2012年课堂同步课件英语人教版必修3:unit 1 section ⅳ writing

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《2012年课堂同步课件英语人教版必修3:unit 1 section ⅳ writing》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2012年课堂同步课件英语人教版必修3:unit 1 section ⅳ writing(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Section Writing记叙文:故事类故事属于叙事类的记叙文,通常要将时间、地点、人物、事件、原因和结果等六个要素交代清楚。好的记叙文具有事件描述具体、人物形象逼真、故事生动感人、材料表现中心和写作主旨明确等特征。一、注意事项在写故事类的记叙文时,需注意以下几个方面的问题:1严格按照写作要求完成各个信息点,不能为了文章的生动而随意添加信息。2信息点的表述不一定完全按照题目所给的顺序,必要时要根据情况适当重组信息点。3记叙文写作的时态多用一般过去时,但也要注意根据情况灵活运用其他时态。4高考作文关于故事类的话题通常和中学生的日常生活有关,如:校园生活、旅游、交通、交友等,平时要注意积累这些

2、方面的词汇和短语。二、常用词汇1表示时间a long time ago, at six oclock in the morning, at the end of, atthe weekend, before he came here, by the end of last term, duringthe summer holiday, in the past, in the old days, in August 2012, inwinter vacation, in weekdays, last month, on Sunday morning, onOctober 1st, not.unt

3、il, while, one day2表示地点at the crossing, at the end of the street, at the airport, at thevillage, at the foot of the mountain, at the bottom of, at the top of,behind the park, be located in, be situated in, five kilometers to thenorth of Guangzhou, in the south of Guangdong Province, in themiddle of

4、the park, in Class 3, in the front of the bus, in front of thebus, in the tree, lie to the west of Sichuan, on the other side of thestreet, on both sides of the road, on the east coast of the PacificOcean, on the right3表示因果as, as a result, because, because of, for, in the end, cause,result in, conse

5、quently, originate from, since, so, therefore, it turnsout to be., the primary reason is.三、常用句型及句式1No sooner.than.Hardly/Scarcely.when.一就,刚刚就(no sooner, hardly, scarcely 置于句首时,句子要倒装)Hardly had I got to the bus stop when it began to rain.我刚刚到达公共汽车站天就开始下雨了。2not until 的强调句型:Its not until.that.It wasnt

6、until all the fish died in the river that the villagersrealized how serious the pollution was.直到河里的鱼全死了村民们才意识到污染是多么严重。3It was (not)/It will (not) be一段时间before.过了多久才/没过多久就Its 3 months/It wasnt long before he realized his mistakes. 三个月后他才/没过多久他就意识到自己的错误了。4 It is/has been 一段时间 since 过去的时间点 自从到现在多长时间了It

7、 is eight years since I graduated from university.自从我大学毕业已经有 8 年了。5used to do 过去常常; be used to doing 习惯于There used to be a small shop near my house.过去我家旁边有个小商店。I have been used to living on campus.我已经习惯了住校。6the比较级, the比较级 越就越The higher you go up, the colder it will become.越往上走越冷。7as/so long as 只要As

8、long as you stick to your plans, you will make greatprogress soon.只要你坚持你的计划,你很快就会取得很大的进步。8not only. but also.; “only状语”的倒装句型Not only can he speak French, but also he has a goodcommand of English.他不仅会讲法语,而且英语也掌握得很好。Only when her mother came back did she stop crying.只有她的妈妈回来了,她才停止哭泣。9unless (if.not)除非

9、;如果不I wont attend his party unless he comes to invite me in person.除非他亲自来邀请我,否则我不会出席他的晚会。10with 独立结构作状语(注意此结构的灵活应用)The boy is staring at the unbelievable spectacle with his mouthopen.男孩张着嘴看着这不可思议的一幕。With his glasses broken, he couldnt see the words on theblackboard clearly.他的眼镜破了,看不清黑板上的字。假如下面四幅图描述的

10、是昨天发生在你叔叔身上的一起事故。请你根据图画内容写一篇英语短文,记叙该事故的发生过程并简单阐述自己的观点。写作要求1词数 120 左右。2参考词汇:吊销驾照 revoke a driving license参考范文My uncle experienced a bad accident yesterday.It all began last night when my uncle and his friends haddinner together.It was not until late at night that my uncle started todrive back home.He

11、 was obviously drunk but he wouldnt admit itand insisted on driving home himself.My uncle soon found the car was out of his control and he wasnot able to see the road clearly.Whats worse, alcohol made himlose sense of danger.Consequently, he drove into a tree along theroad and got seriously injured.

12、Luckily enough, he was sent to the nearest hospital in time.Hecame back to life on the hospital bed, only to find a policemanwaiting for him, who told him that his driving license would berevoked.The dangerous driving after drinking almost cost him his life!I hope public awareness should be raised to obey the traffic rules.同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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