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1、新概念英新概念英语第一册第一册53-5453-54课件件Lesson 53 An interesting climatevmild adj. 温和的,温暖的温和的,温暖的 maildvalways adv. 总是总是vnorth n. 北方北方veast n. 东方东方vwet adj. 潮湿的潮湿的vwest n. 西方西方vsouth n. 南方南方vseason n. 季节季节vbest adv. 最最vnight n. 夜晚夜晚vrise v. 升起升起vearly adv. 早早vset v. (太阳)落下去(太阳)落下去vlate adv. 晚,迟晚,迟vinteresting a

2、dj. 有趣的,有意思的有趣的,有意思的vsubject n. 话题;话题;语法语法主语;科目主语;科目vconversation n. 谈话谈话词汇词汇 vmild adj. 温和的,温暖的温和的,温暖的vwild adj. 野性的,野生的野性的,野生的vchild n. 孩子孩子NorthSouthWestEastIn the vnorth n. 北方北方vin the North= in the north of Englandv表示一个国家或地区的方位词如果单独使用一表示一个国家或地区的方位词如果单独使用一般要大写,但仅仅表示方位意义的方位词不需般要大写,但仅仅表示方位意义的方位词不需

3、大写。如大写。如:a north wind、a south wind等。等。vin the north:在北方:在北方vin the south in the east vwest n. 西方西方vgo west 去死去死vwet adj. 潮湿的潮湿的vall in wet 全身湿透了全身湿透了v反义词:反义词:dryvgood 好好vbetter(比较级)(比较级)vbest(最高级)(最高级)vsubject n. 话题;话题;语法语法主语;科目主语;科目v conversation n. 谈话(随意的交流)谈话(随意的交流) vsay:(说话的内容):(说话的内容)vspeak:(讲话

4、的动作):(讲话的动作)vtalk:(谈话,聊天):(谈话,聊天)vchat:(聊天):(聊天)vdialog:(对话:(对话有固定的话题)有固定的话题)vrise v.升起vset v.落下去vsunrise n.日出vsunset n.日落 The sun rises in the east.The sun sets in the west.v England the Great Britain and Northern Irelandv Scotland 苏格兰苏格兰 v England 英格兰英格兰 v Welsh 威尔士威尔士 v Northern Ireland 北爱尔兰北爱尔兰英

5、国气候特点英国气候特点 v英国处于欧洲西部,大西洋东岸,为英国处于欧洲西部,大西洋东岸,为典型的温带海洋性气候。典型的温带海洋性气候。v英国全国一月份的平均气温约为英国全国一月份的平均气温约为4 4至至7 7度,度,七月份七月份1313至至1717度。年降雨量西北部山区度。年降雨量西北部山区超过超过10001000毫米,而东南部在六七百毫米毫米,而东南部在六七百毫米之间。英国雾气较重,主要是岛国的潮之间。英国雾气较重,主要是岛国的潮气所致。首都伦敦冬季河湖极少结冰,气所致。首都伦敦冬季河湖极少结冰,一月平均气温在一月平均气温在4 4度(摄氏)以上;夏天度(摄氏)以上;夏天则相当凉爽,七月的平均

6、气温则相当凉爽,七月的平均气温1717度,早度,早晚外出需加外衣。年降雨量约晚外出需加外衣。年降雨量约600600毫米,毫米,雨量分布较均匀。至于伦敦过去常见的雨量分布较均匀。至于伦敦过去常见的浓雾,并不完全是自然现象。浓雾,并不完全是自然现象。v由于重视环境保护,伦敦目前出现浓雾由于重视环境保护,伦敦目前出现浓雾的次数已大大减少。的次数已大大减少。 英国虽然气候温和,英国虽然气候温和,但天气多变。一日之内,时晴时雨。多但天气多变。一日之内,时晴时雨。多变的天气也为人们提供了经常的话题,变的天气也为人们提供了经常的话题,在英国甚至最沉默寡言的人也喜欢谈论在英国甚至最沉默寡言的人也喜欢谈论天气。

