Module 2《A Job Worth Doing》Cultural Corner课件1(33张PPT)(外研版必修5)

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1、Phrases/expressions in the text (para.1) 1.在高纬度在高纬度 2.处于不好的状况处于不好的状况 3.尤其,尤其,特别特别4.一边,另一边一边,另一边5.平均平均6.冲出公路冲出公路7.每两周每两周8.理论上理论上9.实际上实际上10.遵守规则遵守规则(para.2) 11.幸亏幸亏12.死亡人数死亡人数13.指挥交通指挥交通14.经过经过 15. 认为认为-相当然相当然 (para.3) 16.志愿做某事志愿做某事 17.与死神打了个照面与死神打了个照面 18.一卡车的香蕉一卡车的香蕉 19.不知怎么地,他幸存下来不知怎么地,他幸存下来20.住住院院2

2、1.被叫出来被叫出来22.从从中拉出来中拉出来23.对有深刻对有深刻 的的影响影响 24.一周又一周一周又一周25.从黎明到黄昏从黎明到黄昏 26.站好自站好自己的位置己的位置27.有资格做有资格做.1.在高纬度在高纬度 2.处于不好的状况处于不好的状况 3.尤其,特别尤其,特别4.一边,另一边一边,另一边5.平均平均6.冲出公路冲出公路7.每两周每两周8.理论上理论上9.实际上实际上10.遵守规则遵守规则 high altitude bad particular 4.on one sideon the other side 5.on averag

3、e e off the road 7.every two weeks every other week theory practice 10.respect the rule11.thanks to12.the death toll the traffic 14.pass by 15.take for granted 16.volunteer to do 17.have a close encounter with death 18.a lorry load of bananas 19.Somehow he survived 11.幸亏幸亏12.死亡人数

4、死亡人数13.指挥交通指挥交通14.经过经过 15. 认为认为-相当然相当然 16.志愿做某事志愿做某事 17.与死神打了个照面与死神打了个照面 18.一卡车的香蕉一卡车的香蕉 19.不知怎么地,不知怎么地,他幸存下来他幸存下来 in called out 22.pullout of23.have a profound effect on 24. week in ,week out 25.from dawn to dusk26.take up ones place qualified to do 20.住院住院21.被叫出来被叫出来22.从从中

5、拉出来中拉出来23.对有深刻对有深刻 的影响的影响 24.一周又一周一周又一周25.从黎明到黄昏从黎明到黄昏 26.站好自己的位置站好自己的位置27.有资格做有资格做.1. come offCome off the grass!(布告)勿踏草地(布告)勿踏草地The stamp has come off. Stick it on again.邮票掉下来了,再贴上去吧。邮票掉下来了,再贴上去吧。Some of the paint on the wall has come off.墙上有些地方的漆已经脱落。墙上有些地方的漆已经脱落。他上衣上的一颗扣子掉了。他上衣上的一颗扣子掉了。 One of t

6、he buttons has come off his coat.2.approachn.接近接近, 逼近逼近, 走进;方法走进;方法, 步骤步骤 ;途;途径径, 通路通路vt.接近接近, 动手处理动手处理vi.靠近靠近2. approach 1. As you approach the town the first building you see is the church . 2. He is easy to approach . 3. He approached the difficulty with great care . 4. Teachings Day is approachi

7、ng . 5. Our approach drove away the wild animals . 6. the approach of winter brings cold weather . 7. All approaches to the down were blocked . 8. His book presents a new approach to the difficulty .v. 接近,靠近接近,靠近v.与与.打交道打交道处理,解决处理,解决靠近,来临靠近,来临n.接近,靠近接近,靠近来临来临通路,入口通路,入口方法,步骤方法,步骤不及物动词)

8、(不及物动词)To remain alive or in existence.活着,继续存在活着,继续存在The man was very ill, but he survived.这个人病得很这个人病得很厉害,可是他活下来了。厉害,可是他活下来了。2.vt.(及物动词)(及物动词)To live longer than; outlive:比比活得长:活得长:She survived her husband by five years.她比她丈夫她比她丈夫多活了五年多活了五年To live or persist through:从困境中活过来或挺过来:从困境中活过来或挺过来:plants th

9、at can survive frosts. 历经寒霜而存活的植物历经寒霜而存活的植物地震过后,生还者极少地震过后,生还者极少Few survived after the earthquake. 4.take up 1) 开始从事开始从事When did he take up football? 他是什么时候开始踢足球的他是什么时候开始踢足球的?2) 开始学习开始学习(某课程某课程) What is your brother taking up in college? 你哥哥在大学学习什么专业?你哥哥在大学学习什么专业?3) 占用占用(时间或空间时间或空间)The work took up a

