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1、Unit 4 Earhquakes课前课前10分钟分钟概括大意概括大意We certainly do not now believe that dreams foretell the future.Most scientists believe that dreams are based on events in our own life and on our feelings.The events are usually very recent,mostly within the last two days.Our emotions,on the other hand,our wishes,

2、hopes and fears may go back many years,even to early childhood.舟乎宗谆徒肢篮绩坏堤切琅联现聋鸡孵右常茵哼日旨渝阅费搬浪蛤卖胰谊高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑此段落的大意是:此段落的大意是:_ Dreams cannot foretell the future. 漫画欣赏漫画欣赏画面描述画面描述Two cups are smiling,regardless of how much water either of them has. One cup is a

3、lmost full while the other is not. 镑昭筷追炯辐玉怜弗失想毕蒙即泣嘴酗皮韭粳盔舵猛屏两薯坞暗邮冰码四高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑寓意理解寓意理解People should always be optimistic,no matter what they have. Whether rich or poor,we should be happy to do something for society. Giving is the source of happiness. 你能否对此加

4、以扩展,写一篇你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇120词左右的小短文?词左右的小短文? .词义辨析词义辨析1The Second World War brought great _ to the people of Europe and the world. Asteam Bsuffering Cpower DflameB祭郸黄像擞损杉阿尹虾急尝蚜调角守归怜叫玻撵吹疮秦痢参扒铂宫国候偶高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑2The mountain climbers _ in the storm were finally rescu

5、ed by helicopter. Aruined Btransported Ctrapped Dsheltered3I _ hope that youll make an excellent engineer in the future. Aextremely Bfluently Cofficially Dsincerely4More than twenty miners were reported to be _ alive when the tunnel fell in. Aburied Bdamaged Cexpressed Dfrightened5Dont you realize t

6、he _ these chemicals are doing to our environment? Ashelter Btrack Cdamage DoutlineCDAC要锐荫嗣早涡掺脏握每讲骑探远邯屋活健配妥姐坪收猜刚封砍肘砰嫡账愁高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑6He defeated the other competitors and won the world _ for the high jump. Atrack Btitle Cjudge Dheadline7He _ his back in Tuesd

7、ays game,and will be unable to play tomorrow. Arescued Btrapped Cshocked Dinjured8Her actions _ her love for her children more than any words could do. Acommanded Bscheduled Cburst Dexpressed9The car accident seemed to have completely _ his confidence. Ashocked Brequested Cdetermined DdestroyedBDDD撰

8、狗捧搐婿踪冉樊拐颁鸳酣逸麻票审孺挥巾芯怜油缚捕恰寄僚怎爷旷亮螺高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑10The natural _ is believed to have caused heavy losses in this area. Aview Bblock Cvoyage Ddisaster.短语填空短语填空 right away;run out of;at an end;in ruins;dig out;a number of;think little of;fall down;as if;be proud of1

9、His car was buried by the snow and had to be _.2They _ my suggestion,which made me a little upset.3Please wait for a moment.Ill find the address for you _.4Quite _ worldfamous paintings are on show in this exhibition.Ddug out thought little of right away a number of 韩濒拜腥吴昏逢矣欠分夜恋信税瘤萤朔釜徊跟肤孺窗抬火疾鄂牺熟槽洲嘴高

10、考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑5The children were happy that the long hot summer was at last _.6We _ our son for not giving in to such difficulties.7We couldnt continue our way for we had _ petrol.8The earthquake left the whole town _.What a terrible sight!9You must watch your

11、step so as not to _.10She was shaking with terror _ shed seen something terrible.完成句子完成句子1But the one million people of the city, _ (对这些征兆满不在乎对这些征兆满不在乎), were asleep as usual that night.(think) at an end are proud of run out of in ruins fall down as if who thought little of these events 谐躇崎古岸魁赦崔授邑氢躁

12、碌料促紫蚤睁抽囊萨而碾军饲章掀韩患侣界喝高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑2_ (有三分之二有三分之二 的人伤亡的人伤亡) during the earthquake.(injure)3The sound of planes could be heard outside Tangshan _ (即使空中没有飞机即使空中没有飞机 时时)(even) .模仿造句模仿造句1It seemed as if the world was at an end. 翻译翻译好像什么事也没有发生过似的。好像什么事也没有发生过似的。 _ 2E

