广东省珠海九中九年级英语全册Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms areSection A 1课件 人教新目标版

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广东省珠海九中九年级英语全册Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms areSection A 1课件 人教新目标版_第1页
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广东省珠海九中九年级英语全册Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms areSection A 1课件 人教新目标版_第2页
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广东省珠海九中九年级英语全册Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms areSection A 1课件 人教新目标版_第3页
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广东省珠海九中九年级英语全册Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms areSection A 1课件 人教新目标版_第4页
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广东省珠海九中九年级英语全册Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms areSection A 1课件 人教新目标版_第5页
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《广东省珠海九中九年级英语全册Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms areSection A 1课件 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省珠海九中九年级英语全册Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms areSection A 1课件 人教新目标版(44页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、新目标新目标 九年级九年级 Unit 11 Unit 11 Unit 11 Could you please tell me Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?where the restrooms are? Section A Period 1 Section A Period 1 If you need help with your homework, how would you ask?Mom, Can you help me with my homework ?Can you help me with my homewor

2、k?Excuse me, Sir? Could you please help me with my homework ?1. your mother or father2. your best friend3. a teacherDiscuss the language you used to make this request. Was it the sameeach time ? If not, discuss why not.Discuss Can you tell me where I can buy some shampoos? Could you tell me how to g

3、et to thepost office? Could you tell me if there are any good museums in Newtown?重点句子重点句子1a Where you can do the following things? Match each thing with a place in the picture._buy shampoo _get some information about the town_get some magazines_buy some writing paper_make a telephone call_buy some s

4、tamps_get a dictionary_save moneyCould you tell me where I can save money?save moneyCould you tell me where I can buy some stamps ?buy some stampsbuy shampoobuy some writing paperCould you please tell me _?get some magazinesget some information about the townget a dictionaryDo you know where I can _

5、?1b Listen and complete the conversations. Excuse me.Excuse me.Could you tell me Could you tell me where I can where I can _ _ Excuse me . Do you know where I can _?buy some stampssave moneyYes. Theres a Yes. Theres a _ on _ on officeCenter StreetCenter StreetSure. Theres a _ on _.bankMain

6、Street 1. Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? 请你告诉我厕所在哪儿好吗?请你告诉我厕所在哪儿好吗? Could you?是个句型,是个句型,could在此在此不是过去形式,它此时表示语气婉转、不是过去形式,它此时表示语气婉转、有礼貌。有礼貌。ExplanationExplanation 在希望得到肯定答复的疑问句中,以在希望得到肯定答复的疑问句中,以及在含有表示建议、请求和征求意见及在含有表示建议、请求和征求意见语气的疑问句中语气的疑问句中, 常用常用some和和something,而不用而不用any和和anything

7、。【例例】 (1) Could you lend me your motorbike, please? 请把你的摩托车借给我好吗?请把你的摩托车借给我好吗? (2) Could you tell me something about yourself请谈谈你自己好吗?请谈谈你自己好吗?(3) Would you like to have some apples? 你们要吃苹果吗?你们要吃苹果吗?(4) What about saying something about your school? 说说你学校的情况好吗?说说你学校的情况好吗?(5) Will you please give the

8、 poor boy something to eat? 请给那可怜的孩子一点吃的东西好请给那可怜的孩子一点吃的东西好吗?吗?2. Can you please tell me where I can get a dictionary? 请你告诉我在哪儿能买到字典好吗?请你告诉我在哪儿能买到字典好吗? Can you please tell,是个句型,它是个句型,它后面可跟宾语从句,也可跟不定式结构。后面可跟宾语从句,也可跟不定式结构。can可换成可换成could, would, will。【例例】( 1) Could you please tell me where we show our t

9、ickets? 请告诉我在哪儿验票好吗?请告诉我在哪儿验票好吗? (2) Would you tell me how much it costs to fly to Canada? 你能告诉我乘飞机去加拿大要你能告诉我乘飞机去加拿大要 多少钱吗?多少钱吗? (3) Will you tell me when we will have a meeting? 请告诉我我们什么时候开会好吗请告诉我我们什么时候开会好吗?(4) Can you tell me who the old man is? 你能告诉我那位老人是谁吗你能告诉我那位老人是谁吗?(5) Could you tell me how t

10、o get to the post office? 你能告诉我到邮局怎么走吗?你能告诉我到邮局怎么走吗?(6) Can you tell me what to do next? 你能告诉我下一步怎么做吗?你能告诉我下一步怎么做吗?A: Excuse me. Can you please tell me where I can _ ? B: Sure. Theres a _on River Road. Listen. You will hear some Listen. You will hear some of the directors below. of the directors bel

