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1、LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布Unit 3 A Successful CareerLOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布22021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布Who do you think is a person with a successful career?32021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布Who do you think is a person with a successful career?I think it i

2、s someone who earns a lot of money is in a high social position is famous in his/her field does a job he/she likes and does well 42021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布In order to be successful in ones career, what does a person must do?I think he/she must be in good health receive higher educat

3、ion learn many things in different fields have special knowledge of a certain field have such qualities as being honest, hardworking, persistent, etcLOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布Section A Reading ThroughMy First Job62021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布Content of the textMain idea of the t

4、extStructure of the textImportant words & phrases 72021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布82021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布92021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布Para 1-2Questions: What did the author learn from her first job? Self-respect The importance to take pride in lifes littl

5、e achievements102021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布New words & phrasesfellow: adj 同类的 n 男人 ones fellow students/works 某人的同学/同事 a fellow named Tom 一个名叫Tom的男子 区别:follow: 跟随,跟从112021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布ton: n 大量 c(重量单位)吨 tons of water 大量的水 a ton of water 一吨水 E.g. 大量原油从坏了的油船里喷油而

6、出。 Tons of crude oil has poured out of the damaged tanker.122021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布look up to: 尊重,敬仰 E.g. 许多青少年敬仰乔丹不只是因为他打篮球的技术。 Many teenagers look up to Jordan for more than his basketball skills.132021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布Serve: v 招待,端上(食物) e.g. 我们上午7点到10点供应早餐。

7、 We serve breakfast from 7:00 am to 10:00 am. V (为)工作,(为)服务 e.g. 他在军队里服役了4年。 He served in the army for four years.142021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布take pride in 为感到自豪 e.g. 父母总是为自己孩子的成功感到无比自豪。 Parents always take great pride in the success of their children.152021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布

8、整理发布整理发布整理发布help out:(需要时)帮助(某人) e.g. 客人们很乐意在厨房帮忙。 The guests were glad to help out in the kitchen.162021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布Para 3-7Question:What is the authors dream? To open a restaurantWhy the author didnt open his own restaurant? Because he put the money which customers invest

9、ed him to a bank and failed.172021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布Words & phrasesSalesman: (男)推销员 E.g. 他从推销员干起,现在已经是总经理了。 He started as a salesman and is now the general manager.182021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布Pick up: 拾起, 捡起; 抬起 e.g.我拿错了你的书。 I picked up your book by mistake.使搭乘 e.

10、g.请在校门口等候, 约翰会到那里接你。 Please wait at the school gate. John will pick you up there. 获得,学会 e.g. 孩子从与父母的谈话中学会思维的方法。 Children picked up styles of thought through speaking with their parents.192021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布Lend: v 借给 E.g. 你能借给我100美元吗?我周五还给你。 Can you lend me $100? I will pay yo

11、u back on Friday.Compared: I lent a pen to him. 我借给他一支笔。 I borrowed a pen from him.我向他借了一支笔。202021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布Sharewith: 和某人一起分享 e.g. 如果你相信我,可以把你的问题告诉我。 You may share your problems with me if you trust me.212021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布have faith in相信,信任 e.g. 她

12、会照她的承诺去做,我相信她。 She will do as she promised; I have faith in her. 222021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布come true: 实现,成真 e.g.他的话应验了。 His words came true.232021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布invest:v 投资 e.g. 欢迎富士康来郑州投资。 FOXCONN company is welcome to invest in Zhengzhou.in the meantime: 与此

13、同时 e.g.安随时都可能回家。在这期间,我边喝咖啡边等她。 Ann will be back home any minute. In the meantime, I will drink coffee and wait.242021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布Para 8-10Question:What does the author do now? A stockbrokerDid the author have his firm at last? Yes, he opened a firm five years later. 252021/

14、6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布apply: V.申请, 请求 e.g.我想申请这项工作。 I want to apply for the job.V.应用; 使用 e.g. 理论应该应用于实际。 Theories should be applied to practice.262021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布end up: (以)结束; 最终成为 e.g.这篇故事是怎么结尾的? How does the story end up? 他最后成了公司的负责人。 He ended up as head o

15、f the firm.272021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布annual: adj每年的, 年度的, 一年一次的 e.g. 这是年度报告。 Its an annual report. 你的生日是年年都要庆祝的。 Your birthday is an annual event. 282021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布mount: V. 登上; 骑上 e.g. 攀登者越爬越高。 The climbers mounted higher and higher.vi. 增加; 上升 e.g. 大葱的价格

16、正在上涨。 The price of green Chinese onion has been mounting.292021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布Reading outI worked there for seven years and _so many lessons, especially from a _waitress. Helen was in her 60s, had red hair, and_of self-respect-something I was really_. I looked up to Helen beca

17、use she was doing what she loved_ peopleand nobody did it_. learnedfellowtonslackingservingbetter302021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布Getting the message1 What made the author happy when she helped out in the kitchen?Preparing the eggs and serving them the way the customers wanted made her ha

18、ppy when she helped out in the kitchen.2 Why would the author put Fred Hasbrooks order in without even needing to ask?Because he always ate the same thing every day.3 Why did some of the regular customers agree to lend her 50,000?Because they thought good people with a dream should have the opportun

19、ity to make it come true.4 Did the author open her own restaurant with her 50,000?No, she went to a bank to have the money invested for her.6 Why did Fred write “Im glad I invested in you”?Because he could pay his medical bill with the money she paid him back, plus 14 percent annual interest.312021/

20、6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布Using the right wordComplete each of the following sentences with the help of the first letter(s). Use words from the word list of Text A in this unit.1 We just _ fast food. If you want something special, please go to another restaurant.2 Life is an endless journ

21、ey toward personal_ _.3 If you want him to you the money, you have to prove that you will be able to give it back.4 How the situation will work out, only time can tell.5 It cost me one pound , _10 pence to have the letter posted.6 His _income is 3,000 a month.7 You cant expect your parents to suppor

22、t you _.8 He found he had not brought money with him when he was about to pay the.serveachievementlendeventuallyplusannualforeverbill322021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布Working with expressions1 Mrs. Johnson takes pride _her daughter, who came first in the race.2 Thanks _our medical knowledg

23、e, this terrible disease is much less common now.3 You can pick _some useful ideas through talking with your teachers.4 I wouldnt _marrying someone I hadnt lived with.5 Will you apply _the job by letter or in person?6 If you are too busy, just call me to help_.7 He refuses to invest companies withou

24、t good social record.8 Im afraid youll have to wait a while for the meeting to begin,_ the meantime, you may go over your speech again.in to up of for out in in 332021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布Rewrite the following sentences1 Both friends and family were shocked by the news of her failur

25、e.Friends and family alike were shocked by the news of her failure.2 It may have similar negative influence on both mind and body.It may have negative influence on mind and body alike.3 The new measure will be good for both the customers and the business.The new measure will be good for the customer

26、s and the business alike.342021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布1 He is the most interested in sports in our class.No one in our class is more interested in sports than he.2 This book is the best one written in this field.No book in this field is better written than this one.3 Guilin can produce the most memories of Chinas beauty.No place can produce more memories of Chinas beauty than Guilin.352021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布362021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布372021/6/7LOGO无忧无忧无忧无忧PPTPPT整理发布整理发布整理发布整理发布部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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