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1、English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2ENGLISH FOR CAREERS外语教学与研究出版社旅游英语旅游英语English for Tourism English for Tourism 2Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressUnit 1 Business Liaison 业务联络业务联络lieiznEnglish for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2Warming-upWarming-upReading AReading A

2、ListeningListeningSpeakingSpeaking4123Reading BReading B5WritingWriting6ProjectProject7Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and Structure8Self-evaluationSelf-evaluation109English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2Warming-upWarming-upTask 1Task 2English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语

3、2 2Warming-upWarming-upTask 1Discuss in groups. List what you think the most popular tour Discuss in groups. List what you think the most popular tour destinations among Chinese people in the following countries.destinations among Chinese people in the following countries.Big Ben, Tower of London, W

4、estminster Abbey, University of Oxford, University of CambridgeTimes Square,Wall Street, Statue of Liberty, Golden Gate Bridge, Hollywood Universal StudiosEiffel Tower, Champs-Elysees Avenue, the Louvre, Fujiyama, Hokkaido, Kyoto, Tokyo, OsakaSydney Opera House, Great Barrier Reef, Gold CoastPuket I

5、sland, BangkokSamui IslandPattayaEnglish for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2Task 2 Decide whether the following statements are about an Decide whether the following statements are about an international tour leaderinternational tour leaders responsibilities. Write T if it is, and F if s resp

6、onsibilities. Write T if it is, and F if it is not.it is not.Warming-upWarming-up1.( ) Contact the outbound travel agency to discuss the cooperation.2. ( ) Decide the tour itinerary.3. ( ) Lead the tour group to the airport to go through emigration formalities.4. ( ) Communicate with the local guide

7、 on behalf of the tourists.5. ( ) Remind tourists to abide by the local regulations and to respect local religious beliefs, ethnic customs and habits.FFTTTEnglish for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2Reading AReading ATextTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Background InformationEnglish for Tourism Englis

8、h for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2Chinese Travelers Changing the Landscape of World Tourism Huang Meng, a veteran reporter for a Chinese news outlet, still vividly remembers his first trip to America in the mid-1990s. When he entered the National Museum of American History, he saw there were free introductor

9、yintroductory pamphlets for visitors. But none of the handouts was in Chinese, and as a result, he was lost in the huge maze of exhibits as he spoke little English. Last year, Huang visited America again. This time, he found there were not only pamphlets in Chinese but also the museum had a Chinese

10、web page. Moreover, some shop assistants and restaurant waiters spoke Mandarin, while many hotels provided Chinese TV channels.Reading AReading AEnglish for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2 Huangs experience is not uniqueunique among the fast growing numbers of Chinese travelers. As their num

11、bers grow they are influencing tourism as the destination countries adaptadapt their facilities toto the booming influxinflux of Chinese tourists. For instance, Thailand is a popular destination for Chinese tourists, and the Tourism Authority of Thailand says China will become the biggest source of

12、foreign tourists in Thailand in two to three years. The surgesurge of Chinese tourists in recent years has reshapedreshaped Thai tourism considerably. Thai tour companies now organize specific package tours to meetmeet the demands of Chinese tourists. Reading AReading AEnglish for Tourism English fo

13、r Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2Thailand is not the only country that is adapting to the arrival of large numbers of Chinese visitors. In Europe, France is one of the favorite destinations for Chinese tourists. “In 2010, the official figure for Chinese tourists in France reached 550,000,” said Paul Roll, Manag

14、ing Director of the Paris Office of Tourism. “We feel by 2020, when there are 100 million Chinese visitors globally, 1 or 2 million will come to Paris. So this obviously means that we need to get prepared.” America is another important destination for Chinese tourists. In 2008, seeing the big increa

15、se in visitors from China, America began to launchlaunch Christmas tours for Chinese citizens. As a result, the annual number of Chinese tourists to this country passed the 1 million mark at the end of 2008, the National Tourism Administration of China said. And the 2-million mark is likely to be re

16、ached in 2015.Obviously, Chinese foreign tourism has promoted lucrativelucrative business for travel agencies both at home and abroad.Reading AReading AEnglish for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2中国游客改变世界旅游业中国游客改变世界旅游业 黄孟,一位中国新闻媒体的资深记者,至今仍清晰地记得他在黄孟,一位中国新闻媒体的资深记者,至今仍清晰地记得他在 20 20 世纪世纪 90 90 年代

17、中期第一次到美国旅游的经历。进入国立美国历史博物馆时,年代中期第一次到美国旅游的经历。进入国立美国历史博物馆时,他看到那里有为游客提供的免费介绍册,却没有哪一本是中文的。结果,他看到那里有为游客提供的免费介绍册,却没有哪一本是中文的。结果,因为不会说英语,他在迷宫一般的巨大展区里迷路了。因为不会说英语,他在迷宫一般的巨大展区里迷路了。 去年,黄孟再次去美国旅游。这次他发现博物馆里不仅提供中文宣去年,黄孟再次去美国旅游。这次他发现博物馆里不仅提供中文宣传册,还有中文的网页。此外,一些商店的店员和饭店服务生会说普通话,传册,还有中文的网页。此外,一些商店的店员和饭店服务生会说普通话,很多旅馆的电视

