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1、第1页/共78页第一页,共79页。1._ adj.科学的2._ vt. 传染,感染;影响 3._ vt.出席,参观;照料4._ vi.推断出;结束5._ vt.暴露; 揭发; 曝光6._ vt.指责 n.过失(gush),责备blame scientificinfectattendconcludeexpose第2页/共78页第二页,共79页。7._ vt. 宣布(xunb),宣告;声称8._adj.热情的9._vt.命令,通知10._ vt. 吸收; 吞并; 理解11.defeat v. _12.cure n.& v. _13.challenge n. _announceenthusiasti

2、cinstructabsorb打败(d bi);战胜;使受挫;失败治愈(zh y);痊愈;治愈(zh y);治疗挑战第3页/共78页第三页,共79页。14.contribute v. _15.construct v. _16.reject v. _17.pollute v. _18.positive adj. _19 vt.& n. _20.expert adj.& n._熟练(shlin)的;内行的;专家,行家捐献(junxin);贡献建设(jinsh);修建拒绝;抛弃污染积极的,肯定的连接,联系第4页/共78页第四页,共79页。1.character n. 性格,品质(pnzh);人物;字

3、体 _ n.特征;特性(txng)adj. 独特的characteristic第5页/共78页第五页,共79页。 We are building socialism with Chinese _ (character). He finished a novel with 2 million Chinese _(character). He is firm in _ (character).characteristicscharacterscharacter 第6页/共78页第六页,共79页。2.attend v.护理(hl),照顾;出席,参加_n.服务人员,侍者;随从 _adj.专心的,留意的

4、 _adv.专心地_搭配照顾(zho g),护理;处理attend toattendantattentiveattentively第7页/共78页第七页,共79页。 It is the nurse who attended _ my uncle when he was ill in the hospital last month. Mr Smith has some urgent business to attend to,so he cant _ (attend/take part in/join)your wedding. You should be more _to your work.

5、toattendattentive 第8页/共78页第八页,共79页。3.pollute vt. 污染(wrn);弄脏 _ n.污染(wrn) We cant drink the _ (pollute) water.polluted pollution第9页/共78页第九页,共79页。 Nowadays,something must be done to reduce air_ (pollute). The _ (pollute) that has polluted the river is a chemical factory.pollutionpolluter第10页/共78页第十页,共7

6、9页。4.instruct vt.命令(mng lng);指示;教导_adj.有指导(zhdo)意义的,有益的_n. 指导(zhdo);说明书(复数)_搭配命令/指示某人做某事instruct sb.to do sth.instructiveinstruction第11页/共78页第十一页,共79页。 My mum always instructs me _ (keep) the room clean and in good order. Read the _ (instruct) carefully before taking the medicine. Your words are ver

7、y _ (instruct),so I will keep them in my mind.to keep instructionsinstructive 第12页/共78页第十二页,共79页。1.提出 _2.得出结论 _3.应该受责备 _4.也,另外(ln wi),此外 _5.将和连接或联系起来 _ 6.导致,通向 _lead to put forwarddraw a conclusionbe to blamein additionlink. to.第13页/共78页第十三页,共79页。7.make sense _8.apart from _9.contribute to _10.cure

8、sb.of illness _11.be enthusiastic about_12.be strict with sb. _有意义(yy),说得通除之外,此外(cwi)为作贡献或捐款(jun kun),导致,有助于治好某人病对热情对某人要求严格第14页/共78页第十四页,共79页。1.2019年,SARS在中国大陆爆发(bof)。(break out)2.SARS造成有些人死亡,很多人身处危险中。(lead. to.;be exposed to)SARS led some people to death and many people were exposed to the danger.I

9、n 2019,SARS broke out in the mainland of China.第15页/共78页第十五页,共79页。3.包括著名的内科医生钟南山在内,许多医护人员被指派去照顾(zho g)病人,处理这一案例。(apart from;instruct;attend;handle)4.钟南山医生满腔热情地投入到工作中去,马上开始询问,并仔细地分析所收集的数据。(be so enthusiastic about;enquiry)3.Apart from Doctor Zhong Nanshan,a famous physician,many doctors and nurses we

