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1、surgeon与doctorSurgeon(外科医生) means a doctor who performs operations;Doctor(医生) means a person who knows how to treat diseases.Therefore, physicians(内科医生), dentists(牙医) and surgeons(?) are all doctors.The title of the text: The Making of a SurgeonThe title means “ The cause of a surgeons success.”Tran

2、slated as “外科医生的成功之道”“making” means of gaining success “成功之道”; e.g. The perseverance was the making of the writer.(坚忍不拔是这位作家成功的因素。)而而in the making = in the process of being made; ready to be produced “在制造中,在酝酿中在制造中,在酝酿中”;e.g. Our plans are still in the making.(我们的计划还在酝酿之中。)另外, makings= the qualities

3、 needed (具有)成为所需的素质; e.g.He has the makings of a good doctor.(他具有成为好医生的素质。)resident v.s. residencyResident: (实习结束后进入高级训练阶段的)住院医生;doctor who lives in the hospital and continue practicing after completing his internship (n. 美实习医生或实习教师、实习生的职位或职务;实习生).Residency: (高级专科)住院实习期;the last stage of a doctors t

4、raining at a hospital.I. Warming-up exercisesII. A brief Introduction to the textIII. Detailed explanation of the textIV. Summary of the textV. Language pointsVI. HomeworkTeaching ProceduresTeaching ProceduresQuestions for discussion In your opinion, how can a person be successful?( hard-working, lu

5、cky, chance, opportunity, healthy, intelligence, self-confidence ) As far as a doctor is concerned, what should be the most important factor ( (因素因素因素因素) ) for him to be successful?( self-confidence ) “Self-confidence is the first requisite (必要条件必要条件) to great undertakings (事业事业).” Samuel JohnsonWor

6、dsReading of the new wordssurgeonn. doctor who performs operations 外科医生self-confidence n. 自信心Wordsmaking n. means of gaining success 成功之道resident n. 住院医生Wordsconcludevt. arrive at a belief or opinion by reasoning 得出结论surgicala. of, by, or for surgery 外科的;手术的Wordscompetently ad. with the necessary sk

7、ill 称职地;胜任地near vt. approach; come closer tocompetent a.Wordsemergency n. sudden and dangerous happening needing immediate action 紧急情况;急症encounter vt. be faced with (difficulties, danger, etc.); meet unexpectedly 遭到;意外地遇见Wordsdreadvt. fear greatly 畏惧criticala. important at a time of danger and diffi

8、culty 紧要的;关键性的Wordsparticulara. belonging to some one person, thing, or occasion 特定的case n. instance of disease or injury 病例Wordsinfrequently ad. seldom; not oftenrelaxvi. become less tense 放松relaxation n. Wordsresidencyn. the last stage of a doctors training at a hospital 高级专科住院实习 (期)constanta. hap

9、pening all the time; unchanging 不断的;始终如一的Wordsresolvevt. solve 解决considered a. carefully thought out 经过深思熟虑的resolution n. Wordsdwell (dwelt ; dwelled)vi. live (in a place) 居住bounda. very likely; certain 一定的;必然的Wordssound a. correct; based on good judgment 正确的;合理的confident a. sure of oneself and ones

10、 abilities 自信的confidence n. Wordshandle vt. manage, deal with 处理butterfly n. 蝴蝶Wordsabdomenn. belly 腹(部)anticipatevt. see beforehand 预期anticipation n. Wordssweatn. & vi. 汗;流汗stab / stAb / n. thrust made with a pointed weapon 刺,戳Wordsbellyn. 肚,腹部puncturevt. make a small hole in (sth.) with sth. point

11、ed 刺穿 Wordscompound a. having more than one part 复合的fracturen. break in a bone 骨折Wordscompound fracture n. 复合性骨折inevitablyad. unavoidably 不可避免地inevitable a. Wordserrvi. make mistakes; do wrong operatevi. perform a surgical operation 动手术Wordssurgeryn. 外科;外科手术solea. unshared; one and only 唯一的Wordsresp

