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1、Homework Assignment (Unit 1)Translation:Translation:1. 1.听到这个消息,他很可能会沮丧。(听到这个消息,他很可能会沮丧。(may well do)may well do)2. 2.假定我这里所说的反差是成立的,我们是否能从创造力假定我这里所说的反差是成立的,我们是否能从创造力与基本技能这两点之间获得某种平衡?与基本技能这两点之间获得某种平衡?(assuming that, strike a balance between)assuming that, strike a balance between)3. 3.这一部移动电话在质量上优于那

2、一部。(这一部移动电话在质量上优于那一部。(be superior tobe superior to)4. 4.在调查过程中未发现新证据。(在调查过程中未发现新证据。(emergeemerge)5. 5.这所学校把英语和计算机作为重点学习的课程。这所学校把英语和计算机作为重点学习的课程。(give priority togive priority to)6. 6.他极其娴熟地操作着计算机。(他极其娴熟地操作着计算机。(with extreme facility)with extreme facility)7. 7.你认为他说的话重要吗?(你认为他说的话重要吗?(attach importanc

3、e toattach importance to)8. 8.他的他的研究有助于揭示中、西方不同的教育观。研究有助于揭示中、西方不同的教育观。(throw light on)throw light on)Review全新版大学英语第一册全新版大学英语第一册(综合教程)(综合教程) Unit 2 Friendship ReviewText AAll the Cabbie Had Was a LetterSentence Pattern:may / might (just) as well + do Beautiful Expressions: 完全沉浸在之中 be lost in (lose on

4、eself in) 敲以引起某人的注意 tap on to get ones attention Beautiful Expressions:我不着急。Im in no hurry. 同学聚会 class reunion 离我们的目的地不远了 get close to our destination 总是有事情冒出来,好像就是找不到时间。Things come up and we just dont seem to find the time. Beautiful Expressions:举行一次聚会 hold a reunion看到某事使某人很气愤The sight of sth. left

5、 sb. upset. 她的学习计划排得满满的。 Her study fully occupied her. Phrases:keep upor something(be) not much of a all the wayon ones mindPhrases:remind somebody of somethingchoke upquite a whileWordsavailable a. windshield n.estimate vt.practically ad.postpone vt. Words:Halloween absolutely ad. correspondence n.

6、 (keep correspondence with sb.)urge vt. practically ad. skip vi unpack vt. 全新版大学英语全新版大学英语综合教程综合教程第二册第二册Unit 2 Values Text AThe Richest Man in America, Down Home -Art Harris -Art Harris 阿特阿特阿特阿特 哈里斯哈里斯哈里斯哈里斯 Pre-reading TasksPre-reading Tasks1.What happened to Abraham Lincoln one day? 2.How is the st

7、ory related to the theme of the unitvalue?On April 14, 1865, in Fords Theater in Washington, D.C., actor John Booth shot Abraham Lincoln in the head. The President died the next day at 7:20 AM. The faces of US presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln ar

8、e carved into the wall of Mount Rushmore in South Dakotas Black Hills.Rich people I knowBill Gates is the chairman, and cofounder (with Paul Allen) of Microsoft Corporation, the worlds leading computer software company. The companys success made Gates the worlds richest person. American professional

9、 basketball player Michael Jordan led the Chicago Bulls to six National Basketball Association (NBA) championships.Pre-reading TasksSome famous chain supermarkets in ChengduCarrefour, Price-Smart, Metrol Red-flag, Peoples Department Stores, The Pacific, The relationship between manufacturers-retaile

10、rs-consumers Sam Walton While-reading TasksText Organization:Part 1: Paras. 14: The disappointment of a waiter: He found that Sam Waltonthe richest man in America led so simple a life. While-reading TasksText Organization:Part 2:Paragraphs 513 Sams personality: Detailed information about Sam Walton

11、with a lot of examples to reveal what Sam is like While-reading TasksText Organization:Part 3: Paras. 1422: Sams devotion to his company and his employees Language StudyLanguage Study Paragraph 2How did Sam acquire his wealth?dime store: discount chain discount n. the reduction made to the usual pri

12、ce of sth.-Retailers of cyberstores may offer special discounts to online shoppers. Language Study spot n. vt. -I found Tony in our familiar meeting spot. -Rich and Anthony spotted something ahead at the same instant. -The robber was caught on the spot.-He never spotted any servants. Language StudyP