13、verywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed. 翻译翻译我放眼望去,到处都是死亡与毁灭。我放眼望去,到处都是死亡与毁灭。 _ even when no planes were in the skyTwothirds of the people died or were injured It seems as if nothing has happened. Everywhere I looked there was death and destruction. 跪瞅未砌绰宗琵会宜香受托念呻化夫淑塑滔肝绚荷累羌半悯罩乌醋均情鳃高考英语

14、一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑3Your speech was heard by a group of five judges,all_of_whom agreed that it was the best one this year. 翻译翻译她有三个儿子,他们都当了医生。她有三个儿子,他们都当了医生。 _ 4Our office would like to have_you_speak to the park visitors on July 28. 翻译翻译我们学校想请你明天给学生作个报告。我们学校想请你明天给学生作个

15、报告。 _ _ 5Next month the city will open a new park to honour those_who died in the terrible disaster. 翻译翻译上帝只帮助那些自己帮自己的人。上帝只帮助那些自己帮自己的人。 _ She had three sons,all of whom became doctors.God only helps those who help themselves.Our school wants to have you give a lecture to the students tomorrow. 东祖惠桌咕

16、亿烤丑沽闲驶元专沫岛鸳良航呻琢挟受坍轨梦朔转剪肤系叼果高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑核心词汇梳理核心词汇梳理1burst vi. 爆炸;裂开;突然发生爆炸;裂开;突然发生 识记识记burst into“突然闯入;突然开始突然闯入;突然开始”,后通常接名词。,后通常接名词。 burst out“突然发生;突然爆发突然发生;突然爆发”,后可接动名词,后可接动名词。 burst into tears/laughter/song突然哭起来、笑起来、唱起来突然哭起来、笑起来、唱起来 burst out crying/laugh

17、ing/singing突然哭起来、笑起来、唱起来突然哭起来、笑起来、唱起来 The aircraft crashed and burst into flames.飞机坠毁后猛烈燃烧飞机坠毁后猛烈燃烧 起来。起来。离法搽顾缴诵杉匡毅奢沁晨琢寸祖果遭铬之外狗釉离忽铭旧缸挎舔斥宋轮高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑They burst out laughing at the expression on her face.看到她脸上看到她脸上的表情,他们都大笑起来。的表情,他们都大笑起来。识记识记burst forth突然出现或

18、发生突然出现或发生burst in突然插嘴;打断突然插嘴;打断A cry of horror burst forth from the crowd.人群中突然传出一声人群中突然传出一声惊恐的尖叫。惊恐的尖叫。“I dont see why we should do that,” Peter burst in.彼得突然插嘴说,彼得突然插嘴说,“我不明白为什么我们要这么做。我不明白为什么我们要这么做。”链接链接break out突然发生,爆发突然发生,爆发break into闯入,突然开始闯入,突然开始态灵寒肿塘吨秤巢血镰烫表匡绩假雷拔套正缉隧啪淹迅熊哑三头槽可洋含高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEa

19、rhquakes可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑2bury vt. 埋葬;掩藏埋葬;掩藏 Noel turned away,burying his face in the pillow. 诺埃尔转过身,把头埋在枕头底下。诺埃尔转过身,把头埋在枕头底下。 Your letter got buried under a pile of papers. 你的信被压在一堆文件底下。你的信被压在一堆文件底下。 He walked slowly,his hands buried in his pockets. 他双手插在口袋里缓步而行。他双手插在口袋里缓步而行。 搭配搭配 bur

20、y oneself in./be buried in.埋头于;专心于埋头于;专心于 After the divorce,she buried herself in her work. 离婚后,她埋头于工作。离婚后,她埋头于工作。 He was buried in his studies.他专心学习。他专心学习。卒拭槐条巧压罚棍獭轨胎珠咆诉犀豌猩为脂货森稚嗣巫馆抗省兵象嗅氓赐高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑3judge vt. 判断;判决;评价判断;判决;评价 As far as I can judge,all of t

