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1、 SAFETYOFFICERDec.17,2015中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R风险管理RISK MANAGEMENTJuly 20121Why carry out Risk Assessment? Who should carry out Risk Assessments? When to carry out Risk Assessments? How to carry out Risk Assessments?中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R目录CONTENTS三一RISKASSESSMENTSAFETYAWARENESS中中 海海 油油 运运C

2、S T A N K E R四OILMAJORREQUIREMENT二DEFINATIONSAFETYAWARENESSSAFETYHAZARDHAZARDIDENTIFICATIONRISKRISKASSESSEMNTRISKMANAGEMENT中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RSAFETYAWARENESSSAFETisessentiallytheongoingmanagementofworkplacehazardsandrisks.SafetyisPersonnelprotectiveequipmentPropertoolsandequipmentCompetentper

3、sonnelStandardizedprocedures/methodsMechanicalreliability中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RSAFETYAWARENESSSafetyisDefinedresponsibilitiesAplannedapproachforhazardousworkEffectiveleadershipanddirectionSystematichazardidentificationandcontrolFrequentcommunication中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RSAFETYAWARENESSTradit

4、ionalBeliefs!ItwillneverhappentomeIthasneverhappenedhereSafetyisjustextraworkSafetyisthesafetyrepsresponsibilitySafetyisonlyalotofpaperworkSafetyjustisntworththeextraThesebeliefsareReactiveinnature!中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RSAFETYAWARENESSModernValues!SafetyisasharedresponsibilityIncidentsareCAUSED,

5、theydontjusthappenExcellent safety performance requires long termcommitment,planningandinvolvementA safety work environment is a productive workenvironmentNojobissoimportantthatwecanttakethetimetodoitinthesafeandefficientwayWorkingsafelyrequiresapositiveattitudeThesebeliefsareProactiveinnature!中中 海海

6、 油油 运运C S T A N K E RSAFETYAWARENESSWorkingsafelyisanattitude!Support and direction that results inthe development of safe workinghabits is the foundation of safeattitudes.中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RSAFETYAWARENESSAReactiveversusaProactiveThereareonlytwowaystomanagesafety:REACTIVESAFETYPROGRAMWe simp

7、ly wait for incidents to occur to discoverneededchangesandimprovementsOrPROACTIVESAFETYMANNAGEMENTSYSTEMWe manage workplace hazards and risks on anongoingbasis,continuallylookingforbetterways中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RSAFETYAWARENESSItsyourturntodiscussthefollowing:What do we currently do, on a regul

8、arbasis, that you consider PROACTIVErelatingtosafety?Whatdowecurrentlydo,onaregularbasisthatyouconsider“REACTIVE”relatingtosafety?中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RSAFETY AWARENESSA Culture within a CultureSafety ManagementCultureHazard/ControlCulture中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RSAFETYAWARENESSHAZARDHAZARDIDEN

9、TIFICATIONRISKRISKASSESSEMNTRISKMANAGEMENT中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R目录CONTENTS三二RISKASSESSMENTSAFETYAWARENESS中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R四OILMAJORREQUIREMENT一DEFINATIONDEFINATIONOHSAS18001-2007HAZARDSource,situation,oractwithapotentialforharminterms of human injury or ill health, or acombinationthereo

10、f.可能造成人员受伤或疾病等伤害的根源、状态或行为,或他们的组合。HazardidentificationProcess of recognizing that a hazard exits anddefiningitscharacteristics认识存在的危险并确定其特征的过程。中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RDEFINATIONOHSAS18001-2007RISKCombinationofthelikelihoodofanoccurrenceofahazardouseventorexposure(s)andtheseverityofinjuryorillhealth

11、thatcanbecausedbytheeventorexposure(s)危险事件发生或暴露的可能性与由该事件或曝露导致的伤害或疾病的严重程度的组合RISKASSESSMENTProcessofevaluatingtherisk(s)arisingfromahazard(s),takingintoaccounttheadequacyofanyexistingcontrols,anddecidingwhetherornottherisk(s)isacceptable.评估来自危险的风险、考虑现有控制的适当性和决定该风险是否可接受的过程。中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RDEF

12、INATIONISM CODE 2015HAZARD8.3TheSMSshouldprovideformeasuresensuringthattheCompanysorganizationcanrespondatanytimetohazards,accidentsandemergencysituationsinvolvingitsships.RISK1.2.2.2assessallidentifiedriskstoitsships,personnelandtheenvironmentandestablishsafeguardsagainst中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RD

