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1、Functional grammar-Three metafunctions1.Functional grammar 2.The Ideational Function 3.The Interpersonal Function 4.The Textual Function1.Functional grammarBasic viewpoints:Language is the product of social activities. Language is what it is because it has to serve certain social functions. Social d

2、emands on language has helped to shape its structure.Halliday defines a functional grammar as essentially a natural grammar, in the sense that everything in it can be explained He explores language in terms of the relations between language and social needs, social structure, and socio-cultural back

3、ground.1.Functional grammarHalliday views language development in children as the mastery of linguistic function, and learning a language is learning how to mean“语言功能的掌握” 、“学习语言就是学习如何表达”1.Functional grammarSeven functions in childrens model of language :The instrumental function(工具): to meet his mat

4、erial needs, goods and services;The regulatory function(控制): to control others behavior;The interactional function(互动): to talk with othersThe personal function(个人): to express his feelingsThe heuristic function(启发): to know about his own surroundingsThe imaginative function(想象): to create surroundi

5、ngsThe informative function(告知): to provide information for others1.Functional grammarThe adults language has to serve many functions, senven functions of childrens language are gradually reduced to a set of highly coded and abstract functions, which are meta-functions(纯理功能)纯理功能): Ideational functio

6、n (概念功能) Interpersonal function (人际功能) Textual function.(语篇功能)2.The Ideational FunctionThe ideational function (experimental and logical) is to convey new information unknown to the hearer. It is a meaning potential(意义潜势), used in all languages. It is to refer to categories of experience of the worl

7、d.2.The Ideational FunctionThe ideational function mainly consists of transitivity(及物性) and voice(语态).2.The Ideational FunctionTransitivity is the grammar of the clause in its ideational aspect. It consists of 6 different processes: material, mental, relational, behavioral, verbal and existential.at

8、erial processes(物质过程)Material processes are those in which something is done.(表示做某件事的过程)Process: an action verbActor(logical subject): 动作者Goal (logical direct object): 目标 aterial processes(物质过程) eg.My brother broke the vase. Actor Process Goal ental processes(心理过程)Mental processes express such menta

9、l phenomena as perception感知,reaction反应 and cognition认知. Sensor :感觉者 Phenomenon :被感知的现象ental processes(心理过程) eg. perception感知 John saw the murderer. sensor process phenomenon eg.reaction反应 My sister likes the skirt. sensor process phenomenon eg.cognition认知 I know that she was absent. sensor process p

10、henomenon elational processes(关系过程) Relational processes can be classfied into two types:I. Attributive(归属) :某个实体具有何种属性II.Identifying(识别):一个实体与另一个实体是统一的elational processes(关系过程) eg.Attributive(归属) The film lasted two hours. carrier 载体 process过程 attribute属性 eg.Identifying(识别) John is our monitor.iden

11、tified被识别者 process identifier识别者 token标记 value 价值 2.4.Behavioral processes(行为过程)Behavioral processes refer to physiological and psychological behaviour such as breathing,coughing,smiling,laughing,crying.一般只有一个参加者,一般为人。2.4.Behavioral processes(行为过程) eg. The old man sighed for the days of his youth. b

12、ehaver行为者erbal processes(言语过程) Verbal processes are those of exchanging information.(say, tell, talk, etc.) sayer:讲话者 receiver:受话者 verbiage:讲话内容erbal processes(言语过程) eg. My watch says it is nine-thirty. sayer verbiage xistential processes(存在过程) Existential processes represent that something exists o

13、r happens. (be, exist, etc.) eg.There is a new office building. existent 存在物Process type (过程类型过程类型) category meaning (意义)(意义) participants(参加者)(参加者)Material: doing Actor, Goal Action doing Event happeningBehavioral behaving BehaverMental: sensing Sensor, Phenomenon Perception seeing Affection feelin

14、g Cognition thinkingVerbal saying Sayer, TargetRelational: being Attribution attributing carrier, AttributeIdentification identifying Identified, identifierExistential existing Existent 3.The Interpersonal Function(人际功能)The interpersonal meta-function embodies all uses of language to express social

