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1、 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema“It looks as if itll go under soon,” Jim said,after a couple of minutes.“Lets go and take a look,” I said.“I dont want to board a si

2、nking ship,” said Jim,but when I suggested that we might find something useful on the boat,he agreed to go.So we paddled over and climbed on to the steamboat,keeping as quiet as mice.To our astonishment,there was a light in one of the cabins.Then we heard someone shout,“Oh please boys,dont kill me!I

3、 wont tell anybody!” 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the CinemaA mans angry voice answered,“Youre lying.You said that last time.Were going to kill you.”When he heard these words,Jim panicked and ran to the raft. But although I was frightened,I also felt very curious,so I put my head rou

4、nd the door.It was quite dark,but I could see a man lying on the floor,tied up with rope.There were two men standing over him.One was short,with a beard.The other was tall and had something in his hand that looked like a gun. 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema“Ive had enough of

5、you.Im going to shoot you now,” this man said.He was obviously the one who had threatened the man on the floor.And it was a gun he had in his hand.“No,dont do that,” said the short man.“Lets leave him here.The steamboat will sink in a couple of hours and hell go down with it.”When he heard that,the

6、frightened man on the floor started crying.“He sounds as if hes going to die of fright!” I thought.“I have to find a way to save him!” 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the CinemaI crawled along the deck,found Jim,and told him what I had heard.“We must find their boat and take it away,the

7、n theyll have to stay here,” I said.Jim looked terrified.“Im not staying here,” he said.But I persuaded him to help me,and we found the mens boat tied to the other side of the steamboat.We climbed quietly in and as we paddled away we heard the two men shouting.By then we were a safe distance away.Bu

8、t now I began to feel bad about what we had done.I didnt want all three men to die. 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema汽船汽船后后半半夜夜来来了了一一场场暴暴风风雨雨,大大雨雨倾倾盆盆而而下下(pour)。我我们们躲躲进进了了自自己己搭搭起起来来的的避避雨雨棚棚(shelter),让让木木筏筏顺顺流流而而下下。突突然然间间,借借着着闪闪电电的的光光亮亮,我我们们看看到到河河中中间间有有东东西西。它它一一开开始始看看上上去去像像座座房房子

9、子,但但后后来来我我们们意意识识到到那那是是艘艘蒸蒸汽汽船船。它它触触礁礁了了,一一半半沉沉在在水水里,一半露在水面上。我们的木筏正朝着它驶去。里,一半露在水面上。我们的木筏正朝着它驶去。“看起来它快沉了,看起来它快沉了,”过了一会儿,吉姆说。过了一会儿,吉姆说。“我们去看看怎么回事儿。我们去看看怎么回事儿。”我接着说。我接着说。 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema“我我可可不不想想上上一一条条要要沉沉的的船船。”吉吉姆姆不不同同意意,但但当当我我提提出出我我们们可可能能会会在在上上面面找找到到些些有有用用的的东东西西

10、时时,他他还还是是同同意意了了。于于是是我我们们划划(paddle)了了过过去去,蹑蹑手手蹑蹑脚脚地地,悄悄无无声声息息地地爬爬上上了了汽汽船船。令令我我们们大大吃吃一一惊惊的的是是,有有间间船船舱舱还还亮亮着着一一盏盏灯灯。接接着着我我们们听听到到人的嚎叫声,人的嚎叫声,“哦,哥们儿,别杀我!我跟谁也不会说的!哦,哥们儿,别杀我!我跟谁也不会说的!”一一个个男男人人生生气气的的声声音音回回应应到到:“你你在在撒撒谎谎(lie)。上上次次你你也也是是这么说的。我们要杀了你!这么说的。我们要杀了你!” 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and th

11、e Cinema吉吉姆姆听听到到了了这这些些后后,恐恐惧惧(panic)万万分分,向向木木筏筏跑跑了了过过去去。而而我我尽尽管管害害怕怕,但但也也感感到到十十分分好好奇奇(curious),于于是是就就把把头头凑凑向向了了那那扇扇门门。四四周周都都很很黑黑,但但我我能能看看见见一一个个人人被被绳绳子子捆捆着着(tied up with rope),躺躺在在地地板板上上。有有两两个个人人围围着着他他站站着着。其其中中一一个个是是矮矮个个,留留着着络络腮腮胡胡子子(beard)。另另外外一一个个是是高高个个,手手里里拿拿着着什什么么东东西,看起来像是把枪。西,看起来像是把枪。“我我受受够够你你了了