13、EFINATION中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RAnythingthatcausesharmtopeople.AnythingthatcandamagetheenvironmentAnythingwiththepotentialtodamagepropertyorequipmentDEFINATIONRisk is therefore a measure of the likelihood of a specific undesired event and its unwanted consequences or loss.中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E

14、 RRISK TOHEALTH ANDSAFETYRISK TOENVIRONMENTRISK TOPROPERTYCOSTHAZARDS中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R20 Incidents 操作工滑了一下,摔倒在地,头撞到泵上,死亡操作工滑了一下,摔倒在地,腿摔断了操作工滑了一下,扭伤了脚操作工滑了一下,但没摔倒泵旁边泄漏的润滑油未及时清理HAZARDS中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R不安全因素导因权重(%)个人防护装备12人员的位置30人员的反应14工具与设备28程序与秩序12不安全行为类导因总计96%不安全条件类导因总计4%总计100%基于杜邦

15、公司10年的对于可记录事件的统计,表明导致事故的原因具有以下的分布规律SAFETYBELIEFAllincidentscanbeprevented.Everyincidenthasitscauseswhichcanbecontrolled.中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RHAZARDIDENTIFICATION危险源分类:第一类危险源生产过程中存在的,可能发生意外释放的能量(能源或能量载体)或危险物质称作第一类危险源第二类危险源导致能量或危险物质约束或限制措施破坏或失效的各种因素称作第二类危险源。物的故障人的失误环境因素中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RH

16、AZARDIDENTIFICATION事故发生往往是两类危险源共同作用的结果:第一类危险源是伤亡事故发生的能量主体,决定事故后果的严重程度。第二类危险源是第一类危险源造成事故的必要条件,决定事故发生的可能性。两类危险源相互关联、相互依存。第一类危险源的存在是第二类危险源出现的前提;第二类危险源的出现时第一类危险源导致事故的必要条件。危险源识别的首要任务是辨识第一类危险源,在此基础上再辨识第二类危险源。中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RHAZARDIDENTIFICATION事故发生往往是两类危险源共同作用的结果:第一类危险源是伤亡事故发生的能量主体,决定事故后果的严重程度。第

17、二类危险源是第一类危险源造成事故的必要条件,决定事故发生的可能性。两类危险源相互关联、相互依存。第一类危险源的存在是第二类危险源出现的前提;第二类危险源的出现时第一类危险源导致事故的必要条件。危险源识别的首要任务是辨识第一类危险源,在此基础上再辨识第二类危险源。中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RHAZARDIDENTIFICATION隐患排查:人的隐患心理与生理素质-安全能力素质-文化素质设备隐患设计-制造-使用管理隐患制度、效能的发挥环境隐患自然环境-社会环境中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RENERGYSOURCES中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A

18、N K E RnGravitynMotionnMechanicalnElectricalnPressurenTemperaturenChemicalnBiologicalnRadiationnSoundGRAVITY中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RThe force caused by the attraction of all other masses to the mass of the earth.Examples: falling object, collapsing roof, and a body tripping or falling GRAVITY中中 海海

19、 油油 运运C S T A N K E R29MOTION中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R3030The energy of motion results from any physical movement or change in position or place.Examples: vehicle, vessel or equipment movement; flowing water; wind; and body positioning: lifting, straining, or bendingMOTION中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R

20、313131MECHANICALENERGY中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R323232The energy of the components of a mechanical system, i.e. rotation, vibration, motion, etc. within otherwise stationary piece of equipment/machinery. Examples: rotating equipment, compressed springs, drive belts, conveyors, and motors MECHANICALE

21、NERGY中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R3333ELECTRICAL中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R343434The presence and flow of an electric charge.Examples: power lines, transformers, static charges, lightning, energized equipment, wiring, and batteriesELECTRICAL中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R35353535PRESSURE中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N

22、K E REnergy applied by a liquid or gas which has been compressed or is under a vacuum.Examples: pressure piping, compressed cylinders, control lines, vessels, tanks, hoses, and pneumatic and hydraulic equipmentPRESSURE中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R37ELECTRICAL中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E REnergy applied by