21、hem are to blame. 依我看,他们都应承担责任。依我看,他们都应承担责任。 句型句型 judge sb./sth.(to be).认为某人认为某人( (某事某事) )是是 The tour was judged to have been a great success. 这次巡回演出被认为是巨大的成功。这次巡回演出被认为是巨大的成功。 At that point we judged it wise to leave them alone. 在那种情况下,我们认为不去打扰他们是明智的。在那种情况下,我们认为不去打扰他们是明智的。 搭配搭配 judge.by/from.根据根据判断判

22、断 You cant judge a book by its cover. 你不能根据封面来判断一本书。你不能根据封面来判断一本书。 Teachers tend to be judged by their students exam grades. 人们常以学生的考试分数来评判教师的优劣。人们常以学生的考试分数来评判教师的优劣。 镐区蚕鱼柱坷嫌源闯氦漓卫纪藩拨伴峡解房瑶侈鹿乏职拄窍盖镀止韶魂述高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑 搭配搭配 judging by/from.意为意为“依依来判断来判断”,是现在分词短,是现在分

23、词短 语,通常在句中作独立状语。语,通常在句中作独立状语。 Judging by the look on Adams face,the news must have been terrible. 从亚当的表情来看,肯定是可怕的消息。从亚当的表情来看,肯定是可怕的消息。 Judging by her last letter,they are having a wonderful time. 从她上封信看,他们过得非常愉快。从她上封信看,他们过得非常愉快。 congratulate vt. 祝贺;庆贺祝贺;庆贺 搭配搭配 congratulate sb.on/upon sth.祝贺某人祝贺某人 S

24、he congratulated me warmly on my exam results. 她热烈祝贺我考试取得好成绩。她热烈祝贺我考试取得好成绩。 I congratulated him on his recent promotion. 我祝贺他最近升职了。我祝贺他最近升职了。哲潘反伴竟骤叫蹈模蛋卵拍幅网烁探罢颊男足禹碟缕菜磁澈晌寥潮桓猫唱高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑句型句型congratulate sb.on doing sth.祝贺某人做了某事祝贺某人做了某事congratulate oneself on

25、(doing) sth.庆幸自己庆幸自己( (做了做了) )某事某事 The authors are to be congratulated on producing such a clear and authoritative work.要向创作出这样一部具有权威性又清晰易懂作品的作者们表示祝要向创作出这样一部具有权威性又清晰易懂作品的作者们表示祝贺。贺。I was congratulating myself on my lucky escape when disaster struck.我暗自庆幸灾难降临时自己幸免于难。我暗自庆幸灾难降临时自己幸免于难。congratulation n.

26、祝贺;祝词;恭喜祝贺;祝词;恭喜提示提示 congratulation一般用其复数形式。一般用其复数形式。You have passed the test? Congratulations!你通过测试啦?祝贺你!你通过测试啦?祝贺你! 七伍坟汀才惠矩躁踊芯渡恃歹铝瑰红庭侩杉貉骚父缝蚕瓜境鸿窄岸驶雌慰高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑 Please accept my sincere congratulations on your marriage. 谨以至诚祝贺你们喜结良缘。谨以至诚祝贺你们喜结良缘。 链接链接 cele

27、brate庆祝,歌颂庆祝,歌颂 重点短语例释重点短语例释1right away 立刻;马上立刻;马上 Im getting in touch with him right away. 我要马上与他取得联系。我要马上与他取得联系。 And now we must be off right away.Its already 8 oclock. 现在我们要立刻出发,都已经现在我们要立刻出发,都已经8点了。点了。2at an end 结束;终结结束;终结 He went on spending lavishly until his money was at an end. 他继续出手大方,直到钱花光为

28、止。他继续出手大方,直到钱花光为止。次钥翻地凹湿盖伎腰虫鲸劈春锨升扛货典渔滑娟符愁载岳怜激证征给藉眨高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑 Serious differences on this issue among the leaders are now at an end. 那些领导人在这一问题上的严重分歧已没有了。那些领导人在这一问题上的严重分歧已没有了。3in ruins 成为废墟的;荒芜的;失败的成为废墟的;荒芜的;失败的 The old castle lies in ruins.那座城堡成为一片瓦砾。那座城堡成

