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1、 Lesson Lesson 5 5Is this yours?Is this yours? Unit 3Unit 3Lets review!Lets review!Robert and Lucywaiting for a bus(not a taxi)Paul and his friendsplaying football(not tennis)William and Karengoing out(not coming home)New Words New Words and Expressionsand Expressions你(们)的(所有物)你(们)的(所有物)yours 奇怪的奇怪的

2、便条便条口袋,衣袋口袋,衣袋我的(所有物)我的(所有物)strange notepocketmine属于属于belong to笔迹笔迹他的(所有物)他的(所有物)handwritinghis工作任务清单工作任务清单to-do list 飞机场飞机场接接长跑训练长跑训练回原处回原处airportpick uptraining runback究竟到底究竟到底Why on earth.?Describe Describe the picturesthe picturesListening and understandingWhy is Pauls to-do list in Jacks pocket

3、?What do you think?Jack: Thats strange. Whats this note in my pocket? It isnt mine. Is it yours, Daisy?Daisy: No, it isnt mine. Let me see. Oh, it belongs to Paul. The handwriting is his. Jack: So why is it in my pocket?Daisy: I dont know. It looks like Pauls to-do list. Let me read it .Jack: Hmm. G

4、ive it to me , Daisy. Yes, it is Pauls, isnt it ?Daisy: Yes, Jack. Put it back. Jack: But why on earth is it in my pocket ?Listen and follow!反身代反身代词人称代人称代词物主代物主代词不定代不定代词代词分类代词分类人称代词人称代词主格宾格意思单单 数数复复 数数我你他她它我们你们他(她它) 们Iyouhesheitweyoutheymeyouhimheritusyouthem主语主语动词和介词后动词和介词后物主代词物主代词形物形物名物意思单单 数数复复 数

5、数我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他(她它) 们的myyourhisheritsouryourtheirmine yourshishersitsoursyourstheirs形物 +名词=名物This is _ book.This is _.mymineI have a computer.This is _ computer.= This computer is _ .= This computer belongs to _.myminemeJulia has a computer.This is _ computer.= This computer is _ .= This computer

6、 belongs to _.JuliasJuliasJuliaThis is my book. = This book is mine.That is her bag. = That bag is hers.These are our pens. =These pens are ours.i bury carry tidy hurry study worryi-burying carrying tidying hurryingstudying worryingLesson 6PronunciationDescribe the pictures!This is _ mobile.Its _.It

7、 belongs to _.myminemeThese are _ CDs.Theyre _.They belong to _.youryoursyouThese are _ gloves.Theyre _.They belong to _.herhersherThis is _ book.Its _.It belongs to _.hishishimThis is _ car.Its _.It belongs to _.ouroursusThese are _ shirts.Theyre _.They belong to _.youryoursyouThis is _ house.Its _

8、.It belongs to _.theirtheirsthemThese are _ CDs.Theyre _.They belong to _.our oursus1 A: Whose is this mobile? B: Its mine. It belongs to me.Pattern Practice2 A: Who does this mobile belong to? B: It belongs to me. Its mine.3 A: Whose is this mobile? B: Its mine. A: What about these CDs? B: Oh, they

9、 arent mine. Theyre yours.4 A: Whose is this mobile? (Whose are these CDs?) B: Its mine. (They are yours.) Why? A: Ive got a mobile and it looks like mine. (Ive got some CDs and they look like mine.)ExercisesListening You are going to hear four dialogues. Listen. Which one goes with which picture?你将听到4段对话,它们分别对应下面哪张图?Listening



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