12、onsibilityn. 责任,责任心avoidvt. escape; keep or get away from 避免Wordsconceiteda. have too high an opinion of oneself 自负的conceitn. too high an opinion of oneselfWordstrying a. hard to endure or bear; very difficult 难受的;恼人的bother vt. annoy, trouble 烦扰,麻烦Wordsuncertainty n. uncertain condition; doubtA game

13、 of wordsconf_d_ntc_ncl_dec_mp_tentcr_t_calres_l_tionc_ns_deredant_c_pates_rg_ryc_nce_trespons_b_l_tyin_v_tablyinfr_qu_ntlyeiouoeiiouoiiiueoiiiieiee This article is written by Dr. William Nolen, a well-known American surgeon and author. Do. Nolen reveals to us in his article that he, as a doctor, ha

14、d gone a long way before he became a surgeon. Then, what quality, according to Dr. Nolen, is essential in the making of a surgeon and at what point of time does a doctor finally become a surgeon? A famous surgeon tells about the importance of self-confidence from his own experience.THE MAKING OF A S

15、URGEONDr. Nolen How does a doctor recognize the point in time when he is finally a “surgeon”? As my year as chief resident drew to a close I asked myself this question on more than one occasion.THE MAKING OF A SURGEONDr. Nolen How does a doctor recognize the point in time when he is finally a “ surg

16、eon”? As my year as chief resident drew to a close I asked myself this question on more than one occasion.doctorphysician内科医生内科医生surgeon外科医生外科医生specialist专科医生专科医生dentist牙科医生牙科医生obstetrician产科医生产科医生pediatrician儿科医生儿科医生surgeon 外科医生THE MAKING OF A SURGEONDr. Nolen How does a doctor recognize the point

17、in time when he is finally a “ surgeon”? As my year as chief resident drew to a close I asked myself this question on more than one occasion.resident 住院医生intern (实习医生) resident surgeonInternship + residency = 35 yearsBackground informationCareer in medicine in the U.S. (行医在美国) 在美国作医生得先修完四年本科课程, 至少先读

18、四年大学,获得学士学位,然后在医学院再学习四年。毕业后一般先在医院作实习医生,接受训练和指导。要和医生一起巡视病房,帮助处理急诊。之后做“住院医生”。住院医生所担负的责任比实习医生要大,除了应继续向同行学习、专研业务外,还要经常在手术台旁作有经验的医生的助手,同时也接替在职医生处理急诊。住院医生在住院期间如表现突出,可提升为住院长,负起更多的责任。当实习医生及住院医生的年限,根据所学的专业的不同,或三年或五年不等。Three types of doctors in the U.S.美国医生的三种类型一、全科医生(general practitioner)治疗所有常见疾病。在有些需要专门技术的病

19、例中,患者要被介绍去看专家(也即,第二种医生)。二、专科医生(specialist),专科医生可分为牙科医生(dentist),儿科医生(pediatrican),外科医生(surgeon),内科医生(physician),产科医生(obstertrician)等。三、医学研究者,他们同样受过医学训练,但不行医,只在医学院或大学的医学中心从事医学研究与教学工作。The answer, I concluded, was self-confidence. When you can say to yourself, “There is no surgical patient I cannot tre

20、at competently, treat just as well as or better than any other surgeon” then, and not until then, you are indeed a surgeon. I was nearing that point.我能胜任对任何外科病人的治疗,我我能胜任对任何外科病人的治疗,我的治疗和其他外科医生一样高明,甚的治疗和其他外科医生一样高明,甚至比其他医生更高明。至比其他医生更高明。 What is the most important for a doctor to become a surgeon finall

21、y?(According to Do. Nolen, self-confidence is essential ( (重重重重 要要要要 的的的的 ) ) in the making of a surgeon, and only when a doctor has built up perfect confidence in himself or herself, will he or she really be a surgeon. )Question1:How can you understand “ I was nearing that point”?( I was nearing ti

