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1、7A U1-U8重点词语归纳1.grade 年级,成绩,等级 in Class Five, Grade Nine.(小前大后全大写)2. be good at=do well in +doing sth.擅长于3. everyone 与every one everyone 指人,可以直接做主语。不可以和of连用。但every one指事物中的每一个,可以与of连用。 如:every one of themeveryone of them4. glass玻璃(不可数),玻璃杯(可数),glasses眼镜(复数) 戴眼镜 wear glasses或with glasses5. 散步 go walk

2、ing或take a walk, 带小狗去散步 take a dog for a walk6. 一碗米饭 a bowl of rice 两碗two bowls of7. time 时间(不可数)。次数,倍数(可数),times时代(复数)clothes from different times不同时代的衣服8. play football/basketball/tennis/volleyball/badminton play chess/chinese chess/card 球类,棋牌类不加the9. go+doing 如 go swimming/shopping10. be in= be a

3、 member of 成为.的一员,加入11. be free空闲for free免费12. Dreams come true.梦想成真。13. at/on the weekend或at/on weekends在周末14. of course=certainly=sure当然15. other与else other+ 名词;而else放在不定代词和特殊疑问词后面 如 other students; what/who/something/anything else16. a lot修饰程度,意为很,非常。如thanks a lot; a lot of=lots of 修饰数量,可数不可数都可接,

4、意为许多,大量。17. fun 不可数名词 much fun;lots of fun;have fun=have a good time (in) doing sth. funny 滑稽的18. talk about sth. 谈论某事 talk to/ with sb. 和某人谈谈/交谈19. match 比赛,竞赛; 火柴;搭配match .with20. hero复数heroes(中考和模拟最爱考)21. What与which 有范围的提问用which,没有范围的用what 如:whats your hobby? Which is your favourite?22. Which is

5、your favourite?= which do you like best?23. 关于so(所以,这样)so和because不能同时出现。So+陈述句 意为“的确如此” 如: so it is!So+倒装句 意为“某人也是” 如: so is Amy.I think so, too. 我也这么认为。I dont think so, either. 我也不这么认为。so+形容词/副词 Such +名词/名短 多多少少(many,much, little, few)都用so 如: so beautiful;such beautiful flowers;so many beautiful fl

6、owers; so/such that如此以至于用法同4。so that 以便24. Chinese/ English/ Maths/Physics/Chemistry/Biology/Geography/History/Politics语英数物化生地历政 (学科要大写)25. 问几月几号 whats the date today? 问星期几 what day is it today?26. show sb. around sp. 带领某人参观 show sth. to sb.=show sb. sth.给某人展示某物27. in the front of在内部的前面 反: at the ba

7、ck of in front of 在外部的前面 反:behind28. keep diaries 记日记(di-a-ry)29. look!看!look at看某物(动作) see 看到,看见(结果)look + 形容词 看起来30. on the phone/radio/Internet/TV31. borrow sth. from sb.从谁那里借什么 lend sth.to sb.=lend sb. sth. 借给谁什么32. a little(肯)/little(否) 修饰不可数名词 a few(肯)/few (否) 修饰可数名词33. far away from.离.远 keep

8、away from 远离34. go to on foot/by bus/by car/by bike/by sea(ship/boat)/by air(plane)= walk to/take a bus to/ drive a car to/ride a bike to /take a ship/boat to /take a plane to 35. wake up!醒醒! wake up sb. 人称代词放中间,叫醒某人 wake-woke-woken36. lets , shall we? 其他祈使句的反义疑问句,全是will you.37. never/seldom38. have

9、 for breakfast39. need to do需要做某事 need doing 需要被40. act表演,行动 actor男演员actress女演员action行动active主动的积极的actively主动积极地activity活动 41. be late to do/be late for class/school/meeting42. a quarter to ten 9:45a quarter past ten 10:15 quarter 一刻钟,四分之一43. every与each every 三者或三者以上的每一个;整体 each 两个或两者以上的每一个;个体 each

10、of every of every one of44。 practise45. hope to do;hope that wish to do ; wish that; wish sb. to do46. luck 运气lucky幸运的 unlucky不幸的luckily幸运地unluckily47. once一次twice两次 三次以上数字+times 如:three/four times三/四次48. get ready for sth.为.准备好49. study和learn 学语言用learn,研究用study。都跟to do sth50. dress sb. 给某人穿衣服 dress

11、 sb. in+衣服 给某人穿什么去打扮 dress up 盛装打扮 dress up as 装扮成 dress up in+衣服 穿打扮自己 wear +衣服 穿着 put on +衣服 穿上51. present 礼物;现在; 颁发授予 at present= at the moment present sb. with sth. = present sth. to sb.52.get together 聚会,联欢53.be full of = be filled with 充满 full-empty(空)54.knock on the door 敲门55.关于if if 引导条件状语从句

12、,主将从现。 if(是否)引导宾语从句,时态看句意。 如: If you go, I will go. I dont know if he will go.56. treat 招待;治疗;对待57. special 特殊的,特别的。强调目的的唯一性和不同于其他的特殊性 副词是specially.而especially是尤其,特别,是对前面的进一步补充说明58. question和problem 口头问答ask and answer questions 解决难题 solve/work out problems59. find 找到,发现 find+宾语+宾补 发现什么怎么样 中考最常考 find

13、 it +形容词+to do sth. find out 找出,查清,查明 look for 寻找60. more one/ two/some/any more 更多一个/两个/一些 数字/数量+ more 更多/再来/还要 another也可以表示更多 但只能跟具体数字 three more= another three61. seem +形容词 ;seem(to be) +形容词 seem to do It seems that62. let off =set off 使爆炸 燃放烟花let off fireworks63. health健康 healthy 健康的(keep health

14、y) healthily健康地 live healthily 健康生活unhealthy、不健康的64. less than/fewer than 少于 more than 多于65. order点餐,命令 order sb. to do sth. This is an order.这是命令(tvb常用语)66. last 最近的,上一个的last week上周 last 持续 last for one month持续一周 last 最后的 make her last appearance 她最后一次露面67. enough good enough形容词/副词+enough enough mo

15、ney enough+名词68. change 改变,零钱69. both两者都 反neither all三者,三者以上都不 none either 两者之一70. be made of/from由制成(of看得出原材料,物理变化;from看不出原材料,化学变化)71. lie-lying-lay-lain(平躺,平放) lie-lying-lied-lied(说谎) lay-laying-laid-laid(下蛋,产卵)72. what do you think of=how do you like73. include 动词,跟在主语后面。including介词,通常用逗号和前面的句子隔开。



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