10、ll his time. 那工作花费了那工作花费了他所有的时间。他所有的时间。 The large desk takes up most of the office. 这张桌子占去办公室的大部分间。这张桌子占去办公室的大部分间。4) 向向提出提出,讨论讨论 Thats an issue we ought to take up at the next meeting. 这这个问题我们下次会议再讨论。个问题我们下次会议再讨论。 5) 继续继续(讲述讲述) The teacher took up his lesson where he stopped yesterday. 老师接着昨天的课程讲。老师

11、接着昨天的课程讲。Translation 1.多亏了他,死亡率下降了多亏了他,死亡率下降了2.当夜幕来临时,一辆货车掉下了悬崖。当夜幕来临时,一辆货车掉下了悬崖。3. 你知道怎样处理这个问题吗你知道怎样处理这个问题吗? 4.司机们仅仅是路过,把人体交通标志看作是理司机们仅仅是路过,把人体交通标志看作是理所当然的事。所当然的事。 5.同学们都自告奋勇来回答这个问题。同学们都自告奋勇来回答这个问题。 6.我们觉得上大学深造是我们人生的一项使命,我们觉得上大学深造是我们人生的一项使命, 7.因此为了实现这个理想,从黎明到黑夜,一周因此为了实现这个理想,从黎明到黑夜,一周又一周,我们在座位上勤学苦练。

12、又一周,我们在座位上勤学苦练。 8.很多路的状况都不好很多路的状况都不好,事故频繁发生事故频繁发生.9. 老师接着昨天的故事讲。老师接着昨天的故事讲。10.老妇人比她丈夫多活了十年老妇人比她丈夫多活了十年Translation1.多亏了他,死亡率下降了多亏了他,死亡率下降了Thanks to him ,the death toll has fallen .2.当夜幕来临时,一辆货车掉下了悬崖。当夜幕来临时,一辆货车掉下了悬崖。When darkness approached ,a lorry came off the cliff . 3. 你知道怎样处理这个问题吗你知道怎样处理这个问题吗?Do

13、 you know how to approach the problem?4.司机们仅仅是路过,把人体交通标志看作是理司机们仅仅是路过,把人体交通标志看作是理所当然的事。所当然的事。The drivers just pass by ,taking the human traffic signal for granted .5.同学们都自告奋勇来回答这个问题。同学们都自告奋勇来回答这个问题。All the students volunteered to answer the questions .6.我们觉得上大学深造是我们人生的一项使命,我们觉得上大学深造是我们人生的一项使命,We feel

14、 it our mission in life to go to college to do further study .7.因此为了实现这个理想,从黎明到黑夜,一周因此为了实现这个理想,从黎明到黑夜,一周又一周,我们在座位上勤学苦练。又一周,我们在座位上勤学苦练。So ,in order to realize the dream / make the dream come true ,from dawn to dusk ,week in, week out ,we take up our seat and learn with practice .8.很多路的状况都不好很多路的状况都不好,

15、事故频繁发生事故频繁发生.Many roads are in bad condition and accidents are frequent .9. 老师接着昨天的故事讲。老师接着昨天的故事讲。10.老妇人比她丈夫多活了十年老妇人比她丈夫多活了十年The teacher took up the story where he left off yesterday.The old lady survived her husband by ten years.1.Thanks to him ,the death toll has fallen .2. When darkness approache

16、d ,a lorry came off the cliff. 3.Do you know how to approach the problem? 。 4.The drivers just pass by ,taking the human traffic signal for granted 5.All the students volunteered to answer the questions 。6.We feel it our mission in life to go to college to do further study .7.So ,in order to realize

17、 the dream / make the dream come true ,from dawn to dusk ,week in, week out ,we take up our seat and learn with practice 。8.Many roads are in bad condition and accidents are frequent . 9.The teacher took up the story where he left off yesterday. 10.The old lady survived her husband by ten years.Func

18、tion“情态动词情态动词have过去分词过去分词”的用法的用法 英语中英语中,表示对表示对过去过去某种情况进行某种情况进行推测推测或或责备、后悔责备、后悔,常用情态动词常用情态动词must, may (might), can(could), should(ought to), would 等等have过去分词表示。依据说过去分词表示。依据说话人的语气或推测的把握程度不同话人的语气或推测的把握程度不同,使用的使用的情态动词也不同。情态动词也不同。情态动词情态动词对现在和未对现在和未来的推测来的推测对过去的推对过去的推测测使用场合使用场合mustmust do must have done 肯定