18、还播放中文频道。很多旅馆的电视还播放中文频道。Reading AReading AEnglish for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2 在人数快速增长的中国游客中,黄孟的经历并不鲜见。随着人在人数快速增长的中国游客中,黄孟的经历并不鲜见。随着人数的增长,旅游目的地国家改善其设施以接纳大批涌入的中国游数的增长,旅游目的地国家改善其设施以接纳大批涌入的中国游客。中国游客正在影响世界旅游业。客。中国游客正在影响世界旅游业。 例如,泰国是中国游客的热门目的地。泰国旅游局称,中国在未例如,泰国是中国游客的热门目的地。泰国旅游局称,中国在未来两至三年内将成

19、为泰国入境游的最大客源国。近年来中国游客来两至三年内将成为泰国入境游的最大客源国。近年来中国游客急剧增加,在很大程度上重塑了泰国旅游业。现在泰国旅游公司急剧增加,在很大程度上重塑了泰国旅游业。现在泰国旅游公司正筹划具体的随团旅行方案以满足中国游客的需求。正筹划具体的随团旅行方案以满足中国游客的需求。Reading AReading AEnglish for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2 泰国不是唯一为了适应大量涌入的中国游客而进行调整的国家。泰国不是唯一为了适应大量涌入的中国游客而进行调整的国家。在欧洲,法国是中国游客最喜爱的目的地之一。在欧洲

20、,法国是中国游客最喜爱的目的地之一。 “2010 2010 年,官方数据年,官方数据显示,抵法的中国游客达显示,抵法的中国游客达 55 55 万。万。”巴黎旅游办事处的常务董事保罗巴黎旅游办事处的常务董事保罗 罗尔说,罗尔说,“我们觉得,到我们觉得,到 2020 2020 年,全球将有一亿中国游客,其中有一年,全球将有一亿中国游客,其中有一百万到两百万会来到巴黎。因此,这显然意味着我们需要做好准备。百万到两百万会来到巴黎。因此,这显然意味着我们需要做好准备。” 美国是中国游客的另一个重要目的地。美国是中国游客的另一个重要目的地。 2008 2008 年,看到中国游客的年,看到中国游客的大幅增加

21、,美国开始推出针对中国公民的圣诞旅游。结果,据中国国家大幅增加,美国开始推出针对中国公民的圣诞旅游。结果,据中国国家旅游局统计,至旅游局统计,至 2008 2008 年年底中国赴美游客突破了年一百万的记录,且年年底中国赴美游客突破了年一百万的记录,且有望在有望在 2015 2015 年达到两百万。年达到两百万。 显然,中国的出境旅游为国内、外旅行社带来了更多有利可图的商显然,中国的出境旅游为国内、外旅行社带来了更多有利可图的商机。机。Reading AReading AEnglish for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2Task 2 Compl

22、ete the following table according to theComplete the following table according to the passage. passage.Reading AReading ACountriesChangesThailandChina will become the _ in Thailand in two to three years. Thai tour companies now organize specific _ to meet the demands of Chinese tourists.FranceIn 201

23、0, the official figure for Chinese tourists in France reached _. By 2020, _ will go to Paris.The United StatesThe annual number of Chinese tourists to America passed the _ at the end of 2008. and the 2-million mark is likely to be reached _.biggest source of foreign touristspackage tours550,0001 or

24、2 million1- million markIn 2015English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2Task 3Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage.false (F) according to the passage.Reading AReading A 1. In the m

25、id-1990s, none of the free introductory pamphlets for visitors in America was in Chinese.T2. Nowadays, all shop assistants and restaurant waiters can speak Chinese in America.F3. The Tourism Authority of Thailand says China is now the biggest source of foreign tourists in Thailand.FT 4. In Europe, F

26、rance is one of the favorite destination countries for Chinese tourists.5. Seeing the big increase of visitors from China, America is also adapting itself to the booming influx of Chinese tourists.TEnglish for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2Task 2Task 3Task 4Task 5Task 1ListeningListeningEng

27、lish for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2Task 1Wang Ming, the Marketing Manager of China International Travel Service Limited, is calling Susan Smith of the American Express Travel Agency to talk about business cooperation. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with what you hear.

28、 CListeningListeningMiss Smith: Good morning, American Express Travel Agency. 早上好,这里是美国运通旅游公司早上好,这里是美国运通旅游公司Wang Ming: Good morning! This is Wang Ming from CITS. Im calling to discuss the possibility of business cooperation with your company. 早上好,我是来自中国国际旅行社的王明,我打电话来是想讨论早上好,我是来自中国国际旅行社的王明,我打电话来是想讨论与

29、贵公司进行与贵公司进行业务合作业务合作的可能性的可能性Miss Smith: What kind of cooperation are you 1._? 你们对什么类型的合作你们对什么类型的合作感兴趣感兴趣?interested in王明,中国国际旅行社有限公司的市场部经理,正在和美国运王明,中国国际旅行社有限公司的市场部经理,正在和美国运通旅游公司电话进行关于商业合作的洽谈。听对话根据你听到通旅游公司电话进行关于商业合作的洽谈。听对话根据你听到的填空的填空English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2Wang Ming: Based o