15、and personal relations. It is about the social world, especially the relationship between speaker and hearer, and is concerned with clauses as exchanges.In the interpersonal meta-function subject 主语 mood(语气) finite element 限定成分 A clause modality (情态) 3.1 Mood(语气) Mood provides us with the speech fun

16、ctions , such as persuading , enticing(诱骗) , requesting , ordering , suggesting ,asserting , insisting , doubting ,and so on.Subject: noun, noun phrase, short sentence , etc.Finite element is a number of verbal operators(动词运算符) expressing tense(has , is) or modality(must, can)MoodThose who wish to p

17、articipate in the contest must put their names here.To argue with the captain is asking for trouble.Ignoring the problem will not make your work easier.That teapot the duke has given to my aunt last year补语主语限定成分谓语状语剩余部分 语气剩余部分(residue)3.2 Modality(情态) Modality(情态)(情态)refers to the judgment on achiev

18、ement orientation and effectiveness of speakers proposition(命题), or the required obligation in the command, or the expressed willingness in the proposal(提议). assertion(断言) this is 命题(proposition) negation(否定) this is not prescribing(规定) do it 提议(proposal) proscribing(禁止) dont do it命题(proposition)在断言

19、和否定之间有两种可能性在断言和否定之间有两种可能性:(1) 不同量值的概率(如 possibly, probably, certainly)(2) 不同量值的频率(如 sometimes, usually, always)提议(proposal)在做此事与不能做此事之间也有两种可能性。哪一种起作用取决于小句的言语功能是命令(command)还是提供(offer).命令句中,中介量值代表不同程度的义务(如allowed to , supposed to , required to)提供句中,中介量值代表不同程度的意愿(如willing to , anxious to, determined to

20、)3.3 Speech Function(言语功能)According to Halliday, of the various speech roles(言语角色), two are the most basic : giving(给予) and taking(求取)。In interpersonal communications, the commodities exchanged(交换物) can also fall into two kinds : goods-services(物品及服务) and information(信息). Thus, speech roles and comm

21、odities exchanged make up four principal speech roles: offer , command, statement, and question. 4. Textual FunctionTextual Function refers to the existence of a mechanism in the language, which can organize any stretch of verbal or written discourse into a coherent and unified chapters and make a l

22、iving language fragment distinguish from a random permutation. 语篇功能语篇功能是语言中的机制,语篇功能是指语言中存在一种机制,可以将任何的一段口头或书面的话语组织成连贯统一的篇章,使一个活的言语信息片段区别于一堆随机排列的句子。In our daily use, the basic unit of language is not word or sentence,but the text “语篇”. In order to make other two functions work, the speaker must organi

23、ze them together. This is called textual function. language makes links with itself and with features of the situation which it is used.This enables the speaker or writer to construct a text that is connected. The textual metafunction enables the realization of the relation between language and cont

24、ext, making the language user produce a text which matches the context.The relevant grammatical systems include Theme, Given and New, as well as the systems of cohesion, such as Reference, Substitution, and Ellipsis.Three Routes: Thematic relations主位结构主位结构 Information structure 信息结构信息结构 Cohesion 衔接衔

25、接The concept of Theme is important to in functional approaches to syntax. Thematic relationstheme 主位主位rheme述位述位Theme 主位主位The theme is the first constituent, and it denotes the starting point of the clause-what it is going to be about. 主位是信息的出发点主位是信息的出发点,是所谈论的对象或基础是所谈论的对象或基础,句句子是围绕主位这个成分组织起来的子是围绕主位这个

26、成分组织起来的,传达的是已传达的是已知信息。知信息。- The starting point of the clause message-Realized in English by first position in a cluase-Must contain a participant, process or circumstances-Includes any element preceding the first participant, process or circumstances;-Multiple themeRheme 述位The rest part of the claus

27、e is called rheme,the information that is new.述位则是对主位的描述,描写和说明,传达的是新信息。Theme Herry kissed the Alice in the park.In the park ,Herry kissed the Alice.Theme Rheme Rheme SummaryTextual function, enables speakers or writers to construct a text and enables listeners to readers to distinguish a text from a random set of sentences. 1.to make it clear to our audience2. to emphasize, or make prominent, the essential element of it.



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