19、句肯定句May/mightmay/might do may/might have done 肯定句,肯定句,否定句否定句Can/could can/could do can/could have done否定句,否定句,疑问句疑问句(could可可用于肯定用于肯定句)句)1. musthave过去分词过去分词 表示对过去发生的动作或存在的状态表示对过去发生的动作或存在的状态 的肯定判断。用于肯定的陈述句中的肯定判断。用于肯定的陈述句中(在否定句及疑问句中用在否定句及疑问句中用can代替代替must),意思是意思是“一定已经一定已经”。e.g. If he had really been the

20、re, I must have seen him.2. can (could)have过去分词过去分词 表示对过去发生的动作或存在的状态表示对过去发生的动作或存在的状态的否定或疑问判断。的否定或疑问判断。 Where can he have gone? 他可能去哪里了呢他可能去哪里了呢? Jim cant have been at home yesterday. 吉姆昨天不可能在家。吉姆昨天不可能在家。 3. may/mighthave过去分词过去分词 表示对过去发生的动作或存在的状表示对过去发生的动作或存在的状态进行的不肯定的推测态进行的不肯定的推测,语气比使用语气比使用can (could

21、)弱。弱。might的语气比的语气比may更弱。更弱。 She may have read the book. He might not have got your letter.4. needhave过去分词过去分词 常用于否定句常用于否定句,表示过去做了不必做表示过去做了不必做或不需要做的事情或不需要做的事情,表示表示“本来不必本来不必”。You neednt have told him the news.你没有必要告诉他那消息。你没有必要告诉他那消息。5. should/ought tohave过去分词过去分词 肯定式表示肯定式表示“过去本应做某事过去本应做某事(但但没做没做)”;否定式

22、表示否定式表示“过去不该做过去不该做某事某事(但做了但做了)”,含有不满或责备之含有不满或责备之意。意。 Youre right. I should have thought of that. She ought to have come earlier.6. wouldhave过去分词过去分词 表示过去本来要做某事却因某种原因表示过去本来要做某事却因某种原因未做未做,用来说明某种情况用来说明某种情况,不含有责备不含有责备之意。之意。 I would have written to you earlier but I have been ill. 我本来要早点给你写信我本来要早点给你写信,但我

23、生病了。但我生病了。If I had seen the advertisement, I would have applied for the job. 我要是看见那个广告了我要是看见那个广告了, 我就申请我就申请那份工作了。那份工作了。 Practice1. John _ a better job, but he was too careless. A. should do B. must have done C. could do D. could have done2. - I dont know why he is late.- Nor do I. He _ have had an a

24、ccident. A. can B. should C. might D. must 3. He must have seen the inspector last night, _ he? A. mustnt B. hasnt C. didnt D. doesnt4. -Mary looks sad. Did you tell her about the accident? -Yes, but I _ have told her. A. should B. shouldnt C. must D. ought to not5. The playground is all wet. It _ r

25、ained last night. A. had B. can have C. should have D. must have6. We _ have hurried. We had to wait twenty minutes before the meeting began. A. neednt B. should C. must D. couldnt 7. - Who told you my address? -I dont remember clearly. It _ Tom. -It _ Tom. He doesnt know it. A. may have been; cant

26、be B. can be; mustnt be C. must have been; cant have been D. may have been; mustnt have been8. John passed the exam. He didnt study very hard. The exam _ difficult. A. cant have been B. must have been C. couldnt be D. might have been9. She _ have gone to college, but she didnt pass the exam. A. migh

27、t B. would C. must D. need10. Its already eleven oclock. He _to bed. A. must have gone B. must go C. should have gone D. cant have gone5. I was on the highway when this car went past followed by a police car . They _ at least 150 kilometers an hour . A.should have been doingB.must have been doing C.

28、 could have done D. would have done 6. - The woman biologist stayed in Africa studying wide animals for 13 years before she returned . - Oh , dear! She _ a lot of difficulties ! A. may go though B. must have gone though C. ought to have gone though D. might go though _7.-Tom is never late for work .

29、Why is he absent today? -Something_ to him. A. must happen B. should have happened C. could have happened D. must have happened 8.-Do you know where David is? I couldnt find him anywhere? -Well. He _ have gone farhis coats still here. A. shouldnt B. mustnt C. cant D. wouldnt 9.Lucy doestnt mind lending you her dictionary. -She _. Ive already borrowed one. A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. shouldnt_同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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