30、n a recent market survey, we find that there is a large demand in China for educational and 2._ tourism abroad. So I wonder if it is possible for us to organize such tours in the United States. 根据最近的根据最近的市场调查市场调查,我们发现在中国对于出境游的教育和,我们发现在中国对于出境游的教育和文化文化有很大有很大需求需求。所以我想知道我们是否有可能在美国组织这样一次旅游所以我想知道我们是否有可能在美

31、国组织这样一次旅游Miss Smith: Mr. Wang, we do 3._ such tours. But only a few of the tourists weve had are from China. 王先生,我们有王先生,我们有提供提供这样的旅游,但是只有少数我们的游客来自中国这样的旅游,但是只有少数我们的游客来自中国Wang Ming: Maybe thats because your company doesnt advertise much in China. We can help with that. 可能是因为你们公司在中国没有做太多可能是因为你们公司在中国没有做

32、太多广告广告,我们可以帮助,我们可以帮助 As the 4._is almost upon us, many students and teachers are thinking about taking this opportunity to visit America on educational tours. 暑假暑假就快到了,很多学生和老师正考虑借就快到了,很多学生和老师正考虑借教育教育旅游这个机会访问美国旅游这个机会访问美国Miss Smith: Er. Mr. Wang, I think this is something I need to 5. my manager. Coul

33、d you leave it with me? 呃呃王先生,我想我需要和我们经理王先生,我想我需要和我们经理讨论讨论一下,一下,能把它留给我吗?(能把这个能把它留给我吗?(能把这个问题留给我处理吗?)问题留给我处理吗?)offersummer vacationculturaldiscuss with English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2Task1 CListeningListeningWang Ming: Of course. I totally understand. 当然,我当然,我完全完全理解理解Miss Smith: T

34、hank you. Ill call you back later today. 谢谢您,我今天晚些时候给您回电话谢谢您,我今天晚些时候给您回电话Wang Ming: Thanks a lot. 多谢多谢English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2Task 2Miss Smith is calling Wang Ming back to talk about business cooperation. Listen to the conversation and decide whether the following statemen

35、ts are true (T) or false (F). ListeningListening( )1.The American Express Travel Agency has the intention of cooperating with CITS. 美国运通旅行社有与中国国际旅行社合作的美国运通旅行社有与中国国际旅行社合作的意向意向( )2.Generally, Chinese tourists prefer to stay in the US for ten days. 一般来说,中国游客更喜欢在美国停留十天一般来说,中国游客更喜欢在美国停留十天( )3.Generally,

36、the summer vacation starts at the end of June and ends in early September in the US. 一般来说,美国的暑假开始于六月末,结束于九月初一般来说,美国的暑假开始于六月末,结束于九月初( )4.Harvard, Stanford and MIT are the three universities asked about by Chinese tourists most frequently. 哈佛,哈佛,斯坦福斯坦福和和麻省理工学院麻省理工学院是中国游客咨询最多的三所大学是中国游客咨询最多的三所大学( )5.Wan

37、g Ming will receive an itinerary from Susan Smith in the next few days. 王明在接下来的几天之内将会收到一份来自于苏珊王明在接下来的几天之内将会收到一份来自于苏珊史密斯的行程史密斯的行程史密斯小姐回电王明讨论业务合作。听对话判断下列情况是对史密斯小姐回电王明讨论业务合作。听对话判断下列情况是对还是错还是错English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2Task 2ScriptScript CListeningListeningWang Ming: Hello, this

38、is Wang Ming at CITS 你好,我是中国国际旅行社的王明你好,我是中国国际旅行社的王明Miss Smith: Hello, Mr. Wang. This is Susan Smith from the American Express Travel Agency. 你好王先生,我是美国运通旅行社的苏珊你好王先生,我是美国运通旅行社的苏珊史密斯史密斯Wang Ming: Oh, its nice to hear from you! Did you discuss the possibility of business cooperation with us with your m

39、anager? 很高兴接到你的电话,你和你的经理讨论过业务合作的可能性了吗很高兴接到你的电话,你和你的经理讨论过业务合作的可能性了吗Miss Smith: Yes, I have. We think its a good idea and are happy to explore possibilities. But before we start designing tour itineraries, wed like some information about the Chinese tourists you have in mind. 是的,我有,我们认为这是一个好主意并且乐于探索(合

40、作的)可是的,我有,我们认为这是一个好主意并且乐于探索(合作的)可能性。但是在我们开始设计旅游路线之前,我们想要了解一下您能性。但是在我们开始设计旅游路线之前,我们想要了解一下您印象中印象中的中国的中国游客的情况游客的情况Wang Ming: Yes, of course. 是的,当然是的,当然English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2Miss Smith: How many days would tourists expect to spend in America? 游客游客期望期望在美国呆几天?在美国呆几天?Wang Ming:

41、 Between 10 and 15. 1010到到1515天之间天之间Miss Smith: All right. Thanks for your information. Well work on an itinerary and send it to you in the next few days. 好的,感谢你的信息。我们会做出行程并且未来几天内将会发给你好的,感谢你的信息。我们会做出行程并且未来几天内将会发给你Wang Ming: Thank you. Bye! 谢谢你,再见谢谢你,再见Miss Smith: Bye-bye! 再见再见English for Tourism Eng