22、me when I was indeed a surgeon. )Question2: Take, for example, the emergency situations that we encountered almost every night. The first few months of the year I had dreaded the ringing of the telephone. I knew it meant another critical decision to be made. Often, after I had told Walt or Larry wha

23、t to do in a particular situation, Id have trouble getting back to sleep. Id review all the facts of the case and, not infrequently, wonder if I hadnt made a poor decision. More than once at two or three in the morning, after lying awake for an hour, Id get out of bed, dress and drive to the hospita

24、l to see the patient myself. It was the only way I could find the peace of mind I needed to relax.emergency situations 紧急情况critical decision 关键性的决定particular situation 特殊情况我会重温那位急诊病人的整个病情,常常会怀疑自己是否作出了不妥的决定。这是我能找到安心休息所需要的内心平静的唯一方法。According to para. 3, how did the author try to find the peace of mind

25、 he needed to relax?Question3:( To get out of bed, to dress and to drive to the hospital to see the patient himself. ) Now, in the last month of my residency, sleeping was no longer a problem. There were still situations in which I couldnt be certain my decision had been the right one, but I had lea

26、rned to accept this as a constant problem for a surgeon, one that could never be completely resolved and I could live with it. So, once I had made a considered decision, I no longer dwelt on it. Reviewing it wasnt going to help and I knew that with my knowledge and experience, any decision Id made w

27、as bound to be a sound one. It was a nice feeling. Here “ it” refers to the preceding (前面的) sentence “ There were still situations in which I couldnt be certain my decision had been the right one a constant problem that could never be completely resolved”considered decision 深思熟虑的决定 What can we learn

28、 from para. 4?Question4:(self-confidence helps him when he is making a decision. ) In the operating room I was equally confident. I knew I had the knowledge, the skill, the experience to handle any surgical situation Id ever encounter in practice. There were no more butterflies in my stomach when I

29、opened up an abdomen or a chest. I knew that even if the case was one in which it was impossible to anticipate the problem in advance, I could handle whatever I found. Id sweated through my share of stab wounds of the belly, of punctured lungs, of compound fractures. I had sweated over them for five

30、 years. I didnt need to sweat any more.butterflies in ones stomacha feeling of fear or anxiety 紧张不安,忐忑不安 Id been nervous and filled with anxiety while painstakingly treating the serious injuries that come to every young doctor such serious injuries as stab wounds in the abdomen, punctured lungs and

31、compound fractures.我战战兢兢地治疗过交在我手下的腹部刺伤、肺部穿孔以及复合性骨折等病例。Can you find the topic sentence in para.5?Question5:(The first sentence: In the operating room, I was equally confident. ) Nor was I afraid of making mistakes. I knew that when I was out in practice I would inevitably err at one time or another a

32、nd operate on someone who didnt need surgery or sit on someone who did. Five years earlier even one year earlier I wouldnt have been able to live with myself if I had had to take sole responsibility for a mistake in judgment. Now I could. I still dreaded errors would do my best to avoid them but I k

33、new they were part of a surgeons life. I could accept this fact with calmness because I knew that if I wasnt able to avoid a mistake, chances were that no other surgeon could have, either.when I completed my residency period and began to work on my own as a surgeon当我出去开业行医时 it was most likely that n

34、o other surgeon could have avoided the mistake.那么换了任何别的外科医生很可能也不能避免。According to para.6, whats the authors attitude towards errors?Question6:( He tried his best to avoid errors, but he was not afraid of them, because he knew he wasnt able to avoid a mistake, neither could other surgeons. )From para.