7、天气。 受高纬度的影响,英国昼夜长短受高纬度的影响,英国昼夜长短的变化特别明显。的变化特别明显。v冬季日短夜长,夏季则日长夜短。夏季是到冬季日短夜长,夏季则日长夜短。夏季是到英国旅游的最佳季节。夏季日间长,活动时英国旅游的最佳季节。夏季日间长,活动时间多,而且温度适中,天气清爽,人的精神间多,而且温度适中,天气清爽,人的精神也倍感充沛。这个季节尽管也有雨,但一般也倍感充沛。这个季节尽管也有雨,但一般不会连绵不断,影响行程。不会连绵不断,影响行程。 v英国人见面时谈话通常是从天气开始的。一方面这与英国的自然地理情况有关,另一方面则与英国人的民族性格有关。谈论天气是任何人都可接受的话题,而且这可避

8、免介入令人尴尬的或侵入私人领域的话题。longshortlateearlyThe days areand the nights areThe sun risesand setsI like spring and summer. longshortlateearlyThe days areand the nights areThe sun risesand setsI dont like autumn and winter. v听录音,填空。听录音,填空。vin the WestvIts in the West.vin the NorthvIts in the North.vin the Eas

9、tvIts in the East.vin the SouthvIts in the South.wetcoldwindywarmvWhich season does Jim like best? vWhy doesnt he like autumn and winter?vIs the climate in England very good?vIs it very interesting?Spring and summer.Why?Because the days are long and the nights are short. The sun rises early and sets

10、 late.Because the days are short and the night are long.The sun rises late and sets early.The climate in England is not very good.The climate in England is not very good.But it is very/certainly interestingvHANS:Where do you come from?vJIM:I come from England.vHANS:Whats the climate like in your cou

11、ntry?vJIM:Its mild, but its not always pleasant. The weathers often cold in the North and windy in the East. Its often wet in the West and sometimes warm in the South.vHANS:Which seasons do you like best?vJIM:I like spring and summer.v The days are long and the nights are short.v The sun rises early

12、 and sets late.vI dont like autumn and winter.v The days are short and the nights are long.v The sun rises late and set early.v Our climate is not very good, but its certainly interesting.v Its our favourite subject of conversation.A Write questions and answersvExample:vThe sun rises early.vDoes the

13、 sun rise early?vThe sun doesnt rise early.v1 The sun sets late.v2 He likes ice cream.v3 Mrs. Jones wants a biscuit.v4 Jim comes from England.v Does the sun set late?The sun doesnt set late.Does he like ice cream?He doesnt like ice cream.Does Mrs. Jones want a biscuit?Mrs. Jones doesnt want a biscui

14、t.Does Jim come from England?Jim doesnt come from EnglandLesson 54 What nationality are they? Where do they come from? vAustralia streili n.澳大利亚vAustralian streilin n.澳大利亚人vAustria stri n.奥地利vAustrian strin n.奥地利人vCanada knd n.加拿大vCanadian kneidin n.加拿大人vChina tain n.中国vFinland finlnd n.芬兰vFinnish f

15、ini n.芬兰人vIndia indi n.印度v Indian indin n.印度人vJapan dpn n.日本vNigeria naidiri n.尼日利亚vNigerian naidirin n.尼日利亚人vTurkey t:ki n.土耳其vTurkish t:ki n.土耳其人vKorea kri, k(:)ri n.韩国vPolish puli n.波兰人vPoland pulnd n.波兰vThai tai n.泰国人vThailand tailnd n.泰国What nationality are you/ is he /is she?vIndian indin n.印度

16、人vNigerian naidirin n.尼日利亚人vTurkish t:ki n.土耳其人vPolish puli n.波兰人vThai tai n.泰国人vAustralian streilin n.澳大利亚人vAustrian strin n.奥地利人vCanadian kneidin n.加拿大人vFinnish fini n.芬兰人vAustralia streili n.澳大利亚vAustria stri n.奥地利vCanada knd n.加拿大vChina tain n.中国vFinland finlnd n.芬兰vIndia indi n.印度vJapan dpn n.日

17、本vNigeria naidiri n.尼日利亚vTurkey t:ki n.土耳其vKorea kri, k(:)ri n.韩国vPoland pulnd n.波兰vThailand tailnd n.泰国Where do you/does he/does she come from?vWhat nationality are you/ is he /is she?vIm Australian. / He/she is Korean. vWhere do you / does she or he come from?vI come from China. He/she comes from Thailand.谢谢观赏!2020/11/530



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