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1、u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/九年级(全)九年级(全)Units 13-14保护环境保护环境第二部分第二部分高频话题写作指导高频话题写作指导u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/ 从从全全国国近近5年年“环环境境保保护护”相相关关话话题题书书面面表表达达的的命命题题来来看看,通通常常会会从从记记叙叙你你参参加加过过的的一一次次环环保保活活动动、保保护护环环境境的的重重要要性性、保保护护环环境境的的措措施施或或建建议议和和号召大家一起行动保护环境四个方面进行设题。号召大家一起行动保护环境四个方面进行设题。分分析析近近3年年60套套四四川川真真题题可可知知,

2、四四川川对对此此话话题题的的书书面面表表达达是是以以保保护护环环境境为为主主,下下面面以以(2014广广安安)为例:为例:写作导图写作导图u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/ProtectEnvironmentStepsPlaceDont throw rubbishObey the rulesPick up the rubbishGuanganLots of Chinese and foreign tourists come here to visitSweep the groundFeelingsTravel ecologically and politelyu末页末页u目

3、录目录u首页首页http:/http:/亮点句型速成亮点句型速成常用句型:常用句型:Everyone should protect the environment. And the world will become much more beautiful.推荐句型:推荐句型:If everyone makes contribution to protecting the environment,the world will become much more beautiful.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/常用句型:常用句型:We should plant many

4、trees,and we can live better and healthier.推荐句型:推荐句型:We are supposed to plant more and more trees in order to live better and much healthier in the future.If we plant more and more trees, we will live better and much healthier in the future.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/开头句:开头句:1. Lots of Chinese and f

5、oreign tourists come here to visit.2. Its everyones duty to love and protect the environment. 3. To improve the environment means to improve our life.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/正文句:正文句:1. As a volunteer,Id like to tell you some considerations about visiting Guangan.4. The environment is becoming wor

6、se and worse and we must do something to prevent people from polluting the environment. u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/2. Because trees are very helpful and important for us,we are supposed to plant more flowers and trees. 3. We must pick up some rubbish and throw it into a dustbin. 4. Not only does it

7、affect our lives and health, it also has a great affection in the future.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/5. Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted. Something must be done to stop the pollution. 6. Whenever we see litter on the ground, we should pick it up and throw it into dustbins.7. The amount of

8、 water which is suitable to drink is less and less.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/8. So I hope all the students in our class stop using the plastic bags, and use our own cloth bags.9. Peoples health has been greatly affected by air,noise and water pollution.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/结尾句:结尾句:1. If we re

9、member these rules,we will travel ecologically and politely.2. Lower carbon,happier life. Lets take actions.3. I believe our life will become better and better if we can do these things.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/4. If everyone makes contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become

10、much more beautiful.(常常用用词词汇汇见见本本书书28天天话话题题词词汇汇分分类类速速记记表表话话题(二十)世界与环境)题(二十)世界与环境)u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/写作模板写作模板On 具具体体的的时时间间 morning,人人物物 and I decided to do something to 目目的的. First,we 具具体体的的行行为为 and then we 具具体体的的活活动动 and advised others not to 建建议议别别人人不不要要做做一一些些破破坏坏环环境境的的事事情情. We feel a littl

11、e 作作者者的的感感受受 but happy because 作作者者为为自自己己所所做做的的事事情情感感到到自自豪豪. Everyone should 做做贡贡献献 to protecting our environment.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/典例剖析典例剖析随随着着近近几几年年的的快快速速发发展展,广广安安变变得得越越来来越越美美丽丽,大大批批的的中中外外游游客客前前来来观观光光旅旅游游。假假设设你你是是广广安安某某旅旅游游景景点点的的一一名名志志愿愿者者,请请根根据据以以下下提提示示,用用英英语语写写一一篇篇短短文文,倡倡导导游游客客文文明明旅旅游游,

12、生生态态旅旅游。游。内容提示:内容提示:1. 保护环境,不乱扔垃圾;保护环境,不乱扔垃圾;2. 遵守规章制度;遵守规章制度;3. 积极主动帮助他人;积极主动帮助他人;4. 尽可能用英语和外宾交流。尽可能用英语和外宾交流。u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/参考词汇:参考词汇:throw rubbish (扔垃圾扔垃圾) communicate with(与与交流交流)要求:要求:1. 短文应包括所给要点,适当发挥;短文应包括所给要点,适当发挥;2. 词数:词数:80词左右;文章的开头已给出,不词左右;文章的开头已给出,不 计入总词数;计入总词数;3. 文中不得出现真实的人名、

13、校名等相关文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关 信息。信息。My dear friends, Welcome to Guangan, Deng Xiaopings hometown. With the development in recent years,_u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/细读所给文字提示,提取信息:细读所给文字提示,提取信息:1. 本本文文要要求求以以一一名名本本市市景景点点志志愿愿者者的的身身份份写写一一篇篇 倡倡导导书书,号号召召游游客客文文明明旅旅游游,生生态态旅旅游游。体体裁裁为为应应用文;时态为一般现在时;人称为第一人称。用文;时态为一般现在时

14、;人称为第一人称。2. 根根据据内内容容提提示示,文文章章首首先先要要引引出出话话题题:一一些些游游客客旅旅游游时时的的注注意意事事项项;然然后后依依次次写写出出文文明明旅旅游游的的具具体体行为行为;最后呼吁大家文明旅游,生态旅游。最后呼吁大家文明旅游,生态旅游。【审题指导审题指导】u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/【高分范文高分范文】 My dear friends,Welcome to Guangan, Deng Xiaopings hometown. With the development in recent years, Guangan is more and m

15、ore beautiful. Lots of Chinese and foreign tourists come here to visit. As a volunteer,Id like to tell you some considerations about visiting Guangan.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/First of all,we mustnt throw rubbish in order to protect the environment,which can make our city tidy. Secondly,its our dut

16、y to obey the rules. We shouldnt break the rules during visiting. Thirdly,we should try our best to help others,especially talk with the foreigners in English as much as possible.If we remember these rules,we will travel ecologically and politely.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/1. 越来越美丽越来越美丽 _2. 为了保护环境为了

17、保护环境_3. 尽可能与外宾用英语交谈尽可能与外宾用英语交谈_4. 如果我们能记住这些规则,我们就能做到生如果我们能记住这些规则,我们就能做到生态旅游、文明旅游。态旅游、文明旅游。_ more and more beautiful in order to protect the environment talk with the foreigners in English as much as possible 【检测菜单检测菜单】If we remember these rules,we will travel ecologically and politely.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/



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