42、lish for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2Task 2ScriptScript CListeningListeningMiss Smith: What are the dates of summer vacations in China? 中国的暑假的日期是什么时候中国的暑假的日期是什么时候Wang Ming: Generally, the summer vacation starts at the end of June and ends in early September. 通常情况下,暑假开始于六月末,通常情况下,暑假开始于六月末,结束于结束于九月初九月初Miss Smi

43、th: Which universities and colleges are most popular with Chinese students and teachers? 哪些大学和学院在中国学生和教师中是最受欢迎的?哪些大学和学院在中国学生和教师中是最受欢迎的?Wang Ming: Harvard, Yale and MIT are the names asked about most frequently. 哈佛,耶鲁和麻省理工学院是被咨询最哈佛,耶鲁和麻省理工学院是被咨询最频繁频繁的名字的名字English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅

44、游英语2 2Task 2Miss Smith is calling Wang Ming back to talk about business cooperation. Listen to the conversation and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). ListeningListening( )1.The American Express Travel Agency has the intention of cooperating with CITS. 美国运通旅行社有与中国国际旅行

45、社合作的美国运通旅行社有与中国国际旅行社合作的意向意向( )2.Generally, Chinese tourists prefer to stay in the US for ten days. 一般来说,中国游客更喜欢在美国停留十天一般来说,中国游客更喜欢在美国停留十天( )3.Generally, the summer vacation starts at the end of June and ends in early September in the US. 一般来说,美国的暑假开始于六月末,结束于九月初一般来说,美国的暑假开始于六月末,结束于九月初( )4.Harvard, St

46、anford and MIT are the three universities asked about by Chinese tourists most frequently. 哈佛,哈佛,斯坦福斯坦福和和麻省理工学院麻省理工学院是中国游客咨询最多的三所大学是中国游客咨询最多的三所大学( )5.Wang Ming will receive an itinerary from Susan Smith in the next few days. 王明在接下来的几天之内将会收到一份来自于苏珊王明在接下来的几天之内将会收到一份来自于苏珊史密斯的行程史密斯的行程T FTFFEnglish for T

47、ourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 21.What is the email Wang Ming has got from Miss Smith about? 王明从史密斯小姐那收到了关于什么的邮件?王明从史密斯小姐那收到了关于什么的邮件?_2. Why does Miss Smith arrange the visit to MIT and Harvard in a single day? 为什么史密斯小姐安排了在一天之内参观麻省理工学院和哈佛大学为什么史密斯小姐安排了在一天之内参观麻省理工学院和哈佛大学_3. What kind of activiti

48、es will be arranged during the visit to Harvard? 在访问哈佛期间什么类型的活动将会被安排在访问哈佛期间什么类型的活动将会被安排_4. What does Miss Smith say about the local guide? 关于当地导游史密斯小姐说了什么?关于当地导游史密斯小姐说了什么?_Task 3 Wang Ming and Miss Smith are talking about tour products designed by the American Express Travel Agency. Listen to the co

49、nversation and answer the following questions. CListeningListening.王明和史密斯小姐正在谈论关于美国运通旅行社设计的旅游产品。王明和史密斯小姐正在谈论关于美国运通旅行社设计的旅游产品。听对话并且回答下列问题听对话并且回答下列问题English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2Task 3ScriptScript CListeningListeningWang Ming: Hello! Is that Miss Smith? 您好,是史密斯小姐吗?您好,是史密斯小姐吗?Miss

50、 Smith: Yes. Is that Mr. Wang? 是的,您是王先生?是的,您是王先生?Wang Ming: Yes. Miss Smith, Ive got your email with your newly designed tours. Would you mind me asking you some questions about them? 是我。史密斯小姐,我已经收到了您关于新设计的旅游的邮件。是我。史密斯小姐,我已经收到了您关于新设计的旅游的邮件。 您介意我问您一些关于它们的问题吗?您介意我问您一些关于它们的问题吗?Miss Smith: Of course not

51、. 当然不介意啦。当然不介意啦。Wang Ming: I notice that both of the two tours include a one-day visit to MIT and Harvard. Are you sure we can manage to visit two universities in a single day? 我注意到两个旅游都包括麻省理工学院和哈佛大学的一日游,你确我注意到两个旅游都包括麻省理工学院和哈佛大学的一日游,你确定我们可以在一天中参观两所大学吗?定我们可以在一天中参观两所大学吗?English for Tourism English for

52、 Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2Miss Smith: Yes, dont worry. Both universities are very close to each other. And the traffic isnt too bad. 是的,不必担心。两所大学距离彼此都很近。并且交通也不错是的,不必担心。两所大学距离彼此都很近。并且交通也不错Wang Ming: What kind of activities will the universities be able to provide? 大学能够大学能够提供提供什么种类的活动呢?什么种类的活动呢?Miss Smith:

53、We can arrange meetings with some Chinese students studying at Harvard. They can talk about their life at Harvard. 我们可以安排一些和在哈佛学习的中国学生的会面。他们可以谈论我们可以安排一些和在哈佛学习的中国学生的会面。他们可以谈论他们在哈佛的生活他们在哈佛的生活Wang Ming: That would be wonderful! By the way, do your local guides speak Chinese? 那可太棒了,顺便问一下,你们的地陪导游能说中文吗?那可