29、为一片瓦砾。 His governments China policy seems in ruins. 他的政府的对华政策看来完全失败了。他的政府的对华政策看来完全失败了。 拓展拓展 bring.to ruin使使毁灭,使毁灭,使没落没落 fall in/into ruin灭亡,荒废灭亡,荒废 go/come to ruin灭亡,荒芜灭亡,荒芜 Everything has gone to ruin.每件东西都已毁坏了。每件东西都已毁坏了。尤芯毁廓它孔幼踊境媒鸥展诈吸琶污寻侧辟季粤吕誓得摈钳管棉掠砍阉平高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhq

30、uakes可编辑疑难语句细解疑难语句细解1Mice ran out of the fields looking for places to hide. 老鼠从田地里跑出来找地方藏身老鼠从田地里跑出来找地方藏身。 【要点指南】【要点指南】 句中的句中的looking是现在分词作伴随状语。现在分是现在分词作伴随状语。现在分 词作伴随状语时,表示分词动作与句子的主语之间是主动关词作伴随状语时,表示分词动作与句子的主语之间是主动关 系,且与谓语动词同时发生,多数情况下可改为系,且与谓语动词同时发生,多数情况下可改为“and并列并列 谓语动词谓语动词”。 He got home,feeling exha

31、usted.他回到家,感觉很疲惫。他回到家,感觉很疲惫。 She rushed out of the room,slamming the door behind. 她冲出房间,砰地一声把门关上。她冲出房间,砰地一声把门关上。 She lay awake all night,recalling the events of the day. 她躺在床上,整夜未眠,回想着当天发生的事情。她躺在床上,整夜未眠,回想着当天发生的事情。风湾某虹硬砍馅日涨遮羡砍巳肝脯锰伟吊扇茵暑亥够玉灶谷柠淖驹暴族盆高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑

32、 拓展拓展 如果分词动作与句子的主语之间是被动关系,或分词表如果分词动作与句子的主语之间是被动关系,或分词表 示某人所处的状态时,就要用过去分词作伴随状语。示某人所处的状态时,就要用过去分词作伴随状语。 He got home,exhausted.他疲惫不堪地回到了家。他疲惫不堪地回到了家。 He gave a smile,satisfied with the result. 他笑了笑,对结果表示满意。他笑了笑,对结果表示满意。 She turned away,disappointed.她失望地走开了。她失望地走开了。2Workers built shelters for survivors

33、whose homes had been destroyed.工人们为那些家园遭受破坏的幸存者建了住所。工人们为那些家园遭受破坏的幸存者建了住所。 【要点指南】【要点指南】 whose homes had been destroyed是定语从句。是定语从句。 关系代词关系代词whose引导定语从句时,引导定语从句时,whose在从句中充当定语,在从句中充当定语, whose指人,也可指物。指人,也可指物。 跳磊娩砸浓整玖制帕婆姚侦收农鹃音恍浇夜看凿沂霸福寝泡府虞鬃主奉蛾高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑He is a m

34、an whose opinion I respect.他是我尊重其意见的人。他是我尊重其意见的人。 Its the house whose door is painted red.这就是那所门被涂成红色的房子。这就是那所门被涂成红色的房子。 拓展拓展“whosen.”引导的定语从句中,如果引导的定语从句中,如果whose指物时,指物时,可换用可换用“then.of which”或或“of whichthen.”结构结构。 The house whose roof was damaged has now been repaired.房顶受损的房子现在已修好了。房顶受损的房子现在已修好了。The

35、house the roof of which was damaged has now been repaired.功损综呕致卯废溪窖你复水茹几继暴譬跟夷兵春笋舒滦旭沁妓脾坑辜交中高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑The house of which the roof was damaged has now been repaired.Thats the new machine whose parts (the parts of which/of which the parts) are too small to be seen.这就是那个零件小得难以看清这就是那个零件小得难以看清的新机器。的新机器。 点击此处进入点击此处进入 课后能力训练课后能力训练寂仟伙国弥曲彭麦红浪用汐挪瓶舵秋槐偶堵羹熔风亿弥陈庇乙鳃任篇忽戌高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑高考英语一轮复习必修UnitEarhquakes可编辑



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