10、re instructed to attend to the victims and handle these cases.4.Doctor Zhong was so enthusiastic about his work that he began his enquiry at once and analysed the datas he collected cautiously.第16页/共78页第十六页,共79页。5.另外,他还用新药给病人做试验来寻找病源,宣布这次可怕的疾病(jbng)的罪魁祸首是被污染的动物,果子狸(masked civet)。(in addition;announc

11、e;be to blame;pollute)5.In addition,he had his new medicine tested on one patient to find the cause of the disease,announcing that it was the polluted animals -masked civets that were to blame.第17页/共78页第十七页,共79页。6.开始,一些专家怀疑并拒绝他的观点,说他所提出的理论毫无道理。(reject;put forward;make sense)7.钟南山对自己要求(yoqi)更加严格。(be

12、strict with)6.At first,some experts suspected and rejected his view,saying the theory he put forward made no sense.7.Doctor Zhong Nanshan became much stricter with himself.第18页/共78页第十八页,共79页。8.通过把SARS与被污染的果子狸联系起来,钟南山得出科学的结论,并用中药治疗好感染(gnrn)SARS的病人,对控制这种致命的疾病做出了卓越的贡献。(analyse;draw a conclusion;link.to

13、;control;cure sb.of illness;deadly;contribute to)8.He drew a scientific conclusion by linking the disease to the polluted masked civets and cured the patients of SARS with traditional Chinese medicines,which made remarkable contributions to controlling the spread of the deadly disease.第19页/共78页第十九页,

14、共79页。 In 2019,SARS broke out in the mainland of China,leading some people to death and many people were exposed to the danger. Apart from Doctor Zhong Nanshan,a famous physician,many doctors and nurses were instructed to attend to the victims and handle these cases. Doctor Zhong was so enthusiastic

15、about his work that he began his enquiry at once and analysed the datas he collected cautiously;第20页/共78页第二十页,共79页。in addition,he had his new medicine tested on one patient to find the cause of the disease,announcing that it was the polluted animals masked civets that were to blame. At first,some ex

16、perts suspected and rejected his view,saying the theory he put forward made no sense. 第21页/共78页第二十一页,共79页。Being much stricter with himself,he drew a scientific conclusion by linking the disease to the polluted masked civets and cured the patients of SARS with traditional Chinese medicines,which made

17、 remarkable contributions to controlling the spread of the deadly disease.第22页/共78页第二十二页,共79页。 John Snow was a well-known physician in London in the 19th century. 1_famous was he that he even attended Queen Victoria to ease the 2_(bear) of her babies. However,he decided to defeat cholera,a deadly di

18、sease at that time when he saw thousands of people 3_(expose) to it died every time there was an outbreak. exposed So birth第23页/共78页第二十三页,共79页。In 1854 when cholera broke out,he began to gather information and marked on a map 4 _all the dead people had lived.He found many people who 5_(drink) the dir

19、ty water from the pump died.So he decided that the polluted water carried cholera. had drunk where第24页/共78页第二十四页,共79页。He found a woman and her daughter 6 _ had the water delivered from the pump every day died of cholera after drinking the water. 7 _ this extra evidence John Snow announced that the p

20、olluted water was 8_ (blame). He suggested the source of all water supplies 9_(examine) and new methods of dealing10_water be found.Finally,“King Cholera” was defeated.whoWithto blamebe examinedwith第25页/共78页第二十五页,共79页。1.For breakfast he only drinks juice from fresh fruit _ (grow) on his own farm.2.T

21、he play_(produce) next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture.to be produced grown第26页/共78页第二十六页,共79页。3. _ twice,the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog.(bite)4._ not to miss the flight at 15:20,the manager set out for the airport in a hurry.(Remind)Reminded Bitt

22、en/Having been bitten第27页/共78页第二十七页,共79页。5.The government plans to bring in new laws _ (force) parents to take more responsibility for the education of their children.forcing 第28页/共78页第二十八页,共79页。第29页/共78页第二十九页,共79页。1. expose vt.揭露;使曝光(bo gung);使暴露;展出expose. to使显露(xinl)/暴露be exposed to 招致;暴露于;感染(病)派生

23、:exposure n. 显露;暴露(bol);曝光第30页/共78页第三十页,共79页。运用:根据(gnj)汉语意思完成英语句子。 Those who _ (expose) to bird flu were separated and treated without delay. Stay at home and dont expose your skin _ the sun. were exposedto第31页/共78页第三十一页,共79页。2. cure v. 治愈(zh y),治疗;n. 治愈(zh y),疗法cure sb.of sth.治好某人的疾病a cure for . 治疗