35、4 6, we can conclude that self-confidence helps the author _.a. when is making a decisionb. when he is performing an operationc. when he has made mistakesd. all of the above Question7: This all sounds conceited and I guess it is but a surgeon needs conceit. He needs it to encourage him in trying mom

36、ents when hes bothered by the doubts and uncertainties that are part of the practice of medicine. He has to feel that hes as good as and probably better than any other surgeon in the world. Call it conceit call it self-confidence; whatever it was, I had it.How do you understand “ a surgion needs con

37、ceit”? Do you agree with the author? Why or why not?(A surgeon needs self-confidence. )Question8: What is the main idea of the text?a. Young surgeons lose a lot of sleep.b. Self-confidence is the key to the making of a surgeon.c. A good surgeon is one who makes no mistakes.d. Failure is the mother o

38、f success. Question9:PartI (para. 1-2): The author puts forward his idea self-confidence is vital to the making of a surgeon. Organization of the textPart III (para. 7):The author comes to a conclusion that he has self-confidence.Part II (para. 3-6):The author tries to support his idea reasons and e

39、xamples. Writing skillArgumentationPart I: thesis (论点)Part II: supporters (论据) Part III: conclusion (结论) reasonsexamplestopic sentence (主题句)illustrating (举例)reasoning (说理)1. Grammatical structures (L12) Often, after I had told Walt or Larry what to do in a particular situation, Id have trouble getti

40、ng back to sleep. 注意:注意:doing sth.havetrouble problemdifficulty (L12) Often, after I had told Walt or Larry what to do in a particular situation, Id have trouble getting back to sleep. eg. Such a pleasant girl as she has no trouble making friends with people. The boy had a lot of trouble getting up

41、early in winter. He has problem spelling English words. . Grammatical structures (L21) So, once I had made a considered decision eg. Once a good beginning is made, you will have no further difficulty operating the machine. Once she began to write in English, she felt how weak she was in the language

42、. (L5) There is no surgical patient I cannot treat competently. I can treat any surgical patient competently.eg.His dog will eat almost anything. His dog will not eat almost nothing.John is called Mr. Fix it because he can fix almost anything. John is called Mr. Fix it because he cannot fix almost e

43、 to an end 结束eg. This semester is drawing to a close. The year soon drew to its close. draw to a close . Words and phrases treat: 治疗治疗cure: 治愈治愈eg. Which doctors are _ her for her illness? The bone fracture (断裂) in the truck drivers left leg was being carefully _. This medicine should _ you of your

44、cold.treatingtreatedcure encountermeeteg. He promised to _ her at the airport. On the train I _ (偶然遇见) an old friend of mine who I had not seen for years.meetencounteredEncounter is a synonym (同义词) for meet. It is a more formal word and strongly implies an unexpected meeting. particular, special特别,特

45、殊particular: 指在一定范围某一特定的事物或人special: 泛泛指特殊的,特别的 particular, special特别,特殊eg. As far as fruits are concerned, I have no _ taste. As a man, he has nothing _.particularspecial The bus driver is usually polite, but in this _ case he lost his temper. _ attention was given to the orphan girl.particularSpec

46、ial live withaccept (sth. unpleasant) 忍受,接受eg. Most of us dont like the new regulations, but we have to learn to live with them. You must live with the fast that you are no longer as healthy as you were.比较:比较:put up with 忍受忍受come to terms with 接受,妥协接受,妥协 dwell onthink about, speak or write a lot abo

47、ut 多想eg. Let bygones be bygones. Dont dwell so much on the past. The speaker dwelt on that point for more than an hour. be bound tobe certain to; be sure to 确实能,有把握eg. You are bound to succeed if you keep on trying. Its bound to rain. Look! The clouds are gathering quickly. in practice 在实际工作中in theo

48、ry 在理论上in principle在原则上in reality在现实中 operate oncut the body in order to set right or remove a diseased parteg. Have you ever been operated on? Ill have to have my stomach operated on. sit onneglect; do nothing bout 忽视eg. I sent in my application in good time, but the secretary sat on it for a month

49、. We should not sit on those who need help.自信心自信心即将结束即将结束不止一次不止一次做决定做决定在某一特定情况下在某一特定情况下不妥当的决定不妥当的决定寻找内心的平静寻找内心的平静self-confidencedraw to a closeon more than one occasionmake a decisionin a particular situationa poor decisionfind the peace of mindUseful expressionsUnit 6The Making of a Surgeon深思熟虑的决定深