23、a liquid or gas which has been compressed or is under a vacuum.Examples: pressure piping, compressed cylinders, control lines, vessels, tanks, hoses, and pneumatic and hydraulic equipmentIDENTIFYENERGYSOURCES中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R39GravityMotionMechanicalElectricalPressureTEMPRETURE中中 海海 油油 运运C

24、S T A N K E R40The measurement of differences in the thermal energy of objects or the environment, which the human body senses as either heat or cold.Examples: open flame; ignition sources; hot or cold surfaces, liquids or gases; steam; friction; and general environmental and weather conditionsTEMPR

25、ETURE中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RCHEMICALENERGY中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R4242The energy present in chemicals that inherently, or through reaction, has the potential to create a physical or health hazards to people, environment or equipment.Examples: flammable vapors, reactive hazards, carcinogens or o

26、ther toxic compounds, corrosives, pyrophorics, combustibles, oxygen-deficient atmospheres, welding fumes, and dusts CHEMICALENERGY中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R434343BIOLOGICALENERGY中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R444444Living organisms that can present a hazard.Examples: animals, bacteria, viruses, insects,

27、blood-borne pathogens, improperly handled food, and contaminated water BIOLOGICALENERGY中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R45454545REDIATION中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R46The energy emitted from radioactive elements or sources and naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM).Examples: lighting issues, weldin

28、g arcs, solar rays, microwaves, lasers, X-Rays, and NORM scaleREDIATION中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R47Ionizing RadiationNon-Ionizing RadiationSOUNDENERGY中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R4848Sound is produced when a force causes an object or substance to vibratethe energy is transferred through the substance i

29、n waves.Examples: equipment noise, impact noise, vibration, high-pressure release, and the impact of noise to communicationSOUNDENERGY中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R4949SOUNDENERGY中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R50Chemical (confined space, welding fumes)TemperatureRadiationBiologicalSound (communication, arc w

30、elding)HAZARDIDENTIFICANTIONTOOL中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RHAZARDEXAMPLE中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R5252Injuries to Fingers & HandsHazards:Beware of: Mechanical hazards Chemical Hazards Micro-organisms Cold hazards Heat and fire Radioactive contamination Select the correct and appropriate protective gl

31、oves for the job. Inspect gloves before use for damage. Ensure correct fit with no gaps. Beware of sharp edges. Beware of moving parts. Beware of heavy weights and possible crush injuries. Beware of frayed strands in wire ropes. Select proper hand tools for the job. Inspect tools before use. Ensure

32、guards are fitted on machines such as lathes. Isolate machinery before carrying out maintenance (lock-out / tag-out procedures) Avoid wearing rings or other jewellery. These can accidentally get caught. Be aware of the hazards that may cause dermatitis and use barrier creams.HAZARDEXAMPLE中中 海海 油油 运运

33、C S T A N K E R5353Falls & Falling ObjectsHazards:Beware of: Persons working overhead. Crane operations Items falling through gratings Tools falling out of pockets Loose items left at height Unprotected edges Open manhole covers Opening in gratings Tripping hazards (such as ropes) Slipping hazards (

34、such as grease or oil on deck) Creating a hazard for other crew members Plan and risk assess the task. Wear the appropriate PPE (e.g. hardhats, boots etc) When working on a ladder, have someone foot/hold the ladder and lash the top. Where appropriate, rig temporary handrails or other barriers. Remov

35、e all loose items from place of work and keep the site clean and tidy. Protect yourself from falling. Use safety harnesses. Protect people below. Consider the use of safety nets.HAZARDEXAMPLE中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R5454Working Aloft or OversideHazards:Beware of: Hazards from people working overhea

36、d Creating hazards for people below Changes in sea or weather conditions Dangers from nearby machinery or equipment Sharp edges and hot pipework Becoming tangled in rigging Trapping fingers and hands Weight restrictions of staging Ropes contaminated with oil or paint Corrosion of wires Overboard dis

37、charges Turning propellers Waves or wake from other vessels.A work permit must be issued and posted at the site of work. Plan and risk assess the task Are sufficient persons available for the work to be carried out safely? Is all equipment in good condition? Are all persons wearing appropriate PPE i

38、ncluding safety harnesses? Are there adequate securing points and have these been assessed as safe? Does any equipment require isolating (e.g. radar scanners, aerials, cranes etc)? If equipment requires isolating, have appropriate notices been posted to prevent starting?HAZARDEXAMPLE中中 海海 油油 运运C S T

