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1、非限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句与与限制性定语从句限制性定语从句Baby, wont you tell me why there is sadness in your eyesI dont wanna say goodbye to youLove is one big illusion I should try to forgetbut there is something left in my headYoure the one who set it upNow youre the one to make it stopIm the one whose feeling lost right

2、nowNow you want me to forget every little thing (that) you saidbut there is something left in my headI wont forget the way (that) youre kissingThe feelings so strong were lasting for so longBut Im not the man (whom) your heart is missingThats why you go away, I knowThats Why You Go Away Complete the

3、 following lyrics我就是那个现在迷失了方向的人我就是那个现在迷失了方向的人现在你要我忘却你所说的一切现在你要我忘却你所说的一切我不会忘记你亲吻的方式我不会忘记你亲吻的方式但我却不是你心中想念的人但我却不是你心中想念的人What are the red words?Youre the one who set it up.Im the one whose feeling lost right now.Now you want me to forget every little thing (that) you said.I wont forget the way (that) yo

4、ure kissing.But Im not the man (whom) your heart is missing.Can you find the antecedent(先行词先行词)?Can you find the relative words?whowhosethatthatwhomCan you find the attributive clause?语法讲解语法讲解 定语从句定语从句(the attributive clause) 被定语从句限定的词是被定语从句限定的词是_ ,引导定语从,引导定语从句的词叫做句的词叫做 _ 或或 _。在复合句中,在复合句中,修饰修饰_或或_的是

5、定语从句的是定语从句 “先行词先行词”“关系代词关系代词”“关系副词关系副词”名词名词代词代词先行词先行词 关系词关系词function(句子成分句子成分)物物人人object(宾语)(宾语)thatwhowhomwhichthat物物人人whoseattribute(定语)(定语)subject(主语)(主语)thatwhoobject(宾语)(宾语)subject(主语)(主语)whichthat关系词关系词指代指代充当成分充当成分关系关系副词副词where地点地点状语状语when时间时间why原因原因非限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句与与限制性定语从句限制性定语从句区别区别1:从句与主句的

6、关系:从句与主句的关系I like the girl who is making a pose.修饰限制,译为修饰限制,译为“的的”,不能去掉从,不能去掉从句句I like the girl, who is making a pose.补充说明,补充说明,译成并列句,译成并列句,即使删去从即使删去从句,主句意句,主句意思不改变思不改变He has a son who wants to be a singer.He wants to be a singer.不能去不能去掉掉He has a son , who is an actor.能去掉能去掉We all admire the man who

7、 wears the white suit.不能去不能去掉掉 I admire the man , who wears a big smile.能去掉能去掉总结总结1:限制性定从限制性定从对主句起对主句起_作用,作用,如去掉,意思如去掉,意思_完整。完整。非限制性定从非限制性定从对主句作对主句作_,_,去掉后主句意思仍然,去掉后主句意思仍然完整。完整。修饰限制修饰限制不不补充说明补充说明可以去掉可以去掉非限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句与与限制性定语从句限制性定语从句区别区别2:先行词的区别:先行词的区别This is the best novel that I have ever read.先

8、行词是名词或先行词是名词或代词代词The novel, which I read last night, is very interesting.The novel is very interesting, which made me very glad.先行词也可以是先行词也可以是句子句子先行词是名词或先行词是名词或代词代词总结总结2:限制性定从限制性定从的先行词是的先行词是名词或代词名词或代词。非限制性定从非限制性定从先行词可以先行词可以是是名词或代名词或代词,词,也可以是前面整个也可以是前面整个句子句子。区别区别3:引导词的区别:引导词的区别I like the school, that

9、 is named Dongyuan High School.My mother is the woman, that is good at cooking.whichwhoI had told my boss the reason, for which I was late again.先行词指原因先行词指原因总结总结3: 引导词的区别引导词的区别在非限定性定语从句中,不能用关系副词在非限定性定语从句中,不能用关系副词why和关系代词和关系代词that。要用for which代替why.Sum up:I like the girl, who is making a pose.He has a

10、 son, who is an actor. I admire the man , who wears a big smile.The novel, which I read last night, is very interesting.The novel is very interesting, which made me very glad.I like the school, which is named Dongyuan High School.My mother is the woman, who is good at cooking.I had told my boss the

11、reason, for which I was late again.非限制性定语从句中的关系词非限制性定语从句中的关系词指代人指代人 指代事物指代事物 所属关系所属关系 指地点指地点 指时间指时间 指原因指原因 who, whom, thatwhich, thatwhose, of whichwherewhenwhy关关系系代代词词关关系系副副词词限制性定语从句限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句形式上形式上意义上意义上作用上作用上不用逗号不用逗号用逗号用逗号去掉后句意不完整去掉后句意不完整去掉后,句意完整去掉后,句意完整修饰限制修饰限制只可修饰先行词只可修饰先行词只可修饰先行词只

12、可修饰先行词补充说明补充说明可修饰先行词或主句可修饰先行词或主句可修饰先行词或主句可修饰先行词或主句译为译为“的的”可译为并列句可译为并列句翻译时翻译时关系词关系词作宾语时可以省略作宾语时可以省略作宾语时可以省略作宾语时可以省略不可省略且不能用不可省略且不能用不可省略且不能用不可省略且不能用that , why that , why 引导引导引导引导1. Apples, that are good at peoples health, should be eaten every day.2. The sun heats the earth which makes it possible to

13、grow crops.,which 1. His movie won several awards at the film festival, _ was beyond his wildest dream. (2007上海上海) A. which B. that C. where D. it 2. She will fly to Washington, _ she can enjoy herself. A. where B. that C. which D. /1. Charles Smith , _ was my former teacher, retired last year.2. Af

14、ter the war he went to the America, _ he found a job. 3. He pretended not to know me, _ I found quite strange.whowhichwhere有一个美丽的小女孩,她的名字叫做小薇。有一个美丽的小女孩,她的名字叫做小薇。There is a pretty girl whose name is Xiaowei.遥远的东方有一条江,它的名字就叫长江。遥远的东方有一条江,它的名字就叫长江。 In the distant East, there is a river whose name is Yangtze River. 你说我像云,捉摸不定。你说我像云,捉摸不定。 You said I was like a cloud, which is hard to understand. Translate the lyrics into English



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