13、art 2Para 5, sentence 1Only in America can a billionaire carry on like plain folks and get away with it. 只有在美国,一个亿万富翁才能像普通老百姓那样安只有在美国,一个亿万富翁才能像普通老百姓那样安安稳稳过日子安稳稳过日子( (而不受到非议而不受到非议) )。 Language StudyMore examples:Only in this way can we achieve our goal.Only then did Peter realize that he still hadnt

14、phoned his mother.Language Study carry on like plain folks: behave like ordinary people get away with Those who lie and cheat will never get away with it. I wont let him get away with that excuse. Language StudyParagraph 7 By all accounts, hes friendly, cheerful, a fine neighbor who does his best to

15、 blend in, never flashy, never throwing his weight around. 人人都说他为人友善,性情开朗,是个好邻居,他尽力与人融洽相处,从不炫耀,也从不盛气凌人。 Language StudyBy all accounts: according to what everyone says account n.vt.He cant account for his mistake. He has resigned his job on account of his age. On no account must you tell him about yo

16、ur plans. You need not take these factors into account.Language Study blend in (into): What he said reinforced my determination to blend in with my surrounding.She came from the North, she was not sure whether she could blend into Sichuan Culture.Language Study throw ones weight around (infml) Mr Sm

17、ith is not much of a manager. He always throws his weight around. Language Study in a reserved seat: reserve vt. keep for special use, book (a table, seat, a room)Some seats on the buses are _ for the old.a) preservedb) conservedc) reservedd) containedLanguage Studypreserve: keep sb alive or keep st

18、h. safe from destruction (保护) keep a condition to remain unchanged. (维持)keep sth. especially food, dead bodies, in good condition for a long time by some special treatment 保存(使不腐烂)Language Studyconserve: keep sth. from being lost or wasted (often followed by natural resources) 保存、保护(使不失去、使不浪费)retain

19、: keep possession of sth. 保留、保住 Language StudyIts the duty of the police to _ public order. Language Studythe Benton County Daily Democrat, another Walton property that keeps him off the front page. (Benton民生报,Walton的又一宗产业,这家报纸从来不让Walton的消息出现在头版上)Language StudyIt buried the Forbes list at the bottom

20、 of page 2. -The rich-people list from Forbes was arranged at the bottom of page in the Benton County Daily Democrat so that it could not be found easily. 它将福布斯的富人排行榜塞在第二版的报尾。 Language Studybury vt. put a dead body into a grave cover sth up intentionally 故意掩盖a front page person 头版新闻人物 Language Study

21、The Richest Man in America did something that would have made headlines anywhere in the world.made headlines -had the quality to become the front page persone.g.: My experiences have made me a better person.She was made a director of the company.Language StudyBut just how long Walton can hold firm t

22、o his folksy habits with celebrity hunters keeping following him wherever he goes is anyones guess.Grammatical structure: “how long is anyones guess” hold to + n. keep to sth. 遵守,不改变 hold firm to 坚决不改变 his folksy habits: 他的平民习惯 Language Studycelebrity hunters: 追星族 on the run: trying to avoid be capt

23、ured by other people steer clear of: keep away from, avoid, 避开,躲避 Language Studythe executive pep rally 行政人员鼓劲会be liable to do sth. be likely to do sth. 很可能 e.g.: If you throw litter down on the street, you are liable to a fine.On such a night, one is liable to catch a cold.Language Study put him of

24、f his game: draw his attention away from the game a college scholarship fund 大学奖学基金 a disaster relief fund 灾难救助基金 He believed in cultivating ideas and rewarding success.他信奉广开思路,奖励成功。Language StudyThey deserved the credit.这种荣誉他们受之无愧 be better off become rich小康,变得富有 Writing StyleIndirect DescriptionIn

25、 order to describe Sam Walton, the writer interviewed a lot of people. He quotes not only Sam Walton himself, but also his townsfolk and colleagues. These persons are: The waiter at Sam Waltons birthday partyThe night manager at the local Wal-MartThe Mayor of BentonvilleThe pastor of the local churc

26、hThe local barberThe corporate affairs directorThe retired president of Wal-MartThe company lawyerHomework AssignmentWriting:Prepare a mini-speech, describing one of your classmates. Next class, I will ask you to read your descriptions and let the other students guess who the person is. Translation:

27、 1.人人都说明明为人友善,性情开朗,他尽力与人人人都说明明为人友善,性情开朗,他尽力与人融洽相处,从不炫耀,也从不盛气凌人。融洽相处,从不炫耀,也从不盛气凌人。( (by all by all account, blend in, flashy, throw ones weight account, blend in, flashy, throw ones weight around) around) 2.这张桌子是预留的。这张桌子是预留的。( (reserve) reserve) 3.古埃及人知道如何保存尸体使不腐烂。古埃及人知道如何保存尸体使不腐烂。( (preserve) preser

28、ve) 4.这位球星不得不东躲西藏,甩开那些追星族们。这位球星不得不东躲西藏,甩开那些追星族们。( (be on the run, steer clear of, celebrity hunters) be on the run, steer clear of, celebrity hunters) 5.如果你在街上乱扔果皮纸屑,很可能会被罚款。如果你在街上乱扔果皮纸屑,很可能会被罚款。( (be liable to) be liable to) Summary of Language StudySummary of Language Study1.Sentence Pattern Only

29、in America can a billionaire carry on like plain folks and get away with it.Only in this way can we achieve our goal. Summary of Language Study2. Beautiful Expressions dime storekeep sb. off the front pagea front page personsomething that would have made headlines Summary of Language Study2. Beautif

30、ul Expressionscelebrity huntersthe executive pep rallya college scholarship funda disaster relief fundThey deserved the credit.Summary of Language Study3. Phrasesget away withby all accountsblend inthrow ones weight aroundhold tohold firm toSummary of Language Study3. Phrases be on the runsteer clea

31、r ofbe liable to dolay downbe on ones mindbetter offSummary of Language Study4. Words mansion n. vt.reserve vt.folksy a.executive n.loyalty n.Summary of Language Study4. Wordsoption n.court n.cultivate v.reward vt.Useful sentences for describing people: Her face broadens into a smile.Smil

32、es often curve ones lip.He is more than a little over-weight.Her figure is long and slim.Her eyes are bright with cleverness and kindness.Her lips and chin have a gentle firmness.She is like a spring coming alive.He is plain.She has a thoughtful soul and insightful mind.She is round and short.She we

33、ars high-heeled shoes/low-heeled shoes.He has a reputation for honesty (self-confidence, hard-working, loyalty to friends, perseverance).His hair is often neatly cut and combed.He has pointed jaw and straight nose.He doesnt want any special treatment.He is friendly, cheerful who does his best to ble

34、nd in, never flashy.He never throws his weight around.What he does would often make headlines in the school newspaper.He is often a front page person.He holds firm to his folksy habits.He often tries to steer clear of reporters and celebrity hunters keeping following him wherever he goes.He treats h

35、is employees right.He always keeps others on his mind.Coming into contact with him just makes you a better person.Comments on Homework AssignmentUnit 2 ValuesText A The Richest Man in America, Down HomeWe learn to harness English sentences:Can you find the mistakes in the following sentences?Can you

36、 find the mistakes in the following sentences?1. Because his act always was slow, and doing everything have to consider it for a long time.(Problems: 词性/句架/频度副词的位置)(Revised) He is slow no matter what he says or does, thinking carefully (over and over again) before acting.We learn to harness English

37、sentences:Can you find the mistakes in the following Can you find the mistakes in the following sentences?sentences?2. The economic of her hometown are not very good. (Problems: 词性/一致关系)(Revised) The development of the economy in her hometown is relatively lagging behind.We learn to harness English

38、sentences:Can you find the mistakes in the following sentences?Can you find the mistakes in the following sentences?3. The Egypt know how to preserve the die body from 3. The Egypt know how to preserve the die body from decay.decay.(Problems: (Problems: 词性词性词性词性/ /时态)时态)时态)时态)(Revised) Ancient Egypt

39、ians knew how to preserve dead bodies (corpses) from decaying.We learn to harness English sentences:Can you find the mistakes in the following sentences?Can you find the mistakes in the following sentences?4. 4. 我是一个典型的北方人。我是一个典型的北方人。I am a characteristic norther.(Problems: (Problems: 用词不当)用词不当)用词不当)用词不当)(Revised) I am a typical northern guy (northerner).



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