39、 A N K E R5555Entry Into Enclosed SpacesHazards:Beware of: Lack of ventilation Steel turning to rust consumes oxygen Cargoes can give off toxic fumes (e.g. coal or oil) Presence of Carbon Monoxide from exhaust fumesKnow what an enclosed space is. They should be marked but if in doubt, do not enter a

40、nd ask.NEVER attempt to rescue someone from an enclosed space without using breathing apparatus!Entry is forbidden without a valid work permit. Enclosed spaces to be identified All risks assessed properly Atmosphere tests to be carried out Safe access to space with adequate lighting Continuous venti

41、lation before and during entry Emergency equipment (including BA) made available outside entrance Action plan agreed Good communications established and agreed At least one member of the entry team to be in possession of a personal oxygen or multifunction meter. Checklist completedHAZARDEXAMPLE中中 海海

42、 油油 运运C S T A N K E R5656HotworkHazards:Beware of: Presence of flammable vapours Location of fuel tanks and other adjacent spaces that may contain flammable liquids or gases Sludge at the bottom of tanks may give off flammable gases Paint coatings catching fire Sparks from welding or cutting gear Po

43、ssibility of gas or liquids in pipelines including tank heating coils Poor or incorrectly earthed electric arc welding equipment Dry cargoes that give off flammable vapours (e.g. coal) A safety meeting is to be held. A risk assessment is to be made. All personnel involved in preparation and the oper

44、ation to be fully briefed. Risk area identified (e.g. any area outside of the engine room on tankers) Type of hotwork identified. Atmosphere checked and agreed safe. Adjacent spaces clean and free of gas. Pipelines in space free of flammable gas. Has the office agreed to hotwork? (required in certai

45、n circumstances) Checklist completed. Work permit issued and displayed.HAZARDEXAMPLE中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R5757Mooring OperationsHazards:Beware of: The possibility of weight suddenly coming on ropes or wires Trapping fingers or hands between rope and winch or rope and bollards. Broken strands of

46、wire penetrating skin Flying scale and debris when dropping anchor Damaged, frayed or badly spliced ropes Slippery surfacesAlways follow the instructions of the officer in charge of the mooring party Always use appropriate PPE (e.g. safety helmets, safety shoe and gloves, including goggles when anch

47、oring) Stand clear of all lines when under load. Watch your feet do not step into a coil or loop. Always ensure that the winch operator can see the person in charge. Do no leave winches running unattended. Ensure all equipment is operational and well maintained. Keep mooring areas clear from obstruc

48、tions, litter and free from oil or grease. Do not use single tail stoppers. Do not secure ropes to winch drum ends.目录CONTENTS二三RISKASSESSMENTSAFETYAWARENESS中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R四OILMAJORREQUIREMENT一DEFINATIONRISKASSESSMENTRiskassessmentmeanstheprocessofevaluatingthelikelihoodandconsequencesofan

49、yharmarisingfromexposuretoanidentifiedhazard,anddeterminingtheappropriatemeasuresforriskcontrol.中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RFOURLEVELPROCESSRisk assessment level 1: generic risk assessmentThe Company should assess the risks associated with all identified hazards in respect of its ships, personnel and

50、the environment, and establish appropriate safeguards.The results are used to ensure that appropriate safeguards and control measures are contained within the Companys safety management system in the form of policies, procedures and work instructions.中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RRISKASSESSMENTRisk asse

51、ssment level 2: task basedVessel-specific generic TBRAs can be used for all routine and low-risk tasks can be developed. Periodically reviewedFrequency depends on the particular circumstances on the vessel and the level of risk.Specific high-risk jobs that are not routine, such as working aloft or e

52、nclosed space entry. Relate to the specific persons who will be involved in the work and valid only for the duration of that job.Carried out bycompetent persons who understand the work being assessed. Seafarers who will be involved in the work should also be.中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RFOURLEVELPROCES

53、SRisk assessment level 3: toolbox talkIn support of a TBRABe conducted prior to any work being carried out that involves more than one person and where there is significant risk to persons or assets.Fundamentally a method of determining that all safeguards are in place before work is carried out.Inv

54、olve those carrying out the work and others who may be at risk, i.e. seafarers, sub-contractors and others on board ship who may be affected by the work.中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RFOURLEVELPROCESSThe Toolbox Talks do not need to be recorded in writing.It does not have to be in an office; a control ro