12、!我我现现在在就就要要毙毙了了你你,”那那个个高高个个说说道道。显显然然他他就就是是刚刚才才威威胁胁躺躺在在地地上上的的那那个个人人。握握在在他他手手中中的的确确实实是是把把枪。枪。“不不,别别这这么么干干,”那那个个矮矮个个说说。“我我们们把把他他扔扔在在这这儿儿。这船过几小时就沉了,他也就跟船一起沉了。这船过几小时就沉了,他也就跟船一起沉了。” 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema听听到到这这话话,那那个个在在地地上上已已被被吓吓傻傻的的人人开开始始嚎嚎哭哭。“听听起起来来他就要吓死了他就要吓死了(die of fr


14、个人人的的吼吼叫叫声声。而而那那时时我我们们已已安安全全地地离离开开了了。但但现现在在我我开开始始后后悔悔那那么么做了。我不想让那三个人都死掉。做了。我不想让那三个人都死掉。 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the CinemaLike Huck,Mark Twain led an adventurous life.He left school early,and as an adolescent,determined to

15、make his fortune in South America,set off from his home in Hannibal,Missouri,for New Orleans.He wanted to take a boat to the Amazon,where he thought he could get rich quickly.He arrived in New Orleans without a penny in his pocket only to find that there were no boats for South America.Forced to cha

16、nge his plans,he worked for several years as a pilot on a steamboat,taking passengers up and down the Mississippi,the great river which flows from the north of the US near the Canadian border,down to the Gulf of Mexico. 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the CinemaLater he became a journal

17、ist and began writing stories about life on the river.Twains vivid and often amusing descriptions of life on the river quickly became popular,and established the reputation he still enjoys today as one of Americas greatest writers. 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema马克马克吐温的生活吐温的生

18、活作作家家的的生生活活往往往往和和他他们们塑塑造造(create)的的人人物物很很相相似似(resemble)。写写了了哈哈克克贝贝里里芬芬历历险险记记和和汤汤姆姆索索亚亚历历险险记记的的马马克克 吐吐温温也也不不例例外外(exception)。首首先先,作作者者的的名名字字,马马克克吐吐温温,本本身身就就是是创创造造的的,或或者者说说是是“笔笔名名”。吐吐温温的的真真名名是是塞塞缪缪尔尔克克莱莱门门斯斯。“马马克克吐吐温温”意意思思是是“水水深深二二英英尺尺”,这这是是密密西西西西比比河河上上的的水水手手们们用用来来警警告告(warn)正正在在进进入入浅浅水水区区(shallow water

19、)(安安全全通行通行)的同船水手们的口号。的同船水手们的口号。 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema像像哈哈克克一一样样,马马克克吐吐温温过过着着一一种种冒冒险险的的生生活活。他他很很早早离离开开学学校校,青青少少年年(adolescent)的的时时候候,怀怀着着到到南南美美去去发发财财致致富富(make ones fortune)的的决决心心(determined决决心心的的),从从密密苏苏里里州州的的汉汉尼尼堡堡出出发发(set off)去去新新奥奥尔尔良良。他他想想乘乘船船去去亚亚马马逊逊,他他认认为为在在那那里里

20、很很快快就就会会富富起起来来。他他身身无无分分文文(without a penny in his pocket),到到达达了了新新奥奥尔尔良良之之后后却却发发现现没没有有开开往往南南美美的的船船了了。迫迫不不得得已已(be forced to do)他他只只好好改改变变了了计计划划,在在一一艘艘汽汽船船上上当当了了好好几几年年领领航航员员(pilot),主主要要是是带带着着乘乘客客进进入入或或离离开开密密西西西西比比河河,这这条条大大河河从从美国北部的加拿大边界附近流向墨西哥湾。美国北部的加拿大边界附近流向墨西哥湾。 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literatu

21、re and the Cinema后后来来他他成成了了一一名名记记者者开开始始写写有有关关河河上上生生活活的的故故事事。吐吐温温对对河河上上生生活活生生动动形形象象的的(vivid)描描写写很很快快受受到到欢欢迎迎,这这也也确确立立了了(establish)今今天天他他仍仍然然享享有有美美国国最最伟伟大大的的作作家家之之一一的的美美誉誉(reputation)的地位。的地位。 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema同学们同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全来学校和回家的路上要注意安全 工具工具工具工具Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema同学们同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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