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1、 牛津高中英语牛津高中英语 M8U4 Project Harry Potter and the Philosophers StoneLanguage points11.These spokeswomen and spokesmen will tell us about the festivals they represent. represent vt. 代表代表The union represents over 200,000 teachers.工会代表着工会代表着20余万教师的利益。余万教师的利益。2represent 还可表示还可表示“维护维护的利益;体现;的利益;体现; 象征象征 ”等

2、等Those comments do not represent the views of us all.这些言论不足以体现我们所有人的看法。这些言论不足以体现我们所有人的看法。 Each color on the chart represents a different department. 图表的每种颜色都代表不同的部门。图表的每种颜色都代表不同的部门。32. Maria: Well, I think it is rather appropriate for me to begin our discussion. rather adv. 稍微;有点;颇;相当稍微;有点;颇;相当rathe

3、r cold weather 相当冷的天气相当冷的天气She was rather hurt by his unkind words. 他出言不逊他出言不逊, 使她相当伤心。使她相当伤心。4rather 常与常与than连用连用, 表示表示“宁可,宁愿宁可,宁愿” Id rather play tennis than swim. 我宁愿打网球,不愿游泳。我宁愿打网球,不愿游泳。 We would rather receive money than the usual gifts. 我们宁可接受钱而不希望受到一般的我们宁可接受钱而不希望受到一般的 礼物。礼物。5rather than 还可表示还

4、可表示“更更”e.g. These shoes are comfortable rather than pretty. 这双鞋不好看,但是舒服。这双鞋不好看,但是舒服。 63. We view film as a type of contemporary art.view 认为;把认为;把看作是看作是 The plan was viewed favorably. 这项计划是受到称赞的。这项计划是受到称赞的。 She doesnt view herself as a success 不认为她自己成功了不认为她自己成功了 They viewed their efforts unfavorably

5、对他们的努力无好感对他们的努力无好感 74. Kathy: Unlike the Venice Film Festival, the Sundance Film Festival only includes small, independent films. include vt. 包括;包含包括;包含 Price $14.90, postage included. 包括邮费在内,价格是包括邮费在内,价格是14.90美元。美元。8He had included a large number of funny stories in the speech.他在讲话中加进了许多引人发笑的故他在讲话中

6、加进了许多引人发笑的故事。事。The United Kingdom includes Northern Ireland and Wales.联合王国包括北爱尔兰和威尔士。联合王国包括北爱尔兰和威尔士。95. Kathy: The Sundance Film Festival deliberately boycotts all Hollywood films, and we dont foresee ever including them. boycott vt. 联合抵制;经济抵制联合抵制;经济抵制e.g. Theyre boycotting the shop. 他们联合抵制那家商店。他们联合

7、抵制那家商店。10还可表示还可表示“拒绝出席;拒绝参加拒绝出席;拒绝参加” to boycott a meeting 拒绝出席会议拒绝出席会议 Theyre boycotting the shop because the people who work there are on strike to boycott a meeting. 他们拒绝购买那家商店的货物他们拒绝购买那家商店的货物, 因为因为店里的工作人员为了联合抵制一个会议而店里的工作人员为了联合抵制一个会议而罢工。罢工。116. The initial idea for our festival was hatched back i

8、n 1978, when it was known as the Utah/US Film Festival.hatch vi. 孵化孵化; (小鸡小鸡)出壳出壳 鸡蛋什么时候孵化鸡蛋什么时候孵化?When will the eggs hatch?12Dont count the chickens before they are hatched.谚谚鸡蛋还未孵鸡蛋还未孵, 别忙数鸡雏。别忙数鸡雏。 hatch 还可表示还可表示“阴谋阴谋; 炮制炮制, 制定制定” hatch a plot 暗中搞阴谋暗中搞阴谋 137. Hanz: I hate to contradict you, but i

9、n recent years, the Cannes Film Festival has shown special favour to American films. contradict vt. 反驳;否认;顶嘴反驳;否认;顶嘴 Its difficult to contradict someone politely. 彬彬有礼地驳斥别人是难以做到的。彬彬有礼地驳斥别人是难以做到的。14Dont contradict! 不要反驳不要反驳!还可表示还可表示“同同矛盾;同矛盾;同抵触抵触”Your actions contradict your principles. 你的行为与你的原则相矛盾

10、。你的行为与你的原则相矛盾。15resemble vt. 相似相似She resembles her mother in the way she moves her hands when she talks. 她说话时打手势的动作像她妈妈。她说话时打手势的动作像她妈妈。8. Some people say that it has taken a step backwards, and is beginning to resemble the Academy Awards in Hollywood too much.169. Many of them are American, but we r

11、eject the idea that we have lost our edge as the best international film festival in the world.reject vt. 拒绝;不接受拒绝;不接受 He rejected their invitation point- blank.他直截了当地拒绝了他们的邀请。他直截了当地拒绝了他们的邀请。17We rejected his idea for a music club, and decided to have an art club instead. 我们没有采纳他关于成立音乐俱乐部的我们没有采纳他关于成