24、的方法(fngf)/药物第32页/共78页第三十二页,共79页。运用:用适当(shdng)的词填空或用所给词的适当(shdng)形式填空。 Her son was addicted to the computer games and she had to spend much time _(cure) him_the bad habits. The government is finding a cure _ the rising housing prices. curingoffor第33页/共78页第三十三页,共79页。3. absorb vt.吸收(xshu)(take or suck

25、in),全神贯注运用:根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 当我进来时,他正聚精会神地在看小说。When I entered,he_ a novel 我们可以从外国语言中吸收(xshu)我们需要的东西。 We can_from foreign languagesbe absorbed in全神贯注(qun shn gun zh)于,专心致志于absorb what we needwas absorbed in reading第34页/共78页第三十四页,共79页。4. suspect vt. 怀疑(huiy);n.嫌疑犯;adj.不可靠的suspect sb.of .认为某人有的嫌疑(xiny)susp

26、ect sb.to be 怀疑某人是第35页/共78页第三十五页,共79页。运用:用适当(shdng)的词填空或用所给词的适当(shdng)形式填空。 He is suspected _ murder. I suspected him _ (be) the spy. What made you suspect her _ having taken the money?of of to be第36页/共78页第三十六页,共79页。辨析:suspected that. 表示“怀疑其有”;doubt that.“无把握,不相信(xingxn)”,怀疑其无。请比较:Old friends and ol

27、d wines are best. 陈酒味醇, 老友情深。I doubt that he has stolen my watch.我不相信(xingxn)他偷了我的手表。I suspect that he has stolen my watch.我怀疑/猜想他偷了我的手表。第37页/共78页第三十七页,共79页。blame sb.for(doing)sth.为某事责备(zbi)某人blame sth.on sb.把某事归咎于某人be to blame(for sth.)(为某事)承担责任/受责备(zbi)5. blame vt.责备(zbi);谴责;n. 过失;责备(zbi) 第38页/共78

28、页第三十八页,共79页。运用(ynyng):用适当的词填空或完成句子。 我不责怪你,我责怪我自己。I do not blame you,but I _. 那次事故怪不得孩子们。The children were not_ the accident.to blame for blame myself第39页/共78页第三十九页,共79页。 The manager blamed him _ his carelessness at work. The police blamed the traffic accident _ Stevens drunken driving. onfor第40页/共78

29、页第四十页,共79页。6. contribute vt.& vi.捐献(junxin);贡献;捐助contribute to(doing)sth.有助于;促成(cchng)contribute .to(doing)sth.把献给;撰稿给(报社、杂志)make a contribution to(doing)sth.对作出贡献第41页/共78页第四十一页,共79页。运用:根据汉语意思完成(wn chng)英语句子。 去年地震发生后,这家公司向红十字会捐赠了食品和衣物。The company _ the Red Cross last year after the earthquake happen

30、ed. 我相信新鲜的空气有助于健康。 Im sure plenty of fresh air_ good health. contributes tocontributed food and clothing to第42页/共78页第四十二页,共79页。 这些改革对于(duy)我国的经济发展做出了重大贡献。These reforms_ the development of the economy of our country. made a major contribution to第43页/共78页第四十三页,共79页。7. conclude vt.& vi.结束(jish);推断出;决定,

31、作结论派生:conclusion n. 结论,结束(jish)conclude sth.from sth.从得出结论 conclude. with 以为结束(jish)come to/draw/reach a conclusion 得出结论in conclusion总之,最后(=finally)第44页/共78页第四十四页,共79页。运用(ynyng):根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 他们于下午六点结束了会议。They_ at 6 oclock in the afternoon. 从以上事实中,我们不难得出结论:财富并不等于幸福。From the above facts,_that wealth

32、is not equal to happiness. we can easily conclude that/we can easily come to the conclusion concluded the meeting/brought the meeting to a conclusion第45页/共78页第四十五页,共79页。 总而言之,好公民(gngmn)应该遵守交通规则。_,a good citizen should observe traffic regulations. To conclude/In conclusion第46页/共78页第四十六页,共79页。8. defea