54、太棒了,顺便问一下,你们的地陪导游能说中文吗?Miss Smith: Of course, and some of them have experience working in China. 当然,他们中的一些有在中国工作的经历当然,他们中的一些有在中国工作的经历Wang Ming: Nice! Ill post these two tour products on our company website. I think they should be very popular. 太棒了,我将会把这两个旅游产品太棒了,我将会把这两个旅游产品发布发布在我们公司的在我们公司的网站网站上,我认为上

55、,我认为他们将会非常受欢迎他们将会非常受欢迎 English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 21.What is the email Wang Ming has got from Miss Smith about? 王明从史密斯小姐那收到了关于什么的邮件?王明从史密斯小姐那收到了关于什么的邮件?_2. Why does Miss Smith arrange the visit to MIT and Harvard in a single day? 为什么史密斯小姐安排了在一天之内参观麻省理工学院和哈佛大学为什么史密斯小姐安排了在一天之内参观

56、麻省理工学院和哈佛大学_3. What kind of activities will be arranged during the visit to Harvard? 在访问哈佛期间什么类型的活动将会被安排在访问哈佛期间什么类型的活动将会被安排_4. What does Miss Smith say about the local guide?1.1.关于当地导游史密斯小姐说了什么?关于当地导游史密斯小姐说了什么?_Task 3 Wang Ming and Miss Smith are talking about tour products designed by the American

57、Express Travel Agency. Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions. CListeningListeningIts about the newly designed tours.Because the two universities are very close to each other and the traffic isnt too bad.Meetings with some Chinese students studying at Harvard.They can speak Ch

58、inese and some of them have experience working in China.English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2Task 4Wang Ming is talking to Miss Smith on the phone about arranging a tour to America. Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.CListeningListe

59、ning1.How many tourists want to start a tour to the US at the beginning of July? 多少游客想要开始在七月初的美国之旅?多少游客想要开始在七月初的美国之旅?A.12 B. 20 C. 14 D. 402. Why does Wang Ming ask Miss Smith to make some changes to the meals? 为为什么王明要求史密斯小姐在膳食上做一些改什么王明要求史密斯小姐在膳食上做一些改变变A.Because many tourists say theyd like to try s

60、ome Chinese food in the US. 因因为为很多游客很多游客说说他他们们想要想要尝尝尝尝美国的中餐美国的中餐B. Because many tourists say theyd like to try some American specialties. 因因为为很多游客很多游客说说他他们们想要想要尝试尝试一些美国特色一些美国特色C. Because many tourists say theyd like to try some strange food in the US. 因因为为很多游客很多游客说说他他们们想要想要尝试尝试一些美国的奇怪的食物一些美国的奇怪的食物D.

61、Not mentioned. 没有提到没有提到王明正在和史密斯小姐在电话中谈论关于安排去美国的旅游。王明正在和史密斯小姐在电话中谈论关于安排去美国的旅游。听对话并且为下列每个问题选择一个最佳答案听对话并且为下列每个问题选择一个最佳答案English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2Task 4Script CListeningListeningMiss Smith: Hello, Susan Smith at American Express Travel Agency. 您好,我是美国运通旅行社的苏珊您好,我是美国运通旅行社的苏珊史密斯史

62、密斯Wang Ming: Hello, Miss Smith, this is Wang Ming. 您好,史密斯小姐,我是王明您好,史密斯小姐,我是王明Miss Smith: Oh, Mr. Wang, nice to talk to you again. Hows the promotion of our new tours? 哦,王先生,很高兴再次与您通话,我们的新旅游推广得怎么样了?哦,王先生,很高兴再次与您通话,我们的新旅游推广得怎么样了?Wang Ming: They are quite popular! Actually, we already have a group of 2

63、0 booked to start a tour at the beginning of July. But, wed like to make some changes to the meals. 它们非常受欢迎,事实上我们已经有它们非常受欢迎,事实上我们已经有2020人的团队预订以开始在七月初的旅游了人的团队预订以开始在七月初的旅游了Miss Smith: What changes? 有什么变化吗?有什么变化吗?English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2CListeningListening3. Why does Miss Smi

64、th suggest they not make any changes to the itinerary? 为什么史密斯小姐建议他们不要对行程做出任何更改为什么史密斯小姐建议他们不要对行程做出任何更改A.Because if they change the meal arrangements, the cost may change. 因为如果他们改变了膳食安排,成本可能会改变因为如果他们改变了膳食安排,成本可能会改变B. Because American specialties are much more expensive than the others. 因为美国特色比其他贵很多因为美

65、国特色比其他贵很多C. Because American specialties are difficult to get at the peak season. 因为美国特色食品在旺季很难吃到因为美国特色食品在旺季很难吃到D. Because the tourists wont pay the additional cost. 因为游客不会支付额外费用因为游客不会支付额外费用4. What is Miss Smiths suggestion to meet Wang Mings request at last? 最最终终史密斯小姐史密斯小姐给给了什么建了什么建议满议满足了王明的要求足了王明的

66、要求A.Ask the tourists to pay more money. 要求游客多付要求游客多付钱钱B. Recommend some specialty restaurants on the free day. 在自由日推荐一些特色餐在自由日推荐一些特色餐厅厅C. Make a new itinerary. 做一个新的行程做一个新的行程D. Miss Smith has no idea. 史密斯小姐不知道史密斯小姐不知道English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2Task 4Script CListeningListening

