资(4)变化系化系动词:表示主语变成什么样主要有become,grow,turn,fall, get, go, come,run。He became mad after that. 自那之后,他疯了。She grew rich within a short time.她没多长时间就富了。注意:很多连系动词都是既可以当连系动词又可以当实义动词的,但用法和词义有所不同。比如look:(1)看(实义动词):Look at my hand. 瞧我的手.(2)看起来,看上去(连系动词) She looks tired.她看起来累了30沐风教资3131沐风教资沐风教资



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