33、t vt.打败;战胜;使受挫; n.失败辨析:defeat,beat & windefeat与beat同义,表示“击败对方”,宾语(bny)为参赛者或竞争者,如sb.或a team;而win则表示“赢得比赛、战争或某些奖赏或荣誉”,宾语(bny)为game,match,prize等,不能接人。第47页/共78页第四十七页,共79页。运用(ynyng):用defeat、beat或win填空。 They_ us fair and square in the football match. The U.S.A _ the Iraq War but lost the national populari

34、ty(国家声望). wondefeated/beat第48页/共78页第四十八页,共79页。1. put forward 提出(t ch);推荐、提名;提前理解:说出下列句中划线部分的意思。 Weve put the wedding forward by two weeks. 将提前(tqin) (tqin) 第49页/共78页第四十九页,共79页。 Mr.Smith put forward a suggestion at the meeting that we should set up a special department to deal with emergency. Her nam

35、e was put forward for the lead role in the play. 被推荐(tujin)/提名 提出(t ch)(t ch)建议第50页/共78页第五十页,共79页。2. link .to. 把和连接(linji)/联系起来翻译:这浅浅的海峡把大陆和台湾联系起来。The shallow strait_ the mainland. links Taiwan to第51页/共78页第五十一页,共79页。3. apart from 除之外;此外用法(yn f):apart from系短语介词,含有besides/in addition to/as well as和exc

36、ept(for)两方面的意思。第52页/共78页第五十二页,共79页。运用(ynyng):用besides,except,except for替代apart from。 Apart from the cost,it will take a lot of time. Apart from a few faults,he is a trustworthy teacher. Apart from the ending,its a really good film. Apart from = except (not including)Apart from =Besides (In addition

37、to)Apart from =Except for第53页/共78页第五十三页,共79页。4. be strict with sb.(in sth.)(在某方面)对某人严格要求运用:用适当(shdng)的词填空。 Our English teacher is very strict _ us and she demands that we should be strict _ our homework. My mother is strict _ her work and is also strict_me. with withinin第54页/共78页第五十四页,共79页。5. make s

38、ense 有意义,有道理,讲得通运用:理解下面(xi mian)句子的意思。 It doesnt make any sense to give a child whatever he wants. It would make sense to leave early tomorrow. 明天(mngtin)早点离开是明智之举。孩子(hi zi)要什么给什么是没道理的。第55页/共78页第五十五页,共79页。第56页/共78页第五十六页,共79页。1.原句:So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an out

39、break.(L5,P2)每次霍乱爆发(bof)时,就有大批恐慌的老百姓病死。说明(shumng):除every time外,以下短语也可用作连词:each time每一次,any time任何时候,next time下一次,the first time,第一次,the last time等。句型(j xn):every time.每次/每当第57页/共78页第五十七页,共79页。仿写:请将下列句子译成英文。 每次我陷入困境时,都是马老师(losh)来帮助我。It was Mr Ma who would come to help me_.every time I was in trouble第

40、58页/共78页第五十八页,共79页。 每次我去找他,他都是在教室里看书。_,he is absorbed in reading in the classroom. 每当我听到这首音乐(ynyu),我就想起我的童年。_,I will think of my childhood.Every time I listen to the musicEvery time I go to see him第59页/共78页第五十九页,共79页。2.原句:A woman,who had moved away from Broad Street,liked the water from the pump so

41、much that she had it delivered to her house every day.(L42,P3)有一位从宽街搬过来的妇女,她特别(tbi)喜欢那里的水,每天都要派人从水泵打水运到家里。句型:have sth.done 让某人干某事,遭遇某事第60页/共78页第六十页,共79页。仿写:请将下列句子(j zi)译成英文。 你最好明天请人把那扇破门修好。Youd better_.(2)昨天他在打篮球时摔断了手腕。Yesterday he_ when playing basketball.had his wrist broken have the broken door r

42、epaired tomorrow第61页/共78页第六十一页,共79页。3.原句: He placed a fixed sun at the centre of the solar system with the planets going round it and only the moon still going round the earth.他把太阳固定在太阳系的中心位置上,而行星则围绕着太阳转,只有月球仍然绕着地球(dqi)转。(L20,P7)句型:with+ 宾语+非谓语动词第62页/共78页第六十二页,共79页。仿写:请将下列句子译成英文。 由于噪音吵个不停,我做不了作业。I c

