高考英语大一轮复习 结构法记词9课件

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1、1结构法记词-901010202高考词汇精讲高考词汇精讲direct串记 | discuss串记 | distance串记 donate串记 | down串记 | draw串记 ease串记 | edit串记 | effect串记 elect串记 | electric串记 | employ串记 end串记 高考词汇精练高考词汇精练I. 根据提示写出单词的正确形式 II. 写出单词的正确含义III. 根据语境写出所给单词的正确形式IV. 用所给动词的适当形式填空V. 介词填空VI. 单句写作2高考词汇精讲3DIRECT串记 direct/ /drektdrekt/ /记记direct使正使正使方

2、向正使方向正确确指挥指挥 关关directlydirection/ /drekndrekn/ /记记direction指挥名词后缀指挥名词后缀方向方向例例come from every directiondirector/ /drektdrekt/ /记记 director指挥人指挥人例例 a factory directordirectory/ /drektrdrektr/ /记记directory指挥物体指挥物体给给人引导人引导电话簿电话簿例例 borrow a directoryv.指挥指挥 adj.直接的直接的n.方向方向n.指挥者,导演指挥者,导演n.电话簿电话簿4DISCUSS串记

3、 discuss/ /dsksdsks/ /记记discuss分开敲打分开敲打把问把问题分开来敲打题分开来敲打讨论讨论例例 discuss a pricediscussion/ /dskndskn/ /记记discussion讨论名词后讨论名词后缀缀例例 under discussionv.讨论讨论n.讨论讨论5DISTANCE串记 distance/ /dstnsdstns/ /记记distance两个立场两个立场之之间有间有“距离距离”例例 a long distance calldistant/ /dstntdstnt/ /例例a distant planet同同remotedistin

4、ction/ /dstnkndstnkn/ /记记distinction两个刺两个刺突出的不同突出的不同区别区别例例 make distinctiondistinguish/ /dstnkwdstnkw/ /记记distinguish区别动词后区别动词后缀缀区别区别例例distinguish between A and Bn.距离距离adj.遥远的遥远的n.区别区别v.区别区别6DISTANCE串记 divide/ /dvdedvde/ /记记 divide使分开使分开例例divide a watermelon into four partsdivision/ /dvndvn/ /记记divi

5、(de)sion分开名词分开名词后缀后缀例例 a division headdivorce/ /dvsdvs/ /记记divorce离开转离开转转身转身离开离开离婚离婚例例 reduce divorce ratev.分开;除分开;除n.分开;除;部门分开;除;部门n./v.离婚离婚7DONATE串记 donate/ /dnetdnet/ /记记谐音:都拿谐音:都拿都拿出来捐了都拿出来捐了捐献捐献例例donate one million dollarsdonation/ /dnendnen/ /记记donat(e)ion捐献名词捐献名词后缀后缀例例 generous donationv.捐献捐献

6、(钱、物钱、物)n.捐款;捐献捐款;捐献8DOWN串记 down/ /dandan/ /例例 go down a slopedownload/ /danlddanld/ /记记 download朝下装载朝下装载例例download an article反反uploadunload/ /nldnld/ /记记 unload相反装载相反装载例例 unload a truckadv./prep.朝下朝下v.下载下载vt.卸货;卸载卸货;卸载9DOWN串记 downstairs/ /danstezdanstez/ /记记 ownstairs在下楼梯在下楼梯例例rush downstairs反反upst

7、airsdowntown/ /dantandantan/ /记记downtown向下城市向下城市向城里走下去就到向城里走下去就到“市中心市中心”adv.在楼下在楼下n.市中心市中心10DRAW串记 draw/ /drdr/ /例例 draw a drawingdrawback/ /drbdrbk k/ /记记drawback拉往后拉往后拖拖后腿后腿障碍障碍例例 overcome drawbacksdrawer/ /drdr/ /记记drawer拉东西拉东西抽拉的抽拉的东西是东西是“抽屉抽屉”例例make a drawer for a deskwithdraw/ /ww drdr/ /记记 wi

8、thdraw强力拉强力拉抽回抽回例例 withdraw some troopsv.拉;画拉;画n.障碍;缺点障碍;缺点n.抽屉抽屉v.撤退,抽回撤退,抽回11EASE串记 ease/ /iziz/ /例例 be at ease关关diseaseeasy/ /iziizi/ /例例choose an easy job关关easilyn.轻松,容易轻松,容易adj.容易的,轻松的容易的,轻松的12EDIT串记 edit/ /edtedt/ /例例 edit an articleedition/ /dndn/ /记记edition编辑名词后缀编辑名词后缀版本版本例例 an English editi

9、onv.编辑编辑n.版本版本editor/ /edtedt/ /记记 editor编辑人编辑人例例 a senior editorn.编辑编辑13EFFECT串记 effect/ /fektfekt/ /记记effect加强做加强做做出效做出效果果效果效果例例bring about instant effecteffective/ /fektvfektv/ /记记 effective效果的效果的例例 an effective methodn.效果效果adj.有效的有效的14ELECT串记 elect/ /lektlekt/ /记记elect出选出选选出来选出来选选举举例例 elect a mo

10、nitorelection/ /leknlekn/ /记记 election选举名词后缀选举名词后缀例例 win an electionselection/ /sleknslekn/ /记记 selection精选名词后缀精选名词后缀例例after repeated selectionscollect/ /klektklekt/ /记记 collect共同选共同选收集收集例例 collect stampsv.选举选举n.选举选举n.选择选择v.收集收集15ELECT串记 collection/ /kleknklekn/ /记记collection收集名词后收集名词后缀缀例例a large co