50、思熟虑的决定手术室手术室经常遇到的问题经常遇到的问题开业开业提前提前容忍容忍说不定何时说不定何时承担全部责任承担全部责任a considered decisionthe operating rooma constant problembe in practicein advancelive withat one time or anothertake sole responsibility forUseful expressionsUnit 6The Making of a Surgeon判断上的失误判断上的失误考验人的时刻考验人的时刻为某人做手术为某人做手术生活中的一部分生活中的一部分a m

51、istake in judgmenttrying momentsoperate on someonebe part of ones lifeUseful expressionsUnit 6The Making of a SurgeonPlastic surgeryThe Making of a Hero城镇居民城镇居民紧急呼叫紧急呼叫松懈松懈(努力努力)念叨过去念叨过去整形外科整形外科/整形手术整形手术钢铁是怎样炼成的钢铁是怎样炼成的City residents Emergency callRelax ones effortsDwell on the pastUseful expression

52、sUnit 6The Making of a Surgeon预支收入预支收入简单简单/不费力不费力背后捅刀背后捅刀A belly laugh肺穿孔肺穿孔人非圣贤人非圣贤独家代理独家代理Anticipate ones incomeNo sweat.Stab sb. in the back捧腹大笑捧腹大笑A punctured lungTo err is human.Sole agentUseful expressionsUnit 6The Making of a SurgeonKEY FOR EXERCISE II1.b2.d3.c4.d5.c6.a7.b8.aIII1) live with2)

53、 resolve3) encounter4) sole5) drawing to a close6) anticipated7) dwelt on8) sat on9) had butterflies in his stomach10) conceitedIII1) open up2) relaxed3) emergency4) concluded5) live with6) at one time or another7) particular8) surgery9) was sweating10) competently11) in advance12) in practice III1)

54、 I was confident that I would win the race. /I was confident of winning the race.2) With determination and hard work, you are bound to succeed eventually.3) The burglar walked very fast in order to avoid being seen by the policeman behind.4) Driving a car after drinking alcohol will inevitably lead

55、to an accident or arrest by the police.5) You must take (full) responsibility for losing the money.6) Great success at such an early age made the young businessman quite a conceited fellow.1) absence2) efficiency3) independence4) silence5) confidence6) patience7) distance8) competence/competency9) F

56、requence /frequency10) presence11) importance12) permanence/permanency13) constancy14) emergence/emergency15) evidenceIV1) efficiency2) emergency3) absence4) confidence5) frequency6) distance7) presence8) independence1) have enriched2) had enjoyed3) ensured4) endeared5) enabled6) endanger7) enlarge8

57、) have been embodied9) empower10) entitleIV1) Ill get you one2) Im thinking of getting a new one3) must buy some bigger ones4) The one at the front5) have eaten all the soft ones6) decided to catch a later one7) I want to borrow one8) the ones you had on yesterdayV1) Once a good beginning is made2)

58、Once you understand these rules3) Once he makes a promise4) Once they are put down in black and white/Once put down in black and white5) once you get into the habit of smoking6) Once she began to write in EnglishVI1) I had a lot of trouble getting the car started this morning.2) You wont have much d

59、ifficulty getting to know people in Italy.3) The conceited young man said he had no difficulty whatsoever reading technical drawings.4) To the teachers surprise, most of the students in his class had little difficulty working out the hard maths problems.5) Did you have any trouble finding the butter

60、fly specimen Prof. Nolen wanted?6) The shepherds had a great deal of trouble driving the sheep to a place of safety in the snowstorm.VI1) Einstein is so famous that there is no one who doesnt know him.2) There is almost nothing that his dog wont eat.3) There is no one who doesnt make any mistakes in

61、 his lifetime.4) There is no goal that you cannot obtain so long as you have an honest attitude and a strong will.5) There is nobody here who wont lend you a helping hand when you find yourself in difficulty.6) John is called Mr. Fix It because there is almost nothing that he cannot fix.VI1) surgica