55、om, mess room or workshop area will suffice.Try and limit the duration to 10-15 minutes try not to become side-tracked on other issues.Once finished, confirm that all fully understand their role in the task and the precautions in place (closed-loop communication).This should then be recorded along w

56、ith details of any relevant risk assessment referred to.REMEMBER: Should any person feel that the work practices or work site is unsafe STOP THE JOB!中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RFOURLEVELPROCESSThe toolbox talk is to cover such areas as:Steps, hazards and controls listed in the risk assessment and/or t

57、ask risk assessmentThe definition of roles and responsibilities of those involved in the activityHow the task will affect other people? Warning signs in place?Do any systems require isolating? (steam, electricity, water, air etc.) Lock Out / Tag Out? Any work permits requiredEmergency actions that m

58、ay be required in the event of an incidentTo reinforce the principle of stopping work should any person feel that the work practices or work site are unsafe.中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RFOURLEVELPROCESSRisk assessment stage 4: personal assessment of riskThis is an informal assessment of day-to-day risk

59、s carried.It is used to maintain awareness of our environment at all times and aid in the identification and control of immediate hazards as we go about our work. This is about taking a few minutes to step back, look at the job to be done, consider what could go wrong and how it may occur, and what

60、steps you can personally take to avoid any incident occurring. As the work is proceeding, you should also monitor the worksite for any change in conditions that might alter the hazards and controls in place. If there is any concern, stop the work, re-assess the controls and, if necessary, re-plan an

61、d re-assess the task.A dynamic risk assessment.中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RRISKASSESSMENTWhen to conduct a risk assessmentEvery task carried out on board the vessel should be subject to risk assessment.Day to day operations;Critical operations including unusual, new or infrequent tasks and the mainten

62、ance of critical equipment.The existing Risk Assessment is to be re-used for repetitive tasks.Any task for which no valid risk assessment exists.中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RRISKASSESSMENTWhen to conduct a risk assessmentOnce the task commences, monitor the work site for any changes in conditions that

63、might alter the hazards and controls in place.Circumstances can and do change. Such as heavy weather or machinery failure. Conducting a risk assessment on each occasion that will identify additional precaution.If there is any concern, stop work authority should be used.中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RRISK

64、ASSESSMENTWhen to conduct a risk assessmentA risk assessment do not need to be written every time a simple task is carried out, but the existing risk assessment must be referred to as part of a toolbox talk.Once the task commences, it is important to monitor the work site for any changes in conditio

65、ns that might alter the hazards and controls in place.If there is any concern, stop work authority should be used.中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RDEFINATION中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R9SAFETY MANAGEMENT2.1Thevesseloperatorsproceduresincludeadocumentedrisk-assessmentprocesstosystematicallyidentifypotentialha


67、rpotentiallyhazardousoperations.Thisshouldincludetheidentificationofriskstohealthandhygiene.在该计划下,岸基管理层确保有程序要求对非常规修理(因设备故障或因潜在导致故障的隐患)的任何危险或其他潜在危险操作进行风险评估,还应包括健康和卫生方面的风险识别2.3Theriskassessmentprocessalsoincludesprovisionforassessingnewornon-routinetasks.风险评估程序也包括对新的或非常规工作开展评估的规定DEFINATION中中 海海 油油 运运C

68、 S T A N K E R4ARELIABILITY AND MAINTENANCE STANDARDS (CRITICAL EQUIPMENT)3.1Maintenanceoncriticalequipmentshouldfollowdefinedproceduresthatincludeariskassessmentwhichrequiresapprovalsattheappropriatelevelsofmanagementbeforetheequipmentisshutdown.关键设备的维护保养应按规定程序进行,包括在停用关键设备前应提交风险评估报告并获得公司相应管理层批准Ther



71、perationalparameters)change.如境况(如环境条件、人员疲劳、运行参数)发生改变,要进行进一步的风险评估。DEFINATION中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R6AMOORING OPERATIONS3.1Thereisarecordofroutineriskassessmenttoensurethatmooringarrangementsandequipmentareoperatedtoensurethesafetyofvesselpersonnel.有常规的风险评估记录,确保系泊布置和设备正确操作,保证人员安全。Equipmentlayoutmin

72、imisestheriskofinjury.Self-stowingdrums,whichareoperatedfromremotepositionsawayfromthearealikelytobeaffectedbyrope/wirefailure,mayhelptoreducetheriskofinjury.设备合理布置将减小伤害风险。在远离缆绳/钢丝绳损坏影响区的摇控位置操纵自动缆车,有助于减少伤害风险DEFINATION中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R7MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE1.2Thevesseloperatorhasadocumentedpr