11、llection of pictureselegant/ /elntelnt/ /记记elegant出选的出选的优选的优选的优雅的优雅的例例 elegant make-upn.收集;收集物收集;收集物adj.优雅的优雅的16ELECTRIC串记 electric/ /lektrklektrk/ /记记 electric电的电的例例 an electric lampelectrical/ /lektrkllektrkl/ /记记electrical电的形容词电的形容词后缀后缀例例 electrical engineerselectricity/ /lektrstlektrst/ /记记elect

12、ricity电的名词后电的名词后缀缀例例be short of electricity同同powerelectronic/ /lektrnklektrnk/ /记记 electronic电子的电子的例例 an electronic watchadj.电的电的adj.与电相关的与电相关的n.电电adj.电子的电子的17EMPLOY串记 employ/ /mplmpl/ /记记 employ拿用拿用雇用雇用例例 employ a lot of workersemployment/ /mplmntmplmnt/ /记记employment雇用名词雇用名词后缀后缀例例 employment ratev

13、.雇用雇用n.雇用;就业雇用;就业unemployment/ /nmplmntnmplmnt/ /记记unemployment不就业不就业失业失业例例 unemployment raten.失业失业18END串记 end/end/end/例例 from beginning to endending/ /endend/ /记记 ending结尾名词后缀结尾名词后缀例例 an unexpected endingendless/ /endlsendls/ /记记 endless末端无末端无例例 endless homeworkn.末端,结尾末端,结尾 v.结束结束n.结局结局adj.无止境的,无边的

14、无止境的,无边的19I. 根据提示写出单词的正确形式1_ v.指挥指挥adj.直接的直接的2_ n.方向方向3_ n.指挥者;导演指挥者;导演4_ v.讨论讨论5_ n.讨论讨论6_ n.距离距离7_ adj.遥远的遥远的8_ v.分开;除分开;除9_ v.捐献捐献(钱、物钱、物)10_ n.捐款;捐献捐款;捐献11_ n.编辑编辑12_ n.效果效果13_ adj.有效的有效的14_ v.收集收集15_ n.收集;收集物收集;收集物16_ v.选举选举17_ n.选举选举18_ n.选择选择directdirectiondirectordiscussdiscussiondistancedis

15、tantdividedonatedonationeditoreffecteffectivecollectcollectionelectelectionselection20II. 写出单词的正确含义1directory n_2distinction n_3distinguish v_4division n_5divorce n./v. _6download v_7unload vt. _8downtown n_9drawback n_10drawer n_11withdraw v_12ease n_13edition n_14elegant adj. _15electrical adj. _1

16、6electricity n_17electronic adj. _18employ v_19employment n_20unemployment n_21ending n_22endless adj. _ 电话簿电话簿 区别区别 区别区别分开;除;部门分开;除;部门 离婚离婚 下载下载卸货;卸载卸货;卸载 市中心市中心 障碍;缺点障碍;缺点 抽屉抽屉 撤退,抽回撤退,抽回轻松,容易轻松,容易 版本版本 优雅的优雅的 与电相关的与电相关的 电电 电子的电子的 雇用雇用 雇用;就业雇用;就业 失业失业 结局结局 无止境的,无边的无止境的,无边的21III. 根据语境写出所给单词的正确形式1Th

17、e railway station is at a _(distant) of two miles away from our school.2His motto was to make a _(distinct) during his service as president.3. The river forms the _(divide) between the old and new parts of the city.4What I am going to tell you is about the book _(donate) from our school to your Chin

18、ese class.distancedistinctiondivisionto be donated22III. 根据语境写出所给单词的正确形式5Firstly,as a student who is dying to learn knowledge,it is necessary to build an _(effect)method in your study.6Because the majority of people supported him,he won the _(elect) finally.effectiveelection23IV. 用所给动词的适当形式填空1When a

19、nd where to hold the meeting remains _(discuss) further.2The software _(download)on the Internet must be installed properly.3My interest in stamp _(collect)dates back to my schooldays.4If I am lucky enough _(employ),I will spare no efforts to repay you for your trust.to be discusseddownloadedcollect

20、ingto be employed24V. 介词填空1Dick found himself walking _ the direction of Mikes place.2The plan why they will build an apartment here is _ discussion.3He didnt feel completely _ ease in the strange surroundings.4As is well known to us all,she has a large collection _ pictures.inunderatof25VI. 单句写作1阅读

21、好书既能丰富我们的头脑又能教我们分辨是非。阅读好书既能丰富我们的头脑又能教我们分辨是非。(distinguish)2给困难之中的孩子们捐献一些图书和体育用品要比空喊口号更有意义。给困难之中的孩子们捐献一些图书和体育用品要比空喊口号更有意义。(donate)3汽车普及的缺点是它带来了严重的空气污染。汽车普及的缺点是它带来了严重的空气污染。(The drawback of .is that .)Reading good books enriches our mind and teaches us to distinguish between right and wrong.Instead of s

22、houting empty slogans,it is more meaningful to donate book and sports goods to children in need.The drawback of the popularity of cars is that it brings about so much air pollution.26VI. 单句写作4我写信告诉你中国长江江豚正面临灭绝,因为人类的活动对它们产生了不利的我写信告诉你中国长江江豚正面临灭绝,因为人类的活动对它们产生了不利的影响。影响。(have a bad effect on)5我被选为校电脑科技小组的组长。我被选为校电脑科技小组的组长。(elect)I am writing to tell you that the finless porpoise is becoming extinct because humans activities have a bad effect on them.I was elected leader of the computer science group in our school.



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