12、立音乐俱乐部的想法,而是决定成立艺术俱乐部。想法,而是决定成立艺术俱乐部。1810. Hollywood films are in the minority, while films that are likely to be overlooked at other festivals, for example at Cannes, have a real chance of becoming champions. overlook vt. 俯瞰,俯视俯瞰,俯视 从小山上的房子可以俯视村庄。从小山上的房子可以俯视村庄。 The house on the hill overlooks the v

13、illage. 19overlook 还可表示还可表示“忽略;没注意;漏忽略;没注意;漏看看” You have overlooked several of the mistakes in this work. 你忽略了这个工作中的几个错误。你忽略了这个工作中的几个错误。 The secretary is very careful and never overlooks any little points. 这位秘书是个很细心的人她从不忽视这位秘书是个很细心的人她从不忽视 细节。细节。 2011. Even though we have only existed a short time, o

14、ur festival has a good reputation worldwide. reputation n. 名誉;声望名誉;声望a man of good reputation 名誉很好的人名誉很好的人21 a man of no reputation 默默无闻的人默默无闻的人; 没有声望的人没有声望的人 a person of reputation 有信誉的人有信誉的人, 体面的人体面的人 build up a reputation 博得名声博得名声221.Redford has acted in and directed many big Hollywood films, but

15、 wanted to expose the public to films made outside of the Hollywood system that ordinary people might have no access to otherwise. (P50) 23分析分析 句中句中that引导定语从句,用作引导定语从句,用作films made outside of the Hollywood system的定语的定语 。雷德福曾出演并执导过许多好莱坞大雷德福曾出演并执导过许多好莱坞大片,但是他希望让大众解除好莱坞之片,但是他希望让大众解除好莱坞之外的影片,否则一般人可能无从看到

16、外的影片,否则一般人可能无从看到这些影片。这些影片。 242. In fact, the Cannes Film Festival was started in 1939 because many people felt the Venice Film Festival was giving awards to only German and Italian films. (P51) 实际上,戛纳电影节创立于实际上,戛纳电影节创立于1939年,年, 就是因为当时许多人觉得威尼斯电影就是因为当时许多人觉得威尼斯电影 节只给德国和意大利电影颁奖。节只给德国和意大利电影颁奖。25分析分析 这是一个复

17、合句。这是一个复合句。The Cannes Film Festival was started in 1939是主句;是主句;because引导一个原因状语从句,其中,引导一个原因状语从句,其中,从句从句the Venice Film Festival Italian films作谓语动词作谓语动词felt的宾语。的宾语。261. Joining us in the studio are Isabel Rose from the Cannes Film Festival, Hanz Muller from the Berlin International Film Festival (P 50

18、) 考点考点 倒装句倒装句 (P50)考点考例考点考例27考例考例 Distinguished guests and friends, welcome to our school. _ the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning are our alumni (校友校友) from home and abroad. (江苏江苏)A. Attend B. To attend C. Attending D. Having attended28点拨点拨 分析句子结构可知此句是一个倒装句,分析句子结构可知此句是一个倒装句,其正常语序为:其正常语序

19、为:Our alumni from home and abroad are attending the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning. 故故选选C。29 2. Many of them are American, but we reject the idea that we have lost our edge as the best international film festival in the world. (P51) 考点考点 同位语从句同位语从句30考例考例News came from the school offic

20、e _ Wang Lin had been admitted to Beijing University. (四川四川)A. which B. what C. that D. where31点拨点拨 句意:从学校办公室传来消息说王林被北句意:从学校办公室传来消息说王林被北京大学录取了。从句式结构来看,从句中京大学录取了。从句式结构来看,从句中不缺少任何成分,而不缺少任何成分,而news缺少意义上的完缺少意义上的完整,故选整,故选C项引导同位语从句,以说明项引导同位语从句,以说明news的内容。在该题干中,的内容。在该题干中,that引导的同引导的同位语从句后置,做此类题时要注意句式结位语从句后

21、置,做此类题时要注意句式结构是否完整以及不同引导词的不同用法。构是否完整以及不同引导词的不同用法。323. Even though we have only existed a short time, our festival has a good reputation worldwide. (P51) 考点考点 even though引导让步状语从句引导让步状语从句33考例考例 Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice, _ they knew it to be valuable. (浙江浙江 )A. as if B. now that C. even though D. so that34选选C。由前句。由前句“他们中的许多人不他们中的许多人不听他的建议听他的建议”和后句和后句“他们知道那他们知道那很有价值很有价值”可知,二者之间应为转可知,二者之间应为转折关系,所以应选折关系,所以应选C项项“even though (尽管尽管)”。as if 好像,似乎;好像,似乎;now that 既然;既然;so that 以至于,结以至于,结果是。果是。3536



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