67、Wang Ming: Could you arrange some special dinners with Western food? Many tourists say theyd like to try some American specialties. 你们能安排一些特殊的西餐晚餐吗?很多游客说它们想要尝试一下美国特色你们能安排一些特殊的西餐晚餐吗?很多游客说它们想要尝试一下美国特色Miss Smith: Er. Im not sure. If we change the meal arrangements, the cost may change. If your tourists

68、 have already paid, it would be better not to make any changes. 呃呃我不确定,如果我们改变了膳食安排,成本可能会改变。如果你我不确定,如果我们改变了膳食安排,成本可能会改变。如果你们的游客已经付款,最好不要做任何改变们的游客已经付款,最好不要做任何改变Wang Ming: But almost all the tourists are requesting that we make some special arrangements. 但是几乎所有的游客都要求我们做一些特殊的安排但是几乎所有的游客都要求我们做一些特殊的安排Miss

69、 Smith: What about this? The itinerary gives a free day of leisure. We could recommend some speciality restaurants in the area so they could go on their own. 这是什么?行程给了一天自由活动的空闲。我们可以推荐这个地区的这是什么?行程给了一天自由活动的空闲。我们可以推荐这个地区的一些特色餐厅,以便他们能够自行前往一些特色餐厅,以便他们能够自行前往Wang Ming: Em, yes, that may be OK. 恩恩是的,这样貌似也行是

70、的,这样貌似也行English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2Task 4Wang Ming is talking to Miss Smith on the phone about arranging a tour to America. Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.CListeningListening1.How many tourists want to start a tour to

71、the US at the beginning of July? 多少游客想要开始在七月初的美国之旅?多少游客想要开始在七月初的美国之旅?A.12 B. 20 C. 14 D. 402. Why does Wang Ming ask Miss Smith to make some changes to the meals? 为为什么王明要求史密斯小姐在膳食上做一些改什么王明要求史密斯小姐在膳食上做一些改变变A.Because many tourists say theyd like to try some Chinese food in the US. 因因为为很多游客很多游客说说他他们们想要

72、想要尝尝尝尝美国的中餐美国的中餐B. Because many tourists say theyd like to try some American specialties. 因因为为很多游客很多游客说说他他们们想要想要尝试尝试一些美国特色一些美国特色C. Because many tourists say theyd like to try some strange food in the US. 因因为为很多游客很多游客说说他他们们想要想要尝试尝试一些美国的奇怪的食物一些美国的奇怪的食物D.Not mentioned. 没有提到没有提到BBEnglish for Tourism Eng

73、lish for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2CListeningListening3. Why does Miss Smith suggest they not make any changes to the itinerary? 为什么史密斯小姐建议他们不要对行程做出任何更改为什么史密斯小姐建议他们不要对行程做出任何更改A.Because if they change the meal arrangements, the cost may change. 因为如果他们改变了膳食安排,成本可能会改变因为如果他们改变了膳食安排,成本可能会改变B. Because American s

74、pecialties are much more expensive than the others. 因为美国特色比其他贵很多因为美国特色比其他贵很多C. Because American specialties are difficult to get at the peak season. 因为美国特色食品在旺季很难吃到因为美国特色食品在旺季很难吃到D. Because the tourists wont pay the additional cost. 因为游客不会支付额外费用因为游客不会支付额外费用4. What is Miss Smiths suggestion to meet W

75、ang Mings request at last? 最最终终史密斯小姐史密斯小姐给给了什么建了什么建议满议满足了王明的要求足了王明的要求A.Ask the tourists to pay more money. 要求游客多付要求游客多付钱钱B. Recommend some specialty restaurants on the free day. 在自由日推荐一些特色餐在自由日推荐一些特色餐厅厅C. Make a new itinerary. 做一个新的行程做一个新的行程D. Miss Smith has no idea. 史密斯小姐不知道史密斯小姐不知道BAEnglish for To

76、urism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2Task 5ScriptScript CListeningListeningWang Ming: Hello! Wang Ming speaking. 你好,我是王明你好,我是王明Miss. Smith: Hello, Mr. Wang, this is Susan Smith speaking. Im calling to confirm some details of the tour on July 7th. 你好,王先生,我是苏珊你好,王先生,我是苏珊史密斯。我打电话来史密斯。我打电话来确认确认7 7月月7 7日

77、的旅游的日的旅游的一些一些细节细节Wang Ming: Yes, please go ahead. 好的,请开始吧好的,请开始吧Miss Smith: I remember last time you said there is a group of 20. But now we have 22 names on the list. 我记得上次你说过团队有我记得上次你说过团队有2020人,但是现在我们的人,但是现在我们的列表列表上有上有2222个名字个名字Wang Ming: Oh, Im sorry. I forgot to tell you that two of the tourists

78、 will bring their children. So we agreed to add two more people. 噢,我很抱歉,我忘记告诉你我们有两个游客将会携带他们的孩子,噢,我很抱歉,我忘记告诉你我们有两个游客将会携带他们的孩子,所以我们所以我们同意同意再多再多加加两个人两个人.English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2Task 5ScriptScript CListeningListeningMiss Smith: May I know the names of these two children? Ill h