75、oconductariskassessmentonallroutineandnon-routinetasks.程序应包括对所有常规和非常规工作进行风险评估的要求类别与职责 中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R 中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RRISKASSESSMENTWho to conduct the Risk AssessmentA senior officer in consultation with the Master and any other appropriate personnel deemed to be able to supply

76、a positive input.Those carrying out the work and others who may be at risk, i.e. seafarers, sub-contractors and others on board ship who may be affected by the work.Yourself.中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RRISKASSESSMENTRisk Assessment ProcessInventory of shipboard operationsIdentify the hazardsDecide who

77、 might be harmed and howIdentify existing controlsDetermine risk and decide if risk is tolerableRecordings your findings and implement controlsReview your risk assessment and update if necessary中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RRISKASSESSMENTQuantity Risk Analysis, QRAR=LCR-riskL-likelihoodC-consequence中中 海

78、海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RRISKASSESSMENT中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R可能性分值任务高度可能5执行此项任务发生事故几乎是不可避免的很可能4执行此项任务是否会发生事故不确定,但有一项不确定因素可能会导致事故的发生。可能3执行此项任务是否会发生事故不确定,但多项不确定因素的组合可能会导致事故的发生可能性低2发生事故需要几项罕见因素的组合出现可能性微小1执行此项任务发生事故的可能性是可以忽略的RISKASSESSMENT中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R严重程度分值人员健康船舶/财产环境非常严重5多人死亡全损/100万元重大污染

79、启动国家应急反应计划严重41人死亡或多人受重伤严重受损/10万元-100万元较大污染/启动当地或港口应急反应计划比较严重3多人受伤或1人受重伤未严重受损/1000元-10万元中度污染启动船舶应急反应计划,并需多方协助不严重21人受伤或多人受轻伤设备局部受损/100元-1000元小污染启动船舶应急反应计划轻微1轻微受伤或疾病轻微受损/100元轻微污染RISKASSESSMENT中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R等级R值危险程度520不可容忍的风险41319重大的风险3712中度风险236可容忍的风险112小风险RISKASSESSMENT中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N

80、 K E R轻微1不严重2比较严重3严重4非常严重5可能性微小1小风险小风险可容忍的风险可容忍的风险可容忍的风险可能性低2小风险可容忍的风险可容忍的风险中度风险中度风险可能3可容忍的风险可容忍的风险中度风险中度风险重大的风险很可能4可容忍的风险中度风险中度风险重大的风险不可容忍的风险高度可能5可容忍的风险中度风险重大的风险不可容忍的风险不可容忍的风险RISKASSESSMENT中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R等级行动和时间表1小风险 无须采取任何行动,也无须保留记录。2可容忍的风险无须任何额外的控制措施,但可考虑增加具有成本效益的解决方法,或作一些改善,而无需付出额外的成本

81、。需保持监控,确保在控制之中。3中度风险应采取行动降低风险,但所用成本应小心衡量,不可太高,同时应在限定时间内实施降低风险的措施。若风险属中度,但带来的后果非常严重,在制订风险控制措施后必须再作评估,以确切找出造成的危险有多大,以作为改进控制措施的基础。4重大的风险降低风险之前,不得开始工作,同时也可能需要为降低风险付出大量资源。若风险涉及进行中的工作,必须采取紧急行动。5不可容忍的风险降低风险之前,不论工作是否已经开始,都必须停止。若花费了极大的资源也不可能降低风险,禁止作业。除非在极端情况下,否则风险是不能接受的。RISKASSESSMENTWhen controlling risks:t

82、ry a less risky option (e.g. switch to using a less hazardous chemical);prevent access to the hazard (e.g. by guarding);organise work to reduce exposure to the hazard (e.g. put barriers between pedestrians and traffic);issue personal protective equipment (e.g. clothing, footwear, goggles); andprovid

83、e welfare facilities (e.g. first-aid and washing facilities for removal of contamination).中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RRISKASSESSMENTRisk assessment reviewRisk assessment should be seen as a continuous process. The risk assessment must be reviewed and updated as necessary, to ensure that it reflects an