62、l2) confident3) dwell on4) emergency5) sweat6) competent7) at one time or another8) relaxVIIA1) from2) examined3) nothing4) trouble5) Much6) same7) ago8) advice9) you10) pay11) worry12) followed13) again14) quite15) that16) tailorB1) how2) answer3) cut4) surgeon5) had6) over7) only8) found9) by10) g

63、ot11) then12) saying13) aroundIV1) By most standards2) distance3) diseases4) considered5) a different way of practicing medicine6) show concern for7) stand apart from8) grows9) by my first name10) satisfyingVIIIIX 翻译1) 只要你不断努力,你迟早会解决这个难题的。只要你不断努力,你迟早会解决这个难题的。 If / As long as you keep (on) trying, yo

64、u will be able to resolve this difficult problem sooner or later.2) 我们预料我们的计划会受到抵制我们预料我们的计划会受到抵制 (resistance)。 We anticipate encountering / that we will encounter resistance to our plan / our plan will meet with resistance.3) 吉姆的朋友说,他们那个城市的噪音污染十分吉姆的朋友说,他们那个城市的噪音污染十分严重,但是他们只好忍着。严重,但是他们只好忍着。 Jims frie

65、nds said that the noise pollution in their city was terrible, but they had to live with it.4) 汤姆起初认为,凭他的知识、技术和经验,一汤姆起初认为,凭他的知识、技术和经验,一定能够找到一份称心如意的工作。定能够找到一份称心如意的工作。 At first Tom thought that with his knowledge, skill and experience he was bound to find a satisfactory job.5) 冷静耐心地处理这个微妙冷静耐心地处理这个微妙 (d

66、elicate) 问题是明问题是明智的。智的。 It would be wise / advisable to handle this delicate problem with calmness and patience.6) 迪克以为,如果他拆不开那台机器,那么很可迪克以为,如果他拆不开那台机器,那么很可能厂里别的工人也拆不开。能厂里别的工人也拆不开。 Dick thought that if he wasnt able to take the machine apart, chances were that no other worker in the plant could, eith

67、er.7) 你是否认为公共汽车司机应对乘客的安全负完你是否认为公共汽车司机应对乘客的安全负完全的责任?全的责任? Do you think bus drivers should take full responsibility for the passengers safety?8) 你不必再去多想那些判断上的失误了。重要的你不必再去多想那些判断上的失误了。重要的是尽量避免再犯。是尽量避免再犯。 You neednt dwell on your mistakes in judgment any more. Whats important is to try your best to avoid

68、 repeating them. 1. The secret of success is constancy to purpose. 成功的秘诀是目标坚定。成功的秘诀是目标坚定。4. Behind every successful man there are a lot of unsuccessful years.每个成功者的身后,都有许多不成功的岁月。每个成功者的身后,都有许多不成功的岁月。2. Success is never final and failure never fatal. 没有最终的成功,也没有致命的失败。没有最终的成功,也没有致命的失败。3. Self-distrust

69、is the cause of most of our failures.绝大多数的失败均因缺乏自信。绝大多数的失败均因缺乏自信。ProverbUnit 6The Making of a SurgeonExercise A d c c b d a c1.我倒认为,凡是当医生的全都倒了霉;凡是学医的都该去查一下脑子是否正常。 2.正如我的一个朋友所说-即便是医生也还有几个朋友-当医生就是能长阅历。 3.我在这讨厌的凌晨时刻,摸黑急速驶过利埃大桥,泥浆在车窗上沙沙溅响,发热器先是吹热风,然后又吹冷风;那张对畸形骆驼才适合的车座,梗得我的脊背又酸又痛;路边空荡荡的加油站四周雾气缭绕-这时候,我并不觉得自己像个救护天使。 4.偶尔有人真的病了,偶尔你确实能帮上忙,偶尔凌晨两点光景,有人会拿给你 一杯水和一块硬梆梆的糕饼-这么一来,你就会担心自己是否样样事情都做周全了。 Exercise B



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