79、ave their names underlined so our national tour guide will be notified beforehand 我能知道两个孩子的名字吗?我要我能知道两个孩子的名字吗?我要强调强调一下他们的名字这样我们的一下他们的名字这样我们的国际导游就会被提前国际导游就会被提前通知通知。 Wang Ming: Yes. The girls name is Zhong Ling and the boys is An Qi. And they are both 11 years old. 好的,女孩的名字叫钟玲,男孩叫安琦。他们都是好的,女孩的名字叫钟玲,男孩

80、叫安琦。他们都是1111岁。岁。Miss Smith: The other thing is the arrival time of the group. The itinerary shows the group will arrive at 8:00 pm. But I cant find any flights from China at that time. 另一件事是团队的另一件事是团队的抵达时间抵达时间。行程上说团队将在下午八点抵达,但是。行程上说团队将在下午八点抵达,但是我并未找到那个时间来自中国的任何航班我并未找到那个时间来自中国的任何航班Wang Ming: Oh, sorr

81、y. I didnt consider the time difference. It should be 8:00 am your local time. Sorry for the mistake. Ill send you a new itinerary immediately and include the flight numbers. 噢,抱歉,我没噢,抱歉,我没考虑考虑到到时差时差。应该是你们当地时间早晨八点。对于。应该是你们当地时间早晨八点。对于错误我很抱歉,我将会立即发给你一份包含错误我很抱歉,我将会立即发给你一份包含航班号航班号的新行程的新行程Miss Smith: OK.

82、 Thank you.English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2Task 5Miss Smith calls Wang Ming to confirm some details of a tour Miss Smith calls Wang Ming to confirm some details of a tour arrangement. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks arrangement. Listen to the conversation and fil

83、l in the blanks with what you hear to sum up the main idea. with what you hear to sum up the main idea. CListeningListening Wang Ming and Miss Smith are talking about 1. of the tour on July 7th. Wang Ming forgot to tell Miss Smith that two of the tourists will bring their children. So there are2. on

84、 the list. Wang Ming also confirms the flight will arrive at 3. the US local time. Wang Ming will send Miss Smith 4. immediately and include the flightnumbers.some details22 names8:00 ama new itinerary史密斯小姐致电王明确认旅行安排的一些细节,听对话并且根史密斯小姐致电王明确认旅行安排的一些细节,听对话并且根据你所听到的填空,总结主要思想据你所听到的填空,总结主要思想English for Tou

85、rism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2WritingWritingTask The following is a form about a groupThe following is a form about a groups visit to the US. Complete s visit to the US. Complete it with the items below.it with the items below.Tour codeTravel agencyTourist numberRoute Duration Gathering for de

86、parture Location English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2WritingWritingTask Itinerary English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2ProjectProjectTask DescriptionProject GuidelinesEnglish for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2ProjectProjectProject GuidelinesThis project aims to

87、effectively introduce a tour in America. The whole task is divided into three steps. Step One is about collecting information on scenic spots in America. Step Two focuses on planning a tour based on the collected information. Step Three is to make a brief introduction to the American tour.English fo

88、r Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2 1 Step One Divide the class into several small groups of 4-6 students; Search online for the information on famous scenic spots in America; Share the collected information in groups. 2 Step Two Each group chooses several most-favored scenic spots based on th

89、e collected information; Each group makes an itinerary including these scenic spots. 3 Step Three Each group prepares an introduction to the tour, including both the oral presentation and some pictures of the scenic spots; Choose one student from each group to make the introduction; Answer questions

90、 concerning the tour from other groups.ProjectProjectTask DescriptionEnglish for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2Self-evaluationSelf-evaluationRate your progress in this unit. D M P F*I know the development of Chinas outbound tourism I know how to get in touch with a foreign travel agency for

91、 business cooperation. I can talk about arranging a tour abroad. I can read and fill a form for outbound tour arrangement. *Note: Distinction, Merit, Pass, FailEnglish for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2Task 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Task 5Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and StructureEnglish for

92、 Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 21.u_ being the only one of its kind2.i_ the arrival of large numbers of people or large amounts of money, goods, etc., especially suddenly3.c_ much; a great deal4.m_ to do something that someone wants, needs, or expects you to do5.p_ respect based on good repu

93、tation, past achievements, etc.nique nfluxonsiderablyeetrestigeVocabulary and StructureVocabulary and StructureTask 1Fill in the blanks with the words from Reading A and Reading B Fill in the blanks with the words from Reading A and Reading B that match the meanings in the column on the right. The f

94、irst that match the meanings in the column on the right. The first letters are already given.letters are already given.English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 26. l_ producing much money; profitable7. v_ very experienced and skilled in a particular activity8. r_ known and admired by a lot

95、of people, especially for a special skill, achievement, or quality9.e_ business company or firm10.l_ to make a new product, book, etc. available for sale for the first timeucrativeeteranenownednterpriseaunchVocabulary and StructureVocabulary and StructureTask 1Fill in the blanks with the words from

96、Reading A and Reading B Fill in the blanks with the words from Reading A and Reading B that match the meanings in the column on the right. The first that match the meanings in the column on the right. The first letters are already given.letters are already given.English for Tourism English for Touri

