新目标英语八年级下8单元第二课时Why don27t you get her a scarf 课件

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1、SectionA3a-4andSelf-check1Whatabout.?Howabout?Whydontyou.?Whynot.?No,thatstoopersonal/expensive/cheap/boringNo,thatsnotcreative/specialenough.Thatsoundslikeagoodidea!Thatsoundsgood!Shell/Helllikethat.Make suggestions:Make comments:This is my friend Kate.She needs help. Its Veras birthday soon .Shell

2、 have a birthday party. Kate wants to get her something. But she has no idea.Please help her.Conversation:A: Its Veras birthday soon. What should I get her for her birthday?B: Why dont you get her a soccer ball? She likes to play soccer.A: No, thats not creative enough.B: Well, how about a calendar?

3、A: Year, that sounds good. Shell like that.A:WhatshouldIget(for)my.?B:WhydontyougetherWhynotgetherHowabout(gettingher).Whatabout(gettingher)Youcouldgether.A:No,thatstooboring/expensive.No,thatsnotinteresting/specialenough.Thatsoundsgreat.Thatsagoodidea.3bPAIRWORKA:Whatsthebestgiftyouhaveeverreceived

4、?B:Awatch.A:Whogaveittoyou?B:Mymother.A:Andwhendidyougetit?B:Onmytenthbirthday.FillintheblankswithyourownwordsA: Whats the best gift_ has ever received?B: _A: When did _ get it? B: _A: Who gave it to him/her? B: _A: What a lucky guy! StudentAlooksatthispage.StudentBturnstopage86.Exchangeinformationa


6、sterbikeparentsguitargrandparentsChristmas12thbirthday=presentSurvey: My favorite gift !(1)Whatsthebestgiftyouhaveeverreceived?(2)Whogaveittoyou?(3)Whendidyougetit?(4)Whydidyougetit?(5)Whydoyoulikeit?Gift listWhoWhatFromWhom WhenWhyHowLucyaCDBobtodaybirthdayunusualJennyapendadlastweekgotgoodgradesin

7、terestingInterviewyourclassmateswiththesesentencesbelow.This pen is the best gift Jenny has ever received.Her dad gave it to her last week because she got good grades and she thinks it is very interesting.A:Imgoingtomakeaspecialmeal.B:Isitsomeoneinyourfamily?A:Yes,itis.C:Isityourmother?A:No,itisnt!4


9、oodwasnotgoodatall.4.Themoviewas.Ifell asleephalfwaythroughit.5.Itsimportanttochoosesubjectsthatyoufind.specialcheapexpensiveboringinterestingadj.睡着的睡着的入睡入睡v.选择选择Whatsthebestgiftyouhaveeverreceived?WhatsthebestgiftJoehaseverreceived?现在完成时结构现在完成时结构have/has+动词的动词的过去分词过去分词Grammar正确形式填空: 1.What should I

10、 _ (get) my mom for her birthday ? 2.Why dont you _ (get) her a scarf ? 3.Why not _ (get) her a scarf ? 4.How/What about (get) her a scarf ?gettinggetgetget一、补全对话A: What are you going to _Julie_ her birthday?B: I dont _.I could get her some good fish .A: No, theyre _ . _about a dog?B: I like dogs ,b

11、ut they are too difficult to _ care_.A: Why _you buy her a snake?B: Oh ,no .thats too _.Maybe ,Ill get her something to wear.A: _about a scarf?B: good idea.getforknowboringWhat /HowtakeofdontWhat /Howscary/二、完成句子,首字母已给出。1.What should I g_ my mom f_ 2. her birthday2. The soccer is not special e_.3. -

12、What should I get my sister? -How a_ a tennis ball?4. A scarf is not i_.5. I am going to make a s_ meal.6. I got a w_ on my tenth b_.etornoughboutnterestingpecialatchirthday连词成句:连词成句:1.theyinterestingarenotenough._2.Joewhatsbestevergiftthehasreceived(?)_WhatsthebestgiftJoehaseverreceived?Theyarenoti


14、e?5.Howabout(pick,picking)someflowersforyourmom?6.Idonthave(moneyenough,enoughmoney).7.Sheisnt(strongenough,enoughstrong).8.Imfriendly.Ihave(too,so)manyfriends.9.Why(dont,not)yousendhimastampalbum?10.Youcantaskawomanhowoldsheis.Itstoop_.ersonalEnjoy A PoemYesterday is a history,Tomorrow is a mystery

15、,Only today is a gift,Thats why it is called present.1. Recite P62,(3a,3b).2. Finish workbook 3.This pen is the best gift Jenny has ever received.Her dad gave it to her last week because she got good grades and she thinks it is very interesting. I am Vera.I am very happy. Because today is my 12th bi

16、rthday.I had a birthday party.I got many gifts from my friends and family. BobJennyBrotherFatherMotherCDcalendartoydogbicyclecakeunusualcreativelovelypersonal deliciousMygiftsVeras favorite gift !This CD is my favorite gift! My friend Bob gave it to me a moment ago. Because today is my birthday , I

17、think it is very unusual and beautiful.Forexample:The best gift I have ever received is an envelope. My daughter gave it to me on Mothers Day. I like it best because it shows my daughters love .Describe your best gift.1.Have you even received a gift from your parents?2.Have you even sent a gift to y

18、our parent(s)? 3.3.When you grow up, youll be your childs parent .4.What do you want to get your child? 5.And what do you hope to receive from your child? Write a short passage about it. When I grow up ,I want to get my child a robot. If I am not at home, itll play with my child and help her or him.

19、 I think he or she will love it. I hope to receive a letter from my child. It can tell me something about him or her. Maybe he or she can wash hair for me. It will be the best gift. Interview your parents with these sentences below:(1)Whats the best gift you have ever received?(2)Who gave it to you?(3)When did you get it?(4)Why did you get it?(5)How do you like it?(6)Write a report. When is your fathers or your mothers birthday? Do you know? What will you plan to buy? Ask for some suggestions and give comments.



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