84、y significant changes of equipment or procedure or the particular circumstances at the time, e.g. the weather or level of expertise of those carrying out the task.Risk assessment should be maintained and reviewed in a similar manner.Risk Assessments must be reviewed at least on an annual basis.中中 海海

85、 油油 运运C S T A N K E R目录CONTENTS二三RISKASSESSMENTSAFETYAWARENESS中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R四OILMAJORREQUIREMENT一DEFINATIONOILMAJORREQUIREMNETTMSAHazards and risks are systematically identified and assessed to ensure that risk exposure is effectively managed and considered at appropriate levels of manag

86、ement. 中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E RDEFINATION中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R3RECRUITMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF VESSEL PERSONNEL4.4The company undertakes vessel health-risk assessments on a rolling basis.公司对船舶存在危害健康的风险进行滚动评估。Monitoring of physical hazards such as noise levels, making inventories of hazardous ma

87、terials and assessing human factors are carried out on a regular basis and fully documented.定期监控物理性风险源,如噪音等级,定期整理危害物质清单,定期评估人为因素,并保留完整记录。4RELIABILITY AND MAINTENANCE STANDARDS4.1The maintenance and defect reporting system also monitors the vessels spares inventory and highlights any shortages. 维护保养和

88、缺陷报告系统还应能监控船舶备件库存,显示短缺备件Special attention is given to establishing on-board spare parts inventory based on critical equipment evaluation or hazard identification studies.基于关键设备评估或危险识别研究,在确定船舶备件库存清单时对关键设备应给予特别关注4ARELIABILITY AND MAINTENANCE STANDARDS (CRITICAL EQUIPMENT)1.1Critical equipment and syst

89、ems are defined and identified within the safety management system. 在船舶的安全管理体系中应识别和定义关键设备和系统Management provides clear instructions on the identification of on-board critical systems, alarms and equipment. Risk-assessment or hazard-identification methods are documented to help the identification of s

90、uch equipment and systems.管理层对识别船上关键系统、报警和设备给出明确指导。有书面的风险评估和危险识别方法,帮助识别此类设备和系统。DEFINATION中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R4ARELIABILITY AND MAINTENANCE STANDARDS (CRITICAL EQUIPMENT)3.1Maintenanceoncriticalequipmentshouldfollowdefinedproceduresthatincludeariskassessmentwhichrequiresapprovalsattheappropriat



93、岸基管理层审核Afurtherriskassessmentisundertakenifcircumstances(suchasenvironmentalconditions,crewfatigueoroperationalparameters)change.如境况(如环境条件、人员疲劳、运行参数)发生改变,要进行进一步的风险评估。DEFINATION中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R6AMOORING OPERATIONS3.1Thereisarecordofroutineriskassessmenttoensurethatmooringarrangementsandequi


95、助于减少伤害风险DEFINATION中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R7MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE1.2Themanagementofchangeprocessclearlydefinesthelevelofauthorityrequiredfortheapprovalofachange.变更管理程序明确规定批准变更所需级别。Itisimportantthatchangesarereviewedatthedefinedlevelofauthorityand,wherenewrisksareidentified,theadequacyoftherisk-reduc


97、uchasriskassessmenttoevaluatetheimpactofproposedchanges.公司运用风险评估技术评价变更的影响Theprocedureincludesarequirementtoconductariskassessmentonallroutineandnon-routinetasks.程序应包括对所有常规和非常规工作进行风险评估的要求DEFINATION中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R7AMANAGEMENT OF CHANGEAIMAmanagementofchangeprocedureisinplacetoassiststaffini




101、currence.Thisprocesshelpsthecompanytoidentifyandprioritizethemosteffectiverisk-reductionmeasures.Itwillalsoidentifyresidualrisksthatrequiremanagementattention.一旦公司开展风险评估,就要评估潜在的后果及其发生的可能性。该过程帮助公司识别并优先选择最有效的降低风险措施。同时,也需识别需要管理层注意的残余风险。DEFINATION中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R7AMANAGEMENT OF CHANGE4.1Theman


103、framethenthechangemustbereviewed,theinitialhazardobservation/riskassessmentrevisitedandre-approvalsought.变更管理程序应当明确指出,如果计划的变更没有在限定的时间内完成,变更必须再次审核,初始的危险识别和风险评估必须重新进行并得到再次批准。DEFINATION中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R9SAFETY MANAGEMENTMainobjectiveDevelopaproactiveapproachtosafetymanagement,bothonboardandash