97、sm 旅游英语旅游英语2 21.I remember a few episodes from my childhood very _(vivid).2.The museum had many _(exhibit) of oriental art.3.Cave _(explore), as it has come to be known, is a relatively new sport.4.The new foreign minister has _(reshape) the foreign policy of his country.5.Jenny has aged _(considera

98、ble) since the last time I saw her.6.We also provide a(n) _(introduction) background to the forthcoming seminars.7.Earthquakes are _(like) to cause severe damages.8.The poor guy _(obvious) didnt have any place to go.9.They celebrate their wedding anniversary _(annual).10.This is the _(Thailand) nati

99、onal costume that I brought two years ago.Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and StructureTask 2Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of the word given in Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of the word given in brackets.brackets.vividlyexhibitsexplorationreshapedconsiderablyintroduc

100、torylikelyobviouslyannuallyThaiEnglish for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 21. The _ Great Wall attracts tourists from all over the world.2. Conditions have improved_ over the past few years.3. Our company provides _ services in the travel industry.4. You should _ your mind on your work.5. _ h

101、e didnt understand the significance of the new bill until it went into effect.6. We should try our best to improve our services to _ customers demand.7. Everybody is competing for this _ job, but he shows no interest.8. You should _ to the new environment as soon as possible.9. Singapore is a large

102、_ key enterprise group.10. He is a(n)_ commentator for China Daily. Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and StructureTask 3Complete the following sentences with the words given below. Complete the following sentences with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.Change the form if necessar

103、y.renownedconsiderablyall-inclusivefocusObviouslymeetlucrativeadaptstate-ownedveteranveteran renowned focus all-inclusive considerablymeet obviously lucrative adapt state-ownedEnglish for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and StructureTask 4Make sentences with

104、 the same pattern as is shown in the Make sentences with the same pattern as is shown in the examples.examples.1.Our travel agency, which is a state-owned enterprise, is enjoying a high reputation in Chinas tourism industry._2. His father, who is a famous writer, will come to our school to give a le

105、cture._Our travel agency, a state-owned enterprise, is enjoying a high reputation in Chinas tourism industry.His father, a famous writer, will come to our school to give a lecture.A. Example: Huang Meng, who is a veteran reporter for a Chinese news outlet, still vividly remembers his first trip to A

106、merica in the mid-1990s.Huang Meng, a veteran reporter for a Chinese news outlet, still vividly remembers his first trip to America in the mid-1990s.English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and StructureTask 4Make sentences with the same pattern as is sho

107、wn in the Make sentences with the same pattern as is shown in the examples.examples.3. He himself tells me that his brother John, who is a famous professor, is actually a very kind and modest person._4. Tom, who is our monitor, is well familiar with the production process._5. His hometown, which is

108、a small village, has changed a lot in the past few years._He himself tells me that his brother John, a famous professor, is actually a very kind and modest person.Tom, our monitor, is well familiar with the production processHis hometown, a small village, has changed a lot in the past few years.Engl

109、ish for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and StructureTask 4Make sentences with the same pattern as is shown in the Make sentences with the same pattern as is shown in the examples.examples.1.He is a famous actor. And he is a famous director too._2.He is a go

110、od teacher. And he is a close friend to me too._He is not only a famous actor but also a famous directorHe is not only a good teacher but also a close friend to me.B. Example: This time, he found there were pamphlets in Chinese, and also the museum has a Chinese web page.This time, he found there we

111、re not only pamphlets in Chinese but also the museum has a Chinese web page.English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and StructureTask 4Make sentences with the same pattern as is shown in the Make sentences with the same pattern as is shown in the example

112、s.examples.3.This evening on the moonlight island, you can enjoy the beautiful moonlight and join an exciting party._4.The Americans and the British speak the same language. They also share a large number of social customs._5.The economic policy of a country influences its domestic economy. And it i

113、nfluences international economy to some extent. _This evening on the moonlight island, you can not only enjoy the beautiful moonlight but also join an exciting party.The Americans and the British not only speak the same language but also share a large number of social customs.The economic policy of

114、a country influences not only its domestic economy but also international economy to some extent. English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 21.She can hardly _(适应乡下的气候).(adapt to)2. _(我无法专心做作业)due to the noise next door. (focus on)3. According to their estimation, by 2020, China _(可能成为世界上第四大

115、旅游客源国). (be likely to, tourist source country)4. My sister _(是一家国有旅行社的导游). (state-owned)5. _(为防大批游客突然涌入), the local government has taken various measures to protect the local environment. (in case of, an influx of)Vocabulary and StructureVocabulary and StructureTask 5Translate the following Chinese

116、into English, using the words or Translate the following Chinese into English, using the words or phrases given in brackets.phrases given in brackets.adapt to the weather in the countrysideI cant focus on my assignmentis likely to become the fourth biggest tourist source country in the world.is a to

117、ur guide in a state-owned travel agency.In case of a sudden influx of touristsEnglish for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2English for Touris

118、m English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2English for

119、Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2English for Tourism English for Tourism 旅游英语旅游英语2 2ENGLISH FOR CAREERS外语教学与研究出版社Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressThank You!旅游英语旅游英语English for Tourism English for Tourism 2部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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