11、ow. Number the directions in the Number the directions in the order that you hear them.order that you hear them.2a2aWhere is ?AABAnext toon the rightbetweenandacross fromHow to get toTurn left.Turn right.Go / Walk straight on untilGo pasttake the subway bus He must _ if she wants to go to the cinema

12、.He must _ if she wants to go to the post office. turn leftturn rightExercises for road signsPost officePost officeCould you tell me where the post office is ?Post officeon Bridge StreetBankBankbeside the bank / next to the bankon the left of the bankPost officePost officeBankBankHotelHotelbetween t

13、he hotel and the bankPost officePost officeLibraryLibraryin front of the libraryPark Park across from the parkBridge StreetBridge Street在在对面对面1. Take the elevator to the second floor. 乘电梯上二楼。乘电梯上二楼。 take在此表示在此表示“搭、乘搭、乘”的意思。的意思。【例例】(1) He told me to take an express. 他叫我搭乘特别快车。他叫我搭乘特别快车。(2) She takes

14、a bus to work every day. 她每天乘公共汽车上班。她每天乘公共汽车上班。Explanation 在美国和英国,对楼层的说法是不在美国和英国,对楼层的说法是不一样的一样的, 请对比:请对比:美国美国英国英国一楼一楼 on the first floor on the ground floor二楼二楼 on the second flooron the first floor 三楼三楼 on the third floor on the second floor 2. The drugstore is between the furniture store and the b

15、ookstore (1)between prep. “在在两者之间两者之间”, 常与常与and连用。例如:连用。例如: Do you know the difference between the two verbs“bring”and“take”? 你知道你知道bring和和take这两个动词的区别这两个动词的区别吗吗? (2)among prep“在在当中当中”,指三,指三者或三者以上之间。例如:者或三者以上之间。例如: They saw a village among the hills 他们看到群山中有个村庄。他们看到群山中有个村庄。3. Do you know where I can

16、 exchange money? 你知道我在哪可以换钱吗?你知道我在哪可以换钱吗? exchange money指的是两种不同的币指的是两种不同的币 种间的交换。种间的交换。 如如: exchange Pounds for Dollars 用英磅换美元用英磅换美元 exchange作为作为n.是外币兑换本金之意。是外币兑换本金之意。 4The bank is next to the bookstore 银行在书店的隔壁。银行在书店的隔壁。 next to是是“贴近,隔壁贴近,隔壁”的意思。的意思。【例例】(1) The house standing next to ours is a cine

17、ma 我们隔壁的那幢房子是一家电影院。我们隔壁的那幢房子是一家电影院。(2) Who is crying in the room next to mine? 谁在我隔壁房间里哭?谁在我隔壁房间里哭?A: Excuse me. Do you know where I can ?B: Sure. Theres a on the floor. Take the escalator to the floor and turn furniture storedrugstoreCan you tell me where I can get a dictionary ?Do you know who he

18、is?I dont know where he is from._宾语从句宾语从句_Can you tell me where I can get a dictionary?1.宾语从句在复合句中作主句谓语动词宾语从句在复合句中作主句谓语动词, 2. 形容词形容词, 介词的宾语。介词的宾语。2.宾语从句的语序宾语从句的语序: 主句主句+引导词引导词(that whowherewhen why等等) +主语主语+谓语谓语 翻译翻译1. 我不知道他什么时候来。我不知道他什么时候来。 I dont know when he will come.2. 你能告诉我他住在哪里吗你能告诉我他住在哪里吗? C

19、an you tell me where he lives?3. 你知道他为什么迟到吗你知道他为什么迟到吗? Do you know why he is late?【运用运用】把下列每组句子改为含宾语从句的复合把下列每组句子改为含宾语从句的复合句,每空一词。句,每空一词。1. He said, “I have been to America”. He said _ _ _ _ to America. 2. Is there a hotel near here? Do you know?Do you know _ _ _a hotel near here?that he had beenif /

20、 whether there is3. What sport do you like best? Could you please tell me?Could you please tell me _ _ _ _?4. “The earth moves around the sun”, our English teacher told us.Our English teacher told us that the earth _ _ the sun.moves around what sport you like bestMake a conversation about asking for information of ways in polite ways. MaindrugstorebankCaf houseCaf houselibrarypost officeDailys departmentDailys departmentstorestoreCenter streetThank you Thank you for listening!for listening!



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