106、.有效的安全管理要求系统地识别危害、消除或将风险降低到最低可行水平的措施。要素9中陈述了船岸对风险评估/危险暴露管理的要求,还描述了用于促进有效的安全文化和激励员工确保理解、拥护安全管理体系要求的附加措施。DEFINATION中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R9SAFETY MANAGEMENTShore-basedmonitoringVesseloperatorsshouldestablishandmaintainproceduresforshore-basedmanagementto船舶经营人应建立并维护岸基管理程序以便engageinaformalriskassessm


108、中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R9SAFETY MANAGEMENTMonitoringonboardVesseloperatorsshouldestablishandmaintainproceduresthatmakeprovisiononthevesselfor船舶经营人应建立和保持程序对船上的下列情况做出规定hazardandexposureidentificationandriskassessment危险、暴露识别和风险评估。appropriatetrainingintheuseofhazardandexposureidentificationtechniquesan

109、drisk-assessmenttools。对危险、暴露识别技巧和风险评估工具的运用进行适当的培训。DEFINATION中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R9SAFETY MANAGEMENT1.4Thevesseloperatorhasadocumentedpermittoworksystem.船舶经营人有文件化的工作许可制度Thepermittoworkisusedtocontroltherisksassociatedwithhazardoustasks,suchasenclosedspaceentryandhotwork.Thesystemrequirescompanym



112、dincludetheidentificationofriskstohealthandhygiene.在该计划下,岸基管理层确保有程序要求对非常规修理(因设备故障或因潜在导致故障的隐患)的任何危险或其他潜在危险操作进行风险评估,还应包括健康和卫生方面的风险识别DEFINATION中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R9SAFETY MANAGEMENT2.2Recordsofallvalid/currentriskassessmentsaremaintainedatrelevantlocations.所有有效/现有的风险评估记录应保存在相关场所Officialrecordsofa


114、sionforassessingnewornon-routinetasks.风险评估程序也包括对新的或非常规工作开展评估的规定DEFINATION中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R9SAFETY MANAGEMENT SHORE-BASED MONITORING2.4Preventivemeasuresandalternativemethodsofworktoensuresafecompletionofworkareidentifiedanddocumentedintherisk-assessmentprocess.在风险评估程序中识别确保安全完成工作的预防措施和替代方法并在



117、查任何延误并加速关闭情况。在工作开始之前,识别所有降低风险的措施并执行DEFINATION中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R9SAFETY MANAGEMENT SHORE-BASED MONITORING3.1Shore-basedmanagementregularlyreviewsthevalidityofriskassessmentsandensuresthatanycommonriskassessmentsareappliedacrossthefleet.岸基管理层定期评审风险评估的有效性并确保整个船队采用共同的风险评估方法Therisk-assessmentsare



120、sessmentandensuresthatthesearesharedacrossthefleet.Thecompanymaintainsadatabaseofallvessel-generatedandshore-generatedriskassessments.公司为风险评估共同部分确定最佳做法并在整个船队中共享。公司保留所有船舶和岸基进行过的风险评估数据DEFINATION中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R9ASAFETY MANAGEMENT FLEET MONITORING1.4Thereisaformalisedsystemonboardtoidentifyha



123、men).Thecrewreceivesadviceonassessingunsafeactsandconditions,reportingfindingsandtakingappropriatecorrectiveaction.公司运用风险评估过程,制定识别和限制危险的方法,使其处于可管理水平。(例如:可以参阅MCAcode中“商船海员安全工作守则)。船员接受关于评估不安全活动、状况、报告发现的问题和采取相应的措施的建议。DEFINATION中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R9ASAFETY MANAGEMENT FLEET MONITORING3.1Thevesselsm


125、safety,healthandhygienecultureonthevessel.Seniormanagementleadbyexampleandencouragenear-missreporting,hazardidentificationanduseofappropriatepersonalprotectiveequipment(PPE).除岸基倡导开展的安全活动外,船舶管理团队应积极在船上倡导强有力的安全、健康和卫生文化。例如船舶管理级船员模范带头和鼓励报告险情、识别危险和使用适当的个人保护设备DEFINATIONThedifferencesbetween:Non-conformityHazardHazardoussituationUnsafeactUnsafesituationHazardousmaterial/substanceHazardousoccurrence中中 海海 油油 运运C S T A N K E R谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢演讲完毕,谢谢观看!



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