43、ouldnt do my homework with_. 因对两场考试担心,这个(zh ge)周末我不得不拼命学习。_,I have to work really hard this weekend.the noisegoing onWith two exams to worry about第63页/共78页第六十三页,共79页。 真遗憾,这位伟大的作家(zuji)死时他的作品还没有完成。It was a pity that the great writer died _.with his works uncompleted第64页/共78页第六十四页,共79页。第65页/共78页第六十五页,

44、共79页。一、完形填空本文是一篇记叙文。母亲向“我”讲述了身体中最重要的部位是肩膀,因为它能给悲伤的人一种依靠。1.C。联系上下文的情节和提示语ears可知。2.B。根据上文的sound和ears推测出母亲通过指出许多失聪的人否定“我”的答案。3.C。自从第一次“尝试(chngsh)(attempt)后,我就常思考这问题。第66页/共78页第六十六页,共79页。4.D。母亲表扬我“学(learn)”得快。5.A。母亲就同一个问题问了好多遍(times).6.C。虽然母亲的答案(d n)仍然是否定的,但她还是发现了我的进步,表扬我更聪明(smart)了。7.B。从下文“每个人都很伤心”,尤其“向

45、祖父做最后的道别”可知,祖父“去世”。第67页/共78页第六十七页,共79页。8.C。家人“轮流”(turn)向祖父道别。9.A。当母亲在这种场合问我同样的问题时,我感到非常(fichng)震惊。10.A。一直以来,作者以为问这样的问题只不过是他们之间的“游戏”(game)而已。11.D。母亲问他问题的场合与作者的预想形成强烈的反差,故感到十分困惑。第68页/共78页第六十八页,共79页。12.D。eyes well up with tears热泪盈眶13.A。根据下文“我”的问题可知,支撑头部的应是肩膀。14.B。根据上文when they cry。15.D。于是作者懂得(dng de)了,

46、最重要的不是“自私的”(selfish)。第69页/共78页第六十九页,共79页。二、语法填空本文讲述了星期五和13为什么被西方人认为是不吉利的日子(r zi)。16.because。因为后句与前句是因果关系。17.came。因“来自于神话”,应发生于过去。18.it。指代the rib。19.a。表示不具体的“某个”星期五。第70页/共78页第七十页,共79页。20.that。因it was.that.是强调结构。21.died。在主格人称代词they后一定是谓语,用其动词形式die,由上下文可知用过去式died。22.for。此处for which引导一个非限制性定语从句,意为“由于这个原

47、因(yunyn),因此”。第71页/共78页第七十一页,共79页。23.that。因后句是the idea的同位语从句,从句意义完整,也不缺任何(rnh)句子成分,用that。24.sitting。因本句已有谓语was unlucky,所以sit应为非谓语动词;又因people与sit是主动关系,故用现在分词短语作定语。25.his。指前面“犹大的(Judas)”。第72页/共78页第七十二页,共79页。三、阅读理解本文主要介绍了疟疾的一些基本情况。51.A。推理判断题。由文章第一段第三句得知(d zh)。52.C。细节理解题。由文章第二段第三句得知(d zh)。第73页/共78页第七十三页,

48、共79页。53.D。细节(xji)理解题。由文章第二段倒数第三句话(its ability to change rapidly to defend itself and resist new drugs has made it nearly impossible to control)得知。54.B。推理判断题。由最后一段的第三句(.but they have been in short supply and are very expensive)得知。第74页/共78页第七十四页,共79页。55.D。细节理解题。根据全文(qun wn)所讨论的内容得知,选项A,C在第二段讨论到了,选项B在第

49、一段讨论到了。第75页/共78页第七十五页,共79页。第76页/共78页第七十六页,共79页。xiexie!xiexie!谢谢谢谢(xi xie)(xi xie)!第77页/共78页第七十七页,共79页。感谢您的欣赏(xnshng)第78页/共78页第七十八页,共79页。内容(nirng)总结基础知识自测。作贡献或捐款,导致,有助于。2.SARS造成有些人死亡,很多人身处危险中。 每次我去找他,他都是在教室里看书。因“来自于神话”,应发生于过去。因it was.that.是强调结构。因本句已有谓语(wiy)was unlucky,所以sit应为非谓语(wiy)动词。感谢您的欣赏第七十九页,共79页。



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